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Let's go. We were in here before game two starts. And speaking of four games, mister.


Relax, relax, relax. Too early. It's too early. It's too early.


It's too early. But it's never too early for that McCrispy. The McCrispy never went anywhere. It's always been here. It's always been yours to devour. You know, I had to get a McCrispy delivered to the home, deliver to the homestead. They deliver coast to coast. If you're on the east coast, west coast.


Is it the spicy one?


See this right here? Oh, yeah. This is extra pickles is how I like mine.


Oh, go ahead, take a bite. A piece out of crime.


Oh, yeah. The McCrispy. I hate to talk with my mouth closed, but this ad needs to be told. The people need to hear.


Go crazy.


The people need to hear about the McCrispies. Everybody's perfect. Every. Every bun has been nestled on top of the perfect piece of chicken. The pickles make it go crazy. It's buttery deliciousness at its finest. You could get it with a spice, but it's always going to be nice. The McCrispy. It's something that you need to have real ones. Know about that mccrispy? Taste it for yourself today. Taste it for yourself today. We're about to get out to the real ones. And, uh. Josie. Josie smells a bit crispy. Josie, get out of here. This is for real ones only.


Are you going off crazy?


Of course not, brother. I would never do that. I got a swallow. I'm enjoying myself too much. Okay, what do we talk about?




McCrisby. People are loving it. I bought a Mccrispy the other day because of the pod. That's how marketing works, dude. We are getting the mccrispies out to the people.




So the. The Boston game just ended, and my.


Boy Dino said he bought a Mccrispy the other day just because of the pie.


Dino said that?


My boy Dino from Toledo.


Dino from Toledo sinking those mccrispies like a free throw.


Right? And we know that Dino from Toledo loves the mccrispies. And he spends a c note.


He spent a c note. You know how many mccrispies that could get you? Or maybe they spelled like Dino. Oh, if he gets to McCrispy, you know he doesn't go to the gyno, right?




You and I know, right? Oh, man. So, as we said the other day, everybody's going to overreact to every single game of the playoffs. So the Celtics play their first game in the playoffs, and the whole narrative is they might not lose a game. They might not lose a game by, or they might not win by less than 20. They're going to win every game until the finals. And they might. It might be. They might be blowing teams out, winning by 20 every single time. And then sure enough, right away, they lose by 24. They lost today to the Cleveland Cavs.


They lost.


No, they didn't lose belt to ass. They got dominated from the beginning until the end. They got absolutely demolished. And I was made a fool of by trying to ride with the Celtics because all the fans were saying that they couldn't possibly lose. And so, Knicks are up two zero's up 20. That series is one one. And now we're about to embark on.


70 miss corps calls.




78 missed calls.


You're a popular guy. What's that all about?


I'm saying Rick Carlisle said referees missed 78 calls within.


Oh, I thought you meant that's how many missed calls you had.


Oh, my goodness. Yeah, but free papa.


My boy is locked up.


Free Patrick.


Four games, though. That's. I mean, you do that standing on your head.


Yeah. Deserve, though. I have to be better. And we doing a be better campaign, too, gang. We doing a be better campaign. We got be better hoodies, t shirts, hats coming out.


They do.


Yeah, man. We doing the whole ho be better campaign, man. I. You don't want to miss no games. You don't want to be suspended for anything. So got to take it on the chain. Got to accept it, man. You know, you run that stop sign, you, you drive by that. That light red, you go get a ticket. So consequences behind everything, every actions.


Are you going to appeal?


No, man, I'm just take it. That's. Yeah, man, I don't want no smoke, man. I just take it. Get ready for the season. Get to it for real. Subscribe to the pod.


Subscribe to the pod. They're saying. They're saying free pep f in the comments. Damn. That's. That. That makes me. That makes me sad. But I guess, dude, you deserve it. I don't know. Can't do.


I do I deserve it? I deserve it. So I only, you know, like, can't even be angry about it or disappointed about it. I deserve it, man.


Yeah. Did you expect four games or did you expect more games?


I mean, I. I didn't expect, you know, cuz other things transpired, too, you know, so I didn't know what to expect, but.


I'll keep it a buck. No spin. I expected more games. Then the Murray shit happened, and then it's like, well, he kind of forced everybody's hand. Like, if they're not going to suspend him for throwing something on the court where it could potentially hurt players or something like that, then it kind of. It changes things a little bit. And there's a lot of comments about, you know, he should have.


Because I'm sitting there watching the game. I'm sitting there watching the game. We sitting there watching the game, actually, together. We see some get tossed, I hope. What's going on here?


Yeah, and, yeah, I mean, he was.


Obviously frustrated, you know, then they play. Okay, okay. I want to see how this about to play out. No suspension. No.


You think if they. You think if they won that game, they would have suspended him?


I don't know, man. I don't like the players getting suspended. Like, so.


Yeah, he definitely made Adam Silver's life hard.


Yeah, I mean, I did, too. That's why I take my punishment like a big boy, man.


