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Live from Nashville, Tennessee. This is The Ramsey Show. I'm John Deloney, joined by Jade Warshall, and we are talking about your relationships, your money, your retirement, building wealth, the work that you do that you may or may not love. We're talking about every Everything. If you want to be on this show, give us a buzz at 888-825-5-2-2-5. It's 888-825-5-2-2-5. Let's go out to the home of Allison Chains in the Great Soundgarden, Seattle, Washington, and talk to Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike. What's up, Mike? How are you doing, guys? We're good. What's up with you?


All right. I'll try to keep it real brief. I make really good money out here, out in Washington, but super, super unhappy. I'm with the union, got good pension, benefits, and all that stuff, but super unhappy. So does my wife. She homeschools because the schools suck out here, and she wants to actually move out to Tennessee, not sure what area, but I know I'll make less money. I'm wondering if that's the right move to make me happy, even though I'll make less money.


How much is your happiness worth? You tell me, what's the dollar amount?


Well, I currently make about $42 an hour out here. And so you went all the overtime, the double time. It's really good money. Butlived on a fixed income now, and we're halfway. He wants to get the insurance, and I'm thinking we ought to just save up some money.How many dogs do you have?We currently have two other papillons.Okay. You told me, I just want to make sure I'm clear, you said out of the 9,000 of vet bills, he paid all but 1,500?Yes. Okay.Hey, I hate that you lost your pet. That really does. That sucks. I can't imagine coming home and knowing that something like that happened to my dog. For the money side of it, here's what my brain thinks of. This is something that happened. It was a random occasion. You went your whole life, probably with pets, and nothing like this ever happened. I wouldn't let this one terrible thing happening in form, how you do things going forward thinking this could happen again. I would not do the insurance, but I would say, Okay, what would happen if I just put $30 aside per pet each month and just I had an emergency fund for my pets. What would that look like?That would be about $700 that we would have to save per year. Now, that's a great amount of savings, but we are living on a fixed income where even that, whether I spend it on saving it or pet insurance.Well, what's the difference? Is still money out of our- I guess what I'm saying is the fixed income part doesn't matter. You're either saving the $30 or you're not.Or the deeper question is, you can't afford this. I mean, even if we said, Yeah, you'll get pet insurance, you all can't afford it.Yeah, that's what I'm thinking, but he's thinking anything to avoid, to be prepared, actually, to be prepared for something happening.Do you guys have any money saved?We have about 13K in the 3-6 months.Okay. Do you not feel like if something, like I said, something bizarre, like what took something that you're completely not expecting, like a dog attacking your dog, do you not feel like that falls under the umbrella of an unforeseen emergency? I guess I'm just trying to figure out why what you have in place is not enough.Well, I guess we haven't figured that that could have been used for an emergency like that. Of course, that would wipe it out if something, God forbid, happened again.Yeah, but you're living in a state of what ifs. I do feel like I think there's something that There's two things that you can have financially in place that will help you. Then I do want to turn it over to John, because I think for you, having a sinking fund that's always there for pet maintenance, whether it be their yearly checkup or things like that, whatever you take them to the vet, Having a sinking fund there for that that's not part of your emergency fund is a good thing probably for you guys to have. Maybe that's you just putting aside, like I said, 30 bucks a month. Or, and, not or, and you have your emergency fund for the things that are truly emergencies that pop up. Maybe you say, you and your husband, maybe you decide, Hey, when it comes to pets, this is what we're willing to spend, and this is where the buck stops. Because there is something about that that you don't want to put your own well-being at risk for the risk of a pet.Okay.Here's the other- It's a hard truth. Here's the other side of it, or the extended side. I just had one of my professors and mentors. Dr. Andy Young was on my show this morning, and he was just here in town. He's actually the guy that gave me the language, facts are your friends, when you're dealing with trauma. He's the guy who trained me on crisis intervention. Under that, guys, I want to walk through. We know that when you experience a big, nasty, messy trauma like you experienced, it was terrifying, it was scary, it was bloody, it was a mess. Then there was a couple of days of touch and go, and then your sweet dog passed away. We know that happened. But if we back all the way out, financially speaking, this is just facts of your friends. Underneath the trauma, what's reality? Reality is there was a $9,000 bill that the person who was downstream, and no one's responsible for that freak accident, but he paid for it. So you guys were out 1,500 bucks. The reality is you're not in a position where you've got an extra $60 a month. The reality is I've grown up with dogs my whole life.Jade's grown up with pet dogs. Everyone I know has grown up with pet dogs. I've lived in the country, I've lived in the city, I've lived in the suburbs. I've never heard of this happening like this.Well, of course. It's one of those things you really can't plan for. Who would have known?Well, exactly. But that's when these, what I would call very, very fringe programs will swoop in. It's the same as if you buy a lamp at Best Buy. You want the $9 insurance plan? It's to Puerto We go. We're going to the Bahamas, and we are going to eat well. We're going to have events. We're going to have music. We're going to have all kinds of chaos on this boat.Are