
The Peter Attia Drive

Expert insight on health, performance, longevity, critical thinking, and pursuing excellence. Dr. Peter Attia (Stanford/Hopkins/NIH-trained MD) talks with leaders in their fields.

#299 ‒ Optimizing muscle protein synthesis: the crucial impact of protein quality and quantity, and the key role of resistance training | Luc van Loon, Ph.D.

The Peter Attia Drive

  • 5 months ago
  • 02:30:05

View the Show Notes Page for This Episode Become a Member to Receive Exclusive Content Sign Up to Receive Peter’s Weekly Newsletter Luc van Loon is an internationally renowned expert in skeletal muscle metabolism. In this episode, Luc starts with an exploration of the roles of insulin and triglycerides in endurance exercise, highlighting their impact on skeletal muscle metabolism, and he offers profound insights into the significance of protein in this context. He elucidates how different protein types and forms influence muscle protein synthesis rates, exploring the nuances of protein absorption, digestibility, amino acid quality, and their implications for performance and recovery. Delving deeper, he differentiates between animal and plant protein sources, unraveling the distinctive properties of various protein types, from the differences between whey and casein to the emerging trends in collagen protein supplementation. Moreover, Luc dissects the intricate connections among physical activity, lean muscle mass, muscle protein synthesis induced by resistance training, and dietary protein. We discuss: Luc’s background and insights about fuel selection during exercise [3:30]; Fuel utilization during endurance exercise [9:30]; Fat metabolism, intramuscular lipids, and the nutritional dynamics of endurance sports [17:15]; The optimal window for replenishing intramuscular fat stores and glycogen post-exercise [25:15]; Luc’s interest in protein metabolism and exploration of amino acids' dual role as building blocks and signaling molecules in driving muscle protein synthesis [32:15]; How protein metabolism differs between sedentary individuals and those engaged in predominantly strength training or endurance training [38:45]; The basics of how proteins are digested and absorbed, and how muscle protein synthesis is measured [50:30]; How factors like food texture, cooking methods, and protein composition impact muscle protein synthesis, and the importance of protein distribution throughout the day [59:45]; Differences in whey and casein proteins, and the ability of ingested protein to stimulate muscle protein synthesis [1:03:30]; Dietary protein distribution and quantity for the maximization of muscle protein synthesis [1:09:00]; Muscle loss with age and inactivity and the importance of resistance exercise to maintain type II muscle fibers [1:17:15]; Differences between whey and casein proteins, and the importance of both quantity and quality of protein sources [1:28:30]; Optimizing muscle protein synthesis: exercise, timing of protein intake, protein quality, and more [1:37:00]; How to preserve muscle while trying to lose weight [1:46:00]; Anabolic resistance and overcoming it with physical activity [1:55:45]; Importance of protein intake and physical activity in hospitalized patients [2:06:30]; Reviewing the efficacy of collagen supplements [2:13:30]; Plant-based diets: how to ensure a balance of amino acids, and other considerations [2:20:30]; Future research: understanding protein metabolism in the brain [2:23:45]; and More. Connect With Peter on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube

#298 ‒ The impact of emotional health on longevity, self-audit strategies, improving well-being, and more | Paul Conti, M.D.

The Peter Attia Drive

  • 5 months ago
  • 02:23:50

View the Show Notes Page for This Episode Become a Member to Receive Exclusive Content Sign Up to Receive Peter’s Weekly Newsletter Paul Conti is an author and practicing psychiatrist who specializes in helping people heal from trauma. In this episode, Paul returns to The Drive to delve into the intricate relationship between emotional health, healthspan, and lifespan. He first challenges common assumptions about the inevitable decline of emotional health with age, providing strategies for conducting a comprehensive audit of internal emotional health. He establishes a framework for the foundation of good emotional health: a balance between the generative drive, the assertive drive, and the pleasure drive. Paul also explores the nuanced dynamics of motivation, happiness, and satisfaction as it relates to material possessions, draws connections between physical and emotional well-being, confronts the impact of negative self-talk, and describes how making peace with our mortality can foster a sense of hope, purpose and well-being. Additionally, Paul offers many practical insights into initiating emotional health improvements and navigating the search for a suitable therapist. We discuss: The importance of prioritizing emotional health as we age [2:45]; The impact of emotional health on healthspan and how to foster a proactive approach to emotional well-being [7:00]; The discrepancy between outward success and inner fulfillment, and the importance of a healthy “generative drive” for genuine well-being [13:00]; A deeper dive into generative drive: impact on human behavior, resilience, purpose, and more [23:15]; Evaluating one’s inner self: introspection, self-awareness, challenging societal norms, and returning to the basics of physical and emotional well-being [29:00]; Self-auditing tools: introspection, curiosity, and exploring underlying reasons for unwanted behaviors [41:45]; Breaking free from destructive cycles by understanding the continuum of self-care and addictive behaviors and remaining curious [50:15]; Critical self talk: the malleability of one’s inner dialogue and the potential for transformative change with perseverance and self-compassion [1:00:15]; Slowing the anger response and gaining insights into the underlying triggers to achieve lasting change and self-understanding [1:13:45]; Foster gratitude and humility by achieving balance between the three drives—assertion, pleasure, and generative [1:20:45]; The conflict between intellectual understanding and emotional feelings, problematic comparison frameworks, and the importance of living in the present with intentionality [1:24:15]; How making peace with our mortality can foster a sense of hope, purpose and well-being [1:34:45]; Advice for finding a compatible therapist [1:43:45]; The key components of therapeutic progress [1:57:00]; The caricatures of four common patient phenotypes, and how to get through to them [2:05:30]; How Paul manages his own well-being and the emotional challenges that come with his line of work [2:15:15]; and More. Connect With Peter on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube

#297 - AMA #58: Iron: its role in health, testing methods, and strategies for preventing and managing iron deficiency

The Peter Attia Drive

  • 6 months ago
  • 17:56

View the Show Notes Page for This Episode Become a Member to Receive Exclusive Content Sign Up to Receive Peter’s Weekly Newsletter In this “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) episode, Peter delves into the crucial yet often overlooked topic of iron and iron deficiency. He explores why iron is indispensable for the body, explains the repercussions of iron deficiency, and sheds light on the prevalence of this issue and who is most susceptible. Peter outlines strategies for increasing iron levels, covering dietary iron, supplementation, and infusion options, while also discussing the suitability of each approach for different individuals. Shifting gears, Peter tackles rapid-fire questions on creatine and sodium, as well as inquiries related to his book. If you’re not a subscriber and are listening on a podcast player, you’ll only be able to hear a preview of the AMA. If you’re a subscriber, you can now listen to this full episode on your private RSS feed or our website at the AMA #58 show notes page. If you are not a subscriber, you can learn more about the subscriber benefits here. We discuss: Overview of today’s topics and the importance of understanding iron levels in the body [1:45]; The importance and ubiquity of iron in the body, and the role of the protein called ferritin [4:30]; The processes of iron absorption, utilization, and transportation [9:30]; Options for testing iron levels and how to interpret the results [13:45]; What does it mean to be iron deficient, and how is it different from anemia? [17:15]; Symptoms of iron deficiency and/or anemia [22:15]; How prevalent is iron deficiency, and who is most susceptible? [24:30]; The importance of consuming an adequate amount of iron daily to prevent deficiency [30:30]; The best way to improve iron levels for someone who is deficient [34:45]; Iron supplementation: various formulations and potential side effects [37:45]; Intravenous iron infusion as an alternative to oral supplements -- plus restless legs syndrome and other topics [42:00]; Iron supplementation: who should and should not consider it [44:00]; Peter’s approach to creatine and his pre- and post-workout supplements [50:15]; Navigating sodium intake: effect on blood pressure, who should use precaution, and other considerations [54:45]; Peter’s thoughts about the potential of writing another book [57:15]; and More. Connect With Peter on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube

James Clear: Building & Changing Habits (#183 rebroadcast)

The Peter Attia Drive

  • 9 months ago
  • 02:19:55

View the Show Notes Page for This Episode Become a Member to Receive Exclusive Content Sign Up to Receive Peter’s Weekly Newsletter James Clear is the author of the New York Times bestseller Atomic Habits. His extensive research into human behavior has helped him identify key components of habit formation and develop the “Four Laws of Behavioral Change.” In this episode, James provides insights into how both good and bad habits are formed, including the influence of genetics, environment, social circles, and more. He points to changes one can make to cultivate more perseverance and discipline and describes the profound impact habits can have when tying them into one’s self-identity. Finally, James breaks down his “Four Laws of Behavioral Change” and how to use them to create new habits, undo bad habits, and make meaningful changes in one’s life. We discuss: Why James became deeply interested in habits [2:00]; Viewing habits through an evolutionary lens [6:15]; The power of immediate feedback for behavior change, and why we tend to repeat bad habits [9:30]; The role of genetics and innate predispositions in determining one’s work ethic and success in a given discipline [14:45]; How finding one’s passion can cultivate perseverance and discipline [23:30]; Advantages of creating systems and not just setting goals [29:30]; The power of habits combined with self-identity to induce change [36:45]; How a big environmental change or life event can bring on radical behavioral change [50:45]; The influence of one’s social environment on their habits [54:30]; How and why habits are formed [1:00:45]; How to make or break a habit with the “Four Laws of Behavior Change” [1:09:45]; Practical tips for successful behavioral change—the best strategies when starting out [1:16:30]; Self-forgiveness and getting back on track immediately after slipping up [1:30:45]; Law #1: Make it obvious—Strategies for identifying and creating cues to make and break habits [1:40:00]; Law #2: Make it attractive—examples of ways to make a new behavior more attractive [1:48:00]; Law #3: Make it easy—the 2-minute rule [1:59:00]; Law #4: Make it satisfying—rewards and reinforcement [2:03:45]; Advice for helping others to make behavioral changes [2:06:15]; and More. Connect With Peter on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube

#283 ‒ Gut health & the microbiome: improving and maintaining the microbiome, probiotics, prebiotics, innovative treatments, and more | Colleen Cutcliffe, Ph.D.