Yeah, but, yeah, like we said, it could have been worse. You know, there's definitely people. People are calling for your head. They're like, he should have got the same suspension as malice at the palace. All right, but, uh. Did you see, or. I didn't even hear the quote, but Dave, uh, Dave talked about us or you specifically on, uh, uh, his show today, on the unnamed show. And I came into the office, and everybody's like, specifically, Gaz came up to me. He's like, port noise talking about you on the show today. And I was like, all right, what was he saying? He was like, something about Pat suspension, but, like, he said that, like, roan was, like, sucking your dick or some shit like that. It's like, what, dude, what? Honestly, what do people want? Do people want me to scold you? Does he want me to be like, yo, Pat, you shouldn't have fucking did that, man.


You said that to me.


I literally said, like. But I don't know what people, like. Do people need clips of me? Like.


Like, chastising me?


Yeah, like, I don't understand, like, uh, what people want. And I guess we could, like, put out clips of me chastising you and making jokes about it, but I don't. I really don't know what. Dave wants me to just be like, you fucked up, Pat shouldn't have fucking did that.


Obviously kept. Obviously captain. Obviously the game on, though.


Yeah, we know. It happened. Uh, what. So what minute marker are you at?


I got. I made mistake and turned it off.


Uh oh, I'm at 859. I could pause if you want to catch up? Luca is having a fucking game and a half already.


Okay, okay. Crab dribble to the. To the midi. Bop.


Okay, what time?


Pull back to the trade ball. There go my man Scott. I'm trying to see women. I'm at. I'm at the. Can I tell you a story that happened to me?


Yeah, tell me what minute first, though. And then I want to hear the story just so we can sync up our cycles, if you know what I mean. Like the lady folk do they bet.


The thing cut off again?


Okay, don't worry. Tell me your story, then I'll let you know what's happening.


Okay, I got this little.


Oh, shit, bro, that looks like. Is that. That's not the glass. I've got you in Milwaukee, is it? No, that was because that was a boot. That boot I brought over your house.


Yeah, that boot, that ain't that boot.


It's a different glass. That's a good ass beer glass, though.


I met a ball, just went out of bounds. I don't have. I don't have the minute on mine.


Damn, you're. You're running. So I got. It's Dallas, 16 to six on mine right now. Dallas is whipping ass. But you got beer. I got McDonald's iced tea. I got McCrispy. We're locked in and ready to go. Tell me a story. I want to hear a story. Story.


Okay, so check it out. Uh uh. Yesterday, I take Uber. Sorry, I have driver, I go, yeah.


Are you gonna have an Uber like a regular person?


I play a guy on horse destroying, right? Literally beat him. Ho. I'm somehow. He has all letters. I don't have none. Destroying, mind you, all this happened. My phone is in the car, not charged. And I thought, gonna charge. What? It's not charging. Okay. Now I'm headed out, I don't know, 40 minutes. I'm out of Southern California. I'm in West Hollywood right now. I'm having Southern California. I get there. I. Oh, mister Uber, can I take the court, please, man? You can charge me 40. Oh, no, man, for you. I give you the court for free. I thank you. I get to. I get to the spot. It's awesome. I'm a first quarter. 8807.


Okay, I'm right there with you.


You turn down. Thank you.


So I take cord.


Take cord. All right, cool. Phone on 3%. So I ain't tripping. You feel like I got cord about to charge my phone. Get upstairs. No, no back piece, but that's okay. Cool. I found something to plug it into back of tv, electrical.


You hold it in your hands like.


Kevin Gates, anything, right? I don't find nothing. I cool. You know, little city's a short walk. 13 minutes walk. I walk to in a downtown. I know they gotta find a store. Walking all downtowns there and back. Nothing. I fuck it. Now I'm getting, like, man, like, people from NBA calling, and I gotta make sure I wanna. No, I'm available to take phone calls. So now I'm kind of, like, gonna miss the panicking a little bit. So I got this little bike, bebo bike with a little basket in front, you know?


No, you're the devo.


I take. I take bike to local. Local store. You have charge, ma'am? No, but I can call if another store has it. Another store don't got it. I think the Chevron has magic. This is a 1.4 bike ride on the way there. 1.4, a bike ride on the way back. I go to, like, three places. They have no charge. No charge. I go to the chevron, man, we all sold out. He Patrick Beverley. Yo, what's up, bro? He, man, I'm starstruck right now. I'm a big fan. I man, I appreciate what I really need to charge you, bro. He, man, I ain't got nothing in here. Then he looked the iPad for the chevron is charged. He. I can give you this. I mean, what time you get off? Even I get off at 830. You probably have to bring it back. I bike mile and a half back. Charge. Phone. Phone charge. I got to charge for, like, 20 minutes until you feel me. He got to get off work. All. It was a whole thing wrong. I'm talking. I'm on bike, sweating. I'm walking. Yeah, yeah. I deserve to do.


No, that's doing your penance. That's like a greek tragedy style of penance. That's like Sisyphus pushing up the fucking hill type of pennants, bro. That fucking. How did nobody have a charger? Matt's asking, bro. How did no one have charger?


I mean, it was just me, though, you know? I'm saying, like, it's just me. I'm just feeling. I'm just really checking in the new spot. So, like, no charge in there. The whole town. No charge. I don't walk 30. I don't bike 36.


An hour. Just trying to get some fucking a little plug. Then the things we do to try and get a little charge in your life. Well, meanwhile, you get your phone, find out you caught a charge.


Four games, call charge.


That's brilliant.


You pull me up again, please.


Offseason. It's the offseason. It's healing time.


Beer? Thank you.