you going to play your guitar?I might play the guitar. If George does, I will because they're going to need to get that taste out of their ears. And so, yes, are you going to sing? You're singing, aren't you?Me and George are going to do a duet of more than words.Well, then we're duetting. We're duetting. Say in my love. All right, here's the thing. We're almost out. We're almost out. Vip upgrades in many of the cabin types completely sold out. They're already gone. If you're trying to get your pick of the last few cabins, like the one with an ocean view, I think there's a couple left. Get your deposit in right now. $600 deposit. Book your What's happening today at ramseesolutions. Com/cruise. Not Tom Cruise, Cruise. C-r-u-i-s-e. Ramsey... Maybe how you spell Tom Cruise, I don't know. That's correct. Ramseesolutions. Com/cruise. It is going to be a party. Come join us. All right, let's go out to Edmonton, Alberta, and talk to Amber, like the light. What's up, Amber?Hey, how's it going?We're partying. What's up?Right on. I just wanted to ask if you feel that we're in a position to increase our mortgage to buy our forever home, or if we should be seeing put and getting the mortgage done.Okay. Yeah, I want to help with that.I'll maybe give you a rundown of where we're at financially. Yeah, I'd love that. We've been doing the debt pay down, but backwards. I started with the mortgage, so I stopped that. We got the emergency fund in place. Kids College funds were fully I did beforehand. I stopped the retirement savings. The only thing we owe now is $9,000 on a travel trailer that will be paid off by the end of next month. Then I have a bonus coming that's guaranteed that will put us into Baby Step 6, basically. We own a house that's worth about 685. We owe 149 on it. The perfect property just came up for us that we feel will be like long term, and we have to increase our mortgage by $105,000 to take that mortgage on.Okay. Let's think about it like this. I love that you're getting back on track. You're paying off the debt, getting the emergency fund in place. Is it three months or six months?That would be four months.Four months. Okay. Are both you and your spouse working? Yes. Okay. I'm fine with four months. Kids College is on track. When you sell this house, what will it bring you? All said and done?We got about 500 in equity on it.Then the house that you're wanting to get, it, live from Nashville, Tennessee. I'm John Deloney, joined by Jade Warshaw, and we are taking your calls on your relationships, your emotional mental health, your money, building wealth, retirement, all of it. We're talking about work you love, anything and everything going on in your life. 888-825-5-2-2-5. It's 888-825-5-2-2-5. Give us a call. We're taking live calls. Let's go to Green Bay, Wisconsin, formerly home of Aaron Rodgers, and talk to Adam. Hey, Adam, what's up?How are you doing? How about you guys?We're doing fantastic, man. What's up?Well, let's start with the good. I don't have any personal debt between me and my wife. We run a business, and I'm drowning. Business is drowning.Tell me about it.Well, we're the last of a dying breed, I'd say. We're still here trying to go to live in milk and cows, and I just can't make it scale. I can not make… I mean, I've worn out several pencils, and I just can't make it work.Can I ask a question? You made the point of saying you don't have any personal debt. Do you have what you're considering business debt? Yep.Okay. How much? That's all in an LLLC.Okay. But how much?Mortgage is 1.2, and there's 300 in open accounts.Cool, man. You can't breathe, can you?Nope.How long you been farming?Forever.Okay. For those listening, normally this is where someone calls and says they took out $1.2 million loan their business, and they're running a $300,000 revolving account, and we get all fired up and holler at them. I want everyone listening to hear me slow down because my heart's broken for you, Adam. Because as a farmer who's been a farmer forever, you're a generational farmer?I'm fourth. 139 years.This is you standing back and looking at a family legacy that's going to be different after today. That's a death, and I'm sorry. I'm heartbroken for you. Tell me about the challenges you're having. When you say you can't scale it, is it the size of the debt? Is it the fluctuating prices? What is it?Price doesn't help anything for sure. In 2015, I took over from my dad, and it I looked at the spreadsheet, and it wasn't going to work how he was doing it. So I borrowed. I signed the paper and borrowed a half a million bucks. And some stuff happened, and it didn't cash flow The first two, three years of it, cash flowed excellent. I was doing $700, $750, $1,000 a year, and that's gross. And the price fell, and as soon as I couldn't cover my payment out of school, and Meredith graduated a couple of years after I did. Now we're around 230.230? Wowme? And I'm talking to you dudes out there in steel-toed boots and Carhartts and your surgeon, just as much as I'm talking to anybody else. Everybody wants to know, Do you see me? And now that you really know me, do you still love me? And so, man, you can have all the money in the world, but you got to have that gang. You got to have a group of people that you can call in the middle of the night and say, Hey, I need some help. Come see me. So that's awesome. Thank you so much for your calls. Hey, America, thank you so much for joining us right here on The Ramsey Show. We're here all all the time, always putting shows in your feed to help you live a better, more peaceful life. We'll see you soon. This is The Ramsey Show.If you're a leader, your personal growth matters for your organization, because whatever you lead can only grow as much as you do. I know from experience. I've been CEO of Ramsey Solutions for over 30 years, and now I'm sharing that leadership and business coaching experience with you on the Entree Leadership podcast. I'm taking your calls and helping you figure out how to overcome challenges within your organization. One episode could change your business. Check it out on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, or on the Ramsey Network app.


lived on a fixed income now, and we're halfway. He wants to get the insurance, and I'm thinking we ought to just save up some money.


How many dogs do you have?


We currently have two other papillons.


Okay. You told me, I just want to make sure I'm clear, you said out of the 9,000 of vet bills, he paid all but 1,500?


Yes. Okay.


Hey, I hate that you lost your pet. That really does. That sucks. I can't imagine coming home and knowing that something like that happened to my dog. For the money side of it, here's what my brain thinks of. This is something that happened. It was a random occasion. You went your whole life, probably with pets, and nothing like this ever happened. I wouldn't let this one terrible thing happening in form, how you do things going forward thinking this could happen again. I would not do the insurance, but I would say, Okay, what would happen if I just put $30 aside per pet each month and just I had an emergency fund for my pets. What would that look like?


That would be about $700 that we would have to save per year. Now, that's a great amount of savings, but we are living on a fixed income where even that, whether I spend it on saving it or pet insurance.


Well, what's the difference? Is still money out of our- I guess what I'm saying is the fixed income part doesn't matter. You're either saving the $30 or you're not.


Or the deeper question is, you can't afford this. I mean, even if we said, Yeah, you'll get pet insurance, you all can't afford it.


Yeah, that's what I'm thinking, but he's thinking anything to avoid, to be prepared, actually, to be prepared for something happening.


Do you guys have any money saved?


We have about 13K in the 3-6 months.


Okay. Do you not feel like if something, like I said, something bizarre, like what took something that you're completely not expecting, like a dog attacking your dog, do you not feel like that falls under the umbrella of an unforeseen emergency? I guess I'm just trying to figure out why what you have in place is not enough.


Well, I guess we haven't figured that that could have been used for an emergency like that. Of course, that would wipe it out if something, God forbid, happened again.


Yeah, but you're living in a state of what ifs. I do feel like I think there's something that There's two things that you can have financially in place that will help you. Then I do want to turn it over to John, because I think for you, having a sinking fund that's always there for pet maintenance, whether it be their yearly checkup or things like that, whatever you take them to the vet, Having a sinking fund there for that that's not part of your emergency fund is a good thing probably for you guys to have. Maybe that's you just putting aside, like I said, 30 bucks a month. Or, and, not or, and you have your emergency fund for the things that are truly emergencies that pop up. Maybe you say, you and your husband, maybe you decide, Hey, when it comes to pets, this is what we're willing to spend, and this is where the buck stops. Because there is something about that that you don't want to put your own well-being at risk for the risk of a pet.




Here's the other- It's a hard truth. Here's the other side of it, or the extended side. I just had one of my professors and mentors. Dr. Andy Young was on my show this morning, and he was just here in town. He's actually the guy that gave me the language, facts are your friends, when you're dealing with trauma. He's the guy who trained me on crisis intervention. Under that, guys, I want to walk through. We know that when you experience a big, nasty, messy trauma like you experienced, it was terrifying, it was scary, it was bloody, it was a mess. Then there was a couple of days of touch and go, and then your sweet dog passed away. We know that happened. But if we back all the way out, financially speaking, this is just facts of your friends. Underneath the trauma, what's reality? Reality is there was a $9,000 bill that the person who was downstream, and no one's responsible for that freak accident, but he paid for it. So you guys were out 1,500 bucks. The reality is you're not in a position where you've got an extra $60 a month. The reality is I've grown up with dogs my whole life.


Jade's grown up with pet dogs. Everyone I know has grown up with pet dogs. I've lived in the country, I've lived in the city, I've lived in the suburbs. I've never heard of this happening like this.


Well, of course. It's one of those things you really can't plan for. Who would have known?


Well, exactly. But that's when these, what I would call very, very fringe programs will swoop in. It's the same as if you buy a lamp at Best Buy. You want the $9 insurance plan? It's to Puerto We go. We're going to the Bahamas, and we are going to eat well. We're going to have events. We're going to have music. We're going to have all kinds of chaos on this boat.Are you going to play your guitar?I might play the guitar. If George does, I will because they're going to need to get that taste out of their ears. And so, yes, are you going to sing? You're singing, aren't you?Me and George are going to do a duet of more than words.Well, then we're duetting. We're duetting. Say in my love. All right, here's the thing. We're almost out. We're almost out. Vip upgrades in many of the cabin types completely sold out. They're already gone. If you're trying to get your pick of the last few cabins, like the one with an ocean view, I think there's a couple left. Get your deposit in right now. $600 deposit. Book your What's happening today at ramseesolutions. Com/cruise. Not Tom Cruise, Cruise. C-r-u-i-s-e. Ramsey... Maybe how you spell Tom Cruise, I don't know. That's correct. Ramseesolutions. Com/cruise. It is going to be a party. Come join us. All right, let's go out to Edmonton, Alberta, and talk to Amber, like the light. What's up, Amber?Hey, how's it going?We're partying. What's up?Right on. I just wanted to ask if you feel that we're in a position to increase our mortgage to buy our forever home, or if we should be seeing put and getting the mortgage done.Okay. Yeah, I want to help with that.I'll maybe give you a rundown of where we're at financially. Yeah, I'd love that. We've been doing the debt pay down, but backwards. I started with the mortgage, so I stopped that. We got the emergency fund in place. Kids College funds were fully I did beforehand. I stopped the retirement savings. The only thing we owe now is $9,000 on a travel trailer that will be paid off by the end of next month. Then I have a bonus coming that's guaranteed that will put us into Baby Step 6, basically. We own a house that's worth about 685. We owe 149 on it. The perfect property just came up for us that we feel will be like long term, and we have to increase our mortgage by $105,000 to take that mortgage on.Okay. Let's think about it like this. I love that you're getting back on track. You're paying off the debt, getting the emergency fund in place. Is it three months or six months?That would be four months.Four months. Okay. Are both you and your spouse working? Yes. Okay. I'm fine with four months. Kids College is on track. When you sell this house, what will it bring you? All said and done?We got about 500 in equity on it.Then the house that you're wanting to get, it, live from Nashville, Tennessee. I'm John Deloney, joined by Jade Warshaw, and we are taking your calls on your relationships, your emotional mental health, your money, building wealth, retirement, all of it. We're talking about work you love, anything and everything going on in your life. 888-825-5-2-2-5. It's 888-825-5-2-2-5. Give us a call. We're taking live calls. Let's go to Green Bay, Wisconsin, formerly home of Aaron Rodgers, and talk to Adam. Hey, Adam, what's up?How are you doing? How about you guys?We're doing fantastic, man. What's up?Well, let's start with the good. I don't have any personal debt between me and my wife. We run a business, and I'm drowning. Business is drowning.Tell me about it.Well, we're the last of a dying breed, I'd say. We're still here trying to go to live in milk and cows, and I just can't make it scale. I can not make… I mean, I've worn out several pencils, and I just can't make it work.Can I ask a question? You made the point of saying you don't have any personal debt. Do you have what you're considering business debt? Yep.Okay. How much? That's all in an LLLC.Okay. But how much?Mortgage is 1.2, and there's 300 in open accounts.Cool, man. You can't breathe, can you?Nope.How long you been farming?Forever.Okay. For those listening, normally this is where someone calls and says they took out $1.2 million loan their business, and they're running a $300,000 revolving account, and we get all fired up and holler at them. I want everyone listening to hear me slow down because my heart's broken for you, Adam. Because as a farmer who's been a farmer forever, you're a generational farmer?I'm fourth. 139 years.This is you standing back and looking at a family legacy that's going to be different after today. That's a death, and I'm sorry. I'm heartbroken for you. Tell me about the challenges you're having. When you say you can't scale it, is it the size of the debt? Is it the fluctuating prices? What is it?Price doesn't help anything for sure. In 2015, I took over from my dad, and it I looked at the spreadsheet, and it wasn't going to work how he was doing it. So I borrowed. I signed the paper and borrowed a half a million bucks. And some stuff happened, and it didn't cash flow The first two, three years of it, cash flowed excellent. I was doing $700, $750, $1,000 a year, and that's gross. And the price fell, and as soon as I couldn't cover my payment out of school, and Meredith graduated a couple of years after I did. Now we're around 230.230? Wowme? And I'm talking to you dudes out there in steel-toed boots and Carhartts and your surgeon, just as much as I'm talking to anybody else. Everybody wants to know, Do you see me? And now that you really know me, do you still love me? And so, man, you can have all the money in the world, but you got to have that gang. You got to have a group of people that you can call in the middle of the night and say, Hey, I need some help. Come see me. So that's awesome. Thank you so much for your calls. Hey, America, thank you so much for joining us right here on The Ramsey Show. We're here all all the time, always putting shows in your feed to help you live a better, more peaceful life. We'll see you soon. This is The Ramsey Show.If you're a leader, your personal growth matters for your organization, because whatever you lead can only grow as much as you do. I know from experience. I've been CEO of Ramsey Solutions for over 30 years, and now I'm sharing that leadership and business coaching experience with you on the Entree Leadership podcast. I'm taking your calls and helping you figure out how to overcome challenges within your organization. One episode could change your business. Check it out on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, or on the Ramsey Network app.