The Peter Attia Drive

  • 9 months ago
  • 02:32:40

View the Show Notes Page for This Episode Become a Member to Receive Exclusive Content Sign Up to Receive Peter’s Weekly Newsletter Colleen Cutcliffe is an expert in molecular biology and co-founder of Pendulum Therapeutics, a company working to develop treatments for a variety of diseases by targeting the microbiome. In this episode, Colleen delves into the complexity of the microbiome, how it is tested, and how it changes over time. She explores how probiotics, prebiotics, and postbiotics affect the gut and makes a compelling case that well-developed products have the potential not only to enhance gut health but also to positively influence overall metabolic well-being. Colleen emphasizes the significance of a high-fiber diet in sustaining a thriving gut microbiome, shares insights on minimizing microbiome damage during antibiotic use, provides tips for fostering and preserving a healthy gut, and much more. We discuss: Colleen’s background and current focus [4:45]; The basics of the microbiome [7:15]; The study of the human microbiome [15:15]; Categories of bacteria, and the implications on health of the rapid evolution of bacteria [19:45]; Methods for measuring and understanding the microbiome, and key indicators of microbiome health [28:30]; The important role of fiber for promoting gut health through the production of butyrate [38:30]; The case for manipulating gut bacteria via fecal microbiota transplant (FMT) [45:00]; Dynamics of the microbiome: the gut-brain connection and how antibiotics, nutrition, stress, and more impact the microbiome's diversity and function [50:15]; Factors that influence the vaginal microbiome [55:15]; The effect of gut microbes on obesity and challenges with fecal transplants in people [58:45]; Beneficial strains of gut bacteria and strains commonly found in probiotics [1:01:15]; The difference between a probiotic and prebiotic, and how CFUs are a measure of the “active ingredient” [1:09:45]; Considerations about how probiotic strains are produced, and more on the meaning of CFU [1:14:15]; Mitigating the effect of antibiotics on the microbiome [1:22:30]; What do we know about the effect of artificial sweeteners on the gut microbiome? [1:30:00]; Why Akkermansia is a keystone strain with implications for metabolic health and an individual’s response to dietary interventions [1:36:15]; The essential steps necessary to develop a robust probiotic for optimal health support [1:45:45]; How Akkermansia helps control blood glucose, and potential implications of Akkermansia in weight loss, diabetes management, and more [1:48:45]; Pendulum Therapeutics’ commitment to rigorous product develop [2:06:30]; Details about the probiotic “Glucose Control” and other probiotics developed by Pendulum Therapeutics [2:13:00]; Further studies of Akkermansia that have been proposed or are underway [2:20:30]; and More. Connect With Peter on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube

#282 - AMA #54: Magnesium: risks of deficiency, how to correct it, supplement options, potential cognitive and sleep benefits, and more

The Peter Attia Drive

  • 9 months ago
  • 20:32

View the Show Notes Page for This Episode Become a Member to Receive Exclusive Content Sign Up to Receive Peter’s Weekly Newsletter In this “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) episode, Peter tackles essential questions about magnesium, beginning with the important roles it plays in the body and why maintaining proper levels is crucial. Peter discusses the harms of magnesium deficiency, how to determine if you're deficient, potential causes of deficiency, and how diet and supplementation can be used to increase magnesium levels. Peter unravels the confusion surrounding magnesium supplementation, discussing the optimal forms and recommended daily intake while addressing concerns about excess consumption. He also explores the potential cognitive and sleep benefits associated with magnesium supplementation. Finally, Peter concludes with a look into his recent experimentation with new exercises to serve as benchmarks to assess his progress and fitness levels as he navigates the aging process. If you’re not a subscriber and are listening on a podcast player, you’ll only be able to hear a preview of the AMA. If you’re a subscriber, you can now listen to this full episode on your private RSS feed or our website at the AMA #54 show notes page. If you are not a subscriber, you can learn more about the subscriber benefits here. We discuss: The important roles of magnesium in the body [2:45]; How to determine if you might be deficient in magnesium [10:15]; Addressing migraines related to low magnesium [14:45]; The prevalence of magnesium deficiency [16:30]; Various conditions and drugs that can negatively impact magnesium levels [21:30]; Magnesium-rich foods and factors that impact absorption of magnesium [24:30]; Daily targets for magnesium supplementation and whether it’s possible to take too much [30:15]; The different forms of supplemental magnesium [34:00]; How absorption of magnesium from food compares to absorption from supplements [36:15]; Choosing the right magnesium supplements for optimal absorption [37:15]; The unique ability of magnesium L-threonate to increase brain magnesium concentration [40:15]; Potential cognitive benefits of magnesium [43:00]; Potential sleep benefits of magnesium [48:45]; Takeaways on magnesium and a look into Peter’s personal protocol [53:15]; Peter’s new benchmarks related to exercise and age [58:30]; and The potential impact of hearing loss on brain health and neurodegeneration [2:04:30]; and More. Connect With Peter on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube