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This is the Ramsey Show, where we help you win in life, win with your money, win in your work, and win in your relationships. I'm Ken Coleman, George Campbell with me today, and another A fine-looking shacket. He's ready to go. The phone number to jump in is 888-825-5-225. 888-825-5-225. Now, we're talking about serious stuff here, but George and I like to have fun with it. We can mix the two. When we get together, we try to have some fun. Let's have some fun today as we talk about the very serious stuff. George is our resident money expert,Appreciate it, guys. Thank you. Hey, Devon, can I put you on the spot? I think you can handle this. If you don't like this, just say no, and it won't be awkward at all. But I just have a feeling right now, George, and I'm going to trust this feeling. Devon, I want you to just speak to moms and dads out there. You're talking to a massive audience right now, and they've got little ones who have special needs all across the spectrum. It could be just anything. We just have no idea. It is causing emotional stress, mental stress, and financial stress. Yes. It feels like you and your family have really navigated this well. What would you tell those folks? They're in the midst of this and they're feeling like maybe they're not going to be able to figure it out. Maybe they're just feeling like they're never going to get through it. What would you say to them?Our faith has been absolutely crucial in all this. We did not know she was going to have this disease. When she was born, she was diagnosed at six weeks old. So again, our faith has just really what pulled us through. Also, my husband and I sticking together, really just being on the same team. Obviously, getting out of debt was incredibly crucial because our medical bills were just insane. She broke her neck when she was two and had to be lifeslited to John Hopkins. I mean, that was a $25,000 helicopter bill. But we were able to do all of that because we were debt-free. And so honestly, what I would just say is you just... Special needs parents, God chose you for a reason. We don't know what it is, but your kid is awesome, and you just keep walking forward and you do it together with your family or whoever is around you, and that's how we do it.Wow. That's beautiful. Devon, thank you. You really encourage some people today. $25,000 helicopter bill, George. I mean, you got a little one right now. Can you imagine?I cannot imagine. I mean, first of all, the trauma that would cause me, let alone the financial aspect.That's what I'm saying. From every aspect, here's your little one.What I'm hearing is for special needs parents, they can't go, Well, the Ramsey plan is not for me because we have different circumstances. You have to do this plan if you've got that. You You have to stay debt-free.I think it's vital.You have to have the emergency fund.That's what I heard from Devon, not from us. Wow, what a special family. But then fun to see that their daughter is coping, and not just coping, but winning. Thriving. And thriving. Thriving. Thank you again, Devon. I hope that encouraged those of you out there that are in that situation. We're here with you. We're here for you. This stuff will help you get through these dark times and come out on the other side. Wow. Great stuff, Devon. Thank you again. All right, don't move. Quick break. We'll be right back. This is the Ramsey Show. Here's a quick math refresher. There are only 24 hours in a day, so your business needs to streamline tasks that are time suckers and focus on activities that make money. To reduce headaches as they scale, smart businesses use NetSuite by Oracle, the number one cloud financial system. Netsuite helps you improve efficiency by bringing all your major business processes into one platform.Join the more than 37,000 smart businesses like Ramsey Solutions that have done the math and graduated to NetSuite.Right now, you can down Download NetSuite's KPI checklist absolutely free at netsuite. Com/ramsey.That's netsuite.Com/ramsey. Welcome back to The Ramsey Show. Thrill that you're with us. I'm Ken Coleman. George Campbell is with me. The phone number is 828-5225. All right, George, it's time for our question of the day, and it comes from nick in New York.nick says, I wanted to ask your thoughts on getting an American Express charge card. I'm completely debt free and see there are major benefits in terms of points and airline miles for using these cards that you pay back the next month and never carry a debt. What is the downside to using them like a debit card? This is a question we get very often, Ken, and the part that frustrates me is that you can't use a credit card like a debit card because they're so different. You're using other people's money and paying it back later versus using your money and paying it right now. You can't say, Well, I use it just like a debit card. What's the difference? There's a huge difference. Number one, American Express, they're known for the charge card, Ken, which means you pay the full balance every single month. Where they get you is with very high annual fees. They're known for having some of the highest annual fees. They're also known for having the highest transaction fees. Have you ever seen these signs at a business? We do not accept American Express. You've seen those?Oh, sure, because they don't want to you still think, I'm winning. Oh, that's funny. So, nick, truthfully, as a guy who had the... I had the American Express Delta card back in the day, Ken, and the Discover Cashback card in my young 20s before I knew the Ramsey plan. And I thought I was winning because I was playing these games, and yet I was not moving anywhere financially. I was, in fact, going backwards. And once I cut up the cards, used my own money, I created my own reward system because I was way more cognizant, way more intentional with the money, and I created my own rewards. I was able to save 2,000 bucks to buy some flights at the end of the year by getting on a budget using my own money. Simply put, the juice ain't worth the squeeze. The long answer, you can go read the credit card chapter in my book, Breaking Free from Broke, where I talk about all of this at length. Hope that helps.Yeah, good stuff. Thanks for the question. All right, let's go to the phones. Jonas is up in Los Angeles. Jonas, how can we Hi, guys.So I'm going to achieve Baby Step 1 by August first. After starting Baby Step 2, when should I pause to say for a basically guaranteed and necessary professional move?How much would the move cost? Do you think?It varies. I'm not taking any of my furniture wherever I go, but I'm in early career academia, so I'm thinking 3K is the barest minimum to potentially get me across the country and start over wherever I end up.Is it traditional in the academic world to offer, when they hire someone, to offer some type of a moving bonus?It depends on the position. If it's a tenure track position, yes. If it's a visiting lecture position, usually no.What are you going for?I have for everything because of my field. I don't get to be too picky.Well, why make this move then to be a visiting professor or whatever it's going to be, what's the upside for you versus staying where you're at?I can't stay where I'm at here in my position here, and it does not renew. I have to apply for the academic jobs this fall, and then I have to move accordingly. Professionally, it's better for me to leave my home institution where I got my PhD, go somewhere else, and get some distance, and then pop around. It's a weird job market.Okay. Well, okay. George, what do you say? He thinks he's got about $3,000. We're estimating about three. Let's round it up a little bit. Let's say three to five, George. What does he do?Well, you've got a thousand already with Baby Step One. If and when the job comes to fruition, I would say, Let's pause the steps and let's quickly save up that cash. That might mean selling stuff, might mean working extra, side hustles, whatever it takes to come up with that difference to get you across the country. But I would also tell you, I would do my best to of medical expenses. So beyond all of that, the brokerage account is your best bet, where there's no tax advantages, but there's no income limits, no contribution limits. That's the spark notes. But again, reach out to that team, ramsey solutions. Com, and they can help. Yeah.A smart investor and a tax pro would be absolutely your number one option here. Good problems to have. Oh, yeah. You're going to love it. He's going to love the plan they developed for him. So really good stuff. All right, that's going to do it for this hour. Thank you to George Campbell. Thank you, America, for listening. This is the Ramsey Show. Hey, folks, Dave here.I know some of you listen to the show waiting for a call that answers your specific question.Maybe you need help with budgeting or investing or saving your emergency fund.But wouldn't it be great If you could get the answers you need right when you need them?Well, I got great news for you because you can. When you download the Ramsey Network app, you get our advanced AI search that lets you easily find the calls that matter to you. You can also browse by topic to find answers for the exact things you need help with. That means you don't have to simply hope the next call will be the one you've been waiting for because the Ramsey Network app lets you have control. And with over 7,000 hours of life-changing content, the Ramsey Network app is the best place to find the answers you're listening for. To get access to personalized content for free, just search Ramsey Network in the App Store today. Welcome, America. This is the Ramsey Show, where we help you win with your money, win in your work, and win in your relationships. The phone number to jump in is 888-825-5225. I'm Ken Coleman. George Campbell is with me. George will be our money expert today. As always, I am your work and income expert, and that's why we are here for you. We want you making more money, saving more money, investing more money, ultimately, so you can live the way you want say zero, but it actually happened a couple months ago on our own card.See?She got bit by the snake and she says, No, the snake is still my friend.Well, it was my fault.We're best bud. It's not the snake' doesn't it?Yes, it does.I'm trying to give you ahuman spirit somehow rises up, and I think you beat the two-year mark. If I told you to wait a year and a half, and it would be free, it wouldn't have any debt. Would you wait a year and a half?Yeah.Then I think you can wait two years.George? Okay. I'm with you on this. I love this plan, and that patience is going to pay dividends because all of your fellow nurse anesthetists are going to be like, What? Debt free? I got 200 grand in debt. How did you do it?I'll tell you what you're going to be doing. You're going to get in the car after a day of helping people, saving lives, making lives better. You're going to get in the car and go home and have zero stress with money and paying off $140,000 with interest. Wait. It'll be worth it. This is The Ramsey Show.Hey, folks, there's a lot of half baked investing advice out there, butwith your relationship It's 888-825-5225-888-825-5225. From George Campbell to George in Atlanta. George, how can we help?Hey. Thank you guys for taking my call.So I've been on a string of doing dumb stuff, and I'm trying to get a second opinion before potentially doing something else that's dumb.Oh, wow. This is a great setup, George.I like a self-aware person doing dumb stuff. That's good.Before you ask the question on how dumb do you think it is right this very moment before you get our opinion?As it is, I don't think it's a dumb idea. I've been watching you guys show for a long time. I'm on Baby Baby Step 3 of the Baby Step. Well, I'm working through Baby Step 3 right now.Sure. Okay.I haven't completed it yet.So you have no debt? No, I don't have any debt. Okay.Well, no, that's actually not true. I do have debt. That's actually what I'm calling it.Let's start with honesty, George. I do have a car loan.Okay. Well, then how could you be on Baby Step 3 if you have a car payment?Well, yeah, you're right abouthere.Yeah, relationships are built on trust, George, so we need you to be vulnerable. What is your question?Well, my question is this. Since the past year or so, it's just a string of crazy stuff. I've taken on extra responsibilities. My income is halved.I was making $110,000 when I had my transportation business running, but contractual stuff changed, and they wanted a whole new fleet of stuff.I had a house that I ended up having to sell because it was just way too much to afford after my income change.So you bought too much house. Your business has taken a big dip. What is your income now?Yeah. $50,000. Okay. So $50,000.So huge change in income as- Still working for yourself or is that somebody else paying you?No.As it is right now, I have a… That's another thing, too, even in the sense of school. Luckily, I got out of college without any debt. But right now, I work as an IT technician. I have a bachelor's degree, even though that's not making too much money on it.Sure. What's your question, George? I want to make sure we get to it.My question is, right now, I have I have my car that is... The car's worth 28,000, loans 40,000, so using those numbers. I'm thinking, do I take... I have about $50,000, $10,000 in liquid cash, $40,000 in the market. I'm thinking, do I, as it is right now, put the difference, get rid of the car and just buy a used car, and that way I won't have a car payment.Yes, that's very smart, George. That's the smartest thing you've said so far.That's the smartest thing you've said so far.It's the only smart thing you've said so far. Okay, well, that's a plus.Okay, what is option number two?Well, option number two is keep the car and continue making the car payments. But the only issue with that is on $50,000, the car payment, insurance, and other bills, it's not making any sense.I would agree.Option one, George. George and I are picking door number one for you.So the car is worth 28, you owe 40. Let's sell it for top dollar, and the difference, you have in cash. And then we're going to buy ourselves a very reasonable used car. We're talking about a $10,000 car. So liquidate some of your investments for that. And now with the money left over, which you said you have 40K in the market, we're going to liquidate all of it because you need an emergency fund. This is your never-going-into-debt-again fund. Right. Now we're at a different place. Think about this. You're completely debt-free, no payments. You have an emergency fund of 3-6 months of expenses. Now, any future income we can use to build wealth and invest. There's that. This is a complete reset. But it's going to happen very quickly because you're actually in a really good spot because you have all this money sitting out there. You're just not doing the right things with it.Now you'll actually be in Baby Step 4 by the way we actually define them, George.Exactly. What's your car payment? What are you paying all in for this car every month?Right now on this car payment, I'm paying 750.Plus insurance.Insurance is just crazy. It's $500 your insurance.Why is your insurance so high?I have no idea. The only thing that I could hear from the insurance companies when I call is that state whatever they got going on, insurance is high.You need to reach out- You need to reach out $6,000 a year?As soon as you're off the phone. Yeah. You're going to reach out to our friends at Xander and they're going to reshop your insurance because you are way overpaying and you're getting hosed. I think so, too. Unless you've been in a thousand recs and this is a luxury vehicle. I have zero accidents.Okay. Five hundred dollars a month? I literally have heartburn right now. It's my...And they told me that's on the low end of things. Yeah, how did that happen? You're going to go to zander. Com. They have independent agents who will shop across the top companies. You're not going to be with these captive agents that...I think someone's, honestly, I'm really lying to him, George.Oh, my gosh, George. We're so close to doing things the right way, but you got to just trust us on this, that our way is going to lead to a better life.there. That's 5.15%, and there's no gimmicks there, no monthly maintenance fees.You can get to it, which is what you want it.It's liquid. That'll do for now. But I'm saying long term, you don't need the money. I would still consider investing it into the market with a good mutual fund, index fund, and let that thing grow for you at an even higher rate over time. But again, none of this is on fire.But I like some of that, George, for Connie taking some trips with her grandbaby.Yeah, do something fun. What have you done for Connie? Yeah.Well, we actually did go to Chattanooga this last week. I mean, I work for a very large hotel Corporation. Connie, where would you really like to go?Where would you really like to go? And you can't say any place in Tennessee.Oh, no. Well, we stopped the state of Colorado for probably the last 30 years. We've probably been 40 or 50 times. We love the mountains.What was the retirement dream with your husband? What was the thing you guys were like, Man, when we retire, we're going to do X?We actually bought a 19-foot geo pro. It's more of a couples camper. I'm actually in the process of selling it. They're going to sell it because I really can't see myself. I get it.I don't want to allow them. Connie, I got an idea. Connie, I have an idea. I think you should go on a trip with some of your best girlfriends. Somebody else told me that.Absolutely. I should do that.I think you should.I don't know if I'll ever be ready to go back to Colorado.No, go somewhere else. No, this is like the Yaya Sisterhood or the traveling pants or the fried green tomatoes or your best girlfriend. Just go somewhere and have fun. You've been through a lot. You're still grieving. Some girl time doing something you've never done before. You've got a lot of cash to be able to do a really fun trip and celebrate you, celebrate all that you have still, and just do something fun for you. I really think that's a good idea.Like our friend Dr. John Deloney says, you got to grieve what was the picture of what you thought it was going to look like, and now we've got to have a new picture of what's the next 30 years going to look like for Connie. I think that's going to be sad but also exciting to start dreaming again. You're in such a great place financially. You guys, both of you, created this legacy. That is something that No one can ever take away from you. Something to be proud of.Connie, thank you so much for calling us and sharing your story with us. I know that was not easy, and we're rooting for you. The sun is going to keep showing up, and you've got a bright future ahead for you as well. George Campbell, thank you, my friend. Always fun to be with you. Thank you, America, for listening. This is The Ramsey Show. Hey, folks. Dave Ramsey here. You know, budgeting doesn't have to be boring. You just need a budgeting app that's made with you in mind, and that's EveryDollar. The EveryDollar app has helped millions of people work the baby steps and take the stress out of planning and managing their money. Start budgeting with EveryDollar for free right now. Just go to ramseysolutions. Com/everydollar and download the app today. That's Ramsey Solutionsolutions. Com/everydollar.


