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From Ramsey Network. It's the Ramsey show, where we help people build wealth, do work that they love, and create amazing relationships. I'm your host today, Jade Warshaw. Your other host today is Ken Coleman. In the house, we're going to take calls all afternoon long. We're going to talk about your life, your money, your career. If you want to chime in, you can give us a call. The number is 888-825-5225 and we'll chop it up with you. All right, let's go straight to the phone lines where we've got VioletI probably wouldn't do this. I really think that you guys need to. I mean, you could probably knock out the two personal loans pretty, pretty quickly, right? And then the credit cards, you've got the 5000, the 7000. I think that I'd rather just go in order because theredid. You had something good to offer.I'm telling you. Or I was about ready to go. The dog ate it.I did put you on the spot. But you always. Ken is a guy who always has something good to say and have something meaningful and helpful to say.There we go, coach.Ken, you know, you always got some.I appreciate that.All right, let's go to the phone lines. Angela time to shut it down? That's why I'm asking. I don't understand your business. Is there. Is there anything else that would allow us to. That's what Jayden, I need to know before we can fully answer this question. Is there any way, conceptually, that you could present to us on how you turn this thing around? Because you don't even have the cash to actually have the inventory to then actually turn it into sales is what we're hearing.Right. Right.So you're.I've been trying to sell. I do have some stock just trying to sell that to then, you know, generate income to get the stuff that really, really sells back in.How do you sell? Are you. Is it people visit your website or are you on Amazon? Are you on the other sites? So they have to come directly to your. Where do you do the most business? On your. On your site or on Amazon?Yeah, on our site.Okay. So maybe it's a traffic issue. You're not getting enough people organically coming over to your site.That's a. That's part of it, too. There's a lot of go there. So what does he do now for a living? And what, I guess both of you, what do you do for a m going to do is, is he's going to get a better job and he's going to get a job with any kind of skill, any kind of experience he can. That is at least double what he's making. This is all minimums, by the way, Jade, this is my minimum plan. Okay? So he needs to be doubling his income at a minimum, with a path for growth, for heaven's sakes. All right. And then you need to do your best to stay within your industry or something that is transferable and make similar money.Yeah. You need to still be making a hundred thousand.We go to Wyoming. Tennessee. What was the other place?Idaho.Idaho. All right. And so we've increased our income. And then at night and on the weekends, you are cranking up with two or three signature donuts, not 20 different types of donuts.You really just. You're right, Ken. Two or three, like, really creative going.This is my best shot.Yeah.And I'm not gonna spend any money on growing this business other than the materials or I say materials, ingredients. I need to make my best donuts, and I'm gonna sell those donuts to people at church, give them away at places, and I'm gonna test my donut, and I'm gonna see what people say when they bite into my donut. Right? And then I'm gonna go, what's happening here? Is it better than everybody else's? And if I've got something, then we figure out what are the next steps to grow the business from home. But I think this is a pure side hustle testing play before you try to launch this business and make any money that would go towards living expenses. So I know I took a little bit of time.No, that's right, Ken.But that's the process. And, oh, by the way, you still can move to a place where you like the politics and the values and whatever, whatever, whatever. All in the middle of that plan.Yeah. I think Ken has laid this out beautifully. I don't have a whole lot to add to it except to beg and plead with you to take his advice. Because, you know, it's like, the best laid plans, right? If you don't plan for the what ifs, and you get out here and let's say, you know, I don't know you very well, Laura, but you might actually be a terrible. A terrible cook. We think you're great. But what if nobody likes the donuts? So what Ken said is so true. Yeah.You know, by the way, by the way, I gotta add this. Have you had five daughters? Donuts, local.Oh, show you right, Ken.So guess what? I know her. I know the lady who owns it. Oh, yeah, the founder.Okay.Her daughter and my daughter are friends, so I have had the chance to.Talk to her, okay.At a birthday party and ask questions. Here's why I'm gonna share this, okay? You know how expensive? $5 donuts.They're pretty high.They're pretty high, but they're pretty freaking fantastic.Listen, I'll pay the price. Price. And just more ways than one.I'm about to shock some Ramsey people right now. Ramsay show listeners. Cause y'all are cheap. Cause we've told you to be. Okay, let me tell you what. A dozen donuts, five daughters. ItYeah, she's scared. She's. She's really scared. You know, here's what's interesting. I think Jade's advice is absolutely what I was going to say. I think she's spot on. I would get her with a smart vest or pro in your area, or two. Let her. Let her meet with two or three and she gets to pick the one she wants that she's most comfortable with. That's the advice we've given for decades. And. And this additional income from the house goes on top. The 750. Now, let's just say. Let's just say you're miss calculator.I am.I'm gonna give you a chance here. Cause I always go to Jade.She loves 66.She's 66. Let's just say, what is the 750 turn into in ten years if she doesn't even touch?Well, she's adding the 250 from that house.But that's what I'm saying. I want you to be able to make this case. But a smart master pro will do this with her. But if the daughter's trying to get her to listen. But Jade's right. She's not gonna listen to you. She needs a pro to tell us. But just the 750 alone over the next ten years is gonna turn into a side chunk of change. But let's just say it's a million. All right? The million at the time, she's 76. What's that going to be?Well, let me start by just saying a lump sum is going to double every seven years.That's why I was saying the 750. Example. What's the 750 going to be ten years from now?Well, can I just turned it to a million?Well, you were throwing me off, okay? I was trying to just stick with a 750 because that's what she has now, and that's plenty of money. We're trying to prove it to her, okay?And let me go back.I want to make sure I'm not crazy.You're not crazy.Like, she's good.No, trust me.She's okay.Survey says it's coming.All right, so if we say, just for the next ten years, 750,000, she doesn't add anything to it. Average rate of return, you stash it away that's your starter emergency fund. Baby step two is you pay off all of your debt except your mortgage, using whatever extra money you have laying around, and, to Ken's point, side hustling and doing all those other things. So you said you have four months of expenses at this point, if I were you, that money goes to the debt, and then after the debt is cleared up, you save back up that four months of expenses or up to six months if you wanted to. And then you move on from there, and you start investing at baby step four. So that's how I would run this if I were in your shoes.Very good call. Let's go to Maggie. She's in Tampa, Florida. What's going on, Maggie?Hi. Thank you for calling, for taking my call.You got it.I'm getting. Yeah, I'm getting a little, like, anxious. We were my husband's 76, and I'm 69, and we just bought a house. We wanted to downsize from the one that we had that was bigger.Mm hmm.And I'm getting a little anxious because the house is taking a little long tolabor market. All of this in a presidential election. This is exactly what the Fed set out to do. Jerome Powell is on record as saying we've got to raise interest rates and it is going to cause pain in the employment market and pain in the employment market. Okay. And then when we see interest rates high for the home industry, mortgage rates, this creates a cooling of consumer demand, of course, and consumer confidence, which. And then in turn, theoretically, theoretically drops inflation.Well, so all that to say, make it lay, put it in more lane layman's terms, because the cooling is happening because everybody's holding onto their money.It's exactly right.Okay.And so what's happening is people are also sitting and waiting to see what happens in the next quarter or the fourth quarter as it relates to mortgage rates. I think you're going to see a slight rate cut in the third or fourth quarter. And I think you'll start to see people move back into the housing market. So I would sit tight. If I'm in a position where I'm listing, I'm going to list it and stay with it. But I think you're going to see an increase in home sales as we look to the end of the year. All right.I love that because that's been the issue. Not enough homes on the market, not enough supply to meet the demand. don't want you to miss out on any time because of this. And so keep moving forward through your baby steps and weave this in at the right point that makes sense for you and your family. Good to host with you, Ken. Thanks for the guys in the booth for making the show happen. This is the Ramsey show.Hey, folks. Dave here. You want to hear even more life changing content from Ramsey? Download the Ramsey Network app so you can catch all your favorite shows all in one place, like the Ramsey show, smart money, Happy Hour, and the doctor John Deloney show. You'll get real talk about life, relationships, money, and your career. Plus, the app lets you browse by topic, like debt, business, or selling your home. Get the content you want whenever and wherever you want to listen. Download the Ramsey Network app today.


