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Welcome to this special masterclass. We've brought some of the top experts in the world to help you unlock the power of your life through this specific theme today. It's going to be powerful, so let's go ahead and dive in.


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Is there something new that you do with your morning routine now that is different then? And what has really helped accelerate your productivity, your joy, your peace at this level with your morning routine?


Well, I have certain fundamentals that haven't changed. I think I've I've shared with you before, the first thing I do every single morning is I go in freezing cold water. And I've shared this with many people. It's not because I'm a masochist, but because it moves the length of your body, as you well know. And when you jump in, it never feels good to go in, but getting out, you feel incredible. But I do it for a different reason. I do it to train my brain to say, When I say now, it means now. When I say go, we go. I don't stand there because it's cold and go maybe in a minute when I'm ready. And I think I've shared with you before, I don't think I've ever had a morning I look to jumping in that water ever. But I always do it because I've trained my brain, this is how we work. If you train your brain to do that every single day, then it'll do it on the more difficult and important things in life. But I also then I do my priming, I think you're familiar with, which is I do 10 minutes, and I pick 10 minutes because if I said, Do 20 minutes or 30, I don't have time.


But if you don't have 10 minutes for your life, you don't have much of a life. I do this 10-minute process. If people want to know it rather than walk through it right now, they can go to tonyrovins/priming. There's a video It's free. But the essence of it is I change my body radically, and I do three things to make sure that my brain is primed. What I mean by primed is most people think their thoughts are their thoughts, Lewis, and you and I know better because you and I have read the studies. Priming is a psychological principle where you think thoughts and you think they're yours, but very often they're created by the environment. One example was, Harvard has done multiple studies on this. One of the studies they did was taking people, walking up to people. They They hired two actors. They walked up to 100 people. They had to do the exact same thing, men and women. What they did is they'd walk up with a cup of coffee in their hand, and they'd look at you and go, Here, would you hold this for a second? They'd look down and reach in their pocket to pull out their phone.


Most people then take the coffee. You're not looking to give it back, right? And then they do what they're doing on the phone. They put it back in. They go, Thank you so much. And they take their coffee back and they walk away. But then about 20 minutes later, If you're in a mall or a school campus or whatever, a person comes by with a clipboard and they give you $20, and they say, Listen, I know this sounds crazy, but if you'll give me 30 seconds of your time, the $20 is yours. I need you to read two minutes of this, literally this little story, and then just answer three questions for me. Here's the interesting part. Half the people have a reaction, more than 80%, and half have a reaction, 80% difference. Here's the question. They read the same story, but half the people are handed hot coffee, half the people handed ice coffee. The question they ask is, how would you describe the main character of the story? I have to read a few paragraphs. The people who are handed hot coffee say the person is warm and genuine, Eighty-one % of the people, 79 to 80, 79.8, it's a one % difference, natural variability, who are given the ice coffee say the person is cold and uncaring.


I could tell you 20 studies like that that would blow your mind how your brain is conditioned or primed by the environment. And think about all that's gone on with COVID over the last two years and how many people's brains live in fear. And in my new health book, I put in there just to remind people with COVID, outside Being 80 years old, the number one, or having four or five comorbidities, number one factor, 80% of the people that die of COVID, 79.8% are obese. That's something you can do something about. The second factor, according to the CDC, is fear because anxiety makes people get short of breath. They freak out, and their whole nervous system starts to go shut down. Your immune system can be shut down just by fear alone. And so this experience of life that we have, most people just don't understand that you are being primed all the time. And unless you prime yourself, you're going to be primed by the environment, which most people understand that your brain right now is being conditioned and triggered, whether you know it or not. If you're in any social network, it's being done continuously by algorithms.


I want to take control of my brain. I do three quick things. One, I take three minutes of those 10 minutes after I've changed my body, and I focus on three different events in my life that I'm grateful for. I usually pick two big ones and one small one. It could be as simple as a smile on my daughter's face, the wind against my skin. But I really, I don't like... If you've ever been on a roller coaster and you remember the roller coaster over there, it's not the same as remember going over the edge like you're there. I do in an associated way, and it changes It teaches your biochemistry. Now, it sounds pretty positive thinking, I'm going to be grateful, but there's a value to it because the two emotions that mess up your business, your life, your relationships are anger and fear. You can't be angry and grateful simultaneously. You can't be fearful and grateful simultaneously. By starting my day with that, and it's not some fake pump up positive thinking, the real experience is. It literally teaches your body to go in that state because otherwise, the environment we're in right now, there's a whole lot of uncertainty and fear.


Then real fast, I do this three-minute process. It's like a blessing. Then three minutes, the last three minutes are called three to thrive, where I focus on three things I want to accomplish. Instead of thinking I want to accomplish, I see, feel, and experience it as I feel done. I feel grateful. I celebrate it, and it trains your brain. In 10 minutes, I'm done. Third thing that I'll do, I immediately send a message or a text or an audio message to somebody as a sincere compliment. I don't go, Dude, great job, or, Wow, you're cool. I say, Listen, I saw you on Tuesday with those kids, and I saw you take that extra 20 minutes. No one has did. I just want you to know I saw that. I thought that was incredible. I'm always very specific so they know it's not just some positive thinking, bullshit call. It's sincerely doing it. It makes me constantly look for the good in the people I work with. Fourth thing I do is whatever I don't want to do, the most challenging part of the day. I want to go handle that problem. I want to handle that issue because after you do that, everything has a them.


Those four are my core. Now, my workouts, what I've done to be able to have more energy and vitality and strength. I just finished a book called Lifeforce. Spent three years on it. And in there, I give all the details of what to do depending upon what your goals are and what your direction is, stage of life. Are you looking for more energy or more strength? Are you looking to extend the quality of your life? Are you dealing with a real disease? And I did Money Master the Game, and I interviewed, at the time, 50 of the smartest people in the world financially, Ray Dalio, Warren Buffet, et cetera. This time, I interviewed 167 Nobel Laureate scientists and the greatest regenerative doctors on the face of the Earth. There's nothing in here that's my opinion. It is all science, and it's stuff that you would think would happen 20 or 30 years in the future that's happening either right now or the things that are coming in the next 12 to 36 months that the FDA is currently looking at for approval.


I wanted to ask you a follow-up to one thing you mentioned there, which I think a lot of people don't do, which I think you do incredibly well. I've seen you do many times. You mentioned you reach out to someone, you'll text someone, you'll send a voice note or a video message, or maybe you're calling them or just saying hi to them and telling them. You're acknowledging something that they're doing well that you appreciate. I don't think that many people do this. Why is this so important for you personally? And why do you think this would help so many people get out of themselves and overcome anxiety and stress if they did this even a couple of times a week? I know you do this every day, but just a couple of text a week, why was this so valuable for people?


Well, number one, I love people, so I love to... If you just call someone to make a compliment and it's not sincere, anybody can feel that. I don't do that. It's like I pride myself in finding the goodness in people or the skill sets in people. I also know that what is acknowledged tends to grow. From a standpoint of that, I want them to feel that feeling of being appreciated. I want them to know I see what's happening behind the camera, so to speak. It's like, that's what It's not how everybody else sees you. It's how you really are. Then it also deepens every relationship you have when you sincerely acknowledge somebody and you notice something other people don't notice. It deepens the connection. To me, quality of life is a quality of two things, your emotions and your relationships. If my emotions are terrible, my relationships are going to be terrible. But if I have great emotions and I can extend that out to help other people, then it just makes me feel more alive. I do it for me and them. It's a It's a cycle.


Right, yeah. I think if someone's feeling stressed, the easiest way to overcome that is do what you said, which is focus on the things you're grateful for and get out of yourself and start acknowledging someone else. You'll build that deeper relationship and feel better in the process.