Appreciate it, guys. Thank you. Hey, Devon, can I put you on the spot? I think you can handle this. If you don't like this, just say no, and it won't be awkward at all. But I just have a feeling right now, George, and I'm going to trust this feeling. Devon, I want you to just speak to moms and dads out there. You're talking to a massive audience right now, and they've got little ones who have special needs all across the spectrum. It could be just anything. We just have no idea. It is causing emotional stress, mental stress, and financial stress. Yes. It feels like you and your family have really navigated this well. What would you tell those folks? They're in the midst of this and they're feeling like maybe they're not going to be able to figure it out. Maybe they're just feeling like they're never going to get through it. What would you say to them?


Our faith has been absolutely crucial in all this. We did not know she was going to have this disease. When she was born, she was diagnosed at six weeks old. So again, our faith has just really what pulled us through. Also, my husband and I sticking together, really just being on the same team. Obviously, getting out of debt was incredibly crucial because our medical bills were just insane. She broke her neck when she was two and had to be lifeslited to John Hopkins. I mean, that was a $25,000 helicopter bill. But we were able to do all of that because we were debt-free. And so honestly, what I would just say is you just... Special needs parents, God chose you for a reason. We don't know what it is, but your kid is awesome, and you just keep walking forward and you do it together with your family or whoever is around you, and that's how we do it.


Wow. That's beautiful. Devon, thank you. You really encourage some people today. $25,000 helicopter bill, George. I mean, you got a little one right now. Can you imagine?


I cannot imagine. I mean, first of all, the trauma that would cause me, let alone the financial aspect.


That's what I'm saying. From every aspect, here's your little one.


What I'm hearing is for special needs parents, they can't go, Well, the Ramsey plan is not for me because we have different circumstances. You have to do this plan if you've got that. You You have to stay debt-free.


I think it's vital.


You have to have the emergency fund.


That's what I heard from Devon, not from us. Wow, what a special family. But then fun to see that their daughter is coping, and not just coping, but winning. Thriving. And thriving. Thriving. Thank you again, Devon. I hope that encouraged those of you out there that are in that situation. We're here with you. We're here for you. This stuff will help you get through these dark times and come out on the other side. Wow. Great stuff, Devon. Thank you again. All right, don't move. Quick break. We'll be right back. This is the Ramsey Show. Here's a quick math refresher. There are only 24 hours in a day, so your business needs to streamline tasks that are time suckers and focus on activities that make money. To reduce headaches as they scale, smart businesses use NetSuite by Oracle, the number one cloud financial system. Netsuite helps you improve efficiency by bringing all your major business processes into one platform.


Join the more than 37,000 smart businesses like Ramsey Solutions that have done the math and graduated to NetSuite.


Right now, you can down Download NetSuite's KPI checklist absolutely free at netsuite. Com/ramsey.


That's netsuite.


Com/ramsey. Welcome back to The Ramsey Show. Thrill that you're with us. I'm Ken Coleman. George Campbell is with me. The phone number is 828-5225. All right, George, it's time for our question of the day, and it comes from nick in New York.


nick says, I wanted to ask your thoughts on getting an American Express charge card. I'm completely debt free and see there are major benefits in terms of points and airline miles for using these cards that you pay back the next month and never carry a debt. What is the downside to using them like a debit card? This is a question we get very often, Ken, and the part that frustrates me is that you can't use a credit card like a debit card because they're so different. You're using other people's money and paying it back later versus using your money and paying it right now. You can't say, Well, I use it just like a debit card. What's the difference? There's a huge difference. Number one, American Express, they're known for the charge card, Ken, which means you pay the full balance every single month. Where they get you is with very high annual fees. They're known for having some of the highest annual fees. They're also known for having the highest transaction fees. Have you ever seen these signs at a business? We do not accept American Express. You've seen those?