That's love. Shout out to. Shout out to the missus.


Yeah, my girl, she done got DM's people there. You should. Does he hit you? Damn. They don't went there.


You shouldn't have did that, Pat.


I know I shouldn't have did that. We've been down there. I'm just telling you what, someone clipped that.


I just want someone to clip that and send it to Dave. Sherry doesn't accuse me of heinous things. Back and enjoy a nice ice cold beer while he's in California and his time off. The summer vacation.


Definitely not in Cancun. I like that.


Angle. You need the angle, right? Yeah.


So we had no, you understand why? No.


That angle gets the foam right.


At the foam. Right. Dome, right. Both games, I'm at home tight, leaving.


6Ft like it's wrong. Tight.


Right. But I was wrong. Right?


That's a fucking bar, bro.


Being a human, being, a pro. Long nights.


Yeah, bro. It was beef like bovice.


I'm strong tight, though.




They tried. They say. They say, listen, shit was so bad, I didn't even want to hear people talking about it.


What do you mean? You talk about on tv or personal or.




People are talking about Guangdong, China.


No mufflers out here carrying buffers out here chucking muffles out here, beating they want. But four games, that's a trip. He tripped them. He tripped them. He tripped them. Oh, that's a foul.


Go ahead.


When Luca playing all these minutes, he got let Ky bring that thing up to take. To take some of the. You know what I'm saying? Responsibility on him for a little bit. All right, get him. Give him all moving action. There we go. Yeah, you gotta get him moving, you know? Cause dork can guard him straight up. But you screen dork a little bit, get a little space. It's hard for dork to kind of navigate through that. And Dort is a. He's a great defender. He plays Luca the best, to me.


Yeah, that. This thunder team is deep. What do you think about them?


I don't agree with the MVP vote.


Thought it should have been Shay.


Yeah, I thought it should have been Shay. I ain't gonna lie. I ain't gonna lie. Oh, good. Good flow. Oh, beautiful. Fake faith.


Wait, give me a countdown on your. On your time. What time are you at?


537. 21 20.


Okay, I gotta pause mine for a little bit more. Keep talking on time.


You got it.


Let me know when you're 522.


I am 5432.




Oh, in and out. In and out. Burger. Oh, to the hang to the reverse. Oh, you got that? I like him. He's like that. Okay, look at that. Between. Has he tween watch the foul? Oh, you roll him. Corner pass. DJ Arkansas guy right there. Now, that's the door. Door. Right wing pushing it. Pound 20 gets to Shay. Oh, Shay, want that screen. Uh oh. Stay right back to Arkansas. Pump fake, Arkansas. Right back to door. Door, pump fake. Off the catch. Big body Benz. Oh, off his leg. Off his leg. Good call, Scott. Good d Kai.


Off his leg.




You think that. You think Dallas is deep enough, bro? Yeah, obviously their best two players are great, but they're supporting cast.


Yeah, I think they deep enough. I think long as you got some guys that playmate and Kyrie and Luca, I think that's just enough. Everybody else can just spot up and shoot threes. You know.


I'm just. I worry about their death.


Hold it down.


Why do you think they gave it to Jokic?


I don't know. Okay, see, was number one, right?


Number one. See ya. In the same conference as Jokic.


I don't know. I don't know.


I. I think it's kind of because people don't, uh. Ooh.


Ooh. Luca, he's.


He's having a quarter, bro.


I knew.


I feel like people are just right cross.




That's him. Oh, gotta hit. That should be his shot. I feel like people are just caught up in what, like, the narrative. Like, they just know, like, I think, like, you. You ask people around the bar stool office who don't necessarily watch basketball, it's not their number one or number two sport. Jlo other Jalen Williams. I feel like they don't. I feel like they're just like, oh, he's the best player in the world. And they don't necessarily think about it or they're not basing it on, like, the plays they've watched this season. And I guess Oklahoma City is not necessarily a major market.


That's not a foul. That's not a foul. That's not a foul. Is it a way we can get, like, fans to kind of join. Join us on here together?




Hey, man, if y'all want to hop in the chat, join me in. Wrong, man. Give you a question or two to ask, man, can we do that?


But we can also read the questions off the bottom.


Now, I want to see they face the face gives it a little better interaction, if you kind of know what I mean.


Yeah, but then you invite people to be, uh. Well, I guess it's YouTube, because we'll find you if you say some crazy shit.


I mean, you feel me? Like, that's all right. I don't think they will say too much crazy stuff.


We can't do that. We can't do that, says the voice from the sky. We're gonna have to read them from the comments.


Okay, well, give us a. Give us a question. Don't give us the basic questions. Give us a good question that we can go back, kind of get you guys some answers to get some good questions. What do you think about any sons? Fire Vogue? Well, that's a great question. Uh, mo dizzle my. Okay, say less. Um, didn't see it coming, but saw it coming. If they hired Boonehoser does not go. This thing won't be that bad because you're hiring a championship coach.


You're firing a championship coach.


I mean, I would say tough, but with that team put together, you have to win. Like, you have to. That team was put together to win. But Frank Vogel's team, his teams are usually good with, like, athletic centers and no discredit to Nurkic. They, like, Frank Vogel's system is built off defense. So he needs, like, a rent protecting big. And their team didn't have a lot of defense, so, like, coach didn't kind of fit with the team they had, too, so.


