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Welcome back to the school of Greatness. My name is Lewis Howes and if you are looking to rewire your brain for success and abundance, this is for you. In this conversation, we are learning how to shift your mind to attract more abundance into your life. Today we have three powerful guest segments from some of the most favorite guests of the school of greatness of all time, and our first expert is a New York Times bestselling author, researcher and international lecturer. Our second guest has one of the biggest growing podcasts of the year and is taking taking over social media with life changing tips and resources. And our third guest sold over 35 million copies of their book worldwide. And this was the first in person interview since they were on Oprah in 2007. And again, we're going to break down what these three experts have to say and how you can start harnessing the powera person who's truly persevering towards their abundance realizes just because they have that thought doesn't mean it's true. They're curious on what's on the other side of that thought. Ah, well, that's just the thought, right? And nerve cells that no longer fire together, no longer wire together. So you keep moving past that thought. It has less and less power over you. Right? Now you have power over it. Or better yet, you're using your brain in the proper way instead of being a victim to your brain, right? If you complain about money, if you judge people who have it, if you rush when you're in lack, if you cheat when you don't have what you need, an abundant person doesn't do that. You got to look at that and say, I got to break these habits. Oh my God. If I truly want to bethe billions abundant. And, you know, so many of them say we are in misery because they're not whole. We're in agony because they can't enjoy life anymore. That's what they want. I mean, people want abundance to be able to enjoy life. They want to be able to do whatever they want with whoever they want as many times as they want, wherever they want. That's freedom, right? People want abundance. The sponsoring thought is really, they want freedom, right? Or whatever their sponsoring thought would be, right. So then creating from the field instead of from matter, to shorten the distance between cause and effect requires that clear intention with that elevated emotion, coherent brain and coherent heart. Tune into that energy and feel it with your brain and your heart. I mean, we have plenty of ways to do that.Examine your personality and examine your personal reality. Change your personality. Change your personal reality. Don't make it be about abundance. Becoming abundant by overcoming the person who's not abundant, the person who heals themselves from a health condition, who's no longer thinking the same way, no longer acting the same way, no longer feeling the same way. You ask them where that disease is when they stand on the stage in front of 1500 people or 3000 people, and that's a four minute mile, everybody's leaning in. That's truth. Right on the stage. They say, where is that? Where is the disease? Oh, it lives in the old person. I'm somebody else. That's like, that's. I don't even, that's not even a story. That's not even who I am any longer. So, lo and behold, when we do our research and people do this in seven days of going all in, at the end of seven days, their body looks like, genetically, with all the metabolites, that they're literally in a different environment. And here's the weird part, they're in a ballroom, right? There's not a lot happening in a ballroom. What's happening in a ballroom? I've been to thousands of ballrooms, but the environment somehow looks like they're living in a very prosperous, very healthy, very loving, nurturing, very whole environment.Why? Because they were signaling genes ahead of the environment. And if the environment signals the gene, okay, that's epigenetics. The end product of the experience in the environment is an emotion. If you feel the emotion before the experience, you're signaling the gene ahead of the environment. And genes make proteins, and proteins are responsible for the structure and the function of your body.Look at Jack, by the way. I like that. Look at the muscle over here.The expression of proteins is the expression of life. So you actually become abundant. You actually become that person. And people who are truly abundant have no problem with losing things.I'd love to hear your thoughts on the biggest takeaway for you in this moment with Doctor Joe Dispenza. But for me, the big takeaway is first, being aware of the patterns and feelings of living in survival mode and lack so that you can then start to shift them. Because so many people, based on how we think, what we say, our body language, our energy, how we react and respond to situations in life, we are projecting lack, we are projecting survival. Not enough, needing more. And that projection creates more of that in reality. And when we can become aware of our words, our language, our energy, our body language, the conversations we're having, the environments we put ourselves in, that might attract more lack. And this feeling of survival mode, when we can be aware of it first, then we can start to shift and we can get the information on how to shift again. Doctor Joe has shared a lot of these strategies in long interviews that we've done. We'll have it linked below where you can learn more on how to shift this as well. But let me know in the comments below your biggest takeaway from that segment with Doctor Joe Dispenza.In this second moment, we're building on these transformational ideas from Doctor Joe to turn our attention to practical steps we can all take in our daily lives. Mel Robbins is taking over the world with her show and her social media content. She takes us through her key strategies for attracting the life we desire, focusing on visualization, resilience. And she talks about the importance of visualizing the process and challenges, not just the end result. And I really like this approach to really make sure that we enhance motivation and resilience. So let's go ahead and dive into this moment. What'sm not ready for. I didn't train for this. I'm running New York. I trained in LA. Are you running in New York?LA.Okay, good. Well, then at least you trained in the right weather. So on and on and on. And you are going to tank yourself. What you do by visualizing the bridge is you train your nervous system and your mind to do the hard work. So you should visualize not crossing the finish line. But what is it like to be at mile twelve when your batteries run out on your earbuds? No, I'm serious. And you keep going. What's it like when your shoelace breaks and now your heel is lifting and you're starting to get a blood blister at mile 17? What's it feel like when you wake up and it is pouring rain and you visualize yourself running anyway? That way, when you visualize the work, you are preparing your body for it so you're not resistant to it when it comes. Isn't that cool?I think it's great. It's a story that I had. George St. Pierre, who's one of the greatest UFC fighters of all time, he said that he always puts himself in the most uncomfortable situations and practice leading up to the fight the most, you know, the hardest situations to get himself out of, when his arms are behind his back and he's facing against the mat in between the fence and he's just getting punched in the face. He's like, how do I get out of this?Right, right.He's like, visualize that and seeing, how can I get through this?Yeah, yeah. Exactly.When it seems like I just want to tap out.Yes.Instead of tapping out, what's the process for figuring out how to get through it to then raise my hand at the end? Victorious.Totally. And so you are literally building up almost like this resilience and this muscle inside of you to do the work to get the thing. So, yeah, create the vision board. But make sure in addition to crossing the finish line, you have somebody running in the rain. You have somebody who, you have an alarm clock that says 513. You have these images that show the stuff that you don't want to do. So, like, for people who want to launch a business, for example, like a lot of people that I'm sure follow, both of us are dying to launch a business or interested in being an influencer, social media, or making money online. And what you visualize are the checks, or you visualize the money you're going to make, or you visualize how cool it's going to be when you're a lifestyle entrepreneur, whatever the hell it is. Don't do that. Visualize working a day job and telling your friends that you're not going to go out tonight because you're working on something. Visualize making