Oh, sure, because they don't want to you still think, I'm winning. Oh, that's funny. So, nick, truthfully, as a guy who had the... I had the American Express Delta card back in the day, Ken, and the Discover Cashback card in my young 20s before I knew the Ramsey plan. And I thought I was winning because I was playing these games, and yet I was not moving anywhere financially. I was, in fact, going backwards. And once I cut up the cards, used my own money, I created my own reward system because I was way more cognizant, way more intentional with the money, and I created my own rewards. I was able to save 2,000 bucks to buy some flights at the end of the year by getting on a budget using my own money. Simply put, the juice ain't worth the squeeze. The long answer, you can go read the credit card chapter in my book, Breaking Free from Broke, where I talk about all of this at length. Hope that helps.Yeah, good stuff. Thanks for the question. All right, let's go to the phones. Jonas is up in Los Angeles. Jonas, how can we Hi, guys.So I'm going to achieve Baby Step 1 by August first. After starting Baby Step 2, when should I pause to say for a basically guaranteed and necessary professional move?How much would the move cost? Do you think?It varies. I'm not taking any of my furniture wherever I go, but I'm in early career academia, so I'm thinking 3K is the barest minimum to potentially get me across the country and start over wherever I end up.Is it traditional in the academic world to offer, when they hire someone, to offer some type of a moving bonus?It depends on the position. If it's a tenure track position, yes. If it's a visiting lecture position, usually no.What are you going for?I have for everything because of my field. I don't get to be too picky.Well, why make this move then to be a visiting professor or whatever it's going to be, what's the upside for you versus staying where you're at?I can't stay where I'm at here in my position here, and it does not renew. I have to apply for the academic jobs this fall, and then I have to move accordingly. Professionally, it's better for me to leave my home institution where I got my PhD, go somewhere else, and get some distance, and then pop around. It's a weird job market.Okay. Well, okay. George, what do you say? He thinks he's got about $3,000. We're estimating about three. Let's round it up a little bit. Let's say three to five, George. What does he do?Well, you've got a thousand already with Baby Step One. If and when the job comes to fruition, I would say, Let's pause the steps and let's quickly save up that cash. That might mean selling stuff, might mean working extra, side hustles, whatever it takes to come up with that difference to get you across the country. But I would also tell you, I would do my best to of medical expenses. So beyond all of that, the brokerage account is your best bet, where there's no tax advantages, but there's no income limits, no contribution limits. That's the spark notes. But again, reach out to that team, ramsey solutions. Com, and they can help. Yeah.A smart investor and a tax pro would be absolutely your number one option here. Good problems to have. Oh, yeah. You're going to love it. He's going to love the plan they developed for him. So really good stuff. All right, that's going to do it for this hour. Thank you to George Campbell. Thank you, America, for listening. This is the Ramsey Show. Hey, folks, Dave here.I know some of you listen to the show waiting for a call that answers your specific question.Maybe you need help with budgeting or investing or saving your emergency fund.But wouldn't it be great If you could get the answers you need right when you need them?Well, I got great news for you because you can. When you download the Ramsey Network app, you get our advanced AI search that lets you easily find the calls that matter to you. You can also browse by topic to find answers for the exact things you need help with. That means you don't have to simply hope the next call will be the one you've been waiting for because the Ramsey Network app lets you have control. And with over 7,000 hours of life-changing content, the Ramsey Network app is the best place to find the answers you're listening for. To get access to personalized content for free, just search Ramsey Network in the App Store today. Welcome, America. This is the Ramsey Show, where we help you win with your money, win in your work, and win in your relationships. The phone number to jump in is 888-825-5225. I'm Ken Coleman. George Campbell is with me. George will be our money expert today. As always, I am your work and income expert, and that's why we are here for you. We want you making more money, saving more money, investing more money, ultimately, so you can live the way you want say zero, but it actually happened a couple months ago on our own card.See?She got bit by the snake and she says, No, the snake is still my friend.Well, it was my fault.We're best bud. It's not the snake' doesn't it?Yes, it does.I'm trying to give you ahuman spirit somehow rises up, and I think you beat the two-year mark. If I told you to wait a year and a half, and it would be free, it wouldn't have any debt. Would you wait a year and a half?Yeah.Then I think you can wait two years.George? Okay. I'm with you on this. I love this plan, and that patience is going to pay dividends because all of your fellow nurse anesthetists are going to be like, What? Debt free? I got 200 grand in debt. How did you do it?I'll tell you what you're going to be doing. You're going to get in the car after a day of helping people, saving lives, making lives better. You're going to get in the car and go home and have zero stress with money and paying off $140,000 with interest. Wait. It'll be worth it. This is The Ramsey Show.Hey, folks, there's a lot of half baked investing advice out there, butwith your relationship It's 888-825-5225-888-825-5225. From George Campbell to George in Atlanta. George, how can we help?Hey. Thank you guys for taking my call.So I've been on a string of doing dumb stuff, and I'm trying to get a second opinion before potentially doing something else that's dumb.Oh, wow. This is a great setup, George.I like a self-aware person doing dumb stuff. That's good.Before you ask the question on how dumb do you think it is right this very moment before you get our opinion?As it is, I don't think it's a dumb idea. I've been watching you guys show for a long time. I'm on Baby Baby Step 3 of the Baby Step. Well, I'm working through Baby Step 3 right now.Sure. Okay.I haven't completed it yet.So you have no debt? No, I don't have any debt. Okay.Well, no, that's actually not true. I do have debt. That's actually what I'm calling it.Let's start with honesty, George. I do have a car loan.Okay. Well, then how could you be on Baby Step 3 if you have a car payment?Well, yeah, you're right abouthere.Yeah, relationships are built on trust, George, so we need you to be vulnerable. What is your question?Well, my question is this. Since the past year or so, it's just a string of crazy stuff. I've taken on extra responsibilities. My income is halved.I was making $110,000 when I had my transportation business running, but contractual stuff changed, and they wanted a whole new fleet of stuff.I had a house that I ended up having to sell because it was just way too much to afford after my income change.So you bought too much house. Your business has taken a big dip. What is your income now?Yeah. $50,000. Okay. So $50,000.So huge change in income as- Still working for yourself or is that somebody else paying you?No.As it is right now, I have a… That's another thing, too, even in the sense of school. Luckily, I got out of college without any debt. But right now, I work as an IT technician. I have a bachelor's degree, even though that's not making too much money on it.Sure. What's your question, George? I want to make sure we get to it.My question is, right now, I have I have my car that is... The car's worth 28,000, loans 40,000, so using those numbers. I'm thinking, do I take... I have about $50,000, $10,000 in liquid cash, $40,000 in the market. I'm thinking, do I, as it is right now, put the difference, get rid of the car and just buy a used car, and that way I won't have a car payment.Yes, that's very smart, George. That's the smartest thing you've said so far.That's the smartest thing you've said so far.It's the only smart thing you've said so far. Okay, well, that's a plus.Okay, what is option number two?Well, option number two is keep the car and continue making the car payments. But the only issue with that is on $50,000, the car payment, insurance, and other bills, it's not making any sense.I would agree.Option one, George. George and I are picking door number one for you.So the car is worth 28, you owe 40. Let's sell it for top dollar, and the difference, you have in cash. And then we're going to buy ourselves a very reasonable used car. We're talking about a $10,000 car. So liquidate some of your investments for that. And now with the money left over, which you said you have 40K in the market, we're going to liquidate all of it because you need an emergency fund. This is your never-going-into-debt-again fund. Right. Now we're at a different place. Think about this. You're completely debt-free, no payments. You have an emergency fund of 3-6 months of expenses. Now, any future income we can use to build wealth and invest. There's that. This is a complete reset. But it's going to happen very quickly because you're actually in a really good spot because you have all this money sitting out there. You're just not doing the right things with it.Now you'll actually be in Baby Step 4 by the way we actually define them, George.Exactly. What's your car payment? What are you paying all in for this car every month?Right now on this car payment, I'm paying 750.Plus insurance.Insurance is just crazy. It's $500 your insurance.Why is your insurance so high?I have no idea. The only thing that I could hear from the insurance companies when I call is that state whatever they got going on, insurance is high.You need to reach out- You need to reach out $6,000 a year?As soon as you're off the phone. Yeah. You're going to reach out to our friends at Xander and they're going to reshop your insurance because you are way overpaying and you're getting hosed. I think so, too. Unless you've been in a thousand recs and this is a luxury vehicle. I have zero accidents.Okay. Five hundred dollars a month? I literally have heartburn right now. It's my...And they told me that's on the low end of things. Yeah, how did that happen? You're going to go to zander. Com. They have independent agents who will shop across the top companies. You're not going to be with these captive agents that...I think someone's, honestly, I'm really lying to him, George.Oh, my gosh, George. We're so close to doing things the right way, but you got to just trust us on this, that our way is going to lead to a better life.there. That's 5.15%, and there's no gimmicks there, no monthly maintenance fees.You can get to it, which is what you want it.It's liquid. That'll do for now. But I'm saying long term, you don't need the money. I would still consider investing it into the market with a good mutual fund, index fund, and let that thing grow for you at an even higher rate over time. But again, none of this is on fire.But I like some of that, George, for Connie taking some trips with her grandbaby.Yeah, do something fun. What have you done for Connie? Yeah.Well, we actually did go to Chattanooga this last week. I mean, I work for a very large hotel Corporation. Connie, where would you really like to go?Where would you really like to go? And you can't say any place in Tennessee.Oh, no. Well, we stopped the state of Colorado for probably the last 30 years. We've probably been 40 or 50 times. We love the mountains.What was the retirement dream with your husband? What was the thing you guys were like, Man, when we retire, we're going to do X?We actually bought a 19-foot geo pro. It's more of a couples camper. I'm actually in the process of selling it. They're going to sell it because I really can't see myself. I get it.I don't want to allow them. Connie, I got an idea. Connie, I have an idea. I think you should go on a trip with some of your best girlfriends. Somebody else told me that.Absolutely. I should do that.I think you should.I don't know if I'll ever be ready to go back to Colorado.No, go somewhere else. No, this is like the Yaya Sisterhood or the traveling pants or the fried green tomatoes or your best girlfriend. Just go somewhere and have fun. You've been through a lot. You're still grieving. Some girl time doing something you've never done before. You've got a lot of cash to be able to do a really fun trip and celebrate you, celebrate all that you have still, and just do something fun for you. I really think that's a good idea.Like our friend Dr. John Deloney says, you got to grieve what was the picture of what you thought it was going to look like, and now we've got to have a new picture of what's the next 30 years going to look like for Connie. I think that's going to be sad but also exciting to start dreaming again. You're in such a great place financially. You guys, both of you, created this legacy. That is something that No one can ever take away from you. Something to be proud of.Connie, thank you so much for calling us and sharing your story with us. I know that was not easy, and we're rooting for you. The sun is going to keep showing up, and you've got a bright future ahead for you as well. George Campbell, thank you, my friend. Always fun to be with you. Thank you, America, for listening. This is The Ramsey Show. Hey, folks. Dave Ramsey here. You know, budgeting doesn't have to be boring. You just need a budgeting app that's made with you in mind, and that's EveryDollar. The EveryDollar app has helped millions of people work the baby steps and take the stress out of planning and managing their money. Start budgeting with EveryDollar for free right now. Just go to ramseysolutions. Com/everydollar and download the app today. That's Ramsey Solutionsolutions. Com/everydollar.


you still think, I'm winning. Oh, that's funny. So, nick, truthfully, as a guy who had the... I had the American Express Delta card back in the day, Ken, and the Discover Cashback card in my young 20s before I knew the Ramsey plan. And I thought I was winning because I was playing these games, and yet I was not moving anywhere financially. I was, in fact, going backwards. And once I cut up the cards, used my own money, I created my own reward system because I was way more cognizant, way more intentional with the money, and I created my own rewards. I was able to save 2,000 bucks to buy some flights at the end of the year by getting on a budget using my own money. Simply put, the juice ain't worth the squeeze. The long answer, you can go read the credit card chapter in my book, Breaking Free from Broke, where I talk about all of this at length. Hope that helps.


Yeah, good stuff. Thanks for the question. All right, let's go to the phones. Jonas is up in Los Angeles. Jonas, how can we Hi, guys.


So I'm going to achieve Baby Step 1 by August first. After starting Baby Step 2, when should I pause to say for a basically guaranteed and necessary professional move?


How much would the move cost? Do you think?


It varies. I'm not taking any of my furniture wherever I go, but I'm in early career academia, so I'm thinking 3K is the barest minimum to potentially get me across the country and start over wherever I end up.


Is it traditional in the academic world to offer, when they hire someone, to offer some type of a moving bonus?


It depends on the position. If it's a tenure track position, yes. If it's a visiting lecture position, usually no.


What are you going for?


I have for everything because of my field. I don't get to be too picky.


Well, why make this move then to be a visiting professor or whatever it's going to be, what's the upside for you versus staying where you're at?


I can't stay where I'm at here in my position here, and it does not renew. I have to apply for the academic jobs this fall, and then I have to move accordingly. Professionally, it's better for me to leave my home institution where I got my PhD, go somewhere else, and get some distance, and then pop around. It's a weird job market.


Okay. Well, okay. George, what do you say? He thinks he's got about $3,000. We're estimating about three. Let's round it up a little bit. Let's say three to five, George. What does he do?


