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Live from the headquarters do either one because she wants her life back, her unreasonable life back. When you don't help her with that, she's going to react poorly and you're going to know what's going on. If you buy her that $1,000 car, you have to say, This is it. You have to hold to that. Done. Hold to it. Finne, over. No more money.That's it. You're going to go through class but comparison can also become the thief of joy because we can feel like we're not enough and begin acting and thinking in ways we would never think otherwise. When all gets to be too much, think about contacting Betterhelp. Betterhelp is 100% online therapy staffed with licensed therapists.It's convenient, flexible, and suited to fit your schedule. By the way,going to use that to further them on our seven baby steps because we have now proven data after decades of doing this, that that is the fastest right way to become wealthy. All that to say, do you all have any debt? Yes, we owe 170 on our house.We have a $20,000 student loan, and then just a furniture loan of 2,200. Okay. All right. Well, we teach folks the baby step one is to have $1,000 set aside a little starter emergency fund. Then two is become debt-free everything but your house.Three is to build an emergency fund on top of that thousand that is three to six months of expenses. I'm going to use any asset you've got that are not retirement, including the stock, to do that first and foremost. I'm paying off your student loan and your furniture loan today when you sell that stock, and I'm going to use the rest of it to start building my emergency fund as fast as I possibly can.Now that I don't have those two payments, I should have a little more room in the budget to build that emergency fund quickly. I see. Here's how I know that also works. Do a little reverse engineering.Let's pretend you did not have a student loan, and someone came up and said, You can borrow $20,000 on a student loan and buy Apple stock with it. Would you do that? No. No. No, you would not do that. I would not let you do that. That would be silly. In essence, that's where you are. It isn't how you got here, but by not selling and Jade, apparently. We need a new- Well, Jade- We just took a new picture, but I guess they didn't have that with all of us in it.Dude, amazing. That's really great.That's pretty cool. I mean, those things are digital, so it was probably up there 8 or 10 seconds.Somebody caught it, now it's forever. When you're a little kid in East Tennessee, did you think one day- Someday I'll be on Timesquare. I'm going to be in Timesquare. Surrounded by a couple of goof balls in Jade, Warshall.There you go. And the 8,000 other digital billboards. But it's still it's wonderful. Thank you, Amazon Music. Seriously, all kidding aside.That's fantastic.What a thing. Very nice. All right. Mckenzie's with us in Dallas, Texas. Hi, McKenzie. What's up?Hi, Dave. Hi, John. My question for you guys is, my mom asked me to help her plan for retirement, and in doing so, we met with a financial planner, and they advised her to sell some stocks that are actually in my dad's name in order to pay off her debt. I'm not sure how to advise her because A, she'd have to get my dad's approval on that, and B, she's never really stuck to a budget. I'm afraid even if she pays it off in a one-fell swoop, that she'll just rerack up the credit card debt rather than if she stuck to a budget and followed the baby steps and did a death no well.I'm confused what happened where your dad and mom don't live Oh, no, they do.Okay. My mom-They're not his stocks then.They're their stocks.Yeah.They just happen to be in his name.He considers it his.I'm sorry? Yeah.He considers it his retirement savings.Yeah. I considered his house he's living in, too. Oh, I agree. She's wanting to pay off. It's interesting how he chose to separate the two.Yeah.Yeah, That's bogus. What we should be doing, your mom and your dad, would be planning to retire together since they're freaking married. I agree. Okay. Instead of like, Oh, this is mine and that's yours. That's so stupid because youwell-funded moron. That's what you do if you leave kids that aren't... What you've done for your son or what you do for your son, raising him to be a man is 98% of this formula, 2% of the formula is what money you leave in. Because of your upbringing, and I grew up around a similar situation, not exactly like you, probably, but I know the mentality because it's the neighborhood I grew up in. In those situations, if we're not careful, we tend to place... Rich people place more value on things that last and less value on money because they know they can always get money.They have an abundance mentality. When, and add it to that next debt. That snowball, that snowball ain't no joke.Yeah, it works. Once it starts rolling, nothing stops it. I love it. Once you get that gazelle intensity, once that snowball starts running, you've got it.And pray. Pray together. Pray. It truly turns night to day.Yes, it does. It really does. Well, congratulations, you two. We're very, very proud of you. Very well done, heroes. You took control of your life. Now here you are making a quarter of a million dollars as a pilot, vet tech, and two great kids. What are your kids' names and ages? Bring them up. Haley and Isaac.Haley is eight and Isaac is 10.All right. Have they been practicing their dead free scream? Yep. A little bit. Ready to go. Here we go, baby. Game on. Etian, Jamie, Isaac, Haley, 236,000 paid off in four years and 7 months from 50 to 250 income. Count it down. Let's hear a debt-free scream. 3, 2, 1.We're debt-free!We're debt-free!That's how it's done, ladies and gentlemen. That's how it's done. This is the Ramsey Show. Our scripture of the day, Proverbs 19:21, Many plans are in a man's heart, but the counsel of the Lord will stand. Henry Ford said, Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it. What were you thinking? I wasn't. That's good. I like it. Hey, selling or buying a house in this crazy real estate market right now is a wild thing to do. You need a pro in your corner if you're going to buy or sell right now. Somebody who has actually done it before a lot. I'm telling you, you might be three, four years, and you can either restart this or take back over some of the management. But you got to offload all of it or most of it to be able to help manage your house right now. That's okay. There's nothing wrong with that. You're working two full-time jobs, and you've got chaos at home.And your wife has a full-time job. Yeah.Oh, by the way. Yeah. Wow. Three full-time jobs. Right. You're not a bad guy. You're just your timing sucks.Yes. It's a deceptive question. Yes, you can run a successful business and be a good family man. You can't do 50 things at once.That puts us out of the Ramsey Show on the books. We'll be back with you before you know it. In the meantime, Remember, there's ultimately only one way to financial peace, and that's to walk daily with the Prince of Peace, Christ Jesus. Hey, folks, Dave here. You want to hear even more life-changing content from Ramsey? Download the Ramsey Network app so you can catch all your favorite shows all in one place, like the Ramsey Show, Smart Money Happy Hour, and the Dr. John Deloney Show. You'll get real talk about life, relationships, money, and your career. Plus, the app lets you browse by topic like debt, business, or selling your home. Get the content you want whenever and wherever you want to listen. Download the Ramsey Network app today.


