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The PapEF pod with Rowne.




Happy New Year. It's a new year. We're really locked in. Hey.


As it.


Should be.


Happy New Year, my dog. But people better.


Be locked in too. And you can show that you're locked in by.


Subscribing to- Yeah, you've got to subscribe to the new year.


To the.


Ms podcast. Straight up. You don't have to. You've got to subscribe to the pod straight up. This is a whole movement. It's becoming a lifestyle. The merch is fire. We just got off the belt to where we still on it now. It's a movement. That's a movement. Yeah, the whole thing. I seen the little kid, 316, Pat Beb. I fucking love it, man. Inspiring everything. Everyone love it. Love everything about it. Subscribe to the fucking pod.


And it's not enough.


For you to subscribe. And the little ones out there to the freaking pod. Yeah.


Yeah, all right. You need to tell someone else to describe. But buy a phone for your dog and have them subscribe.




Mary, subscribe. Right. Mary. Out the camera. Get out the camera. Come on, Mary. Get out the camera. No. Control your animal, bro.


Let's get into it.


Here we go. If he finishes this season the way he's playing now, it would be the greatest season of a single player that's ever played basketball.




I actually think about what I'm saying. He will have the best season an NBA player has ever had since the game has started. That doesn't make you the best big man in the league. That makes you the best motherfucker in the world.


Pat Beth Pod, with Rowne, the Belt to Ash tour lives on fresh off of a.


Absolute-ass and belt.




On, man. Yeah, belt and right-hand, ass over the lap.


Belts and now welds.


Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah, I'm saying yeah.




Bulls-that's the movement. That's the movement.


That's the movement. I hate it had to.


Be them. No, I didn't. But they beat us twice. You know what I'm saying? Obviously, it's hard to beat a team three times, but you beat the team twice. One with Joe, one without Joe, we looking like, Hold on, they got us fucked up. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, the Belt to Ass tour, we was missing our lead singer. We got him back now, though.


And he's hitting the honey.


Triple, double. Yeah, we missing our lead singer. He back now, though. He was sick. His throat was parched, if you know what I mean.


But he had the honey with the tea.


Yeah, we got him back right, got some rest. Belt the ass to it. Still lives on boys and girls. Make sure we might be in the city near you. Yeah, we home for a while, but soon we're going to be in a city near you. Make sure you come. Belt the ass to it. Check the calendar. Straight up.


Did you guys talk about it before the game that.


The Bulls had? Nothing to talk about. Understood. I go right in the huddle before the game. Hey, man, listen, ain't nothing to talk about. They beat us twice. Gang shit on three.


And it was understood.


Man, the fuck is we talking about, man. On their ass. You the ops, you the came get us twice. Fuck that. No, I ain't going to get back again.


And it's.


Personal for you. Yeah, for sure.


I think you set up Alex Carusso. Why? You put him on the All Dog team, got the ego going a little bit, got the chest puffed out a little bit. They picked up that All Dog team everywhere.




Said not including myself, though.


Yeah, that is true. But it was also Pat Beves from the Pat Beves pod, With Rowen and everything.


Like that. With Roon, say it.


That's all right. With Rowen. Sing that shit. I'm not the lead singer.


All right, your mom will get mad, bro. Shout out.


To moms, too. Shout out to moms. So the Belt to.


Astor- Thank you.


Thank you. And to your grandma, Sweet Sol, rest in peace of her as well. Let's go through the tour because it's been a beautiful Christmas. It's been a long, it's been five games. It started off in Miami on Christmas Day.


It started off in the beginning of the year. The Belt to Astor have been there. We just really announcing the tour. We feel we had to plan our dates to make.


Sure- We need to make T-shirts with tour.


Dates on the back. Oh, no, we should make T-shirts with the guy in the back playing the drums and the guy playing this. It's each person. That's how we should do it.


If the Sixers are a band, Joel is the lead singer.


You know what? No, David Ruffin'. He could the lead and come back.


So who is everybody? Who plays all the rest of the instruments then?


Oh, no, we gave Tobias Otis. We gave anybody come to see you, Otis. We gave him Otis. We gave him that. So yeah, out. The Belt to Ass tour is definitely the fact, man. We're having fun with it, though. We're having fun with it. I think we were 23 and 10.




I was 15 to 9 and 16 to 9 with the Bulls. So I ain't really lost too much. You know what I'm saying? To end the year and to start like I ain't really lost.


Too much. The belt keeps on. I mean, it's just something consistent about how it's just applied.


To-but now I actually listen to that though. 16 to 9 with the Bulls. 23 and 10 with Philadelphia 76.


And you're trying to get to about 40 and 20, about.


No, 19. Don't give me that extra loss.


40 and 19? Yeah.


All right. I mean, that's pretty fucking impressive.


Yeah, that's consistent.


I've been in a wave right now. Pod is fucking fiery. Just hit 200k. Hold on. They might have to give us another plaque. What a motherfucker? They don't do it.


They don't hit it until a million. I looked it up. Okay. And then 10 million. They get the diamond one. Okay. I really.


Want the diamond one. We need the diamond, my fuck. We had 200k. Shout out to all the subscribers, man. Obviously, we had big plans for this, but this shit is getting what we thought it was going to get, a fucking show. Yeah. Our fucking show.


And I have grander design for it. I feel like anybody who's buying in now is like buying Amazon stock in 1999.


Say less. Say less. The Amazon was in the back.




Right. Right.


I hear you. Exactly. And we're about to be as tall as in Amazon. I'm talking about the trees, bro. But I want to put my hand up and say that it's time for me to eat some crow because I've been talking a lot of shit about the.


Orlando Magic. Belt ass.


And you shut my ass up.


I bet you knew I was going to do that. I know. I was hitting the motherfuckers with Magic, Johnson, Hookshots. You don't hear me doing the game, I'm yelling, Magic, running back.


You hit Magic against the Magic and said, Magic.


I'm running Magic. I'm yelling, Magic, and running back looking at the coaches. Magic. Because you know me, I work on... I come back from my little Hill shit. We're playing one-on-one and shit. I'm like, Man, you know what? I look to my man, Rico. Shout out to Rico Hines. I don't know if he lives to the pod, but he's my dog. I look at Rico. Hi, Rico. Check this out. I go paint, throw hookshot. I look, I'm Magic. I tell him, Rico, you know how to play because I'm in UCLA all the time. So Rico, he's seen me in my raws for him for years. I'm cooking motherfuckers. Like, who? But obviously in NBA, I have a different role, and I have to adjust to that. Don't worry about Rico. They don't believe it. Next way, for game, hook it again. So when I come into Magic, I'm throwing hook on these motherfuckers. Fuck them. Straight up. I'm hooking shit. Yeah, call me Kareem. Right, I'm a fisherman. I'm hooking shit. Right.


Chris Brown on.


The hook. Man, I'm hooking shit. Yeah, bro.


It's different. I meant the other hook. I didn't mean.


That hook. You wild, man. Wait, I.




Mean that. You wild. I'm hooking shit.


Yeah, I think your bag has been something that people have really enjoyed as you're on the Sixers because.


It's like- The nurse let me rock out. He gave me the rock. He pack or get the ball, I'm getting that motherfucker. I'm nurse, I'm hitting them with hook. I see, I see, I see. I see. I see. Yeah. Life has been good, man. Hoops have been good, man. Everything's been pretty solid, man.


Like floaters, hooks.


Yeah, I.


Have floaters, hooks. It's a different bag.


Step back, take that with you. I beat your step, Daddy. I left my shoes at the door. Yeah, I ain't your real father. I'm your stepdad. I hit you real fast. I hit your stepdaddy. I hit Magic with the stepdaddy, too.


And threes that people wouldn't think you'd... Like threes that you'll get where it's like a little.


Bit-i'm playing really well. I'm playing really well right now. I'm playing really well. We had two days off, had a day off. Guess what? I'm in that bitch.


I got to keep it going. Who else is in there?


Joe is in there.




Hall Reilly was in there. All right. People were in there. All right.


The grind is a real thing. Joe, L. M. B. To average 40 and 10 for an entire month.