Well, you've got a thousand already with Baby Step One. If and when the job comes to fruition, I would say, Let's pause the steps and let's quickly save up that cash. That might mean selling stuff, might mean working extra, side hustles, whatever it takes to come up with that difference to get you across the country. But I would also tell you, I would do my best to of medical expenses. So beyond all of that, the brokerage account is your best bet, where there's no tax advantages, but there's no income limits, no contribution limits. That's the spark notes. But again, reach out to that team, ramsey solutions. Com, and they can help. Yeah.A smart investor and a tax pro would be absolutely your number one option here. Good problems to have. Oh, yeah. You're going to love it. He's going to love the plan they developed for him. So really good stuff. All right, that's going to do it for this hour. Thank you to George Campbell. Thank you, America, for listening. This is the Ramsey Show. Hey, folks, Dave here.I know some of you listen to the show waiting for a call that answers your specific question.Maybe you need help with budgeting or investing or saving your emergency fund.But wouldn't it be great If you could get the answers you need right when you need them?Well, I got great news for you because you can. When you download the Ramsey Network app, you get our advanced AI search that lets you easily find the calls that matter to you. You can also browse by topic to find answers for the exact things you need help with. That means you don't have to simply hope the next call will be the one you've been waiting for because the Ramsey Network app lets you have control. And with over 7,000 hours of life-changing content, the Ramsey Network app is the best place to find the answers you're listening for. To get access to personalized content for free, just search Ramsey Network in the App Store today. Welcome, America. This is the Ramsey Show, where we help you win with your money, win in your work, and win in your relationships. The phone number to jump in is 888-825-5225. I'm Ken Coleman. George Campbell is with me. George will be our money expert today. As always, I am your work and income expert, and that's why we are here for you. We want you making more money, saving more money, investing more money, ultimately, so you can live the way you want say zero, but it actually happened a couple months ago on our own card.See?She got bit by the snake and she says, No, the snake is still my friend.Well, it was my fault.We're best bud. It's not the snake' doesn't it?Yes, it does.I'm trying to give you ahuman spirit somehow rises up, and I think you beat the two-year mark. If I told you to wait a year and a half, and it would be free, it wouldn't have any debt. Would you wait a year and a half?Yeah.Then I think you can wait two years.George? Okay. I'm with you on this. I love this plan, and that patience is going to pay dividends because all of your fellow nurse anesthetists are going to be like, What? Debt free? I got 200 grand in debt. How did you do it?I'll tell you what you're going to be doing. You're going to get in the car after a day of helping people, saving lives, making lives better. You're going to get in the car and go home and have zero stress with money and paying off $140,000 with interest. Wait. It'll be worth it. This is The Ramsey Show.Hey, folks, there's a lot of half baked investing advice out there, butwith your relationship It's 888-825-5225-888-825-5225. From George Campbell to George in Atlanta. George, how can we help?Hey. Thank you guys for taking my call.So I've been on a string of doing dumb stuff, and I'm trying to get a second opinion before potentially doing something else that's dumb.Oh, wow. This is a great setup, George.I like a self-aware person doing dumb stuff. That's good.Before you ask the question on how dumb do you think it is right this very moment before you get our opinion?As it is, I don't think it's a dumb idea. I've been watching you guys show for a long time. I'm on Baby Baby Step 3 of the Baby Step. Well, I'm working through Baby Step 3 right now.Sure. Okay.I haven't completed it yet.So you have no debt? No, I don't have any debt. Okay.Well, no, that's actually not true. I do have debt. That's actually what I'm calling it.Let's start with honesty, George. I do have a car loan.Okay. Well, then how could you be on Baby Step 3 if you have a car payment?Well, yeah, you're right abouthere.Yeah, relationships are built on trust, George, so we need you to be vulnerable. What is your question?Well, my question is this. Since the past year or so, it's just a string of crazy stuff. I've taken on extra responsibilities. My income is halved.I was making $110,000 when I had my transportation business running, but contractual stuff changed, and they wanted a whole new fleet of stuff.I had a house that I ended up having to sell because it was just way too much to afford after my income change.So you bought too much house. Your business has taken a big dip. What is your income now?Yeah. $50,000. Okay. So $50,000.So huge change in income as- Still working for yourself or is that somebody else paying you?No.As it is right now, I have a… That's another thing, too, even in the sense of school. Luckily, I got out of college without any debt. But right now, I work as an IT technician. I have a bachelor's degree, even though that's not making too much money on it.Sure. What's your question, George? I want to make sure we get to it.My question is, right now, I have I have my car that is... The car's worth 28,000, loans 40,000, so using those numbers. I'm thinking, do I take... I have about $50,000, $10,000 in liquid cash, $40,000 in the market. I'm thinking, do I, as it is right now, put the difference, get rid of the car and just buy a used car, and that way I won't have a car payment.Yes, that's very smart, George. That's the smartest thing you've said so far.That's the smartest thing you've said so far.It's the only smart thing you've said so far. Okay, well, that's a plus.Okay, what is option number two?Well, option number two is keep the car and continue making the car payments. But the only issue with that is on $50,000, the car payment, insurance, and other bills, it's not making any sense.I would agree.Option one, George. George and I are picking door number one for you.So the car is worth 28, you owe 40. Let's sell it for top dollar, and the difference, you have in cash. And then we're going to buy ourselves a very reasonable used car. We're talking about a $10,000 car. So liquidate some of your investments for that. And now with the money left over, which you said you have 40K in the market, we're going to liquidate all of it because you need an emergency fund. This is your never-going-into-debt-again fund. Right. Now we're at a different place. Think about this. You're completely debt-free, no payments. You have an emergency fund of 3-6 months of expenses. Now, any future income we can use to build wealth and invest. There's that. This is a complete reset. But it's going to happen very quickly because you're actually in a really good spot because you have all this money sitting out there. You're just not doing the right things with it.Now you'll actually be in Baby Step 4 by the way we actually define them, George.Exactly. What's your car payment? What are you paying all in for this car every month?Right now on this car payment, I'm paying 750.Plus insurance.Insurance is just crazy. It's $500 your insurance.Why is your insurance so high?I have no idea. The only thing that I could hear from the insurance companies when I call is that state whatever they got going on, insurance is high.You need to reach out- You need to reach out $6,000 a year?As soon as you're off the phone. Yeah. You're going to reach out to our friends at Xander and they're going to reshop your insurance because you are way overpaying and you're getting hosed. I think so, too. Unless you've been in a thousand recs and this is a luxury vehicle. I have zero accidents.Okay. Five hundred dollars a month? I literally have heartburn right now. It's my...And they told me that's on the low end of things. Yeah, how did that happen? You're going to go to zander. Com. They have independent agents who will shop across the top companies. You're not going to be with these captive agents that...I think someone's, honestly, I'm really lying to him, George.Oh, my gosh, George. We're so close to doing things the right way, but you got to just trust us on this, that our way is going to lead to a better life.there. That's 5.15%, and there's no gimmicks there, no monthly maintenance fees.You can get to it, which is what you want it.It's liquid. That'll do for now. But I'm saying long term, you don't need the money. I would still consider investing it into the market with a good mutual fund, index fund, and let that thing grow for you at an even higher rate over time. But again, none of this is on fire.But I like some of that, George, for Connie taking some trips with her grandbaby.Yeah, do something fun. What have you done for Connie? Yeah.Well, we actually did go to Chattanooga this last week. I mean, I work for a very large hotel Corporation. Connie, where would you really like to go?Where would you really like to go? And you can't say any place in Tennessee.Oh, no. Well, we stopped the state of Colorado for probably the last 30 years. We've probably been 40 or 50 times. We love the mountains.What was the retirement dream with your husband? What was the thing you guys were like, Man, when we retire, we're going to do X?We actually bought a 19-foot geo pro. It's more of a couples camper. I'm actually in the process of selling it. They're going to sell it because I really can't see myself. I get it.I don't want to allow them. Connie, I got an idea. Connie, I have an idea. I think you should go on a trip with some of your best girlfriends. Somebody else told me that.Absolutely. I should do that.I think you should.I don't know if I'll ever be ready to go back to Colorado.No, go somewhere else. No, this is like the Yaya Sisterhood or the traveling pants or the fried green tomatoes or your best girlfriend. Just go somewhere and have fun. You've been through a lot. You're still grieving. Some girl time doing something you've never done before. You've got a lot of cash to be able to do a really fun trip and celebrate you, celebrate all that you have still, and just do something fun for you. I really think that's a good idea.Like our friend Dr. John Deloney says, you got to grieve what was the picture of what you thought it was going to look like, and now we've got to have a new picture of what's the next 30 years going to look like for Connie. I think that's going to be sad but also exciting to start dreaming again. You're in such a great place financially. You guys, both of you, created this legacy. That is something that No one can ever take away from you. Something to be proud of.Connie, thank you so much for calling us and sharing your story with us. I know that was not easy, and we're rooting for you. The sun is going to keep showing up, and you've got a bright future ahead for you as well. George Campbell, thank you, my friend. Always fun to be with you. Thank you, America, for listening. This is The Ramsey Show. Hey, folks. Dave Ramsey here. You know, budgeting doesn't have to be boring. You just need a budgeting app that's made with you in mind, and that's EveryDollar. The EveryDollar app has helped millions of people work the baby steps and take the stress out of planning and managing their money. Start budgeting with EveryDollar for free right now. Just go to ramseysolutions. Com/everydollar and download the app today. That's Ramsey Solutionsolutions. Com/everydollar.


of medical expenses. So beyond all of that, the brokerage account is your best bet, where there's no tax advantages, but there's no income limits, no contribution limits. That's the spark notes. But again, reach out to that team, ramsey solutions. Com, and they can help. Yeah.


A smart investor and a tax pro would be absolutely your number one option here. Good problems to have. Oh, yeah. You're going to love it. He's going to love the plan they developed for him. So really good stuff. All right, that's going to do it for this hour. Thank you to George Campbell. Thank you, America, for listening. This is the Ramsey Show. Hey, folks, Dave here.


I know some of you listen to the show waiting for a call that answers your specific question.


Maybe you need help with budgeting or investing or saving your emergency fund.


But wouldn't it be great If you could get the answers you need right when you need them?


