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What's your answer? Were you more scared younger or more scared now?


Scared now.


What are you scared of?


Just want my kids to be cool through the ups and downs in life. I just wish that everybody stays on the road. Okay, yeah, you might go right a little bit, but get your ass back over here. Listen to the lessons I have taught you.


So much scary shit can happen.


Row might break apart. You might not know where to go. You might go to Wilderness for a little bit. It's okay, merge back on road and run my lessons. I did a good job and gave them lessons and gave them good armor. As parents, that's what we do. We can't protect kids, but we can give kid big blanket. When they get cold. We can give kids good armor, armor for life. You know what I'm saying? That's my thing. I'm in the army with just a bunch of knowledge, everything I know. Hopefully, we can go fuck up, but hopefully, those fuck-ups don't be another fuck-up. Those fuck-ups will be okay. Let me lock back in.