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Plus, authorities have made arrests after uncovering that a Chinese Communist Party agent infiltrated the highest levels of New York state government, eventually working closely with Governor Cathy Hochul. It stays back in the brief. Bizarre news out of Venezuela. As the country's dictator, Nicolas Maduro arbitrarily declares that Christmas will begin on October first this year. I'm not going on a limb here when I say that the despotic dictator Maduro, and he's also a stealer of elections, sits on the throne of lies. You're welcome for the elf reference. But first, today's PDB Spotlight. I want to begin with a look at China's sprawling cyber operations as a new report warns that CCP-backed hackers are engaged in an intensifying propaganda push, targeting US voters across the political spectrum, a head of the 2024 presidential election, which is, of course, just around the corner. An assessment from the cyber research firm Graphicum found that the prolific Chinese influence network, known as spamouflage, is at the center of the CCP's aggressive efforts to undermine confidence in US elections. Their hackers assume fake identities of politically active voters on social media platforms, aiming to sow divisions around polarizing topics such as race, gun control, Poland and the war in Gaza.


According to the Wall Street Journal, which reviewed Grafica's report, the CCP-backed trolls are less interested in shaping the outcome of the election, that's somewhat unlike the governments of Russia and North Korea, and are instead focusing their efforts on stirring chaos and uncertainty. They're targeting potential voters of both former President Trump and Vice President Harris as they attempt to make misinformation narratives go viral. While researchers noted that these operations typically fail to gain much traction, some have had a large impact, particularly on the CCP-linked social media platform TikTok. In one example, a hacker posing as a 31-year-old conservative Trump supporter with an account called The Harland Report, published videos pushing fake narratives that collectively garnered millions of views. The most notable video was posted July 10th, and it was of President Biden at a recent NATO summit in Washington. Biden remarked to NATO Secretary General Jen Staltenberg about, Talking to your wife. But the video was edited to make it appear that Biden said something extremely crude and was subsequently viewed more than one and a half million times. Jack Stubbs, Chief Intelligence Officer at Graphica, warned the Journal, One of the world's largest covert online influence operations, an operation run by Chinese state-linked actors, has become more aggressive in its efforts to infiltrate and sway US political conversations ahead of the election.


Tiktok, which appears to be the hacker's favorite propaganda vehicle, banned the Harland report following an inquiry by the Wall Street Journal, saying they regularly work to remove covert influence operations from their platform. Still, the Graphica report warns that the platform is still littered with foreign cyber trolls. They pointed to one network pushing thousands of anti-Trump videos with the aid of artificial artificial intelligence tools that are linked back to accounts in China, Nigeria, Iran, and Vietnam. But obviously, it's not just a problem on TikTok. Graphica said they identified 15 active accounts tied to China's spamouflage network on X, and said the hacking collective also operates accounts on Instagram and YouTube. Now, the name spamouflage may sound familiar to regular listeners of the PDB. The group, which operates thousands of accounts at any given time, has It's been tracked by US intelligence agencies since at least 2019 and appears to serve as the CCP's primary network for cyber operations. The network has long traded in misinformation and threats of violence, which they direct at everyday Americans in an effort to silence global dissent and to shape the public narrative regarding the regime of Xi Jinping. In the past, they've largely targeted dissidents of CCP rule in the US and abroad.


But as a graphic of report documents, in recent years, they've expanded their scope to include sophisticated disinformation campaigns designed to steer the US political debate and to foster a perpetual state of fear and paranoia among the American public. Again, well, it seems like it's working. Social media companies such as Meta, Google, YouTube, and X are struggling to stay ahead of the activity due to the sheer volume of posts and scale of the network. While private researchers discover the Chinese operation more than four years ago, the US government and Meta were only able to publicly confirm its ties to the CCP this past fall. To the surprise of no one, China continues to deny that any such networks exist. We never heard of such a thing. A Spokesman for China's Embassy in Washington told the journal that the report, quote, has no factual basis and is full of prejudice and malicious speculation against China, end quote. Now, the problem with these efforts by the Chinese regime and others, notably Russia and Iran, is that they have the easy job. All they do is just keep throwing crap at the Internet wall and see what sticks. The American public, well, they've got the heavy lift.