So you think they need somebody like a Deandre Ayton?


I mean, he wouldn't be bad for that team.


He was just on them.


Yeah. You know, he wouldn't be bad for that team, you know, but, like, it's just Nurkic is hard. No rim protection. You know, they got three guys who kind of need the ball. Hence, Grayson Allen was hurt, though. You know, he was shooting the piss out the ball down there 50%. So would she be this good if he stayed with the clip? Hell, yeah. That boy was destined for great. It's in his blood.


But what do you get the touches?


Hell, yeah, we got. I think we would have potentially had a chance to compete for chip, but.


Like, what if Harden, Paul George, Kawhi.


They wouldn't have been there. It would have been. So we made the trade for Shae, for Paul George. Well, it wouldn't have been Paul George. It would have been me, Shay, gal at the time, sham at the time, Kawhi at the time, Jamaica Green at the time, tres at the time, Lou at the time, you know, so it would have been, it just would have been a different team then you able to go get another free agent during that time, too. So it just been a different team.


Ooh, ooh, oh, here's another one. Here's another one. I'm ready with the question.


Whenever do you think LeBron James can win the Lakers another championship? I'm not the person to bet against LeBron James. He's proven that he's a bad bet, that, you know, the minute you say he can't do some shit, he do some shit. So, like, I ain't the one to bet it, bet against him. I think if you got LeBron James on your team, you give yourself chances to win a ton of games. You know, I don't know if that looks like championship. I don't know if that looks like playoff games. I don't know how that looks. But you get bronze for an entire season, you put yourself in a position with a ton of games. Oh, my good. You see that live from half court over the head.


He disgusting.


What do you say to somebody young at home is right now? That's a good one. I like that. When you never down, you never down. And when you up, you really knock that up. So just stay the course, right? I don't, obviously, I don't know how that looks. I ain't never been homeless before. You know, I've been very fortunate, but, like, but I've learned during good times and bad times. If it's bad times, something good gonna happen. If it's going good, I ain't saying something bad gonna happen, but just be present and enjoy it at the time, because things can switch, you know? So finding your faith, whatever God you believe in, I think that's important. I think having people around you that, you know, that love you and that you love back are important. So I think a mix of everything. That's a hell of a question. So I have a question. What did you say to somebody who home is wrong?


Um, I think that you got to make a plan for and take everything one moment at a time and live in the future, not in the past, because maybe if you live in the past, you start getting angry about what led you to this situation, and there's always a way out. There's definitely a billion success stories of people who are at the very, very bottom and who made their way up to the top. So why can't you be one of those success stories? I don't know. Maybe that's bad advice. They said, how would you defend Brunson.


Physicality stay down on pump face. Low swipe. When you go pick and roll. Don't get rejected from the pick and roll because he likes to, you know, he likes to set you up. Okay, pick up and go the other way. I think that denying him the ball. Denying the ball as much as possible. As much as possible. Making them defend. And I think you do all that, it's still gonna be tough because he's a. He's such a good player. But that's. That's. That's what I do. That's definitely what I do. Put him in. A lot happens offensively.


What happens when you're physical with him and he starts hitting you with the flop?


Oh, yeah. But they. They can't call it all game. That's the way you do it. Oh, float. Float. Good float.


Float. Six.


I got top five. Float in the NBA.


Who else would you give it? Starting five. Top five. Float. Float game. Shay's gotta be in there, right?


I'm going, Kyrie. Kyrie in there.


Okay, give me your top five. What do I know?


Okay, I go, Kyrie in there. Float. I go.


You're definitely top five. Hook shot.


That was tough.


Take over then.


Who else got a good flow? Oh, Trey Young got great float. Trey Young for showing there.


Trey young great float.


Steph Curry got good float.


I mean, Lucas got a good float. Brunson's got a good float.


I'm trying to see a big. That has a good float.


LeBron James.


Harlestein got good float.


Yeah, he's like this little bunny like, little push shot, shot put floater.


He got good flow dancing. Got 16 in the first. Good. God almighty, let him cook.


But then, I mean, Shea was just going back and forth with him. Go back to Shay.


Speaking of flow, everybody float.


Yeah, big man. There's a big man with float. Jokic has a good float.


Joking. Do got good float is the wolves winning championship. That's what it looks like, boys.


But can't be prisoner of the moment, though. But they do look great.


I'm going to the game tomorrow.




Gotta be in Mindy. Damn.


16 ounce Minnesota.


I'm in Minnesota tomorrow. Put your little I love papa shirts on them. I'm signing everything.


Free pep ass shirts.


No, no, no. We don't want no negativity. I'm signing everything. Everything. Little kids belly buttons and everything. Foreheads, everything. Forearms, everything. I'm signing everything.


No little kids belly buttons, everything.


If it's. If you can make one change in the league, what would it be? Pay to pay. Pay the role players, more money. Because we see this playoffs is number about. About all role players, right? Guys stepping up. You know, guys, I hurt. You know, I'm saying guys are playing well. Role players stepping up. Looking at guy. I'm looking at gaffer right now. Stepped up. Role player role play, obviously, you know. You know, me with the Milwaukee and the Milwaukee series, role player. The Nim hearts, the open top, the TJ McConnell's, you know, saying Josh Harts, you know, I'm sorry.