to Puerto We go. We're going to the Bahamas, and we are going to eat well. We're going to have events. We're going to have music. We're going to have all kinds of chaos on this boat.


Are you going to play your guitar?


I might play the guitar. If George does, I will because they're going to need to get that taste out of their ears. And so, yes, are you going to sing? You're singing, aren't you?


Me and George are going to do a duet of more than words.


Well, then we're duetting. We're duetting. Say in my love. All right, here's the thing. We're almost out. We're almost out. Vip upgrades in many of the cabin types completely sold out. They're already gone. If you're trying to get your pick of the last few cabins, like the one with an ocean view, I think there's a couple left. Get your deposit in right now. $600 deposit. Book your What's happening today at ramseesolutions. Com/cruise. Not Tom Cruise, Cruise. C-r-u-i-s-e. Ramsey... Maybe how you spell Tom Cruise, I don't know. That's correct. Ramseesolutions. Com/cruise. It is going to be a party. Come join us. All right, let's go out to Edmonton, Alberta, and talk to Amber, like the light. What's up, Amber?


Hey, how's it going?


We're partying. What's up?


Right on. I just wanted to ask if you feel that we're in a position to increase our mortgage to buy our forever home, or if we should be seeing put and getting the mortgage done.


Okay. Yeah, I want to help with that.


I'll maybe give you a rundown of where we're at financially. Yeah, I'd love that. We've been doing the debt pay down, but backwards. I started with the mortgage, so I stopped that. We got the emergency fund in place. Kids College funds were fully I did beforehand. I stopped the retirement savings. The only thing we owe now is $9,000 on a travel trailer that will be paid off by the end of next month. Then I have a bonus coming that's guaranteed that will put us into Baby Step 6, basically. We own a house that's worth about 685. We owe 149 on it. The perfect property just came up for us that we feel will be like long term, and we have to increase our mortgage by $105,000 to take that mortgage on.


Okay. Let's think about it like this. I love that you're getting back on track. You're paying off the debt, getting the emergency fund in place. Is it three months or six months?


That would be four months.


