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What's up, my brother?


How are you?


I'm magnificent. Wait, I don't have... Dude, I got to go get my McChicken.


I'm locked in. The McCrispy.


You got the spicy McCrispy on you?


Yeah, ain't no McChicken, no McCrispy.


Wait, let me go get my McCrispy. I'll be right back. Hold up, hold up. Talk to the people for a second.


Yeah, I'm going to talk to them real quick as the McCrispy, the spicy McCrispy. I have a golden bun. When you bite it to me, it sounds like this. It sounds great. Get you a spicy Ms. Crispy today at a store near you. The McCrispy.


Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.


Got you. Okay, Carl, in the towns. Oh, give me that shit. Jump ball. Good call, Scott. Good call, Scott. Jump ball. Hell of a call. 81:66, six minutes ago, third quarter. We got a ball game.


This right here is a ball game. Also, real ones know about that McCrispy. Taste for yourself today. Don't play yourself. Get a McCrispy today.


Get a McCrispy right now. Every time you leave, you come back with something from McDonald's. You're about to come back with a McFlurry?


Maybe some French fries? No, dude. I don't do it the way the French do. All I need is this McCrispy. It's different. It's different and it's delicious.


Who you got winning the Tomball?


I got Minnesota winning it.


Okay, let's see. Next make, three-point or layup.


I'm saying midi. Let's go midi. It'll be my guess.


That's a midi. Oh, my goodness. That's a middy. 8168 Denver, looking to tie the series.


Yeah. And we talked about how people just overreact after two games. How was it? You went to Minnesota?


No, I didn't go. I ended up standing on Cali.


Got it.


That's tough.


But yeah, people overreact after just a couple of games, and they jump out the old window.


Most of our real the ones they like when we commentate the game. So I'm going to stick to straight commentary this game.


I'll be doing the other type of commentary.


Cool. Here we go. See, for basketball minds, the adjustment that Denver has made is play harder. I don't think it's anything of any special schemes or anything new they're doing. They literally come in and just play harder, defend better, rebound it better, just be better in what we've been doing all year.


Obviously- But they're not the Adverse, though.


I mean, they send a couple of guys to Ant when he goes ISO, But other than that, they're playing extremely hard. They got Aaron Gord bringing up the ball offensively, especially when Jokuj is out, and he making the right play. He's been big for them. Holidays been big for him tonight. I think he hit three threes. He's been big for him tonight. I like the way he's been playing.


Oh, my God. This is such an important game. It's such a big difference between 3-1 and 2-2. It's obvious, but Great move. By Ant?


Yeah, by Ant. But you see, they're playing a one-on-one. They got Aaron Gordon on them.


That's not right. If he could take over the game and bring them back right here, that's legacy.


That's a foul. I look like a little chicken wing.


I prefer Yeah, crispy, honestly.


Okay. Oh, war. It's a good defensive possession. Got to rebound it. I like the way Aaron Gordon is playing. In order for him to win this series, he has to be a facilitator. He has to be a scorer. And what I mean by that, I mean at least 14 to 17 a game. He has to take the pressure. He has to bring up the ball. I like the way he's adjusting his game after the first two games. That's coaching, though. That's all coaching. You got to give Mike Malone his credit.


What about his defense, though? He's guard by Anthony Edwards.


Yeah, he's guard them. He's making it tough for him, but it's hard to guard a player like Anthony Edwards. He's going to get to where he want to get to anyway, regardless of his physicality and size. But he's making it tough for him for sure.


I guess my question is, is it realistic to expect Select 17 from him if he has to put in 35 minutes of chasing around? You got to?


They got to, man. It's a play off, trying to win another championship. You got to do what you got to do. You got to do more. You got to get out your comfort zone whenever you're comfort zone is. Maybe during the season, you was a defensive player. When you get to the play off with certain players, maybe we need you to play offense, too. We need you to do more. And I think he's one of those guys who likes scoring anyway, so I don't think that's a... I think that's an added bonus for him.


He's a skilled basketball player. I mean, he was a lottery pick.


He came a long way. That was a great pickup by them.


No, great pickup by them. Great.


Big target. Jokers could dive to him. Great target. I mean, great pick up.


Where are you right now?




Four and you?




I love it out there. I should come out and see you sometime soon, maybe tomorrow.


I mean, we got to see if we get a guest first. We get a guest, in-house guest, Calleigh. Yeah, I want you to come up. We got zone. We might as well just have you go to the office and do it.