Like, precious achille has to step up like, random dudes.


So. So, yeah, I think. I think this the year to, you know, the role players now. I just hope this summer, role players get. Get paid for it, too, because you see, like, right situation, right team, right role players. You can win a ton of games.


Here's my question. Here's. Here's my question. Let me ask you one. If you're building a super or if you're building a team right now, would you try to go the super team route and get, like, three stars and just try and fill it out, or would you try to get, like, two stars and really get the best? Right role players?


I mean, you gotta. Oh, check. No. Oh, no, no, Chet.




No, Chet.


Was that a three? That wasn't a three, Arkansas. I thought that was a two. That was definitely a two. Right?


That was tough. I'm talking stuff and rough with my afro puff.


Who's your barber, bro?


Hey, babe. Turn on the man down the light.


Pat, would you be first team or second team? All pro defense in the NFL.


Early in my career, I'll be first, and I'll merge to second. What you think about what, uh, what Austin river said? I mean, people understood him.


Oh, that looks tough.


You like that? I do look tough. Come say what's up? Come on. What's up? Come here, babe. I look like Schnett. Say hello.




Hi, guys.


Hi, Ron. Hi, Miss Mandana. How are you?


Good, thank you.


How are you? I'm very good. Thank you so much.


What are you rooting for?


I'm rooting for the Oklahoma City Thunder right now, but overall, I'm rooting for the Minnesota Timberwolves. How about you?


I think Minnesota and maps.


Okay. I like that.


She don't like anything that I played for before. That's winning. Yeah.


So let's do maps, because I have.


A lot of friends in Dallas, so.


I want them to be happy. That's a good. That's a good reason.




Love you. Lovely. What a life.


And listen, I'm gonna tell you like. So when you're in the NBA, right, and you got long disrelation where you know you or you know you play in one city, but you live in another city, right? As soon as the gang was done, I felt my girl like, all right, now bring your ass to LA now. It's taking you so long.




Oh, my ass. Like back pockets. Wrong.


Yeah. Rightfully so.


Rightfully so. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.


She loves you. She loves you. Your girl can't love you.


Is that a plane? It better be you.


Yeah. Every plane that goes by lax waiting.


No. So it's good. Love. Always love, but, yeah. We going to mini tomorrow, man. I'm going mini tomorrow.


How you getting there, boat? Damn. Floating up the river. Best of all time. I just didn't know if you're flying private up there.


I mean, Bobby up there.


Not with the way that they're throwing out fines now.


I'm cool. I'm say that bread.


Save that, bro. Plus the lie down seats. How was that flight from Milwaukee?


Who did you go for? For defensive. I gave the Rudy this year. Yeah, go bur this year for show.


They got all the awards. Six, man.


A wrong man. We said this last year, but I'm gonna get to say it again. I get to get some old paper.




Ron. I get that. I get to get some old paper.


You tell me that you're gonna get another contract. Yeah, no, 100% now. I'm just wary of everybody being like, you're fucking. You're just a yes man, but, yeah, dude, I agree. You're definitely getting some more paper.


They said that? Double. Double that. 13 and twelve. Only four people did that wrong. John Stockton, Chris Paul, Steph Curry, pat bear.


Wow. Four hall of famers.


35 and up. There's only a couple of people that did. Oh, right hand, righty, righty. Can't block the righty righty guy. Oh, hit me in my head. Rap. Come on, call it, call it. I'm no, I'm no, I'm. No. Get back. Get back to back. Kyrie.


Oh, I just. I just saw Josh giddy tuck his hair behind his ear in the middle of a play. Come on, Josh, focus up.


They need some hardaway. Some hardaway. Gotta play better. Oh, good D, Kyle. You ain't gonna do nothing crazy with it.


Oh, hi. Off the glass. High off the glass. What a great story Dante exim is. Who would have thought Dante Exim has a better NBA career than Ben Simmons.


Relax. Don't go too far. Relax.


What's Ben Simmons, like, done the last couple years.


Good deed. You're back. Transition. Transition. Easy offense. Once he like going left. This Williams kid, like going left. He's like going left. Oh, excellent. You got to get that, man. What's wrong with you?


Yeah, bro. Williams is sick, dude. Was he drafted the same year as Chet?


Might have been.


I saw a redraft where they said that they would take Williams over Chet in that draft. I was like, what are you talking about? You can't redraft after, like a year and a half.


Yeah, that's the travel, buddy. You can't do that.


Can't do that. How do you feel about the reps officiating so far in this year's NBA playoffs as Dante Villa?


He leads.






That's not what Rick Carlisle said. You think Rick Carlisle was bitching?


No. Oh. 2020. Oh. Same move.


He has no legs.




What do you think about what Carlisle said?


What do you say?


He was crying after the game?


No, man, he's the head. He's the head of the coaches association. He can do that.


Yeah, but after you lose a game and you put it all on the officials, does that teach your team the right things about accountability?


Yeah. I mean, if they were wrong, they're.


Wrong, but that's what changed everything in the game. They didn't lose by one call.


I know. 78 missed calls. And 78 missed calls, though, buddy.


So then. So how can you say that the officials have been doing a great job. Either he's wrong or the officials haven't been doing a great job.


