Transcribe your podcast

I said, Stewart, you want to fight me? He said, Backstreet. I hit with the bow, but then the episode today I made it look like I tried to kill him with the elbow. I'm throwing bow trying to see, okay, where the fuck was Scrain coming from? That's how you run anyway. I knew he was going to retaliate like that because I said, whatever. I knew he was going to hit me, boom, sold it, everything cool. Something happened after the game. I ain't going to say what? What? Say somebody was looking for me. What? I said somebody was looking for me. I'm like, okay, who? They tell me. Okay, instantly. I go right to Instagram, find a message, send my number. I'm not hard to find. I'm local. I'm here. I know you all get in town in a couple of days. I'm there too. Let me know. So you're a heat seeking missile player. No, I ain't a heat seeking, but whatever. So come out game. He warmed up. Heard you was looking for me. What was his response? None. No response. I wasn't looking for you. Jabbat, jabbat, jabbat, jabbat. That's what I heard.


Everybody want to be so tough and gangster. I'm with it. I'm with all that shit.