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Trey Young said that if he was 6'8-He'd be the best player ever. I guess you got to have that confidence.


Yeah, you do. But Trey Young at 6'8 with what Trey Young can do now at 5'11?


Yeah, that would be different.


You've never seen a player like that.


So my question is this. If you could steal an attribute from a player for yourself to optimize and improve your game, what would you take for yourself?




And whose size? Pause.


I take a 6,7.


What type of player is an optimal body type? Jason Brown.


Yeah, that type of body size.


Rising up on people? We got to stop dunking the night, Pat.


You in these rims. I'm dunking every night. We keep on dunking. For real. Calluses on the hands. I'm dunking so much.