cold calls and being told no. Visualize not going to that party because you're staying in on a Saturday and not going to the barbecue because you're putting in the work.Visualize sitting at a seminar and learning from other people. Visualize watching YouTube videos. Visualize your first ever course failing. Miserable. Like, literally. That's the sort of thing that you want to visualize yourself doing and pushing through, because that's going to help you do the work.Yeah.Isn't that cool?I think that's great.Yeah.Visualizing. So in order to manifest what you want, don't just visualize the good things happening. Visualize the bridge. All the things that's going to take.Yes. And the hard parts of the bridge, because then you're ready for it. Then you'regoing to explain to you how to use it to get what you want in life. This is like the super attractor manifesting, and it also works for interrupting negative self talk like it's going to supercharge all the work you're doing with the mirror and interrupting thoughts. So first, let's talk about the Ariadne. So the r. E. S, imagine a hairnet on your brain, only it's like electric, meaning it's alive. Okay? Now, the R. E. S. Has one job, and the job is block out 99% of what's going on and let in 1% of what's going on. Our brains at this moment in history are having to process about 34 days worth of cell phone data in one day.Crazy.It's crazy. And so your res is a monster job. It's like a bouncer at a bar. You're not coming in. You can come in. And you've experienced this. So have you ever shopped for a car?Yes.Okay, so what's the last car you bought?Tesla.Oh, Tesla. Oh, fancy Lewis house. I like that.Well, I never had a nice car until three years ago. I had a $4,000 car for five years before that.Yeah, yeah.And then I was like, you know what? I have no bluetooth. I have no. It's like, I just needed an upgrade.I love it.It was a 1991.Dude, you deserve it at a 1991 Cadillac.And I was like, okay, you deserve it. You never buy a car. So I bought a Tesla.Yeah, right. And so before you thought about buying a Tesla, you drive down the road, you don't really think about it. The second you're like, you know, I think I'm interested in a Tesla. What do you see everywhere?Tesla's.Yes, everywhere.Everywhere.My husband just bought a pickup truck. I never even noticed him. Now I'm like, there are baby blue pickup trucks everywhere. What is going on? That's the bouncer in your brain. And let me tell you how this works. There are only four things that automatically get through the bouncer in your brain. The ras. Number one, your name. So you've experienced being in a crowded place, and somebody's like, you think you hear Louis? You're like, ah, somebody call my name? That was a bouncer in your brain. The second thing that always gets let in is any threat to your safety. So there are loud noises allyou have it, right? You know you have it now and it will come.Really?Yeah, it will come. And nothing in this world can stop it.What are some examples in your life where you've, you've thought or spoken about something you desired or wanted and it has come effortlessly or maybe an example of people that have written about their success stories. Is there anything you can think of?Right.Where maybe for a long time they'd struggled in manifesting or attracting what they wanted, but they started to apply this and really believed it. And that thing came to them.Right. Well, when I did a book signing and I had, I got to talk to all of these different people, and every single person at that book signing told me about how their life had completely changed. And what was amazing was so somebody would say that they wanted to have, they were working, I don't know, cleaning a bank or something and they wanted to have their own sound studio. And that is what they decided to manifest. And they visualized and visualized and they felt it and they wouldn't allow any thoughts of doubt to enter their mind. And they are now running one of the top sound studios in LA.Wow.But not just that. They met their perfect partner. They bought their dream house. They have, you know, two children or they travel.Every.Every single thing that they wanted, they received. And that was what was so amazing about all of these people. When I was signing books, it wasn't just one thing in their life, but these people were amazing. They did gratitude all of the time, or they did affirmations all of the time, and they had a complete change within themselves, you know, to be kind to other people. And so they would think positively, they were aware when negative thoughts came and they would stop them in their tracks. And so for me, I think the biggest manifestation for me was the secret.Yeah.Because I was a mother of two children in Melbourne, Australia. I had this night where Henny Penny, the sky fell in. Everything in my life completely collapsed, right? And I had a huge awakening that night, pardon me, and realized how. I realized all of this and how incredible we are and what we can do and what mastery we have over the world. And there. And then I looked out at the world and I'm like, no one knows this. No one knows this. And so I was determined that I would find a way to take this to the world. I had no idea what shape or form it would take, but that night I determined that that is what I would do. And so eventually, a whole team were gathered. I had a production company at that point, and everybody might think, oh, if you had a production company, it's so easy for you to make a documentary.Aha.But let me tell you, ah, there's a snag. I was $2 million in debt.Really?That production company was $2 million in debt. And my accountant told me, you're going to be broke in 30 days and lose everything. Lose everything. And to this day, I don't know how it didn't happen. I do know, because I didn't allow that thought. I only allowed the thought of taking this to the world and nothing else mattered. Wow.I'm a big fan of Rhonda. We've had her on a couple of times. I hope we have her on many more times, because every time we get to connect, she just shares, you know, valuable insights on the secret, the law of attraction, abundance, but also just. She's got a lot of life wisdom, so I'm so grateful for her, for sharing. I love your thoughts below. For me, it comes down to language and the words you're using. You know, I've heard so many times that when you say, I am whatever you say afterwards, you start to manifest and create in your life. So if you say, I'm an idiot, I'm no good, I'm dumb. I am whatever in a negative way. It's hard for your body to believe that you're smart, that you're confident, that you are good enough, that you're lovable and so just being aware of the words we're using. And if you want to create abundance, but you're using words in lack, in negativity, in scarcity, you're not creating that bridge to get to the place you want to be of abundance. It doesn't mean you have to be overly confident and be lying to yourself and say I'm super smart.When you don't feel smart, it's learning how to use language that builds the belief over time. And when you can do that, I believe you start to be in alignment with your words and the abundance that you want to come your way. But we have to be aware and catch ourselves with these different words, with the language you're using and how we communicate so that our body will start to believe in an empowering way for us as opposed to a disempowering way. Let me know your thoughts, your biggest takeaway from that segment. And again, all these experts have different strategies and techniques to talk about transforming your mindset and attracting more. We are capable of attracting anything we want in our life. We just need to get out of our own way. And if you found this breakdown useful, if you want to learn more about these topics again, make sure to check the links in the description below for the full conversations and episodes and think about these concepts and questions as you are listening as well. Let me know your big thoughts. I hope you enjoyed this episode in this format of content around rewiring your mind, attracting more.And again, I want to remind you that you are loved, you're worthy, you're a matter. Share a comment below on what you're dealing with, what you're struggling with. Your biggest takeaway we'd love to connect with you and I'll see you guys next time. I hope you enjoyed today's episode and it inspired you on your journey towards greatness. Make sure to check out the show notes in the description for a full rundown of today's episode with all the important links. And I want to remind you, if no one has told you lately that you are loved, you are worthy and you matter, and now it's time to go out there and do something great.


