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First, before I say another word, subscribe to the podcast. Subscribe. This is not a joke. Hey, look.


Subscribe. Speaking of subscriptions and subscribing. Buy merch. Buy fucking merch.


Don't play yourself. This honestly affects our livelihood.


We're going to be in.


The breadline, eating bullshit.


Speaking of merch, I got on more merch.


Where can people buy it?


Yeah, I got more merch. Love Gang. Yeah, I got more merch. Subscribe. Let me know. This hoodie, you all see it clear. I got the love gang on the side. This hoodie or this hoodie?


I know my answer.




One? Both. Don't freaking play us. Subscribe, murder, emergency.


I like this hoodie, though. This shit is fire, man. This shit is fire, man. Love game.


Let's get to the show. So they told me. Parum, pam, pam, pam. A newborn child to see. Parum, pam, pam, pam.


I like that. You sound like you.


I go.


The whole way, dude. Mine is Jackson Five. I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus.




And I saw Mommy tickle, Santa, tick, tick, tick, tick, Santa Claus. Remix. Underneath the missile toe last night. It's the remix, you all. Relax. It's the remix, you all. She didn't see me creep. She thought I was fast asleep. Then we did it. She thought that I was tucked up in my bed room fast asleep.


But he wasn't.


He was watching Notom Fuck. Yeah, so shout out, Chris is there.


That's a fucking classic.


Yeah, man. I don't know. Why is yours the whitest one of mine is Jackson? The Pat.


Vanth pod with Ron. My boy, Ron. Why don't we just jump right into it, Pat?


I like how you got on, motherfucker. Eagle Redd, I got on Philly Redd.


Eagle Redd? You know what?


Hey, look, check it out. I got a story though. Look, so everybody know the history. I grew up in the household with a ton of motherfuckers. It's a ton of motherfuckers. So you have to fight for everything. Right. So when it comes to fight, fighting and wrestling or play wrestling, I'm very familiar with it just because I've been around it for so long growing up. Every day was a fight. Every day we thought we were wrestlers and everything. I didn't tell you the backstory. It was a little bit of stress coming to the fight. The what is it called? Help me out. The Wallow-Gilly.


Oh, the knockout fight.


Yeah. Of course. It was stress leaving the arena.


Leaving the Sixers game.


Yeah, leaving the Sixers game with me and Mike Wallace.




Because I was rushing him. He didn't, I think- Producer Mike? Yeah, but I was rushing him, but he didn't know what I was rushing him for. You know what I'm saying? I understood his side. But I just also... You in town, I wanted to make sure I see you. That's one of the reasons why I came to you. Freak a.


Salute, man. That's what you're.


Rushing for, Carlin. So it was already some static driving it. You know what I'm saying? It was already some static because I'm rushing them, whatever. So we shoot up there, 45 minutes. I'm telling you I'm flying.


Of course.


But I got this badge, like an officer's badge. If I could pull it over, I could show up there and get me out of jail free car. But that's another story. We meet up, we're there in time. We see a ton of shows because we were scared we're going to miss it.


But there was a fight every five minutes. Yeah.


You could see a lot. Yes, but we were scared we're going to miss it still. Right. I'm like, we're going to miss it. We make it on time. Everything's cool. Everything's copesthetic. It was time to leave. I think Mike is driving fast, but he's driving. I would drive my shit. You can't have nobody drive your shit like you drive your shit. Drive my shit, but just don't drive my shit like I drive my shit.


Yeah, he's Tracy Chapman.


He's driving my shit. Fast car. I'm like, hey, Mike, slow down. Plus ain't no rush. We made it. Mike gives me like this, Sada. But then instantly I feel tense. The whole car ride is tense. Me and Mike, we throw a little jabs back and forth. Jabs meaning words. All right man, stop acting like a whole man. Why are you acting like that man? For real. Stop being soft, bro. Stop acting like that. Who the fuck we're calling self? So me and him go back to back a little cheater chat, a little cheater chat.


Smiles on faces or?


No, no, no, no, no. No, we were into it a little bit. So a long pause. It was like five-minute pause. I go, I love you, bitch ass nigga. He goes, Remember what happened last? How you said that bitch word. So now back static, right? Because now what you think about whooping me white? So we drive all the way home. Home cool. We petty little comments here and there. I get out the car, right? Mind, it's a 45-minute ride. We're going back and forth, but then it's dead silence. Then we go back and forth, then it's dead silence.




Music on it. I mean, the music goes in and out. You feel me? It ain't really the main thing. I get in, I pull in the garage. He pulls in the garage, obviously, because he's driving back. I leave. No words are being said. I go open my door. I look over, Mike. Hey, Mike. You know my address, right? The fuck does that mean? I say, Anytime, any place, you know my address. He goes, I'm ready now. Okay, let's do it. Because I've been waiting to do it anyway. I've been waiting to put them up or go to their back anyway. I'm trying to see what I'm hitting with. I don't really got on no chain because the biggest thing on the street fight is the element of surprise. If anyone who you had a street fight, you get knocked out because you ain't ready or you get put on your back because you ain't ready. So the number one thing in the street fight, and people probably... If you've been in plenty street fights, it's the element of surprise. Okay, we're hitting your shit. Okay, we fight now. You know what I'm saying? It's either you're going to be on receiving end or you're going to be giving that energy.


All right, cool. I don't have on no chain, so I can't really take off my chain element of surprise. But I got on my Rochette de Mille. I got on good watch. I walked around.


The car- You about to let them know.


What time it was? No, I'm taking off watch. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. He looked down. I grabbed his ass, squeezed him like bear. You feel me? I hear shit popping and everything. I flattened him out. Lawn chair. You okay? Put him back in place, walk off. You probably never felt man's strength like that before, but yeah, I had to put him.


On the shit.


He didn't headbutt you back, did he? Yeah, I know. He probably set the tone for my week because everybody been wanting to fight me, McKale Bridge.


What's the end of the story here?


He said, I think he want more. 30 minutes later.


30 minutes later?


30 minutes later. Oh, yeah. You're going to hit him up. 30 minutes later I hit him like, You know what? I'm about to go to the man's shelf. I'm about to go get a drink at the...


Hey, Mike, I need the address to this... What's the place? I want to get my shout in.




Club Pallizzi? The Pallizzi Social Club. Pallizzi Social Club. If you know you don't, you don't. I'm a member there.


You want to see if they had some fresh squeezed orange juice.


Right, hydration. Damn, I don't know address. All right, cool. Let me be an asshole. Hey, Mike. You got an address to the Pallizzi Social Club? Mike sent an address. My house.