do either one because she wants her life back, her unreasonable life back. When you don't help her with that, she's going to react poorly and you're going to know what's going on. If you buy her that $1,000 car, you have to say, This is it. You have to hold to that. Done. Hold to it. Finne, over. No more money.


That's it. You're going to go through class but comparison can also become the thief of joy because we can feel like we're not enough and begin acting and thinking in ways we would never think otherwise. When all gets to be too much, think about contacting Betterhelp. Betterhelp is 100% online therapy staffed with licensed therapists.It's convenient, flexible, and suited to fit your schedule. By the way,going to use that to further them on our seven baby steps because we have now proven data after decades of doing this, that that is the fastest right way to become wealthy. All that to say, do you all have any debt? Yes, we owe 170 on our house.We have a $20,000 student loan, and then just a furniture loan of 2,200. Okay. All right. Well, we teach folks the baby step one is to have $1,000 set aside a little starter emergency fund. Then two is become debt-free everything but your house.Three is to build an emergency fund on top of that thousand that is three to six months of expenses. I'm going to use any asset you've got that are not retirement, including the stock, to do that first and foremost. I'm paying off your student loan and your furniture loan today when you sell that stock, and I'm going to use the rest of it to start building my emergency fund as fast as I possibly can.Now that I don't have those two payments, I should have a little more room in the budget to build that emergency fund quickly. I see. Here's how I know that also works. Do a little reverse engineering.Let's pretend you did not have a student loan, and someone came up and said, You can borrow $20,000 on a student loan and buy Apple stock with it. Would you do that? No. No. No, you would not do that. I would not let you do that. That would be silly. In essence, that's where you are. It isn't how you got here, but by not selling and Jade, apparently. We need a new- Well, Jade- We just took a new picture, but I guess they didn't have that with all of us in it.Dude, amazing. That's really great.That's pretty cool. I mean, those things are digital, so it was probably up there 8 or 10 seconds.Somebody caught it, now it's forever. When you're a little kid in East Tennessee, did you think one day- Someday I'll be on Timesquare. I'm going to be in Timesquare. Surrounded by a couple of goof balls in Jade, Warshall.There you go. And the 8,000 other digital billboards. But it's still it's wonderful. Thank you, Amazon Music. Seriously, all kidding aside.That's fantastic.What a thing. Very nice. All right. Mckenzie's with us in Dallas, Texas. Hi, McKenzie. What's up?Hi, Dave. Hi, John. My question for you guys is, my mom asked me to help her plan for retirement, and in doing so, we met with a financial planner, and they advised her to sell some stocks that are actually in my dad's name in order to pay off her debt. I'm not sure how to advise her because A, she'd have to get my dad's approval on that, and B, she's never really stuck to a budget. I'm afraid even if she pays it off in a one-fell swoop, that she'll just rerack up the credit card debt rather than if she stuck to a budget and followed the baby steps and did a death no well.I'm confused what happened where your dad and mom don't live Oh, no, they do.Okay. My mom-They're not his stocks then.They're their stocks.Yeah.They just happen to be in his name.He considers it his.I'm sorry? Yeah.He considers it his retirement savings.Yeah. I considered his house he's living in, too. Oh, I agree. She's wanting to pay off. It's interesting how he chose to separate the two.Yeah.Yeah, That's bogus. What we should be doing, your mom and