Hey, and when I was on another team, would I have thought like this? No. Maybe because I don't see him a lot. Maybe because you just think he's bigger than everybody. Are you supposed to do that? Took it for granted. While being under it wrong. While being under it, actually, seeing it every single game, I don't even think the argument is the best big man in the league. I don't think the argument is the best big man that played. Obviously, you have to win championships to solidify. And in order for him to solidify his greatness, he has to win the championships. The championships, it just comes with it. But I'm talking about, if he finishes this season the way he's playing now, it would be the greatest season of a single player that's ever played basketball.




I actually think about what I'm saying. He will have the best season an NBA player has ever had since the game has started. That doesn't make you the best big man in the league. That makes you the best motherfucker in the world. For real. You have to start putting him up there with like, and I play with some motherfuckers. I paid with some great pick. I play with James fucking Harden. Prime James Harden, when he should have got motherfuckers, MVP every year. I play with Kowal Leonard. I play with Paul. I play with some motherfucking killers. Do you feel me? I play with some absolute killers. That big motherfucker, Joe, he is in a world of his own. I don't even think.


It's close.


I think it's a toggle between... It's like that? Him and the man. What? Straight up. Straight up. I know it's been a lot of dominant people, and I know it's been a lot of great bigs, and I know. But I know championships has to solidify. So hear me. I understand that. But the shit he does, if he had to finish this season, he would have the greatest season a player has ever had since the game started. I'm going to just leave it there. Mvp, easy. It's not even close. It's not even close. And that's no disrespect, I promise you. That is no disrespect to anybody. I am playing teams, and then I go shoot, float it. A guy might block it a little bit. A big guy might talk shit. I am playing teams that went from talking shit to me to not saying a single word in the game. The whole mannerism of some five-man, some sinners that I played against last year that I'm playing against now that no one says anything to Joe. Not one word. He is the most dominant player in basketball right now, and it's not even close.


So no one talk shit to him?


None of that.


And that's a mark of how good he is, you think? Yes.


It's somebody. It's somebody that is going to give you not one person.


No one can say shit.


No one can stop him.


So he needs that chip.


That's the only thing he needs a chip. He get a chip, Solidify. It's not even close. Yeah, I mean.


It has to be. It has to be a sad year in this.


And I don't mean to put pressure on him, but that's just the truth. It comes with it too. I got me and Marcus... I'm sorry. Marcus, he hate it. Shoutout to Star-2. Marcus Morris, man. He hate when I call him Marcus.




Because that's his name. He like Muck. He really likes people call him Muck. But you know me, I'm an asshole. It's my good friend. Hey, Marcus. How's your day going?


It makes you sound like a second grader when you're like, Hey, Marcus.


And I say it just like that. Hold on, Coach Marcus has a question.


He rolls his.


Eyes or what? He hate it. He hate it. Shout out to my daughter. That's my brother. I love him to death. My F-O-E, I love him to death.


I love to death. But wait, so you brought him up to.


Say what? We have a conversation about it, right? We have a conversation about it. Me and him in the car. We have a conversation. We drive back to the hotel. Hey, Marcus. Hey, come on, Pat. Don't start with that shit. No, my bad Marcus. I got a question. I got a question. What do you think about Joel and B? What do you think? I think hes out there. He with who? I, the man. I agree. I do not disagree with.


That at all. And that's a guy from Chicago.




You're from Chicago.


Yeah, straight up. I could tell Doc Rivers was in a bad way last year. Obviously, you look at James Harden, James Harden is literally the best pick and roll basketball player ever. Right. Statistically, numbers wise. His numbers on pick and roll are like crazy. But then you got a motherfucker that's next to the man. Who you get that ball to? You try to even out as much as you can, but I.


Forgot to come through. Oh, so you're saying he was in a bad way. Doctor in a bad way. He had to choose between two very good options.


Yeah, you feel me? But you got to choose, big brother. No disrespect to James Harden, no disrespect. He won a chip. I don't even think you got to say anything. I think it's-.


I mean, guys like Shaq won a lot of chips. Obviously, guys like Bill Russell, Wilt is penalized for his lack of jewelry.


Shout out to Joe L. M. B, man. I know you watch the pie, too, my father. I know you watch the pie. You watch everything. This motherfucker is intelligent as shit. Shook squad. Yeah, yeah. Chill, chill, chill, chill. That's my guy. But yeah, Magic, belt to ass.


Yeah, Magic, belt to ass.


Rockets. They can't shoot. But Magic can't shoot, though. No? Yeah, I mean, they can't shoot it like that. That's the only thing. They get some shooting at a different team. But yeah, but imagine we lost. All they would have been on my ass. They would have been.


On my ass. Because even I heard Paulo talking about it, and he was like, Well, he has to say that he has a podcast and everything like that.


No, I ain't saying that because of this podcast. Paulo, Brentaro, all right? That ain't why I'm saying this. I'm saying it because it's the motherfucking truth. And I watch basketball every day. Literally every day. So it's no disrespect, but...


What about his-.


Belt to ass, man.


What about either their games? Wagner, Bunkaro?


So Minnesota play Orlando my first year in Minnesota. It was funny as hell. We play Magic, lose Magic. It was my first game. I get suspended. I don't play because of the Chris Paul push. Oh, of course. Let's say that. I go to Frank Wagnight to the game like, Hey, bro. I really like your game. So obviously I knew who he was. My argument was two top 100 motherfuckers who should make the playoffs. That was my argument. That's my only argument. They playing well this season. Belt to ass. What the fuck is you talking about? What are you talking about? I don't want to hear it.


Yeah, you shut me.


The fuck up. Without 50. So you got to think, we in a gang. We in a gang. We ain't got 50 tonight. Right? Because you know Joe, he's 50. We call him 50.


Because he could do it anytime he plays.


The fourth quarter. Talk shit you want to. Don't make me go get 50. Say something, Drummond. What did.


You say? Be in the.


Club with 50. What did you say, Drummond? Yeah. Hey, Fifth, check it out.


Fifth will take you window shopping, bro. What?


Yeah. Come here, 50. Yeah, say you're talking shit? Me and my homie, we call him 50. He come with 50 shots. Straight up, he hitting.


Everyone up. Many men.


Have tried 50. Yeah, straight up, not him.


Oh, man.


I'm telling you, we yelling to the bench. Y'all lucky we ain't got 50 tonight. Yeah, we've been in the zone. Fred Van Fleet, what he was.


That's why I want to talk about Rocket's game next.


Shout out to Fred Van Fleet. That's my homie. Check it out. Before I even tell the Fred Van Fleet story, I got to get you all to real. We in a bubble, right? We're in a bubble. Fred from Rockford of the Loon.


Oh, okay. Right up the road.


Right up the street. I got a homie who did some unfortunate shit, but he locked up in Rockford for like 49 years. Right?unfortunate. Unfortunate as fuck.




Not unfortunate, but whatever, all right? I go, man, there's a guy I talk to once a week, you have a collect call from Securus. I know the shit by heart. He locked up in Rockford. We're in a bubble. Hey, Fred. Hey, bro. Hey, man. I don't know nobody in Rockford. You feel me? Everybody I know in Chicago, you feel me? They don't really... In order for getting help, you need a lawyer from Rockford. Is there any way you can point me to anybody? I was our first conversation, a real conversation, and gave me a lawyer's name, Number. So shout out to Fred Van Fleet, off the strength for that. But he did something he wasn't supposed to do. We played Fred Van Fleet. And you know me, we walk in, they walking out. I ain't saying no words. Fuck we talking about? You already know what's up. John Wick, I'm right here. I'm sharpening up my blades, and I'm in the gun range, literally walking on the court, about to go shoot, if you hear me? If you hear me, that's a bar. If you catching that man- I'm with you. You're going to say less.


I'm just listening.


So Fred, go talk to Reece. I walked right past. I hit Fred there, and that's what we on. That's what we on? That's what we on? Fuck yeah, you know what's on. I literally just put you out in the play here. So you already know what's going on. In my mind, I'm thinking like you had me. I put him out in the motherfucker playing. He going to be out my neck. He just got a new bag, team playing well. Let me lock in for this motherfucker to fucking around and get me 30. I walk and I said, What the fuck are we talking about, motherfucker? You know what's going on. He don't say nothing whole night. I close out on him. Boom. Great close out. Please, I want you all to put the motherfucking... The thing under the caption when I'm saying this. I close out on him. Boom. He pump, they go left. He go left. I'm looking at the ball in my hand about to block the shit out the ball. I swing. He double pumps, hits three. That bitch hit all neck. He yell out. Yeah, motherfucker. Who the fuck are you talking to?