Well, I got great news for you because you can. When you download the Ramsey Network app, you get our advanced AI search that lets you easily find the calls that matter to you. You can also browse by topic to find answers for the exact things you need help with. That means you don't have to simply hope the next call will be the one you've been waiting for because the Ramsey Network app lets you have control. And with over 7,000 hours of life-changing content, the Ramsey Network app is the best place to find the answers you're listening for. To get access to personalized content for free, just search Ramsey Network in the App Store today. Welcome, America. This is the Ramsey Show, where we help you win with your money, win in your work, and win in your relationships. The phone number to jump in is 888-825-5225. I'm Ken Coleman. George Campbell is with me. George will be our money expert today. As always, I am your work and income expert, and that's why we are here for you. We want you making more money, saving more money, investing more money, ultimately, so you can live the way you want say zero, but it actually happened a couple months ago on our own card.See?She got bit by the snake and she says, No, the snake is still my friend.Well, it was my fault.We're best bud. It's not the snake' doesn't it?Yes, it does.I'm trying to give you ahuman spirit somehow rises up, and I think you beat the two-year mark. If I told you to wait a year and a half, and it would be free, it wouldn't have any debt. Would you wait a year and a half?Yeah.Then I think you can wait two years.George? Okay. I'm with you on this. I love this plan, and that patience is going to pay dividends because all of your fellow nurse anesthetists are going to be like, What? Debt free? I got 200 grand in debt. How did you do it?I'll tell you what you're going to be doing. You're going to get in the car after a day of helping people, saving lives, making lives better. You're going to get in the car and go home and have zero stress with money and paying off $140,000 with interest. Wait. It'll be worth it. This is The Ramsey Show.Hey, folks, there's a lot of half baked investing advice out there, butwith your relationship It's 888-825-5225-888-825-5225. From George Campbell to George in Atlanta. George, how can we help?Hey. Thank you guys for taking my call.So I've been on a string of doing dumb stuff, and I'm trying to get a second opinion before potentially doing something else that's dumb.Oh, wow. This is a great setup, George.I like a self-aware person doing dumb stuff. That's good.Before you ask the question on how dumb do you think it is right this very moment before you get our opinion?As it is, I don't think it's a dumb idea. I've been watching you guys show for a long time. I'm on Baby Baby Step 3 of the Baby Step. Well, I'm working through Baby Step 3 right now.Sure. Okay.I haven't completed it yet.So you have no debt? No, I don't have any debt. Okay.Well, no, that's actually not true. I do have debt. That's actually what I'm calling it.Let's start with honesty, George. I do have a car loan.Okay. Well, then how could you be on Baby Step 3 if you have a car payment?Well, yeah, you're right abouthere.Yeah, relationships are built on trust, George, so we need you to be vulnerable. What is your question?Well, my question is this. Since the past year or so, it's just a string of crazy stuff. I've taken on extra responsibilities. My income is halved.I was making $110,000 when I had my transportation business running, but contractual stuff changed, and they wanted a whole new fleet of stuff.I had a house that I ended up having to sell because it was just way too much to afford after my income change.So you bought too much house. Your business has taken a big dip. What is your income now?Yeah. $50,000. Okay. So $50,000.So huge change in income as- Still working for yourself or is that somebody else paying you?No.As it is right now, I have a… That's another thing, too, even in the sense of school. Luckily, I got out of college without any debt. But right now, I work as an IT technician. I have a bachelor's degree, even though that's not making too much money on it.Sure. What's your question, George? I want to make sure we get to it.My question is, right now, I have I have my car that is... The car's worth 28,000, loans 40,000, so using those numbers. I'm thinking, do I take... I have about $50,000, $10,000 in liquid cash, $40,000 in the market. I'm thinking, do I, as it is right now, put the difference, get rid of the car and just buy a used car, and that way I won't have a car payment.Yes, that's very smart, George. That's the smartest thing you've said so far.That's the smartest thing you've said so far.It's the only smart thing you've said so far. Okay, well, that's a plus.Okay, what is option number two?Well, option number two is keep the car and continue making the car payments. But the only issue with that is on $50,000, the car payment, insurance, and other bills, it's not making any sense.I would agree.Option one, George. George and I are picking door number one for you.So the car is worth 28, you owe 40. Let's sell it for top dollar, and the difference, you have in cash. And then we're going to buy ourselves a very reasonable used car. We're talking about a $10,000 car. So liquidate some of your investments for that. And now with the money left over, which you said you have 40K in the market, we're going to liquidate all of it because you need an emergency fund. This is your never-going-into-debt-again fund. Right. Now we're at a different place. Think about this. You're completely debt-free, no payments. You have an emergency fund of 3-6 months of expenses. Now, any future income we can use to build wealth and invest. There's that. This is a complete reset. But it's going to happen very quickly because you're actually in a really good spot because you have all this money sitting out there. You're just not doing the right things with it.Now you'll actually be in Baby Step 4 by the way we actually define them, George.Exactly. What's your car payment? What are you paying all in for this car every month?Right now on this car payment, I'm paying 750.Plus insurance.Insurance is just crazy. It's $500 your insurance.Why is your insurance so high?I have no idea. The only thing that I could hear from the insurance companies when I call is that state whatever they got going on, insurance is high.You need to reach out- You need to reach out $6,000 a year?As soon as you're off the phone. Yeah. You're going to reach out to our friends at Xander and they're going to reshop your insurance because you are way overpaying and you're getting hosed. I think so, too. Unless you've been in a thousand recs and this is a luxury vehicle. I have zero accidents.Okay. Five hundred dollars a month? I literally have heartburn right now. It's my...And they told me that's on the low end of things. Yeah, how did that happen? You're going to go to zander. Com. They have independent agents who will shop across the top companies. You're not going to be with these captive agents that...I think someone's, honestly, I'm really lying to him, George.Oh, my gosh, George. We're so close to doing things the right way, but you got to just trust us on this, that our way is going to lead to a better life.there. That's 5.15%, and there's no gimmicks there, no monthly maintenance fees.You can get to it, which is what you want it.It's liquid. That'll do for now. But I'm saying long term, you don't need the money. I would still consider investing it into the market with a good mutual fund, index fund, and let that thing grow for you at an even higher rate over time. But again, none of this is on fire.But I like some of that, George, for Connie taking some trips with her grandbaby.Yeah, do something fun. What have you done for Connie? Yeah.Well, we actually did go to Chattanooga this last week. I mean, I work for a very large hotel Corporation. Connie, where would you really like to go?Where would you really like to go? And you can't say any place in Tennessee.Oh, no. Well, we stopped the state of Colorado for probably the last 30 years. We've probably been 40 or 50 times. We love the mountains.What was the retirement dream with your husband? What was the thing you guys were like, Man, when we retire, we're going to do X?We actually bought a 19-foot geo pro. It's more of a couples camper. I'm actually in the process of selling it. They're going to sell it because I really can't see myself. I get it.I don't want to allow them. Connie, I got an idea. Connie, I have an idea. I think you should go on a trip with some of your best girlfriends. Somebody else told me that.Absolutely. I should do that.I think you should.I don't know if I'll ever be ready to go back to Colorado.No, go somewhere else. No, this is like the Yaya Sisterhood or the traveling pants or the fried green tomatoes or your best girlfriend. Just go somewhere and have fun. You've been through a lot. You're still grieving. Some girl time doing something you've never done before. You've got a lot of cash to be able to do a really fun trip and celebrate you, celebrate all that you have still, and just do something fun for you. I really think that's a good idea.Like our friend Dr. John Deloney says, you got to grieve what was the picture of what you thought it was going to look like, and now we've got to have a new picture of what's the next 30 years going to look like for Connie. I think that's going to be sad but also exciting to start dreaming again. You're in such a great place financially. You guys, both of you, created this legacy. That is something that No one can ever take away from you. Something to be proud of.Connie, thank you so much for calling us and sharing your story with us. I know that was not easy, and we're rooting for you. The sun is going to keep showing up, and you've got a bright future ahead for you as well. George Campbell, thank you, my friend. Always fun to be with you. Thank you, America, for listening. This is The Ramsey Show. Hey, folks. Dave Ramsey here. You know, budgeting doesn't have to be boring. You just need a budgeting app that's made with you in mind, and that's EveryDollar. The EveryDollar app has helped millions of people work the baby steps and take the stress out of planning and managing their money. Start budgeting with EveryDollar for free right now. Just go to ramseysolutions. Com/everydollar and download the app today. That's Ramsey Solutionsolutions. Com/everydollar.


say zero, but it actually happened a couple months ago on our own card.




She got bit by the snake and she says, No, the snake is still my friend.


Well, it was my fault.


We're best bud. It's not the snake' doesn't it?Yes, it does.I'm trying to give you ahuman spirit somehow rises up, and I think you beat the two-year mark. If I told you to wait a year and a half, and it would be free, it wouldn't have any debt. Would you wait a year and a half?Yeah.Then I think you can wait two years.George? Okay. I'm with you on this. I love this plan, and that patience is going to pay dividends because all of your fellow nurse anesthetists are going to be like, What? Debt free? I got 200 grand in debt. How did you do it?I'll tell you what you're going to be doing. You're going to get in the car after a day of helping people, saving lives, making lives better. You're going to get in the car and go home and have zero stress with money and paying off $140,000 with interest. Wait. It'll be worth it. This is The Ramsey Show.Hey, folks, there's a lot of half baked investing advice out there, butwith your relationship It's 888-825-5225-888-825-5225. From George Campbell to George in Atlanta. George, how can we help?Hey. Thank you guys for taking my call.So I've been on a string of doing dumb stuff, and I'm trying to get a second opinion before potentially doing something else that's dumb.Oh, wow. This is a great setup, George.I like a self-aware person doing dumb stuff. That's good.Before you ask the question on how dumb do you think it is right this very moment before you get our opinion?As it is, I don't think it's a dumb idea. I've been watching you guys show for a long time. I'm on Baby Baby Step 3 of the Baby Step. Well, I'm working through Baby Step 3 right now.Sure. Okay.I haven't completed it yet.So you have no debt? No, I don't have any debt. Okay.Well, no, that's actually not true. I do have debt. That's actually what I'm calling it.Let's start with honesty, George. I do have a car loan.Okay. Well, then how could you be on Baby Step 3 if you have a car payment?Well, yeah, you're right abouthere.Yeah, relationships are built on trust, George, so we need you to be vulnerable. What is your question?Well, my question is this. Since the past year or so, it's just a string of crazy stuff. I've taken on extra responsibilities. My income is halved.I was making $110,000 when I had my transportation business running, but contractual stuff changed, and they wanted a whole new fleet of stuff.I had a house that I ended up having to sell because it was just way too much to afford after my income change.So you bought too much house. Your business has taken a big dip. What is your income now?Yeah. $50,000. Okay. So $50,000.So huge change in income as- Still working for yourself or is that somebody else paying you?No.As it is right now, I have a… That's another thing, too, even in the sense of school. Luckily, I got out of college without any debt. But right now, I work as an IT technician. I have a bachelor's degree, even though that's not making too much money on it.Sure. What's your question, George? I want to make sure we get to it.My question is, right now, I have I have my car that is... The car's worth 28,000, loans 40,000, so using those numbers. I'm thinking, do I take... I have about $50,000, $10,000 in liquid cash, $40,000 in the market. I'm thinking, do I, as it is right now, put the difference, get rid of the car and just buy a used car, and that way I won't have a car payment.Yes, that's very smart, George. That's the smartest thing you've said so far.That's the smartest thing you've said so far.It's the only smart thing you've said so far. Okay, well, that's a plus.Okay, what is option number two?Well, option number two is keep the car and continue making the car payments. But the only issue with that is on $50,000, the car payment, insurance, and other bills, it's not making any sense.I would agree.Option one, George. George and I are picking door number one for you.So the car is worth 28, you owe 40. Let's sell it for top dollar, and the difference, you have in cash. And then we're going to buy ourselves a very reasonable used car. We're talking about a $10,000 car. So liquidate some of your investments for that. And now with the money left over, which you said you have 40K in the market, we're going to liquidate all of it because you need an emergency fund. This is your never-going-into-debt-again fund. Right. Now we're at a different place. Think about this. You're completely debt-free, no payments. You have an emergency fund of 3-6 months of expenses. Now, any future income we can use to build wealth and invest. There's that. This is a complete reset. But it's going to happen very quickly because you're actually in a really good spot because you have all this money sitting out there. You're just not doing the right things with it.Now you'll actually be in Baby Step 4 by the way we actually define them, George.Exactly. What's your car payment? What are you paying all in for this car every month?Right now on this car payment, I'm paying 750.Plus insurance.Insurance is just crazy. It's $500 your insurance.Why is your insurance so high?I have no idea. The only thing that I could hear from the insurance companies when I call is that state whatever they got going on, insurance is high.You need to reach out- You need to reach out $6,000 a year?As soon as you're off the phone. Yeah. You're going to reach out to our friends at Xander and they're going to reshop your insurance because you are way overpaying and you're getting hosed. I think so, too. Unless you've been in a thousand recs and this is a luxury vehicle. I have zero accidents.Okay. Five hundred dollars a month? I literally have heartburn right now. It's my...And they told me that's on the low end of things. Yeah, how did that happen? You're going to go to zander. Com. They have independent agents who will shop across the top companies. You're not going to be with these captive agents that...I think someone's, honestly, I'm really lying to him, George.Oh, my gosh, George. We're so close to doing things the right way, but you got to just trust us on this, that our way is going to lead to a better life.there. That's 5.15%, and there's no gimmicks there, no monthly maintenance fees.You can get to it, which is what you want it.It's liquid. That'll do for now. But I'm saying long term, you don't need the money. I would still consider investing it into the market with a good mutual fund, index fund, and let that thing grow for you at an even higher rate over time. But again, none of this is on fire.But I like some of that, George, for Connie taking some trips with her grandbaby.Yeah, do something fun. What have you done for Connie? Yeah.Well, we actually did go to Chattanooga this last week. I mean, I work for a very large hotel Corporation. Connie, where would you really like to go?Where would you really like to go? And you can't say any place in Tennessee.Oh, no. Well, we stopped the state of Colorado for probably the last 30 years. We've probably been 40 or 50 times. We love the mountains.What was the retirement dream with your husband? What was the thing you guys were like, Man, when we retire, we're going to do X?We actually bought a 19-foot geo pro. It's more of a couples camper. I'm actually in the process of selling it. They're going to sell it because I really can't see myself. I get it.I don't want to allow them. Connie, I got an idea. Connie, I have an idea. I think you should go on a trip with some of your best girlfriends. Somebody else told me that.Absolutely. I should do that.I think you should.I don't know if I'll ever be ready to go back to Colorado.No, go somewhere else. No, this is like the Yaya Sisterhood or the traveling pants or the fried green tomatoes or your best girlfriend. Just go somewhere and have fun. You've been through a lot. You're still grieving. Some girl time doing something you've never done before. You've got a lot of cash to be able to do a really fun trip and celebrate you, celebrate all that you have still, and just do something fun for you. I really think that's a good idea.Like our friend Dr. John Deloney says, you got to grieve what was the picture of what you thought it was going to look like, and now we've got to have a new picture of what's the next 30 years going to look like for Connie. I think that's going to be sad but also exciting to start dreaming again. You're in such a great place financially. You guys, both of you, created this legacy. That is something that No one can ever take away from you. Something to be proud of.Connie, thank you so much for calling us and sharing your story with us. I know that was not easy, and we're rooting for you. The sun is going to keep showing up, and you've got a bright future ahead for you as well. George Campbell, thank you, my friend. Always fun to be with you. Thank you, America, for listening. This is The Ramsey Show. Hey, folks. Dave Ramsey here. You know, budgeting doesn't have to be boring. You just need a budgeting app that's made with you in mind, and that's EveryDollar. The EveryDollar app has helped millions of people work the baby steps and take the stress out of planning and managing their money. Start budgeting with EveryDollar for free right now. Just go to ramseysolutions. Com/everydollar and download the app today. That's Ramsey Solutionsolutions. Com/everydollar.