your dad, would be planning to retire together since they're freaking married. I agree. Okay. Instead of like, Oh, this is mine and that's yours. That's so stupid because youwell-funded moron. That's what you do if you leave kids that aren't... What you've done for your son or what you do for your son, raising him to be a man is 98% of this formula, 2% of the formula is what money you leave in. Because of your upbringing, and I grew up around a similar situation, not exactly like you, probably, but I know the mentality because it's the neighborhood I grew up in. In those situations, if we're not careful, we tend to place... Rich people place more value on things that last and less value on money because they know they can always get money.They have an abundance mentality. When, and add it to that next debt. That snowball, that snowball ain't no joke.Yeah, it works. Once it starts rolling, nothing stops it. I love it. Once you get that gazelle intensity, once that snowball starts running, you've got it.And pray. Pray together. Pray. It truly turns night to day.Yes, it does. It really does. Well, congratulations, you two. We're very, very proud of you. Very well done, heroes. You took control of your life. Now here you are making a quarter of a million dollars as a pilot, vet tech, and two great kids. What are your kids' names and ages? Bring them up. Haley and Isaac.Haley is eight and Isaac is 10.All right. Have they been practicing their dead free scream? Yep. A little bit. Ready to go. Here we go, baby. Game on. Etian, Jamie, Isaac, Haley, 236,000 paid off in four years and 7 months from 50 to 250 income. Count it down. Let's hear a debt-free scream. 3, 2, 1.We're debt-free!We're debt-free!That's how it's done, ladies and gentlemen. That's how it's done. This is the Ramsey Show. Our scripture of the day, Proverbs 19:21, Many plans are in a man's heart, but the counsel of the Lord will stand. Henry Ford said, Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it. What were you thinking? I wasn't. That's good. I like it. Hey, selling or buying a house in this crazy real estate market right now is a wild thing to do. You need a pro in your corner if you're going to buy or sell right now. Somebody who has actually done it before a lot. I'm telling you, you might be three, four years, and you can either restart this or take back over some of the management. But you got to offload all of it or most of it to be able to help manage your house right now. That's okay. There's nothing wrong with that. You're working two full-time jobs, and you've got chaos at home.And your wife has a full-time job. Yeah.Oh, by the way. Yeah. Wow. Three full-time jobs. Right. You're not a bad guy. You're just your timing sucks.Yes. It's a deceptive question. Yes, you can run a successful business and be a good family man. You can't do 50 things at once.That puts us out of the Ramsey Show on the books. We'll be back with you before you know it. In the meantime, Remember, there's ultimately only one way to financial peace, and that's to walk daily with the Prince of Peace, Christ Jesus. Hey, folks, Dave here. You want to hear even more life-changing content from Ramsey? Download the Ramsey Network app so you can catch all your favorite shows all in one place, like the Ramsey Show, Smart Money Happy Hour, and the Dr. John Deloney Show. You'll get real talk about life, relationships, money, and your career. Plus, the app lets you browse by topic like debt, business, or selling your home. Get the content you want whenever and wherever you want to listen. Download the Ramsey Network app today.


but comparison can also become the thief of joy because we can feel like we're not enough and begin acting and thinking in ways we would never think otherwise. When all gets to be too much, think about contacting Betterhelp. Betterhelp is 100% online therapy staffed with licensed therapists.