I mean. I mean, the officials have been doing a great job, but, Lisa, ain't 78 calls to every game, every series. You know, I watch how they officiate. That nuggets. Uh, the Nuggets, uh, timber wolves game. That's great officiating. Don't kick up. Don't kick out Murray. Don't kick out Malone after you get in the ref face. That's great officiating, man. Let these boys play. We want to see product on the floor, man. Not in the locker room, not at home. No suspense, man.


No suspensions. They just ask who's the best four in the league.


The best four in the league.


That's tough because a lot of guys, he's not a three.


No, he a foe. Now.


What about when they go small ball? He's not a 5.4. Who else is in the conversation? Uh, Sabonis. Cat.




Like, these guys are fours because the circumstances, or, like, sybonis would be a four. But he's forced to be a five. Cat is a five, but he's, like, forced to be a four.


You know what I'm saying? I hear you. I hear you on the phone on live. No, no, no. I'm just saying, you know, I'm just on the lab.


It says Pat. Hey, Pat bever. You're a fan of parmesan?






I got a crib in Tuscany, Italy, man.


Well, I saw gal at the airport. He said he's giving me one child.


The gal, my man gal gave me crib in Tuscany for free.


Shout out to gal. Wait. They say, what do you think about big baby going to prison? You see that video? He got a great attitude.


Oh, fan from halfcourt. I love this. I love when a fans hit the half court shot. Oh, how much you win? 20 bands. Get it? Pay that man.


Hey, that look like me.


Done that, too.


He looked like me for real.


Doesn't look like you.


Wrong, that. No, the half court shot swishing did.


Okay, play the clip. Hey, I owe you some money, huh?


No, no. You gave me a birthday present. You don't owe me anything. You bought yourself out of that bet. You blessed to be stressed.


Let everybody know.


Great birthday present. It's still in Chicago, but great birthday present.


One more. I need another beer. Get on the floor, Luca. I better shoot it. I bet he shoot it. I bet he shoot it. You get steal. You can't bet. We can't bet. We can't bet.


Well, not bet, but like I believe. Oh, he really wants to, though, huh? Switch defenders. He just really. You dribbled for.


That's better for him.




He got to play better for them. They need some hardaway junior, this series.


Yeah, totally. They need a third. They need, like, a clear defined third guy. CJ Washington, though.




Could be a third.


That's a screen lively. No? Are they. They won't all they. They. Giddy's a show. Come on, Giddy. You gotta guard somebody tonight, Giddy. You gotta guard somebody tonight, Giddy. They go in Giddy.


They're going at him.


Right at him.


How many points does he have? How many points does he have? He was, his over under was eight and a half points, and the under was that.


Oh, come on, Tim. Oh, it going right at Giddy. Going right at Giddy. Go at Giddy. They going at Giddy, man. And they put center on them. Put center on Giddy.


Getty. Light four points. Very light.


Giddy. Shoot the trade trek. Give me that. I like that lively kid. They say Drake or Kendrick.


That means Kendrick. No brother gonna cook you. They not like us. They not like us.




Shay was certified level, boy.


Pick a roll.


He's nice.






Oh, he is nice. Dunk some.


That Kendrick song is the. Is the best. Everybody saying the Drake song is the best of the family. Whatever. That's the best one. I think that Kendrick song is the best of the. Of the back and forth. But what do you think about using fake information in a rap beef?


I like that. Do your homework.


No, but what if it's fake?


Do your homework. Snatch pose. You hit eight of them. Hit nine.


See, if he's the third best player, they're all right too. He has a capability.


And he garn shape.




All corner threes. The best on the NBA. Corner three. Come on, Shay, bump.


He has no legs. What was it like playing with gate with Dame? Asks Mike Clamar. Ooh. Luca. Penny wants to foul, and Morris is pissed. Morris is lighting him up.


Snatch, post kick, trade ball trader. Call her.


They said. What was it like playing with Dame?


Oh, damn cool. Damn cool.


You see what Jay Crowder put on his instagram story?


New chapter.


What's that mean?


I know. I called him after he put it.


What do you say?


One plus one is true. You know, a new chapter mean. You don't mean the old chapter.


I could do math.


Come, everybody. Say what's up to the gang.


Hey, there's that tough dog. Guard dog. What's up, guard dog? We must protect this house. We must protect ac.


Say what up, buddy?


Ace. Ace, you look wise. You're a wise dog, ac.


You good, ac? On the dope. Good job, you little canine.


What Chicago rapper do you fuck with, Dex La Capone and young Pappy is top three. Dan, they're plugged in.


I know a couple that's down the ride for five. If it's drama time, pull up, nigga. With the llama's family, little brothers all traumatized. 150. I'm really with it. So if I forget it, I'm man in my mind, my side of town. If I see it, if I get, I hit it.


Say less. Say less. You see that chief keef interview? Like grown up chief Keef. He just came out with the interview today with, uh. They love me.


Shout out to chief key.


Bro. He's 29 now. He was 16.


That's that. I don't like, bang, bang up this. Uh. That's that. I don't like, don't like, don't like us. I don't like, don't like I hit.


Someone with that in a rap battle one time, a british dude. I was like, little bitch boy. I said, little bit boy. That's that shit. I don't like little rich boy. That's that shit. I don't like cookies. Yeah, she made cookies.


You made Simon, you made salmon?




You make salmon? I never heard you make no salmon. What is chef at, man?