Who is you talking to? Like, who is you? You know me. I'm a real Assassin. I took over the whole game. I literally took over from that moment, though, not from like, Oh, none of that shit. All because Fred turned me up.




Poked Bear. No, no, no, no, no. What's bigger than the bear? That shit that be in the water that I seen on- The Blue Whale? Yeah, I don't know something bigger than the motherfucker. The motherfucker they be even- The cracking? I don't know. Whatever is in the bottom that don't nobody know about him. Straight up. You poked him. What are you talking to?


Poisson came up.


Man, stop playing, dog. John Wick, I'm looking at myself fixed high in mirror. I got my John Wick suit on, that song, Say Less, every play. Silencer. Offense rebound, display, trade ball, foul, another offensive rebound. Who the fuck is you talking to? Who are you talking to? You know me.


And what's you saying back?


No, we're just chirping at that point. I don't even hear them. All my words is, Who are you talking to? You know I'm a killer. You know it. Like, know it. Everyone knows it, but you know it. Who are you talking to? Shout out to Fred, though. That's my dog. Hub out to every guy. I'm talking about big squeeze. Love him to death. What you mean? But right now we're in competition. But real brother, straight up. It's as hard as they come. Shout out to Fred.


But you got that offensive rebound and simultaneously kick it out to Marcus.


Yeah, Marcus.


And then you say something to Van Fleet.


After that. Who the fuck is you talking to?


Because people pick that.


Up, they're like-I didn't even pick it... I didn't even pick up my teammate. A teammate on the ground laying down. He just got fouled. I didn't even pick up. I walked right past him. Who the fuck are you talking to? Yeah, man. He turned me up.


And still there.


Was-in Houston. I own property here. I own multiple properties here. Who are you talking to? Who are you talking to? Beautiful homes. Come on, man. Who are you talking to? But say less. You're talking to me. Heard you. Let's go eat. Yeah, let's go. Let's go down this road because I'm in that alley.


Is Houston one of the best food cities in the country?


I don't know. We got to put Philly up there. I ain't going to lie. Really? We got to put Philly up there. Really? Really. No, and I ain't just saying that because I'm here neither. You got to put Philly up there. And you think I'm getting trained in?




Imagine they train me. Philly will fuck with them.


Go crazy. We riot. If Pat Bab get traded, we're flipping cars. They better grease the poles if you get traded because we're.


Burning down City Hall. Imagine I get traded. Are you sick?


I can't even imagine it. It would do bad things to the crime rate in the city. No, I'm not. And that's a promise. That's not even a speculation.


Man, for real. You know there's trade there. Like, my fuckers getting traded left. Nicks? Og?


No dog. What do you think about that trade? So who got a dog? Did anybody get a dog? Did the.


Nicks get a dog? I think it helps OG.


How's that?


He around some dogs.


Okay, so there's dogs on that table. Are we calling.


Brunson, Randall? Brunson, Jews, Randall. They're some dogs.


Both of them are dogs.




Straight up. How do you think that OG and Julius Randall fit together as far as pieces, offensively? Do they crowd each other?


I don't know. I don't really look at it. Obviously, OG shot the ball really well this year, spot of the wire. So I'm thinking he's great with size. He's maybe wanting more of an offensive role, too. I don't know. We'll see. But it's still early. We'll see. We'll see. But I'm trying to see who want. I think nick, Toronto, R. J. Barrett, quickly. Man, they better than what they were. Toronto got better. And then the Knicks got better. So that could be a win-win.


Did Toronto add any dogs in that trade? Pups. All right.


That's something.


Barrett, potential dog. Potential.


And quickly- Potential dog.


-quickly fell into a bad situation because he and Brunson were almost redundant, maybe. I mean.


You could see that. He plays a good game, plays off the catch. He could shoot it. He got stuff going right tough. Yeah, he's tough.


But it really seems like Toronto misses a guy like Van Fleet.






But coaching also. Don't forget about Nurse is there too.


I mean, Nurse is great.


Yeah, he do.


Nurse is awesome.


Yeah, he a motherfucker.


But you're about to see up close and personal how OG looks as you play the next couple of weeks. Oh, we're going to the Nicks, right? Yeah.


No, it's going to be fine.


Scouting them out, keeping an eye on them. Nothing like going up to the.


Big Apple. Yeah, I'm thinking about pulling up there tomorrow, man. Yeah? I'm up there, just take a relax day, relax this. Go see New York.


How the Green Jungle World Dreams are made of.


There's nothing you can do. That's the second time.


And I'm hitting a harmony on top, bro. You take the bass line, I'm fucking take the world of.


T-shirts harmony. Listen, that's the second time we done rhyme this episode.


This is wild. Because the chemistry is fucking...


Look, our viewers, subscribers, people who subscribe, people who watch it.


Check it out. Another reminder. Just subscribe right now.


Relax. Stop small. Christmas comes, people. We... I'm in Rome. We got a couple of days before Christmas, not damn wrong. We got 200,000 subscribers. Yeah, that's dope. But you said 250. He took me from up here, put me down. Humble is shit out of me. He don't even know it.


I meant nothing by it, but I just, you know.


Dang, you're right. I said 250 by Christmas. But we fortunate as fuck. But we got a lot of work to do too, so this new year going to be crazy. If you subscribe, tell a friend to subscribe. Tell mom to subscribe. This is going to be a whole movement, whole show, whole wave.


Youtube is growing faster than any other Barstool podcast.


I will say that. I didn't hear you say a lot. I didn't miss the.


End of what you're- Growing faster than any other Barstool podcast. Not only percentage wise, but raw numbers wise.


Something that you're throwing this out. Just saying. Okay. I love when you just say shit. Anything else you want to say?


That you're getting fucked over on this six man of the year shit.


And I told one of the coaches today, I'm like, so winning doesn't matter. I'm one of the best plus minuses off the bench this year.


So I saw this list, and it was basically just like odds. But it said Austin Rees first, Tim Hardaway.




Cole Anthony.


Cole Magic?




Bogdon, Bogdanović. Atlanta?


Okay. Mylik Monk, and then Quickly, and then Najree, Levert. I mean, I put my boy in the conversation.


I'm having a hell of a year. Obviously, you look at numbers and you... I think the new NBA is all about numbers, right? Guy average is 15, Guy average is 14. So obviously you take those guys number wise. But far as impact, it's impact. Fuck the acts of coaches. Who on the bench to impact the football for the often seven, sixes? Just ask the coach, they'll tell you. Oh, easy. Pat, what the fuck are you talking about? Instant. We don't know what he going to do. He going to do some shit, though. You going to smell as cologne. But that's just how it goes. But yes, impact and the dough. It's not even close.


But they're going to have the Dior Savage all in their nose.


Yeah, I got it on now. Do you smell it?


Oh, yeah. I thought that was just success. But yeah, that's the Dior Savage. But why do you.


Think it's like that? Honestly. Because of the numbers, right?


Yeah, I think that the betting public is really based on numbers, especially. They're so wrapped up in.


This-like impact, though? Yeah. I'm leaving, what? I played 11 minutes plus 22. What the fuck?


But I think the narrative is really getting out there, though. And I think that's evidence by the amount of kids that you see at games wearing Pat Bev shit, holding up Pat Bev signs, people at the games wearing the subscriber shit. That's fine. Bro, I'm signing autographs on the Pat Bev jerseys. Hey, relax. Did you see.


That shit? I'm happy for you. You deserve it. It's not for me, bro. It is for you.


It's fucking crazy. The kids were so excited because people believe in the pod. They're seeing you in an entirely new light, and they're really able to now appreciate your impact. And I think that that wasn't.


The case. No, that's the right. Yeah, that's a good way to put it. The guy, the kid who wore all those jerseys, I got them coming to the game. We got them coming to the game Friday.


Oh, shit. Against the Knicks?


Against the Knicks.


I'll be.


In the building. Okay, love that. I definitely got to get them another jersey.


Yeah, you got to. Stack them up. Stack them up and get them right. The Belt to Ash tour will certainly continue. Some exciting games coming up.


But ain't it something like whoever's there can get a free upgrade? I remember you were telling me.


Before the show that I did. This is the move. If you're in the building wearing Pat Bev merch, you're eligible to get your seat upgraded. That's what we're doing as a show. You put on the subscribe hoodie, you put on the real ones hoodie.


