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Let us know. We're live. Live. Here we are. Live, live, Pat. Bat pod with Rome.




It's the NBA finals, and we're live. We're work shopping titles for this one. But Pat's getting his line, right.




And I've been doing lines all night. Just kidding. But I'm joking, bro. People know that I'm joking. People can tell by my demeanor that I'm joking. It's funny to joke.


No, that ain't a good joke.




Cause it ain't.


All right, Pat, Van was wrong.




I like the joke. I think that you have to shoot us. Have to shoot. You know what I mean? Every shot's not gonna go in.


This is not a white person's bachelor party, though, so this is not that type of party.


I'm talking about, like, rehearsing lines.


Okay. Hey, so I think I had a. I had a guy tell me, like, yo, Pat, what's up, bro? I don't know where I'm at. I'm somewhere. I forgot where I met, though. I'm out of town. He's like, yo, I watched the podcast every week, bro. I love the pod. And you know me, I'm. Hey, if it's one thing we can do better with the pie, like, what would it be? He's like, man, y'all do live shows. I want to see y'all together. So I know I had to come. Come to New York because we got some. Some people on the pod tomorrow, of course.




Guess some guests. Guests. Guest guests. Good. Guest, guest. So we had to do the stream together. See, I pop off.


It's very nice.


And I need a haircut. A little two for one by.


Yeah, two for one. Celtics here, bro. I don't know what's going on with the Celtics. Dave is courtside. It seems like he's still in the buffet area. They have a very nice salmon.


Dunk me. Dunk me. Dunk me on his head. Ooh, that boy. Line and push back, ain't it? Look at his liner, barb. You gotta look at his liner. This shit put back a little bit, but it's good dunk, though. Good dunk, though. Good dunk. Good duggie. I said, he's too young to have a lie to put back that. Oh, I like it, though. I like live. Oh, that's good dunk on his head. On his head. Not too hard. Oh, dawn, not too much on that line. Who is that? That's your uncle.


Yeah, that's mine. Or no, that looks like half the dudes on the Celtics.


I look like all your family members.


That's. That's back in the Philadelphia warriors. That's fucking back in the day. Philadelphia worried.


Hey, so we still live through commercials. Just making sure I didn't know how I work right here in the office. I like being in the New York office. Ain't no motherfucker here.


It's dead, right?


Yeah, we go. If y'all get a commercial, go to the refrigerator. I know y'all got y'all hot news in there, man. Y'all copy all the hot noon, man.


Pop the tequila seltzer. Red orange, man. Oh, I thought you said chill. Cheers. Cheers. High noon has the ice tea now, too.


Ooh, ooh.


It's different. It's different. It's the summertime.


It is summertime. Are you summertime fine yet? I heard you've been working out.


I've been, dude, I've been. My leg workouts have been insane, and I cannot escape the chicken leg allegations.


I ain't gonna lie to buffer. You better not. I'm glad you got on pants today, Ron.




This ain't no Beijing either. I don't be cheating, motherfucker. Put the little sprite. I seen them all fucking one time. Wrong. I seen them up, but I had no hair. Next time I seen him, he had more hair than me. I did in the front. He had that Beijing motherfucker. No Beijing, man. No Beijing.


You know, the white, bro.


No enhancements?


My boy came to my. My bachelor party a couple years ago. He had a full. I was like, bro, where did you get a full beard from?


So white people go, beard and black guys go hair.


He felt bad about it. He had it going the next day.


The Beijing beard is wild.


Beijing, bro. His shit was full.


No, I had Beijing once, though. I had a bad. I had a bad experience with Beijing. I get Beijing once.


Explain to people what Beijing.


Okay, cool. So, okay, Beijing this, Beijing, most of the shit that y'all see. These a lot of athletes, you know, a lot of entertainers have, you know, because it. It, uh, it adds. It's like a makeup. It enhances the beauty. It enhances the. The haircut. So you get Beijing. You explain it to him. You fucking Barbara.


So Beijing some somewhat like blackout. When you want the line to be crispy, crispy, picture perfect.


They spray that motherfucker on.


What they spray it on, man, like that.


Don't hold. I seen him off a comb at one time.


When you comb it. Hold up, hold up. You gotta be careful, because when you.


Comb it you create new lines.


It might fall out. It might go with the wind, man. Gotta be careful. Yes, sir.


So it's paste or fake hair or it's like.


So they got fibers and they have a spray enhancement. The spray enhancement, just make it dark fibers, make it look more natural. You know, saying it's little implements that you could.


I'm trying to think of some of my.


You better not get it. I bet I get it. We go. Keep it right there. Keep it organic, man. I got that shit one time, went to the basketball courtroom, you sweat, man. I'm telling. I hit a motherfucker with a move. I must have wiped my shit. I look on shirt. Oh, I got a black shirt on now. Yeah, I don't like this. I come home, my whole line is different now. Yeah, I'm cool.


Yeah, different, man.


Natural, man. I like that, man. I like that too, man. For real. My dudes watching over him like that. I like that, man.


Crazy story, man.


And like to have that confidence to like, you know, talk about it, man. Like, that's impressive, too. Especially the young, as a young player.




Rest in peace, mom. Real, bro.


It's a great story.


He's been playing well for them too, bro. Good d. Close out lively. Stay there. Don't talk. Good contest. You take that, you take that.


I think the biggest thing is Luca and Kyrie trust him, too.


Yeah, you take that. You got to take that. That's the time. Tough shot. Good contested shot. Like how you've been like, lively, man.


On the fast break earlier, and he's like, he has the trust to pass it to lively and trust lively to finish. Lively didn't finish, but it's like, okay, you're not going to finish everyone, but they need to trust you for you to be playing in the final.


Has he pulled a. Come on, Derek White. Come on, Derek White.


All right, Dave's back.


Oh, pick and roll. Got a roll. Hold your screen. Hold it, hold it now. Roll now. Roll now. You get whatever you won't get. Switching. Cut floaty. Righty, righty. Lift. Lift. Lift sports. PJ Washington. Lift sports.


Shout out, PJ.