It's convenient, flexible, and suited to fit your schedule. By the way,going to use that to further them on our seven baby steps because we have now proven data after decades of doing this, that that is the fastest right way to become wealthy. All that to say, do you all have any debt? Yes, we owe 170 on our house.We have a $20,000 student loan, and then just a furniture loan of 2,200. Okay. All right. Well, we teach folks the baby step one is to have $1,000 set aside a little starter emergency fund. Then two is become debt-free everything but your house.Three is to build an emergency fund on top of that thousand that is three to six months of expenses. I'm going to use any asset you've got that are not retirement, including the stock, to do that first and foremost. I'm paying off your student loan and your furniture loan today when you sell that stock, and I'm going to use the rest of it to start building my emergency fund as fast as I possibly can.Now that I don't have those two payments, I should have a little more room in the budget to build that emergency fund quickly. I see. Here's how I know that also works. Do a little reverse engineering.Let's pretend you did not have a student loan, and someone came up and said, You can borrow $20,000 on a student loan and buy Apple stock with it. Would you do that? No. No. No, you would not do that. I would not let you do that. That would be silly. In essence, that's where you are. It isn't how you got here, but by not selling and Jade, apparently. We need a new- Well, Jade- We just took a new picture, but I guess they didn't have that with all of us in it.Dude, amazing. That's really great.That's pretty cool. I mean, those things are digital, so it was probably up there 8 or 10 seconds.Somebody caught it, now it's forever. When you're a little kid in East Tennessee, did you think one day- Someday I'll be on Timesquare. I'm going to be in Timesquare. Surrounded by a couple of goof balls in Jade, Warshall.There you go. And the 8,000 other digital billboards. But it's still it's wonderful. Thank you, Amazon Music. Seriously, all kidding aside.That's fantastic.What a thing. Very nice. All right. Mckenzie's with us in Dallas, Texas. Hi, McKenzie. What's up?Hi, Dave. Hi, John. My question for you guys is, my mom asked me to help her plan for retirement, and in doing so, we met with a financial planner, and they advised her to sell some stocks that are actually in my dad's name in order to pay off her debt. I'm not sure how to advise her because A, she'd have to get my dad's approval on that, and B, she's never really stuck to a budget. I'm afraid even if she pays it off in a one-fell swoop, that she'll just rerack up the credit card debt rather than if she stuck to a budget and followed the baby steps and did a death no well.I'm confused what happened where your dad and mom don't live Oh, no, they do.Okay. My mom-They're not his stocks then.They're their stocks.Yeah.They just happen to be in his name.He considers it his.I'm sorry? Yeah.He considers it his retirement savings.Yeah. I considered his house he's living in, too. Oh, I agree. She's wanting to pay off. It's interesting how he chose to separate the two.Yeah.Yeah, That's bogus. What we should be doing, your mom and your dad, would be planning to retire together since they're freaking married. I agree. Okay. Instead of like, Oh, this is mine and that's yours. That's so stupid because youwell-funded moron. That's what you do if you leave kids that aren't... What you've done for your son or what you do for your son, raising him to be a man is 98% of this formula, 2% of the formula is what money you leave in. Because of your upbringing, and I grew up around a similar situation, not exactly like you, probably, but I know the mentality because it's the neighborhood I grew up in. In those situations, if we're not careful, we tend to place... Rich people place more value on things that last and less value on money because they know they can always get money.They have an abundance mentality. When, and add it to that next debt. That snowball, that snowball ain't no joke.Yeah, it works. Once it starts rolling, nothing stops it. I love it. Once you get that gazelle intensity, once that snowball starts running, you've got it.And pray. Pray together. Pray. It truly turns night to day.Yes, it does. It really does. Well, congratulations, you two. We're very, very proud of you. Very well done, heroes. You took control of your life. Now here you are making a quarter of a million dollars as a pilot, vet tech, and two great kids. What are your kids' names and ages? Bring them up. Haley and Isaac.Haley is eight and Isaac is 10.All right. Have they been practicing their dead free scream? Yep. A little bit. Ready to go. Here we go, baby. Game on. Etian, Jamie, Isaac, Haley, 236,000 paid off in four years and 7 months from 50 to 250 income. Count it down. Let's hear a debt-free scream. 3, 2, 1.We're debt-free!We're debt-free!That's how it's done, ladies and gentlemen. That's how it's done. This is the Ramsey Show. Our scripture of the day, Proverbs 19:21, Many plans are in a man's heart, but the counsel of the Lord will stand. Henry Ford said, Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it. What were you thinking? I wasn't. That's good. I like it. Hey, selling or buying a house in this crazy real estate market right now is a wild thing to do. You need a pro in your corner if you're going to buy or sell right now. Somebody who has actually done it before a lot. I'm telling you, you might be three, four years, and you can either restart this or take back over some of the management. But you got to offload all of it or most of it to be able to help manage your house right now. That's okay. There's nothing wrong with that. You're working two full-time jobs, and you've got chaos at home.And your wife has a full-time job. Yeah.Oh, by the way. Yeah. Wow. Three full-time jobs. Right. You're not a bad guy. You're just your timing sucks.Yes. It's a deceptive question. Yes, you can run a successful business and be a good family man. You can't do 50 things at once.That puts us out of the Ramsey Show on the books. We'll be back with you before you know it. In the meantime, Remember, there's ultimately only one way to financial peace, and that's to walk daily with the Prince of Peace, Christ Jesus. Hey, folks, Dave here. You want to hear even more life-changing content from Ramsey? Download the Ramsey Network app so you can catch all your favorite shows all in one place, like the Ramsey Show, Smart Money Happy Hour, and the Dr. John Deloney Show. You'll get real talk about life, relationships, money, and your career. Plus, the app lets you browse by topic like debt, business, or selling your home. Get the content you want whenever and wherever you want to listen. Download the Ramsey Network app today.