I probably wouldn't do this. I really think that you guys need to. I mean, you could probably knock out the two personal loans pretty, pretty quickly, right? And then the credit cards, you've got the 5000, the 7000. I think that I'd rather just go in order because theredid. You had something good to offer.I'm telling you. Or I was about ready to go. The dog ate it.I did put you on the spot. But you always. Ken is a guy who always has something good to say and have something meaningful and helpful to say.There we go, coach.Ken, you know, you always got some.I appreciate that.All right, let's go to the phone lines. Angela time to shut it down? That's why I'm asking. I don't understand your business. Is there. Is there anything else that would allow us to. That's what Jayden, I need to know before we can fully answer this question. Is there any way, conceptually, that you could present to us on how you turn this thing around? Because you don't even have the cash to actually have the inventory to then actually turn it into sales is what we're hearing.Right. Right.So you're.I've been trying to sell. I do have some stock just trying to sell that to then, you know, generate income to get the stuff that really, really sells back in.How do you sell? Are you. Is it people visit your website or are you on Amazon? Are you on the other sites? So they have to come directly to your. Where do you do the most business? On your. On your site or on Amazon?Yeah, on our site.Okay. So maybe it's a traffic issue. You're not getting enough people organically coming over to your site.That's a. That's part of it, too. There's a lot of go there. So what does he do now for a living? And what, I guess both of you, what do you do for a m going to do is, is he's going to get a better job and he's going to get a job with any kind of skill, any kind of experience he can. That is at least double what he's making. This is all minimums, by the way, Jade, this is my minimum plan. Okay? So he needs to be doubling his income at a minimum, with a path for growth, for heaven's sakes. All right. And then you need to do your best to stay within your industry or something that is transferable and make similar money.Yeah. You need to still be making a hundred thousand.We go to Wyoming. Tennessee. What was the other place?Idaho.Idaho. All right. And so we've increased our income. And then at night and on the weekends, you are cranking up with two or three signature donuts, not 20 different types of donuts.You really just. You're right, Ken. Two or three, like, really creative going.This is my best shot.Yeah.And I'm not gonna spend any money on growing this business other than the materials or I say materials, ingredients. I need to make my best donuts, and I'm gonna sell those donuts to people at church, give them away at places, and I'm gonna test my donut, and I'm gonna see what people say when they bite into my donut. Right? And then I'm gonna go, what's happening here? Is it better than everybody else's? And if I've got something, then we figure out what are the next steps to grow the business from home. But I think this is a pure side hustle testing play before you try to launch this business and make any money that would go towards living expenses. So I know I took a little bit of time.No, that's right, Ken.But that's the process. And, oh, by the way, you still can move to a place where you like the politics and the values and whatever, whatever, whatever. All in the middle of that plan.Yeah. I think Ken has laid this out beautifully. I don't have a whole lot to add to it except to beg and plead with you to take his advice. Because, you know, it's like, the best laid plans, right? If you don't plan for the what ifs, and you get out here and let's say, you know, I don't know you very well, Laura, but you might actually be a terrible. A terrible cook. We think you're great. But what if nobody likes the donuts? So what Ken said is so true. Yeah.You know, by the way, by the way, I gotta add this. Have you had five daughters? Donuts, local.Oh, show you right, Ken.So guess what? I know her. I know the lady who owns it. Oh, yeah, the founder.Okay.Her daughter and my daughter are friends, so I have had the chance to.Talk to her, okay.At a birthday party and ask questions. Here's why I'm gonna share this, okay? You know how expensive? $5 donuts.They're pretty high.They're pretty high, but they're pretty freaking fantastic.Listen, I'll pay the price. Price. And just more ways than one.I'm about to shock some Ramsey people right now. Ramsay show listeners. Cause y'all are cheap. Cause we've told you to be. Okay, let me tell you what. A dozen donuts, five daughters. ItYeah, she's scared. She's. She's really scared. You know, here's what's interesting. I think Jade's advice is absolutely what I was going to say. I think she's spot on. I would get her with a smart vest or pro in your area, or two. Let her. Let her meet with two or three and she gets to pick the one she wants that she's most comfortable with. That's the advice we've given for decades. And. And this additional income from the house goes on top. The 750. Now, let's just say. Let's just say you're miss calculator.I am.I'm gonna give you a chance here. Cause I always go to Jade.She loves 66.She's 66. Let's just say, what is the 750 turn into in ten years if she doesn't even touch?Well, she's adding the 250 from that house.But that's what I'm saying. I want you to be able to make this case. But a smart master pro will do this with her. But if the daughter's trying to get her to listen. But Jade's right. She's not gonna listen to you. She needs a pro to tell us. But just the 750 alone over the next ten years is gonna turn into a side chunk of change. But let's just say it's a million. All right? The million at the time, she's 76. What's that going to be?Well, let me start by just saying a lump sum is going to double every seven years.That's why I was saying the 750. Example. What's the 750 going to be ten years from now?Well, can I just turned it to a million?Well, you were throwing me off, okay? I was trying to just stick with a 750 because that's what she has now, and that's plenty of money. We're trying to prove it to her, okay?And let me go back.I want to make sure I'm not crazy.You're not crazy.Like, she's good.No, trust me.She's okay.Survey says it's coming.All right, so if we say, just for the next ten years, 750,000, she doesn't add anything to it. Average rate of return, you stash it away that's your starter emergency fund. Baby step two is you pay off all of your debt except your mortgage, using whatever extra money you have laying around, and, to Ken's point, side hustling and doing all those other things. So you said you have four months of expenses at this point, if I were you, that money goes to the debt, and then after the debt is cleared up, you save back up that four months of expenses or up to six months if you wanted to. And then you move on from there, and you start investing at baby step four. So that's how I would run this if I were in your shoes.Very good call. Let's go to Maggie. She's in Tampa, Florida. What's going on, Maggie?Hi. Thank you for calling, for taking my call.You got it.I'm getting. Yeah, I'm getting a little, like, anxious. We were my husband's 76, and I'm 69, and we just bought a house. We wanted to downsize from the one that we had that was bigger.Mm hmm.And I'm getting a little anxious because the house is taking a little long tolabor market. All of this in a presidential election. This is exactly what the Fed set out to do. Jerome Powell is on record as saying we've got to raise interest rates and it is going to cause pain in the employment market and pain in the employment market. Okay. And then when we see interest rates high for the home industry, mortgage rates, this creates a cooling of consumer demand, of course, and consumer confidence, which. And then in turn, theoretically, theoretically drops inflation.Well, so all that to say, make it lay, put it in more lane layman's terms, because the cooling is happening because everybody's holding onto their money.It's exactly right.Okay.And so what's happening is people are also sitting and waiting to see what happens in the next quarter or the fourth quarter as it relates to mortgage rates. I think you're going to see a slight rate cut in the third or fourth quarter. And I think you'll start to see people move back into the housing market. So I would sit tight. If I'm in a position where I'm listing, I'm going to list it and stay with it. But I think you're going to see an increase in home sales as we look to the end of the year. All right.I love that because that's been the issue. Not enough homes on the market, not enough supply to meet the demand. don't want you to miss out on any time because of this. And so keep moving forward through your baby steps and weave this in at the right point that makes sense for you and your family. Good to host with you, Ken. Thanks for the guys in the booth for making the show happen. This is the Ramsey show.Hey, folks. Dave here. You want to hear even more life changing content from Ramsey? Download the Ramsey Network app so you can catch all your favorite shows all in one place, like the Ramsey show, smart money, Happy Hour, and the doctor John Deloney show. You'll get real talk about life, relationships, money, and your career. Plus, the app lets you browse by topic, like debt, business, or selling your home. Get the content you want whenever and wherever you want to listen. Download the Ramsey Network app today.