a person who's truly persevering towards their abundance realizes just because they have that thought doesn't mean it's true. They're curious on what's on the other side of that thought. Ah, well, that's just the thought, right? And nerve cells that no longer fire together, no longer wire together. So you keep moving past that thought. It has less and less power over you. Right? Now you have power over it. Or better yet, you're using your brain in the proper way instead of being a victim to your brain, right? If you complain about money, if you judge people who have it, if you rush when you're in lack, if you cheat when you don't have what you need, an abundant person doesn't do that. You got to look at that and say, I got to break these habits. Oh my God. If I truly want to bethe billions abundant. And, you know, so many of them say we are in misery because they're not whole. We're in agony because they can't enjoy life anymore. That's what they want. I mean, people want abundance to be able to enjoy life. They want to be able to do whatever they want with whoever they want as many times as they want, wherever they want. That's freedom, right? People want abundance. The sponsoring thought is really, they want freedom, right? Or whatever their sponsoring thought would be, right. So then creating from the field instead of from matter, to shorten the distance between cause and effect requires that clear intention with that elevated emotion, coherent brain and coherent heart. Tune into that energy and feel it with your brain and your heart. I mean, we have plenty of ways to do that.Examine your personality and examine your personal reality. Change your personality. Change your personal reality. Don't make it be about abundance. Becoming abundant by overcoming the person who's not abundant, the person who heals themselves from a health condition, who's no longer thinking the same way, no longer acting the same way, no longer feeling the same way. You ask them where that disease is when they stand on the stage in front of 1500 people or 3000 people, and that's a four minute mile, everybody's leaning in. That's truth. Right on the stage. They say, where is that? Where is the disease? Oh, it lives in the old person. I'm somebody else. That's like, that's. I don't even, that's not even a story. That's not even who I am any longer. So, lo and behold, when we do our research and people do this in seven days of going all in, at the end of seven days, their body looks like, genetically, with all the metabolites, that they're literally in a different environment. And here's the weird part, they're in a ballroom, right? There's not a lot happening in a ballroom. What's happening in a ballroom? I've been to thousands of ballrooms, but the environment somehow looks like they're living in a very prosperous, very healthy, very loving, nurturing, very whole environment.Why? Because they were signaling genes ahead of the environment. And if the environment signals the gene, okay, that's epigenetics. The end product of the experience in the environment is an emotion. If you feel the emotion before the experience, you're signaling the gene ahead of the environment. And genes make proteins, and proteins are responsible for the structure and the function of your body.Look at Jack, by the way. I like that. Look at the muscle over here.The expression of proteins is the expression of life. So you actually become abundant. You actually become that person. And people who are truly abundant have no problem with losing things.I'd love to hear your thoughts on the biggest takeaway for you in this moment with Doctor Joe Dispenza. But for me, the big takeaway is first, being aware of the patterns and feelings of living in survival mode and lack so that you can then start to shift them. Because so many people, based on how we think, what we say, our body language, our energy, how we react and respond to situations in life, we are projecting lack, we are projecting survival. Not enough, needing more. And that projection creates more of that in reality. And when we can become aware of our words, our language, our energy, our body language, the conversations we're having, the environments we put ourselves in, that might attract more lack. And this feeling of survival mode, when we can be aware of it first, then we can start to shift and we can get the information on how to shift again. Doctor Joe has shared a lot of these strategies in long interviews that we've done. We'll have it linked below where you can learn more on how to shift this as well. But let me know in the comments below your biggest takeaway from that segment with Doctor Joe Dispenza.In this second moment, we're building on these transformational ideas from Doctor Joe to turn our attention to practical steps we can all take in our daily lives. Mel Robbins is taking over the world with her show and her social media content. She takes us through her key strategies for attracting the life we desire, focusing on visualization, resilience. And she talks about the importance of visualizing the process and challenges, not just the end result. And I really like this approach to really make sure that we enhance motivation and resilience. So let's go ahead and dive into this moment. What'sm not ready for. I didn't train for this. I'm running New York. I trained in LA. Are you running in New York?LA.Okay, good. Well, then at least you trained in the right weather. So on and on and on. And you are going to tank yourself. What you do by visualizing the bridge is you train your nervous system and your mind to do the hard work. So you should visualize not crossing the finish line. But what is it like to be at mile twelve when your batteries run out on your earbuds? No, I'm serious. And you keep going. What's it like when your shoelace breaks and now your heel is lifting and you're starting to get a blood blister at mile 17? What's it feel like when you wake up and it is pouring rain and you visualize yourself running anyway? That way, when you visualize the work, you are preparing your body for it so you're not resistant to it when it comes. Isn't that cool?I think it's great. It's a story that I had. George St. Pierre, who's one of the greatest UFC fighters of all time, he said that he always puts himself in the most uncomfortable situations and practice leading up to the fight the most, you know, the hardest situations to get himself out of, when his arms are behind his back and he's facing against the mat in between the fence and he's just getting punched in the face. He's like, how do I get out of this?Right, right.He's like, visualize that and seeing, how can I get through this?Yeah, yeah. Exactly.When it seems like I just want to tap out.Yes.Instead of tapping out, what's the process for figuring out how to get through it to then raise my hand at the end? Victorious.Totally. And so you are literally building up almost like this resilience and this muscle inside of you to do the work to get the thing. So, yeah, create the vision board. But make sure in addition to crossing the finish line, you have somebody running in the rain. You have somebody who, you have an alarm clock that says 513. You have these images that show the stuff that you don't want to do. So, like, for people who want to launch a business, for example, like a lot of people that I'm sure follow, both of us are dying to launch a business or interested in being an influencer, social media, or making money online. And what you visualize are the checks, or you visualize the money you're going to make, or you visualize how cool it's going to be when you're a lifestyle entrepreneur, whatever the hell it is. Don't do that. Visualize working a day job and telling your friends that you're not going to go out tonight because you're working on something. Visualize making cold calls and being told no. Visualize not going to that party because you're staying in on a Saturday and not going to the barbecue because you're putting in the work.Visualize sitting at a seminar and learning from other people. Visualize watching YouTube videos. Visualize your first ever course failing. Miserable. Like, literally. That's the sort of thing that you want to visualize yourself doing and pushing through, because that's going to help you do the work.Yeah.Isn't that cool?I think that's great.Yeah.Visualizing. So in order to manifest what you want, don't just visualize the good things happening. Visualize the bridge. All the things that's going to take.Yes. And the hard parts of the bridge, because then you're ready for it. Then you'regoing to explain to you how to use it to get what you want in life. This is like the super attractor manifesting, and it also works for interrupting negative self talk like it's going to supercharge all the work you're doing with the mirror and interrupting thoughts. So first, let's talk about the Ariadne. So the r. E. S, imagine a hairnet on your brain, only it's like electric, meaning it's alive. Okay? Now, the R. E. S. Has one job, and the job is block out 99% of what's going on and let in 1% of what's going on. Our brains at this moment in history are having to process about 34 days worth of cell phone data in one day.Crazy.It's crazy. And so your res is a monster job. It's like a bouncer at a bar. You're not coming in. You can come in. And you've experienced this. So have you ever shopped for a car?Yes.Okay, so what's the last car you bought?Tesla.Oh, Tesla. Oh, fancy Lewis house. I like that.Well, I never had a nice car until three years ago. I had a $4,000 car for five years before that.Yeah, yeah.And then I was like, you know what? I have no bluetooth. I have no. It's like, I just needed an upgrade.I love it.It was a 1991.Dude, you deserve it at a 1991 Cadillac.And I was like, okay, you deserve it. You never buy a car. So I bought a Tesla.Yeah, right. And so before you thought about buying a Tesla, you drive down the road, you don't really think about it. The second you're like, you know, I think I'm interested in a Tesla. What do you see everywhere?Tesla's.Yes, everywhere.Everywhere.My husband just bought a pickup truck. I never even noticed him. Now I'm like, there are baby blue pickup trucks everywhere. What is going on? That's the bouncer in your brain. And let me tell you how this works. There are only four things that automatically get through the bouncer in your brain. The ras. Number one, your name. So you've experienced being in a crowded place, and somebody's like, you think you hear Louis? You're like, ah, somebody call my name? That was a bouncer in your brain. The second thing that always gets let in is any threat to your safety. So there are loud noises allyou have it, right? You know you have it now and it will come.Really?Yeah, it will come. And nothing in this world can stop it.What are some examples in your life where you've, you've thought or spoken about something you desired or wanted and it has come effortlessly or maybe an example of people that have written about their success stories. Is there anything you can think of?Right.Where maybe for a long time they'd struggled in manifesting or attracting what they wanted, but they started to apply this and really believed it. And that thing came to them.Right. Well, when I did a book signing and I had, I got to talk to all of these different people, and every single person at that book signing told me about how their life had completely changed. And what was amazing was so somebody would say that they wanted to have, they were working, I don't know, cleaning a bank or something and they wanted to have their own sound studio. And that is what they decided to manifest. And they visualized and visualized and they felt it and they wouldn't allow any thoughts of doubt to enter their mind. And they are now running one of the top sound studios in LA.Wow.But not just that. They met their perfect partner. They bought their dream house. They have, you know, two children or they travel.Every.Every single thing that they wanted, they received. And that was what was so amazing about all of these people. When I was signing books, it wasn't just one thing in their life, but these people were amazing. They did gratitude all of the time, or they did affirmations all of the time, and they had a complete change within themselves, you know, to be kind to other people. And so they would think positively, they were aware when negative thoughts came and they would stop them in their tracks. And so for me, I think the biggest manifestation for me was the secret.Yeah.Because I was a mother of two children in Melbourne, Australia. I had this night where Henny Penny, the sky fell in. Everything in my life completely collapsed, right? And I had a huge awakening that night, pardon me, and realized how. I realized all of this and how incredible we are and what we can do and what mastery we have over the world. And there. And then I looked out at the world and I'm like, no one knows this. No one knows this. And so I was determined that I would find a way to take this to the world. I had no idea what shape or form it would take, but that night I determined that that is what I would do. And so eventually, a whole team were gathered. I had a production company at that point, and everybody might think, oh, if you had a production company, it's so easy for you to make a documentary.Aha.But let me tell you, ah, there's a snag. I was $2 million in debt.Really?That production company was $2 million in debt. And my accountant told me, you're going to be broke in 30 days and lose everything. Lose everything. And to this day, I don't know how it didn't happen. I do know, because I didn't allow that thought. I only allowed the thought of taking this to the world and nothing else mattered. Wow.I'm a big fan of Rhonda. We've had her on a couple of times. I hope we have her on many more times, because every time we get to connect, she just shares, you know, valuable insights on the secret, the law of attraction, abundance, but also just. She's got a lot of life wisdom, so I'm so grateful for her, for sharing. I love your thoughts below. For me, it comes down to language and the words you're using. You know, I've heard so many times that when you say, I am whatever you say afterwards, you start to manifest and create in your life. So if you say, I'm an idiot, I'm no good, I'm dumb. I am whatever in a negative way. It's hard for your body to believe that you're smart, that you're confident, that you are good enough, that you're lovable and so just being aware of the words we're using. And if you want to create abundance, but you're using words in lack, in negativity, in scarcity, you're not creating that bridge to get to the place you want to be of abundance. It doesn't mean you have to be overly confident and be lying to yourself and say I'm super smart.When you don't feel smart, it's learning how to use language that builds the belief over time. And when you can do that, I believe you start to be in alignment with your words and the abundance that you want to come your way. But we have to be aware and catch ourselves with these different words, with the language you're using and how we communicate so that our body will start to believe in an empowering way for us as opposed to a disempowering way. Let me know your thoughts, your biggest takeaway from that segment. And again, all these experts have different strategies and techniques to talk about transforming your mindset and attracting more. We are capable of attracting anything we want in our life. We just need to get out of our own way. And if you found this breakdown useful, if you want to learn more about these topics again, make sure to check the links in the description below for the full conversations and episodes and think about these concepts and questions as you are listening as well. Let me know your big thoughts. I hope you enjoyed this episode in this format of content around rewiring your mind, attracting more.And again, I want to remind you that you are loved, you're worthy, you're a matter. Share a comment below on what you're dealing with, what you're struggling with. Your biggest takeaway we'd love to connect with you and I'll see you guys next time. I hope you enjoyed today's episode and it inspired you on your journey towards greatness. Make sure to check out the show notes in the description for a full rundown of today's episode with all the important links. And I want to remind you, if no one has told you lately that you are loved, you are worthy and you matter, and now it's time to go out there and do something great.


the billions abundant. And, you know, so many of them say we are in misery because they're not whole. We're in agony because they can't enjoy life anymore. That's what they want. I mean, people want abundance to be able to enjoy life. They want to be able to do whatever they want with whoever they want as many times as they want, wherever they want. That's freedom, right? People want abundance. The sponsoring thought is really, they want freedom, right? Or whatever their sponsoring thought would be, right. So then creating from the field instead of from matter, to shorten the distance between cause and effect requires that clear intention with that elevated emotion, coherent brain and coherent heart. Tune into that energy and feel it with your brain and your heart. I mean, we have plenty of ways to do that.


Examine your personality and examine your personal reality. Change your personality. Change your personal reality. Don't make it be about abundance. Becoming abundant by overcoming the person who's not abundant, the person who heals themselves from a health condition, who's no longer thinking the same way, no longer acting the same way, no longer feeling the same way. You ask them where that disease is when they stand on the stage in front of 1500 people or 3000 people, and that's a four minute mile, everybody's leaning in. That's truth. Right on the stage. They say, where is that? Where is the disease? Oh, it lives in the old person. I'm somebody else. That's like, that's. I don't even, that's not even a story. That's not even who I am any longer. So, lo and behold, when we do our research and people do this in seven days of going all in, at the end of seven days, their body looks like, genetically, with all the metabolites, that they're literally in a different environment. And here's the weird part, they're in a ballroom, right? There's not a lot happening in a ballroom. What's happening in a ballroom? I've been to thousands of ballrooms, but the environment somehow looks like they're living in a very prosperous, very healthy, very loving, nurturing, very whole environment.


Why? Because they were signaling genes ahead of the environment. And if the environment signals the gene, okay, that's epigenetics. The end product of the experience in the environment is an emotion. If you feel the emotion before the experience, you're signaling the gene ahead of the environment. And genes make proteins, and proteins are responsible for the structure and the function of your body.


Look at Jack, by the way. I like that. Look at the muscle over here.


The expression of proteins is the expression of life. So you actually become abundant. You actually become that person. And people who are truly abundant have no problem with losing things.


I'd love to hear your thoughts on the biggest takeaway for you in this moment with Doctor Joe Dispenza. But for me, the big takeaway is first, being aware of the patterns and feelings of living in survival mode and lack so that you can then start to shift them. Because so many people, based on how we think, what we say, our body language, our energy, how we react and respond to situations in life, we are projecting lack, we are projecting survival. Not enough, needing more. And that projection creates more of that in reality. And when we can become aware of our words, our language, our energy, our body language, the conversations we're having, the environments we put ourselves in, that might attract more lack. And this feeling of survival mode, when we can be aware of it first, then we can start to shift and we can get the information on how to shift again. Doctor Joe has shared a lot of these strategies in long interviews that we've done. We'll have it linked below where you can learn more on how to shift this as well. But let me know in the comments below your biggest takeaway from that segment with Doctor Joe Dispenza.


In this second moment, we're building on these transformational ideas from Doctor Joe to turn our attention to practical steps we can all take in our daily lives. Mel Robbins is taking over the world with her show and her social media content. She takes us through her key strategies for attracting the life we desire, focusing on visualization, resilience. And she talks about the importance of visualizing the process and challenges, not just the end result. And I really like this approach to really make sure that we enhance motivation and resilience. So let's go ahead and dive into this moment. What'sm not ready for. I didn't train for this. I'm running New York. I trained in LA. Are you running in New York?LA.Okay, good. Well, then at least you trained in the right weather. So on and on and on. And you are going to tank yourself. What you do by visualizing the bridge is you train your nervous system and your mind to do the hard work. So you should visualize not crossing the finish line. But what is it like to be at mile twelve when your batteries run out on your earbuds? No, I'm serious. And you keep going. What's it like when your shoelace breaks and now your heel is lifting and you're starting to get a blood blister at mile 17? What's it feel like when you wake up and it is pouring rain and you visualize yourself running anyway? That way, when you visualize the work, you are preparing your body for it so you're not resistant to it when it comes. Isn't that cool?I think it's great. It's a story that I had. George St. Pierre, who's one of the greatest UFC fighters of all time, he said that he always puts himself in the most uncomfortable situations and practice leading up to the fight the most, you know, the hardest situations to get himself out of, when his arms are behind his back and he's facing against the mat in between the fence and he's just getting punched in the face. He's like, how do I get out of this?Right, right.He's like, visualize that and seeing, how can I get through this?Yeah, yeah. Exactly.When it seems like I just want to tap out.Yes.Instead of tapping out, what's the process for figuring out how to get through it to then raise my hand at the end? Victorious.Totally. And so you are literally building up almost like this resilience and this muscle inside of you to do the work to get the thing. So, yeah, create the vision board. But make sure in addition to crossing the finish line, you have somebody running in the rain. You have somebody who, you have an alarm clock that says 513. You have these images that show the stuff that you don't want to do. So, like, for people who want to launch a business, for example, like a lot of people that I'm sure follow, both of us are dying to launch a business or interested in being an influencer, social media, or making money online. And what you visualize are the checks, or you visualize the money you're going to make, or you visualize how cool it's going to be when you're a lifestyle entrepreneur, whatever the hell it is. Don't do that. Visualize working a day job and telling your friends that you're not going to go out tonight because you're working on something. Visualize making cold calls and being told no. Visualize not going to that party because you're staying in on a Saturday and not going to the barbecue because you're putting in the work.Visualize sitting at a seminar and learning from other people. Visualize watching YouTube videos. Visualize your first ever course failing. Miserable. Like, literally. That's the sort of thing that you want to visualize yourself doing and pushing through, because that's going to help you do the work.Yeah.Isn't that cool?I think that's great.Yeah.Visualizing. So in order to manifest what you want, don't just visualize the good things happening. Visualize the bridge. All the things that's going to take.Yes. And the hard parts of the bridge, because then you're ready for it. Then you'regoing to explain to you how to use it to get what you want in life. This is like the super attractor manifesting, and it also works for interrupting negative self talk like it's going to supercharge all the work you're doing with the mirror and interrupting thoughts. So first, let's talk about the Ariadne. So the r. E. S, imagine a hairnet on your brain, only it's like electric, meaning it's alive. Okay? Now, the R. E. S. Has one job, and the job is block out 99% of what's going on and let in 1% of what's going on. Our brains at this moment in history are having to process about 34 days worth of cell phone data in one day.Crazy.It's crazy. And so your res is a monster job. It's like a bouncer at a bar. You're not coming in. You can come in. And you've experienced this. So have you ever shopped for a car?Yes.Okay, so what's the last car you bought?Tesla.Oh, Tesla. Oh, fancy Lewis house. I like that.Well, I never had a nice car until three years ago. I had a $4,000 car for five years before that.Yeah, yeah.And then I was like, you know what? I have no bluetooth. I have no. It's like, I just needed an upgrade.I love it.It was a 1991.Dude, you deserve it at a 1991 Cadillac.And I was like, okay, you deserve it. You never buy a car. So I bought a Tesla.Yeah, right. And so before you thought about buying a Tesla, you drive down the road, you don't really think about it. The second you're like, you know, I think I'm interested in a Tesla. What do you see everywhere?Tesla's.Yes, everywhere.Everywhere.My husband just bought a pickup truck. I never even noticed him. Now I'm like, there are baby blue pickup trucks everywhere. What is going on? That's the bouncer in your brain. And let me tell you how this works. There are only four things that automatically get through the bouncer in your brain. The ras. Number one, your name. So you've experienced being in a crowded place, and somebody's like, you think you hear Louis? You're like, ah, somebody call my name? That was a bouncer in your brain. The second thing that always gets let in is any threat to your safety. So there are loud noises allyou have it, right? You know you have it now and it will come.Really?Yeah, it will come. And nothing in this world can stop it.What are some examples in your life where you've, you've thought or spoken about something you desired or wanted and it has come effortlessly or maybe an example of people that have written about their success stories. Is there anything you can think of?Right.Where maybe for a long time they'd struggled in manifesting or attracting what they wanted, but they started to apply this and really believed it. And that thing came to them.Right. Well, when I did a book signing and I had, I got to talk to all of these different people, and every single person at that book signing told me about how their life had completely changed. And what was amazing was so somebody would say that they wanted to have, they were working, I don't know, cleaning a bank or something and they wanted to have their own sound studio. And that is what they decided to manifest. And they visualized and visualized and they felt it and they wouldn't allow any thoughts of doubt to enter their mind. And they are now running one of the top sound studios in LA.Wow.But not just that. They met their perfect partner. They bought their dream house. They have, you know, two children or they travel.Every.Every single thing that they wanted, they received. And that was what was so amazing about all of these people. When I was signing books, it wasn't just one thing in their life, but these people were amazing. They did gratitude all of the time, or they did affirmations all of the time, and they had a complete change within themselves, you know, to be kind to other people. And so they would think positively, they were aware when negative thoughts came and they would stop them in their tracks. And so for me, I think the biggest manifestation for me was the secret.Yeah.Because I was a mother of two children in Melbourne, Australia. I had this night where Henny Penny, the sky fell in. Everything in my life completely collapsed, right? And I had a huge awakening that night, pardon me, and realized how. I realized all of this and how incredible we are and what we can do and what mastery we have over the world. And there. And then I looked out at the world and I'm like, no one knows this. No one knows this. And so I was determined that I would find a way to take this to the world. I had no idea what shape or form it would take, but that night I determined that that is what I would do. And so eventually, a whole team were gathered. I had a production company at that point, and everybody might think, oh, if you had a production company, it's so easy for you to make a documentary.Aha.But let me tell you, ah, there's a snag. I was $2 million in debt.Really?That production company was $2 million in debt. And my accountant told me, you're going to be broke in 30 days and lose everything. Lose everything. And to this day, I don't know how it didn't happen. I do know, because I didn't allow that thought. I only allowed the thought of taking this to the world and nothing else mattered. Wow.I'm a big fan of Rhonda. We've had her on a couple of times. I hope we have her on many more times, because every time we get to connect, she just shares, you know, valuable insights on the secret, the law of attraction, abundance, but also just. She's got a lot of life wisdom, so I'm so grateful for her, for sharing. I love your thoughts below. For me, it comes down to language and the words you're using. You know, I've heard so many times that when you say, I am whatever you say afterwards, you start to manifest and create in your life. So if you say, I'm an idiot, I'm no good, I'm dumb. I am whatever in a negative way. It's hard for your body to believe that you're smart, that you're confident, that you are good enough, that you're lovable and so just being aware of the words we're using. And if you want to create abundance, but you're using words in lack, in negativity, in scarcity, you're not creating that bridge to get to the place you want to be of abundance. It doesn't mean you have to be overly confident and be lying to yourself and say I'm super smart.When you don't feel smart, it's learning how to use language that builds the belief over time. And when you can do that, I believe you start to be in alignment with your words and the abundance that you want to come your way. But we have to be aware and catch ourselves with these different words, with the language you're using and how we communicate so that our body will start to believe in an empowering way for us as opposed to a disempowering way. Let me know your thoughts, your biggest takeaway from that segment. And again, all these experts have different strategies and techniques to talk about transforming your mindset and attracting more. We are capable of attracting anything we want in our life. We just need to get out of our own way. And if you found this breakdown useful, if you want to learn more about these topics again, make sure to check the links in the description below for the full conversations and episodes and think about these concepts and questions as you are listening as well. Let me know your big thoughts. I hope you enjoyed this episode in this format of content around rewiring your mind, attracting more.And again, I want to remind you that you are loved, you're worthy, you're a matter. Share a comment below on what you're dealing with, what you're struggling with. Your biggest takeaway we'd love to connect with you and I'll see you guys next time. I hope you enjoyed today's episode and it inspired you on your journey towards greatness. Make sure to check out the show notes in the description for a full rundown of today's episode with all the important links. And I want to remind you, if no one has told you lately that you are loved, you are worthy and you matter, and now it's time to go out there and do something great.