So you're telling me, fuck, hold on. Sorry I get misunderstood. You're telling me 1,000 people show up with a subscribe hoodie is on? We're upgrading seats?


For one person. So out of.


Those thousand people, we're going to.


Pick one person. We're going to pick one person. And upgrade them. We're going to scour the entire stadium whether you're in the nosebleeds back up against the wall or if you're in the second row and you're going to pot for the first row. But that probably won't be the person in the second row that's getting upgraded. We want to make somebody's experience better because they're supporting the pot. Say that. We want to make sure we're going to be scouring the entire stadium.


What is this?


Friday, correct?


Friday. This Friday, any fan that's wearing any patbell, subscribe, anything from the pot, any merch from the pot, we see you have a chance to be upgraded.


Let me upgrade you. That's us, bro. Okay. And we're taking people from the nosebleeds to the court side.


That's cold.


Yeah, that's love. That's love. That's hard as well. I don't know, that's a legitimate court side, but disclaimer. But you're going to get a better seat. And that's how we want to show love to the people that are showing love to us. It's important to us that you show love and.


People have it. So what... I don't know. What if Mike wears a.


Subscribed hoodie? Mike is anybody affiliated with the pod is not eligible for.


This competition. Okay, got it.


It's only fans, only.


Subscribers, only real ones.


But we might run up on you and see if you have it on your YouTube. Because if we don't see that you're.


Subscribed on there- Oh, yeah, void it. -void it. -void it.


Send it back out. In that case, we're kicking you out of the stadium.


No, I'm not out.


No, I'm not out. Jazzy Jeff.


Hey, special.


Come on, man.


Hey, shout out to Dave. All right, mom.


Is that Michigan?


Hey, man. It's not even luck. He knows something.


He knows he loves his team.


Listen, he bet. I bet.


They bet a-.


A million. I didn't bet a million dollars. Yeah. No, I did not bet that.




I only bet it because he bet.


On Michigan.


I not knew one soul on Michigan. I didn't know who the fucking quarterback was. I didn't know who the coach was. I finally found out. Oh, man, it was a fucking big deal. Horrible. You feel me? I didn't know one on Michigan.


You're just.


Tailing Dave. I'm watching Michigan like a motherfucker. Rooting. What? Rooting.


Where did you watch it at? Home. Yeah.


Under blanket.


Intimate. Like a.


Real fan. Yeah, come on, man. I got a wife who watch a college football. She don't know. She don't even know what a fucking football is. She thinks football is soccer. This is my fuck. We watch a lot of football. She don't know what is going on. I don't know what's going on. We just watch a blank camera. This motherfucker is running around. Yeah. She, babe, what number we need to get to? Yeah, this number right here, baby. Yeah, this one. Yeah. And I need this team right here. Not the red team, the blue team. The blue and yellow. Okay, got it.


It was a.


Great game. No, no, no. Amazing game.


Overtime. He'll tell you, touchdown stop at the end of.


The game. I text Dave. Thank you.


What did he say?


Heart. He showed love. He showed love. I also text him that we hit 200,000 fast. Anybody in bars do is up. He had no response back. I texted him about fucking Michigan winning some money. He responded back that he's something else you got to watch out for today.


Those millions come in. They put you in a real good mood. They put you in a fantastic mood. We're getting bonuses this year, boys.


Yeah, but the Peppin' Pa could be competing with every Pa in the bars too.


Yeah, it's all competition, right?


It's better.




Friendly, of course. Friendly, but we put... Speaking of the... I only are we belt to ass on the court. I'm belt to ass. And then my second job, too. I went to the Chicago bars, too.


What was that like? We FaceTime a little bit. You were in there.


I had the camera flipped, so it looked like I was shooting left hand, but I was really shooting right. Fuck, Dan, he could shoot left hand like that, too? Yeah, man, that's just like...


When we were on the FaceTime before that, you were like, This one's for you.


Yeah, it.


Was nice. I want to share something. A dude that we work with, Uncle Chapps, came in with his kid, and I think maybe his nephew.


Yeah, he fucked me up a little bit.


But he said that it made their freaking months to have met you at all. They said they've met you, tried to stay out of the way.


But- Oh, man, that's not true. No? No, that's not true. Literally not true. Literally, I'm on the ground resting up. I got the camera. I'm dribbling the ball. I hear noise. So in Chicago, they call me Co-Leon. My militia is elite. Right? So I know I'm the only soul in this motherfucker.




Literally, they opened it up from.


Another-live event. Lisa did it.


From remotely from-I had a birthday coming up too. Shout out to Ms. Lisa, yeah. My birthday coming up too.


And she was in Miami for.


The-yeah, she was in Miami for the game too. She did it remotely from Arizona. Opened the door. So I know for sure I'm the only motherfucker in this bitch. This is my fucking driver I also have this nice ass car.




About done. I probably got like eight minutes of working out left, just some normal shit. I hear loud sound. I'm in Chicago anyway, so I'm like, No, this is not. You can't reach for this. Well, a ball, a weight. What I could reach the shit. I'm literally on the basketball court. I know I ain't never about to go out like this on the basketball court. I see one kid come in, I don't know. I see another kid come on out. I see guy come in. You got me all wrong. First of all, are you supposed.


To be in here? It's his office. He works for Barstool.


Then I see wife, then I see mom, and they had that bitch lit. I had to leave. They were packed in there. Listen, you see-.


But this guy is an American hero, bro. He fought in the Battle of Falloja.


No, no, no, no. Family was a beautiful family. I'm just saying how it threw me off. I'm not giving you a discourse about his family. I'm just telling you how it really shake me a little bit, if you know what I mean. That's all just rattled me a little bit.


He is a Purple Heart. He got shot.




Did? In war.


Man, I got homies that got shot all the time. I got a homie no lie. I got a homie no lie. I got a homie no lie. I got a homie no lie. No shout out to him and putting on for the country. I love that shit. My granddad, shout out to him. He put on for the country. I got pley muffins that got shot. I got no lot of truth to it. I got a motherfucker that got shot almost like 14 times, man.


Man, he got Richard, died trying? Yeah. Was it MB?


No, no, no, no, no. I don't know you say his name, but it wasn't even for him. All the bullets. Survive it, too. And he said, Pat, I go to the neighbor's house, the closest house I see. I'm short of breath. I ring doorbell. Older lady comes through the door, reminds you I'm full of blood.


Covering up holes like he's.


Playing the fleet. I'm holding my arm because one of the bullets broke one of my bones in my arm, Pat. He said, I'm holding my arm. I'm holding my arm. I'm holding my arm up. Hey, ma'am, I just need you to call ambulance. Say, Lady looks at him, passes out. He not really think I'm about to die, Pat. But luckily, somebody else called ambulance for me. Ambulance took me in.


How did he survive...


He had 19 shots. I said, Guys, just walked up to him, man, and started shooting. He was yelling out, Wrong guy. Wrong guy. Wrong guy. And he was with somebody with him and another homie. The homie got away. How the fuck? There's a whole hundred shots. He said he was putting his hand up and just was just coming through, ripping his shit up. Oh, yeah, it's crazy. What? I got all types of wild stories, man. My homies, man.


So yeah, you didn't give a fuck to Chaps, got shot. No, I shot up? No, I didn't.


Shout to Chaps, man. Beautiful family. Thanks for coming through, though. They threw me off a little bit. But then I was about to get back on the court and I see, Kid, take court over. I'm going to just move over here again. Then kid you all are like, Oh, soccer. Now, soccer balls are getting kicked in. I'm going to just head out. I'm going to just head out. I'm going to head out. But no, it.


Was dope. But he said it was cool just to see you. He said that you were very nice and very polite. But yeah, it was nice for you. For you to be able to get in that office. What do you think of the office.


Out there in Chicago? Great. I can't wait to do a camp there. A free Chicago camp. Wow. Yeah, for sure. Perfect. That sounds awesome. Oh, perfect. It's great. It's really great.


No, that's going to be beautiful. Who do you think would win in the game of basketball? The Barstow Chicago office or the Barstow New York office? New York.


Without a doubt. Why is that? I don't know. New York seems like Tyler's there. Yeah. I forgot his name. He has a crazy- You're.


Talking about Jordan?


No, crazy, I said. But he has dark hair.


Marty mush?