did. You had something good to offer.


I'm telling you. Or I was about ready to go. The dog ate it.


I did put you on the spot. But you always. Ken is a guy who always has something good to say and have something meaningful and helpful to say.


There we go, coach.


Ken, you know, you always got some.


I appreciate that.


All right, let's go to the phone lines. Angela time to shut it down? That's why I'm asking. I don't understand your business. Is there. Is there anything else that would allow us to. That's what Jayden, I need to know before we can fully answer this question. Is there any way, conceptually, that you could present to us on how you turn this thing around? Because you don't even have the cash to actually have the inventory to then actually turn it into sales is what we're hearing.Right. Right.So you're.I've been trying to sell. I do have some stock just trying to sell that to then, you know, generate income to get the stuff that really, really sells back in.How do you sell? Are you. Is it people visit your website or are you on Amazon? Are you on the other sites? So they have to come directly to your. Where do you do the most business? On your. On your site or on Amazon?Yeah, on our site.Okay. So maybe it's a traffic issue. You're not getting enough people organically coming over to your site.That's a. That's part of it, too. There's a lot of go there. So what does he do now for a living? And what, I guess both of you, what do you do for a m going to do is, is he's going to get a better job and he's going to get a job with any kind of skill, any kind of experience he can. That is at least double what he's making. This is all minimums, by the way, Jade, this is my minimum plan. Okay? So he needs to be doubling his income at a minimum, with a path for growth, for heaven's sakes. All right. And then you need to do your best to stay within your industry or something that is transferable and make similar money.Yeah. You need to still be making a hundred thousand.We go to Wyoming. Tennessee. What was the other place?Idaho.Idaho. All right. And so we've increased our income. And then at night and on the weekends, you are cranking up with two or three signature donuts, not 20 different types of donuts.You really just. You're right, Ken. Two or three, like, really creative going.This is my best shot.Yeah.And I'm not gonna spend any money on growing this business other than the materials or I say materials, ingredients. I need to make my best donuts, and I'm gonna sell those donuts to people at church, give them away at places, and I'm gonna test my donut, and I'm gonna see what people say when they bite into my donut. Right? And then I'm gonna go, what's happening here? Is it better than everybody else's? And if I've got something, then we figure out what are the next steps to grow the business from home. But I think this is a pure side hustle testing play before you try to launch this business and make any money that would go towards living expenses. So I know I took a little bit of time.No, that's right, Ken.But that's the process. And, oh, by the way, you still can move to a place where you like the politics and the values and whatever, whatever, whatever. All in the middle of that plan.Yeah. I think Ken has laid this out beautifully. I don't have a whole lot to add to it except to beg and plead with you to take his advice. Because, you know, it's like, the best laid plans, right? If you don't plan for the what ifs, and you get out here and let's say, you know, I don't know you very well, Laura, but you might actually be a terrible. A terrible cook. We think you're great. But what if nobody likes the donuts? So what Ken said is so true. Yeah.You know, by the way, by the way, I gotta add this. Have you had five daughters? Donuts, local.Oh, show you right, Ken.So guess what? I know her. I know the lady who owns it. Oh, yeah, the founder.Okay.Her daughter and my daughter are friends, so I have had the chance to.Talk to her, okay.At a birthday party and ask questions. Here's why I'm gonna share this, okay? You know how expensive? $5 donuts.They're pretty high.They're pretty high, but they're pretty freaking fantastic.Listen, I'll pay the price. Price. And just more ways than one.I'm about to shock some Ramsey people right now. Ramsay show listeners. Cause y'all are cheap. Cause we've told you to be. Okay, let me tell you what. A dozen donuts, five daughters. ItYeah, she's scared. She's. She's really scared. You know, here's what's interesting. I think Jade's advice is absolutely what I was going to say. I think she's spot on. I would get her with a smart vest or pro in your area, or two. Let her. Let her meet with two or three and she gets to pick the one she wants that she's most comfortable with. That's the advice we've given for decades. And. And this additional income from the house goes on top. The 750. Now, let's just say. Let's just say you're miss calculator.I am.I'm gonna give you a chance here. Cause I always go to Jade.She loves 66.She's 66. Let's just say, what is the 750 turn into in ten years if she doesn't even touch?Well, she's adding the 250 from that house.But that's what I'm saying. I want you to be able to make this case. But a smart master pro will do this with her. But if the daughter's trying to get her to listen. But Jade's right. She's not gonna listen to you. She needs a pro to tell us. But just the 750 alone over the next ten years is gonna turn into a side chunk of change. But let's just say it's a million. All right? The million at the time, she's 76. What's that going to be?Well, let me start by just saying a lump sum is going to double every seven years.That's why I was saying the 750. Example. What's the 750 going to be ten years from now?Well, can I just turned it to a million?Well, you were throwing me off, okay? I was trying to just stick with a 750 because that's what she has now, and that's plenty of money. We're trying to prove it to her, okay?And let me go back.I want to make sure I'm not crazy.You're not crazy.Like, she's good.No, trust me.She's okay.Survey says it's coming.All right, so if we say, just for the next ten years, 750,000, she doesn't add anything to it. Average rate of return, you stash it away that's your starter emergency fund. Baby step two is you pay off all of your debt except your mortgage, using whatever extra money you have laying around, and, to Ken's point, side hustling and doing all those other things. So you said you have four months of expenses at this point, if I were you, that money goes to the debt, and then after the debt is cleared up, you save back up that four months of expenses or up to six months if you wanted to. And then you move on from there, and you start investing at baby step four. So that's how I would run this if I were in your shoes.Very good call. Let's go to Maggie. She's in Tampa, Florida. What's going on, Maggie?Hi. Thank you for calling, for taking my call.You got it.I'm getting. Yeah, I'm getting a little, like, anxious. We were my husband's 76, and I'm 69, and we just bought a house. We wanted to downsize from the one that we had that was bigger.Mm hmm.And I'm getting a little anxious because the house is taking a little long tolabor market. All of this in a presidential election. This is exactly what the Fed set out to do. Jerome Powell is on record as saying we've got to raise interest rates and it is going to cause pain in the employment market and pain in the employment market. Okay. And then when we see interest rates high for the home industry, mortgage rates, this creates a cooling of consumer demand, of course, and consumer confidence, which. And then in turn, theoretically, theoretically drops inflation.Well, so all that to say, make it lay, put it in more lane layman's terms, because the cooling is happening because everybody's holding onto their money.It's exactly right.Okay.And so what's happening is people are also sitting and waiting to see what happens in the next quarter or the fourth quarter as it relates to mortgage rates. I think you're going to see a slight rate cut in the third or fourth quarter. And I think you'll start to see people move back into the housing market. So I would sit tight. If I'm in a position where I'm listing, I'm going to list it and stay with it. But I think you're going to see an increase in home sales as we look to the end of the year. All right.I love that because that's been the issue. Not enough homes on the market, not enough supply to meet the demand. don't want you to miss out on any time because of this. And so keep moving forward through your baby steps and weave this in at the right point that makes sense for you and your family. Good to host with you, Ken. Thanks for the guys in the booth for making the show happen. This is the Ramsey show.Hey, folks. Dave here. You want to hear even more life changing content from Ramsey? Download the Ramsey Network app so you can catch all your favorite shows all in one place, like the Ramsey show, smart money, Happy Hour, and the doctor John Deloney show. You'll get real talk about life, relationships, money, and your career. Plus, the app lets you browse by topic, like debt, business, or selling your home. Get the content you want whenever and wherever you want to listen. Download the Ramsey Network app today.


time to shut it down? That's why I'm asking. I don't understand your business. Is there. Is there anything else that would allow us to. That's what Jayden, I need to know before we can fully answer this question. Is there any way, conceptually, that you could present to us on how you turn this thing around? Because you don't even have the cash to actually have the inventory to then actually turn it into sales is what we're hearing.


Right. Right.


So you're.


I've been trying to sell. I do have some stock just trying to sell that to then, you know, generate income to get the stuff that really, really sells back in.


How do you sell? Are you. Is it people visit your website or are you on Amazon? Are you on the other sites? So they have to come directly to your. Where do you do the most business? On your. On your site or on Amazon?


Yeah, on our site.


Okay. So maybe it's a traffic issue. You're not getting enough people organically coming over to your site.