Now you got positive momentum energy. Now you attack the most difficult thing of your day. When you make that your habit, the most difficult thing gets smaller and smaller because you're feeling stronger and stronger. Then you have momentum. Now you'll attack the next difficult thing. It doesn't even feel difficult at that point. But the whole secret is most of us don't realize, depending on which researcher you buy into, somewhere between 45 and 55% of what we do is habitual. The great thing about habit is you don't have to think. I don't I'm not talking about you, but the first time I tried to drive a stick shift car when I was a little kid, I'm like, I'm supposed to do this, this, this. Watch the interview there. It's too much. But once you learn it, most of driving 99% of it, it's habits. So now your brain is free to do other things. That's the I tell you of making something habitual. The weakness of making it habitual is you don't grow. The weakness of making it habitual is you don't feel fully alive. So it's like you got to find that balance in your life.


But if you can create habits that make you do the right things for your mind, your body, your emotion, and for others, then let those take over. Then it becomes... It's like working out. You and I both are workout nuts. It's like in the early days, it's hard to work out. At this stage of my life or yours, if you didn't work out, I don't work out. My bet is you'd be pissed off and frustrated, right? You need to work out. It's a part of who you are now. In the beginning days, it's like the last thing I wanted to do. But once it's in your life, that now frees you up to use that energy for everything else that matters in your life.


Yeah, absolutely. Two and a half years ago, I had the privilege of being in your island in Fiji, spending about a week with a small group of people, Dean and a bunch of other guys and gals. We got to spend some time with you, and you had a prediction. You said winter is coming.


Yes, I did.


And Dean has told me that you have predicted many things over the last four decades in the economy and what's happening in the world and all these different crises. You're on the front lines of access to the most brilliant people in the world. So you know what's happening before it happens. And you said to us, Winter is coming. You probably knew this two years prior to that. And you said, You don't know when exactly, but it's coming soon. And then, I don't know, four or five months later, it hit and it hit hard for a lot of people. And it's still hitting hard like you're talking about over the last couple of years. And I don't think it's going to slow down anytime soon. It seems like there might be some hope, and then boom, another wave, and then another wave of something, whatever it is. What did you learn from researching in the new book with all these different experts on how we can really take back control of our mind, our health in new ways to support us when the winter continues to hit? Because it doesn't seem like it's going away anytime soon.


You're hitting on a huge note. I'd love to plant the seed with everyone listening, and that is we're about halfway through winter. But my hope is this is the year where that part starts to change. But we're still in winter, meaning so many people have been conditioned to be fearful. So many businesses have been shut down. Our children have been kept out of school for such a long period of time that there's after effects on that. It's also you want to be a student of history. Think of it this way for a second. When did mankind really become a dominant force on Earth when they made one distinction I've shared this with you when we were private. I think I told you there's three skills that you want to master if you want to have an extraordinary life, no matter what decade we're in. You've probably read Oxford and many other universities are doing these studies where they say half the jobs we have today will be gone by 2040, which sounds like a long time, but it's 18 years from now, and that'll go like this. My grandkids, my daughter, it's like, What I want to help them with?


Well, the first skill you got to master to be great, you're the school of Greatness, is the ability to recognize patterns. When humanity recognized patterns, when humanity recognized the pattern of the seasons, the whole world changed. Because we went from hunter-gatherers trying to survive from place to place where we're exposed to everything to, wait a second, if We plant in the springtime, we protect in the summer, we reap in the fall, and then we hang on to some of that so we can live through the winter. That created communities for the first time, and then eventually cities and states and countries. So So that changed the world. What will change a person's life is when you realize there's also a set of seasons in your own life. And so think of it this way, 0 to 21 is springtime. Things are easy to grow in springtime. You don't have to do that much. Growing as a kid happens naturally. And some people live a protected childhood, some of us not so much. But overall, life is supporting you. It's sending you, teaching you, sharing with you. Now, when you get from 21 to 41 or 22 to 42, whatever range you want to talk about, some people get there at 16, some people get there at 25, you now are in the real world.


Now you go test what you learned in your springtime. It's a hot summer and you find out, holy shit, a relationship is different than I thought it was when I'm in an intimate relationship, committed, it's not the thing I just envisioned so easily. Or I'm not as bulletproof as I thought I was. I'm not President of the United States already in a billionaire. Like I said, it was going to be when I was 19. You start to learn, test, figure out what's real. It's an important stage of life. 42, 43 to 62, 63 is the power of your life. It's the reaping time. If you worked hard in the spring, in the summer, and you put yourself out there and you planted, It's a reaping time. It's a time when you really become a leader. Just everyone's different, some sooner or later, but it's a great stage to understand. Then if you're lucky, you go from 63 to 83, and maybe 83 to 103, or the oldest living human is 119. You have an extended final season of your life where you get to be the mentor, you get to share, you get to make a difference.


Maybe towards the end of your life, people look out for you again after you looked out for everybody else. That's the cycle of life. But then there's a third pattern, and that's a cycle of history. The most powerful people, by the way, have used not only pattern recognition, but the second skill, pattern utilization. They see a pattern and they use it. So you'd say, How did Jeff Bezos become the richest man in the world? And the answer is simple. He studied the growth in the Internet at an early stage and saw how explosive it was. It was like nothing else he could see. And he just figured any product, books, was the easy one to start with, but he got himself in. And then he started to learn the real secret, the convenience is what people value more than anything else. When he honed in on that one distinction, he not only recognized the pattern, used the pattern, the people that are real masters create their own patterns. He would play everybody else's music, and then eventually, you get good enough, you can create your own music. The similar thing happens. What's occurred is in humanity is you go through, there's this seasons in nature, there's seasons in my life, and then there's seasons in history.


To watch this. This is what gives me great optimism for everyone watching here. First of all, winter's not forever. No pandemic lives forever. No war lives forever. Nothing. Everything changes and everything ends. That means something new occurs. You may not like it, but that's how life is. The good news about winters, it's always followed by springtime. Historically, some winters are long, some are short, but they're always followed by springtime. What follows the night? The daytime. What a cool way to set it up if you were God or the universe, right? Imagine for a second, all of your listeners or viewers, and you think about it, too. What if you're born in 1910? Now you know the seasons of a person's life. So from 1910, the next 19, 20 of your life, you're going to be absorbing what was happening. World War I ends, the world looks like it's a great place, new technology, cars, radio. And then what happens? An explosion of abundance, the Roaring Twenties. And so You're a kid, you're 14, 15 years old, and you're like, I can't wait to get a car to go. But what happened when that person hit the next stage of life, 19, 20, 21 years old?


As they came of age, it's 1929. Suddenly, people are jumping out of buildings, total depression, dust bowl, nobody's got jobs. It looks horrific, and it was horrific. But did they get a break? No. When they turned 29, it's 1939. So think about it. Now, World War Trope breaks out. You and I don't remember. We weren't there, but anybody who was alive will tell you. It looked like the whole world was getting in. Hitler was sweeping across Europe, bombing London. It literally looked like the world as we know it was over. This group of people, like millennials or Z generation, a lot of people make fun of and they go there, whatever, wall flowers, I forget the terms they use. Then the millennials and Z generation argue about you're old because you parked in the middle versus the side. I mean, it's bullshit. The same bullshit was happening then. These people were called flappers. They were irresponsible. But here's history and one thought. Good times create weak people. Weak people create bad times. Bad times create strong people. Strong people create good times. That's the history of the world over and over and over again. Yes.


And so what happened is that generation who was weak, became strong because the environment demanded it. They became the heroes. And think about how different the 1930s and '40s were versus after the war, '45 through '50, up until Kennedy, '69, '83. That 20-year period was what a lot of people thought was the greatest time in America. Now, certainly wasn't if you're African-American. Started to become better if you were a woman. But then think about after Kennedy died and Robert Kennedy is killed and Martin Luther King is killed. Think about the '60s and the '70s, how different they were than the '80s, '90s, 2000s. We go through these seasons. I could show them to you a thousand years of Roman history, and you can see them. There's a book I highly recommend. Bill Clinton gave me this called Generations, when I was working with him 25 years ago, got a 700-page book. But the same author as William Strauss and Neil Hall wrote a smaller book, which might be more helpful. It's called The Fourth Turning. I read it in 1997. It shows you the seasons of history and how everybody enters that. Everyone's going to have winter.