Shout out. Lift sports. Shout out. Lift. Sports. Oh, good D. Oh, and one. Oh, and one. I like that. He's been doing that this series, too. He's been attacking the rim a lot, even attacking the rain. Been settling. He's been putting his head down, going the hole. Every time we do that, something good happens. Look, head down, go to the hole. Bump.


He doesn't have Beijing, does he?


Who? Tatum, light skinned guys, you can't tell because they light skin. But, you know, they light skin, so you can't push it past light skin muffler. You probably got it.


I got a hot take, bro. You tell me if this is a hot take.


Come on, don't be non controversial. I got time.


It's not controversial. Hot is basketball.


Okay, here we go. Take his hot.


Luca Doncic is just as good of a passer as Nikola Jokic. Yes, just as good.




But Jokic gets all the credit for it.


But no, Luca get a ton of credit.


Luca is just as good of a pass.


I know, but as a point guard, you're supposed to be a good passer. It's not rare that you see a big. That's a good pass. So that's why Luca probably. That's why joking. Probably gets so much credit for because you don't see a big pass at the way Luca a guard passes. So that's probably why.


I mean, but Lucas basically just a big. Who has such good hand. As soon as we say that, that's take foul.


That's take foul. Take foul. Take foul. Luca bangs, man. Look, get the bangs out, man. What you doing? And not all the barbers in the world hated me, man, for like six months.




Oh, yeah, that post he made.


Yeah. Hey, no, hey, look, but I ain't. I won't lie. And. But you got to think I read everything. Oh, my God. Come on. Yeah, let's talk about it. Yeah, we got to talk about it, because I think you got to clear it. So what?


So what? So what's your thoughts on why shouldn't be worth the 300?


So my initial thing was never that I thought that it wasn't worth it. Okay, that's a good .2 years ago, it was $100. Same exact thing. It was a $100 coming your house. Oh, you give them a honey. So basically, I'm paying for money inflation.




Right. Okay. Now, if I'm paying for money inflation, understand that over time. You feel me? Okay, cool. Time, money go up. I gotta pay for that. But for the same haircut, the motherfuckers. You get $30 at the. At the barbershop when you was, I don't know, 16 years old, you get 36, nine.


$300 at the crib.


Like, it's a bit much. It's a bit much.




So let me ask you this. When you were 1617, was the price of gas the same as the price of gas today?


Not. But that's why I said inflation. So. So if it's based off that, then.


I understand the price of supplies go up, gas going up. So to get to you, it costs us already. Everything else gotta go up as well. Including my services.


Right, including.


It's just, you know, we going with the time's change. A million dollars isn't the same it.


Was agreed ten years ago. Right?


A million dollars. More like a hundred k. So we.


Just basing this off inflation.


But, but, but it's like, what's the rate of inflation? Is it like 15%? Because then you add 15% off, you're saying is three. If it goes from 100 to 300, that's 300% inflation. But you're saying that $100,000, now it's a million dollars. Well, that's a thousand percent inflation. So it's just like locking in what is the percentage of inflation.


I seen him up. I say his barber, he pay his bar $1,000. A haircut. I ain't gonna say, I ain't gonna say his name. He got a lot of pressure on him right now, but he's telling his bottle the haircut is wild. That's wild. That's wild to me.


Is he. Is he putting everything down to come to you when you call? Because that's what a $1,000 gets.


So a thousand. So basically, you my barber. You. You don't work for nobody but me. Right, right. Okay, okay, so now you paying for time, which is you can't. Ain't enough money. Time is for show money. Right? Okay, now I understand.


Make sense?


I understand because I didn't know. And you know me, I read everything. They damn papa. For a mom who rarely get haircuts by looking at your hair, how you. I damn what they own with me. Yeah, I like it, though. Yeah, but y'all fuck. You need a barber, motherfucker. Say anything you want. You gonna need a barber on.


Oh, yeah. I'm telling you, though, there's a place in Chinatown.


656 50. I don't want that place. Wrong. You know what I'm saying? You ain't gonna disrespect the price. Now, 650 in Chinatown.


You just go in, you just sit in anybody's chair, and they'll have you out of there in like six minutes, 50 seconds.


Yeah. I don't want that haircut. That haircut. Go. Last day and a half. I need haircuts. Gonna ask me to be four, five days strong.


The basement in Chinatown, we gotta find that spot.


Ring light.


I need it all.


Ring lights make everything wait because it's mad shadows.


I'm dealing with this bar stool. I know we got lights all in this motherfucker. Hey, Dave, where the lights at?


Check these. These five breakout rooms right here. There's usually ring light. And one of the first or second one ring light will get that thing right.


Most you say you'll pay for a cut?


Most I pay for a cut. 600.


Under what terms?


Damn, bro, I need you right now. Next hour, bro, I need you. My bad, bro. I would never come like this. Well, I got 600 for you. And when you dump me, you go back to work. And I know it probably hard, cuz, you probably cancel some off. You feel me? But I got that for you right now. That's respect. You feel me?


Any Barbara, Nate rightful mind would accept that.


Yeah. You know what I'm saying?


Straight up?


Yeah, off the straight up. And I give you hour to get here, bro. You feel me? Like, I just feel me. I got 600 for you, though. But I ain't gonna do that a lot, though. You feel that's.


Yeah, that's every right. When they need to know, right?


There's the city. Does the city dictate it?


It does. It does, bro. It does. And prices in Cali is od.


Yeah, I like a hundred a cut already.




Pull up to the shop, honey.


Right, it's a hundred at the shop.


That's crazy.


They ain't even doing forties at the shop. Man, I need a hundred, man. What you need? Man, I just need a motherfucker. I need you to brush my waves. I need a hundred.


Oh, look at that ring like Jesus Christ.


We got everything good.


That's a hula hoo.


You ain't gonna do nothing with that left hand. Okay. All right. Oh, yeah. They on they ass, boy. Who y'all got?


Taken us serious.


Oh, no, I had. At first I had Dallas, but then when I heard porzillions was playing, that shit changed fast. They can't do that.


No, I. I had a.


You gotta think any motherfucker who come off Boston bench, they shoot a three. You think it's going in? How's the shooter? Three. You think I'm up for going right in?