That's a. That's part of it, too. There's a lot of go there. So what does he do now for a living? And what, I guess both of you, what do you do for a m going to do is, is he's going to get a better job and he's going to get a job with any kind of skill, any kind of experience he can. That is at least double what he's making. This is all minimums, by the way, Jade, this is my minimum plan. Okay? So he needs to be doubling his income at a minimum, with a path for growth, for heaven's sakes. All right. And then you need to do your best to stay within your industry or something that is transferable and make similar money.Yeah. You need to still be making a hundred thousand.We go to Wyoming. Tennessee. What was the other place?Idaho.Idaho. All right. And so we've increased our income. And then at night and on the weekends, you are cranking up with two or three signature donuts, not 20 different types of donuts.You really just. You're right, Ken. Two or three, like, really creative going.This is my best shot.Yeah.And I'm not gonna spend any money on growing this business other than the materials or I say materials, ingredients. I need to make my best donuts, and I'm gonna sell those donuts to people at church, give them away at places, and I'm gonna test my donut, and I'm gonna see what people say when they bite into my donut. Right? And then I'm gonna go, what's happening here? Is it better than everybody else's? And if I've got something, then we figure out what are the next steps to grow the business from home. But I think this is a pure side hustle testing play before you try to launch this business and make any money that would go towards living expenses. So I know I took a little bit of time.No, that's right, Ken.But that's the process. And, oh, by the way, you still can move to a place where you like the politics and the values and whatever, whatever, whatever. All in the middle of that plan.Yeah. I think Ken has laid this out beautifully. I don't have a whole lot to add to it except to beg and plead with you to take his advice. Because, you know, it's like, the best laid plans, right? If you don't plan for the what ifs, and you get out here and let's say, you know, I don't know you very well, Laura, but you might actually be a terrible. A terrible cook. We think you're great. But what if nobody likes the donuts? So what Ken said is so true. Yeah.You know, by the way, by the way, I gotta add this. Have you had five daughters? Donuts, local.Oh, show you right, Ken.So guess what? I know her. I know the lady who owns it. Oh, yeah, the founder.Okay.Her daughter and my daughter are friends, so I have had the chance to.Talk to her, okay.At a birthday party and ask questions. Here's why I'm gonna share this, okay? You know how expensive? $5 donuts.They're pretty high.They're pretty high, but they're pretty freaking fantastic.Listen, I'll pay the price. Price. And just more ways than one.I'm about to shock some Ramsey people right now. Ramsay show listeners. Cause y'all are cheap. Cause we've told you to be. Okay, let me tell you what. A dozen donuts, five daughters. ItYeah, she's scared. She's. She's really scared. You know, here's what's interesting. I think Jade's advice is absolutely what I was going to say. I think she's spot on. I would get her with a smart vest or pro in your area, or two. Let her. Let her meet with two or three and she gets to pick the one she wants that she's most comfortable with. That's the advice we've given for decades. And. And this additional income from the house goes on top. The 750. Now, let's just say. Let's just say you're miss calculator.I am.I'm gonna give you a chance here. Cause I always go to Jade.She loves 66.She's 66. Let's just say, what is the 750 turn into in ten years if she doesn't even touch?Well, she's adding the 250 from that house.But that's what I'm saying. I want you to be able to make this case. But a smart master pro will do this with her. But if the daughter's trying to get her to listen. But Jade's right. She's not gonna listen to you. She needs a pro to tell us. But just the 750 alone over the next ten years is gonna turn into a side chunk of change. But let's just say it's a million. All right? The million at the time, she's 76. What's that going to be?Well, let me start by just saying a lump sum is going to double every seven years.That's why I was saying the 750. Example. What's the 750 going to be ten years from now?Well, can I just turned it to a million?Well, you were throwing me off, okay? I was trying to just stick with a 750 because that's what she has now, and that's plenty of money. We're trying to prove it to her, okay?And let me go back.I want to make sure I'm not crazy.You're not crazy.Like, she's good.No, trust me.She's okay.Survey says it's coming.All right, so if we say, just for the next ten years, 750,000, she doesn't add anything to it. Average rate of return, you stash it away that's your starter emergency fund. Baby step two is you pay off all of your debt except your mortgage, using whatever extra money you have laying around, and, to Ken's point, side hustling and doing all those other things. So you said you have four months of expenses at this point, if I were you, that money goes to the debt, and then after the debt is cleared up, you save back up that four months of expenses or up to six months if you wanted to. And then you move on from there, and you start investing at baby step four. So that's how I would run this if I were in your shoes.Very good call. Let's go to Maggie. She's in Tampa, Florida. What's going on, Maggie?Hi. Thank you for calling, for taking my call.You got it.I'm getting. Yeah, I'm getting a little, like, anxious. We were my husband's 76, and I'm 69, and we just bought a house. We wanted to downsize from the one that we had that was bigger.Mm hmm.And I'm getting a little anxious because the house is taking a little long tolabor market. All of this in a presidential election. This is exactly what the Fed set out to do. Jerome Powell is on record as saying we've got to raise interest rates and it is going to cause pain in the employment market and pain in the employment market. Okay. And then when we see interest rates high for the home industry, mortgage rates, this creates a cooling of consumer demand, of course, and consumer confidence, which. And then in turn, theoretically, theoretically drops inflation.Well, so all that to say, make it lay, put it in more lane layman's terms, because the cooling is happening because everybody's holding onto their money.It's exactly right.Okay.And so what's happening is people are also sitting and waiting to see what happens in the next quarter or the fourth quarter as it relates to mortgage rates. I think you're going to see a slight rate cut in the third or fourth quarter. And I think you'll start to see people move back into the housing market. So I would sit tight. If I'm in a position where I'm listing, I'm going to list it and stay with it. But I think you're going to see an increase in home sales as we look to the end of the year. All right.I love that because that's been the issue. Not enough homes on the market, not enough supply to meet the demand. don't want you to miss out on any time because of this. And so keep moving forward through your baby steps and weave this in at the right point that makes sense for you and your family. Good to host with you, Ken. Thanks for the guys in the booth for making the show happen. This is the Ramsey show.Hey, folks. Dave here. You want to hear even more life changing content from Ramsey? Download the Ramsey Network app so you can catch all your favorite shows all in one place, like the Ramsey show, smart money, Happy Hour, and the doctor John Deloney show. You'll get real talk about life, relationships, money, and your career. Plus, the app lets you browse by topic, like debt, business, or selling your home. Get the content you want whenever and wherever you want to listen. Download the Ramsey Network app today.


