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Why do people hate on Karl? He shoots a lot of jump shots. He's really not like a big bruiser. I'm going to back you down, dunk on you. His game is one leg face. He shoots floats, he shoots right-hand hooks, he shoots trade-balls, he come off curl screens. I mean, one of the best shooting bigs in the league. Regardless of people like it or not, he get her done. He get it done. You understand me? He giving motherfuckers the blues. You hear me? He is giving folks the blues. They can't guard him. They switch a guard on him, he posts them up. You put a big on him, he go play off the catch. You close out short, hit Tracy on you. And he guarded Jokuj. Better than the Deepoy. Jokuj did not guard him. They put Aaron Gordon on him. To me, MVP that series, Kat.