Brother, I got my plane ticket. I already have my ship booked.


Okay. Well, we'll talk after the vibe.


Fair enough. But yeah, I'm booked and and ready to go. You say the word. I mean, I got to... I moved to 2:00 and 9:00 AM, so we have a little bit extra time from 8:00 AM. Who's this? Happy Mother's Day. Oh, the champagne. Happy Mother's Day. Wow, what a celebration. Is that a seafood tower?


What's up? That's the seafood. Look at Maya, hey. My little sister, hey. She hate because she couldn't compete this year. She couldn't compete.


Oh, no. Is she healed up?




The Seafood Tower. That's next level.


Happy Mother's Day, Quint. Love you. Love you. It's fine.




Love you, Mama. Mama, you're the queen of my heart.


What's the best song about a mom that you could play on Mother's Day?


Tupac, Dear Mama.


You all appreciate it.


You all appreciate it. Peeps in between, these old kicked out on the streets. Back in the time, I never thought I'd see a place. Ain't a woman alive that could take my mama's place. Spending some school. I'm scared to go home. I was a fool with the drop out, breaking all the rules. I shared tears with my baby sister. Over the years, we were born ordinary little kids. And even though we had different daddies, the same drama of things went wrong, we blamed mama. I'm reminiscing the stress I caused. There was hell, Hugging on my mama from a jail cell. Yeah, PAC.


PAC. That was the only answer, honestly.




What are some other good ones? Brandi Carlyle had a good song, but it was more about her daughter about having a child instead of being... That's something about the mom.


What about Indiana Pacers?


They're hooping right now.


Oh, my goodness. Good brand of basketball, too.


And they're talking their shit.


Yeah, good brand of basketball they playing right now.


Nothing like winning to bring some shit talking out of them.


Hey, man, if JJ ready to get that Lakers' culture I'm going to be so happy for him.


Will there be a domino effect where podcasters like me and you will start getting head coaching jobs?


No, I don't think you. What? Yeah, I don't think you.




I don't think his guy got a assistant job with him.


You didn't see that Tommy Alter is now in the discussion for the Phoenix Suns job?


Oh, this is green. Get that shit out of here. Advanced it. Advanced. Uh-oh. A possession that starts good ends good, and a possession that starts bad ends bad. You should have advanced it. Let's see what happens. No advancement ends bad. That's how it is with basketball. Start It's bad, it ends bad. Let's see what Minnesota do. They push it up with pace. Okay.


I'd say no.


But no, it doesn't matter. You got to start your offense by 17, 18. Started by 17. Starts good.


If you miss a shot, you miss a shot.


Not good enough. Here we go. Transition. Let's see if this one starts good. First pass out of it is what? Isoball? Okay, let's see what it started at. Starts now.


What do you think the chances are that LeBron is with another team next year?


You never know with him, right? He's one of those guys you never know. Years that you think he would leave, he doesn't leave in years that you think he'll stay. I'm going to go to the state. You never know with him.


It would be so cold if they sign JJ Redick. Those two have a podcast together, and then he goes to another team. So I can't see it.


I see what you mean.


You know what I mean?


I see what you mean. Who's the dude? J. J. Played an NBA, though, wrong.


He knows it's a business.


He played an NBA, though, wrong.


What do you mean by that?


You haven't played an NBA. I don't think he played basketball in high school or grade school.


I wasn't talking about that. I was saying that- No, I'm just saying that's one of the reasons why he's a candidate also.


He's played in the NBA.


Damn. So anybody that played in the NBA So there's a chance that- Get moved to the front of the line. Greg Oden could be a coach because he played in the NBA.


I think he's assistant coach somewhere.


Or like Latrell Sprewell or Delante West, they could be in line.




I'm just going by your logic. I was talking about something- Don't be an asshole, though.


You name it all. Come on, man.


I was talking about something completely different. I was talking about the fact that they're going to be together. I wasn't talking about our situation. I was talking about the fact that they're going to be... If they hire JJ Redick, it's a canary in the coal mine that LeBron is going to stay in LA. That's my point. I wasn't talking about me being an NBA coach, even though I think I'd be a master motivator. But I'd rather be a chaplain and just talk to the men and get right with them.


Say that.


Who's the guy, the Minnesota assistant that got interviewed for that job?


The coach that's coaching now?


I don't know anything about him.