go there. So what does he do now for a living? And what, I guess both of you, what do you do for a m going to do is, is he's going to get a better job and he's going to get a job with any kind of skill, any kind of experience he can. That is at least double what he's making. This is all minimums, by the way, Jade, this is my minimum plan. Okay? So he needs to be doubling his income at a minimum, with a path for growth, for heaven's sakes. All right. And then you need to do your best to stay within your industry or something that is transferable and make similar money.Yeah. You need to still be making a hundred thousand.We go to Wyoming. Tennessee. What was the other place?Idaho.Idaho. All right. And so we've increased our income. And then at night and on the weekends, you are cranking up with two or three signature donuts, not 20 different types of donuts.You really just. You're right, Ken. Two or three, like, really creative going.This is my best shot.Yeah.And I'm not gonna spend any money on growing this business other than the materials or I say materials, ingredients. I need to make my best donuts, and I'm gonna sell those donuts to people at church, give them away at places, and I'm gonna test my donut, and I'm gonna see what people say when they bite into my donut. Right? And then I'm gonna go, what's happening here? Is it better than everybody else's? And if I've got something, then we figure out what are the next steps to grow the business from home. But I think this is a pure side hustle testing play before you try to launch this business and make any money that would go towards living expenses. So I know I took a little bit of time.No, that's right, Ken.But that's the process. And, oh, by the way, you still can move to a place where you like the politics and the values and whatever, whatever, whatever. All in the middle of that plan.Yeah. I think Ken has laid this out beautifully. I don't have a whole lot to add to it except to beg and plead with you to take his advice. Because, you know, it's like, the best laid plans, right? If you don't plan for the what ifs, and you get out here and let's say, you know, I don't know you very well, Laura, but you might actually be a terrible. A terrible cook. We think you're great. But what if nobody likes the donuts? So what Ken said is so true. Yeah.You know, by the way, by the way, I gotta add this. Have you had five daughters? Donuts, local.Oh, show you right, Ken.So guess what? I know her. I know the lady who owns it. Oh, yeah, the founder.Okay.Her daughter and my daughter are friends, so I have had the chance to.Talk to her, okay.At a birthday party and ask questions. Here's why I'm gonna share this, okay? You know how expensive? $5 donuts.They're pretty high.They're pretty high, but they're pretty freaking fantastic.Listen, I'll pay the price. Price. And just more ways than one.I'm about to shock some Ramsey people right now. Ramsay show listeners. Cause y'all are cheap. Cause we've told you to be. Okay, let me tell you what. A dozen donuts, five daughters. ItYeah, she's scared. She's. She's really scared. You know, here's what's interesting. I think Jade's advice is absolutely what I was going to say. I think she's spot on. I would get her with a smart vest or pro in your area, or two. Let her. Let her meet with two or three and she gets to pick the one she wants that she's most comfortable with. That's the advice we've given for decades. And. And this additional income from the house goes on top. The 750. Now, let's just say. Let's just say you're miss calculator.I am.I'm gonna give you a chance here. Cause I always go to Jade.She loves 66.She's 66. Let's just say, what is the 750 turn into in ten years if she doesn't even touch?Well, she's adding the 250 from that house.But that's what I'm saying. I want you to be able to make this case. But a smart master pro will do this with her. But if the daughter's trying to get her to listen. But Jade's right. She's not gonna listen to you. She needs a pro to tell us. But just the 750 alone over the next ten years is gonna turn into a side chunk of change. But let's just say it's a million. All right? The million at the time, she's 76. What's that going to be?Well, let me start by just saying a lump sum is going to double every seven years.That's why I was saying the 750. Example. What's the 750 going to be ten years from now?Well, can I just turned it to a million?Well, you were throwing me off, okay? I was trying to just stick with a 750 because that's what she has now, and that's plenty of money. We're trying to prove it to her, okay?And let me go back.I want to make sure I'm not crazy.You're not crazy.Like, she's good.No, trust me.She's okay.Survey says it's coming.All right, so if we say, just for the next ten years, 750,000, she doesn't add anything to it. Average rate of return, you stash it away that's your starter emergency fund. Baby step two is you pay off all of your debt except your mortgage, using whatever extra money you have laying around, and, to Ken's point, side hustling and doing all those other things. So you said you have four months of expenses at this point, if I were you, that money goes to the debt, and then after the debt is cleared up, you save back up that