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But who's the ideal starting lineup for Team USA?


Steph Curry.


Steph had one.


Lebron James.


Lebron at four.


Joe L. B.


They're going to beat at five. Kevin Durant. Kevin Durant at three. Anthony Edwards. Anthony Edwards. Over Jason Tatum, NBA champion?




Jalen Brown said that he's the number one option on the team, but the only thing is Jalen Brown's running mate is also on the team. That would make me uncomfortable if I was Jason Tatum.


I mean, it's not wild, right? They built the team, the best team.


The best team.


Sometimes you build the best team, you might be the best player, but you might not fit into that.


I think that this is an incredible team. I could see them losing the game.


I don't see them losing the game.


You don't think they could lose a single game?


When it's go time and all those players have a switch that they all can hit, and they all hit it at the same time.


Playing as a unit is more important than hitting the switch, though.


Yeah, but you got to hit the switch in order to be the best unit.