Four months. Okay. Are both you and your spouse working? Yes. Okay. I'm fine with four months. Kids College is on track. When you sell this house, what will it bring you? All said and done?


We got about 500 in equity on it.


Then the house that you're wanting to get, it, live from Nashville, Tennessee. I'm John Deloney, joined by Jade Warshaw, and we are taking your calls on your relationships, your emotional mental health, your money, building wealth, retirement, all of it. We're talking about work you love, anything and everything going on in your life. 888-825-5-2-2-5. It's 888-825-5-2-2-5. Give us a call. We're taking live calls. Let's go to Green Bay, Wisconsin, formerly home of Aaron Rodgers, and talk to Adam. Hey, Adam, what's up?How are you doing? How about you guys?We're doing fantastic, man. What's up?Well, let's start with the good. I don't have any personal debt between me and my wife. We run a business, and I'm drowning. Business is drowning.Tell me about it.Well, we're the last of a dying breed, I'd say. We're still here trying to go to live in milk and cows, and I just can't make it scale. I can not make… I mean, I've worn out several pencils, and I just can't make it work.Can I ask a question? You made the point of saying you don't have any personal debt. Do you have what you're considering business debt? Yep.Okay. How much? That's all in an LLLC.Okay. But how much?Mortgage is 1.2, and there's 300 in open accounts.Cool, man. You can't breathe, can you?Nope.How long you been farming?Forever.Okay. For those listening, normally this is where someone calls and says they took out $1.2 million loan their business, and they're running a $300,000 revolving account, and we get all fired up and holler at them. I want everyone listening to hear me slow down because my heart's broken for you, Adam. Because as a farmer who's been a farmer forever, you're a generational farmer?I'm fourth. 139 years.This is you standing back and looking at a family legacy that's going to be different after today. That's a death, and I'm sorry. I'm heartbroken for you. Tell me about the challenges you're having. When you say you can't scale it, is it the size of the debt? Is it the fluctuating prices? What is it?Price doesn't help anything for sure. In 2015, I took over from my dad, and it I looked at the spreadsheet, and it wasn't going to work how he was doing it. So I borrowed. I signed the paper and borrowed a half a million bucks. And some stuff happened, and it didn't cash flow The first two, three years of it, cash flowed excellent. I was doing $700, $750, $1,000 a year, and that's gross. And the price fell, and as soon as I couldn't cover my payment out of school, and Meredith graduated a couple of years after I did. Now we're around 230.230? Wowme? And I'm talking to you dudes out there in steel-toed boots and Carhartts and your surgeon, just as much as I'm talking to anybody else. Everybody wants to know, Do you see me? And now that you really know me, do you still love me? And so, man, you can have all the money in the world, but you got to have that gang. You got to have a group of people that you can call in the middle of the night and say, Hey, I need some help. Come see me. So that's awesome. Thank you so much for your calls. Hey, America, thank you so much for joining us right here on The Ramsey Show. We're here all all the time, always putting shows in your feed to help you live a better, more peaceful life. We'll see you soon. This is The Ramsey Show.If you're a leader, your personal growth matters for your organization, because whatever you lead can only grow as much as you do. I know from experience. I've been CEO of Ramsey Solutions for over 30 years, and now I'm sharing that leadership and business coaching experience with you on the Entree Leadership podcast. I'm taking your calls and helping you figure out how to overcome challenges within your organization. One episode could change your business. Check it out on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, or on the Ramsey Network app.


, live from Nashville, Tennessee. I'm John Deloney, joined by Jade Warshaw, and we are taking your calls on your relationships, your emotional mental health, your money, building wealth, retirement, all of it. We're talking about work you love, anything and everything going on in your life. 888-825-5-2-2-5. It's 888-825-5-2-2-5. Give us a call. We're taking live calls. Let's go to Green Bay, Wisconsin, formerly home of Aaron Rodgers, and talk to Adam. Hey, Adam, what's up?


How are you doing? How about you guys?


We're doing fantastic, man. What's up?


Well, let's start with the good. I don't have any personal debt between me and my wife. We run a business, and I'm drowning. Business is drowning.


Tell me about it.


Well, we're the last of a dying breed, I'd say. We're still here trying to go to live in milk and cows, and I just can't make it scale. I can not make… I mean, I've worn out several pencils, and I just can't make it work.


Can I ask a question? You made the point of saying you don't have any personal debt. Do you have what you're considering business debt? Yep.