He's great. Voice is great. It goes down to court. He knows all the plays. He does most of the scouts. And And I'm going to emphasize voice echoing because on a basketball court, there's some coaches that you don't hear, and there's some coaches that you hear all the time. He's one of those coaches that you hear all the time. His voice echoes. Pee B, they doing this? He knows all the players. They doing this? Pee B, they doing this? They doing this? They doing this? Great coach. Great coach. So I'm happy to see him get some recognition, if I'm being honest. See, I like what they're doing at the end. I like what Denver doing at the end, getting the ball out of his hand, not letting him play ISO. Not letting him play ISO. We're switching one through five. We double-tape and we scram. We're active. Got to rebound it. Got to rebound it. Got to rebound it. Got to rebound it.


Can they switch more without Joker in?


They're switching more with Joker out.


Yeah, that's what I was asking. Need to see a big second half from Cat or fourth quarter, specifically. What do you have, six points in the first half?


Yeah, he got his hands full.




But got to do more, so what? See how they double 10? Oh, my God. Yeah, you're way before me. Damn. That look like, say that. I ain't going to say it.


It looks exactly like him. What? That was signature. That was a signature play. Two hands? What the fuck was What's that, dude? He walked through the air. I don't react anymore, but oh, my God. I need to see the replay.


They got to slow it down. They do a replay, they got to slow the dunk down.


Yeah, I want to see that NBA Street Style, volume two. What was the NBA Live where they had the dunk contest?


36 is OD though. Five trades, five for seven. My bad, fellows, I got to be better and I will.


There. That's OD. What do you think about the latest in this football, basketball, all this shit? I mean- You have an opinion on it?


Yeah, so quick story. Give us a second. Quick story. I played football before.


What position?


I played football before. The first time I played, I played wide receiver. I go out there, make a catch, get hit, And I couldn't hit him. Got hit, didn't like the hit. Take off helmet. Take off shoulder pads. Come on, Mom. Time to go home. I don't like this guy.


In the middle of the game?


Middle of the game. Don't like this guy. I don't like this guy. I don't like this. So one of the coaches told, How about we try you at a different position? I'm like, Man, people just hit me like, I don't like this. He said, How about we try you in a different position? We'll put you on defense, defensive back. Love that. So my experience was different. My first time I was by a receiver, I got cracked all up. No, I don't like that. But my second time I played with defensive back, and I love that. The game was so slow. I was catching interceptions. I was running them back. You feel me? I felt like the wind was with me, then against me. I felt groovy. Those were my two experiences.


But William said that there's pussies in both sports.


Yeah, I just think when it comes to, when football players mention a flopping, I think guys are I flop, but I don't flop because I'm soft. I flop because sometimes it's an advantage. So if it's a gray area in the game and you can use it to your advantage, I think everyone does that.


Like, guys air out the ball.


It will never be air taking out the ball if you play. You know what I'm saying? So guys do stuff for The defenses, they let JJ White do whatever he wants defensively. In basketball, I don't care how good you are. You can't just do that. Everybody got to be on the same page. So it's just different. It's just different. It's just different. I played wide receiver. I got cracked and I didn't like it. Then I turned around and played defensive back. I was getting interceptions and doing the hitting, and I loved it. So that's just different. Everyone's different. And everyone assumed, basketball player is going to go instantly into wide receiving, obviously. He was that high, though. You talk about a guy that's 6'9, what is he? A tight-end. You talk about a guy who's You know, Russell Westbrook, what if he is a defensive back? You know what I'm saying? So I just think it's just different.


What if Russell Westbrook got up to 235 pounds and was an outside linebacker who rushed the quarterback, like Michael Parsons or something like that got like 15 sacs a year. I could see that. It's a fun debate, though.


Great debate. They said, Have a game. I have a game, fuck it. Have a football game, have a basketball game. Even it out.




Football game basketball game. Okay, cool. You all play football, get some athletes that play football. You feel we're going to play a little game, a little charity for charity. And then after that, you feel me? The next day or the next weekend, we link up, we play Basketball.


Who's quarterback of the basketball football team?


I don't even know who plays. I mean, you always see LeBron throw a ball. I haven't really seen anybody.


I saw Anthony Edwards throw a ball like a country mile. You ever see those clips where he's reaching back and hucking it?


Uh-uh. Back to basketball, we go.


Back to basketball.


They're making a run. They have to. They're at home. They got to make a run. They don't want to go back to Denver. Tied up, I tell you that. Pick a road, hit the pop guy, cut, slide guy. You go post, or you go go ISO.




No. Post it, post it, post it, Rudy. Post it, Rudy. Post it, Rudy. Post it, Rudy.


Do you think there's any NBA players that don't flop that are just morally opposed to flopping?


I don't know. True. I know I flop. If I'm in a bad way, a guy swing an elbow, look close to my face, I feel win. I'm passing out.


Everybody does it at some level.


It's funny that Jokić goes. He don't hit any three. He's regular season. He gets to the play, all get there. It's all the big ones. Gamer, true gamer.


Did you see the game three of the Pacers against the Knicks?


No, I didn't.


Or did you see the play at the end of the game where Brunson got a shot up and seems like all the Knicks fans want a foul? I wanted to know if you thought that that was a foul or if they could call a foul.


I didn't see it. Somebody seemed to play.


Just Brunson at the end of the game, coming through. They might have got him on the arm, but it could go either way.




Big O'Berg. He's a father. And don't forget it. Do we have any Any questions from the chat or anything like that or any YouTube questions that we could get up? Let people pick Pep out his mind about basketball.


That's the question. 35k. See if some people on Twitter can ask some questions.


Hell, yes. Let them get their cues off.


Shoes off. Before you step in the crib, please shoes off.


Otherwise, you're looking too soft, like a pair of two socks.


We got to do commercial. Tell your mom, say, Happy It's your mother's day, too, bro.


I will. She's in Chicago. It's her mom.


My mom was disappointed when she didn't hear from you.


Really? I just didn't want to be inappropriate.


That's inappropriate showing love?


No, it's not. I just don't want to be rude in any way. I don't want to overstep my boundaries. But if you're saying it's not overstepping my boundaries- You can dergie swap with mom, but you can't wish Mom's Happy birthday?


I mean, your mother's day?


I can wish her a Happy Mother's Day. I just didn't want to be... And I just did on the phone, but I didn't want to reach out. If I'm reaching out, I feel like I would look like... I don't know. I'm trying to be as respectful as possible to you. You tell me where the boundaries are.


Let's just dig back to the script. Okay, Pat, how would you adjust if you was OKC right now? I'll stay on my original coverage. They do a coverage of, How's that? It's crispy.


It's crispy. It's making real hard right Perfect bite everywhere on the sandwich. It's magnificent.


But please, how would you adjust? I wouldn't cancel my whole defensive plan, right? But I'll sprinkle a little other things in there. I'll I'm going to sprinkle. Any ISO situation, I'm sending two at Luka. You know what I'm saying? Obviously, Obviously, Kyrie, he made some tough shots, but you live with that. That fan, he's done it before, but it's hard to take away everything. So ISO situations, I'm sending two at Luca when a shot clock going down. Maybe some picking roles, I'm not standing coverage. Maybe I'm switching. Maybe I'm switching early. So now the P. J. Washington, the Tim Hardaway Jr, they don't get catch and shoot threes. You switch that That goes right to ISO ball. But you go to ISO ball, they got ISO players. So I'm saying maybe you sprinkle in a switch one through five, guy going to his ISO, you send double team, you get in Scram situations, you make other people play off the ball. Play off the catch with the ball. But I wouldn't scrap my whole defensive plan because my thing is I learned this from Doc, and this is... If the players know what they're doing, they'll do it better and they'll do it faster.


If they don't know what they're doing, they'll do it slower because they're guessing. So you can go out there and do the wrong shit, and it'll work because you know how to do the wrong shit. You know what I'm saying? If you know what you're doing, you're going to do it better, harder, faster. So you don't want to script your whole defensive plan because that guy is going to be a second slow, and no, you need them to not think. So I'll just rank in a couple of adjustments from my original defensive plan. Jokish. Jokish, I'm too big. I'm too big. That's great. There's some big dudes, though. That's Rudy, and that's Cat. You're talking about two seven footers. Babe.


Getting right in the two twin towers.


Give me that. Oh, elbow to the head.


Rub it off. Rub some spin on it. Coach Malone, give it a kiss. Make it better. Hit your free throws. Got to hit your free throws. Shout out Reggie Jackson, big supporter of the cloud.


