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Ain't nobody ever shut down Luka. Luka got the second-highest scoring average in the history of the postseason.


If you're a good on-ball defender, he will take you to the post. If you're not a good on-ball defender, he will bring your ass out. If he put you in pick and roll, he will make every play the right play. He's 6'8. Elite passer.


Strong is a bull. So slow. But you know what? He creates space with strength. When that motherfucker can put that shoulder or that hip on you, you're going to move. Luka comfortable taking 30 shots a night. If Luka was three for 18 going into the four quarter in the game as a one or two possession game, that's all he thinking about. He expected to make the next one. Other guys, if they're struggling shooting the game in the first three quarters, they're going to shy away from it. Ai was like that. Kobe was like that. Those guys, they don't let their stats affect how they play. They focus on time and score.


He might be the best player in the last three, four playoffs.