Some are going to have it in their 20s, some are going to have it in their 40s, some are going to have it in their 60s or 80s, some are going to have it when they're children. Then we all move through these seasons that are pretty much historic because the older person dies, everybody loses that lesson, and then we tend to, unfortunately, have to relearn some lessons again. I want you to know that if it looks really horrible right now, if you follow those cycles, we're about halfway through winter. Winter usually starts with a financial winter, which was what I was referring to. I did not predict the pandemic, but there are pandemics, as there were 80 years ago. But in addition to that, there's always a great war. It could be a cyber war, it could be a war with China. But there's no question, we are not done with what we're going to deal with. In fact, I'm reading right now, one of the ways I stay on the cutting edge is I'm constantly studying history because people say it doesn't repeat itself, but it rimes. This is a book that anybody who really wants to know where the world's going, it's Ray Dahlia's newest book, The Changing World Order.


I mean, it's incredible. It's 500 years of history. My whole thing is leaders anticipate, losers react. If you can anticipate what's coming, you can really take advantage. If you wait till it hits you, you're in trouble. I think we're in a time where it's going to be a better year if you're willing to be better. Winter can be a beautiful time. As you've heard me say before, you can freeze the death or you can ski and snowboard and have a great time with your family and build something. Then when spring comes, you can really take advantage. But if you look at the world, the most successful businesses started in the winter. 68% of the Fortune 1,000 were started in either a recession or a depression. I don't care if you're talking about Disney or Exxon in the Depression or Pizza Hut or FedEx in a recession or Apple in a recession. So this is your time, but you have to get your head straight and you got to get your energy strong. And that's not easy when most people have shoved in their houses and isolated and heard nothing but fear. So you got to take back control.


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What would you say are the three biggest money lessons you've learned from Tony Robbins in being his business partner, one of his close friends, and just interacting with him and seeing how he gives, but But also, he's an extraordinary earner. He generates and brings in a lot of money, but he's also a big donor of causes. What are three lessons you've learned from him?


I would say, number one, I just wrote down Again, I love when you ask me questions I've never been asked before. Number one is his other businesses at this phase of his life make more than his core business. Really? Yeah. Significantly more.


So he's the personal of his main business, and he's running his events and books and courses.


He told me a great story. He's dear, dear friends of Peter Guber. Peter Guber was a mentor to him. When Tony was younger, Peter Guber owns part of the Golden State Warriors and every other team, Academy Awards, movies, everything. Dynamic, amazing man. To only know him through Tony. At a younger age, Tony's... You know Tony Robin's story? He's on the road, 250 days a year. He's doing five-day events, seven-day events, 10-day events. He's speaking here, speaking there, on the road, lives in a plane, lives in a hotel. He is hustling. Peter Guber invites him to go someplace, Egypt or something like that on a fancy trip. He's on this plane He said, he's on this plane and all of them there are on their way to be a billionaire writer in that. He's like, Man, my business doesn't have margin. He started thinking about how his business was so much work and so much effort, and these guys had better There he is. When he first left, then he diversified immediately. I invested in this, invested in that, and all of them suffered. Really? All of them suffered because his main business, he didn't put his oxygen mask on yet at the level he could have.


He didn't probably have his 10,000 hours in yet. Of course, he mastered at a young age, but he was mastering this on another level. Long story short, he got some great advice from Peter and others. It's like, go back and master the one core business. Because that core business, if it's mastered, then when the profits start distributing, you can... Number two, you asked me three, number two, you can give more. Number three is you can invest in other companies and projects that you like.


But don't do that until you match to the core thing.


Yeah, right? For 10 years, 15 years, whatever it was, head down in his business, all of a sudden this thing became an incredible company that kicked out money that he could donate. He does donated a billion meals, which is insane. It kicked out money for next-level donation to So his one philosophy is give more. Another one would be empower the core business. And when that business is empowered, use those proceeds to invest in other great businesses. And now, over time, that goes to the we all overestimate what we can do in a year and underestimate what we can do in five or 10. In five or 10, now he's got the funds to invest, and now those other companies make him way more than his main business. But he still empowers his main business. It's still his love, it's still his passion, it's still his child. It's It's literally, RRI, which is Robin's Research International, the Unleashed Power, the In Date with Destiny, Business Mastering. That's his baby. But they don't make anywhere near the money as other things do. Really?


But he's still putting just as much time into it.


More time because it's his passion, it's his thing, and it was the machine. I think we live in a world today where we try something for a year and go, That's not it. What's next? Oh, that's not it. What's next? You need the 10,000 hours. You need the time to break the barrier and find your lane.


After 40 years, he's still doubling on his main thing, even though it's not making the majority of money.


Absolutely. It's a great lesson. With our company, Tony and I own Together Mastermind. It's like, I'm all in on this foundational company. It's growing exponentially. That'll produce so many results as we move on.


What happens if someone gets too much money before they're emotionally or mentally ready for it? What will happen to them if they've come into a lot of money with that lack of emotional awareness?


We see it in the news all the time, right? I mean, I think that's self-aware. Why do the majority of people who hit the lotto go broke? They didn't have the emotional wearwithfall. I feel bad for them, and they probably could take an advantage of. They don't understand money. Most people don't understand how money works. I get that. Everybody should get some financial literacy to really understand it. But I think the answer is really simple. In most cases, not saying in most cases, you could just look at lotto winners. You can look at families.


I've seen-Inheritances, lotto winners.


I have to tell you, this sounds like people with money problems, but I lived in a trailer. Everything I said was true. I know your history. My kids are growing up completely different. I have never seen a trust fund kid to this day that was just handed money without responsibility, without education. I tell my family, my kids, I'm running the first leg of the marathon, and when I'm gone, I'm going to hand the baton off If you want to run, then you want to run hard, you can continue. If you don't want to run, if you think I'm just going to hand you the baton, you don't. You can go work and be a teacher, and I'll double your salary, but you'll never be a part of the family. In the family-The money. The money part, right? So the reason I'm saying that is because I worry every day. I do not want my children to just have money at their access whenever they want before they understand the value, the value creation, contribution, all the things that took me to 40. I'm hoping I can get it in them by their 35. But if I'm here, that'll happen 100%.


If I'm not, my entire will, my entire statement is they have to go through certain trainings. They have to do things. They don't get access to even see what's going on until they're in their 30s. And when they do, they don't just get checks. They have the opportunity to enhance whatever it is I've done. They can grab the baton and go, Hey, I want this division, or I want that, because that's my biggest fear, because I think you're a thousand % right. And I also think that's where money could get a bad wrap, because you see somebody who got money before they got the wisdom behind it, and they abuse it.


Yeah. Wow. What would you say are the three biggest money... Excuse me. What would you say are the three biggest mindset issues that you see people holding them back from making money easy in their life. Making more money easier in their life. What would be the mindset issues that hold them back?


I would say, first off, as we're getting rid of the word easier because I think that could be screwing up, because there is really no easy money. You have to follow a plan. You can get there quicker by modeling proven practices.


How do you make money easy for you so it doesn't feel like this hard thing that's unbelievable? It's too hard to make. It's exhausting.


Got it. I understand the question. Not make. Yeah. I get it now.


Not make easy money, make money easy.


Got it. The greatest thing in the world, I know the answer, is don't start from scratch. Don't try to figure it out on your own. Model proven practices. Not to talk about my family so much. My daughter is going to be 18. She's going in 12th grade. I gave her an option since she... And all my kids will give the same option. After high school, they can go to college if they want, or they can go mentor under someone for two years. If my daughter wanted to be in podcast, I say, Move out to LA, work for Louis for free, and you have to be his best employee. If Louis think you're the best employee he's got. But the only way I would do it is if you could learn from Louis, if you get time to talk to him, to watch, observe, take notes, be an apprentice. Because the fastest way to get from where you are to where you want to be is find something that you're passionate about, then find someone who's good at it and learn everything they've done so you could start off on third base. So many people, when they think about money, it's like, or they thinking about this career?