m not ready for. I didn't train for this. I'm running New York. I trained in LA. Are you running in New York?




Okay, good. Well, then at least you trained in the right weather. So on and on and on. And you are going to tank yourself. What you do by visualizing the bridge is you train your nervous system and your mind to do the hard work. So you should visualize not crossing the finish line. But what is it like to be at mile twelve when your batteries run out on your earbuds? No, I'm serious. And you keep going. What's it like when your shoelace breaks and now your heel is lifting and you're starting to get a blood blister at mile 17? What's it feel like when you wake up and it is pouring rain and you visualize yourself running anyway? That way, when you visualize the work, you are preparing your body for it so you're not resistant to it when it comes. Isn't that cool?


I think it's great. It's a story that I had. George St. Pierre, who's one of the greatest UFC fighters of all time, he said that he always puts himself in the most uncomfortable situations and practice leading up to the fight the most, you know, the hardest situations to get himself out of, when his arms are behind his back and he's facing against the mat in between the fence and he's just getting punched in the face. He's like, how do I get out of this?


Right, right.


He's like, visualize that and seeing, how can I get through this?


Yeah, yeah. Exactly.


When it seems like I just want to tap out.




Instead of tapping out, what's the process for figuring out how to get through it to then raise my hand at the end? Victorious.


Totally. And so you are literally building up almost like this resilience and this muscle inside of you to do the work to get the thing. So, yeah, create the vision board. But make sure in addition to crossing the finish line, you have somebody running in the rain. You have somebody who, you have an alarm clock that says 513. You have these images that show the stuff that you don't want to do. So, like, for people who want to launch a business, for example, like a lot of people that I'm sure follow, both of us are dying to launch a business or interested in being an influencer, social media, or making money online. And what you visualize are the checks, or you visualize the money you're going to make, or you visualize how cool it's going to be when you're a lifestyle entrepreneur, whatever the hell it is. Don't do that. Visualize working a day job and telling your friends that you're not going to go out tonight because you're working on something. Visualize making cold calls and being told no. Visualize not going to that party because you're staying in on a Saturday and not going to the barbecue because you're putting in the work.


Visualize sitting at a seminar and learning from other people. Visualize watching YouTube videos. Visualize your first ever course failing. Miserable. Like, literally. That's the sort of thing that you want to visualize yourself doing and pushing through, because that's going to help you do the work.




Isn't that cool?


I think that's great.




Visualizing. So in order to manifest what you want, don't just visualize the good things happening. Visualize the bridge. All the things that's going to take.