The public has to try and ascertain what is true, what's accurate, corroborated by facts, and conversely, what is crap. The problem is, most folks, well, become comfortable just reading and watching what they happen to agree with. So you get siloed, you're in an echo chamber, which makes job of hostile actors like spamouflage in the Chinese regime all the more easier. Frankly, it's only going to get worse between now and November fifth. So it's down to the individual to take the time and effort to try and understand if what they're reading on social media is accurate, to understand the actual source of the post, to figure out what is and isn't crap before pushing the repost button or sending it on to friends and family. All right, coming up after the break, Ukraine suffers one of the deadliest attacks of the war as Russian missiles hit a military facility, killing at least 50. And arrests are made after a Chinese Communist Party agent infiltrates New York State government, working closely with Governor Cathy Hochul. We'll have those stories when we come back.


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Welcome back to the PDB. Shifting our attention to the war in Eastern Europe. Ukraine is reeling from a devastating missile strike that killed scores of people on Tuesday as Putin regime continues their relentless bombardment of the country. Russian forces launched two ballistic missiles at a military training academy and a nearby hospital in Eastern Ukraine on Tuesday, killing more than 50 people and wound more than 200. Ukrainian officials said it was among the deadliest Russian attacks on Ukrainian territory since the conflict broke out. That's according to a report from the Associated Press. One of the missiles tore through the main building of the Poltava military Institute of Communications in the Eastern Ukrainian city of Poltava, collapsing several stories and showering the area in concrete and glass. A nearby hospital was also struck, and 10 apartment buildings sustained damage. The scene on the ground was grim, with witnesses describing seeing pools of blood outside the military academy as search and rescue workers sifted through the rubble to look for survivors. As of Tuesday evening, the death toll stood at 51, but officials said another people were still thought to be buried under the debris. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy condemned the strike and said he has ordered an investigation, and the regional governor of Poltava called it, A great tragedy for the region, and ordered citizens to observe three days of morning, beginning on Wednesday.


In a telegram post, the regional governor said, The enemy certainly must answer for all its crimes against humanity. Now, for some context, the Poltava Military Institute of Communications trains soldiers in military communications and electronic warfare tactics, including drone operations. Of course, the drone operations have proven critical to Ukraine's recent battlefield successes inside Russia's Khrushchev region. The Kremlin has not commented on the strikes, and it remains unclear whether the dead and wounded are limited to Ukrainian military personnel or if civilians, who are often directly targeted by Russia, were among the victims. In the wake of the attack, Zelensky called for Western allies to boost their military aid to Ukraine, particularly with air defense systems like the Patriot missile system. He also reiterated his request that allies supply long-range missiles and ease current restrictions to allow Kyiv to strike deeper into Russian territory, something that the US has balked at in the past over fears of escalation. But on that score, it does appear that the Biden administration is warming to the idea. According to a Reuters report, the US is close to signing an agreement with Ukraine to supply long-range cruise missiles that could reach deep into Russia.


While the agreement is not finalized, an announcement is expected sometime this fall, though Kyiv will reportedly still have to wait several months as the US irons out unspecified technical issues. Okay, turning our attention back to the US, Linda Sun, the former Deputy Chief of Staff to New York Governor Cathy Hochul, was arrested Tuesday on federal charges for allegedly acting as an undisclosed agent for China, accepting millions of dollars in exchange for actions that benefited the Chinese Communist Party, the CCP. The 41-year-old Sun had been employed in various roles within the New York State Government for nearly 14 years, serving under Governor Hochul and her predecessor Andrew Cuomo. Sun's roles focused on business development, Asian-American affairs, and diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. Her employment was terminated by the state in March 2023 after misconduct was discovered. Now, the 65-page indictment outlines 10 criminal accounts against Sun, including violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act, visa fraud, alien smuggling, and conspiracy to commit money laundering. The indictment shows how her financial dealings, disguised as legitimate business transactions, influenced New York's state policies, and these actions allegedly benefited the CCP and the People's Republic of China, where she was born.


Among In her alleged actions, Sun is accused of using her influence to ensure Taiwanese officials were denied access to the New York governor's office, as well as blocking potential meetings between state leaders and representatives from Taiwan. Additionally, Sun reportedly attempted to arrange an official visit to China for Governor Hochul and organized meetings between PRC Delegations and state officials. In one instance, Sun directed an assembly member to decline an invitation for Governor Hochul to with the ambassador of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, stating, No meeting, please, kindly decline. Do not want her to wade into this China-Taiwan sensitivity. Sun's manipulation extended to altering, sometimes eliminating, references to Taiwan in state communications to avoid offending Chinese sensitivities. Sun is said to have received numerous financial benefits in exchange for these actions, including assistance with millions of dollars in business transactions linked to her husband, Chris Hugh, who was also implicated in the indictment with money laundering and other charges. Now, the indictment alleges that Sun and her husband laundered money through various channels to acquire high-value assets, including a $4.1 million home in Long Island, a $2.1 million condominium in Hawaii, and luxury vehicles like a 2024 Ferrari.