It's unfulfilling. I got How to get out? And then they go over here and online, How to make six figures in six weeks? How to do this? Get rich doing this? It's like, I'll just stick with the thing I hate. It's like you got to find someone who's got a proven path, a proven plan. Every time my brain at this phase of my life When I think how to do something, my brain is converted to who's already done it and how can I learn from there? Yesterday, we're doing a big event in June. Yesterday, there's a gentleman that really is great at events. I think Tony I do events better than anyone. I'm willing to learn from anybody. But we want to make this bigger and better than anything. Yesterday, I spent a good chunk of money and hired someone for half a day to come in and just share everything he knows about live events. The truth is, I knew 90% of it, but there was 10% of like, damn, I didn't think about that.


You probably knew 99% of it. There was a couple of things I was like, oh, my God, I never thought of that.


My brain is always who versus how. Because Tony It's the tyranny of how. It's like, I want to get my social media account going. How do I do that? But if you can hire somebody who knows social media, it's go, Who can do this? Who can do that? They can do that. Well, I do this, and then I can make money over here, and I can pay them to do it. I would say everything Everything's easier when you model proven practices. You get a blueprint, you get the roadmap.


When people think, Well, I don't know the right people. I don't have the right connections. I don't know people who have money, how can people get out of that mindset and start thinking about how to find the who in different ways? How do they Enroll people in giving them time, energy.


I love it. First off, I've been on this Earth long enough that when I was a kid, there were no podcasts, there were no digital books. I had dyslexia, so reading was brutal before I could listen to an audio. We didn't have access to information, access to AI now, access to amazing books, access to amazing podcasts. You can go back in all your years of interview, and how many great interviews have you had about money? Probably.


A bunch. I've had a handful. Yeah, a bunch of them.


Think about going through your old podcast of finding the ones about money, about wealth. Go find others that are respected and have depth and breath. They're not just the guy that's telling you how to get rich for five minutes because he's actually getting rich, helping people think they can get rich. The person who's actually done the thing, and just start absorbing it. When there's a will, there's a way, dud, like you've been saying it. But when you want to learn something, the teacher is there. Then as you start learning, As you start developing and you're watching podcasts and you're taking notes and you get to correlate, and then you maybe go to AI and go, I learned these three things. How does that all tie together? Ai helps you bring it together. Then you might say, Hey, I'm going to start reaching out to some of these people because they're going to feel my passion, my desire, my interest. I have done interviews with people that aren't big podcasters that didn't go anywhere, where people just wrote me the nice enough message my team sent to me and go, This kid or this woman, she's just a hustler.


Would you give her 20 minutes? I'm like, I will. That only happens, though, when you feel someone's passion. The teacher's there. You just got to get after it.


Good attitude, passion, all these different things. I heard you say online one time that the only thing standing between you and your next level is the story you tell yourself on why you can't get there. If someone has just had a challenging life growing up where it just felt like everything was against them, and they have a belief system, memories, and stories that are proof and evidence of why they're not good enough, talented enough, or capable of finding the right people, going after what they want, or whatever circumstance or situation they might have. It's strong evidence showing that it's not possible to get to the next level. How can someone start to tell a different story that they can actually believe it's possible to get out of a challenging situation, personally, financially, relationship, into a better situation?


It's probably because, I don't want to answer this It's too simply. This is a really great question. It's probably because I try to absorb as much wisdom as I can from others who have done it before, and I see the mismatch or the mismosh of of personal experiences and trauma and things that go wrong with so many successful people. You get to see it every day, right? When you and I get the opportunity, when we've mastermind together and really talk deep when no one's around, I feel like I'm at this phase where I want If I had the chance to sit down with everybody individually, I could look at them and go, No, no, no. A whole of that crap happened because it needed to form the woman you are.


Yeah, that's the good stuff.


You wouldn't be the man you are if you weren't on the couch, if you didn't think. All of those things built this guy who's Lewis Howes, that you can be this amazing man to your partner right now, that you can look. All of those things had to happen, but it's so hard when you're in it. Like, Oh, really? I had to get cheated on. I had to lose this relationship. I'm a business partner. I had to steal my money. Unfortunately, yes, because Because you can look at it any way you want. I'll share this. I go back to personal stories just so I hope it relates. Twelve years old, I moved in with my dad. Very confrontational. My dad was the youngest of 12. He was physically abused, sexually abused. He's okay with me sharing that. And old-school Italian, didn't get help. New York guy. Just scared away every wife. My sister hasn't talked to him in 25 years. So didn't talk to One of his brothers and sisters, right?


He had 12, siblings.


He had 12, and doesn't talk to any of them. It was just a dysfunctional family. So he decided, I'm going to be a better dad, but he couldn't get any help. He had no tools.


He was rough.


So all the women ran. Everybody ran away from him. At 12 years old, He terrorized my mom so much that he said, I said, When we leave my mother alone, right? He said, Move in with me. I'll never bug her again. So I moved in with this guy. My mom was devastated. And she's like, You can't. I'm like, I am. I wouldn't tell her how, why? Because I knew she wouldn't let me. So I moved in with this guy.


You're 12?


I'm 12. He's living alone. He's living in a tiny little place. The heat's barely on in the place. We had a little electric heater that kept the place warm. It was a nightmare. I was like, I left my mom. We lived in a colesack. I had a Mongoose BMX bike. I had friends. Now I move in this hole. Excuse my language. I move in this guy, and he's a mess. I'm older now. I could say it's just a disaster. This guy is bipolar, or somebody can diagnose it better than that. But some days he's super dead, letting me drive at 12 years old, taking me fishing. Other days, I'm vomiting blood because I have a bleeding ulcer because I'm so afraid he's going to get violent with people, get arrested again, and do all this stuff. I got this guy that is my hero and the guy I'm scared to death of. But by the time I was 15, I started understanding emotions, and I understand how he would feel. I understood how it came from. I started an empathy for him, and I could watch him come in with terrorizing. His name is Paul.


He'll listen to this, and he'll be totally cool with it. He's an amazing guy. He's 87 now, and he's in a beautiful space. But I saw Paul, the terrorizer, the one that my mom was afraid of and everybody was afraid of, come in. I could spin that guy, and I could get him to be that loving dad that would take me fishing. Now, when I was in my 20s, and probably late teens, early 20s, I remember thinking, How could I ever be successful? All the things I went through, and the divorces, and the crazy dad. But there was a time that flipped concept. If I look at my life now, and you've watched me go on stage in front of... When the Connolly, we had a half a million people life at the same time. I believe I can feel people's hearts. I can read them, and I can adjust what I'm doing, and I can present with confidence. That was all crafted by the crazy Paul because it was the protection so I could stop having a bleeding ulcer. I got off the bus and threw up blood at 13 years old. I had a little blood in my mouth in debt.


My father was like, What is on your lip? I couldn't tell him because in his head, if I had a bleeding ulcer, it was because my mom left him when I was three. It was all my mom's fault. If she didn't leave me, we'd have no divorce. You'd be a happy kid. He didn't realize it was his craziness. He'd take a baseball bat and drive to my mom's house and knock all the windows out of her car and her house. They'd call the cops and they'd be fighting and I'd be in the car shaking. So all those things happened. I only say that because that could have been, and this sounds like I'm just talking, Look how great I am. I just want to share. I was able to convert that, Louis, from how could that happen to a kid to, thank God, it happened to me. Now, for a living, I can use this empathy. I can use this compassion. I can impact others. I can get up on stage, even though I'm an introvert, and be able to talk to people and go, I'm going to throw away the presentation I had because this crowd needs this.


I learned all of that from that crazy guy. All of it. I'm only sharing. I don't want to make it simple. Life happens for us, not to us. That's Tony Robbins, and I love that saying. I don't want to just make that a simple little throw away, but I really want to share. Life really If we can... Life already happened for us. And if you had crappy stuff, I'm so sorry. But you get to make the decision today and go, I can't change any of it because that was the ingredients. They got me here today to be who I am. I have to say, I'm thankful for it. I have to.


Man, that's powerful. It's so hard when you're in the sadness or suffering or trauma-Of course it be like, This is all going to benefit me in the future in 20 years.


You'll never feel that way.


You're like, Get me out of here.


But you get to a point where you go… That is such a great… I don't ever want anybody to think I go through crap, and I still, of course, do and go, Oh, thank for this. This is so easy. But there is… I'm at a place in my life, go, This sucks. But I know it's happening for a reason.