Yeah, he's great. I think he can hoop a little bit because you try to put a move on me when I met him. How did it look? It's light, belt, 2A. B2a. The B2A tool.


So are you coaching the game? Are we calling the game? Or what happens?


I'm playing in the game. I'm coaching right now. What the.


Fuck you mean? Are you playing on New York side?




Yeah. Yes, I'm on New York side. So they have a guy named Mark Titus.


I don't know who they got. Who is Mark Titus? I dare you disrespect me. I literally out the guard. Steph Kerr, you talk about my mothafuckas. They're Mark. Man, you stop fucking with us, you can see how quickly motherfuckers forget. That's how I beat two. That's exactly how it is. As a casual fan. That was perfect right there. You talk about they have this guy. Who are you talking to?


But he walked on to Ohio State.


I don't know. I'm going to fuck. Yeah, Beltasks, I play on it. You see how quick people forget just because they they're homies. Talk about some fucking tires. Say what? Jones? The fuck are we talking about? They're stopping.






Yeah. Wait. So the game has to happen, man. I'd love to see it. Yeah, I'll be pacing the sidelines. No problem. We got to set it up. We'll do it.


In Chicago.


We're doing away game.


It don't matter what the fuck we do there. We can do it outside. I fuck how I go. You know me? I play outside too. Yeah, I'm local. I love.


To hear that. That was better than I could have hoped for. Yeah, and Tyler's been popping shit. Jordan, I mean, Philly put his own team out there. Hey, folks. This podcast is brought to you by New Amsterdam Vodka. New Amsterdam Vodka, my companion going into the new year. I find a bottle of New Amsterdam Vodka and I want to hold it up like Simba above Pride Rock for truly it is the greatest companion for a good time. If you want to be partying with your friends, you want to watch the big game, if you want to kick back after a long day of work, take the shoe off, unhook the bra, make sure that New Amsterdam vodka is your choice of vodka. Maybe you're having a mule, maybe you're having a lemon drop martini. Maybe you're having yourself a couple of shots because you're getting the party started with a little New Amsterdam pregame. I encourage you to try it in different ways. Find which way works best with you. Find out which way is the best for you, because I guarantee that New Amsterdam vodka is going to be a pretty good companion as you scroll into the beautiful year of 2024, because '24 comes with 24-7, which is when I like to enjoy New Amsterdam Vodka.


Holiday party, it's New Anchardine vodka for me. Maybe a seasonal cocktail with some sprigs of some type of foliage in there. Maybe some cranberry sprinkled on top, maybe a little bit of missile toe for you to kiss a loved one. But make sure you're kissing the bottle of New Anchardine vodka. Man, is this stuff good? Find your wins today with New Amsterdam vodka. I heard an interesting quote this week from Jokic, and he talked about how he doesn't like being famous. And he's basically... It's not something that interests him. It's something that he sees as a detriment that other people in the NBA might like it, but it's really counterint, and when he's done playing basketball, he hopes to fade into the background. What do you think about him saying that? Do you think a lot of people agree with him? And what's your opinion on your own fame?


I mean, he's won a championship. He's going to be famous. Obviously, you don't want it. But while you're in the NBA, you're going to be famous as fuck. Every little thing you do, they even got shit of how you warm up. It just amplifies his fame even more. They make you say basketball is take a job. They so hilarious. They tell me, Yeah, look how you warm up. You would shoot hook shocks, left hand. This is my first air ball to shoot underhand shots like this. Go, I'll give them up for a 30-point tripadough.


Do you think that... Do you ever get fed up with being famous?


I don't think I'm famous.




Yeah. What the fuck are you talking about? I know, but we had an argument. Not an argument, but we were just talking. And the producer, he go like two months ago like, Right now, at this point right now, you're as famous as you ever been. And then the last one he said the same thing. This month, right now, this time, you're as famous as have you ever been. And he said it before I left. I think me having a pod, people seeing me, I got motherfuckers telling me, Hey, Pat, I turn on my phone, I see you. You're everywhere. You know what I'm saying? That's why I'm trying to see what the subscribers ain't matching up with the views. So if you all fuck with us, fuck with us. Subscribe. Press one button and it's free. You don't have to pay for it. That's the thing people don't know. You don't got to pay for it. It's free. You all just help put me on it. I'm going to put you all.


On it. We're giving you upgraded seats. Really? I'm going to have to fucking scream.


About this. Yeah.


It's not something that.


Bothers you? No, I embrace it.


Also, you're not a seven-foot European.


Yeah, I embrace it. I go to different arenas. I sign every autograft. I ain't doing that to just do it. I've always done that. But everything I do is just amplified. I get tech. It's all over. I say something, it's all over. But I do get to speak a lot of my truth. You feel me? A lot of my truth is so people can have just a different perspective. I say the shit people want to say.


I'm like, man, you know how I'm... Oh, yeah, pass it. That's shit. That's all. So it's like a respect to come with it.


Doc was saying some stuff about Embiid and Yokech this week.


Well, he's saying it from a coach of lens and a ex-coach of lens, too.


He said that Embiid is a better score, but he might give it to Jokic on the all-around world.


It was a different team they had. So from his perspective, he probably thought that was correct. I see it from a different team. We don't have James Harden. He can only look at it through that lens. And he can only look at it through a Ben Simmons lens, too. You know what I'm saying? So he's just looking to do a different lens.


We talked about the awards at the beginning of the year. Okay. I'd like to revisit that.


Love that.


We talked about who we thought the MVP was.


We're not even talking about that. That's undebatable right now.


Well, so your answer doesn't change because I think that you had... Who did I say? I think you said Mb'd.


Yeah, Mb'd.


So you think it's.


A- In B. -it's a rat? Next question.


R rookie of the year.


So originally I said Win the Binana. But watching Chad, Chad can go. Chad can go.


They just beat the Celtics.


I don't know for who they beat. He can go. After seeing, up close and personally, the rookie from Miami.


Hi, May Hawkins.


Yeah, I don't know how to say his name. He's nice.


Man, he was nice at UCLA.


He can go. But he can go. But I don't know, Chat right there, rookie the year, again, I ain't going to lie. I ain't going to lie. You wouldn't be wrong if you gave it to Chat. And they're winning. That's what I'm saying. And they're winning.


And he's getting a lot of minutes. It's not like he's coming seventh guy on the roster or something like that.


And they're winning.


Yeah, they're winning. He is a very prominent role. And how about Hame Hawkins? What do you like about his game?


I don't know. He tough. He went at us. You don't see a lot of people go at us. He went right at us.


What do you see in his game?


I don't know. I'm trying to see what he gives me, bro. He gives me a...


Like he's muscular, but he has mid-range, but he can finish when he has a bag.


Yeah, but he's taller. When it comes to... He's slippery, too. You feel me? He'll feel you slip up off you like... You know what I'm saying? You're at a different game. A mature game? Yeah, patient. I like Smen moves. He love that go left Smen move back to the right.


Because he had multiple.


Years in college. But then he got size too. So you know who? He tough.


He had multiple years in college. They had long runs at UCLA. Right. Like he was playing deep into tournaments. That's a guy who I think would be around.


A little bit. Yeah, he's with the Perf. I mean, you're talking about a franchise organization.


Well, how does Miami always wind up with dudes like this?


That's what they attract, though. Feel me? You attract... You attract like I call them a franchise organization. It's like one word. Their culture is they're franchise in their organization. So you attract guys like that. So it's no surprise. People always think they go get guys. No, that's what you bringing out. That's the energy, culture, blue collar. You feel me? Do everything. Don't skip steps, cross T's, dot I's, play hard, play extremely hard. Play harder. Play harder than harder. You attract them.


Coach of the year.




Nurse. Anyone else in the conversation? There has to be other people in the conversation. Yes.




No Minnesota, no OKC.


Obviously, you got to look at Finchie because they're doing it in the west. You feel me? But they had that team last year.


Do you think that it affects Finchie that anything you have words won't even come out of the game when he gets.


Told to? That's funny, though. That's funny. Well, yeah, obviously you got to look at Finchie, though. But Finchie had that team last year, too. He had another year, the summertime. Okay, cool. This nurse, he getting this shit on go. Okay, cool. Man, got to get traded. Okay, cool. Big got to get hurt. Okay, cool. This started on play. Okay, cool. Find a way to win. Find a way. Find a way. Find a way. And the record shows. It's a hell of a record. And we beat record. Like, 21-9 is the best 30 game since 2001. It's like two decades.


