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It's about that time, though. That trade talk time. If you're an expiring contract for any playing in the League, are you not playing well this time? It's like Valentine's Day. Are you on Twitter? Are you looking in that trade machine? You seeing what my fucks is gathering together? Yeah, what does that feel like to be anticipating it. You try not to hear the noise, but you hear it back in the mind. Damn, did I play well? Why they want to get that guy? Or you get a new contract, you hear the talks, you've been benched, you've been demoted. You got to look at a lot of stuff around this time of year. Health, contract here, man. Do we want to pay this guy that number? Do we want to get someone else? It's that time of year with guy to guy. They don't want to accept it, but motherfuckers just... Someone's going to get traded. I'm looking over their back like this.