Shooter three. You think it's going in?


Yeah. Orford, if he's not starting or, poor thing is they're making threes.


Mother shoot a three from Dallas. You don't know if that. Mother going in. You see my first shoot down inside the backboard, so you don't know what I'm saying. And that's what they giving up.


I might have to take back my luca. Take about him being just as good of a passer, because that. Did you see the pass he just had on that last possession? He threw it over his head like this across court.


Come on. They send it. Four guys out. Look at Dave. Who is he whispering to? Who you're whispering today? That's his girl. That's his girl. Yeah. They whisper. That must. It has to be his girl.


She's incognito this time.


The person on the show, on his shirt.


Let me check. I was about to go to his twitter.


I don't need to move. I just need to station.


80, run for the Celtics. They're up.


Ten for the seas. Shout out to Mike, the producer. Shout out to Tyler. Oh, my God. Oh, my God, Kyrie. I wish I would have won. What he gonna do, though? Has he pulled, as he pulled that dribble? Take him to the post. Swipe through.


Help. Help. Made him pay. Who is that on, though? Wing? Defender. Who has drew.


No, that's on the person that was guarding on Jason Tatum. Don't reach. Stay solid. You already got him in the trap. Stay solid. He picked up his dribble. Stay solid. Boston in there lit, too.


That sucks. Boston's so deep, baby.


I just left Houston, man.


You did wrong, man. I love man, Houston.


But, Ron, it was a thousand degrees outside.


It's hot.


No, no, no. That's worse than hot.


Yeah, it was bad.


Ooh. Real bad. Ron, I'm talking about you. You gotta carry t shirts with you.


You guys need to add a beach to Houston.


No, but for water. Be hot. Straight up. Straight up.




Boiling. Used to hide them up.


Yeah. What do you eat out there? Do you have any good food? They say that's.


Yeah, I order from.


What's the name? Keith Lee says the best food.


Yeah, I ordered from the seafood spot. It was pretty good. I think it was called d seafood spot, to be exact. My dukes. That's what she cooked a little bit, but, yeah, it was cool.


You like Houston?


I love Houston.




The food is amazing. The women are amazing. Hospitality, all that. It's just. It's too fun.


It's too fun.


Too fun. I couldn't live there. Go to the visit. Couldn't live there.




Too loungey for me. I mean, I love this New York.


Energy, you know, just getting it.


Just getting to it.




That is why it's too lax. No, serious.




No. On Monday, Sunday.


It's a party.


Monday, Monday, all year. Just in the summertime.


Every day.




Find somewhere to go in Houston.


Have a good day.


That's Texas, though. You have you a good time in Texas.


Houston, I think, has a. I don't know how to say this, girl.


Screen off the fade. Good read. Gotta shoot the tray ball.




Right? You should have switched it. You got it. You got to switch.


It's got to be a great city for black people. Like, in a way that's not as.


Everyone relax. I was watching the game because I thought this was a stream I didn't know he was gonna bring. Racing to it. But I'm woke now. What happened about black people? Wrong.


Houston seems like a great city for black people. I rarely hear white people saying how awesome he is Houston is.


And then cuz they asked them in.


Dallas, or is that true?


Or San Antonio.


So it sounds like I'm right. Am I right or no, Houston, Dev.


No, you're not right.




It's a little bit. Everything.


I know. There's, like, vietnamese bros in Houston.


I don't understand what you're talking about to say, Ron, that seems like a.


Great city for black people. Why?


Let me start there.


Because I rarely hear white people singing the praises of Houston. But then whenever I hear black people talk about Houston, it sounds like utopia.


Who else you hear talk about Houston, Ron?


Well, I was just saying that Keith Lee talks about the food in Houston and every, like.


I've never.


I've heard very few, like, regular foodie accounts talking about Houston. Then I hear, like, about the Houston, like. Like James Harden, the time that he had in Houston, or fucking J. Prince or something like that. I think about these people who are having an incredible time in Houston, and then I can't think of, I mean, George Bush. What white dudes are having a blast in Houston?


Cause it's a different Houston.


That's what I want to know. I haven't spent a lot of time in Houston.


You gotta come to Houston to understand what I mean, though.


Okay, put me on.


I'm trying to, but every place I bring you to Cali, you make a song about how you hate Cali. I don't know what it takes.


What do you mean?


Pass. You ain't talking about that pass. Wrong.


That was a great pass.




Insane pass. He knows where everyone's supposed to be. Set me straight. Am I wrong?


Hey, man. Shout out to Doris Burke, man. Man, I love me some Doris Burke, man. She'll go, oh, that's illegal. Screen. Come on. How's the space out? He put driving.


What do you think about Lucas defense.




Luca. Was Dean up?


Yeah, he can, he can, he can. He's able to defend against these guys, man. Really got no, guys don't like blazing speed types. So you can use his body frame. The past for juniors. That's what I'm saying. I had. I had Boston losing before. I heard for juniors was playing halber. Oh, excellent. You got take that all the way, actually. Don't be looking. Fuck you. Looking back there for what? A pass that shit out of here.




That'S what I'm saying. You can't go off 2ft. You can't, you can't. You got to give him pivots. You got it. Porcinius, if you're big, you catch a deep desk in there like that, you got to give him. You got to give him pivots. You got to catch that ball in the paint. Give him a rondo. You know what I'm saying? Give him a bump. Like, you got to do something else. You can't just catch it and go up without him. Because even if he fouled you a little bit, he's still gonna block that shit. He 8ft tall? Yeah, please fix me.


No problem.


Good pass.


That high noon, man. Fantastic.


What kind I got with that blood.


On, I didn't realize you were.


Here we go. I get locked up, you go, come visit me two, three times. Snatch, has he crossed to the right hand? Spin back, pump, fake. Swing, swing, pull up.


There's smoking threes this game.


One more, houser. One shot, one shot. One shot.


They're leaving the door.


One shot, one shot. Kyrie, get the switch, man. Get drew off you. There we go. Get Drew off. You. Guard the guard. Yeah, they gotta switch it on. Bowser, switch it. Honest. Switch it.




You set the screen, man. Okay. Okay. Good take. Good foul take that.