So shout out to Mike Wallace man. Yeah, he went to all the smoke, man.


Yeah, man.


I'm speaking of smoke, man. What's up? People been trying to fight me, man.


You said.


Mcale Bridge? I'm Kale Bridges, man. I'm just trying to be there to beat my ass. What's going on? What?


I know one place he can't fight you.


Canada. Yeah, yeah. But no, man. I'm fucking... I said, Stewart, man.


Who do you want to talk about? Wait, why did McAl Bridges want to.


Fight you? I don't know. He bumped me. I'm like, Damn, it was good. Fuck, why didn't even be hard? Why don't you want to bump me? No, it's cool.


I'll leave the jokes about his fighting.


Alone, but.


That is interesting.


Isiah Stewart, the one fighting?


Yeah, Isiah Stewart.


He said back screen. I know people seen the plays probably a couple of days ago. No, he said back screen. I know you're about to set a good screen because he's a good screen setter. Right. I hit with the bow, but they had to slow down me. I tried to kill him with the elbow. I'm throwing bow trying to see, okay, where the fuck was.


Screen coming from? That's how you run anyway.


Yeah, chill. But then I knew he was going to retaliate like that because whatever.


But there's also a clip of that that we use on the podcast. You've talked about that exact same scenario beforehand, doing the smaller behavior that elicits the bigger behavior and get someone in trouble.


Yeah, I knew he was going to hit me, boom, sold it, everything cool. I'm like, Something happened after the game. I ain't going to say what? Something happened after the game.




I don't know. I don't know. I went there. You weren't? No, I went there. Where were you? I was in the locker room.


Who did.


Happen between? I don't know. Say somebody was looking for me. I don't know who. When I say somebody was looking for me, so I'm like, okay, who? They tell me, okay, instantly. I go right to Instagram, right to Instagram. Fine name. Actually, I go Google. I Google name because I want to make sure I spelt it right. I go, Okay, that's the name. Google. Go to Instagram, type that in. Go to message, send my number. I'm not hard to find. I'm local. I heard you were looking for me. I'm here. I know you all get in town in a couple of days. I'm there too. Let me know instantly. Because I'm a man like, right, whatever.


So you're a heat seeking missile right now.


No, I ain't a heat seeking, but whatever. Come our game, he warmed up. Heard you was looking for me. Heard you was looking for me.


That's what that conversation was.


That's what the conversation was.


What was his response? None.


Normal response.


I wasn't.


Looking for you. Zaba, Zaba, Zuba, Zaba. That's what I heard. Direct quote. Yeah. Like, come on, man. Everybody wants to be so tough and gangster. I'm with it. I'm with all that shit, though. Exactly. I'm with all that shit. I'm with all that shit.


Friends, enemies, friends of enemies and enemies and friends.


And friend enemies. All of that shit. Yeah, I'm with that shit.


Damn. All right, so he never responded when you.


Messaged him? Yeah. So new subject.


You were on a belt to ass tour.


I came on short today to the Bulls.


Yeah, lost to the Bulls after like thorough ass... Six thorough ass whips in a row. Bulls played well. The Bulls played well. What was it like going back up against your old squad?


Oh, no, I was my God.


They're playing well recently.


Yeah, I'm a surprise. They come with a punch. They play really well. They competed. They play hard. They play really well. It was a good test for us, too. Down a lot. 11, come back down, take lead, lose lead. There was a lot going on in that game that helped you for the playoffs. We needed a game like that. That was good.


Seems like Billy.


Donovan- We tipped their head off to him.


Seems like Billy Donovan gives nick Nurse problems sometimes.


No, I wouldn't say that.


Okay, well, I was just saying that. What was it like seeing guys like Kobe and DeMar? These guys playing well?


No, I said Kobe White is like third behind Steph Curry, Luca Dontouching, and it's him, Kobe White shooting three this year.


He's playing incredibly, especially over the last since LaVine's been out.


Yeah, he's been playing real well. He's been playing real well. They've been defending the two. They've been defending the two, so you got to give him a lot of credit. Demar, he really played too well. I mean, he hit- He.




To a spot. He gets to a spot. It's automatic. He gets to a spot. He made the tough call at the end for the free throws.


Oh, that call was bullshit.


Yeah, he did what he had to do.


That call was... I mean.


Tobias was straight up and down.


But I mean, you can't make.


But I mean, it was a good game though. Game was lit. The game was lit.


Great game.


But before that year, it was a tour. We was on a tour about that.


Yeah, it was a...


Belt to Ass.


Multiple games against Detroit. It's like games that are like 100 to 50.


But you got to think, I'm in like... I'm in mode. I come in one day, I'm in Moe. I don't know who we playing because I don't be knowing the schedule. I don't know the fuck who we playing. That's one of the next 10 games in a row. Right? So we go out before we run out. 10 games in a row, you all. Game shit on three. One, two, three, game shit. Next game, nine. Next game, eight. Next game, seven. Now we're in a vibe. Now we're next game, six. Last game, five. Do you feel me? So this time is okay. Four more games to go, you all.


Now you got to.


Reset the counter. Gangshin on three. You know what I'm saying? We were going through a little vibe with it, too, so it was fun. It was fun.


So you were anticipating this. It was.


Tough to- I wanted 10.


Yeah, 10 would have been very nice. I wanted 10. Is it hard to stay focused when you're almost expecting wins?


No, when you blow teams out, sometimes you get caught up in the score instead of execute. You don't have to execute when you're up to 40. You feel me?


You just can Coast.


You know what I'm saying? Unconsciously, that's what the game give you. You feel me? It was a good test. We needed it, came back home. We took a L, we got hidden our shit, and we got a good one coming up. So it's part of it. I like it. We needed it.


Yeah, I think that-.


The Hat's Soft Bulls.


You can learn a lot from a loss sometimes.




Do you think you learned from the loss of the Bulls?


Oh, no, man. We had to execute a little bit better. Let's execute on both sides. We're supposed to be in gaps as being gaps. We're supposed to stay down on pump fixed, let's stay down. We're supposed to block out. Let's block out offensively. Run a set, let's run all the way through. We just can't. We got a mooted thing. We got to get it going. We got to play fast. So it's a lot of stuff that with losses you can point right out. But you can't really point those things out when you're 40 every game. So this is a good test. We need it.


I saw you with a ball in the wing today, and you were literally looking in Alex Carusso's eyes, just like talking to him before you drove.


I don't know. What were you saying? I wasn't saying that.


Yes, you were. I was watching it. I fucking took video of it. I showed it to Tyler. I was like, What the fuck is Pat.