doesn't it?


Yes, it does.


I'm trying to give you ahuman spirit somehow rises up, and I think you beat the two-year mark. If I told you to wait a year and a half, and it would be free, it wouldn't have any debt. Would you wait a year and a half?Yeah.Then I think you can wait two years.George? Okay. I'm with you on this. I love this plan, and that patience is going to pay dividends because all of your fellow nurse anesthetists are going to be like, What? Debt free? I got 200 grand in debt. How did you do it?I'll tell you what you're going to be doing. You're going to get in the car after a day of helping people, saving lives, making lives better. You're going to get in the car and go home and have zero stress with money and paying off $140,000 with interest. Wait. It'll be worth it. This is The Ramsey Show.Hey, folks, there's a lot of half baked investing advice out there, butwith your relationship It's 888-825-5225-888-825-5225. From George Campbell to George in Atlanta. George, how can we help?Hey. Thank you guys for taking my call.So I've been on a string of doing dumb stuff, and I'm trying to get a second opinion before potentially doing something else that's dumb.Oh, wow. This is a great setup, George.I like a self-aware person doing dumb stuff. That's good.Before you ask the question on how dumb do you think it is right this very moment before you get our opinion?As it is, I don't think it's a dumb idea. I've been watching you guys show for a long time. I'm on Baby Baby Step 3 of the Baby Step. Well, I'm working through Baby Step 3 right now.Sure. Okay.I haven't completed it yet.So you have no debt? No, I don't have any debt. Okay.Well, no, that's actually not true. I do have debt. That's actually what I'm calling it.Let's start with honesty, George. I do have a car loan.Okay. Well, then how could you be on Baby Step 3 if you have a car payment?Well, yeah, you're right abouthere.Yeah, relationships are built on trust, George, so we need you to be vulnerable. What is your question?Well, my question is this. Since the past year or so, it's just a string of crazy stuff. I've taken on extra responsibilities. My income is halved.I was making $110,000 when I had my transportation business running, but contractual stuff changed, and they wanted a whole new fleet of stuff.I had a house that I ended up having to sell because it was just way too much to afford after my income change.So you bought too much house. Your business has taken a big dip. What is your income now?Yeah. $50,000. Okay. So $50,000.So huge change in income as- Still working for yourself or is that somebody else paying you?No.As it is right now, I have a… That's another thing, too, even in the sense of school. Luckily, I got out of college without any debt. But right now, I work as an IT technician. I have a bachelor's degree, even though that's not making too much money on it.Sure. What's your question, George? I want to make sure we get to it.My question is, right now, I have I have my car that is... The car's worth 28,000, loans 40,000, so using those numbers. I'm thinking, do I take... I have about $50,000, $10,000 in liquid cash, $40,000 in the market. I'm thinking, do I, as it is right now, put the difference, get rid of the car and just buy a used car, and that way I won't have a car payment.Yes, that's very smart, George. That's the smartest thing you've said so far.That's the smartest thing you've said so far.It's the only smart thing you've said so far. Okay, well, that's a plus.Okay, what is option number two?Well, option number two is keep the car and continue making the car payments. But the only issue with that is on $50,000, the car payment, insurance, and other bills, it's not making any sense.I would agree.Option one, George. George and I are picking door number one for you.So the car is worth 28, you owe 40. Let's sell it for top dollar, and the difference, you have in cash. And then we're going to buy ourselves a very reasonable used car. We're talking about a $10,000 car. So liquidate some of your investments for that. And now with the money left over, which you said you have 40K in the market, we're going to liquidate all of it because you need an emergency fund. This is your never-going-into-debt-again fund. Right. Now we're at a different place. Think about this. You're completely debt-free, no payments. You have an emergency fund of 3-6 months of expenses. Now, any future income we can use to build wealth and invest. There's that. This is a complete reset. But it's going to happen very quickly because you're actually in a really good spot because you have all this money sitting out there. You're just not doing the right things with it.Now you'll actually be in Baby Step 4 by the way we actually define them, George.Exactly. What's your car payment? What are you paying all in for this car every month?Right now on this car payment, I'm paying 750.Plus insurance.Insurance is just crazy. It's $500 your insurance.Why is your insurance so high?I have no idea. The only thing that I could hear from the insurance companies when I call is that state whatever they got going on, insurance is high.You need to reach out- You need to reach out $6,000 a year?As soon as you're off the phone. Yeah. You're going to reach out to our friends at Xander and they're going to reshop your insurance because you are way overpaying and you're getting hosed. I think so, too. Unless you've been in a thousand recs and this is a luxury vehicle. I have zero accidents.Okay. Five hundred dollars a month? I literally have heartburn right now. It's my...And they told me that's on the low end of things. Yeah, how did that happen? You're going to go to zander. Com. They have independent agents who will shop across the top companies. You're not going to be with these captive agents that...I think someone's, honestly, I'm really lying to him, George.Oh, my gosh, George. We're so close to doing things the right way, but you got to just trust us on this, that our way is going to lead to a better life.there. That's 5.15%, and there's no gimmicks there, no monthly maintenance fees.You can get to it, which is what you want it.It's liquid. That'll do for now. But I'm saying long term, you don't need the money. I would still consider investing it into the market with a good mutual fund, index fund, and let that thing grow for you at an even higher rate over time. But again, none of this is on fire.But I like some of that, George, for Connie taking some trips with her grandbaby.Yeah, do something fun. What have you done for Connie? Yeah.Well, we actually did go to Chattanooga this last week. I mean, I work for a very large hotel Corporation. Connie, where would you really like to go?Where would you really like to go? And you can't say any place in Tennessee.Oh, no. Well, we stopped the state of Colorado for probably the last 30 years. We've probably been 40 or 50 times. We love the mountains.What was the retirement dream with your husband? What was the thing you guys were like, Man, when we retire, we're going to do X?We actually bought a 19-foot geo pro. It's more of a couples camper. I'm actually in the process of selling it. They're going to sell it because I really can't see myself. I get it.I don't want to allow them. Connie, I got an idea. Connie, I have an idea. I think you should go on a trip with some of your best girlfriends. Somebody else told me that.Absolutely. I should do that.I think you should.I don't know if I'll ever be ready to go back to Colorado.No, go somewhere else. No, this is like the Yaya Sisterhood or the traveling pants or the fried green tomatoes or your best girlfriend. Just go somewhere and have fun. You've been through a lot. You're still grieving. Some girl time doing something you've never done before. You've got a lot of cash to be able to do a really fun trip and celebrate you, celebrate all that you have still, and just do something fun for you. I really think that's a good idea.Like our friend Dr. John Deloney says, you got to grieve what was the picture of what you thought it was going to look like, and now we've got to have a new picture of what's the next 30 years going to look like for Connie. I think that's going to be sad but also exciting to start dreaming again. You're in such a great place financially. You guys, both of you, created this legacy. That is something that No one can ever take away from you. Something to be proud of.Connie, thank you so much for calling us and sharing your story with us. I know that was not easy, and we're rooting for you. The sun is going to keep showing up, and you've got a bright future ahead for you as well. George Campbell, thank you, my friend. Always fun to be with you. Thank you, America, for listening. This is The Ramsey Show. Hey, folks. Dave Ramsey here. You know, budgeting doesn't have to be boring. You just need a budgeting app that's made with you in mind, and that's EveryDollar. The EveryDollar app has helped millions of people work the baby steps and take the stress out of planning and managing their money. Start budgeting with EveryDollar for free right now. Just go to ramseysolutions. Com/everydollar and download the app today. That's Ramsey Solutionsolutions. Com/everydollar.


human spirit somehow rises up, and I think you beat the two-year mark. If I told you to wait a year and a half, and it would be free, it wouldn't have any debt. Would you wait a year and a half?




Then I think you can wait two years.


George? Okay. I'm with you on this. I love this plan, and that patience is going to pay dividends because all of your fellow nurse anesthetists are going to be like, What? Debt free? I got 200 grand in debt. How did you do it?


