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Why do you think that the NBA Finals is getting less popular? But at the same time, as a business person, why do you think that the product is getting more expensive?


Livesports is the only place where you have people gathering to watch television. That's valuable to sponsors, advertisers, people who want to sell things. The numbers are low, but it's still not chopped liver. It's still 9, 10 million people checking it out. Of course, they want that to be up to 17 to 20 million. I think they just got to figure out the business model. It changed a little bit. The NBA was really built on those RSNs, those regional sports networks that would show the local games and pay big money to the league. Also, I believe it's to play on the court. We want a little more defense, a little more mano a mano, not so much a free-flowing.