going to use that to further them on our seven baby steps because we have now proven data after decades of doing this, that that is the fastest right way to become wealthy. All that to say, do you all have any debt? Yes, we owe 170 on our house.


We have a $20,000 student loan, and then just a furniture loan of 2,200. Okay. All right. Well, we teach folks the baby step one is to have $1,000 set aside a little starter emergency fund. Then two is become debt-free everything but your house.


Three is to build an emergency fund on top of that thousand that is three to six months of expenses. I'm going to use any asset you've got that are not retirement, including the stock, to do that first and foremost. I'm paying off your student loan and your furniture loan today when you sell that stock, and I'm going to use the rest of it to start building my emergency fund as fast as I possibly can.


Now that I don't have those two payments, I should have a little more room in the budget to build that emergency fund quickly. I see. Here's how I know that also works. Do a little reverse engineering.


Let's pretend you did not have a student loan, and someone came up and said, You can borrow $20,000 on a student loan and buy Apple stock with it. Would you do that? No. No. No, you would not do that. I would not let you do that. That would be silly. In essence, that's where you are. It isn't how you got here, but by not selling and Jade, apparently. We need a new- Well, Jade- We just took a new picture, but I guess they didn't have that with all of us in it.Dude, amazing. That's really great.That's pretty cool. I mean, those things are digital, so it was probably up there 8 or 10 seconds.Somebody caught it, now it's forever. When you're a little kid in East Tennessee, did you think one day- Someday I'll be on Timesquare. I'm going to be in Timesquare. Surrounded by a couple of goof balls in Jade, Warshall.There you go. And the 8,000 other digital billboards. But it's still it's wonderful. Thank you, Amazon Music. Seriously, all kidding aside.That's fantastic.What a thing. Very nice. All right. Mckenzie's with us in Dallas, Texas. Hi, McKenzie. What's up?Hi, Dave. Hi, John. My question for you guys is, my mom asked me to help her plan for retirement, and in doing so, we met with a financial planner, and they advised her to sell some stocks that are actually in my dad's name in order to pay off her debt. I'm not sure how to advise her because A, she'd have to get my dad's approval on that, and B, she's never really stuck to a budget. I'm afraid even if she pays it off in a one-fell swoop, that she'll just rerack up the credit card debt rather than if she stuck to a budget and followed the baby steps and did a death no well.I'm confused what happened where your dad and mom don't live Oh, no, they do.Okay. My mom-They're not his stocks then.They're their stocks.Yeah.They just happen to be in his name.He considers it his.I'm sorry? Yeah.He considers it his retirement savings.Yeah. I considered his house he's living in, too. Oh, I agree. She's wanting to pay off. It's interesting how he chose to separate the two.Yeah.Yeah, That's bogus. What we should be doing, your mom and your dad, would be planning to retire together since they're freaking married. I agree. Okay. Instead of like, Oh, this is mine and that's yours. That's so stupid because youwell-funded moron. That's what you do if you leave kids that aren't... What you've done for your son or what you do for your son, raising him to be a man is 98% of this formula, 2% of the formula is what money you leave in. Because of your upbringing, and I grew up around a similar situation, not exactly like you, probably, but I know the mentality because it's the neighborhood I grew up in. In those situations, if we're not careful, we tend to place... Rich people place more value on things that last and less value on money because they know they can always get money.They have an abundance mentality. When, and add it to that next debt. That snowball, that snowball ain't no joke.Yeah, it works. Once it starts rolling, nothing stops it. I love it. Once you get that gazelle intensity, once that snowball starts running, you've got it.And pray. Pray together. Pray. It truly turns night to day.Yes, it does. It really does. Well, congratulations, you two. We're very, very proud of you. Very well done, heroes. You took control of your life. Now here you are making a quarter of a million dollars as a pilot, vet tech, and two great kids. What are your kids' names and ages? Bring them up. Haley and Isaac.Haley is eight and Isaac is 10.All right. Have they been practicing their dead free scream? Yep. A little bit. Ready to go. Here we go, baby. Game on. Etian, Jamie, Isaac, Haley, 236,000 paid off in four years and 7 months from 50 to 250 income. Count it down. Let's hear a debt-free scream. 3, 2, 1.We're debt-free!We're debt-free!That's how it's done, ladies and gentlemen. That's how it's done. This is the Ramsey Show. Our scripture of the day, Proverbs 19:21, Many plans are in a man's heart, but the counsel of the Lord will stand. Henry Ford said, Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it. What were you thinking? I wasn't. That's good. I like it. Hey, selling or buying a house in this crazy real estate market right now is a wild thing to do. You need a pro in your corner if you're going to buy or sell right now. Somebody who has actually done it before a lot. I'm telling you, you might be three, four years, and you can either restart this or take back over some of the management. But you got to offload all of it or most of it to be able to help manage your house right now. That's okay. There's nothing wrong with that. You're working two full-time jobs, and you've got chaos at home.And your wife has a full-time job. Yeah.Oh, by the way. Yeah. Wow. Three full-time jobs. Right. You're not a bad guy. You're just your timing sucks.Yes. It's a deceptive question. Yes, you can run a successful business and be a good family man. You can't do 50 things at once.That puts us out of the Ramsey Show on the books. We'll be back with you before you know it. In the meantime, Remember, there's ultimately only one way to financial peace, and that's to walk daily with the Prince of Peace, Christ Jesus. Hey, folks, Dave here. You want to hear even more life-changing content from Ramsey? Download the Ramsey Network app so you can catch all your favorite shows all in one place, like the Ramsey Show, Smart Money Happy Hour, and the Dr. John Deloney Show. You'll get real talk about life, relationships, money, and your career. Plus, the app lets you browse by topic like debt, business, or selling your home. Get the content you want whenever and wherever you want to listen. Download the Ramsey Network app today.