Do you have any thoughts on the draft lottery? Do you like how it is currently, or would you make any changes? Shout out to Lizard King. No, I like it. It keeps guys from tanking. It keeps honest basketball. I like honest basketball. I love honest basketball, so I like the way it's going. Because it don't matter if you lose on purpose or you feel about hope, guys, they're trying to do that. But teams that have tanked in the past, you can't do that now. Fuck around, get picked five. So might as well go out there and be competitive. Anyone can get it.


That's literally what happened then.


Great job, Mike Conley. Off the foot. Off the foot. Off the foot. Good job. Look at this. This is offensive awareness. That's what that's called. Nba 2K, where you have offensive awareness and you get to add it. That's that. Cat. No cat. No cat. Don't throw that.


That's a accidental rhyme. No cat. Don't throw that. You know Pat.


That's what he's dope at. So my girl hit me with, Hey, babe, we have baby. Are you going to the game? Or you coming?


What did you say?


I told her, My first answer was, when you talk with your girl, your first answer has to be like, You throw something out there, see what's going on. So my first answer was like, Babe, I'm going to go. I'm going to- Relax. I said, Babe, I'm going to go to the game. I don't want to affect our team's championship chances or anything like that just to see her reaction. Her reaction is not what I wanted it to be. So my original answer was, I don't think I even have I have a choice. I said, I told her, and how you care in this situation, I think that leaves me with exactly what I'm going to do next. So I don't think the decision is on the guy.


What do you think about that saying, Happy wife, happy life? Do you think that that's a real legit thing you have to do, or is that unfair to men, that you have to just keep somebody happy so you could be happy?


You know what? When I grew up, when I was a young wupper snapper, I'm talking about I was still wet behind the ears, Ron, if you know what I mean. Old man. Said, Pat, you get older. It's going to be whatever she says is yes. Honey, how can I help? How can I do more? No, man, you got to be a man. You got to do this. You got to stand on this. You got to require this. Pat, it's yes, yes, yes. No such thing is no. No, man, that ain't how you live, man. You're jiving me. I'm a little kid, so I'm- Where you grew up in the '70s?


You're jiving me. That's what the slick talk.




Jive, turkey.


So I got older. I got older, and that he was right. He was right, yes to everything. I don't even think you have a choice. So that's my answer. I think the women, they give you the answer. Like, Yeah, babe, what time you get to the hospital? So, Okay, I'll be there. It's not even... I don't really think they give you an option, so I'll be there.


But if the baby's born in the morning, Are you going back to work later on that day?


I got to check her temperature. I got to check her temperature. Like, Yeah, oh, the baby came, babe. Game at seven. How are you feeling? Usually, women will let you know, No, no, no, go, babe, go, babe. But then when they hit you with the go, babe, too fast, you have to look like, Wait a minute.


It's a trap.


Am I being tricked?


This is a hoodwinking.


Right. So then you be patient with that. No, babe, you come first. Now, once you say that, you have to understand you are officially committed to what you say. But if she hits you, if White be turned around and hits you with this one, she goes, You go, Babe, how are you feeling? She, Oh, no, babe. You go to the game. No, no, no, no, babe. This is not about the game. It's about you and the family. How are you feeling? If she hits you with it, you can go to the game. She really means it. But if she hits you with it, Oh, babe, I love you so much. Thank you. Sit your ass down. You're going to be there.


Yeah. Yeah. Order of McCrisby, you know what I mean?


Write down to the McDonald's app. Or order some motherfuck crispy fries and order three McCrisby because you feel like, wife, you need the energy back if you know what I mean.


They're going to be posted up.


No. So I think the woman gives you that answer. I don't even think that's a man's decision.


My dad was a college professor at Drexel, and the night that I was born, or I was born in the morning, and my mom said that he just went to work right afterwards. He just went in to work. He didn't ask.


As long as we know it's not a cultural thing.


Right. Or like a rich MBA, you know what I mean?


Right, or financial Yeah. Right.


Yeah. Anything like that.


Financial ladder thing.


Right. Exactly. So, yeah, he got right to it. He said, I got to get back to it. Or I don't even know. And she just brought it up to me. So she still might be salty. My mom still might be pissed about it.


Yeah, I see. And women, my girl hit me with this, hit me with the... I remember that forever, and I'm like, damn, right?


They won't forget the only way they're similar to elephants.


Yeah. So I don't think that's a man's answer. I don't even think you... I think that's all the woman.


