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It's Monday, 12 August.


Welcome to the President's Daily Brief. I'm I'm Mike Baker, your eyes and ears on the world's stage. Let's get briefed. We'll kick off today's show with news from the Trump campaign, which has revealed that its internal emails were hacked, and for now, they're pointing fingers at the Iranian regime. Of course, it's the Iranian regime. The disclosure comes after a Microsoft report was just released, focused on Iranian cyber and disinformation interference attempts in the upcoming 2024 presidential election. Later in the show, we'll have the latest from the Ukrainian incursion into Kershk, where Kyiv's troops continue their push deeper into Russian territory. Now, Putin's getting a taste of his own medicine, and it's not going down well. Plus, We'll return to the Middle East, where reports have emerged that Iran's Supreme Leader, Khomini, has agreed to postpone the nation's anticipated retaliation against Israel. In today's Back of the Brief, a potential twist in Venezuela's political turmoil, The Wall Street Journal reports that the US is engaging in secret talks to offer President and aspiring dictator Nicolas Maduro. Well, he's already a dictator, isn't he? He's not really aspiring to be a dictator, but they're offering him amnesty in exchange for stepping down.


But first, today's PDB Spotlight. Former President Trump's presidential campaign announced on Saturday that its internal communications have been hacked, and it's pointing the at Iranian actors. The campaign claims that sensitive internal documents were stolen, including a 271-page dossier on JD Vance's vulnerabilities. What is it with US politics and dossier The dossier was produced in February, almost five months before Trump selected Vance as his running mate, at a time when, of course, several potential VP candidates were being vetted. The hackers reportedly also stole a variety of other documents from Trump's court cases to internal campaign discussions. The perpetrators then sent these documents to at least two news organizations. There's a surprise, Politico and the Washington Post. Also not a surprise. Politico reports that the documents were shared by an anonymous individual using the name Robert, really, who communicated through an aol. Com. Good God, AOL is still out there? An aol. Com email address. When pressed by Politico on how he obtained the documents as if they really cared, Robert responded, I suggest you don't be curious about where I got them from. Any answer to this question will compromise me. You already compromised, Robert. And also legally restricts you from publishing them.


He then said he could be reached at DNC headquarters. Come on, I'm kidding. I'm kidding. Robert didn't provide his contact details. All right, the Trump campaign hasn't provided any specific evidence of Iran's involvement, but the accusation comes just one day after Microsoft issued a report on foreign interference attempts in the 2024 US presidential election, in which they specifically call out the activities of Iran and its IRGC. According to the report, a group linked to Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, the IRGC, the group known as mint sandstorm, well, there's a catchy name, recently attempted to compromise the accounts of a high-ranking official by sending a so-called spear phishing email. That's phishing, of course, with a P-H. Just like when you say fat, but you spell it with a P-H. I think the kids still say that. Now, if you're not familiar with what spear phishing is, it's when hackers send a fake email or a message that looks like it's from someone you trust, like a coworker or a company that you know, maybe a vendor. But of course, it's a trick. They're trying to get you to share private information like your password or to click on a link that lets them into your computer.


It's more targeted than regular phishing because it's aimed directly at you or your organization. Here's a pro tip. Don't click on any links or attachments until you've verified the sender's authenticity. Even if at first blush, it looks legit. Take a moment, study the sender's email, and if you have any concerns, reach out separately to the sender, not by replying to their email, of course. I'm sure you already know this, but here at the PDB, we do love to state the obvious. Now, the email in question were sent from a compromised account belonging to a former senior advisor and included a fake forward with a hyperlink that directed traffic through an actor-controlled domain before redirecting to the listed domain. Trump campaign spokesperson Stephen chunk waved in, telling NBC News, The Iranians know that President Trump will stop their reign of terror just like he did in his first four years in the White House. Any media or news outlet reprinting documents, he said, or internal communications are doing the bidding of America's enemies and doing exactly what they want. A spokesperson for the National Security Council commented on the situation, stating that the US government takes any report of foreign interference very seriously.