Jeez. She could teach cold bar Bob Menendez a thing or about profiting from foreign governments. Among the laundered finances and gifts that Sun and her husband received, the CCP and BRC gifted Nan Jing style salted ducks to Sun's parents. What? So Linda got multimillion dollar homes in a Ferrari while her mom and dad got some duck. Sun's cousin allegedly received an offer of an employment in the PRC. Now, despite these transactions, Sun reportedly failed to disclose any benefits she received from the Chinese government or the CCP as well required by law for government employees. It's likely that she failed to disclose any benefits because she was operating as an asset of the CCP, and usually, well, that's frowned upon here in the US. As the couple began the legal consequences of the charges against them in court on Tuesday, the case underscores potential vulnerabilities within state government and emphasizes the broader issue of foreign influence operations within the US. Now, you may ask yourself, why would the Chinese regime and Chinese intel go after sources and recruits inside of a state government? Well, it's because they play the long game and they understand the importance of influencing individual states policies.


Oftentimes, it's an easier target, an easier lift than pursuing a recruit within the high levels of the federal government. Look, the Chinese regime in their intel apparatus, they understand that, for example, if they can influence a state in the US to restrict mining, to enact regulatory policies that limit mining or some other critical activity. Well, that benefits the Chinese regime. They play the long game. Okay, coming up in the back of the brief, After ordering his political rival jailed, Venezuelan dictator, Nicolas Maduro, makes a major announcement. He's declared that Christmas will be celebrated in October this year. I'll be right back. In today's Back of the Brief, Venezuelan dictator, Nicolas Maduro announced an early start to the year's Christmas celebrations. They'll begin in October, according to the Despot. The announcement comes just hours after the attorney general's office ordered the arrest of opposition presidential candidate Edmundo González. Well, that's not really keeping with a holiday spirit. In a televised address, Maduro stated, It is September, and it already smells like Christmas. Well, actually, It smells like corruption and stolen election, but I digress. Maduro added, And that is why this year, in homage to you, in gratitude to you, I am going to decree the advancement of Christmas to the first of October.


Because frankly, nothing says Christmas quite like rolling blackouts, a shattered economy, widespread arrests, and a stolen presidential election. This move, though, mirrors 2020 and 2021 when Maduro advanced the start of Christmas. In those years, that's actually believed to distract from Venezuela's economic hardships and political unrest. The early holiday season, typically, sees the government ramping up the distribution of aid and food packages. That's a strategy criticized as a tool to play hate the population and maintain control. So government handouts to mollify the crowd. What a concept. The next thing you know, he'll be canceling student debt and handing out money for first-time home buyers. In the same announcement, The dictator also addressed the nationwide blackouts, which affected roughly 80% of the country last week. Maduro blamed the blackouts on a criminal electrical attack, supposedly orchestrated by his adversaries abroad, of which he, of course, provided no evidence. Shortly after the actual Christmas holiday on 10 January, 2025, Maduro is set to take office for a controversial third term based on the disputed election results released by the National Electoral Council an entity which, well, just happens to be under Maduro's control. Now, despite political and judicial persecution, demonstrators against Maduro's regime continue to take to the streets ever since the 28 July election, holding out hope that the international community will stand with them in not recognizing Maduro's continued assumption of power.


Look, not to be cynical, but not even Santa can deliver an effective response from the international community. I mean, at best, at best, Santa could maybe put a harshly worded letter of condemnation from the international community in Maduro's stocking. And that, my friends, is the President's Daily Brief for Wednesday, fourth September. If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to me at pdb. At thefirsttv. Com. To listen to the show ad-free, well, become a premium member of the President's Daily Brief by visiting pdbpremium. Com. And don't forget, check out our YouTube channel. It's chalk full of good stuff. Just go to YouTube and look for at President's Daily Brief. I'm Mike Baker. I'll be back later today with the PDB Afternoon Bulletin. Until then, stay informed, stay safe, stay cool.