Saying right here? I don't remember. Yes, you do. I don't remember.


What could it have been?


I don't know. I don't really remember that. Really? I swear.


You want me to show you?


I seen it. So you know. I seen it, but from the video I thought you were an asshole all the time. The past, and I didn't even think about me saying anything.


No, I'm just always curious as to what the dialog is the entire time. I saw Embiid cross somebody on the Bulls out of their.


Shoes, though. It don't matter who they won. So all that cross and shit don't matter.


I know. But Embiid had the luxury of not even having to play in the fourth quarter, and he's still averaging like 36, 38 over the left, whatever. Or 39 over the last five, whatever. He's only played one fourth quarter.


That shit was wild.


He's fucking awesome.


Yeah, he's really fucking good.




Really fucking good. And he makes free throws. I don't think that gets shined upon enough. He makes free throws. He's the whole thing.


I saw JJ Reddock talking about the fact that people call him a free throw merchant, but the top player in the league is always going to get eight to 12 free throws. That's just what it is. That's what it entails, and you can look.


Back historically. If we're being tedious, he should be shooting more games. How much he be getting fired? You know what I'm saying? They be letting shit slide sometimes because he's just so bigger than everybody. Sometimes they rep the size instead of actually the player. You know what I'm saying? So he should be shooting another five or six, you feel me? But it come with it.


I see people saying that he's the best NBA player since 2018, the way that he's playing right now.


Yeah, he on some shit. And it's fun to watch, too. Fun to watch. Shout to Body Armor.


Shout to Body Armor. Shout to Twisted T for giving out shoutouts. I need it. I'm still repping the Eagles Green, even though...


That's all right. Let that shit go.


Christmas colors. Like that?


You're rocking.


Christmas colors. What's your favorite Christmas song? I'm going to tell you mine.


Go ahead. I like the Little Drummer Boy.


I'm singing. I got to.


Sing it. So they told me parum, parum, pum, pump, pump. A newborn child to see, parum, pump, pump, pump.


I like that. You're sat.


I go.


The whole way, dude. Mine is Jackson Five, I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus.




And I saw Mommy tickle, tickle, tickle, Santa Claus. Remix. Underneath the missile toe last night. It's the remix, yo. Relax. It's the remix, yo. She didn't see me creep. She thought I was fast asleep. Totally did it. What? She thought that I was tucked up in my bed. But he was.




No the Fuck. Yeah, so shout out to Chris.


That's a fucking classic.


Why is yours the whitest one in mine?


I don't hit you with the perfect me goes Adlers.


I come right, Jackson Five. I come right, Jackson Five, right behind you. Oh, my God, we're wild.


Red and the green, though. It is a beautiful Christmas season. What do you want this year for Christmas?


Wisdom and knowledge. That's what I've been praying for lately.


Three wise men.


You know King Solomon.


Is, right? Of course. He was going to cut that.


Baby in half. Check it out. But when he was a kid, though, dad died. Left him whole empire. Left him everything. I don't know if it was 12, 13, I don't want to be guessing, but he was silly young. I come to him, I asked him, I'm like, God, Axel. Thirteen-year-old, 12-year-old boy, what you want? He could have said money. He could have said fame, he could have said power. He said wisdom and knowledge. They said he attained everything he ever wanted. So much wealth, they were throwing silver out the window. Like, Yeah, that shit can't even fit here.




Out the window.




Thirteen-year-old boy. Think how impressive his dad was. That's parents.




Don't ask for power. You're 12, 13, you ask for wisdom and knowledge.


Right. Didn't ask for gold, frankincense, and myr.


God gave him everything.


Wow. Good for him, man. Having your priorities in order.


We're at the end of the next episode. If you all know the story of King Solana.


Cliffhanger. Yeah.


But the next episode we will talk about it because the way he went out, you-.


It was bad.


I'll crack Bible. Yeah, crack Bible.


Which book is that in?


I don't know. What is that?


What is that?


I don'tIs it a- No, I know this. It's where all the poetry is.






Psalms does have the poetry.


It does. Well, it's a list of them, though.


Genesis, Exhibit, numbers, Deuteronomy.


I don't remember this. Proverbs.


Oh, Proverbs, of course. Joshua, Judges, Ruth. I don't know which ones we're going to go to.


I think so. I think it was Proverbs. But yeah.


I got to check back in on King Solomon to see how he's doing.


Yeah, that's my Christmas. What about you?


What am I hoping for? Creative fulfillment, joy for my family, happiness for the people around me.


You buy me Christmas present.


Do you want one?


That wasn't my question.


Did I.


Buy you one? Honest answer.


No, but I was by the Dior store today. I was thinking of you. But I was like, Man, what do I get to a guy who has every... Literally like, what could I get you that you'd appreciate? Anything.




Not true.




No, you wouldn't appreciate anything.


From you, I would.


Some presents, just.


Like- I got you a gift.


Say less. I'll have a gift on.


You way. I don't want it. I just want to- You.


Said you'd.


Appreciate anything. Yeah, what I do? But I don't want it now. Why?


I'll get you one anyway.


Say less.


And if you don't like it.


You throw it in the trash. I got your wife a gift, too.




Just throw in love.


Damn, you're a fucking good guy.


I try to be a man.


A love guy. That's what I wish for all my people close to me to be good guys. I guess my wish came true. What the fuck was Johannes up to, though?


What happened?


He almost fought an entire team over a ball.


Yeah, he wanted that ball.


He almost fought the entire Pacers team over the ball. They kept the ball because they were giving it to a rookie. But meanwhile, he.


Wanted the ball. Let's pause the ball real quick. Did you watch game?


That game? No, I didn't know about it until after it was happening. Did you watch game?


I watched bits and pieces of game.


I heard the heat.


Because we had a game.


It was in those stats.


They were up 20 and left. They put him in.


Yeah. I mean, imagine if Joel did that. He have 70 this year.


I know, I mean. But that's what comes with it. Car and my motherfucker. You know... Car and my motherfucker. I was on the... We were talking about Pat, what you would have did? I would have poked hole in that bit. Straight up. You can beat me, put 60 on me. Yeah, you can have this ball. Then I thought about it and I would pill that bitch like orange. Pieces of that bitch.


You'd roll in. Scatter it to the ends of.


The earth. Oh, God. Or sign it. I'm like, I'll sign that motherfucker. There you go.


Remember who you.


Put six? That's just like, you feel me? You know how people would be feeling type of way when you win a game and somebody dunks at the end, you know what I'm saying? But yeah, then I heard they gave in the wrong ball. Nba big ass soap ball and all of this shit.


It's so interesting.