Yeah, that's smart. That's I mean, you got to be smart just picking your battles. Playoffs is tough, though, because if it's a regular season game, no one gives a fuck. But if it's playoffs, you start hearing about it from fans, commentators, pundits. You're like your so and so's not dedicated to the team.


What if it's elimination game?


You got to play in the game. You got to play in the game.


If it's elimination game, I think the The girl, the wife, I think they understand. Like, okay, you feel me? They have a little bit of grace. And then they'll let you know. They'll let you know. You'll know the answer from there. But a championship, elimination game is three, three.


Tell her to squeeze tight and get that thing back in there. Tell her to put the lock on the door. Touch those knees together. Don't let that thing out no matter what. It'll be out in three hours. Minnesota is fighting.


Like wolves. Like a pack of wolves.


Bro, what's the best type of pasta?


I don't know. We just had this jerk chicken pasta the day Chef made. Oh my God. Oh my God. Back to basketball. Here we go. Jokeage on the post. Looking like they double team. That's tilting a little bit. Corner three. Fade, one leg.


Borden. He's giving you points that you need. 25. Ten for ten field goals. That's a game. And he's guardin cat in. Oh, my God. These teams don't want to lose.


No, you don't want to go home. I promise you, I don't want to be sitting right here.


Me neither.


We're supposed to be... We're built in our hand. Come on, hit him in the hair, rep. You hit him in the hair, rep.


Sir, you hit him... Talked about that last stream. Beautiful flow from him.


Beautiful flow.


Joker, 29 points.


Flow game, silly. Why is DeAndre Jordan so important to the Nuggets? What role do bad best players take? I think big bodies are always good, right? A lot of people got to understand when you're practicing and when you're repping things, you try to get a game like as possible. Deandre and Jordan might not play a lot of minutes, but when it comes to defending Jokish, Jokish has to get that feeling of a seven-footer because look who guard them now. So although he's not playing, I think he's going to have a chance to impact one of the We're going to give him his share. And he's great in the locker room. He's very good in the locker room. A pro. Like I said, you're going to put that extra body on Jokish in practice. He's athletic. He's a lob threat. He's a rim protector. So So just the wisdom he has, I don't know that he can give his other teammates. He's always going to be prepared. He works on his body a ton. So when it's number call, he's always going to be prepared. And I think that That's important, especially good vets. Because it's vets and it's good vets.


Vets that want to uplift the young guys, not the that's out here trying to take the young guy's money in. Going out with the young guy club and all that. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but I would want to share with my bet at the career, watching basketball in the gym, stuff like that.


Who's the best backup bigs in the league?


Nas Reid, for sure, right?


He lost him on that dream shake.


Let me go back to basketball. Anthony, what's coming off? Rock, pick and roll. Get that pocket. Good steal. You got to capitalize here, though. You got to capitalize here. You got to capitalize. You got to capitalize.


Got to capitalize. Got to capitalize. They didn't capitalize. That's no good. You have to capitalize there. Bruce Brown would have capitalized. Float game. The float is automatic.


We probably have to put yogurts in there for them to float.


More floats than the Macy's Day parade.


I'm sorry, but boy, it has more flotation device than something Somebody in a pool.


Got more floats than a milkshape shop.


You know what I'm saying? He got more floats than me.


Oh, God. What happens? Help your brother up. Help your brother up. You think they miss Bruce Brown a lot, or just having that type of player? He was such a big factor in last year's playoffs, and then this season. Or is that a replaceable type of- I ain't saying he's replaceable.


I just said the other people have to step up. Brian has to step up. Reggie Jackson has to step up. Other guys I put in a position to come and do more.


You take the Atlanta Hawks, take that- I'm working on my Euro this summer.


I'm working on my Euro this summer. What Vets, Pat, did you have in your career that helped you with your game? Hubby. Shout out to Hubby. Trevor Reza. He was great Great in the locker room with me. Jason Terry was great in the locker room with me. Oh, yeah. I forgot about him.




Udonis Hazzel.


O-u-d. All time bet. You think he could beat Paul pierce in a fight?


Listen, if I see Honey on... If I see Honey on on the bear. I'm going to help the bear because you need a handful, my boy. He ain't going like that. He ain't going that easy. Man, I think they have a chance to take this, even this back out. This might be the ride of the series. Lose two at home, come win two on the road. Oh, he missed it. Right back, offensive rebound.