Okay. How much? That's all in an LLLC.


Okay. But how much?


Mortgage is 1.2, and there's 300 in open accounts.


Cool, man. You can't breathe, can you?




How long you been farming?




Okay. For those listening, normally this is where someone calls and says they took out $1.2 million loan their business, and they're running a $300,000 revolving account, and we get all fired up and holler at them. I want everyone listening to hear me slow down because my heart's broken for you, Adam. Because as a farmer who's been a farmer forever, you're a generational farmer?


I'm fourth. 139 years.


This is you standing back and looking at a family legacy that's going to be different after today. That's a death, and I'm sorry. I'm heartbroken for you. Tell me about the challenges you're having. When you say you can't scale it, is it the size of the debt? Is it the fluctuating prices? What is it?


Price doesn't help anything for sure. In 2015, I took over from my dad, and it I looked at the spreadsheet, and it wasn't going to work how he was doing it. So I borrowed. I signed the paper and borrowed a half a million bucks. And some stuff happened, and it didn't cash flow The first two, three years of it, cash flowed excellent. I was doing $700, $750, $1,000 a year, and that's gross. And the price fell, and as soon as I couldn't cover my payment out of school, and Meredith graduated a couple of years after I did. Now we're around 230.230? Wowme? And I'm talking to you dudes out there in steel-toed boots and Carhartts and your surgeon, just as much as I'm talking to anybody else. Everybody wants to know, Do you see me? And now that you really know me, do you still love me? And so, man, you can have all the money in the world, but you got to have that gang. You got to have a group of people that you can call in the middle of the night and say, Hey, I need some help. Come see me. So that's awesome. Thank you so much for your calls. Hey, America, thank you so much for joining us right here on The Ramsey Show. We're here all all the time, always putting shows in your feed to help you live a better, more peaceful life. We'll see you soon. This is The Ramsey Show.If you're a leader, your personal growth matters for your organization, because whatever you lead can only grow as much as you do. I know from experience. I've been CEO of Ramsey Solutions for over 30 years, and now I'm sharing that leadership and business coaching experience with you on the Entree Leadership podcast. I'm taking your calls and helping you figure out how to overcome challenges within your organization. One episode could change your business. Check it out on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, or on the Ramsey Network app.


out of school, and Meredith graduated a couple of years after I did. Now we're around 230.


230? Wowme? And I'm talking to you dudes out there in steel-toed boots and Carhartts and your surgeon, just as much as I'm talking to anybody else. Everybody wants to know, Do you see me? And now that you really know me, do you still love me? And so, man, you can have all the money in the world, but you got to have that gang. You got to have a group of people that you can call in the middle of the night and say, Hey, I need some help. Come see me. So that's awesome. Thank you so much for your calls. Hey, America, thank you so much for joining us right here on The Ramsey Show. We're here all all the time, always putting shows in your feed to help you live a better, more peaceful life. We'll see you soon. This is The Ramsey Show.If you're a leader, your personal growth matters for your organization, because whatever you lead can only grow as much as you do. I know from experience. I've been CEO of Ramsey Solutions for over 30 years, and now I'm sharing that leadership and business coaching experience with you on the Entree Leadership podcast. I'm taking your calls and helping you figure out how to overcome challenges within your organization. One episode could change your business. Check it out on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, or on the Ramsey Network app.


me? And I'm talking to you dudes out there in steel-toed boots and Carhartts and your surgeon, just as much as I'm talking to anybody else. Everybody wants to know, Do you see me? And now that you really know me, do you still love me? And so, man, you can have all the money in the world, but you got to have that gang. You got to have a group of people that you can call in the middle of the night and say, Hey, I need some help. Come see me. So that's awesome. Thank you so much for your calls. Hey, America, thank you so much for joining us right here on The Ramsey Show. We're here all all the time, always putting shows in your feed to help you live a better, more peaceful life. We'll see you soon. This is The Ramsey Show.


If you're a leader, your personal growth matters for your organization, because whatever you lead can only grow as much as you do. I know from experience. I've been CEO of Ramsey Solutions for over 30 years, and now I'm sharing that leadership and business coaching experience with you on the Entree Leadership podcast. I'm taking your calls and helping you figure out how to overcome challenges within your organization. One episode could change your business. Check it out on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, or on the Ramsey Network app.