It's so interesting. You love it.


There's always a story every night. So who was right?


You're talking about? They said they won't give it to their rookie.


Who scored his first point?


Yeah, but you usually do it at home. But I respect both sides. I understand both sides.


I think, Yana-.


Imagine- What? How much that ball worked for that rookie now.


Oh, yeah. That's a.


Big ball. You feel? And everyone knows he has it, too.


You think he felt guilty?


Probably a rookie? I don't know.


Probably didn't want all that attention.


I'm like, fuck. Man, bro, I just scored my bucket here. Have the ball. Give me another ball. He's probably the one that was like, Yeah, give me another ball. I don't care.


Who even on that team is the one.


That's- I don't know.


Like, who's the vet that's like, No, we're not giving it back.


Fuck you. The next day they signed James Johnson. Indiana Wilde.


Yeah, he's about to be on karate shit, dude.


Indiana Wilde. Shout out, Jay Jizzel. That's my man, too. I fuck with Jay Jizzel.


He fears no man.


Yeah, man. We spent time in Chicago together, man. We played for the Bulls, man. Yeah, we showed Mad love. Mad love pulled on me anytime I was in Chicago.




Jay Jizzel, real.


And they play them at the top of January twice. Yeah, I like it. So he's ready for war.


Nba loves this shit. They going to find a shit out. You say something crazy, you talk to a ref, they go get that money, kick your ass out. But all this shit, they love this shit. You have to love it. Nba been lit lately. Yeah. And really been lit late. Lit. Big ass soap.


Bubble, man. And the fact that there are so many microphones around. We heard everything that Yana said. We heard everything that they said in the tunnel, everything the Pacers said. Like, Fuck him. Fuck him.


We're not giving him this ball. I'm saying, imagine he get like, Yeah, it's just crazy. I score my career high. They take ball, I run in locker room, get it? What do you think happening to me?


Oh, you're getting fucking jumped. What? Are you kidding me? They're fucking... You're getting jumped like that girl that Blueface pulled up on stage. Dude, you're getting...


Not too much.


But yeah. Yeah, that shit was fucking...


Well, Draymond did it. You know what I'm saying? If Draymond was running- Pivot. -like, you know what I'm saying?


Let's get to Draymond.


Oh, man, I forgot about that shit. Hey, what's Draymond on, man? What are you on?


Career-long suspension is what he's on.




What are.


You on, man? What are you on? That's not like him neither. That's just not like him. You feel me?


It's not like him. Seems like it is like him because he keeps on doing it.


Yeah, but that's not like him. You play against players for... I'm an NBA for 13 years. I've been playing against Draymond for a decade and some change. That's fucked up though, man, because they need him, too.


You think he's frustrated that they've been losing?


I don't know. You never know. You never know. You feel me? You never know, but I don't know. Because he's shooting the ball. He's playing well this year. That's the crazy thing. He's shooting the ball well. Man, it's just, hey, what are you all? He knocked his ass out.


Spinning back fist.




Do you think he would have done that to you? You think it's situational?


I don't know. Probably so.


Which one? That was either or. He would have done it to you or it's situational?




Yeah, I think it is too. Find a big European.


I mean, chill, man.


But it's just obviously I'm joking and it's a very unfortunate situation.


Yeah, because they need them.


But something that keeps on happening, it's hard to be like, Oh, it's just a coincidence. Oh, it's just a coincidence.


Yeah, that's the hard part. You feel me? They punish him not for... I mean, you should be punished for that, but prior history. That's what they gave me. That's what I was trying to figure out. I body-tap Aden, and he happened to trip and fall because AR was right there. But they gave me three games, bro. They literally gave me three games. Mind you, I've never been suspended like that. You feel me? For a game? Obviously, Chris Paul pushed, but that was one game. They gave me three games for a body show, feel me? People out here getting choked out and all that shit. They give them off for four or five games and all that shit.


But isn't Draymond on an indefinite suspension now?


Yeah, that's crazy. You don't even know how long it is. That's unfortunate because you lose a ton of money. That's the whole thing. You feel me? You work too hard to be giving money away. Like, I'm the one to say something like that shit. They say the Kettles calling the T-Black. I'm the one to say I almost lost a million dollars in fines.


Pots calling the Kettle European.


Yeah, it.


Was just interesting. It just hurts them in their ability to win games.


Shout out to Body Armor.


They're switching around their rotation and everything. I also saw Steph didn't hit a three for the first time in a fucking million games. What?


268? Some crazy shit. Some crazy shit. Some crazy shit. 58 some shit.


Just so many games. It really is just a testament to how long he's been playing well. It seems like people almost take their success for granted. It's like, these guys are going to have to find a way to reinvent themselves, reshuffling the rotation. But speaking of.


Reshuffled rotations- No, forget all that. The real story ain't nobody talking about Clay Thompson, why doesn't he have an extension?


People probably would say- What?


People what?


Would that he's not playing as.


Well this year? I don't give a fuck, man. You man brought championships to that organization. What do you mean? It wasn't a splash, brother. It was Splash Brothers. Like, come on now. Feel me? I'm a player. You hate to see it like that. You hate to see that, bro. You hate to see that. You hate to see that. Championship. I'm talking about so many championships that we have moved to another city, win a championship.


Yeah. It was the.


Only way to get another one. You don't fuck up his knee?


I'm going to play Devil's advocate on this one though.


What's to play?


Because if you came back and kill his injury, knee injury. Come back, kill his injury.


If you give him a four year contract where he's getting paid $30 million in the fourth year of the contract or something like that, $40 million in the fourth year of the contract- What?


It's okay. It's not for what you're doing now. It's for what you did up and coming to this point.


But if they're trying to build their roster, I feel like their perspective is that that could hamstring them.


That's why I'm a player, I guess.


I don't know. Just playing devil's advocate. They're not my team. I hope everybody could get paid. What do I care? It's not my money.


Okay, fuck it. You own business. Right. You have workers.




Workers working his or her ass off, right? At the time they're a big part of your business, success, earn you... You get a ton of money. A ton of money from the group, collectively the group. But this one person is the group. It's him, feel me? And his brother, Draymond. Hefeel me like that's the core to get all kept, the three.


Right. You take.


Care of your person, you let your person walk. I understand the business part of it. I understand it. I understand it. I'm talking about the... The Sprinkler is just a little human part of it.


Oh, the human part of it, you have to sign him. I think that they're afraid of signing someone long term and putting themselves in a situation. But it seems like he should have a game that would age well. Spot-up shooter?


Great. No, he's been playing well. People would be wanting him to come out and squeeze 40 all year long. Philby, high fifties all year long.