four months of expenses or up to six months if you wanted to. And then you move on from there, and you start investing at baby step four. So that's how I would run this if I were in your shoes.Very good call. Let's go to Maggie. She's in Tampa, Florida. What's going on, Maggie?Hi. Thank you for calling, for taking my call.You got it.I'm getting. Yeah, I'm getting a little, like, anxious. We were my husband's 76, and I'm 69, and we just bought a house. We wanted to downsize from the one that we had that was bigger.Mm hmm.And I'm getting a little anxious because the house is taking a little long tolabor market. All of this in a presidential election. This is exactly what the Fed set out to do. Jerome Powell is on record as saying we've got to raise interest rates and it is going to cause pain in the employment market and pain in the employment market. Okay. And then when we see interest rates high for the home industry, mortgage rates, this creates a cooling of consumer demand, of course, and consumer confidence, which. And then in turn, theoretically, theoretically drops inflation.Well, so all that to say, make it lay, put it in more lane layman's terms, because the cooling is happening because everybody's holding onto their money.It's exactly right.Okay.And so what's happening is people are also sitting and waiting to see what happens in the next quarter or the fourth quarter as it relates to mortgage rates. I think you're going to see a slight rate cut in the third or fourth quarter. And I think you'll start to see people move back into the housing market. So I would sit tight. If I'm in a position where I'm listing, I'm going to list it and stay with it. But I think you're going to see an increase in home sales as we look to the end of the year. All right.I love that because that's been the issue. Not enough homes on the market, not enough supply to meet the demand. don't want you to miss out on any time because of this. And so keep moving forward through your baby steps and weave this in at the right point that makes sense for you and your family. Good to host with you, Ken. Thanks for the guys in the booth for making the show happen. This is the Ramsey show.Hey, folks. Dave here. You want to hear even more life changing content from Ramsey? Download the Ramsey Network app so you can catch all your favorite shows all in one place, like the Ramsey show, smart money, Happy Hour, and the doctor John Deloney show. You'll get real talk about life, relationships, money, and your career. Plus, the app lets you browse by topic, like debt, business, or selling your home. Get the content you want whenever and wherever you want to listen. Download the Ramsey Network app today.


m going to do is, is he's going to get a better job and he's going to get a job with any kind of skill, any kind of experience he can. That is at least double what he's making. This is all minimums, by the way, Jade, this is my minimum plan. Okay? So he needs to be doubling his income at a minimum, with a path for growth, for heaven's sakes. All right. And then you need to do your best to stay within your industry or something that is transferable and make similar money.


Yeah. You need to still be making a hundred thousand.


We go to Wyoming. Tennessee. What was the other place?




Idaho. All right. And so we've increased our income. And then at night and on the weekends, you are cranking up with two or three signature donuts, not 20 different types of donuts.


You really just. You're right, Ken. Two or three, like, really creative going.


This is my best shot.




And I'm not gonna spend any money on growing this business other than the materials or I say materials, ingredients. I need to make my best donuts, and I'm gonna sell those donuts to people at church, give them away at places, and I'm gonna test my donut, and I'm gonna see what people say when they bite into my donut. Right? And then I'm gonna go, what's happening here? Is it better than everybody else's? And if I've got something, then we figure out what are the next steps to grow the business from home. But I think this is a pure side hustle testing play before you try to launch this business and make any money that would go towards living expenses. So I know I took a little bit of time.


No, that's right, Ken.


But that's the process. And, oh, by the way, you still can move to a place where you like the politics and the values and whatever, whatever, whatever. All in the middle of that plan.


Yeah. I think Ken has laid this out beautifully. I don't have a whole lot to add to it except to beg and plead with you to take his advice. Because, you know, it's like, the best laid plans, right? If you don't plan for the what ifs, and you get out here and let's say, you know, I don't know you very well, Laura, but you might actually be a terrible. A terrible cook. We think you're great. But what if nobody likes the donuts? So what Ken said is so true. Yeah.


You know, by the way, by the way, I gotta add this. Have you had five daughters? Donuts, local.


Oh, show you right, Ken.


So guess what? I know her. I know the lady who owns it. Oh, yeah, the founder.




Her daughter and my daughter are friends, so I have had the chance to.


Talk to her, okay.


