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Black church sounds so much more fun than.


White church. How you all church go? You all be like...


They have the bells out. What's yours like?


Jesus is on the main line telling what you want.


Oh, Jesus. Yeah, I should be lit.


Call him. Call him.


Yeah, I.


Should be lit.


No beat, though. It's all hand clap s.


That probably gives you the tingles.


Well, Jesus is on the main. I thought you.


Were going to say, Well, it's.


The big show. You play church song. And if the crowd is feeling it, church songs don't go off. So service is supposed to be over at one. Service might be over at 1:15, 1:16. All the church goes, they know that extra 15, 16 feels like eternity in there. Black church be getting down.