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Do you think that the thieves and Home Alone were like soft idiots to get outsmarted by a.


Child like that? No, I just think they.




Underestimated their opponent? -underestimated their opponent, yeah. They came in lacking a little bit, thought they was going to scare. Buddy came back with a little one, too.


Well, then by Home Alone too then.


You got to know what's up. Fool me twice. Yeah, my op, he's dangerous. Let me go ahead and get my affairs in order to get right.


I feel like he would have been easy to kill if that's what they're.


Trying to do. I think they were just trying to scam and rob him.


Yeah, but.


They got scared. He was burning my fucking heads off. This is my fucking crazy.


People are stepping on. I mean, he's like dropping bowling balls and fucking people are stepping through nails and shit like that.


Yeah. He's from the Chicago area. Him and my shop are going to the same school.


Kevin McAllister?


We went to the old Park Group 4s.


What? I think he's a fictional character.