Yeah, because every bad thing- Then I'm looking like, All right, when is it going to...


Sometimes it takes longer. Yeah, of course. But this one not. And eventually, always, there's a reason.


It always does. When you think back at all the painful moments you see, this is how it applies in a benefit to me today. If that had to happen, as painful as that was, me getting injured and you going through this for your dad, all these different things, it had to happen for us to be where we're at today. But we had to make meaning of it and sense of it and alchemize it into something good.




Speaking of alchemize into something good. You took all this wisdom and experience and passion and hunger to build a business, to make money, and to run away from the pain by saying, I'm going to be financially free, so I'm never broke again. You use that pain into financial freedom. But did you ever have a moment where your self-worth or your identity was tied to money? Absolutely. What happens when we tie our self-worth to our net-worth? How do we not make sure that when our bank account goes up or down, our identity and our personal belief in self doesn't go up and down as well?


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Tell me more.


I don't want to answer honestly today. That's another thing over time, it slowly fades away. I'm in a phase in my life, but I want to tell you, if you asked me that question-10, 15 years ago. No, five years ago. Really?


If you would have lost a little bit of money one year than the year before, and it went a bit down, would it affect your self-worth?


It does. It does. And it will-Why is that, though?


Why is that? Is it because money is energy?


Probably not for everyone. But for me, I ran away from not having money and retiring your parents and taking care of people and all the things that you do. Then the thought of going... Here's the words that I believe. Never said these out loud. The thought of going backwards. What if I don't have the freedom? What if I had to tell my mom, I can't send you that check? What if the place you've been... That fear. We go away each summer and we spend three weeks on the beach, what if I can't take my kids there and make those memories? I would say some of it is self-worth, but it's, again, going upstream. What's it attached to? I won't have, and I think this is a really big one. This is mine. So this is a little therapy for Dan today. That's great. I love it. Mine would be, I'm not in control of my decisions. If I don't have the money, I can't maybe take my kids out of school. I might have to work late and miss the big baseball game. I might have to work late or I might have to work through the summer and not spend three weeks with the kids that's been everything since they were born.


So for me, it's going backwards and not have choices. To this day, if you said, You're going to go backwards and I got to take some of your choices away, it would still ding my core.


But I mean, okay, I get emotionally if you lose some money, right? Let's say 10% of your money goes away for whatever reason. The business goes down or something happens, or I don't know.


You're talking broke?


Not broke, but just some of it goes away, right? But analytically, you see your numbers and you still have tons of money to be retired for the next 30 years.


It still hits you. Really? It still hits you. And over time, I promise you or anybody listening right now, in a decade, you'll laugh at it and go, Hey, am I okay with that? Because I like my lifestyle is worth more. In 10 years from now, five years from now, you might have a three-year-old. And you go, I'm used to making this in this quality life.




So when you make less- But I would take a 25% cut in that pay because my significance of being a dad is exponential to that money. And that's how it trades off. I would say pre-kids, right? When it's just you, it is a hard one. And I'm not putting this on you. I'm not even asking this question for you. It does, because we live in this, and we do live in this world, it's like we feel like we're measured on the success that we've had. And all of a sudden, if you're going backwards a little, it's like, Am I the man I said I am? Am I really good at my interviews? Am I really good at Am I really good at doing this thing? And all that stuff comes in the question. All I would say is, sit with it and just do the thing we talked about around money. It's like, Is that true? I see your life. This is probably not about you. I know you're doing amazing. But I see you so much richer today than when I first met you. So much richer. I don't care if you were making 10 times the money then.


You are a richer man. The love you give, the energy you give off, the Every conversation I have with you, the personal work that you do. I sent you a nice audio two weeks ago about something you did. I was like, I'm so freaking proud of you. In my eyes, you might not see it. I'm using the example. I know this for a lot of people. But you might say, Oh, I made a little bit less this year than last year. And from the outside, I'm like, What is that dude rich? But it takes time. And I just would say, when you feel that way, really question it. Don't just let it sit. Don't just feel it because you'll be in a conversation. I know what it was like when I thought I was doing well, doing $10 million a year. I'm like, I came from nothing. I was in a trailer park. I'm doing $10 million in gross revenue a year. I get to keep a million of that for me or two million, whatever. I'm doing amazing. And then I go sit with somebody who's doing $100 million, and it feels like they got it systemized, and they're going to get on their plane, and they look like they work way less than me.


They're relaxed. They're flying off to-They're golfing every day. They're flying off to Italy to spend time on the Amalfi Coast, and I'm Oh, my God, I'm such a loser. It's all perspective, right?


How do we not compare ourselves to others when around money conversations? Can I tell you-Friends, family, colleagues who might be making more. How do we not say, I'm worse than them?


No, it's this real conversation. I know. That's why I like this. It's just real conversation. The fact of the matter is there's only really one way to do it is you got to look backwards. You have to be... See how far you've come. You have to adapt the culture of progress. Not a culture of comparison. Oh, man. That's not an easy one, but it's true, because if you look back at where you were, if I look back at where we were, we grew like rockets. We're not supposed to be here. If someone, I barely got out of high school, didn't go to college, had dyslexia, graduated high school with nine cents in my pocket, and started working on cars, what statistical mathematical percentage would you give that kid to be able to... I'm blessed.


To be you, 0.0 0.01%..


Yeah, 0.001%. If someone gave you, I'm going to retire my mom, and I'm going to do all these things, someone would be like, That's so cute. Go work on your collision. Go pound another fender. When I look back at that kid, Who was just dying to make a thousand bucks a week so I could take care of my mom and do that, man, I'm a rocket ship. But if I compare myself in two weeks when I see Richard Branson and go, Wow, he's a billionaire. Culture of progress versus a culture of comparison. Yeah.


There's so many more questions.


It takes time. It takes time, though. But just know all... Here's what I love. You're asking the right questions for everybody listening today. Because wherever you are on this scale and the spectrum, know that when you stay engaged in personal development, when you ask the right questions, when you question your beliefs, when you go upstream and say, Is that true? Is that a fact or is that just a belief I have around the fact? Where did I get that? How would I feel if I shifted that? What if I created new beliefs? It's not something you do when you listen to a great podcast or read a great book or go to a Tony Robbins event. It's something you got to do all the time. Then slowly, it becomes a part of your life. I've done the work and been like, I feel the best in my life. I'm ripped at 45. I feel great. Then I forget and I slack off. Then three years later, I wake up and go, Oh, I feel like shit. It's consistent repetition. It's like going to the gym. You got to go all the time.


Consistent repetition. It's interesting because yesterday, I was just with the number one pickleball player in the world where pickleball is 40 million people around the world play this sport. It's this rising sport. I was playing against the number one player in the world yesterday.


That's so cool.


We were just doing a practice, but I couldn't score one point on him. I'm like an athlete. It was so frustrating. Two hours with this guy.Not one point?Not one point.


Now, I got eventually got one point, but it was like, he made a mistake.


That was why, okay, I got a point or two. At the end, we'd do a sauna, we'd do a cold plunge because he just finished a tournament where he won. He's the number one player in the world. That's amazing. In singles, in doubles, and in mixed doubles. Number one in all three categories in the world. He's a five-year-old. His name is Ben Jones. I said, What is the one thing that it takes for you to be number one in the world consistently? He said, Consistent repetition. He's like, Most people just don't want to keep showing up every day and doing practice for four or five hours a day, doing the recovery, doing the prevention stuff. I've been putting in the reps for eight years in the sport, and I keep putting in the reps. Going back to what Tony, he mentioned Tony. He's like, 45 plus years in, he keeps doing the reps. He gets better and better. It's interesting there. I want to ask you a couple more questions before I transition into where people can listen and who are watching now who I think if they're trying to figure out ways to generate more revenue for themselves, if they're trying to figure out ways to use their art, their their passion and what they can do.


I want to talk about that in a minute, but I've got a couple of questions before we address that. I wanted to ask you about the three habits that you think keep people broke. A lot of people, they work They're still hard. They're still broke or they're struggling and they stay in debt. What would you say are those three habits that keep people stuck financially or feeling broke?


