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Reports started circulating on Wednesday that members of the notorious Trendra O'Agua Gang or the TDA Gang, let's just call them TDA, had overtaken multiple housing complexes in the Greater Denver area. In one video captured earlier this month, a crew of gun-wielding men can be seen breaking into units at an apartment complex in the community of Aurora shortly before a shootout that severely injured one person and left residents' cars riddled with bullets. That's not what you want in a neighborhood, according to a report from the New York Post. Aurora City Council member, Danielle Mel Jurinsky has been the loudest voice so far, sounding the alarm on the threat, claiming to Axios on Wednesday that TDA has taken over at least four apartment complexes in Aurora. She's helped three residents move out of complexes in recent weeks and five other people across the community have contacted her to recount stories of the gang's activities, including multiple shootouts. We should note, Denver is a sanctuary city for illegal immigrants, receiving the largest number of migrants per capita across the nation since 2022, with more than 40,000 new arrivals. Now, local officials, including the mayors of both Denver and Aurora, initially attempted to downplay the concerns on Wednesday, calling the incidents isolated related without elaborating.


Officials said they were aware that some residents at two or three apartment buildings in the area were being intimidated by a Venezuelan gang, but said reports of a wider risk to the region were exaggerated. Nothing to see here. The mayor of Aurora, Mike Kaufman, however, later conceded in an interview on Thursday that some apartment buildings had, quote, fallen to gangs. Meanwhile, Democrat Colorado Governor Jared Polis also chimed in, dismissing Simmering community anger over the situation and calling the claims of gang infiltration, quote, imagination. That'll win over the voters. He then climbed back into his government-provided vehicle, surrounded by his armed security detail, and drove off. But aside from the video evidence, Aurora police released a statement on Wednesday confirming that members of TDA are indeed operating in the region, though they said it was too early to draw definitive conclusions about the situation. They established a task force last week to investigate the threat and said they are collecting evidence to show the gang is connected to crimes in the area. You need a task force for that, you think? Could it be that the gang is connected to crimes in the area? That's a solid piece of investigative work there.


Several city council members said the influx of migrant gangs has been a growing problem for weeks and said city officials are not being truthful with the public. Shocking. Councilwoman Jurinsky said gang activity appeared to increase following the disputed Venezuelan presidential election on July 28th, and of course, by disputed, I mean stolen, and that police were aware of reports of unknown individuals patrolling apartment properties with guns. That's according to a CBS news report. She claims that local police leadership has instructed personnel that a minimum of three to four officers are needed to respond to such calls. But if those numbers aren't available, well, the instruction should be to stand down. She accused local leaders of playing politics with public safety, saying they're happier to ignore the problem with a major election just around the corner. Jurinsky also slam Denver's sanctuary city policies, noting that, The city nonprofits have lined up to help the migrants that have come here, but nobody is helping the Americans that are now trapped in these apartment complexes. In one example, an apartment complex in Aurora was shut down earlier this month with officials cite code violations. Owners, however, filed court documents claiming they could not conduct the needed repairs because because the building had been overrun by migrant gangs.


Border officials have been warning for months of the increased infiltration of TDA in cities throughout the US as they take advantage of America's poorest Southern border. Once arriving in the US, they often engage in violent crimes. There's a surprise, such as the murder of Georgia nursing student, Lake and Reilly, in February, and the shooting of two NYPD officers in June. Yeah, if they come across the border and they've already been gang members where they're coming from, it's likely they may continue participating in gang activity. That's probably not rocket science. In April, three suspects were arrested in Louisiana in association with a TDA sex trafficking operation spanning several states. In early July, the Biden administration caved to Congressional pressure and officially designated Trendra Rágua as a transnational criminal organization. Just a thought. But at some point, hopefully not too far off in the future, when these ideas have been kicked to the curb, we'll look back at the sanctuary city and defund the police movements and ask ourselves, how did we ever account for such stupidity? Coming up after the break, Israel's military operations in the West Bank entered their third day on Friday as news broke that the IDF has neutralized another senior leader of Hamas.


I'll be right back.


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Welcome back to the Afternoon Bulletin. Israel notched another victory over Iranian-backed militants in the troubled West Bank on Friday, neutralizing a senior terrorist commander as they pressed ahead with major military operations for a third day. The Israeli Defense Forces, the IDF, confirmed they killed three members of Hamas on Friday morning near the West Bank city of Jain, including Wussam Kassem, who served as the terrorist organization's regional leader and was linked to multiple shooting and bombing attacks against Israeli communities in the Palestinian territory. That's according to a report from Reuters. Kassem was reportedly shot dead as he attempted to flee an IDF raid. The two other Hamas militants traveling with Khazam were seen exiting a vehicle and running before they were taken out by a drone. During a subsequent search of the vehicle, the militants were traveling in. Idf forces discovered weapons, explosives, and large sums of cash. Hamas later confirmed the deaths of all three men who they said were members of the Al-Khassam Brigades, Hamas's military wing. The terrorist group Vowed to continue fighting, saying the death of their members would help, Chart the path to freedom and dignity. The incident came as Israel further expanded their large-scale operations in the West Bank, which began on Wednesday, largely focused on the northern cities of Janine and Tokharim.


Khazem's death followed that of Muhammad Jaber and five other militants on Thursday morning who were killed by the IDF in a shootout near a mosque in Tokharim. Jaber was the commander of a local battalion of the Al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist organization, and was known as one of Israel's most wanted men for his role in planning and executing attacks on Israeli civilians. On Friday, Israeli armored personnel carriers flanked by helicopters and drones pushed further into Janine and Tokharim using bulldozers to destroy roadside bombs planted by militants. A spokesman for the Al Qassam Brigades claimed that they ambushed a unit of IDF troops on Friday using explosive devices, killing one Israeli soldier and injuring others, though there's no confirmation yet from Israel. The operation is a response to intensifying violence in the West Bank targeting Israeli civilians. Earlier this week, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said the threat requires a Gaza-style strategy to destroy Iranian terrorist infrastructure, warning the mullets in Tehran have been working to establish an Eastern front against Israel in the region. In the statement on Friday, the IDF said, So far, the forces have eliminated 20 terrorists in exchanges of fire and air strikes and apprehended 17 suspects linked to terrorist activities.


And that, my friends, is the PDB Afternoon Bulletin for Friday, 30 August. If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to me at pdb@thefirsttv. Com. Now, to listen to the show ad-free, it's easy. Become a premium member of the President's Daily Brief by visiting pdbpremium. Com. And As you may well know by now, today is Friday, which means that a brand-spanking new episode of the PDB Situation Report airs this very evening at 10:00 PM on the First TV. The Situation Report is also available on all podcast platforms, as well as our award-winning YouTube channel at President's Daily Brief. Okay, fine. Fair enough. It hasn't won any awards yet, but we're hopeful. This week, our excellent guests include weapons expert and security analyst, Ryan Mcbeth, and retired Brigadier General, Doran Gavish, former head of Israel's aerial Defense Forces. Tune in and learn stuff. I'm Mike Baker, and I'll be back over the weekend with the PDB Situation Report. Until then, stay informed, stay safe, stay cool.