He had a rough... And he's been playing better of late too, but it's a tough situation.


They just won a championship two years ago. What are we-.


Pay the man his money.


Give that man his money. What are you talking about? Shout out to Rounders, man.


Shout out to Rounders, dude. We were on the same page on that one. Man, Edward Norton, Matt Damon.


We were great. Great cash. And you didn't know where it was heading. You didn't know if the Russian was going to come in there and just... He beat me.


Straight up. Yeah, Malkovich, Tony Saragoussa.


Yeah, that's.


A fucking stack.


His homie was getting in some shit, though.


I know.


We remember that the fire department was the police department where they tried to-.


Was it the fire? Yeah, they tried to play the game at the 30th. Yeah, that was a tough movie. Great movie. Even Tony Saragoussa, Rest in Peace of Sweet Soul, didn't have the best Russian accent, but still you overlooked it. The bodyguard- He beat me.


Straight up.


-with the Oreos.


With the Oreos. He probably tell. They found us.


Okay. Rounders. Founders, bro. He fucking found that shit. All right, guys, this podcast is brought to you by Body Armor. Pepe, a podcast with Ron is always sipping on some body armor. You know we keep one with us at all the time. Electrolytes, alkaline water. I don't leave home without it. It's so good. There's something about body armor. It just tastes a little bit colder. I'm done with mine. A little bit cleaner, a little bit crisper, and a little bit more refreshing than any other water you can get on the market. I don't know what it is that's going into it, but I know that I drink it anytime I want to get hydrated. You can get all kinds of great flavors and and have. What are some of the flavors you've enjoyed? I got.


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Oh, yeah, the strawberry banana.


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Who's the first as you say?


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Christmas. Whoa, Pat, let me cut in for a second and let's talk about New Amsterdam Vodka. That's our shit.


You love you some... Hey listen. Hey listen, that's one thing you like. You love you.


Some New Amsterdam. No, I don't.


It. I love it. Yeah, that's right.


Correct me. When everybody is buying their stocking, stuffers, and gifts for me this year, family members, strangers on the street, remember, the only thing I want this year is some delicious New Amsterdam vodka. Crisp, delicious, refreshing, elite. One of the better flavors of vodka that you can get because it's built with a passion not only for vodka, but everything they do over at New Amsterdam Vodka comes with an unbridled passion. They're most inspired by those who stay true to who they are and people who share that exact same passion.


I smell it. I smell it and I feel like I'm tipsy.


Yep, exactly. It's going to take you where you want to go no matter where that is. As we approach the holidays, New Amsterdam is here to fill your glasses. You toast to all your wins from 2023 and look forward to your epic year ahead. So stock up your holiday parties and find your wins today with New Amsterdam Vacca. The Clippers are playing great.


I told you.


You sure did.


Literally told you.


Everybody was ready.


To- I told you they're going to be a tough out. Oh, of course. They're going to be a tough out. They're going to be a tough out for seven games. All that wisdom on that team with that culture, with that firepower, they're going to be a tough out.


Kauai playing great.


Pg. He's always been playing great.


James Harden's playing great. But I think you almost have to give the most credit to Russ because he said, I'm going to take myself.


Out of the starting line. But Russ is always like... He's always been that way.


I don't understand. And you got to give him the credit. Let's give him credit then.


I've always gave Russ credit.


Well, then Russ, give some credit.


For me then. I always gave Russ credit, man. You're a hooper. You play with Russ on your team. Man, you know what to do to the game. And it's going to be a series where no one can guard Russell Westbrook. For real. He going to win a playoffs here. He literally going to win a playoff series. That's just how it goes. Good come to good.


You've been saying that, I mean, just tip of the cap to them. They figured it all out.


It's alchemy. But it's still early too.


You're saying that things could fuck up and.


Fall apart from them? No, I'm saying that you got to think like, okay, veteran guys who've been in the league, it takes the long free legs to get up under you too. Maybe we just scored 150 some points tonight. Maybe we just starting to see people getting their legs up under them.


I'm excited. People are scoring so fucking much.


This year. It's December.


Offenses are incredible this year, though. Iknow, some of them might score 200 this year.


I know, but it was like a stat, like a 60 point game, 650 point games, and 20, 40 point games with 10, 40 point games last year in December. So December is the month where they called a little bit all the calls, and you're seeing guys score a little bit more, you know what I'm saying? I mean, not ironically, but theionis has 60, you know what I'm saying? But that's literally the same thing that happened last December of last year.


Peeped, clocked. I also saw a footage of Dylan Brooks saying some nasty things to a referee. Do you see that? Yeah, man. He called him a pussy.


Yeah, they going to find shit out of him. The P-word? Yeah, I don't vote P-word, F-word, any curse word towards the referee. Book him, Daniel. Book him now. So yeah, I just come with it.


But I don't know. That's why I'm so curious to hear people mic'd up.


That's why I'm saying, well, what if you just turn it all around? I seen the ref kick somebody. I seen the ref kick Vujovic out of game last year. He spoke. He curse him out in no language. Rep probably didn't understand. He said something and I just said, Kick this ass out. But I'm saying, what if you go to ref like, and what the freak you call that freaking call for?


Yeah, a little self-censor. Freak you. Freak you.




Are they going to get you with the bull junk after that? Are they going to be.


Like- I don't know. I'm going to try.


You should. I'm going to try. That call was bull junk, ref. That's what Coach Prime is on. He calls everything that's some bull junk.


What if I hit him with a fudge that. Fudge that.


You lit liquor? No, I'm not. Hit him with the lit liquor, bro. They won't know what to say.


They going to throw me out that bitch.


A lit liquor? Hey, I.


Hit a rep.


That's what the kids are saying, huh?


I ain't going to say his name.




No, I hit a rep. Ma'am, why you call that man? I say his name. What did you call me? What did you call me? Your name. What do you think I called you? Puta. What? Speak no damn Spanish. What's wrong with you, man? I don't know what the fuck you talk about. Yeah, Rev told me that this year.


There is ways that you could say someone's name and it would be- What?


Hold on. What do you think I said? That'd be good. Make sure we're on the same page. Yeah, puta. What?




The fuck I look like calling you a puta? What are you talking about, rep? You tripping right now.


Yeah, bro. What does he think? You were a fucking Latin.


King dude.


That's fucking nuts. But I think that there's ways that you could say a ref's name where it would have like... It's like calling your mom by her first name or something.


No, I don't know. But not puta. Come on man.


No, Puntes. I'm not going.


To curse you out in Spanish, my boy. Like, come on man. I'm going to be like, I hate.