I would say not identifying habits that don't serve them. I wrote a book on habits. That's my glasses. Sometimes if you have a hammer, you'll see a nail. For me, though, if I look back at people in my life, my family, others, they didn't realize that they had habits that actually pulled them away. The habit could be waking up in the morning. I look at everything as a habit. It could be waking up in the morning and watching your news, no matter where you get your news from. Never in my life have I ever watched the news and felt empowered. You could have a habit of waking up and watching news, it puts you in a reactive space, in a defensive space, and you're never innovating, you're never creating. I would look for habits. In the morning, you could wake up and just say two or three sentences of gratitude. You could get out of bed, drink a green drink, and take a walk. Or you could get up, click on the news, grab your phone, look at your emails and text, find the bad one that put you in a bad mood, and go eat, have coffee and a donut.


Now, I'm not knocking you in one, but they're both habits. Yes. One habit makes you feel, I believe, you're more on offense. Like, Hey, I fed my body. I took a walk. I'm grateful to God. I prayed, or whatever it is I do. Another one is like, That third email for the same thing. And you believe the trials that are going on. They're going on. They're doing an election that's going on? Same morning, same thing. Two completely different experiences. One says, Bring the day. I got it. The other one says, What do I have to fight today? That's a habit to me.


That's the first one, identifying them.


Number Number two is, and I've never shared these, so I'm just winging them, is stop making the thought of making money a mystery. How do they do it? How do they get rich? Dig under the hood. Find somebody in something that lights you up. Don't just look for making money for the sense of money. Find something that if you like interior design, if you like courses, if you like doing podcasts, find somebody who's doing it making money and learn everything they're doing. Because it's not a mystery. There are blueprints everywhere. I think sometimes we're just like, I'd like to make more money. But how would you like to make more money doing something you hated every day? I think that's the third one. The fourth one, I would say, is this crazy outside world, I believe, is a magnifying glass. If you have uncertainty, it will 10 times it.


You'll find uncertainty. Yes.


In times like this, we have two options. It's just a choice. We could see obstacles or opportunity. I would try to train my brain every time you see an obstacle, Oh, this is happening, What is the opportunity in this? What is the opportunity in this? If I had more time, I'd probably have thought more on, but I would see opportunity over obstacles. I would try to focus on what you have, not what you lost. Those things sound like, Oh, yeah, but how do I... But those things are the foundational. If I had to add a four, find an emerging market. I know this is a simple analogy, but you wouldn't want to invest in taxi cabs when there's Uber. But so many people do that. They go into something that was secondary. Find something that's emerging. Meet the world where it's going, not where it was. What is Wayne Gretzky's great quote? The Puck is going. Skate where the Puck is going. Do your research. Look at AI. Model other people. Look where the world's going and get there before other people.


Yeah, that's cool. That's what I did with podcasting.I know you did.11 years ago. I feel like this maybe could be a thing. It may not always work out for you, but be willing to invest it and take the time in it. I like that. Five years ago, I've been on a lot of amazing trips in my life. I feel blessed to have traveled the world and just done so many different things in my life. But five years ago, I went on a trip with you and Tony Robbins in Fiji with about 20 of us for a week. During this time, I remember Tony saying something, and maybe it's you and Tony at the same time saying, Winter is coming. I remember hearing this five years ago. This was right before the pandemic. Maybe it was four and a half years ago. He said, Winter is coming, and you backed it with, make sure you're really innovating your gifts and talents, and not just protecting yourself, but progressing yourself and putting yourself out there so you can feel more abundant in your life, as opposed to feeling scarce I'm feeling like you have to just hunker down and wait for winter to pass.


You and Tony have done something every year where you teach and educate people for free in a big live experience online on how to optimize the skills and talents and knowledge they have in order to earn some extra income, launch their business, and many other things in this creator economy. I'm curious, can you share, and you have this coming up as well, about a million people show up live for this around the world. Can you share what people can learn if they're just like, I don't really know what to do with my career or the opportunities I have or how to make some extra income?


Yeah, great question.


What they're going to learn from this experience you have with them, this live online event that's free, and what What we can start doing now to prepare for that.


I would start with the first word of investigate. If you have a business that's not as profitable as you'd like it to be, come investigate. I'll give you the answer in a minute here. If you are in a career that is just... It's served for a certain time in your life, but it's not fulfilling anymore. In fact, you despise it. Come investigate. If you're that person that knows your inside, your inner entrepreneur is dying to come out, but you're not sure where to start, come investigate. That's all I say. In life, we have to look at these different paths. Here's what I say. We're calling the event The Game has Changed, and it's time for the new playbook. But what does that mean, The Game has Changed? I think COVID gave us a byproduct. It gave a lot of byproducts, but one byproduct, I think it did, is made people realize. I think people used to say, I can get this career. It might not serve my soul, but it'll take care of my family. Or I can be the craziest entrepreneur, and maybe it'll work out. I think where the game has changed on the high level- And I'll lose my health and my relationships in the place.


Where I think it's changed is in what Tony and I love to share, and it's the industry we're in. He's been in 45 years. I've been in almost 30. In the industry of our life experience is the greatest asset that we own. I'll talk more about that in a minute. But where the game has changed high level is that you don't have to separate those two anymore. I like the term life, work, integration.Yes.Not balance.Not balance. It never balances. Has it ever balanced for you? Never. But when you can go home and your work is okay to bring with you because it's a part of your soul and you love it, for me, Having the opportunity to take a life experience, a career skill, a passion you have, and learn how to extract it and package it into a product or an asset, and be able to give it to somebody, and you get to shorten their distance from where they are to where they want to be. You have a business, you have a career skill, you know how to sell better, do hair better, or you went through a divorce and you're on the other side and you're happy, or you lost yourself, or you lost the weight, or you do yoga, or any other thing that you do so well.


My physical therapist, because I got a torn ACL. I'm working with him twice a week. I went skiing, tore my ACL.


That would have been last year, too.


It's so annoying. But I'm working with him twice a week, and I'm watching this guy's got his own business, but he's in the time and effort community. I said, Do you have any course or training I could do when you're not with me? He's like, No. So I got him right now. He's extracting his life experience. He's building the course. I can't wait to buy it from them. Every single person on this planet has a life experience that is valuable when you know how to extract it. So Tony and I are great at it. And the reason we love to share it each year is because just most people don't know how to turn that into something of value.


Hypothetical scenario. Let's say you could only focus on one thing to get you started. You only had the time and energy to focus on one of these areas, your health, your relationships are all breaking down, your finances are failing everywhere. Where should people lean into first to create that foundation so that everything else can start to rise as well?


I think before you answer what to do, you're going to answer why you're there. It is not because of the I remember when 9/11 happened and people tell, Oh, my God, my life was destroyed because of 9/11. There were people in the same building who turned their life around, grew spiritually, grew closer to their family, made their businesses larger, and the same building burned down. I know in my case, 9/11 comes. If you can imagine, I'm fortunate to have now more than 80 companies in all these different industries. Obviously, done pretty darn well by most people's standards of business and life. But my core mission is what I do for a living. It's why I'm here talking to you right now. It's getting people to be free and alive and have the level of fulfillment that they deserve to have. I know they desire, but I also believe they deserve to have. But to deserve to have it, you got to do certain things. You're not in the place of being overweight because you lost your job. Stop the bullshit blame. Blame is not a strategy for a meaningful life. Blame is not a strategy for greatness.


You got to resolve that number one. Then your question was, what's the one thing to focus on if you only focus on what? I think it's smart to focus on one thing, primarily. Focus on too many can be overwhelming. Other people, it's good to focus on multiple things. It depends on your personality. I wouldn't presuppose. But then the answer would be, whichever thing you're most desirous of changing, whatever thing is giving you the most pain. So if it's your relationship, I go full force on that. Now, in the world we're in today, you don't usually have the privilege of going, Okay, I want to work on just being happy. Well, I can train to be happy while hell's You can sit in this chair and be totally euphoric. But if you do that in a Western culture, people come and take your furniture. So you probably have to work on both your business or financial side and some personal side. I would be working on both. And to me, the way to attack that, if you're not sure which area is to start with the body, and I know you can relate to this, Louis, because you and I both share this in common, it's like, I always teach physiology first, as you well know.