Yes. And the hard parts of the bridge, because then you're ready for it. Then you'regoing to explain to you how to use it to get what you want in life. This is like the super attractor manifesting, and it also works for interrupting negative self talk like it's going to supercharge all the work you're doing with the mirror and interrupting thoughts. So first, let's talk about the Ariadne. So the r. E. S, imagine a hairnet on your brain, only it's like electric, meaning it's alive. Okay? Now, the R. E. S. Has one job, and the job is block out 99% of what's going on and let in 1% of what's going on. Our brains at this moment in history are having to process about 34 days worth of cell phone data in one day.Crazy.It's crazy. And so your res is a monster job. It's like a bouncer at a bar. You're not coming in. You can come in. And you've experienced this. So have you ever shopped for a car?Yes.Okay, so what's the last car you bought?Tesla.Oh, Tesla. Oh, fancy Lewis house. I like that.Well, I never had a nice car until three years ago. I had a $4,000 car for five years before that.Yeah, yeah.And then I was like, you know what? I have no bluetooth. I have no. It's like, I just needed an upgrade.I love it.It was a 1991.Dude, you deserve it at a 1991 Cadillac.And I was like, okay, you deserve it. You never buy a car. So I bought a Tesla.Yeah, right. And so before you thought about buying a Tesla, you drive down the road, you don't really think about it. The second you're like, you know, I think I'm interested in a Tesla. What do you see everywhere?Tesla's.Yes, everywhere.Everywhere.My husband just bought a pickup truck. I never even noticed him. Now I'm like, there are baby blue pickup trucks everywhere. What is going on? That's the bouncer in your brain. And let me tell you how this works. There are only four things that automatically get through the bouncer in your brain. The ras. Number one, your name. So you've experienced being in a crowded place, and somebody's like, you think you hear Louis? You're like, ah, somebody call my name? That was a bouncer in your brain. The second thing that always gets let in is any threat to your safety. So there are loud noises allyou have it, right? You know you have it now and it will come.Really?Yeah, it will come. And nothing in this world can stop it.What are some examples in your life where you've, you've thought or spoken about something you desired or wanted and it has come effortlessly or maybe an example of people that have written about their success stories. Is there anything you can think of?Right.Where maybe for a long time they'd struggled in manifesting or attracting what they wanted, but they started to apply this and really believed it. And that thing came to them.Right. Well, when I did a book signing and I had, I got to talk to all of these different people, and every single person at that book signing told me about how their life had completely changed. And what was amazing was so somebody would say that they wanted to have, they were working, I don't know, cleaning a bank or something and they wanted to have their own sound studio. And that is what they decided to manifest. And they visualized and visualized and they felt it and they wouldn't allow any thoughts of doubt to enter their mind. And they are now running one of the top sound studios in LA.Wow.But not just that. They met their perfect partner. They bought their dream house. They have, you know, two children or they travel.Every.Every single thing that they wanted, they received. And that was what was so amazing about all of these people. When I was signing books, it wasn't just one thing in their life, but these people were amazing. They did gratitude all of the time, or they did affirmations all of the time, and they had a complete change within themselves, you know, to be kind to other people. And so they would think positively, they were aware when negative thoughts came and they would stop them in their tracks. And so for me, I think the biggest manifestation for me was the secret.Yeah.Because I was a mother of two children in Melbourne, Australia. I had this night where Henny Penny, the sky fell in. Everything in my life completely collapsed, right? And I had a huge awakening that night, pardon me, and realized how. I realized all of this and how incredible we are and what we can do and what mastery we have over the world. And there. And then I looked out at the world and I'm like, no one knows this. No one knows this. And so I was determined that I would find a way to take this to the world. I had no idea what shape or form it would take, but that night I determined that that is what I would do. And so eventually, a whole team were gathered. I had a production company at that point, and everybody might think, oh, if you had a production company, it's so easy for you to make a documentary.Aha.But let me tell you, ah, there's a snag. I was $2 million in debt.Really?That production company was $2 million in debt. And my accountant told me, you're going to be broke in 30 days and lose everything. Lose everything. And to this day, I don't know how it didn't happen. I do know, because I didn't allow that thought. I only allowed the thought of taking this to the world and nothing else mattered. Wow.I'm a big fan of Rhonda. We've had her on a couple of times. I hope we have her on many more times, because every time we get to connect, she just shares, you know, valuable insights on the secret, the law of attraction, abundance, but also just. She's got a lot of life wisdom, so I'm so grateful for her, for sharing. I love your thoughts below. For me, it comes down to language and the words you're using. You know, I've heard so many times that when you say, I am whatever you say afterwards, you start to manifest and create in your life. So if you say, I'm an idiot, I'm no good, I'm dumb. I am whatever in a negative way. It's hard for your body to believe that you're smart, that you're confident, that you are good enough, that you're lovable and so just being aware of the words we're using. And if you want to create abundance, but you're using words in lack, in negativity, in scarcity, you're not creating that bridge to get to the place you want to be of abundance. It doesn't mean you have to be overly confident and be lying to yourself and say I'm super smart.When you don't feel smart, it's learning how to use language that builds the belief over time. And when you can do that, I believe you start to be in alignment with your words and the abundance that you want to come your way. But we have to be aware and catch ourselves with these different words, with the language you're using and how we communicate so that our body will start to believe in an empowering way for us as opposed to a disempowering way. Let me know your thoughts, your biggest takeaway from that segment. And again, all these experts have different strategies and techniques to talk about transforming your mindset and attracting more. We are capable of attracting anything we want in our life. We just need to get out of our own way. And if you found this breakdown useful, if you want to learn more about these topics again, make sure to check the links in the description below for the full conversations and episodes and think about these concepts and questions as you are listening as well. Let me know your big thoughts. I hope you enjoyed this episode in this format of content around rewiring your mind, attracting more.And again, I want to remind you that you are loved, you're worthy, you're a matter. Share a comment below on what you're dealing with, what you're struggling with. Your biggest takeaway we'd love to connect with you and I'll see you guys next time. I hope you enjoyed today's episode and it inspired you on your journey towards greatness. Make sure to check out the show notes in the description for a full rundown of today's episode with all the important links. And I want to remind you, if no one has told you lately that you are loved, you are worthy and you matter, and now it's time to go out there and do something great.


going to explain to you how to use it to get what you want in life. This is like the super attractor manifesting, and it also works for interrupting negative self talk like it's going to supercharge all the work you're doing with the mirror and interrupting thoughts. So first, let's talk about the Ariadne. So the r. E. S, imagine a hairnet on your brain, only it's like electric, meaning it's alive. Okay? Now, the R. E. S. Has one job, and the job is block out 99% of what's going on and let in 1% of what's going on. Our brains at this moment in history are having to process about 34 days worth of cell phone data in one day.




It's crazy. And so your res is a monster job. It's like a bouncer at a bar. You're not coming in. You can come in. And you've experienced this. So have you ever shopped for a car?




Okay, so what's the last car you bought?




Oh, Tesla. Oh, fancy Lewis house. I like that.


Well, I never had a nice car until three years ago. I had a $4,000 car for five years before that.


Yeah, yeah.


And then I was like, you know what? I have no bluetooth. I have no. It's like, I just needed an upgrade.


I love it.


It was a 1991.


Dude, you deserve it at a 1991 Cadillac.


And I was like, okay, you deserve it. You never buy a car. So I bought a Tesla.


Yeah, right. And so before you thought about buying a Tesla, you drive down the road, you don't really think about it. The second you're like, you know, I think I'm interested in a Tesla. What do you see everywhere?




Yes, everywhere.




