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But I want your starting five enforcers of all time.


Shit, number one, I'm going Oakley. Oakley, that was mine. Oakley is my number one. He's still fucking with people to this day. Ron Artest. Ron Artest was always down with that shit. I got to go over to Detroit. I got to say Ben Wallace. I'm going to tell you something, Ben Wallace was strong as a motherfucking ox. Let me tell you something, nobody wanted that shit with Ben. He was quiet, but that's even more scary. The quiet motherfuckers is the ones. I was going to go Rick Mahorn. Rick Mahorn. I can't argue with that. I was going to go Rick Mahorn, and I'm not even going to put myself in there, man. I'm going to take myself out of that shit, man. I'm going to go Rick Mahorn, and I'm going to go Bill Lane Beard because the shit they did, the joy, was the shit they did, the joy.


They all had been put in jail. I understand why everyone was fighting back then. Because they would just close on somebody as they're going up for, you know what I mean? That shit was there.