If you change the body, you'll change the emotions. If you change the emotions, you'll change your decisions, you'll change the quality of your life. Because the quality of life is your emotions. It's not what you get. You have a billion dollars and commit suicide. People have done it. You can have beautiful relationships and commit suicide. You can have people loving you and be sad all the time. Our pattern of emotion is our home, and you have to upgrade your home. You have to train it. And one way to train it is the emotion comes from the way you move, the way you breathe, the way you-You already have ambition for your business. It's time to transform it into your reality. As the world's largest professional services firm, only Deloitte can bring together the capabilities and experience your business needs to thrive.


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Speak. So if I said to your listeners, there's a depressed person behind the curtain over and I'll give $100,000 to their favorite charity if they had to describe their body, their posture, and they're depressed, you tell me. I'll just use the example. What does that person look like?


They're slunched down. They're looking down at their feet. They're not looking upward. Their shoulders are over.


Are they breathing full or shallow, do you think?


They're shallow.


Are they talking fast or slow?


If they're depressed, they're probably talking fast because they're not calm.


Well, no, that's usually stressed. Depressed is different than stressed.


They're probably talking low volume, slower than.


All those physical characteristics change your biochemistry towards this feeling of being depressed. In a depressed state, you won't do anything. When I used to be depressed, I don't get it anymore. I just took it out of my life. I even took the language of it out of my life because the words you create, create a biochemical response. But when I did that decades ago, because I was having those thoughts like, Is there a reason to still be here? That crazy shit in your head. I got out of it by using anger originally. Sometimes if somebody's really sad or depressed, I'll make them angry. People are like, What's he doing? He's making them angry. Because angry is much more resourceful than depressed. From anger, I can get you to laughter. I can get you to taking action. Then gradually, I got why I didn't need anger. It was about growth. It was about contribution. It was about meaning. There's stages to go through. But to answer your question, they should work on both their business side of their life and personal, one of each. In order for either one of those to work, you need to be in a strong emotional state.


If you start with your body, like you know, I start every morning in my cold water, start every morning with my workout, I start every morning on feeding my mind. There's certain things you got to do physically so you're strong enough to remember the truth because remember, fear is physical. You feel your throat or your gut. So it's courage. Courage doesn't mean you're not afraid. It just means you're strong enough, you push through in spite of the fear. And courage feels different in the body. So when you go lift or you go for a sprint or a strong run or you jump in that freezing water, when you push your mind, you go beyond what's comfortable, you feel a strength inside you. And that strength will help you to change your body, your emotions, whatever. But then the other thing I'm going to say is, Model someone who's successful. Don't just do this shit by trial and error. Find somebody who has what you want, ideally, maybe more than one person, two or three, and seek out what are they doing different than you in their relationship? What do they believe different than you about relationship?


If it's their body, what are they doing different? They're not lucky. They're doing things differently. You might be slightly biochemically different, but there's patterns there that you can see. Instead of learning by trial and error, which can take decades, you you may never learn, Jim Rohn taught me, Success leaves clues, man. Find someone's got what you want, study what they do, every aspect of it, and then add yourself to it. That's the pathway to speed of transformation. Now, I've done it. I'm not the only person There's so many companies that went from worse off than they've ever been in their history to the best off because they found a way to pivot. But that required a psychological piece of not blame. So maybe it's time for you to think for yourself and model what works instead of just what you're told. That's something to consider for yourself.


It's one of the reasons you've got millions of people that model after you, just like myself in many areas of my life. I've got three final questions. Is that okay to ask? Sure, of course. Three final questions. I went long enough. I want to be respectful of your time since we're at the top of the hour. I just want to make sure I'm good. You mentioned I had the opportunity to go to Fiji with you and Dean Graziosi and a group of people about a year and a half ago. You mentioned that winter was This was in 2019, I guess, or right before 2020. You mentioned winter is coming. I don't know how, where, what, what type of crisis is happening, but something's going to happen. It may be in six months, it may be in the next few years, but something is happening. And from people that went through 9/11 to the housing crisis of 2008, 2009 to then 2020, what would you say if people want to prepare themselves for the to create more financial abundance over the next 10 years? With winter coming maybe again, sooner than later, what should people be focusing on in order to earn more and invest more so that they're not overwhelmed financially with the next winter?


Well, first of all, I want to acknowledge that every generation... There's a book every once you read, it's called The Fourth Turning. It's not a great read, I'll be honest with you in advance. I read it 25 years ago. One of the most seminal books I've ever read, because what it will show you is that every generation goes through different stages. A wintertime, a really, really rough time. A springtime, after the rough times, we usually see this easy growth. A summer where, God, I'm working hard, it doesn't seem to be a reward. And then a fall where all the rewards show up in a major level. But those seasons, which may be 10, 20 years, are a way of thinking. For some people, those seasons happen in their youth, some midlife, some later, because there's a cycle of history. It's a thousand years of history you can study. It's fascinating. I'm not going to try to explain it to you right now, but if you want perspective, it's there. The generation you're speaking of, the millennial generation, very special generation. I don't mean special like you're so special, but special because they have a unique place in human history.


They've experienced certain shocks at a certain time. They are an archetype of one of the four seasons of life. The last one is called the great generation. Think about this. If you were born in the year, say 1900, 1901, 1902, something like that. When you're coming of the age, 20 years old, when you're wanting to think about your life and where it's going and all that stuff. I'd say 1910, excuse me. When you're coming of age, if you're born in 1910, the stock market crashes. The biggest depression in human history, at least that we're aware of, modern history, happens. 50% of people seem to be losing their jobs. There seems to be no hope whatsoever right as you're coming to your early prime, you're going to make things happen. Also, that's 1929. What happens a decade later when you're about to turn 30? Another seminal time in your life. World War II breaks out. Holy shit, the whole world It's going to get you getting over. We're talking about world war all over the earth, and it looks like Hitler's going to win, and that we're going to have Nazism everywhere, and countries are dropping like flies, and the economy is going through the floor, and you just turned 30.


Right. But guess what? At 40, the greatest bull market in the history of the world began for that generation. But they were so tested and so strong from everything they'd been through. But then they were tested by their own kids who didn't have to go through that suffering, who thought life should be easy for them and said, Look at you, you're not balanced. You aren't fair to women, and they weren't. But they were busy fighting wars to get to the point where you'd have time to do that. It's like people say, Art for the sake of art's sake is for the well fed. It's like, these people have a different… It's not like challenges disappear, but they're called the great generation because they found their way through those things because it was a generation that was not taught to look for excuses. I think the millennial generation is the next great generation if they play their cards right. I think there's enough great people in that generation to help lead a new direction for it. I think technology allows them to connect in new ways, but technology, unfortunately, also pits them against other people, because if you've seen the social dilemma, you know there are people manipulating your brain and your biochemistry and your dopamine right now.


But I think they'll figure that out. I think they really will. Now, the answer to your question, I want to give that context Because without the context, all this is about survival or doing okay for yourself. I think you're not going to feel a great life just trying to take care of yourself. Don't get me wrong. It's like, if you know the Indian tradition in India, that they teach these four aims of life. The first aim is ARTA, A-R-T-H-A. What that means is prosperity and security. But it's important to take care of that because when that prosperity and security is there, it's not like that's not spiritual. Taking care of yourself and your family is part of life, and so you need to do that. Then the next level of development, aim of life is K-A-M-A, and that means pleasure. It's good to find pleasure. If you found good work that serves more than yourself, you're going to prosper. But then do you enjoy it? Do you enjoy your life? Do you appreciate things? It's like finding that appreciation. It isn't just sensuality or sexuality. It's music, it's art, it's family, it's all these things.