At a birthday party and ask questions. Here's why I'm gonna share this, okay? You know how expensive? $5 donuts.


They're pretty high.


They're pretty high, but they're pretty freaking fantastic.


Listen, I'll pay the price. Price. And just more ways than one.


I'm about to shock some Ramsey people right now. Ramsay show listeners. Cause y'all are cheap. Cause we've told you to be. Okay, let me tell you what. A dozen donuts, five daughters. ItYeah, she's scared. She's. She's really scared. You know, here's what's interesting. I think Jade's advice is absolutely what I was going to say. I think she's spot on. I would get her with a smart vest or pro in your area, or two. Let her. Let her meet with two or three and she gets to pick the one she wants that she's most comfortable with. That's the advice we've given for decades. And. And this additional income from the house goes on top. The 750. Now, let's just say. Let's just say you're miss calculator.I am.I'm gonna give you a chance here. Cause I always go to Jade.She loves 66.She's 66. Let's just say, what is the 750 turn into in ten years if she doesn't even touch?Well, she's adding the 250 from that house.But that's what I'm saying. I want you to be able to make this case. But a smart master pro will do this with her. But if the daughter's trying to get her to listen. But Jade's right. She's not gonna listen to you. She needs a pro to tell us. But just the 750 alone over the next ten years is gonna turn into a side chunk of change. But let's just say it's a million. All right? The million at the time, she's 76. What's that going to be?Well, let me start by just saying a lump sum is going to double every seven years.That's why I was saying the 750. Example. What's the 750 going to be ten years from now?Well, can I just turned it to a million?Well, you were throwing me off, okay? I was trying to just stick with a 750 because that's what she has now, and that's plenty of money. We're trying to prove it to her, okay?And let me go back.I want to make sure I'm not crazy.You're not crazy.Like, she's good.No, trust me.She's okay.Survey says it's coming.All right, so if we say, just for the next ten years, 750,000, she doesn't add anything to it. Average rate of return, you stash it away that's your starter emergency fund. Baby step two is you pay off all of your debt except your mortgage, using whatever extra money you have laying around, and, to Ken's point, side hustling and doing all those other things. So you said you have four months of expenses at this point, if I were you, that money goes to the debt, and then after the debt is cleared up, you save back up that four months of expenses or up to six months if you wanted to. And then you move on from there, and you start investing at baby step four. So that's how I would run this if I were in your shoes.Very good call. Let's go to Maggie. She's in Tampa, Florida. What's going on, Maggie?Hi. Thank you for calling, for taking my call.You got it.I'm getting. Yeah, I'm getting a little, like, anxious. We were my husband's 76, and I'm 69, and we just bought a house. We wanted to downsize from the one that we had that was bigger.Mm hmm.And I'm getting a little anxious because the house is taking a little long tolabor market. All of this in a presidential election. This is exactly what the Fed set out to do. Jerome Powell is on record as saying we've got to raise interest rates and it is going to cause pain in the employment market and pain in the employment market. Okay. And then when we see interest rates high for the home industry, mortgage rates, this creates a cooling of consumer demand, of course, and consumer confidence, which. And then in turn, theoretically, theoretically drops inflation.Well, so all that to say, make it lay, put it in more lane layman's terms, because the cooling is happening because everybody's holding onto their money.It's exactly right.Okay.And so what's happening is people are also sitting and waiting to see what happens in the next quarter or the fourth quarter as it relates to mortgage rates. I think you're going to see a slight rate cut in the third or fourth quarter. And I think you'll start to see people move back into the housing market. So I would sit tight. If I'm in a position where I'm listing, I'm going to list it and stay with it. But I think you're going to see an increase in home sales as we look to the end of the year. All right.I love that because that's been the issue. Not enough homes on the market, not enough supply to meet the demand. don't want you to miss out on any time because of this. And so keep moving forward through your baby steps and weave this in at the right point that makes sense for you and your family. Good to host with you, Ken. Thanks for the guys in the booth for making the show happen. This is the Ramsey show.Hey, folks. Dave here. You want to hear even more life changing content from Ramsey? Download the Ramsey Network app so you can catch all your favorite shows all in one place, like the Ramsey show, smart money, Happy Hour, and the doctor John Deloney show. You'll get real talk about life, relationships, money, and your career. Plus, the app lets you browse by topic, like debt, business, or selling your home. Get the content you want whenever and wherever you want to listen. Download the Ramsey Network app today.


Yeah, she's scared. She's. She's really scared. You know, here's what's interesting. I think Jade's advice is absolutely what I was going to say. I think she's spot on. I would get her with a smart vest or pro in your area, or two. Let her. Let her meet with two or three and she gets to pick the one she wants that she's most comfortable with. That's the advice we've given for decades. And. And this additional income from the house goes on top. The 750. Now, let's just say. Let's just say you're miss calculator.


I am.


I'm gonna give you a chance here. Cause I always go to Jade.


She loves 66.


She's 66. Let's just say, what is the 750 turn into in ten years if she doesn't even touch?


Well, she's adding the 250 from that house.


But that's what I'm saying. I want you to be able to make this case. But a smart master pro will do this with her. But if the daughter's trying to get her to listen. But Jade's right. She's not gonna listen to you. She needs a pro to tell us. But just the 750 alone over the next ten years is gonna turn into a side chunk of change. But let's just say it's a million. All right? The million at the time, she's 76. What's that going to be?


Well, let me start by just saying a lump sum is going to double every seven years.


That's why I was saying the 750. Example. What's the 750 going to be ten years from now?


Well, can I just turned it to a million?


Well, you were throwing me off, okay? I was trying to just stick with a 750 because that's what she has now, and that's plenty of money. We're trying to prove it to her, okay?


And let me go back.


I want to make sure I'm not crazy.


You're not crazy.


Like, she's good.


No, trust me.


She's okay.


Survey says it's coming.