You have to give respect. Defensive player of the year.


Hmm, who locking that right now? So I go defensive player, but I always go like, defensive team also. You know what I'm saying?


What teams are you impressed with defensively?


Defensively? I like us.


Can't say us.


I like Boston.


But it's a-So who would you give it to on that team?


Well, sometimes the system they run. It's how they do it. Feel me? Like the Bulls, they lock up, but it's where they at. It's not like one single guy. You know what I'm saying?


Seems like a Shopblocker award, though. I mean, Marcus Smart obviously won it, but that was an outlier.


I don't know the shit.


You got to give me someone.


I don't know.


Go Bear? No. Carusso?


I don't know. That's a tough one right now. That's a tough one.


Killing our soundbite, bro. We were about to have a really nice soundbite.


I don't know. That's a tough one. If you all know, put some defensive player of the years out.


Yeah, put it in the comments for sure. We'd love to know. I mean, it's tough because I'm... They're not going to give him MVP.


In it. And the defense.


But at the same time, I think there's probably other.


People- But then Shayle is the league and steals. You know what I'm saying? It's just weird right now. I got to look at a little bit more body at work. That's all.


Six men. Six men.


I ain't saying me. Right. I should definitely be up there, though. If we keep winning, all these words are based on teams winning and coaches winning. So if we win it, I should definitely be up there. But obviously, AR is a beast off the bench. He's dope off the bench. Tim Hardware has been hooping off the bench, you know what I'm saying? So obviously those guys, they have great numbers, but impacting the game, I definitely got to be up there. I have to be up there, at least.


You got to.


Be up there. Yeah, I got to be up there.


I feel like you got to be up there.


I got to.


Be up there. Was LeBron's foot on.


The line? Yes, it's two. Great call.


Do you think it was on the line? It was two. I feel like when you put the tip of the shoe, it was white like that.


And you know me, I go right to the bus. Hey, fellas. Lebron shot, three-two. No one said. Just put up your fingers.


What did they say?


I don't know. Some people said three. Most people said two.


Do you think he's legitimate or he isn't a legitimate concern to be that pissed off as he was?


I don't think he was pissed off. I think he knew it was a two. I think he just had to... You feel me? You had to be mad because they thought you were going to call that. But ruse or roost, that was a two.


How would you have reacted in the same situation about yourself?


My big feet are just two.


Two. You wouldn't have gone ballistic to the refs? Because I feel like you work every time out, and I look over, you're working the refs. If you're in the game, if you're not in the game, they had a challenge tonight, and you're like, I'm watching you talk to the ref, you're like, Oh, he slid underneath. The body was like this. You're pantomiming it out. You're telling me that you're not going to be on the refs about three versus.


Two there? I might. But then the real... I was going to settle it on there and just two... Because if it was caught against me, I wanted it as two. I was a two.


I'd know that you'd be showing the ref the cannon. I'm not talking about the strap, bro. I'm just talking.


About the fucking-You got bars.


Tonight, too. I'm just trying to put up 10 and give you 30 assists, bro. Let you get 60. I rewatch Kobe's last game the other day. What did he have? 50 shots, bro.


Yeah, he played Utah, right? Yeah, man. I think Louis Will called them, or James called them like, Yeah, we need this game because I think if they beat Utah, we get AC, something crazy like that. Oh, really? Yeah, I remember the whole thing.


So it changed everything?


Yeah, he went all the way back.


To 60. People forget that not only did he have 60, but they were losing.


Yeah, they beat Utah too.


Yeah, they were losing by.


Like, 10. And he had great free throws, great game. What do you talking about? A great.


What was it like playing against Kobe?


I don't know. I just know. I've always told our centers like, All right, when he comes to the lane, don't you all get on the Kobe all the time highlights. Sometimes I say that, Clint, Kakella, Kobe go to lane, go on right, I think. Click-to-pull to jump. He reversed, dunk him on me. Yep, you could be on that forever. Yeah, so that was all my thing. You all don't get on there all the time Kobe highlights. Anything he do, he go to the whole man, let that man dunk, bro. Because you're going to drop. He going to dunk you. He going to dunk you. You're going to be on the Kobe Bryant highlight for the rest of your life. And Clint definitely was on one. I was on the court when it happened too. Check the rocking jersey.


What did he say?


What Cobb said? I didn't say nothing. I looked at Clint too, I remembered it. I told him, How are you going to be part of his history forever?


Damn, one shiny moment. Speaking of highlights, John Morant's been dealing highlights, dunked on Wemby tonight.


I got a question. Talk to me. People call him Barstool racist.


What's the question? I don't think Barstol is racist.


You can see what they put out. They put John Morant with the two guns, then they put the other guy.


They had the Michigan quarterback.


Yeah, with the two.




Two guns. But they didn't say that. They said.


Something like that. Yeah, no, totally.


What do you think about that?


I think that very unfortunate situation.


Why did you... No, you can tell me. First off, use your own words.


Okay, so here's what I actually think.


Because before I... Before you answer, before I came to bars too, people were like, Yo, Pat, man. Watch out for them, man. They'd be stretching the line with their jokes. You feel me? So I'm not going to say that they are like, Okay, cool. I got to see what I'm going.


On here. And what has been your lived experience?


Not that close. The closest thing to racism at all. It's not even close. I feel like, I can't believe somebody can say that, but you can see why.


Because I think people have their mind made up that they don't like something. They try to ascribe a negative connotation that everybody can get along with. Instead of being like, I don't like them, you're like, They have this implicitly bad thing about them, so everybody shouldn't like them. That's what I think people's psychology is about that.


A lot of people just don't like Dave. That's the thing. He's the guy that either you love him to death, or you hate his fucking guts. You know what I'm saying? A lot of people don't like Dave, but he don't care. Obviously, if you own the whole company, people don't like your company and everything that comes with it. So that's just innocent.


But about the situation specifically, I think that it was an unfair double standard. One kid is doing something, and John Moran is doing the same thing. And John Moran got criticized and the kid didn't. But at the same time, John Moran has a history that we can't ignore.


There's nobody trying to hit that shit. Don't do that. What?


You asked my opinion.


I know, but don't do that.




Don't justify. I don't know what you got. I don't know how many accounts you got. I don't know what you do that. You can't do that straight up. And that's the issue right there.


Okay, talk.


To me. That people, because somebody was an offender before. Okay, cool. You know you ain't supposed to do that. Yeah, my fuckers make mistakes. But just because he did it before doesn't justify why the guy gets to do it one time. Don't do that.


Okay, that'swhy I'm telling you that's why it came out the way that it did.


I know. We got it.


Fair enough. Well, again. Well, gang. Man, what a freaking time of the year it is. New Year's. You were in New York for New Year's. What was it like?


A dream.


Yeah? What was the party? Talk to me about it. I saw still photos, and I couldn't fully grasp the vibe.


Me and my lady went to New York called vibe. I'm talking about some like, lost in New York type vibe shit. We go to a...


Plaza Hotel?


No, it was a hotel. It was 10 floors.




They put the balloons all the way up top. They put the balloons all the way up top and he walked. I mean, we had to pay a thousand dollars a seat. We paid for it. Damn.


What other people are.


In there? Oh, elite. I've been seeing guys walk around with security guards, nothing but tuxitos and bow ties. The women are dressed nice. The bartenders, the food was great. The pre-fixed menu was phenomenal. The service was phenomenal. It was just packed enough, but not crazy, but crazy at the same time for New Year's. Everyone was surrounded by each of the stairs going all the way up. They did the countdown. The balloons fell from all the way down. I put my hand out. Black balloon fell right there on me. That's good luck. I couldn't make it up. We and that bitch drinking lemon drop martinis with tequila.


I saw you with a martini. I was like, Is Pat a martini guy? I know you had the new Amsterdam in there.


Yeah, for sure. I had to do Amsterdam in that joint. Cut out.


The tequila. Are you a martini guy?


I am. Shook or not stirred. I'm a 007 type of guy. I get most of my mannerism from Bon, James Bond.


That's a Bond we share.


Yeah. Come on, man. I like that. So yeah, most of my... Shook or not stirred.


It's like James Bond used to say. And so when a guy goes in there with security guards, do they have to pay the thousand dollars for the security guards, too?