It's the history of your own country and finding the good. Then the third level for that, most people have heard of as Dharma, which is your purpose or your truth. But notice, you really don't have a real clear Dharma in most people unless they got some level of prosperity, security, some level of enjoyment of life, that they get to the point of thinking broader. Now, some people early on are trying to find their purpose. What's my purpose? What's my purpose? I got to find my ultimate purpose. Who said there's one freaking purpose? Where did you get that delusion? And why does it have to be so huge? I know when I was a young kid, I had this purpose statement. The purpose of my life is to be a passionate, loving, incredible creation of what God shows us possible by serving all its humanity and lifting them. And it went on and on and on. Now, what's my purpose? How can I help? Serving is what my purpose is. I don't need all this bullshit. And that means I can do it. When I say I'm a little of a mailman, I can do it in front of 50,000 people.


I can do it with my child. There's lots of different purposes as you go through your life. But most people are trying to get that. They haven't even figured out what the hell they're going to do. They haven't even figured out how to enjoy their life. Your purpose will unfold Hold if you do the right thing. So now to answer your question precisely and specifically, in short order, you need to put yourself in a position. If you're going to be successful is to have, ideally, your own business or a business where the more value add, the more you earn. You can work for someone else and do that. If you have stock options, you could do that if you've got bonuses. But to me, autonomy, if you really want an extraordinary life, I believe this is just personal preference. This is my opinion. This isn't the truth for everyone. Is if you can find yourself in a place where the more value you add, the more you can grow, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially, then you can write your own ticket. And so owning your own business, to me, is one of the ways to do that, or partnering with somebody in a business, or working for somebody, but where they treat you as a partner, you get a piece of the business.


So you don't have to be only on your own. But if you're going to grow, you need to make whatever business you're part. Even if you work for somebody else, you got to think like an owner, because if you do, you'll become one. And if you think like an owner and you're going to succeed, then you got to model the people that are successful. It's like, why we put this challenge together? It's not just me. We got about a dozen of the best people in the world all different ways because they're like, Oh, Tony can do this. But what about, here's Jenna Kutcher with her camera and what she's doing, making a couple of million dollars a year, being a mom, enjoying her life. They get to meet them all and not just be inspired, but this is specifically how to do it because you know and I know there's you get to have that I didn't have 20 years ago or even 15 or five years ago, some of it, but certainly not 30 years ago. It cost the fortune to do this stuff. Everything's for free now. You can put up a podcast and reach millions of people.


That was impossible in the stage of my life. There are ways to leap from because of technology that you want to take advantage of. You want to model somebody that's incredible. But then what's going to make that business work or not is two things. Do you understand who your ideal client is? You can't be a client to everybody. You got to know who's my... You can help everybody, but who's your ideal client? Who's the client that's going to stay with you when the economy gets bad? Because as you said, Winter always comes. I was saying winter came then because I knew we'd have a bull market so long that we're going to have to have a bear market. We usually have one every five years. We have this unbelievable long period of time without having one, and I wanted people to prepare. Because when things go down is your greatest opportunity. Right now, your greatest second opportunity in your life is happening because we're coming out of winter and we're not fully in springtime yet, although the economy is heating up, and it's artificially heating up. They're going to pour so much money into it that you can be an idiot and do well in the economy.


But you want to take advantage of this time because when it goes back again, because it will, we can't just keep printing dollars forever or putting ones and zeros in computers without inflation. We're already starting to see it. And most of you don't know what inflation is. I remember buying my first house at 18 years old, a triplex at 18% interest. It's hard to make money at 18% interest. Now, you got two and a half for people right now. It's different universes. So you got to be prepared for whatever is coming. And the way you do that is know who your ideal customer is, who you can add value to, fall in love with them. What do they need? What do they want? What do they eat? And not fall in love with your product, fall in love with them so you can keep meeting their needs, and then come up with an irresistible offer. If you have those two things, you're going to win. I remember I saw there's a great little series out right now on, I think it's the History channel. They've done these series in the past. You may have seen them, Lewis, like the people that shaped America, and they show all the guys that built standard oil, like the Rockefellers and so forth.


They I'm doing one right now on the food that built America. It's fascinating. One of those stories was about the pizza business. I won't run it for you, but one of those was such a perfect example. It was Domino's Pizza. He was going bankrupt. He couldn't figure out what the hell to do. He He didn't make any money no matter what. Then one day, he had a problem delivering something, and somebody was pissed off, and they go, I will not accept this pizza if it takes more than 30 minutes. He heard it. Then he tried on every call, Domino's Pizza, we deliver within 30 minutes or your pizza is free. He made an irresistible offer, not just that we'll deliver by 30 minutes, but I will be penalized. You will get it for free if you don't. That offer turned Domino's from a losing company to one of the most dominant pizza companies in the history of the world, having an irresistible offer. Knowing who his client was, he went for kids in college. He targeted them because they ate more pizza, and you could deliver more to the same dorm with more people. So he knew his ideal clients, he knew who else he wanted to serve.


He came up with the irresistible offer. Done deal.Unblical business.This.


Is a question I've asked you before. You probably don't remember. I think the last time I interviewed you was four or five years ago. But it's called the Three Truths. I like to make it spin this question. It's a hypothetical scenario. Imagine It's your last day on Earth many years away. You get to accomplish and live as long as you want to live, but eventually, you got to turn the lights off. For whatever reason, Tony, you've got to take all of your work with you. Your written words, your audio, the video. No one has access to your They steal the books out of people's homes, and it goes with you to the next place, hypothetically. But you get to leave behind three things you know to be true, the three lessons you would share with the world, and this is all we would have from your information. What would you say are those three lessons that you would share with your daughter or to the world if this is all we would have to remember you by?


Life is not about me. Life is about we. The quality of your life is the quality of your relationships. Relationships are grown by God. Giving, not by demanding, not by judging. I'd say, Secondly, love is the answer with strength. You have to have love and strength together. Those two resources, anything can be transformed, anything can be accomplished, because with love and strength, you'll have a larger vision. If it's true love, I don't want to talk about love in a sense of just trying to get something. I mean, true love, which is about how can I give something, but still having strength also, so you're not run over. I'd say, I'd say constant never-ending learning will make life not only interesting, but the meaningfulness will come because you'll have something to give, and that will tie back to the first piece that I described. There's so much it's hard to reduce to three things, but off the top of my head, those will be my first three.


I love those. And Dean Graziosi said, One of the greatest lessons you've taught him is about love and relationships. And he said that you told him, You feel love when you give it rather when you receive it. And also in a relationship, never keep score. I just wanted to mention that as something that has been impactful for him and so many of your friends that you've taught this to, especially myself in relationships and understanding relationships. Before I ask the final question, I want to acknowledge you, Tony, as I've done many times before, and I will continue to do for as long as you're alive, for constantly being a symbol of inspiration to so many people, for constantly showing up. You don't have to do this stuff anymore. You've done a million times over the work of helping so many people. The ability, the amount of growth that you continue to have and wanting to serve at a higher level continues to inspire me like you'll never know. I want to acknowledge you for leading the way, for constantly serving so many people that will never know that you touch their lives directly because you're doing it not for them to know you're doing it.


On every area of life, I really appreciate who you are as a human. My final question is, what is your definition of I think greatness.


I think greatness is service. I think great service is a great life. I think as you live your life, and I'm fortunate enough to uncover this earlier in my life, not because I'm such a good person, I think just because I love people and because I've been attracted really brilliant people 20, 30 years, my senior, who had been through all the patterns. In the end, it's not what you get that's going to make you happy. It's who you become and it's who you've been able to touch. I think greatness is is service. I think greatness is finding the way to do more for others than anybody else, because that will also come back to you in spades from the standpoint of your own sense of internal pride, not external, but your own sense. People could take away everything I have. They can't take away who I've become as a man by my service and by my growth. I think purpose and having a sense of progress are the two things that create a great life. If you got a higher purpose than yourself, that's going to give you motivation and the energy to drive when everybody else is exhausted and you're exhausted.


And if you're making progress, you'll feel the rewards that come from that. I think those two are twin powers in a great life.


Tony Robbins, thanks for all your service and generosity, my friend. I'm so grateful, and thanks for being here. I hope you enjoyed today's episode, and it inspired you on your journey towards greatness. Make sure to check out the show notes in the description for a full rundown of today's episode with all the important links. And I want to remind you, if no one has told you lately that you are loved, you are worthy, and you matter. And now it's time to go out there and do something great.


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