First missing the game. Sad. He made 10 straight and then missed that. Tough. I might fit like 20 mets from my Marius. What a pet best favorite bet was Jason Terry. But enough about Jets. You can see these Wolfs fans are a little bit nervous.


No, they always go stay strong.


The fans, I'm not talking about the players. I'm talking about the fans.


They fans 30. They got real fans there in Minnesota. They legit. They 10 toes down. For real.


Best fans in the league, I've always said.


Minnesota got great fans. Milwaukee got great fans, too, though.


Best fans in the league is what I've always said about them. Best fan base. Damn it. And the Knicks, too. The Knicks are up there. You go to a Knicks game, man, that's loud.


Factual. Factual.


Sixers, great fans. Some of the best in the league, I'd say.


Yeah. You don't say that about three teams.


Clippers, man, when they get that new stadium, it's going to be one of the best fan bases in the league. Once they have that wall of fans.


Does home crowd distractions always really impact your game while playing on the road? For me, I play better. I love playing on the road. I love going into a hostile environment and just looking around and everybody against me and me saying, Oh, yeah, But nobody on this court can stop me. Nobody. I am too fast. I am too strong. I am too smart. I can dribble it. I got flow game. I got lay game, and I got trade game. And when I get high, I got mid-range, too. I just don't have a lot of possessions to really get in my bag like that, and I lock up. So yeah, I feel good. I feel good playing on the road.


Oh, yeah.


Beverly, you suck. Yeah, I'll take this Tracy with Andy's about to add the Euro. Yeah, I'm adding Euro. They say, Slide back with Milwaukee. Marcus Montgomery. That's the plan I'm I'm trying to. I'm trying to, man. I'm trying to. That's the plan, man. I'm excited about this. We're on a good chance to get a little bit more money on. A little bit more money on.


Pay that to his money.


Oh, my man. Who spin move, behind the back, pound, off to the hook. Where are you going with this, Jokey? Where are you going? Oh, good, Dawn.


Insane, Don. The guy has the fucking eyes in the back of the head. He can see it all.


What Yana say is hard to kill that dog.


Everybody was riding them off after two games.


That's usually how it goes. I mean, you lose two games at home, you start riding them off as off, too. But you're the champion. It's hard to kill that dog.


What a blessing for us that we get these good series. 2-2 in Pacers series. The Mavericks took the lead in that series. After one game, everybody thought, Okay, see, it was going to blow right to the conference finals. Let me see what happens with Boston.


T. J. Mcdonald.


Terence James-McDonald. Thomas Jones-McDonald. Terence Joyner-McDonald. Unbelievable stuff from that guy. That guy talks his shit. He's not afraid.


And bags it up. Like juvenile.


T. J, you look good, and you back that trash talk up.




T. J, who are you playing with? Back that trash talk up. Man, the ball movement by the Nuggets is impressive.


Always good, right?


And that starts with Joker. Do you think that there's other bigs in the league where the ball stops when it gets to them? And is Joker one of them?


I just think he always make the right decision, whatever that is. Corner. Hook. Go to your hook.


He walked.


He walked back to France, didn't he?


Sad to say, Euro stepped all the way to France.


Hey, Ron, this question for you, Ron.


I'm a Philly fan here. My favorite 76er next to Iverson, of course, is Lou Will. Should have been a sixer for life. Pat, can I get a Lou Willvill story? So that I'm going to take that question for you, my brother.




I feel like you link up with Lou Will all the time.


Yeah. Let me see a good one.


How about that story he told on one of his shows talking about he would just see you in the locker room staring across from him. Is that shit all true?


Yeah, that's all true. That's why I'm trying to get a good one, too. All right, we're playing Golden State. We down 31 in the third quarter in the playoffs. Crazy game. End up coming back winning. Crazy game. I go to Lou. I'm high first half, but second half, where it's going, man, I got to guard Katie. I got to guard Steph. I might have to guard Claire a little bit. I got to guard Drayon. So I can't I can't do a lot for you offensively, Lou, so I need you to hold it down. Lou look at me and say, I got you, my boy. Went crazy. Literally went crazy. Went crazy. Lou, the type of dude, we're in practice. Lou, the type of guy that goes like, I'm Lou and I, I go, Lou, I'll lock that shit up, Lou. You know what I mean? The first thing, all defensive guys on a hat guard, man? Wait in line type of stuff. You know what I'm saying? So like, yeah, always good vibe, Lou. Always good vibe.