I don't know. I didn't come in there with security. I was just coming up there. Me and my lady, we had a nice little time. It was cool. We just fly as fuck. We got drunk as fuck, we were around New York. They cut off, blocked off streets. We got the fucking buildings up top, man. It was beautiful. I'm drinking champagne out of a little personal bottle. It was nice, man.


How late do you stay out after 12:00?


I was in bed about three o'clock, man.


Okay, that's a decent... That's three more hours after work.


But we drove around for 40 minutes also. Night was done.


By 1:45. What do you think about New York in the wintertime?




It's a magical place.


I think. I'm literally going there tomorrow.


But just to experience.


I'm thinking about going there tonight.


I'm driving. You don't want to ride them? You don't want to be in the back of the Yak?


What's the YAC? I never heard of a car like that.


You never heard of the guy having the Mac in the back of the YAC?


No, not the Mac. I don't know about guns or anything wrong. I was talking.


About a laptop, bro. I don't know what you're talking about, bro.


Okay, well, I thought you were talking about the makeup. No, bro. Hold on. You ain't going to catch me. That is not my gun, officer. Yeah, that is no sir. No, sir.


That's not using my white privilege. It's actually my gun. You should have said that. Didn't we go to.


School together? Yeah, I think you know my dad. Yeah, it's that fun. Right.


And Acura. Okay, nice.


That's your car?






My wife and I, we only have one car in New York. You know what I mean?


How's the drive?


Beautifully. Nice. Like a dream. Nice. But you don't want to ride in that?


No, I don't want to ride in that.


If you.


Popped up in the back- I don't want to ride in that. I don't give a fuck. You know me.


Well, there's barely going to be room. Joe, she's going to be in the front seat. What's she at? She's over here sleeping. Well behaved.


Well behaved.


She hasn't.


Said shit. Why don't you want to look at me when their dogs be well behaved and look at me because my dog's not.


Well behaved? I have the worst.


No, why are you so conscious? I have the worst dog ever. No-he's a bad dog. -he's a bad dog. And everyone knows it, too. What they say? Something perceives him. What was it? His reputation. Yes, his reputation perceives him. Coup is a motherfucker. How so? He's awful. He's a human. He's awful, bro. He don't care. You could take him out every day, all day. He can actually be outside all day. He go come back and piss on something. And it's the craziest spots where he pissed. I made this room in my Philly spot. I call it the all white room. I wanted to go there, play guitar. I put furry shit all in the expensive couch, expensive rug, expensive lamp, gold lamp in that bitch. He's made that his personal piss pad. My carpet is white and gold. Then I'm like, Why your shit so gold? Maybe you need dehydrate.


He's on dehydrate.


I got to hydrate him more. He's all cool even better. I'm talking about, like for real, he's actually singlehandedly. Words from Mike Wallace. These are words from the producer of the show. What did he say? He destroyed the house.




No. But he's cool. But then he's not. It's weird. It's weird. Like he'll sit.


Around with you - I already pissed on the counter.


Yeah, he'll sit around you, chill. You'll watch the movies, he'll sit there. I'm telling you, he's a Yorkie. So his face, I'm telling you, it's cute. Mind you. I don't name him. He's Coup for Tudor Coupe, spelled C-O-U-P-E.


Oh, I thought it was Bradley Cooper.


No, my boy. I thought it was.


Hanging with Mr.


Coupe. I got him from my Rolls-Royce. Yeah, Tudor Coupe. Coupe is.


Also a type of champagne glass.


But the face is beautiful. We don't really get them cut that much. So he has a nice little shaggy look to him. He's beautiful. And he's smiling at your face and he'll lick you and go ahead and coop, coop, coop. You'll go upstairs, he would climb on the table from ground to chair to table and piss on the table. He's like, I'm mad at you. And come downstairs, you look at piss. You look at coop. He looks at you, curls up in a fetal position, cage is open, lays in cage. Like, yeah, I fucked up. You all got me. And this is multiple times out the mouth. You would smell pissed and you would see him curl up. You're damn, what the fuck he just pissing. Like, for real? Like he knows straight up you up, still hey, Cooke, you just I would cool back. He in the cage with the door open. He's wild. Do you love him just the same? -i'm trying to love him. Like, got nothing but great water in there. When you come out, he got great water. He goes outside, drink water that's left on the top of the cardboard.


Like, Cooke, why are you drinking this water, man? You just got nothing drinking water to go buggy. You come out here and drink water on cardboard. It's wild.


Is he dumb or is he insulate? Chill, chill, chill. I mean, is he doing it on purpose? And he's just like, Man.


Fuck the rules. Yeah, I think he's like, Fuck the rules, and doing it on purpose. I'm gone for a long time. He meets me, he greets me. He kisses me. I go upstairs, take off, Jack. I come downstairs, piss on my Louis Vuitton job. No. And he knows it.


Because he's.


Your guy, probably. No, because I'm around my dog in Houston, so he's... He's something else, man. But I love Nadella. Yeah, I saw him nodding around. I get people coming to me like, Yo, maybe you should give him away. He's that bad.


Would you do that?


Hell, no. It's my dog.


Literally. That's my dog.


Literally. He's just a killer. Dog team. Oh, man, he is number one pick. He is the diggety dog for real.


For real, bro.


Who dog? Dog. Yeah, he's wild. Damn.


Legend. Couple more topics before we let everybody get the hell out of here. I saw Embiid talking about Wemby, and he said, You have to decide if you're going to be Embiid, if you're going to be Kevin Durant.


I think he was just in my position. You want to shoot trace or you want to go to.


Come down and just be-What do you think is the best route for a guy like that?


I don't know. Embiid takes a beating a lot. But- I saw them. -that guy, he give him a Giannis, put 15, some Giannis on it. He's talking about different monster. Now he's talking about a muscle he ain't never seen before.


He's not 15 pounds from Mb, he's 50 pounds.


From Mb. I'm talking about how Giannis was. I remember Giannis came to the league real four-year-old, and people just thought he was just fast and he got muscle and got some footwork stuff done and watched a lot of film and got better. Now he's- A freak. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So you don't know what 15 pound of muscle look on that kid.


And what about if he wants to go the KD route? Do you think that that's more of a game that will age well?


I mean, obviously, everyone takes pound of it. You don't take a lot of... Joe makes all the centers and big motherfucker. I don't know. Either way, though, either way, you're going to be successful.


I want to talk about a couple of teams, the Clippers.


Cook. I said it, though. They're a problem. And guys are just getting better. James is playing well. Kauwhi has been playing well. He's been playing every game. People ain't talking about that. That's massive. Shout out to PG. But for them is win now go home. Like that team, regardless, that team will look different next year regardless. So they got to win now.


You think we don't talk enough about the Denver Nuggets?


Obviously, no one talks about them because their brand of basketball doesn't... You don't appreciate that and to want to play all starts.


Why doesn't the brand of basketball of the Denver Nuggets resonate during the regular.


Season with people? Because you don't see them doing a lot of... I wouldn't say it's boring. It's just the right way to play. People don't like to see the right way to play. They like to see threes from half court. They don't want to see donks. Sometimes when you get that, you get okay teams or bad teams.


But they've been doing fantastic and they got a great team.


Yeah, and they got a great record.


Great team, great record. But somehow people are enamored with new stories and one of the team wins that people are.


Like, Okay. I say my boy got bit by a dog. What happened? Aaron Garnett said he got bit by a dog, bro. Really? Coup? Prayer is up. I don't put it past him. I got bit by dog.


Yeah, you said that story.


That's crazy. So I know it's paying well.


Yeah, that's fucking.


Scary, huh? Yeah, straight up.


Actually, I got bit by dog today, bro. A little.


You got your world wants too.


I need my Purple Heart.


Yeah, chill. Not too much. Not too much. My last team. Speaking of dogs, bro, can get your dog out of here. Don't nobody come here to see Mary, bro.


Mary, sit and lay.


There you go. Good job.


The Warriors are not playing the way that people want, and they're getting visibly frustrated. I saw Clay check themselves out of a game. You see.


Steph-i've been watching them a lot. It's crazy. Once you get East Coast, you don't watch a lot of West Coast. Gains are up on late and all that.


You need your sleep.


Yeah, so I don't really keep up. And they in the West too, so I definitely don't keep up.


You don't have to worry about them? Yeah. Yeah.


It's not playing well?