My husband just bought a pickup truck. I never even noticed him. Now I'm like, there are baby blue pickup trucks everywhere. What is going on? That's the bouncer in your brain. And let me tell you how this works. There are only four things that automatically get through the bouncer in your brain. The ras. Number one, your name. So you've experienced being in a crowded place, and somebody's like, you think you hear Louis? You're like, ah, somebody call my name? That was a bouncer in your brain. The second thing that always gets let in is any threat to your safety. So there are loud noises allyou have it, right? You know you have it now and it will come.Really?Yeah, it will come. And nothing in this world can stop it.What are some examples in your life where you've, you've thought or spoken about something you desired or wanted and it has come effortlessly or maybe an example of people that have written about their success stories. Is there anything you can think of?Right.Where maybe for a long time they'd struggled in manifesting or attracting what they wanted, but they started to apply this and really believed it. And that thing came to them.Right. Well, when I did a book signing and I had, I got to talk to all of these different people, and every single person at that book signing told me about how their life had completely changed. And what was amazing was so somebody would say that they wanted to have, they were working, I don't know, cleaning a bank or something and they wanted to have their own sound studio. And that is what they decided to manifest. And they visualized and visualized and they felt it and they wouldn't allow any thoughts of doubt to enter their mind. And they are now running one of the top sound studios in LA.Wow.But not just that. They met their perfect partner. They bought their dream house. They have, you know, two children or they travel.Every.Every single thing that they wanted, they received. And that was what was so amazing about all of these people. When I was signing books, it wasn't just one thing in their life, but these people were amazing. They did gratitude all of the time, or they did affirmations all of the time, and they had a complete change within themselves, you know, to be kind to other people. And so they would think positively, they were aware when negative thoughts came and they would stop them in their tracks. And so for me, I think the biggest manifestation for me was the secret.Yeah.Because I was a mother of two children in Melbourne, Australia. I had this night where Henny Penny, the sky fell in. Everything in my life completely collapsed, right? And I had a huge awakening that night, pardon me, and realized how. I realized all of this and how incredible we are and what we can do and what mastery we have over the world. And there. And then I looked out at the world and I'm like, no one knows this. No one knows this. And so I was determined that I would find a way to take this to the world. I had no idea what shape or form it would take, but that night I determined that that is what I would do. And so eventually, a whole team were gathered. I had a production company at that point, and everybody might think, oh, if you had a production company, it's so easy for you to make a documentary.Aha.But let me tell you, ah, there's a snag. I was $2 million in debt.Really?That production company was $2 million in debt. And my accountant told me, you're going to be broke in 30 days and lose everything. Lose everything. And to this day, I don't know how it didn't happen. I do know, because I didn't allow that thought. I only allowed the thought of taking this to the world and nothing else mattered. Wow.I'm a big fan of Rhonda. We've had her on a couple of times. I hope we have her on many more times, because every time we get to connect, she just shares, you know, valuable insights on the secret, the law of attraction, abundance, but also just. She's got a lot of life wisdom, so I'm so grateful for her, for sharing. I love your thoughts below. For me, it comes down to language and the words you're using. You know, I've heard so many times that when you say, I am whatever you say afterwards, you start to manifest and create in your life. So if you say, I'm an idiot, I'm no good, I'm dumb. I am whatever in a negative way. It's hard for your body to believe that you're smart, that you're confident, that you are good enough, that you're lovable and so just being aware of the words we're using. And if you want to create abundance, but you're using words in lack, in negativity, in scarcity, you're not creating that bridge to get to the place you want to be of abundance. It doesn't mean you have to be overly confident and be lying to yourself and say I'm super smart.When you don't feel smart, it's learning how to use language that builds the belief over time. And when you can do that, I believe you start to be in alignment with your words and the abundance that you want to come your way. But we have to be aware and catch ourselves with these different words, with the language you're using and how we communicate so that our body will start to believe in an empowering way for us as opposed to a disempowering way. Let me know your thoughts, your biggest takeaway from that segment. And again, all these experts have different strategies and techniques to talk about transforming your mindset and attracting more. We are capable of attracting anything we want in our life. We just need to get out of our own way. And if you found this breakdown useful, if you want to learn more about these topics again, make sure to check the links in the description below for the full conversations and episodes and think about these concepts and questions as you are listening as well. Let me know your big thoughts. I hope you enjoyed this episode in this format of content around rewiring your mind, attracting more.And again, I want to remind you that you are loved, you're worthy, you're a matter. Share a comment below on what you're dealing with, what you're struggling with. Your biggest takeaway we'd love to connect with you and I'll see you guys next time. I hope you enjoyed today's episode and it inspired you on your journey towards greatness. Make sure to check out the show notes in the description for a full rundown of today's episode with all the important links. And I want to remind you, if no one has told you lately that you are loved, you are worthy and you matter, and now it's time to go out there and do something great.


you have it, right? You know you have it now and it will come.




Yeah, it will come. And nothing in this world can stop it.


What are some examples in your life where you've, you've thought or spoken about something you desired or wanted and it has come effortlessly or maybe an example of people that have written about their success stories. Is there anything you can think of?




Where maybe for a long time they'd struggled in manifesting or attracting what they wanted, but they started to apply this and really believed it. And that thing came to them.


Right. Well, when I did a book signing and I had, I got to talk to all of these different people, and every single person at that book signing told me about how their life had completely changed. And what was amazing was so somebody would say that they wanted to have, they were working, I don't know, cleaning a bank or something and they wanted to have their own sound studio. And that is what they decided to manifest. And they visualized and visualized and they felt it and they wouldn't allow any thoughts of doubt to enter their mind. And they are now running one of the top sound studios in LA.




But not just that. They met their perfect partner. They bought their dream house. They have, you know, two children or they travel.




Every single thing that they wanted, they received. And that was what was so amazing about all of these people. When I was signing books, it wasn't just one thing in their life, but these people were amazing. They did gratitude all of the time, or they did affirmations all of the time, and they had a complete change within themselves, you know, to be kind to other people. And so they would think positively, they were aware when negative thoughts came and they would stop them in their tracks. And so for me, I think the biggest manifestation for me was the secret.




Because I was a mother of two children in Melbourne, Australia. I had this night where Henny Penny, the sky fell in. Everything in my life completely collapsed, right? And I had a huge awakening that night, pardon me, and realized how. I realized all of this and how incredible we are and what we can do and what mastery we have over the world. And there. And then I looked out at the world and I'm like, no one knows this. No one knows this. And so I was determined that I would find a way to take this to the world. I had no idea what shape or form it would take, but that night I determined that that is what I would do. And so eventually, a whole team were gathered. I had a production company at that point, and everybody might think, oh, if you had a production company, it's so easy for you to make a documentary.




But let me tell you, ah, there's a snag. I was $2 million in debt.




That production company was $2 million in debt. And my accountant told me, you're going to be broke in 30 days and lose everything. Lose everything. And to this day, I don't know how it didn't happen. I do know, because I didn't allow that thought. I only allowed the thought of taking this to the world and nothing else mattered. Wow.


I'm a big fan of Rhonda. We've had her on a couple of times. I hope we have her on many more times, because every time we get to connect, she just shares, you know, valuable insights on the secret, the law of attraction, abundance, but also just. She's got a lot of life wisdom, so I'm so grateful for her, for sharing. I love your thoughts below. For me, it comes down to language and the words you're using. You know, I've heard so many times that when you say, I am whatever you say afterwards, you start to manifest and create in your life. So if you say, I'm an idiot, I'm no good, I'm dumb. I am whatever in a negative way. It's hard for your body to believe that you're smart, that you're confident, that you are good enough, that you're lovable and so just being aware of the words we're using. And if you want to create abundance, but you're using words in lack, in negativity, in scarcity, you're not creating that bridge to get to the place you want to be of abundance. It doesn't mean you have to be overly confident and be lying to yourself and say I'm super smart.


When you don't feel smart, it's learning how to use language that builds the belief over time. And when you can do that, I believe you start to be in alignment with your words and the abundance that you want to come your way. But we have to be aware and catch ourselves with these different words, with the language you're using and how we communicate so that our body will start to believe in an empowering way for us as opposed to a disempowering way. Let me know your thoughts, your biggest takeaway from that segment. And again, all these experts have different strategies and techniques to talk about transforming your mindset and attracting more. We are capable of attracting anything we want in our life. We just need to get out of our own way. And if you found this breakdown useful, if you want to learn more about these topics again, make sure to check the links in the description below for the full conversations and episodes and think about these concepts and questions as you are listening as well. Let me know your big thoughts. I hope you enjoyed this episode in this format of content around rewiring your mind, attracting more.


And again, I want to remind you that you are loved, you're worthy, you're a matter. Share a comment below on what you're dealing with, what you're struggling with. Your biggest takeaway we'd love to connect with you and I'll see you guys next time. I hope you enjoyed today's episode and it inspired you on your journey towards greatness. Make sure to check out the show notes in the description for a full rundown of today's episode with all the important links. And I want to remind you, if no one has told you lately that you are loved, you are worthy and you matter, and now it's time to go out there and do something great.