Competitive. He got a lot of knowledge, a lot of wisdom for his age. Ton of knowledge, ton of wisdom.


When he was young, he had for his age or now for his age?


Now, but he got it when he was young. His dad used to own a pool hall.


A pool hall.


So back in the day, owning a pool hall, you see everything, hear everything. You're really the plug. Everything go down pool hall back in the day.


So eight balls.


You know what I'm saying? I could chill. So I could just go pool. That fast-paced lifestyle growing up, I store up a ton of stuff quick. So we got a strong hold on life, if you know what I mean. The boys came back and did that, they did Did that?


They did that.


They did that. When I started back working out, and I mean weights, foundational stuff, classic bench press, classic ones, little stuff like that.




I am struggling.


Your body's just broken down for the season?


Yeah, but I took a week off. You have nothing. The older you get, the more you got I'm not going to do. So I'm talking about these muscles, these little muscles hurt. I'm doing curves like this, 12 pounds. Struggling.


You're struggling with the twelves?


Yeah, man. You live every day and you just shut it out for a week, you lose it fast, too.


So I don't take any days off.


We did a high yoga today.


You and who?


My serious Mike.


My serious Mike loves his hot yoga. He's doing the hard 75, he said.


I think he had to restart it, you know what I mean?


Oh, you guys have fun?


Why do I have to be part of that shit?


Because you're there.


He told me he was in Milwaukee when he told me he had to restart.


Oh, yeah. I think I heard about that restart. As long as there's only one restart. There's not a neighborhood in Philly that I can't go. Man, no fouling towards the end of this game. Just elite rim protection from Anthony Edwards. Look at how these teams that have some veterans on them really raise. I mean, I guess Minnesota has veterans, but Denver, Dallas, they've been there before playing against teams that have younger 1A options. I don't know. You tell me. I would never played in the NBA before. Does veteran presence really help that much?


Yeah, I think role players and veteran present is going to be the wave of the league for the next six, seven years. Coaches have systems. In order for the systems to work, you need your systems to work. You need your role players. So these teams that's winning this Championship, they're the different nuggets. They have one, two stars and all guys who just extremely well in their role. So I think role players is going to be the vibe for the next five or six years until when we put 17 pounds on him, then he changes the game again because he's going to be the best player in the NBA next year.


I love that as a call. I love that as a take.


He going to be the best player in the NBA next year. Hands down.


Hands down?


Nothing you can do about it, neither.


Lean on his hamstrings. Do you have any advice for an undersize guard to not get shots blocked?


Pivot. Stop finishing off one foot. Start finishing off two. You start finishing off two feet, you're going to get it blocked. So watch people like Tony Parker. Watch people like Jalen Brunson. Shit, watch Pat Bam. I'm a double pivot type of guy. You got to get the footwork right. You're going to get your shot block, get on the ladders, get your footwork work. Oh, stop pivot, just step through, the flow, the turnaround, the phase. Okay, you take away the fade. Inside scoop, left hand scoop. You got to get your pivot game right. Two feet jumper. That was easy.


Good filibuster. Dude, I saw some mock draughts, and I think it might not be till the sixth pick where they're projecting somebody who played college basketball to go.


I want to see that French kid they're talking about.






Sacré Blue.


35, 7, and 7.


Light. Casual 35, 7, and 7.


That's needs to be better.


Got to be better. Got to be better. And will be. Pat-bev, who would you have compete in the 2025 Dunk Contest? Bro, LeBron has to compete his last year. That would be sick. Just on his way out.


I want to see him in that thing now.


Shaden Sharp. His stock was never as high as when he was about to compete last year. This McCrispy is different. No, no, no. Different.


Explain it.


There's like a butteriness to the bun, but a crispness to the chicken. And man, I love pickles. They call me Mr. Pickle. Back in my Nickelodeon days, bro. They call me the Pickle Man.


How many pack? What is it? Peter Piper picked a pack of pickle peppers. How many pickle peppers did Peter Piper pick? Okay, Okay. Game over with, buddy.


Are you sure?




What about now? Yeah. Game over with. Game over with, wow. Denver 115, mini 107. Draftkings, you're welcome for the donation. Tomorrow night, seven o'clock, it's going to be seven o'clock Eastern, four o'clock Pacific. We have the Celtics going against the Cavaliers. That'll be a good one.


Can't wait to see you, brother.


Wait to see you. See you tomorrow.