All right, so if we say, just for the next ten years, 750,000, she doesn't add anything to it. Average rate of return, you stash it away that's your starter emergency fund. Baby step two is you pay off all of your debt except your mortgage, using whatever extra money you have laying around, and, to Ken's point, side hustling and doing all those other things. So you said you have four months of expenses at this point, if I were you, that money goes to the debt, and then after the debt is cleared up, you save back up that four months of expenses or up to six months if you wanted to. And then you move on from there, and you start investing at baby step four. So that's how I would run this if I were in your shoes.Very good call. Let's go to Maggie. She's in Tampa, Florida. What's going on, Maggie?Hi. Thank you for calling, for taking my call.You got it.I'm getting. Yeah, I'm getting a little, like, anxious. We were my husband's 76, and I'm 69, and we just bought a house. We wanted to downsize from the one that we had that was bigger.Mm hmm.And I'm getting a little anxious because the house is taking a little long tolabor market. All of this in a presidential election. This is exactly what the Fed set out to do. Jerome Powell is on record as saying we've got to raise interest rates and it is going to cause pain in the employment market and pain in the employment market. Okay. And then when we see interest rates high for the home industry, mortgage rates, this creates a cooling of consumer demand, of course, and consumer confidence, which. And then in turn, theoretically, theoretically drops inflation.Well, so all that to say, make it lay, put it in more lane layman's terms, because the cooling is happening because everybody's holding onto their money.It's exactly right.Okay.And so what's happening is people are also sitting and waiting to see what happens in the next quarter or the fourth quarter as it relates to mortgage rates. I think you're going to see a slight rate cut in the third or fourth quarter. And I think you'll start to see people move back into the housing market. So I would sit tight. If I'm in a position where I'm listing, I'm going to list it and stay with it. But I think you're going to see an increase in home sales as we look to the end of the year. All right.I love that because that's been the issue. Not enough homes on the market, not enough supply to meet the demand. don't want you to miss out on any time because of this. And so keep moving forward through your baby steps and weave this in at the right point that makes sense for you and your family. Good to host with you, Ken. Thanks for the guys in the booth for making the show happen. This is the Ramsey show.Hey, folks. Dave here. You want to hear even more life changing content from Ramsey? Download the Ramsey Network app so you can catch all your favorite shows all in one place, like the Ramsey show, smart money, Happy Hour, and the doctor John Deloney show. You'll get real talk about life, relationships, money, and your career. Plus, the app lets you browse by topic, like debt, business, or selling your home. Get the content you want whenever and wherever you want to listen. Download the Ramsey Network app today.


, you stash it away that's your starter emergency fund. Baby step two is you pay off all of your debt except your mortgage, using whatever extra money you have laying around, and, to Ken's point, side hustling and doing all those other things. So you said you have four months of expenses at this point, if I were you, that money goes to the debt, and then after the debt is cleared up, you save back up that four months of expenses or up to six months if you wanted to. And then you move on from there, and you start investing at baby step four. So that's how I would run this if I were in your shoes.


Very good call. Let's go to Maggie. She's in Tampa, Florida. What's going on, Maggie?


Hi. Thank you for calling, for taking my call.


You got it.


I'm getting. Yeah, I'm getting a little, like, anxious. We were my husband's 76, and I'm 69, and we just bought a house. We wanted to downsize from the one that we had that was bigger.


Mm hmm.


And I'm getting a little anxious because the house is taking a little long tolabor market. All of this in a presidential election. This is exactly what the Fed set out to do. Jerome Powell is on record as saying we've got to raise interest rates and it is going to cause pain in the employment market and pain in the employment market. Okay. And then when we see interest rates high for the home industry, mortgage rates, this creates a cooling of consumer demand, of course, and consumer confidence, which. And then in turn, theoretically, theoretically drops inflation.Well, so all that to say, make it lay, put it in more lane layman's terms, because the cooling is happening because everybody's holding onto their money.It's exactly right.Okay.And so what's happening is people are also sitting and waiting to see what happens in the next quarter or the fourth quarter as it relates to mortgage rates. I think you're going to see a slight rate cut in the third or fourth quarter. And I think you'll start to see people move back into the housing market. So I would sit tight. If I'm in a position where I'm listing, I'm going to list it and stay with it. But I think you're going to see an increase in home sales as we look to the end of the year. All right.I love that because that's been the issue. Not enough homes on the market, not enough supply to meet the demand. don't want you to miss out on any time because of this. And so keep moving forward through your baby steps and weave this in at the right point that makes sense for you and your family. Good to host with you, Ken. Thanks for the guys in the booth for making the show happen. This is the Ramsey show.Hey, folks. Dave here. You want to hear even more life changing content from Ramsey? Download the Ramsey Network app so you can catch all your favorite shows all in one place, like the Ramsey show, smart money, Happy Hour, and the doctor John Deloney show. You'll get real talk about life, relationships, money, and your career. Plus, the app lets you browse by topic, like debt, business, or selling your home. Get the content you want whenever and wherever you want to listen. Download the Ramsey Network app today.


labor market. All of this in a presidential election. This is exactly what the Fed set out to do. Jerome Powell is on record as saying we've got to raise interest rates and it is going to cause pain in the employment market and pain in the employment market. Okay. And then when we see interest rates high for the home industry, mortgage rates, this creates a cooling of consumer demand, of course, and consumer confidence, which. And then in turn, theoretically, theoretically drops inflation.


Well, so all that to say, make it lay, put it in more lane layman's terms, because the cooling is happening because everybody's holding onto their money.


It's exactly right.




And so what's happening is people are also sitting and waiting to see what happens in the next quarter or the fourth quarter as it relates to mortgage rates. I think you're going to see a slight rate cut in the third or fourth quarter. And I think you'll start to see people move back into the housing market. So I would sit tight. If I'm in a position where I'm listing, I'm going to list it and stay with it. But I think you're going to see an increase in home sales as we look to the end of the year. All right.


I love that because that's been the issue. Not enough homes on the market, not enough supply to meet the demand. don't want you to miss out on any time because of this. And so keep moving forward through your baby steps and weave this in at the right point that makes sense for you and your family. Good to host with you, Ken. Thanks for the guys in the booth for making the show happen. This is the Ramsey show.Hey, folks. Dave here. You want to hear even more life changing content from Ramsey? Download the Ramsey Network app so you can catch all your favorite shows all in one place, like the Ramsey show, smart money, Happy Hour, and the doctor John Deloney show. You'll get real talk about life, relationships, money, and your career. Plus, the app lets you browse by topic, like debt, business, or selling your home. Get the content you want whenever and wherever you want to listen. Download the Ramsey Network app today.


don't want you to miss out on any time because of this. And so keep moving forward through your baby steps and weave this in at the right point that makes sense for you and your family. Good to host with you, Ken. Thanks for the guys in the booth for making the show happen. This is the Ramsey show.


Hey, folks. Dave here. You want to hear even more life changing content from Ramsey? Download the Ramsey Network app so you can catch all your favorite shows all in one place, like the Ramsey show, smart money, Happy Hour, and the doctor John Deloney show. You'll get real talk about life, relationships, money, and your career. Plus, the app lets you browse by topic, like debt, business, or selling your home. Get the content you want whenever and wherever you want to listen. Download the Ramsey Network app today.