That guy. I mean, you saw what DK Metcalfe has been doing. He's been cursing people out and... I just spilled my twist.


At that shit. Sign as soon as you get. The Eagles take that L, you're talking about the Metcalfe. Let that shit go, bro.


I'm saying he's been cursing.


People out in sign like this. Let that go.


I'm putting two Ls in Philly, bro.


This shit is bad. All your last name should be Cool J.


Ladies love me. I'm on my.


Cool J.


But yeah, shit has been bad. But there's a story that's been going around the NFL Twitter today. What is it? This old player, Rashar Mendens. I was like, man.


Don't ask me football questions because I'm.


Not- It's not a football question. So basically what he said was, I'm tired of these fucking white guys talking about football. We need to have a white versus black pro bowl. And so everybody's going through the white players that would be on the all white team against the black players that would be on the all black team. If people are sensitive about shit, fucking sit this one out. But this is a good fun one to be able to talk about because I'm curious how it would.


Go- I.


Don't know no football.


-in the NBA. Oh, built to ask. Oh, built to ass, man. Hear me out. I heard you. Belt to ass.


Let me just tell you the.


Roster then. Don't matter. Don't matter.


Don't matter. I know it doesn't matter, but let me just say the roster so people can argue. Point guard, Luca.




Two, Chet. Three, Laurie. Four, Sabonus. Five, Joker.


Okay, great team.


Great team. No, coming off the bench. Hero, Sengun, AR.




Hayward. Gordon Hayward, Porziingus.


Great fucking team.


Great team.


Beltasks. Great team.




Everybody else. Versus everybody else.


All right. All right. Say the roster. Say what.


It would be. Close your eyes and pick 10 of the best black motherfucker.


Say it. Who started at five?


M-b- Okay. Lebron. Okay.


Kd. Kd.


Steph. Kd, Steph.


And Tatum?


You could go, I mean, Hallebert, you can go anywhere. You could literally go anywhere. Kauai, you can go, what do you mean? You can go anywhere. The bench is wild.


Our bench gets thin fast.


Listen, the bench, the colored bench, wow.


You can't say that.


Okay, African-American bench.


You can't say that.


African-american bench. Cut that. Make sure we cut that.


No, no, no, you got to keep it because I got to get my one. You can't saysay that out. I got to get my one. You can't say that. I got to get my one.


You can't say that. No, no, no. But the African-American bench.


Carusso, V governor.


The bench? You got Killers on the bench. James Harden is on the bench. Russ is on a bench. We got some hitters on the bench.


Hitters with the ER? That's crazy.


No, they don't stand a chance.


Yeah, it doesn't stand a chance. It's probably a 30-point loss.




Though. Respectfully, because there's an MVP. You know what I mean? I'm probably a rookie of the year. Luca could win the MVP sometime soon.


Yeah, but.


Then- Some great players on this.


That's a good... The first quarter and a half would be a great game, though.




Because it is like...


Starters were just...


The other side would be having that.


Ball moving. Our team is going to pass, but you guys are going.


Off the backboard. That's why I said ball. Then when athleticism and strength kicks in around the second quarter.


You're saying Chets not.


Strong enough? I'm just saying it's a lot of strong motherfuckers over there.


Yeah, we got an all time bad body team.


M-b, Bron, K-D.


Yeah, they could be about to ask.




Yeah, Jaylen Brown.


Who chasing Steph off screens?




So he's starting?


No, no, no, no.


So who chasing Steph.


Off screens? Chettis.


So switching everything. That means whoever was guard.


Steph- We're zoning.


-whoever was guard, Steph, is now on InBe.


Yeah, but that's because everybody on our team is like six, eight and above. There's no argument where I'm winning this game. We're just belt to ass. It's absolutely belt to ass. But it's a fun mental exercise to.


Think about. That's fun, though. That's fun. That's different, too.


We'll wait till we.


Talk about hockey. No, no, no. Fuck that. No, no, no. Fuck that. Fuck that. I only think of the team. Tk Suban. Go all time. Bird. John Stockton.


John Stock then? Pistle P?


John Havlochek. Come on, bro. I mean, John Havlochek is like, if you put his shit up, numbers point, championships, MVP, you put his shit up. His shit close to Mike's. I don't even think people know.


Havlochek is nice.


For real, bro.


George Mikeen, bro. Put respect on my boy's name. Larry. Larry. But now we're still getting a watch.


Who we got? Mike, Will, Shack.


Green, Oscar.


Oh, my goodness. I'm trying to see how the bench is looking for that.






Hey. And beat.


Off the bench? That's wild.


Yeah, I think he make the.


Team- Katie off.


The bench? Yeah. No.


Katie of... Would he start?


Well, here's more interesting.


Who's the point guard?




Who's the two guard? Cobb.


Not Jordan.


I'm putting Jordan three.


It's going to be a long day for the white delegation.


I'm putting Cobb two, Steph one, Mike at the three.


Lebron at the four. That's what I'm saying. And then Shaq at the five. That's what I'm saying. Or Wilt at the five. I'm saying.


You've got Kareem at the five.


You've got Kareem, Will. Or Bill Russell at the five.


You've got five fives.


Damn, bro. Oh, God.


You know what I'm saying?


Let's do baseball then.


Magic off the bench.


Magic. I mean Oscar. Oscar off the bench.


Scottie off the bench. Katie, like James, Russ, Kwadna might be like, ninth, 10th man.


The bench is going to wrap around the block like you're going to a one-direction show, dude. Just fucking going to be like- Yeah, a belt's ass. Yeah.


We even mentioned Chris Paul, Tim Duncan. We didn't even mention like-.


Oh, well, we didn't mention Dirk. True. We tried. We tried.


Where is D-Wade?


Yeah, D-Wade.


D-wade is fucking- Who's your coach?


We got you there, brother. Phil?


Some would say he was a black man. Who's our coach? Black coach.


Doc? Pat Riley. Who?


Pat Riley.


No, you're not taking Pat Riley. He's our GM. He's putting together the team. He's going to have Max Truess putting up 50 on Jordan or some shit like that. No, I.


Got Pat Riley, man. I sleep there.


Everywhere I ground. He's going to have Duncan Robinson putting up fucking points on Kobe or some shit like that. You can't have Pat Riley, bro. You need to have fucking... You guys get Michael Jordan, the GM version. You get the team owner, Michael Jordan.


And we're still going to put Belt to ass.


We don't need no coach. Now, he'll be putting Sean May in there. Raymond felton or some shit. That's just crazy.


No, it's a fun mental exercise.


That was.


A good one. A fun mental exercise.


