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I was Tib. I had Tib when I was in Chicago. We did a close-out drill for an hour straight. You all still do that?


Yeah. Damn. Full-court close-outs. Go to free throw line, close-out. Go to half-court, close-out. Other side, free throw line, close-out. Baseline, turn around, do it again.


I love it. I mean, he gets the reputation of being a psycho. No, I love it. I love playing his guys. I mean, you look at the minutes that your teammates are playing during like, Josh Hart's playing 48 minutes in the game. Is he as much of a psycho as people say?


I mean, basketball genius.


That's a nice way of saying psycho.


I fucking love it, too. The way he's able to get players to buy into a system. Josh Hart, he was just in Portland, bro. He didn't have no home. We didn't know what was Josh. Okay, cool. He was cool here. He was okay here. He really got home now. And he can actually be himself, rebound a ball, push it, shoot tough shots, not feel bad if he missed one, not feel bad if he airballs him. That's all coaching. That's all tips, all tips.