Hey, bro, why does Kyrie only have three points?


I mean, they win it, so it doesn't matter.


Meanwhile, Luca has 18, six and five. Kyrie's got three. One, three.


No matter, as long as you win it. That's the only thing that matter in the playoffs is them dubs. I pull up on dubs, hop up out the whip, and I enter the club. Mommy's on each side. I mean, Shay came to the game all brown leather outfit on.


Looked like he was dipped in caramel.


You got a pressure. That Kyrie dorking dribble got pressure that right. See? Play good. Play that car. I'm telling that that coach, okay, see, he loved that backdoor action. He loved him some backdoors. Back, cuz. Backdoors.


But, uh. Okay, Joe's like he's a video game.


Roll, roll.


I don't play two k, but I bet 2020. I want the chat to say where they want pat to play next year. Fire it off in that chat.


Go ahead, say it.


Say where you want pat to play. Chicago Bears. No, Cavs. Cleveland. Milwaukee. Okay.


Milwaukee. I love planet Milwaukee. It was cool, man. Good vibe. City.




Chill, man.


Come back to Houston. They say come back to Houston. H. Lakers. Lakers. Who's Lakers, new coach?


Talu or JJ? Huh? I gotta see what shoes I'm wearing next year. I think I'm gonna go to the AE's.




I think I'm go to the MA's next year, man.


Yeah. Edwards.




Sons need a son.


Need a point guard.




Okay. Body spin. Move. Step through. Foul.


Foul. I need more to write a. Write a sorry and sign you back. They want you back in Philly. They're saying Philly. Another ball. What up, bowl? Philly only has four dudes under. Under contract, maybe less root, bro. Isaiah. Joe, video game player. The Dubs, they want you on the warriors. Time to come home to Miami, they say. Another one for Miami Heat. Another one for Miami. Three straight Miamis. Milwaukee. Milwaukee's fighting back pacers. That will be interesting. Miami again. Another Miami. Toronto.




Phoenix. Another one for Phoenix. Another one for the doves. Warriors, New York Knicks or cash.


My girl want me to put.


Why dangerous there another one for DC.


That's a. That's a hell of a plane ride. That's 6 hours you talking about? Hell no. 6 hours, baby. They come get that, come get that chaching. You go want that blab bling.


More. Milwaukee. Milwaukee.


We gonna be in milwaukee next year, man.


You think so?




Chicago needs you. It says that's how the pretty definitive coming from you.




I saw Frank tank trying to say gildas Alexander. That name was whipping his ass. But I don't think he's ever said it out loud before. Which makes you think, does he, does he watch basketball? Spurs with wemby.


Wendy, you tell me another guy that was in the runner for this defensive player of the year.


Okay, see. Wow. Okay, see, would be interesting.


Dan was having a conversation. Wendy might. Me, Wendy might have had the best season a player has had. Makes it next year. Might be the best player in NBA next year.




Average three blocks.


Shoots three ball, seven three dunks. Like monstar is monster. Wow. He actually might be Monstar. And why didn't be? Give him a 70 bag. What does that make MB then?


Wrong. Boy, I was shaking in my boots. Boy, I was shaking in my boots wrong. I thought they was gonna throw me the book, Ron. I was shaking in my boots wrong. I know how this is gonna turn out, Ron, I ain't gonna lie to you. I was scared. Yeah, me, I was scared.


What was worst case?


Ain't no worst case. Get that out of here.


Oh, he hurt his finger.


What you'll do? Slow down.


Oh, double Luca, he said, I'm fine. Said I can't catch ball. Fingers hurt bad.


A possession starts bad, it ends bad. A possession that starts bad ends bad.


So. And here you go.


Session that starts bad, it ends bad. Let's see how this possession starts.


Okay, who said that? Who gave you that wisdom?


Uh, nurse. Okay, got the switch.


Wow, that's great wisdom. It was a good look.


Great look. Any corner three is a great look. Kids get corner threes. Let them fly, star. Good and good.


Wow. Start good and good. If wendy gets a good point guard, he could be the best player next season. No doubt.


No doubt. My homie mike, he keep crying about his gal.


Whenever they shoot that corner three, you got to close out, right? Went to the NBA, kept him off the dope route. Fans talking shit right out of their own mouth. 70 year old fan pouring nonsense out his old spout.


Right. They hate so much, they should turn a clone out.


And even if they did, I know that I won't pout.




But remember, you can't get fed with the closed mouth.


Oh my goodness, you're going crazy.


That's just how it goes when you're in Rome's house.


Hey, relax, relax. No doubt, relax. Is the NASA's okay? I talked to tenacious today. He's great. Two thumbs up. Prayers. Godspeed, thanassis. For real.


What happened to Crody man.


Say torn Achilles man when he was working out, you know, he only work out, you know, he didn't. He felt like he didn't play during the season. So, you know, he working out, getting ready for national team.


Oh, he's on greek team for us.


Yeah. Good possession.


Swing. Swing. Wow.


Possession starts good, ends, good, starts bad. Uh oh. Twain snatch.


That's a foul. That's a foul. They're fouling offensive. No, no, they're wrong. 48 has it on. Yeah, 48 taught. Yeah, they got the avengers of refs in here right now.


Three hell of a referees though.


Yeah, those are the avengers of refs right now.