I was going to say about the football one?


They said, We have no cornerbacks. There hasn't been a white cornerback in 20 plus years, dude. Jason Seahorn and the fucking- You.


All got quarterbacks, though.


Quarterbacks, yeah, but we're going to have to... I mean, only one guy could pass the ball. And plus there's, I mean- O-Line?


O-line, yeah. We're looking nice, tight ends.


I know, but defense.


Yeah, and wide receivers.


Mike Allstart.


Christian McAfrey.


Not or Lacker.


Hey, Chuck Benarik. Dick Butkiss, put some fucking respect on his name.


Doug Floody.


No, Doug Foodie is not getting fucking fun with that.


You don't like Doug Floody.


I love Doug Floody. I've fucked.


With Doug. I interview.


Doug Floody one time.


He was getting killed out there. He would throw hell, marriage, and every other play. I love Doug Floody.


He was a grown man. He would bring his baseball glove to Red Sox games, and he was catching balls, too. He was catching foul balls on... Child of.


Doug Floody. Child of Doug Floody, bro.


Child of Doug Floody, bro. He did a Sunday conversation back in the day. I asked him if he was more scared when he was young or if he's more scared now that he's getting older.


What was his answer?


He's more scared now that he's getting older.


How old is he when you interview him?


He might be 60.


How old is he now?




Oh, that was just recently.


Recently. 62, 63. What's your answer? Are you more scared younger or more scared now?


I don't know. I'm scared now.


What are you scared of?


Just want my kids to be cool through the ups and downs in life. I know my mom, it was cool because I was the only child for a lot. But you just wish that everybody stays on the road. Okay, yeah, you might go right a little bit, but get your ass back over here. Listen to the lessons I have taught you.


So much scary shit can happen.


Row might break apart. You might not know where to go. You might go to wilderness for a little bit. It's okay, merge back on Row and run my lessons, my son. I did a good job of giving them lessons and gave them good armor. Because as parents, you'll see when you have your kid, as parents, that's what we do. We can't protect kid, but we can give kid big blanket. When they get cold, we can give kid good armor, armor for life. You know what I'm saying? That's my thing. I'm going to arm you with just a bunch of knowledge, everything I know. Hopefully you go fuck up, but hopefully your fuck-ups don't be another fuck-up. Your fuck-ups be okay. Let me lock back in.


Oh, Sage wisdom. Hey, Pat.






Oh, how fast I'm thinking.


Yep, there's twisted teas.


Coming your way. Oh, there's a light version.


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These don't even taste like alcohol.


It's so smooth because it's brewed with real tea. I mean, that's pretty much their secret right there.


It is the original- 110 calories.


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Whoa, not up, not down.


No, no, no.


Straight Talk. No, not side to side.


No, I'm talking about straight talk. What about diagonal? No, it's not diagonal talk, Pat. It's straight talk. Straight Talk. Straight Talk. Four lines. Wireless, 25 bucks.


A quarter each line.


Exactly. I mean, they're making plans that your entire family can hop on, enjoy, talk.


To you where you want. Especially for the.


Holidays, too. Oh, my gosh. Call mom back in Oklahoma.


You said not up and down talk.


What is it? No, I'm talking about.


Straight talk.


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You might have to give.


Her a line. You might have. But with lines that cheap, you can afford to straight talk. Wireless is available at Walmart and Walmart. Com. Let's get back to the show. First off, let me reiterate, buy the merch.






Don't play yourself. But you all got to tell us which one. If you all had a choice between which one you all would purchase. Would it be the Love Gang?


Would it be the Love Gang? Or the Subscribe. Or the Wine. Or the Vintage Sixers or the real ones, the classic one. The classic ones.


And that's all of it. Every time I go to that site it's sold out though, bro.


They said that's a glitch in the Matrix.


For real. We got to get it. So yeah, you all go buy some of those so these Christmas is coming up. And we're doing something real special after a home game. We're going to have some people. We're going to wear the hoodies to the game and after the game. We'll give you all more details to that later. But yeah, merch is on fire right now.


Merch is on fire.


That's what I'm saying. If you had the gray one with the white, white white heart-.


That looks so tough. You layer it out, you know what I mean? Especially in the wintertime, it's all about the layers.


Yeah, all about the love, too.


It's all about the love. If you're in California or wherever, global warming, you could wear the hoodie with the shorts and shit. It still.


Looks good. Justin Bieber.


Yeah, Justin Bieber. Love yourself. John Morant is going to.


Be back. Oh, you remembered.


I remembered. I had it circled on my calendar. Jaw Day. Jaw-few. I can't wait for Jah to be back. I feel like it's about time. I've enjoyed watching even Desmond-Bane. He's great.


He's been shooting. He's been playing really well in the.


Absence as well. He's not just a shooter either. But having Jaw back will be transformative for their team.




Forget how great Jaw is.


Now people forget how good Tias Jones was.


Respect to Tias Jones.


As well. Yeah, you can say what you want, do what you want, but you forget how good he was for him. Really good for him.


What are you looking for out of Jaw as he returns?


I don't want to see him dunk on somebody.


Not like keep a good head on his shoulders and- I.


Just want him to come out and just-.


Leave the strap at home?


No, I just want to see him just be Jah. Go out there, be a fucking highlight wheel, win some games, be a fucking highlight real, bro. You know what I mean? I don't want him to come back. Obviously, time back. He's going to take some time to get his legs under you. I understand that too, but I hope that he beats all the odds. I hope that he go in that thing and he just be dominant and fucking walking highlight real rest of the season.


Yeah, that'll be great. Yeah, for sure. The NBA needs guys.


Like Ja. Yeah, I said that.


Timberwall is soon. Timberwell is coming up against the Sixers.


Can't wait to play them. They put Belt to the ass last time we played them. Belt to our ass.


Yeah, they're playing great. Their number one seed in the West.


Yeah. That's something I've been working on for years though, right?


And we talked about it. We've been talking about it. We've been giving them bouquets of flowers. Nothing that we didn't expect.


Yeah, great coach. Great talent. You've seen it, but you've seen a snowball effect. You've seen when I was there, the Rudy Gobertrae, they were trying to figure it out and then one more year playing with each other. They were patient with this, so that's good. A lot of organizations aren't patient. They were really patient with it. They looked at a long game. Now, overview of it, you look at the tray and like, Yeah, that train wasn't that bad.


Also, I mean, they zagged when the rest of the League was zigging and they went big. Now they're hard to... It's like, Okay, and beat on Go Bear. Now, Katz, he presents a mismatch in some against a lot of teams.


