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I want you to hit me with the five players who are the toughest to go against. You're like, Okay, that's going to be a test tonight.


Obviously, Drew, Marcus.


Marcus Smart. Yeah. I'm going to go Caruso.


Caruso? Yeah. I can rock with Caruso, too. Caruso's in yours as well. Dejante.


Dejante is in there. Good call. Yeah, he got straps. He played the right way. He played the passing lines. You can't just bring it up easy. He go, Make sure you turn a couple of times. He go, honor. And we're not including ourselves. Right.


I'm not going to include myself either, Phyllis.


I like Nemhardt. That motherfucker was picking up full. He made the game different. You know what I'm saying? He made it difficult. You started your offense at 15 when you're supposed to be starting at 18.


You guys are specifically talking about guards.


The night before, you're like, damn, I got to deal with his ass, man. And we're taking us two off the list. The Sugs.


Jalen Sugs. He's like 6 now. Jones. Trey Jones. San Antonio.


San Antonio. Good call.


Those are nice five.