Seemed like Drew was looking for the screen.


And Drew had a hell of an answer. How's the garden? Kyrie Irving, pray. Going out there? Strapping up now.


What do you think about what Jason.




Jason Kidd said about Jalen Brown being the best player? Yeah, he's not wrong, but was he trying to. Was that tactical?


I mean, I don't think he's wrong. Really? With the eastern Conference put, like, MVP.


It's not wrong.


You just would assume it would be. Everyone just assumes that it'd be Jason, you know what I'm saying?


Like, that's just what you think that he's trying to, like, split them up or make Tatum do more.


He's literally the highest paid player on the team. What the fuck? Supposed to be the best player you have to pay him up in the NBA.


Oh, my God.


I told you what I say, preacher. What I say out the bench. Everyone that shoot a three from my boss, not the bench. You think that motherfucker going in pay preacher. TJ Connell.


He got it off. Got it off easily. Subscribe to the pod. They're covering right now. They're covering the.


I don't know what you talk about. No poor porter.


No poor. He said we might just get hit with the RiCo.


No porter.


He was covering both sides.


With the one and a half north. They say they catch his home, yo, they catch him a straight flight to Australia, leaving New York.




Two cashiers checks for 80,012 thousand in cash. He had 92. He was on his row. He was on his way.


Wrong. 92 to Austria.


You would have had a good living.


Now just living in the bush.


His ass living in the cell now.


Wait, did he get locked up for that or he's just out of the league?


No, no. His homie, who he was going through, you know, I don't know if it's good, and I read on the Internet, but, you know, you can't believe that. They say he called his homie at the airport, trying to get up out of town.


His boy was trying to leave. I thought he was trying to leave.


Not his boy. Yeah.


92 in Australia.


Twelve ain't no 92. That's 1212 hern. Cash, 80 and checks. So twelve, she'll go over there and cash $240,000 checks. Australia, they go, what the fuck?


What's all this about?


Oh, no, bloody.


He's got two fight chicks. We're not talking these chicks.


Bare knuckle is ass.


Like a very high minimum wage there, though.


How much you pay for haircut? 300.




You wouldn't dare pay a hair 300 for a haircut. That's what I'm saying. The white people, y'all have more work to do with. Y'all have muffler bring out scissors for y'all. I ain't nothing, motherfucker. Bring our sisters to me mother. With white folks, they bring out. Motherfucker. Sienna, it get real. I say, oh, my. Cutting some shit. For real. Fuck it. You hear too? It. Oh, my goodness. I'm saying wrong.


I go to a russian spot. And then Russia invaded Ukraine. And then they all said that they were ukrainian. Really?


Cognilock got us. They talk around today, speaking Russian.


Yeah, they're talking shit. Look at this ugly motherfucker. He's back again, what am I supposed to do with this?


Let him hear it.


The fuck am I supposed to do with all this? It's probably $35.


They wrong. They say they didn't pick Caitlin Clark, USA team. How you feel about that? How the house, your culture, feel about that? Yeah, tighten me up, please. Type me up like I got on a motherfucker. Time for wrong. Back to you, though. Wrong. How does your culture feel about Katie Clark getting left off the USA team? Me, your culture? White folk.


Cuz I could pretend like I care, but I, it doesn't really bother me there that much, but it's a fun thing to get upset about. It's kind of like when a big new political story comes out and everybody just gets excited because it gives them something to talk about.


No politics on the pyro.


Everybody's talking about it. You know what I mean? You go on the fucking, you got hang on the yacht, hang on the dock. You're on the boat talking about it. Can you believe what they're fucking doing to Caitlin Clark? And I'll tell you why. Because it makes white people, makes us feel like we're second class citizens. We like that.


You know what? You know what? You know what? The truth is finally coming out. Ron, tell us how you really feel.


We like the victim status of being like, yeah, they're trying to keep a white girl down.




Can you believe it? Freaking white girl. And it's because she's white, that's why. It's cause she's white. It's hilarious.


But she gonna have a moment, though. She gonna be playing for USA team for years to come, man. She definitely will have a moment, man. I think all this don't fuse her fire, though.


On course.


Oh, yeah. She keeping receipts, all this shit.


Yeah, sir, it'll make her play better.


Yeah, right, right in that drawer, she keep that rubber band she'd be wearing on her head? She got a letter right there. Tell them. Okay, cool. Check that, check that. Oh, yeah, she did. She's pushed me. That game I'm on, that's how I do.


You think that. What's your name? From USC? Juju.


See co.


So say juju goes four years, breaks off Caitlin Clark's records.


Juju ain't going no further. Yeah, yeah, Juju is the real deal. That's the crazy thing. Oh, hammers out. Yeah.


So say juju breaks off her record. So say she doesn't even break her records, but say she gets drafted first overall. Next round will, and she's better. Say she's better.


She will. She is.


Will she change the. Like, will she change the game? Will people be.


It'll gravitate more. The game has already been pushed, so when Juju comes, I think it's gonna be, like, laid on the table for her to, like, do whatever she want with it. Take whatever, whatever, whatever. Next level. She's marketable. Feel me? Like, USC vibe. She's. I mean, she can fucking hoop. Like, she can really hoop, right?


You can put her on a billboard.


Anything, and she can hoop. Like, she can really hoop. Everybody knows she can hoop. She been number one forever. Backed it up. Rookie. She was in final four this year, championship.


Yeah. Yeah. I thought she could have gone this year, but this draft class was so stacked.


That fade on his ass. Luca. Gotta get. Come on. You gotta get legs under that, Lucas. Come on. Put your head down. Oh. Off the catch. Corner three. Uh oh. Attack him. Bye bye.


But will people care about Juju as much? That's the question. Ooh, lefty.


No, I think the arguments. I think there's gonna be so much, you know, spotlight on, you know, new teams and what the WNBA is doing. I think when Juju comes there, I think Spotlight's gonna be there, but it's gonna be. She will be able to come in, and her basketball is an instant. Do all the talk. She can hoop, bro. I don't know if you seen it, bro. She can fucking hoop. And I mean hoop. I mean, like, she broke.