and Jade, apparently. We need a new- Well, Jade- We just took a new picture, but I guess they didn't have that with all of us in it.


Dude, amazing. That's really great.


That's pretty cool. I mean, those things are digital, so it was probably up there 8 or 10 seconds.


Somebody caught it, now it's forever. When you're a little kid in East Tennessee, did you think one day- Someday I'll be on Timesquare. I'm going to be in Timesquare. Surrounded by a couple of goof balls in Jade, Warshall.


There you go. And the 8,000 other digital billboards. But it's still it's wonderful. Thank you, Amazon Music. Seriously, all kidding aside.


That's fantastic.


What a thing. Very nice. All right. Mckenzie's with us in Dallas, Texas. Hi, McKenzie. What's up?


Hi, Dave. Hi, John. My question for you guys is, my mom asked me to help her plan for retirement, and in doing so, we met with a financial planner, and they advised her to sell some stocks that are actually in my dad's name in order to pay off her debt. I'm not sure how to advise her because A, she'd have to get my dad's approval on that, and B, she's never really stuck to a budget. I'm afraid even if she pays it off in a one-fell swoop, that she'll just rerack up the credit card debt rather than if she stuck to a budget and followed the baby steps and did a death no well.


I'm confused what happened where your dad and mom don't live Oh, no, they do.


Okay. My mom-They're not his stocks then.


They're their stocks.




They just happen to be in his name.


He considers it his.


I'm sorry? Yeah.


He considers it his retirement savings.


Yeah. I considered his house he's living in, too. Oh, I agree. She's wanting to pay off. It's interesting how he chose to separate the two.