No, they're not doing... I mean, people have such a high expectation for them that they're not really thriving in the way that people want them to. People are really questioning the future of the Warriors. But I did see that Draymond was at LeBron's party.


Yeah. How do you feel about that?


I think in the middle of the season going to.


Your rival. That's his homie, though.


Yeah, but it's also his rival. People thought that he was going to sign with the Lakers when all that happened. But would you go to a Knicks' Players' birthday party? No. Celtics? No. Wizards? No. Yeah. I think that's- Off the season? Yeah, off-season. Off-season, yeah.


We go link up. We go to a Braorca, a Visa. All right, Greece. You're going to.


Link up. We're going to break bread. Texas.


All right, you feel me? Greece. You feel me? We're going to link up. We're going to break bread. We're going to talk about, yeah, man, I hit you with Flo. Oh, yeah, pat out. We're going to talk about new moves that you think about using on me. We're in Greece, all right? We're in Greece. And we talked about basketball and we're like, Man, PG, I'll lock your ass up. Mind you, we're in Greece. We were out there playing one-on-one. No ball. Imaginary ball, imaginary rim. Where rim at? Right there. I'm going to hit you with this. No, you do that. I'm going to do this. Yeah, good-bye. Straight hooper shit. So who won? Ladies around that shop and we end up... No ball, no rim. We just okay... But next time you see me, I got something for you. I'm going to do this. I'm going to lock that shit up, bro. Because if you go here, I'm going to go... Yeah, crazy shit.


So who won the.


Imaginary game? I would like to say I won in his probably head, he probably won.


That's why you need an.


Actual ball. Why? We get paid to do it. We see you right on the court.


Damn, Greece. I can't wait for all of us, Hoopers, to go to Greece next summer. It's going to be great. It's going to be an elite vibe. I went to the Mummers yesterday.


Well, you didn't say nothing about my mic, though. Anybody comment about the mic?


Yeah, everyone's like it's gold. It's beautiful. Pat Deser is gold. It matches his watch perfectly. He's got the rollie with the dab of ranch.




Then a little bit of sparkle.


Oh, my goodness.


See, when he walks into the room.




Like that one? Showing bright like a diamond type of shit.


Type of shit. That's the type of shit that you're- I thought of the P. Reed, type of shit. Type of shit? That's the only thing you say. Really? I have P. Reed, bro. What the fuck, bro? You got to go block that shit. Type of shit. Type of shit.


What do you think about P. Reed's shot?


I like it.




What did you say? My shot are like, caught right by my arch right. All right, okay, get me. Get me. Yeah, so what? Long time ago, Holaburn.


Yeah, Holaburn has an unorthodox shot.


Say go in though.


We were saying that he had a bullshit All-Star appearance last year. People were critical of his... I mean, you can't say anything about him now.




He's playing fantastic.




But so are the 76ers.


Yes, we are. B2a. B2a. B2a.


Make sure that you come out to a tour date. They're coming to a city near you.


Very soon.


You're truly going to enjoy the.


Rest of the tour. Very so.




Your front row. Our main act is he's back.


And he's singing.


Oh, yeah. He is humming. They're harmonizing. He's singing. We got him solo. We got him up on the drums. He then got solo with guitar. Oh, yeah. And B doing everything.


Yeah, he's doing it all. Shout out to the Pistons. They've finished their.


Losing streak. Cheers. Cheers.


That must have sucked.


Man, that must have been a god-awful-.


That must have been.


Deeply depressing. God-awful.


Yeah, that's- I was.


Losing with the Lakers, and I'm like, Bro, what the fuck is this? But it's actually like, 28 games in a row?


I don't know how you don't internalize that and be like, I'm a loser. Not that they.


Are, but I'm saying- They're not bad.




Have pieces. But they are. You know what I'm saying? It's weird as fuck.


They have more talent than the tanking Sixers team that had the really bad losing streaks. But for whatever reason, that team had more heart, chutspa, whatever you want to call it.


I like that word. -chutspa. I like how.


You said it too. Yiddish. You know I got a little Yiddish in me. I can't hear you. Just a schmuth of it. And then last thing I want to talk about Udonis Haslem. What did.


He say? That's my-He.


Basically said, Fuck Bill Russell. He basically said, Fuck the dude who has more rings than fingers. Because Bill Russell's number is retired in Miami, and he's like, Bro, he never played here. Fuck that dude.


I understand that from that point of view. But Bill Russell is-He's someFlorida. He's from Florida. He's the whole thing.


But he's like an activist. He had a massive impact on the career. I think Michael Jordan's number might be retired down there, too. Why not fuck Michael Jordan? I don't know.


I don't know where he was coming from.


Basically, this is our... He also said that if he sees KG and Paul pierce anywhere, if it's at the supermarket, he's beating.


Their ass. Oh, no, I'm cool. I don't even want to comment on that.


He's saying.


It's on-site the rest of his life. But this is the guy who was my first vet, too. So if you all- Connect us. -one plus one is not three. It's definitely two.


No, that is... But I mean, would you have a problem if the Sixers retired a.


Number like that? I don't think I've been on the team long enough to even have a say, so like that. I stay away from that.


I think the Sixers broadcaster-I'm.


Mad as hell though. I've seen the guy from New York handle number 21. The guy from Chicago, Cabongo, had a number. I think I know I'm saying his name wrong.


Cabongo had.


Your number on? Man, number 21. Man, I went off today. You all gave this motherfucker my number. You all gave him my number. I'll go off. I'll go off. I'll go off. I'll go off.


You beat Cabongo like.


A drum, bro. Let me see what his name is. I'm about to give you the exact name because I don't want to fuck him up. Sonogo.


It's a no-go to wear.


That number. Hell no. Not going for that shit. It's a no-go. I looked up, I'm 21. I thought I'm 22. No, take that shit off.


You were 14 and nine. They should have retired that shit.


Take that shit off. You all just gave blood of my number. Take that shit off.


No, Cuz, bro.


You can't take it over.


He played well tonight though. Yeah, about to ask. Well, that just about does it for.


The- Tour. B2a tour.


So you're playing lead guitar or what?


No, I'm playing a lot of shit.


A rhythm.


Guitar, bass, triangle. I'm singing a little bit. I'm playing guitar, I'm playing drum. I'm doing a little bit of everything.


You've got a soup, Jay and Stevens.


You're going to see me everywhere. Playing the watch for me. I'm going to play your solo tonight. You all will get here. You feel me? Yeah, man. And Drum a Boy shirt off. Yeah, you know me.


About the ass tour coming to a city near you. Show the fuck up, dude.


When the next city we go to? I know we got some people coming in house. New York. No, I'm talking the next tour day. When's our next tour day?




Friday, next? No, I'm talking the way.




Are we going to Atlanta with the tour?


We're going to Atlanta with the tour.


That's a good place. I'm telling, Motown.


That's the trip. Trey Young has had more assists every year of his career.


I thought what's going on? We're going to hide the belt in the suitcase.


He's never played with an All-Star.


Yeah, we're going to have to have ass on the lap. Yeah, and we're going to just... Here, here, here, here, belt to ass tour.




And we're not talking about the- We're not talking about the.


Will Smith movie.


Will Smith's back. He hopping out White Rolls-Royce doing spins. He put Mike behind his back and everything. Yeah, all the girls love him.


Yeah, man.


Diana Ross, the singer behind him. Yeah, David Ruffin' is back. He is back.


Then a tour goes back to Orlando.


We go back to Orlando.




Believe so. With 50. We go back with Big 50?


I think Big 50, Friday the 19th, you guys are then to the Hornets, Pacers, Nuggets, Trail Pacers, Warriors, Jazz. Hey, a lot of tour dates.


Coming up. I'm talking about get the tickets. Get the tickets. You feel we get the tickets fast because they're going to be sold out. And you can see, in our team, you cansee. You feel me? Kelly Ubraid is out there. Tobias is out there.


Kelly Ubraid and Joel are 8-0 when they start together.


Pretty impressive. Tyrese Max, he got his solo.


He had 40-plus.


And B, definitely. You feel he's the main attraction. Nick Latour, the Frenchman, he's off the bench. He's a Pat Bell. Marcus is there.


You got a 20.


Paul Rees in the cut out the mud. I mean...


It's deep. Shout out to the Sixers. What a fun time to be a basketball player, basketball fan, and.




Subscriber of the Pat, Pat, Pat with Ron. We'll see you guys next week.