She had more points freshman year than Kayla Clark did when I mean hoop wrong.


I mean, like a. Yep. Romeo, you picking teams? All right, I got first pick, man. Give me juju, man.




Yeah. And we playing a man's game, too. I'm picking juice. She can.


Who I'm taking? Probably taking LeBron James.


Oh, my God. You just love to just go the other way. That's y'all white. That's what y'all do. That's what y'all do. Boy, y'all talking about. Y'all don't get y'all away. Y'all just go to the first, and you don't even go white, man. You go right to the captain America of black folk. You go right to LeBron James.


Exactly. He made the Olympic team.


Whole city lit up green.


Usually didn't make the Olympic team.


I bet she will make it as many as LeBron. You gotta watch her play. Wrong.


No, I saw her. I saw her in the tournament. She looked great. Caleb Clark is. If the WNBA players said, I'll just comment and be like, welcome to the league. Like, you're doing great. And they didn't give her hard fouls, and they didn't talk shit on her. It's making her more powerful. Like, the negativity is helpful for her in the long run, as far as the story and the fanfare around her. And it's giving her more fans. If she did. If she made the Olympic team. She's getting more fans by not making the Olympic team.


I think you know what Olympic Games is. WNBA, where is it?






Paris, everybody.




I won't take him taking that shot from Dallas.


You know wrong. Y'all barbers ain't that aggressive neither. White folk. Barb. You know. Motherfucker don't even grab the back of your head. Wrong. Motherfucker grab your chin. No white bars. Motherfucker grab your chin. Put his. Move your chin. This motherfucker black bob, slap your head or grab it back. Grab braid. Get your ass over here, son. Yeah, man. Yeah. Get in my shit. Get me? Right, that's true. Yeah, that's true. Look at his haircut. Look at his haircut. See what I'm saying?




The old fashioned. Yeah, you see what I'm saying? Good timing. Wrong. We gotta do live more often, buddy. Off the high noon. Look at your boys.


The chops into the mustache. You need that, bro, why don't you bar, bro, why don't we just give pat the chops into the mustang?


How much you pay for that cut, though?


How much would I pay you to do that?


How much you think he paid for that cut? $10.10. Get you a half beard and Chrissy line attached up here.


Right there.




If you do that on $10, bro.


And he probably was like, damn. Ten, bro.


If you do it on media day next year, I'll give you ten. $10,000? What, to do this thing? Just a mustache? No, 10,000. Media day. 10,000 to a charity. To a charity of your choice, then.


10,000 to a charity of my charity. Yeah, 10,000 to a charity of my choice.


If you go like this on media day, if you have.


A grow back, though.


Yeah, it just go right up under you. Just like he had it. Just like the dude. To a charity of your choice.




Charity of your choice.


That out to the single. Single parent mothers.


Single parent mothers. Yes, exactly. Remind him, do not let Pat get away with this. Yeah.


At least I can say it all off the bat.


Lost a bet or it's for the. It's for charity? We could have. We'll open up a donation to have people match the. Match the donation.


Say that.


It'Ll start conversation. It'll look so good.


Why are you laughing, though?


Because it'll look so good. It's such an under underused look. Not enough Rose. Oh, my God.


What's your bar, what's your. What's your barber name?


Wrong cuss with champagne.


Ron, what's yours?




Mine is named Ivan.




Ivan is not there. Robert.


Robert ain't Rosin.


I know. Robert's full of shit. Robert sounds like a freaking. An Irishman's name.


I got a homie named Robert Rob makeover birthday, Robert. Negro birthday. Say he didn't got famous.


He is famous. Does Negro birthday. Does he. Does he know tip of the dawn?


Yeah, they know each other.


Crazy how all my famous friends are friends with each other.


You can tighten up all in here, too. I want to still keep the motherfucker right here in the middle.


Let me get my phone and bump the stream real quick.


Bump the stream? Don't be mean.


How many?


Yeah, that's all right. Damn, that's crazy. Oh, God, that's cold. Uh oh. All Kyrie shots back rim, though, if you know, you know. Type of deal.


You see what sauce Gardner said yesterday? You know who sauce Gardner is? The cornerback for the jets. Best corner in the league.


Somebody who papa.


He said I'm. They say I'm the pape of the NFL.


He ain't wrong. He a dog, then?


He's a dog.


Yeah. Unleashed one. He the dog that motherfuckers hop on cars when he come in the neighborhood. Oh, shit. Let's get away from this motherfucker. He must be one of them, then.


Best corner in the league.


Okay. Sound like one of the guys it. That's good D, bro. That's good D, bro. And you know what? You know why I think I'm so tough on Barbara's? I'm starting to go down memory lane a little bit.


Ron, you have a bad experience?


Yeah, I think I did. Now. I think that's what it was.


So what was the bad experience?


Mom's taking me to Barbara as a kid, right? And I never like it had to be graduation or something. Cause we never had a barber. We had a little neighborhood barber. He come to the crib. He could have left motherfuckers head drunk as hell. Went for lying to be down here drunk. Yeah. You feel me? But mom, this day, she took me to barber, right? She take me to barber. I go to barber shop. The sun was still out by the time my mom picked me up. It was dark outside, and I still didn't get my hair cut. My mom took me away. Ooh.


Oh, man. Yeah, that's a bad one right there.


Had me waiting. I'm talking, putting everybody in front of him. His name Nino. Nino from Chicago. Everybody in Chicago know he is.


Find this man.


Fast forward. Nino cutting for the Chicago bulls. I see Nino one day. Oh, look at. Look how life goes.


While you were on the bulls.


No, no, no. Just, you know. You know, the barber? I seen them down, you know, down the way. Imagine Nina. One of the coldest barbers in at the time. So all the famous motherfuckers going to him. Every motherfucker come out of Chicago going to need no get a haircut. Man, I waited in that barbershop about 6 hours, man.




That's probably where that comes from. I'm thinking about it now.


Why'd he put you to the back of the line?


I'm a kid. You know what I'm saying? Know who I was. He didn't know how Pat Bev then, but that shouldn't even matter if I'm a kid, right? So that's what I think. That's what my.


It was just Nino or he had other people working at the barbershop with.