Yeah, That's bogus. What we should be doing, your mom and your dad, would be planning to retire together since they're freaking married. I agree. Okay. Instead of like, Oh, this is mine and that's yours. That's so stupid because youwell-funded moron. That's what you do if you leave kids that aren't... What you've done for your son or what you do for your son, raising him to be a man is 98% of this formula, 2% of the formula is what money you leave in. Because of your upbringing, and I grew up around a similar situation, not exactly like you, probably, but I know the mentality because it's the neighborhood I grew up in. In those situations, if we're not careful, we tend to place... Rich people place more value on things that last and less value on money because they know they can always get money.They have an abundance mentality. When, and add it to that next debt. That snowball, that snowball ain't no joke.Yeah, it works. Once it starts rolling, nothing stops it. I love it. Once you get that gazelle intensity, once that snowball starts running, you've got it.And pray. Pray together. Pray. It truly turns night to day.Yes, it does. It really does. Well, congratulations, you two. We're very, very proud of you. Very well done, heroes. You took control of your life. Now here you are making a quarter of a million dollars as a pilot, vet tech, and two great kids. What are your kids' names and ages? Bring them up. Haley and Isaac.Haley is eight and Isaac is 10.All right. Have they been practicing their dead free scream? Yep. A little bit. Ready to go. Here we go, baby. Game on. Etian, Jamie, Isaac, Haley, 236,000 paid off in four years and 7 months from 50 to 250 income. Count it down. Let's hear a debt-free scream. 3, 2, 1.We're debt-free!We're debt-free!That's how it's done, ladies and gentlemen. That's how it's done. This is the Ramsey Show. Our scripture of the day, Proverbs 19:21, Many plans are in a man's heart, but the counsel of the Lord will stand. Henry Ford said, Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it. What were you thinking? I wasn't. That's good. I like it. Hey, selling or buying a house in this crazy real estate market right now is a wild thing to do. You need a pro in your corner if you're going to buy or sell right now. Somebody who has actually done it before a lot. I'm telling you, you might be three, four years, and you can either restart this or take back over some of the management. But you got to offload all of it or most of it to be able to help manage your house right now. That's okay. There's nothing wrong with that. You're working two full-time jobs, and you've got chaos at home.And your wife has a full-time job. Yeah.Oh, by the way. Yeah. Wow. Three full-time jobs. Right. You're not a bad guy. You're just your timing sucks.Yes. It's a deceptive question. Yes, you can run a successful business and be a good family man. You can't do 50 things at once.That puts us out of the Ramsey Show on the books. We'll be back with you before you know it. In the meantime, Remember, there's ultimately only one way to financial peace, and that's to walk daily with the Prince of Peace, Christ Jesus. Hey, folks, Dave here. You want to hear even more life-changing content from Ramsey? Download the Ramsey Network app so you can catch all your favorite shows all in one place, like the Ramsey Show, Smart Money Happy Hour, and the Dr. John Deloney Show. You'll get real talk about life, relationships, money, and your career. Plus, the app lets you browse by topic like debt, business, or selling your home. Get the content you want whenever and wherever you want to listen. Download the Ramsey Network app today.


well-funded moron. That's what you do if you leave kids that aren't... What you've done for your son or what you do for your son, raising him to be a man is 98% of this formula, 2% of the formula is what money you leave in. Because of your upbringing, and I grew up around a similar situation, not exactly like you, probably, but I know the mentality because it's the neighborhood I grew up in. In those situations, if we're not careful, we tend to place... Rich people place more value on things that last and less value on money because they know they can always get money.


They have an abundance mentality. When, and add it to that next debt. That snowball, that snowball ain't no joke.Yeah, it works. Once it starts rolling, nothing stops it. I love it. Once you get that gazelle intensity, once that snowball starts running, you've got it.And pray. Pray together. Pray. It truly turns night to day.Yes, it does. It really does. Well, congratulations, you two. We're very, very proud of you. Very well done, heroes. You took control of your life. Now here you are making a quarter of a million dollars as a pilot, vet tech, and two great kids. What are your kids' names and ages? Bring them up. Haley and Isaac.Haley is eight and Isaac is 10.All right. Have they been practicing their dead free scream? Yep. A little bit. Ready to go. Here we go, baby. Game on. Etian, Jamie, Isaac, Haley, 236,000 paid off in four years and 7 months from 50 to 250 income. Count it down. Let's hear a debt-free scream. 3, 2, 1.We're debt-free!We're debt-free!That's how it's done, ladies and gentlemen. That's how it's done. This is the Ramsey Show. Our scripture of the day, Proverbs 19:21, Many plans are in a man's heart, but the counsel of the Lord will stand. Henry Ford said, Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it. What were you thinking? I wasn't. That's good. I like it. Hey, selling or buying a house in this crazy real estate market right now is a wild thing to do. You need a pro in your corner if you're going to buy or sell right now. Somebody who has actually done it before a lot. I'm telling you, you might be three, four years, and you can either restart this or take back over some of the management. But you got to offload all of it or most of it to be able to help manage your house right now. That's okay. There's nothing wrong with that. You're working two full-time jobs, and you've got chaos at home.And your wife has a full-time job. Yeah.Oh, by the way. Yeah. Wow. Three full-time jobs. Right. You're not a bad guy. You're just your timing sucks.Yes. It's a deceptive question. Yes, you can run a successful business and be a good family man. You can't do 50 things at once.That puts us out of the Ramsey Show on the books. We'll be back with you before you know it. In the meantime, Remember, there's ultimately only one way to financial peace, and that's to walk daily with the Prince of Peace, Christ Jesus. Hey, folks, Dave here. You want to hear even more life-changing content from Ramsey? Download the Ramsey Network app so you can catch all your favorite shows all in one place, like the Ramsey Show, Smart Money Happy Hour, and the Dr. John Deloney Show. You'll get real talk about life, relationships, money, and your career. Plus, the app lets you browse by topic like debt, business, or selling your home. Get the content you want whenever and wherever you want to listen. Download the Ramsey Network app today.