I'll tell you what you're going to be doing. You're going to get in the car after a day of helping people, saving lives, making lives better. You're going to get in the car and go home and have zero stress with money and paying off $140,000 with interest. Wait. It'll be worth it. This is The Ramsey Show.


Hey, folks, there's a lot of half baked investing advice out there, butwith your relationship It's 888-825-5225-888-825-5225. From George Campbell to George in Atlanta. George, how can we help?Hey. Thank you guys for taking my call.So I've been on a string of doing dumb stuff, and I'm trying to get a second opinion before potentially doing something else that's dumb.Oh, wow. This is a great setup, George.I like a self-aware person doing dumb stuff. That's good.Before you ask the question on how dumb do you think it is right this very moment before you get our opinion?As it is, I don't think it's a dumb idea. I've been watching you guys show for a long time. I'm on Baby Baby Step 3 of the Baby Step. Well, I'm working through Baby Step 3 right now.Sure. Okay.I haven't completed it yet.So you have no debt? No, I don't have any debt. Okay.Well, no, that's actually not true. I do have debt. That's actually what I'm calling it.Let's start with honesty, George. I do have a car loan.Okay. Well, then how could you be on Baby Step 3 if you have a car payment?Well, yeah, you're right abouthere.Yeah, relationships are built on trust, George, so we need you to be vulnerable. What is your question?Well, my question is this. Since the past year or so, it's just a string of crazy stuff. I've taken on extra responsibilities. My income is halved.I was making $110,000 when I had my transportation business running, but contractual stuff changed, and they wanted a whole new fleet of stuff.I had a house that I ended up having to sell because it was just way too much to afford after my income change.So you bought too much house. Your business has taken a big dip. What is your income now?Yeah. $50,000. Okay. So $50,000.So huge change in income as- Still working for yourself or is that somebody else paying you?No.As it is right now, I have a… That's another thing, too, even in the sense of school. Luckily, I got out of college without any debt. But right now, I work as an IT technician. I have a bachelor's degree, even though that's not making too much money on it.Sure. What's your question, George? I want to make sure we get to it.My question is, right now, I have I have my car that is... The car's worth 28,000, loans 40,000, so using those numbers. I'm thinking, do I take... I have about $50,000, $10,000 in liquid cash, $40,000 in the market. I'm thinking, do I, as it is right now, put the difference, get rid of the car and just buy a used car, and that way I won't have a car payment.Yes, that's very smart, George. That's the smartest thing you've said so far.That's the smartest thing you've said so far.It's the only smart thing you've said so far. Okay, well, that's a plus.Okay, what is option number two?Well, option number two is keep the car and continue making the car payments. But the only issue with that is on $50,000, the car payment, insurance, and other bills, it's not making any sense.I would agree.Option one, George. George and I are picking door number one for you.So the car is worth 28, you owe 40. Let's sell it for top dollar, and the difference, you have in cash. And then we're going to buy ourselves a very reasonable used car. We're talking about a $10,000 car. So liquidate some of your investments for that. And now with the money left over, which you said you have 40K in the market, we're going to liquidate all of it because you need an emergency fund. This is your never-going-into-debt-again fund. Right. Now we're at a different place. Think about this. You're completely debt-free, no payments. You have an emergency fund of 3-6 months of expenses. Now, any future income we can use to build wealth and invest. There's that. This is a complete reset. But it's going to happen very quickly because you're actually in a really good spot because you have all this money sitting out there. You're just not doing the right things with it.Now you'll actually be in Baby Step 4 by the way we actually define them, George.Exactly. What's your car payment? What are you paying all in for this car every month?Right now on this car payment, I'm paying 750.Plus insurance.Insurance is just crazy. It's $500 your insurance.Why is your insurance so high?I have no idea. The only thing that I could hear from the insurance companies when I call is that state whatever they got going on, insurance is high.You need to reach out- You need to reach out $6,000 a year?As soon as you're off the phone. Yeah. You're going to reach out to our friends at Xander and they're going to reshop your insurance because you are way overpaying and you're getting hosed. I think so, too. Unless you've been in a thousand recs and this is a luxury vehicle. I have zero accidents.Okay. Five hundred dollars a month? I literally have heartburn right now. It's my...And they told me that's on the low end of things. Yeah, how did that happen? You're going to go to zander. Com. They have independent agents who will shop across the top companies. You're not going to be with these captive agents that...I think someone's, honestly, I'm really lying to him, George.Oh, my gosh, George. We're so close to doing things the right way, but you got to just trust us on this, that our way is going to lead to a better life.there. That's 5.15%, and there's no gimmicks there, no monthly maintenance fees.You can get to it, which is what you want it.It's liquid. That'll do for now. But I'm saying long term, you don't need the money. I would still consider investing it into the market with a good mutual fund, index fund, and let that thing grow for you at an even higher rate over time. But again, none of this is on fire.But I like some of that, George, for Connie taking some trips with her grandbaby.Yeah, do something fun. What have you done for Connie? Yeah.Well, we actually did go to Chattanooga this last week. I mean, I work for a very large hotel Corporation. Connie, where would you really like to go?Where would you really like to go? And you can't say any place in Tennessee.Oh, no. Well, we stopped the state of Colorado for probably the last 30 years. We've probably been 40 or 50 times. We love the mountains.What was the retirement dream with your husband? What was the thing you guys were like, Man, when we retire, we're going to do X?We actually bought a 19-foot geo pro. It's more of a couples camper. I'm actually in the process of selling it. They're going to sell it because I really can't see myself. I get it.I don't want to allow them. Connie, I got an idea. Connie, I have an idea. I think you should go on a trip with some of your best girlfriends. Somebody else told me that.Absolutely. I should do that.I think you should.I don't know if I'll ever be ready to go back to Colorado.No, go somewhere else. No, this is like the Yaya Sisterhood or the traveling pants or the fried green tomatoes or your best girlfriend. Just go somewhere and have fun. You've been through a lot. You're still grieving. Some girl time doing something you've never done before. You've got a lot of cash to be able to do a really fun trip and celebrate you, celebrate all that you have still, and just do something fun for you. I really think that's a good idea.Like our friend Dr. John Deloney says, you got to grieve what was the picture of what you thought it was going to look like, and now we've got to have a new picture of what's the next 30 years going to look like for Connie. I think that's going to be sad but also exciting to start dreaming again. You're in such a great place financially. You guys, both of you, created this legacy. That is something that No one can ever take away from you. Something to be proud of.Connie, thank you so much for calling us and sharing your story with us. I know that was not easy, and we're rooting for you. The sun is going to keep showing up, and you've got a bright future ahead for you as well. George Campbell, thank you, my friend. Always fun to be with you. Thank you, America, for listening. This is The Ramsey Show. Hey, folks. Dave Ramsey here. You know, budgeting doesn't have to be boring. You just need a budgeting app that's made with you in mind, and that's EveryDollar. The EveryDollar app has helped millions of people work the baby steps and take the stress out of planning and managing their money. Start budgeting with EveryDollar for free right now. Just go to ramseysolutions. Com/everydollar and download the app today. That's Ramsey Solutionsolutions. Com/everydollar.


with your relationship It's 888-825-5225-888-825-5225. From George Campbell to George in Atlanta. George, how can we help?


Hey. Thank you guys for taking my call.


So I've been on a string of doing dumb stuff, and I'm trying to get a second opinion before potentially doing something else that's dumb.


Oh, wow. This is a great setup, George.


I like a self-aware person doing dumb stuff. That's good.


Before you ask the question on how dumb do you think it is right this very moment before you get our opinion?


As it is, I don't think it's a dumb idea. I've been watching you guys show for a long time. I'm on Baby Baby Step 3 of the Baby Step. Well, I'm working through Baby Step 3 right now.


Sure. Okay.


I haven't completed it yet.


So you have no debt? No, I don't have any debt. Okay.


Well, no, that's actually not true. I do have debt. That's actually what I'm calling it.


Let's start with honesty, George. I do have a car loan.


Okay. Well, then how could you be on Baby Step 3 if you have a car payment?


Well, yeah, you're right abouthere.Yeah, relationships are built on trust, George, so we need you to be vulnerable. What is your question?Well, my question is this. Since the past year or so, it's just a string of crazy stuff. I've taken on extra responsibilities. My income is halved.I was making $110,000 when I had my transportation business running, but contractual stuff changed, and they wanted a whole new fleet of stuff.I had a house that I ended up having to sell because it was just way too much to afford after my income change.So you bought too much house. Your business has taken a big dip. What is your income now?Yeah. $50,000. Okay. So $50,000.So huge change in income as- Still working for yourself or is that somebody else paying you?No.As it is right now, I have a… That's another thing, too, even in the sense of school. Luckily, I got out of college without any debt. But right now, I work as an IT technician. I have a bachelor's degree, even though that's not making too much money on it.Sure. What's your question, George? I want to make sure we get to it.My question is, right now, I have I have my car that is... The car's worth 28,000, loans 40,000, so using those numbers. I'm thinking, do I take... I have about $50,000, $10,000 in liquid cash, $40,000 in the market. I'm thinking, do I, as it is right now, put the difference, get rid of the car and just buy a used car, and that way I won't have a car payment.Yes, that's very smart, George. That's the smartest thing you've said so far.That's the smartest thing you've said so far.It's the only smart thing you've said so far. Okay, well, that's a plus.Okay, what is option number two?Well, option number two is keep the car and continue making the car payments. But the only issue with that is on $50,000, the car payment, insurance, and other bills, it's not making any sense.I would agree.Option one, George. George and I are picking door number one for you.So the car is worth 28, you owe 40. Let's sell it for top dollar, and the difference, you have in cash. And then we're going to buy ourselves a very reasonable used car. We're talking about a $10,000 car. So liquidate some of your investments for that. And now with the money left over, which you said you have 40K in the market, we're going to liquidate all of it because you need an emergency fund. This is your never-going-into-debt-again fund. Right. Now we're at a different place. Think about this. You're completely debt-free, no payments. You have an emergency fund of 3-6 months of expenses. Now, any future income we can use to build wealth and invest. There's that. This is a complete reset. But it's going to happen very quickly because you're actually in a really good spot because you have all this money sitting out there. You're just not doing the right things with it.Now you'll actually be in Baby Step 4 by the way we actually define them, George.Exactly. What's your car payment? What are you paying all in for this car every month?Right now on this car payment, I'm paying 750.Plus insurance.Insurance is just crazy. It's $500 your insurance.Why is your insurance so high?I have no idea. The only thing that I could hear from the insurance companies when I call is that state whatever they got going on, insurance is high.You need to reach out- You need to reach out $6,000 a year?As soon as you're off the phone. Yeah. You're going to reach out to our friends at Xander and they're going to reshop your insurance because you are way overpaying and you're getting hosed. I think so, too. Unless you've been in a thousand recs and this is a luxury vehicle. I have zero accidents.Okay. Five hundred dollars a month? I literally have heartburn right now. It's my...And they told me that's on the low end of things. Yeah, how did that happen? You're going to go to zander. Com. They have independent agents who will shop across the top companies. You're not going to be with these captive agents that...I think someone's, honestly, I'm really lying to him, George.Oh, my gosh, George. We're so close to doing things the right way, but you got to just trust us on this, that our way is going to lead to a better life.there. That's 5.15%, and there's no gimmicks there, no monthly maintenance fees.You can get to it, which is what you want it.It's liquid. That'll do for now. But I'm saying long term, you don't need the money. I would still consider investing it into the market with a good mutual fund, index fund, and let that thing grow for you at an even higher rate over time. But again, none of this is on fire.But I like some of that, George, for Connie taking some trips with her grandbaby.Yeah, do something fun. What have you done for Connie? Yeah.Well, we actually did go to Chattanooga this last week. I mean, I work for a very large hotel Corporation. Connie, where would you really like to go?Where would you really like to go? And you can't say any place in Tennessee.Oh, no. Well, we stopped the state of Colorado for probably the last 30 years. We've probably been 40 or 50 times. We love the mountains.What was the retirement dream with your husband? What was the thing you guys were like, Man, when we retire, we're going to do X?We actually bought a 19-foot geo pro. It's more of a couples camper. I'm actually in the process of selling it. They're going to sell it because I really can't see myself. I get it.I don't want to allow them. Connie, I got an idea. Connie, I have an idea. I think you should go on a trip with some of your best girlfriends. Somebody else told me that.Absolutely. I should do that.I think you should.I don't know if I'll ever be ready to go back to Colorado.No, go somewhere else. No, this is like the Yaya Sisterhood or the traveling pants or the fried green tomatoes or your best girlfriend. Just go somewhere and have fun. You've been through a lot. You're still grieving. Some girl time doing something you've never done before. You've got a lot of cash to be able to do a really fun trip and celebrate you, celebrate all that you have still, and just do something fun for you. I really think that's a good idea.Like our friend Dr. John Deloney says, you got to grieve what was the picture of what you thought it was going to look like, and now we've got to have a new picture of what's the next 30 years going to look like for Connie. I think that's going to be sad but also exciting to start dreaming again. You're in such a great place financially. You guys, both of you, created this legacy. That is something that No one can ever take away from you. Something to be proud of.Connie, thank you so much for calling us and sharing your story with us. I know that was not easy, and we're rooting for you. The sun is going to keep showing up, and you've got a bright future ahead for you as well. George Campbell, thank you, my friend. Always fun to be with you. Thank you, America, for listening. This is The Ramsey Show. Hey, folks. Dave Ramsey here. You know, budgeting doesn't have to be boring. You just need a budgeting app that's made with you in mind, and that's EveryDollar. The EveryDollar app has helped millions of people work the baby steps and take the stress out of planning and managing their money. Start budgeting with EveryDollar for free right now. Just go to ramseysolutions. Com/everydollar and download the app today. That's Ramsey Solutionsolutions. Com/everydollar.