We take it very seriously here at the US government. The spokesperson condemned any attempt by a foreign government or entity to undermine confidence in US democratic institutions, though they deferred further comments on the matter to the Department of Justice. On the other side, and this will shock you, Iran has denied any involvement. The Iranian mission to the United Nations responded to the Trump campaign's accusations saying, What? Us? No, never. Actually, what they said was, We do not accord any credence to such reports. The Iranian government neither possesses nor harbors any intent or motive to interfere in the United States presidential election. What a load of crap. Of course they do. The Iranian regime, the Russians, and the Chinese regime under Xi are all intent on doing what they can to destabilize the US. That includes, of course, sowing distrust and doubt in the electoral process. The only way to avoid the disinformation and misinformation that these foreign actors are pushing out would be to shut off the Internet from now until November. That is a fairly attractive thought. All right, coming up next, the Ukrainian armed forces continue their push into Russian territory, and Iran's Supreme Leader has reportedly delayed his nation's retaliatory strike against Israel.


We'll have those stories when we come back.


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Welcome back to the BDB. It's now day 6 of the Ukraine Ukrainian military's incursion into the Russian region of Khrushche. In an address this weekend, Ukrainian President Zelensky acknowledged for the first time that his forces are actively engaged in combat inside Russian territory. The incursion, which began nearly a week ago, has become a major embarrassment for the Kremlin. Russian President Putin has labeled it a, quote, major provocation. Oh, my God. Putin has no sense of irony. I'm sure he's not even thinking about his own invasion of Ukraine. Despite calls from panicky Russian military bloggers for more drastic measures like declaring martial law, the Putin regime has opted for what it's calling a counterterrorism operation, and that is, frankly, likely to minimize domestic unrest. The operation, which is being carried out in Belgrade, Bryansk, and Kursk Oblasts, following Ukraine's invasion, has now led to the evacuation, get this, of over 76,000 Russian residents from villages along the border. According to analysis from the Institute for the Study of War, the Russian Ministry of Defense is facing significant challenges in organizing a coherent defense against the Ukrainian operation. The Russian response strategy, reportedly, involves a mixture of conscripts and reports of up to nine brigades from other frontline areas in Ukraine.


The mix of both experienced and green troops has contributed, reportedly, to disorganization in Russian efforts. Now, the use of conscripts on the front lines is frankly a big deal in Russia, and it's politically tricky for Putin. The country has a history of unpopular wars involving conscripts, including the Soviet-Afghan War, and of course, the Chechen War. These conflicts resulted in high casualties and public disillusionment, and the memory of these losses still resonates, making the public wary of similar situations. The Putin regime's increasing reliance on conscripts to defend the Russian border with Ukraine could spark a domestic political crisis, especially since it contradicts assurances that Putin has made since he launched his invasion back in 2022. Recent reports from the BBC reveal that Russia is constructing new defensive trench lines in the Kershk region, not far from the Kershk nuclear power plant. Oh, good. Let's throw another twist into this story. Satellite imagery analyzed by the BBC shows the presence of heavy machinery and newly built trench lines in the area, suggesting that Russia is, of course, fortifying its defenses in response to Ukrainian advances. Now, in addition to the situation in Kershk, Ukrainian forces have also targeted Russian assets in the Black Sea, including a patrol boat and a gas platform.


As part of ongoing operations. As the conflict escalates within Russia's borders, the international community is increasingly alarmed. God bless the international community. I'm sure they're going to write a harsh memo about this one as well, particularly with the fighting nearing critical infrastructure like the Kershk nuclear power plant, one of Russia's largest nuclear facilities. The International Atomic Energy Agency, the IAEA, has called for maximum restraint to prevent a nuclear accident with potentially severe consequences. Meanwhile, Russian attacks on Ukraine continued over the weekend. On Sunday, Russian forces launched drone and missile strikes on the Kyiv region, resulting in numerous civilian casualties. This follows a deadly strike on a supermarket in Donetsk, which left at least 11 people dead. The United Nations has reported that July was the deadliest month for Ukrainian civilians since October of 2022. Okay, moving on to the Middle East. Where Iran's President, Mosoud Bzezhkian, has reportedly persuaded Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamini, to delay an anticipated attack on Israel for now, as per a report by the Kuwaiti newspaper, Al-Jerida. As As we've previously reported on the PDB, tensions between Iran and Israel obviously escalated following the killing of senior Hamas political leader Ishmael Hanei last month in Tehran, for which Israel is widely blamed, although they have not taken credit.