Yeah, it's going to be good. It's going to be good. I'm excited to compete with them next game. It's going to be fun.


Ernie Johnson made the broadcast Hall of Fame. Man, I'd love to have a career like.


That, guys. He is great.




Great. His voice is great. His demeanor is great. The way he... To have a guy like that in the middle of NBA greats, he holds his own. You know what I'm saying? They respect him.


He's really good. You can tell he's not just invited to the cookout. But he's.


Working the grill. No, no, no. Ernie's the best. I don't know if you watched the pod, but Ernie, congratulations all your success. Like true pioneer, bro. And he'd be swaggy.


He earned it.


True pioneer. True pioneer.


Yeah, true pioneer, legend in the game. Then looking ahead, Christmas coming up. You guys are traveling to-.


Hey, what's the Christmas carol with the It Made You Count? On the first day of Christmas, my truth of gay to me A partridge and a petrie.


The fuck is a partridge?


On the second day of Christmas, my trues are gay to me. Two turtle.


Doves and a partridge and a peartree.


On the third day of Christmas, my truth of gay to me. Three...




Don't know. Five golden rings, four collingbirds, three.




Hens, two turtle doves and a petridge in a petridge.


What about the sixth day?


On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love.


Gave to me six twisted T's.


Five body armours.


Two subscribe hoody.


Four love gangs.


And a portrait.


In a petri. I love it. I love it. Shout out to Barstool, man. Shout out.


To Barstool. Shout out to.


The real ones. Shout out to Dave.


Shout out to Erica. Yeah, shout out to everybody that made the plot happen. Squad here. Good, Tidey.


Shout out to Ms. Lisa, too.


Shout out to Ms. Lisa.


She's a gangster. I fucking love that lady.


She is?


I seen her.


Cheers, cheer, cheer. She wants to come to the Sixer's game. She keeps on being like, When's a good Sixers game for me to come to?


I've seen her at the Rough and Rowdy. I looked over. She's glued in a ring like this. All right, Ms. Lisa, you love this shit. She fucking love it. She's the best. And she owe me pushups, too.


She did pushups? Oh, she owes.


You pushups. She owe me.


Eight, I need them. Yeah, she has the olive oil arm. She tried to do a pushup.


I felt bad. I was like, I got this lady here do a.


Push-ups man. She owes.


You, though. She do owe me.


The game.


Is the game. Game is definitely the game.


Any other shoutouts? Frank the Tank? Tommy Smoke did a protest today. He was.


Like- I think Frank the Tank is acting now. I'm on to him.


I heard he's a skinny guy and he just unzips his fucking suit every day.


I'm on to Frank.


The Tank.


Yeah? Yeah. After that subway shit that day when he was late to work.


He was.


To get to work and blames on the subways. All the subways are down.


New Jersey transit.


They're always down. I'm looking around. I'm like, Everyone was mad that day when they were late. The camera was on, everybody was mad. Everyone had their own stories or this and that. Then for him to come in and say, All the trains stop working. Then I go to UU. Of course, all the trains work, Pat. It's tank talker. Yeah, he's acting.


It's hyperbole. He'll be like, The Mets are going to lose 162 games next year. It's like misery cells.


No, he's faking. He's faking. Ain't nothing wrong with him.


He's not sad? He's not actually sad.


Right. Ain't nothing wrong with Frank.


Yeah. He's having a good time, but it's working. If he's.




If they hate, let them hate.


He's watching the numbers pile up. It gives even more respect to Frank. Oh, yeah. The finesse, the ass.


We need him to get an Oscar.


Yeah, that's why. If he was a hooper, he'd have a sweet hookshot. The finesse in his game is sweet.


Oh, yeah. He'd be getting the fucking flop calls at all times, dude. He'd be fucking selling contact. He's great. He's very great. But Tommy Smokes did a protest today, and everyone was like, Do you think Pat Beve would have been here? I was like, Yeah, Pat Beve would be there for Tommy, not for Lil' Sass.


No, I'm off of the Sass train because I've left the building.


But Tommy, you'd be there. What did.


He do a.


Protest for? He didn't make the Forbes 30 under 30.


He didn't?


No, he didn't make it.




Well, he was campaigning all year for it. He made a song. He had a dating show. He fucking had a million dollar business.


Man, stop. But my thing is, right? I see those lists and I'm like, That's cool. But I want to be the guy who be afraid to be on that list. I want to have so much wealth and so much everything that's like, I don't want to be on this list. Please keep me on that list.


I want to have so much wealth people accused of being a Luminati type.


Of shit. That's easy. People take that if you get a little bit of success. I'm talking about like, keep forwards away. I don't really want people to know.


Quiet money. The only list I care about is the nice list.


Are you on a nice list this year?


Of course, bro. Everybody knows that. And a partridge in a pear tree.


Look at Frank DeTang. You rolling with this? You're rolling with this? Be honest.


Yeah, I'm rolling with that. Frank DeTank's been doing walks. Frank the tank's down to 185 pounds. I saw his obliques popping out the other day. This man has a fucking six-pack.


I love that.


But good tidings to all and to all good night. This has been the Pat, Beth, Pi.


With Ron.


I hope everybody has a fantastic Christmas.


We're doing an episode before Christmas.


Though, right? Oh, well, then fucking enjoy the remnants of your Hanukah.


And merch, buy.


Buy the merch for Christmas. Buy yourself a Christmas present. You guys have earned it. You guys have busted.


Your ass. Hey, you know what, Faka? This is what I'm going to do. We're going to do something for Christmas. We're going to give some people some merch.


Okay, talk to me.


I'm trying to figure out a way we can do it, though.


Show us a receipt that you bought the merch and we'll give it to you.


I like that.




I like that.


So buy the merch and then you'll get it.


Right, and we'll send you another one.


I was just saying they get the.


One that they bought. No, you're not going to do that. Buy the merch. Let us know you bought the merch, and we'll send you more merch.


There you go.


For a.


Select number of people.


Let's go what?


Seven or six.


No, majority is number 22.


I was saying like 76ers. But 22 works too. Sorry, Mary. Jesus.


You're trying to get people at least. Huh? You're trying to get the people more.


I'm trying to make money for the pod and the company, but I'm greedy. Maybe that won't help me be on the nice list. Let's give it to 76 people.


Look, are you ready for me to say, Let's just.


Keep it at 22. You're being greedy.


22 is fine. 22. That was great.


Love gang. Belt.


Ass. Belt to ass, 22. I'll tell you we're going to give 22 people.


Two 22s.


Merch that they don't have. Yeah. Send us the receipt of what you bought and then what you don't have, we throw something in there.