Yeah, relationships are built on trust, George, so we need you to be vulnerable. What is your question?


Well, my question is this. Since the past year or so, it's just a string of crazy stuff. I've taken on extra responsibilities. My income is halved.


I was making $110,000 when I had my transportation business running, but contractual stuff changed, and they wanted a whole new fleet of stuff.


I had a house that I ended up having to sell because it was just way too much to afford after my income change.


So you bought too much house. Your business has taken a big dip. What is your income now?


Yeah. $50,000. Okay. So $50,000.


So huge change in income as- Still working for yourself or is that somebody else paying you?




As it is right now, I have a… That's another thing, too, even in the sense of school. Luckily, I got out of college without any debt. But right now, I work as an IT technician. I have a bachelor's degree, even though that's not making too much money on it.


Sure. What's your question, George? I want to make sure we get to it.


My question is, right now, I have I have my car that is... The car's worth 28,000, loans 40,000, so using those numbers. I'm thinking, do I take... I have about $50,000, $10,000 in liquid cash, $40,000 in the market. I'm thinking, do I, as it is right now, put the difference, get rid of the car and just buy a used car, and that way I won't have a car payment.


Yes, that's very smart, George. That's the smartest thing you've said so far.


That's the smartest thing you've said so far.


It's the only smart thing you've said so far. Okay, well, that's a plus.


Okay, what is option number two?


Well, option number two is keep the car and continue making the car payments. But the only issue with that is on $50,000, the car payment, insurance, and other bills, it's not making any sense.


I would agree.


Option one, George. George and I are picking door number one for you.


So the car is worth 28, you owe 40. Let's sell it for top dollar, and the difference, you have in cash. And then we're going to buy ourselves a very reasonable used car. We're talking about a $10,000 car. So liquidate some of your investments for that. And now with the money left over, which you said you have 40K in the market, we're going to liquidate all of it because you need an emergency fund. This is your never-going-into-debt-again fund. Right. Now we're at a different place. Think about this. You're completely debt-free, no payments. You have an emergency fund of 3-6 months of expenses. Now, any future income we can use to build wealth and invest. There's that. This is a complete reset. But it's going to happen very quickly because you're actually in a really good spot because you have all this money sitting out there. You're just not doing the right things with it.


Now you'll actually be in Baby Step 4 by the way we actually define them, George.


Exactly. What's your car payment? What are you paying all in for this car every month?


Right now on this car payment, I'm paying 750.


Plus insurance.


Insurance is just crazy. It's $500 your insurance.


Why is your insurance so high?


I have no idea. The only thing that I could hear from the insurance companies when I call is that state whatever they got going on, insurance is high.


You need to reach out- You need to reach out $6,000 a year?


As soon as you're off the phone. Yeah. You're going to reach out to our friends at Xander and they're going to reshop your insurance because you are way overpaying and you're getting hosed. I think so, too. Unless you've been in a thousand recs and this is a luxury vehicle. I have zero accidents.


Okay. Five hundred dollars a month? I literally have heartburn right now. It's my...


And they told me that's on the low end of things. Yeah, how did that happen? You're going to go to zander. Com. They have independent agents who will shop across the top companies. You're not going to be with these captive agents that...


I think someone's, honestly, I'm really lying to him, George.


Oh, my gosh, George. We're so close to doing things the right way, but you got to just trust us on this, that our way is going to lead to a better life.there. That's 5.15%, and there's no gimmicks there, no monthly maintenance fees.You can get to it, which is what you want it.It's liquid. That'll do for now. But I'm saying long term, you don't need the money. I would still consider investing it into the market with a good mutual fund, index fund, and let that thing grow for you at an even higher rate over time. But again, none of this is on fire.But I like some of that, George, for Connie taking some trips with her grandbaby.Yeah, do something fun. What have you done for Connie? Yeah.Well, we actually did go to Chattanooga this last week. I mean, I work for a very large hotel Corporation. Connie, where would you really like to go?Where would you really like to go? And you can't say any place in Tennessee.Oh, no. Well, we stopped the state of Colorado for probably the last 30 years. We've probably been 40 or 50 times. We love the mountains.What was the retirement dream with your husband? What was the thing you guys were like, Man, when we retire, we're going to do X?We actually bought a 19-foot geo pro. It's more of a couples camper. I'm actually in the process of selling it. They're going to sell it because I really can't see myself. I get it.I don't want to allow them. Connie, I got an idea. Connie, I have an idea. I think you should go on a trip with some of your best girlfriends. Somebody else told me that.Absolutely. I should do that.I think you should.I don't know if I'll ever be ready to go back to Colorado.No, go somewhere else. No, this is like the Yaya Sisterhood or the traveling pants or the fried green tomatoes or your best girlfriend. Just go somewhere and have fun. You've been through a lot. You're still grieving. Some girl time doing something you've never done before. You've got a lot of cash to be able to do a really fun trip and celebrate you, celebrate all that you have still, and just do something fun for you. I really think that's a good idea.Like our friend Dr. John Deloney says, you got to grieve what was the picture of what you thought it was going to look like, and now we've got to have a new picture of what's the next 30 years going to look like for Connie. I think that's going to be sad but also exciting to start dreaming again. You're in such a great place financially. You guys, both of you, created this legacy. That is something that No one can ever take away from you. Something to be proud of.Connie, thank you so much for calling us and sharing your story with us. I know that was not easy, and we're rooting for you. The sun is going to keep showing up, and you've got a bright future ahead for you as well. George Campbell, thank you, my friend. Always fun to be with you. Thank you, America, for listening. This is The Ramsey Show. Hey, folks. Dave Ramsey here. You know, budgeting doesn't have to be boring. You just need a budgeting app that's made with you in mind, and that's EveryDollar. The EveryDollar app has helped millions of people work the baby steps and take the stress out of planning and managing their money. Start budgeting with EveryDollar for free right now. Just go to ramseysolutions. Com/everydollar and download the app today. That's Ramsey Solutionsolutions. Com/everydollar.


there. That's 5.15%, and there's no gimmicks there, no monthly maintenance fees.


You can get to it, which is what you want it.


It's liquid. That'll do for now. But I'm saying long term, you don't need the money. I would still consider investing it into the market with a good mutual fund, index fund, and let that thing grow for you at an even higher rate over time. But again, none of this is on fire.


But I like some of that, George, for Connie taking some trips with her grandbaby.


Yeah, do something fun. What have you done for Connie? Yeah.


Well, we actually did go to Chattanooga this last week. I mean, I work for a very large hotel Corporation. Connie, where would you really like to go?


Where would you really like to go? And you can't say any place in Tennessee.


Oh, no. Well, we stopped the state of Colorado for probably the last 30 years. We've probably been 40 or 50 times. We love the mountains.


What was the retirement dream with your husband? What was the thing you guys were like, Man, when we retire, we're going to do X?


We actually bought a 19-foot geo pro. It's more of a couples camper. I'm actually in the process of selling it. They're going to sell it because I really can't see myself. I get it.


I don't want to allow them. Connie, I got an idea. Connie, I have an idea. I think you should go on a trip with some of your best girlfriends. Somebody else told me that.


Absolutely. I should do that.


I think you should.


I don't know if I'll ever be ready to go back to Colorado.


No, go somewhere else. No, this is like the Yaya Sisterhood or the traveling pants or the fried green tomatoes or your best girlfriend. Just go somewhere and have fun. You've been through a lot. You're still grieving. Some girl time doing something you've never done before. You've got a lot of cash to be able to do a really fun trip and celebrate you, celebrate all that you have still, and just do something fun for you. I really think that's a good idea.


Like our friend Dr. John Deloney says, you got to grieve what was the picture of what you thought it was going to look like, and now we've got to have a new picture of what's the next 30 years going to look like for Connie. I think that's going to be sad but also exciting to start dreaming again. You're in such a great place financially. You guys, both of you, created this legacy. That is something that No one can ever take away from you. Something to be proud of.


Connie, thank you so much for calling us and sharing your story with us. I know that was not easy, and we're rooting for you. The sun is going to keep showing up, and you've got a bright future ahead for you as well. George Campbell, thank you, my friend. Always fun to be with you. Thank you, America, for listening. This is The Ramsey Show. Hey, folks. Dave Ramsey here. You know, budgeting doesn't have to be boring. You just need a budgeting app that's made with you in mind, and that's EveryDollar. The EveryDollar app has helped millions of people work the baby steps and take the stress out of planning and managing their money. Start budgeting with EveryDollar for free right now. Just go to ramseysolutions. Com/everydollar and download the app today. That's Ramsey Solutionsolutions. Com/everydollar.