Iran, which built Hamas, of course, through funding, training, and support, has been under pressure to respond. Supreme leader Al-Yatollah Ali Hamini has been clear on retaliation, vowing to, harshly punish Israel. That was the narrative coming out of Tehran, at least until Sunday. According to Al-Jurida, President Pzezkian's successful appeal to Supreme Leader Hamani to hold off on any response appears tied to the approval process of Iran's new government, which is set to be finalized by the Islamic Consultative Assembly within the next two weeks. Additionally, the US reportedly opened a hotline with Iran. A hotline? It would be more fun if it was a party line like the old days, but a hotline over the weekend urging Tehran to delay its retaliation for Hanei's assassination by the same amount of time. The Kuwaiti newspaper report also notes that the US has communicated to Iran that its recent military buildup in the region is a deterrent measure rather than a prelude to conflict, emphasizing the desire to prevent further escalation. These efforts coincide with allowing time for the US to advance ceasefire talks between the Hamas terror group and Israel, with Iran potentially supporting this initiative if Hamas agrees to the terms.


An unnamed senior Iranian official, cited in the Al-Zarida report, mentioned that Khamini, while opposed to striking Mossad elements in countries neighboring Iran, insists that any response should target Israel directly. However, the situation obviously remains fluid with Khamini's ultimate decision looming in uncertainty. Now, this comes especially as President Biden seeks to address the ongoing conflict in Gaza and resume nuclear negotiations with Iran. And by President Biden, I mean whoever is running the White House. Pzezkian, the new President, is likely, frankly, reading the cards properly here. He knows that the first inclination, the gut feeling of the US administration is appeasement and a soft touch approach to Iran. Pzezkian is assuming that by holding off on a strike against Israel, Iran may be able to win even further concessions from the Biden administration, which, of course, would be useful to Pzechnian as he settles into his new leadership role. All right, coming up in the back of the brief, we'll explore a possible new development in Venezuela's political crisis. According to the Wall Street Journal, the US is reportedly holding secret negotiations to offer President/dictator Nicolas Maduro amnesty if he agrees to step down. Now, of course, the US would also need to offer amnesty to the senior Venezuelan military leaders who currently back Maduro, given that they've become wealthy off of their loyalty to him.


I'll be right back. In today's Back of the Brief, the US government is making a last-ditch effort to persuade Venezuelan dictator, I just dropped the whole title of President, let's just go with dictator, Nicolas Maduro, to relinquish power by offering him amnesty. Mounting evidence indicates that Maduro lost the recent presidential election by a wide margin, but he appears to have no intention of stepping down. According to a Wall Street Journal exclusive report by our good friend, South American Bureau Chief Juan Ferrero, the US has been engaged in secret talks with Maduro's confidante The discussions include offers of amnesty and possibly lifting indictments against the dictator and his top lieutenants. This includes a $15 million bounty placed on him in 2020 for allegedly conspiring to flood the US with cocaine. Ukraine. These ongoing talks are being led by Daniel Erickson from the National Security Council on the US side, with the President of the National Assembly of Venezuela representing Maduro's interests. However, Maduro has so far resisted any arrangements that would require him to step down before his term ends in January 2025. The Wall Street Journal previously reported that the US is not pressuring Western oil companies to leave Venezuela as part of this deal.


With only five months left before the presidential inauguration, the Biden administration is essentially racing against time to secure an agreement. However, Maduro's deep-seated distress of Washington, irrespective of the administration in power, remains a significant obstacle. Meanwhile, opposition leader Maria Corina Machado and poll watchers continue to push for international recognition of the election results, documenting and publishing evidence of Edmundo González's presidential victory. According to data from voting stations compiled by the opposition and made publicly accessible in a database, Maduro collected 3.2 million votes compared to opposition leader González's 7.1 million votes. Now, You don't need to be a math genius to understand what that means. It means that González won. As the situation develops, the outcome of the upcoming US presidential election in November could greatly influence US policy toward Venezuela, particularly if former President Trump, known for his aggressive stance against Maduro, returns to power. The Venezuelan opposition, facing increasing repression, remains hopeful that international pressure, of course, will force Maduro to step down and allow for a peaceful transition of power. And that, my friends, is the President's Daily Brief from Monday, 12 August. If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to me at pdb@thefirstTV.


Com. And of course, as you've probably read in all the major dailies, to listen to the show ad-free, well, become a premium member of the President's Daily Brief by visiting pdbpremium. Com. And I hope that you had a chance to watch our latest episode of the PDB Situation Report. That's our extended weekend show with guests and news and insight and my usual sartorial splendor. It's not easy to decide which T-shirt to wear for each episode. Our guests this past weekend were the most excellent Peter Durant and Robert Greenway. If you haven't had a chance to check it out, it's on our YouTube channel at President's Daily Brief, and of course, all podcast platforms. I'm Mike Baker. I'll be back later today with the PDB Afternoon Report. Until then, well, you know the drill. Stay informed, stay safe, stay cool.


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