It was. No, he had a whole. It was. It was. It was his whole shot.


So they couldn't even put the rookie on you?


I didn't want the rookie.


Well, I came waiting for Nito.


Waited for him all night. My mom coming at.


She done.


You still ain't get cut.


Yeah, that's where that loyalty coming up.


Yeah, I still waited, though. I was a gangster. I ain't good. I'm a wait. I'm a hold this, though. Cause I'm gonna see you down the line, Nino.


Then what did you say when you saw on the bull?


None. You need to cut. You ain't touching my damn head, Bob.


Let's go, Dallas. Make this a game ain't over. What does Dallas need to do to make this, make this close?


They need a screen more for Kyrie. They got to get Drew off Kyrie. I don't want Drew on Kyrie. He making it tough. Making it too tough. Wild. Wrestle with Drew. You can go ask some other guys out there. You know what I'm saying? Making it too tough. Easy said than done, though, you know.


Screen. Whoever, whoever I'm.


Drew my own drew on me. And set the screen at half court, too, with pace. Set the screen at half court with pace. You said it. They'll be able to hedge and push, pushing under. You said a half court random. They don't know what to do. They got to switch it. Honors. They switching honors now. You can get in your bop bop. The floor, the court of space. They gotta get that. They gotta get Drew off Kyrie. Oh, say what you want. Get you off Kyrie, man.


Yeah, Drew's had him in hell. But what are they doing with Luka? Are they sending to it Luca?


I mean, shit, you deal with Joe, you deal with Lucas. Got down at 30, but you would deal with that 30 if Kyrie ain't doing nothing. He got 30. Kyrie only got 1215. That's 45 points max, man. Everybody else got another 40 in them. So you at 85, 90 points. You'll live with that. Especially if you banking on yourself scoring 110. You lose, you win that, you win every game. I think you. I think they think, man, let Lucas get whatever you want. You can't stop him. But let's stop one motherfucker. Let's try to get on Kyrie. And there's limits on them. Saturday's gone.


That shit is tough. They just don't. I mean, it's tough for the complimentary pieces. Like, are you really gonna be like, okay, Derek Jones, like, time to give me 20.


State Farm. I've been working out. Look at his arms.




Yeah, Jake been working out. Muscles down. When we first thought he was scrawny as hell. Suits. I watched suits too.


Wrong. Is that the one Megan Markle's on?




Yes. Meghan Markle. From like, Prince Harry's wife. Was she on suits? She was. You saw that James. I think early on you saw that James Harden clip.


Yeah. Bouquet catch. Hell going on here.


You saw the look on his face.


Hell going on here.


He's funny. That was funny. She's got to get married now. Oh, James Harden. She caught the bouquet. They're next up. You know what the rules are?


Marriage is a beautiful thing, man.


That's why I hope the best for him. I hope love for him.


You married.


That's why I love it.


Bring on finger. Wifey. Wifey. Everything cool?


Everything's great. Thank you. Very kind of you to ask.


That's crazy. I've been listening to that all the last four days.




Cruising was made for love. Cruising was made for love. I love it when we're cruising together. Music is made for love. Cruising is made for love. I love it with me. Hey, slow down, Ross. Slow down. No, we talked about this. Handshake cuff. Good cuff. Don't there we go.


Strong one.


Don't give me that sad. I thought we're doing. No, not this one. The full one. There we go. Yeah, put a little more fucking. Yeah, put a little bicep with your shit.


Once I had the falsetto, I thought I had to go a little bit, uh, Dainty.


What a beautiful song.


Beautiful. Oh, my God. Is he out of bounds? Oh, my God.


Play ball. Any turnover in with a tray.


Oh, my God.


Any turn.


Is that a wrap?


Any turnover ends with a trick basketball.


Dave's having a time with his legs.


Get drew out of him. Get drew off of him. Get drew off of him. Uh oh. Four and five.


Oh, he tried to end it. He tried to end this year.


The offensive rebound ends with a tray.


Oh, no. So his shirt is Kyrie with a clown nose on. This is Dave's shirt.






But they real fan, though. They fanned out.


Hateful. Oh, there he is. Oh, my God.


Look at Dave. Oh, my God.


Seats out there. How much do you think the seats are retail? 50.


How much them shirts gonna be tomorrow?


He's not selling them, but, shit, if.


You ain't selling, go. Go ahead. Buy some love, gang. From snipes. Pat bear pie with wrong.






Wrong. Cut above. You know what I mean? We're shooting shop while we're in the shop.


No, not too. That's not a bar. We're not in the shop.


No, we not.


That's a whole nother vibe. We in office.


I'm workshop.


Yeah, we cuts in office. Right? Cuts in the office.


Cuts in the office. It's like chicks in the office, but kicks in the office.


But cuts in the office, man. Cuts an office, man. You don't do. Don't do them all the time. Ain't wrong. White folk, they love bacon, don't they?


Not me, bro. I'm Muslim.


You Muslim, bro? Salam, bro.






Biggest. A dirty animal.


Oh, travis, what you do for Ramadan?


I fasted. I made salah. Why?


Okay, just make sure. I'm just making sure. See, I'm saying Luca got 20. 911. You live with that? What? I say dollars only, score, what, 90 some points. What they got?


That's tough. Yeah, that's 45. You need €45.


I work with your euro. Gotta work on your euro, then go up left. Euro?


They're asking euro. Derek Jones, let's be honest.


Euro. Euro. Now you got it. Rep it five times. You got it. You rep it once, so you know it. You rep it, so you repeat the repetition by the third time, you got a little bit about a fifth time. You know it.


I thought you were doing a step team type.


That's footwork, though. That's summertime. A lot of stuff. Oh, no, this perfect. Damn. Denzel who wrong?


He went crazy.


Oh, God. He went crazy. That he wrong.


It looks beautiful.


No, no, no. That sound like hate.


What do you mean?


Vlad ain't doing this. I agree with that is 300. Yeah, that's three. That's a real three.


Spartans, bro.


Hey, he done brought me back to life. Yeah, yeah. Let everybody know where you cut from, man. We gotta put on at the Fae game.


I'm cuss with champagne, otherwise. Savoy, man. You know what it is.


Yeah. And you know, we with.


Come left this way. Yeah, right here. And then. And then right on. See the camera with the red light on? That's your. That's your camera right there with the red light.


So we cutting at the Fae game. New York and Queens, man.


Yeah, we support small businesses, too.


Big business. Big business.




Fade game, man. Pull up on us.


Love that. Catch a fade and you tell the truth. You ain't never cut my hair before, have you? Never have I never met you. Can of paint all love, but I show love. Okay, cool. You say you're a barber. I trust your profession. You know what I'm saying?


Otherwise, forget that 300, right?


Right. I'm cool.


Come run the face.


Yeah, go ahead, put the alcohol, burn my shit in the back like you did when I was little. Yeah, you got some of that? No, that's that motherfucking vodka in the back that we got at New Amsterdam. Oh, yeah. Well, guy, let me get that 300 form, man. For Evm. You like 900 from the half foot shot?


No, bro, you don't owe me anything.


You'll be modest. Thank you, brother. They got a chance to come back.


I mean, it's eight points.


Good night, motherfucker.


Bill ass, they need to stop right here if there's a chance. Bill ass, they need to stop here if there's a chance. Tatum wants to post trusky, let him post him. Bad pass.


One more. Hold your form. Hold your form. Okay. Got a chance?


There's a chance.


There's one chance. Right here.


There's a chance.


You see what I'm saying? Set it at half court. Now you see what I'm saying? Now you get the honest switch. See what I'm saying?


It should be work and won.


You gotta set the screen to half. So you get the honest switch. You get the honest switch. Now you can go to work. Yeah. Game not over, though, Ron.


Game's not over.


Now we got one.


I mean, so it's about to be five point off. His free throws aren't a given. He's been missing free throws in the clutch. Stared him down, too.


See, I'm at the three point line trying to get offensive rebound. If I know he missed free throw, you know what I'm saying? I'm that player. I look at coach, coach, he missed a couple. I'm about to dive in.


D up.


He got triple double D up.


I'm rooting against my bet. Just cause I want to see overtime.


The fans want to see more, see more uh oh ones once. Has he pulled. Step back. Has he pulled strong? Has. Oh, 20 good, deep. Go. Go. Dump some. Gotta dump some of the playoffs, but you gotta pump fake that. You can't do that. Ain't calling shit all night. Ain't no fucking foul. A lot of time. Don't rush. Don't rush. A lot of time. Cleaver about to get cooked, though.


Did they leave?


Cleaver. They want that cleaver switch. Shit. I won't cleave room to switch. Bye bye. I told you, don't. Told you cleaver can't play. Slow feet don't eat. Yeah, man, he got it. He got a pump fake that you just had it in the pocket. Porzini is just blocking. Get on the fast break. Act like you've been there before. Big pump fake. You a big man. Anyway. Look, you catch it right here. Great pass. Take one, dribble. Take one, dribble. Oh, man, you ain't dunking that, man. One dribble. Pump fake, man, both of them jump. Easy lay. Three point games. Everybody blocked that motherfucker. Three motherfuckers blocked that motherfucker.


Yeah, it got blocked and then it got blocked. Yeah, it got blocked off the block.


Yeah. Blocked. Block. Yeah.


Who gets the block? They both did a block.


Yeah. And a rebound, and you're a block. I'm a block, everyone. No, man.


You have to fucking pump it.


Use your beat. Be skilled, be patient. Be poised. Let me use my pump fake. When the coach told me when I was in third grade, go to the basket. Pump fake. Shoot at the square.


He could have got an a one if he, pump fake, man.


Pump fake, man. Whoop. Next person behind you. Come on, man. But that's the playoffs. Possessions like that lose your playoff series.


Inexperienced guy versus two experienced guys too great to defenders.


Listen, if I just give, I'm getting my shit beat all night. And I'm pump faking this shit out of now. Fuck that. This is a pump fake series. It's a pump fix it hymns.


They both epic now.


Hey, listen, no cap, true story. This just happened.


They got some of glutton.


It's just happened. This is a true story. This has just happened. I'm in Houston. One of the homies lose bet. If he lose, we got bet going around. If he lose bet, see what the commercials and ads doing. Damn, they can't even see the game no more.


Chopped it up.


Chop that shit right up. We do back. If you can't do a certain amount of push ups, you got to take Viagra, pill. True story. I think it was like I got like. I don't know the first weakness. Yeah, yeah. And say he took back up here. He called me this morning. He packed, man, I took no, no moms. She know y'all ain't gonna do him like that. I did. He was he able to get it done? You don't want that push in the back, see, no, he lost. Bet I could all bet I hit him this morning while I'm flying. Hey, bro, how you feel off that shit, bro, he packed, man, my shit been on hard for like 12 hours straight. He said my hair hurt. I. Damn, bro, you need to hydrate.




That's crazy. I just seen him, boys. Off the bag, that's why.


What, bro, I thought. I thought if it lasts for more than 4 hours, you got to talk to the doctor.


Oh, maybe he need to talk to a doctor. That was a good game, Ron. I love doing this last year with you. In the chat. In the chat. Mike, any questions before we get off this motherfuckers? I must be white then. Cause I love applesauce. For real. I used to get that shit when I was little. I used to. I ain't even fucking spoon wrong. I pulled the little aluminum foil back, licking them up like a lollipop.


White people eat it plain, though. I know. You have some cinnamon in it.


Hell, no. Why you gotta put that on?




None of that.


Not cinnamon and vanilla.


None of that shit. Apples. I ain't had no spoon. I ate them. Look at them up like a dog.


Moz just drank it out.


The moutain. I love applesauce. Little applesauce.


Southwestern favorite by seven in it. And they won by seven. Look at Vegas, bro. Me.


Great. Look at it. Who's that from? Joe, straight up. I appreciate you, bro. Thanks. By asking about the hand. That's kind of you.


Wow. That's the play of the game there. But they're saying it's pushing back or they want.


No pushing back, man. It's a championship game. I'm up for push back, man. Pushing back. That's why you use your pumpkin. Oh, he pushed me, not a ref. See it? That's true.