, and add it to that next debt. That snowball, that snowball ain't no joke.


Yeah, it works. Once it starts rolling, nothing stops it. I love it. Once you get that gazelle intensity, once that snowball starts running, you've got it.


And pray. Pray together. Pray. It truly turns night to day.


Yes, it does. It really does. Well, congratulations, you two. We're very, very proud of you. Very well done, heroes. You took control of your life. Now here you are making a quarter of a million dollars as a pilot, vet tech, and two great kids. What are your kids' names and ages? Bring them up. Haley and Isaac.


Haley is eight and Isaac is 10.


All right. Have they been practicing their dead free scream? Yep. A little bit. Ready to go. Here we go, baby. Game on. Etian, Jamie, Isaac, Haley, 236,000 paid off in four years and 7 months from 50 to 250 income. Count it down. Let's hear a debt-free scream. 3, 2, 1.


We're debt-free!


We're debt-free!


That's how it's done, ladies and gentlemen. That's how it's done. This is the Ramsey Show. Our scripture of the day, Proverbs 19:21, Many plans are in a man's heart, but the counsel of the Lord will stand. Henry Ford said, Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it. What were you thinking? I wasn't. That's good. I like it. Hey, selling or buying a house in this crazy real estate market right now is a wild thing to do. You need a pro in your corner if you're going to buy or sell right now. Somebody who has actually done it before a lot. I'm telling you, you might be three, four years, and you can either restart this or take back over some of the management. But you got to offload all of it or most of it to be able to help manage your house right now. That's okay. There's nothing wrong with that. You're working two full-time jobs, and you've got chaos at home.And your wife has a full-time job. Yeah.Oh, by the way. Yeah. Wow. Three full-time jobs. Right. You're not a bad guy. You're just your timing sucks.Yes. It's a deceptive question. Yes, you can run a successful business and be a good family man. You can't do 50 things at once.That puts us out of the Ramsey Show on the books. We'll be back with you before you know it. In the meantime, Remember, there's ultimately only one way to financial peace, and that's to walk daily with the Prince of Peace, Christ Jesus. Hey, folks, Dave here. You want to hear even more life-changing content from Ramsey? Download the Ramsey Network app so you can catch all your favorite shows all in one place, like the Ramsey Show, Smart Money Happy Hour, and the Dr. John Deloney Show. You'll get real talk about life, relationships, money, and your career. Plus, the app lets you browse by topic like debt, business, or selling your home. Get the content you want whenever and wherever you want to listen. Download the Ramsey Network app today.


I'm telling you, you might be three, four years, and you can either restart this or take back over some of the management. But you got to offload all of it or most of it to be able to help manage your house right now. That's okay. There's nothing wrong with that. You're working two full-time jobs, and you've got chaos at home.


And your wife has a full-time job. Yeah.


Oh, by the way. Yeah. Wow. Three full-time jobs. Right. You're not a bad guy. You're just your timing sucks.


Yes. It's a deceptive question. Yes, you can run a successful business and be a good family man. You can't do 50 things at once.


That puts us out of the Ramsey Show on the books. We'll be back with you before you know it. In the meantime, Remember, there's ultimately only one way to financial peace, and that's to walk daily with the Prince of Peace, Christ Jesus. Hey, folks, Dave here. You want to hear even more life-changing content from Ramsey? Download the Ramsey Network app so you can catch all your favorite shows all in one place, like the Ramsey Show, Smart Money Happy Hour, and the Dr. John Deloney Show. You'll get real talk about life, relationships, money, and your career. Plus, the app lets you browse by topic like debt, business, or selling your home. Get the content you want whenever and wherever you want to listen. Download the Ramsey Network app today.