James it Scott. That's a great fucking game.


Yeah, those are three studs right there. I like how you can get three good ass refs like in the NFL. Like people only really know the main ref. But here you can get, you have an all star game of refs. I don't know, could have gone either way. What do you think?


1St 1st file is on shape. That's a foul. All day.


These rest do not play offseason.


We smoking on.


We're definitely drinking Bombay.


Okay. Smoking hookah all day.


Sitting at home like LeBron James. Oh, listen into some Kanye. Oh, trying to find a Beyonce.


Oh, got her already.


Let's go.


Spin move, cow. Twink, twing.


Eric White said bbl drizzy. Oh my God, is he knocked out? Oh my God.


Boy lacrosse laughing down here though.


Yeah. What? Cartoon knocked out. Damn bro. Get the medical staff out there. He looked like he cracked his head. Oh no. Stop showing that, bro. That's a concussion. There's no doubt that's a concussion.


I like chat.


I love chat.


He up next. If this is baseball, they'll say boys on deck.


And he swings for through. That boy will not check.


Big form, nice hair, long neck.


You try to dm up, I guarantee you're a hot mess.


I'm in the pot stress.


But a dollar will not stretch.


It will not.


Man, what a shot. A pure shot that he has. Pure.


Step back up.


You think that Wemby is better his rookie year than LeBron James was his rookie year.


No. Yes. Yes. Got a block?


Print that. Send that over to you.


Flavor Flav. No clock.


Time is linear, though. That shit won't stop.


Oh, I'm getting wild. Call me mankind. No socks. This shit won't stop.


Bros coaching up the youngins. No pop run up in your home. No stop. Bars.


Bars. We really got bars, though.


Where else do they get it?


Like a mike. Hop back in. We've been going live for our hop in real quick. Let us know some data. How many fans been on? Let us know something.


Millions of fans before right now, right? Millions.


We have what, a million?


Now there's 400.


That's it. 400 people.


400 at a time.




Hundreds and hundreds of comments. Keep them coming, gang.






That's my boy Mike.




Nice face. Little pipe.




Don'T sleep because I'm white.


I just got a comment on Twitter. It says, please pat bev, please ditch. Eight mile. You're a professional. We grew up about 2 hours from each other. So I know you know the saying that if you lay with dogs, then you gonna get fleas. Sir, you're looking itchy. And your sidekick eight mile is profiting off your image while dragging you down. Says username. No, bro, I can't put Jacob Martin on blast like that.


Tell me his username.


Jacob Martin. 49. I can't put him on blast like that. I'm not going to do it.


I didn't hear you. We say Jacob who?


Jacob Martin. You know, 49. 49. Nine.


And I ain't talking about the liners. I'm talking about the state with the mashed potatoes from the outside room diner.


Oh, but this man bitching sounds like he's got a vagina.


Chill, chill.


I'm chill. I'm fucking posted up in all designer. Oh, lean back in my recliner. Oh, trying to strike a cord. And it's maybe a minor. Yeah, bbl drizzy.


Hey, my boy Tyler in the back.


There's Tyler. Shout out to the producers. Working tirelessly, the boys are at Milwaukee, but where are they going to be, though? To Cali Galley. You hit him with the California love, which is Tupac. They hit you with.


That's my favorite reference.


They hit you with a biggie. Scott Foster. That's our favorite.


Hey, we're in the playoffs. I think I snatched ball from Obi top. I get tapped. I think the same play happened during the second half of Siaka. I snatched ball again. Scott could walk up to me. Hey, man, you do that shit again, I'm gonna give you a tech I mean, Scott. I ain't trying to hit that shit, man. I don't want no motherfucker tech. I smile at him, smack him on ass. Well, you Scotty. Love you too bad. So maybe give you a tech, though.


I get Scott Foster on the pod. Yeah, you said, I don't want a tech.


It's my favorite ref, though. I love Scott Paul. Literally, my favorite rep. He said, I don't like Scott Boston.


Yo, can the chat. Drop some?


Why you got the knife in your hand?


Who should we get us? Some guests.


I was water bottle.


Mike. You are tough. Says Derek Brashers.


Rough. And your afro puff.


But he puts from the rough.




All right, Josie, go back to sleep. Go back to sleep. Sorry, girl. These guys can't be dunking like this. I woke my freaking dog up. Josie, Chris Middleton Giannis. These are guests that they want. Josh giddy as a guest. No, bro, this isn't the freaking middle school. Maxi. Maxi would be great. Ooh.


Hey, they. They go make this at the buzzer watch.


Oh, he had that two buzzer beaters. Would have been crazy. Finesses has a guess. What do you think, Pat? I think he's frozen. He's frozen.


No, I'm not frozen. Prayers up to tenacious. Ta get well, ga get well.


Embiid Scotty wade prevail, baby. El drizzy. Dwight Howard as guest.


Oh, yeah. Let's get the white on.




Dwight who?


The book or LeBron? We staying on? I'm about to put this on my instagram.


Yeah, we good? Half time ago. We've been going for an hour.


So we're good or stay for second half?


We've been going for our. If the gang. If the gang get. Wow. We'll hop back on four.


All right. Hey, love gang, if you know what I mean. We will be back. If we're not back for the fourth, we'll be back on Sunday night for the games. Streaming Logan free the guy cheers.