Somewhat doubled. 34 and one. When holiday scores.


Do they like the haircut act? Is his work solid?


It's extremely solid.


Right? That's the question.




Let me get close.


Like when a bird lands on a security camera, right? Still. Stay still. Stay still. Right there. And then to look to the left. Look to the right. Oochie right.


How the haircut look?


You want to see it on? Damn. The Celtics up to nothing. I can't say I'm surprised, but how do you bet on them? You don't even cover, bro. That's fucking brutal.


I don't bet wrong. No port.


I'm talking about me.


No port. No port, no pork.


No poor.


No porter. No porter, bro.


Thank you. Damn. That sucks.


Well, good.


Nice cut. They're saying.


They're saying nice cut, g. Highly appreciated.




Highly appreciated.


Come run your fade. Like low, scandalous.


Chappie said, cut. Look fresh.


That's love. They said, who are we taking in this series? I think I got Dallas winning. Is that right? No, it's obviously the Celtics. The Celtics are whooping ass. If the Celtics win one. If Dallas doesn't win both games, it's a wrap. The Celtics win one game. If it makes it back to Boston, three one. It's a wrap. Derek Jones junior is not enough.


No, relax, man. Yeah. One. He's just.




He had a good playoff. He was guarding his ass, so don't do that to him because.


Are you related to him? Why are you of his back like this?


Hey, are you right? You my man. You can do better than him. I'm with you, my man.


No, I'm not saying me, all right? I'm not saying me, but I'm saying Derek Jones Junior is not enough to beat the Celtics. Derek Jones Junior can't be like your two guard. You're starting two guard.


You're in the championship.


I said to beat the Celtics. They haven't beat the Celtics yet. True. Especially the Celtics. The Celtics are deep at guard. Even if they didn't have. You know what I mean? Even if they didn't have Derek white, still, Jalen Brown can guard him. Joe Biden, hitchhiker Joe Biden.


I'm ghost riding in a plane with no pilot. Right?


No smiling, said Jeff Epstein to get fucked up. His own eyes on the real river. Sticks with closed eyes.




All I'm a guy, like host is they stay hatin'I.


Pay bills like Gabe Davis from Philly, but I'm so n wild like PlayStation.


You're not a killer.


You a middle aged Jason who's not prepped, built like a's patient.


I took a vacation to a russian space station just to shit on you from 10 miles away. So stay patient. Cause the shit's about to come out as choppy as claymation. But when that shit hits, I'll be up on the plane.




I put out 16. Eminem felt like he had to put out an album. I dropped 16. Eminem says, let me go back to slim shady mode. I need to put a whole project down.


Listen, one person I will not want you to talk about when it comes to rapping is Dwight goat.


I'm just saying I put out a project.


Say no words about Eminem. You my man.


I put a 16 I love you to death, 17 songs.


I love you to death, bro. I love you to death, bro. You leave Eminem. Where he at? You know what he did to machine gun Kelly?


That's hilarious.


That man don't even rap no more.


He act and he sings pop punk. Well, I've been singing pop punk, bro. There's nothing he could fucking. He could send me to.


You stay away from him.


Yeah, that's when the next battle is. Could be. It could be tomorrow. You know what I mean? When I just. When the bars just kind of bubble up in your brain like that, it's almost like a blessing. It's almost like the battle could happen. It really depends on who I come across and how inspired I feel.


Hey, like, when they talk about the battle, everyone I talk to.


Says I'm top two and not two hot, dude. The one you can't walk through.


Mmm. Okay, okay. Everybody got your back, though. Yeah. Everybody be like, hey, look, look, if y'all want to go straight, like, you gotta pick wrong. Cause Rome go say some. You be like, damn, why the fuck can I say that? Yeah, I watched it all. I hear it all.


Yeah, sure.


You get your respect, and you a Caucasian.


I've earned my respect.


You earned it.


I've earned my respect. Unfortunately, I fucking ended people's careers. Unfortunately, no one ended my career.


Who and who you? Who career you in?


Like, half the dudes. I probably have, like, 50 battles on camera. Half of them don't even rapidly.


What about the ones you got off camera?


They probably, like, ten or 15 off camera.


You want all those?


For the most part.


What's the most part? Ten battles. How many in?


Well, I did it, so it's just, I mean, there, it's just random. Like some of them are unjudged and stuff like that. But I mean, Mike was at a dude, a dude hit me in the comments recently. He was like, I was at Penn State. When you went, you had those battles at was the blockley or something like that, and they were like, rome ran through six. Six people. What was that was the name of the place, cell block. It was just like this random thing that they're like, yeah, come to battle and like, they were like, they're like, rome, you ran through six people. Like, we didn't know who you were. It came out of nowhere. You just fucking smoked six people before Charles Hamilton, who's hot at the time? Over Christmas break, everybody, we came back, they're like, holy shit, y'all, he was coming through. So we all went to see him because it was like we were all listening to him. Over Christmas break, we go see him. Ron gets a little cipher with him. That shit goes crazy viral, which, like, back then viral was world star hip hop. It was world star frontstroke.


You made Worldstar.




Like, this started and all this was before I even started. They were like, when I beat the six dudes, they were like, here's the money you won. I would take it out the back door and I'll go because these dudes are going to be looking for you. They're not going to be happy that you just, that you just mow them down.


You took frontal back, though. Yeah, I think we probably just left y'all tough.


I mean, it was just me and.




It was Penn State, so roman again, they're just kind of like chilling after the show. He's like, yeah, I'll rap with you. Not thinking anything, you know, thinking in the battle or nothing. Rogue drops the line sonic the hedgehog don't fuck with me, dog so do what you do best and roll up your ball. People lost their shit. It went crazy. It was crazy. The same time, this other dude from California, he like, cypher with Charles Hamilton and he grew up to be Kendrick Lamar. Dude, it was like just random. Kendrick Lamar just went to a Charles Hamilton show. Like, I did it and like, he just gave him the mic in the same type of way. But his shit didn't, it didn't go viral at the time.


We still stream only minded. I'm gone.


See you tomorrow. We have shows tomorrow. Subscribe to the podcast.