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Hey everyone, this is Lewis Howes and I am so excited to invite you to the summit of Greatness 2024 happening at the iconic Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, California. This is more than just an event. It's a powerful experience designed to ignite your passion, boost your growth, and connect you with a community of other inspiring achievers. Join us Friday, September 13 and all good options. They're all good. Which one do you want to do? I'm going to probably buy a map. Sounds like a good idea.Yeah. Yeah.So what happens is, over time, that transformational leadership approach allows you to develop people. That's good so that you don't become the bottleneck. The reason they call it a bottleneck is because it's at the top.Yeah.Again, most people build businesses they grow to hate because they don't know a different way of leading and creating and training, so that the bigger they grow, the more time it takes. My philosophy is, the bigger it gets, the more time you get back.Wow.Yeah, it's. I mean, it's the funnest thing to show people because once they see it, it's like so logical. If I'm always hiring people to buy back time out of my calendar, it's impossible for me to get to a place where I feel overwhelmed.You should have more time every time you hire.Every time you hire, though, the rule is start with the calendar. Audit it. Okay, here's the bucket of things. That's the only people I'm gonna hire to buy back that time. Things that I didn't want to do in the first place that don't make me a lot of money. Then I transfer it. Then I fill my calendar with things that make me money. I enjoy doing that. Develop me so that I become more so. It's kind of awesome that, and you've seen me do it for a decade. This is literally how I do it.I love it, man. This is awesome. I could ask you a lot more questions around this, but I want people to get the book, buy back your time, get unstuck, reclaim your freedom, and build your empire by my man, Dan Martell. Make sure you guys check this out. Get a few copies for some friends. Also, this will be a game changer for anyone. And I think, again, people want to feel free. They want to feel light. And it's hard to feel free if you are stuck doing too many things you don't want to do and you're not evolving beyond that. And there's always going to be a season. Or maybe this is a limiting belief, but I've been through many seasons of like, oh, I don't have the skills. I've got to go do something that's going to take time and energy at a rate that I wish I was making more at, to go develop skills until I get to the next level. You know, I was a truck driver. I was mowing lawns. I was doing all these different things. I was like, that's not what I want to be doing. But I've got to keep developing the value within me, the skill set, filling up my time wherever I can get it, to get more skills, to then go showcase my value and exchange it for some type of money that I want.Right. So I think this has been a beautiful conversation. I love this concept of kind of knowing your worth but also understanding your value, because everyone can say, I'm worth this, but unless the market agrees, once that value and is willing to pay for that value, you're worth what you're getting, I guess, right?Yeah.So there's a difference there. Where can we follow and support you the most?Instagram is my favorite, as you know. It's just like, I give away every. My plan is to die empty, right? I want to die. Give it all away. A lot of people that read the book are always asking about, like, how to manage your executive assistant.Uh huh.So I'll do something for your audience only, Louis. If they. If you guys message me, follow me on Instagram, message me, Lewis. I'll send them direct link, no opt in, no nothing. To my Google Doc, sanitized for my internal standard operating procedure for working with my assistant. I think it's like 42 pages ask and to clean it up. So just for this audience, message me, Louis ea. I'll then know and I'll send it to you over on Instagram. Dan Martell to Elsa Martell. Dan Martell on Instagram. And Dan Martel on YouTube and all platforms. And, yeah, I mean, the. The big thing I want people to understand, I kind of call them the three universal truths, is, I think the biggest way for us to become more values we talk about worthiness, is, first off, realize that we become what we talk about. People talk about visualization. The problem is visualization is that a lot of people visualize big dreams they don't tell anybody about. So you talk your future into existence. That's a big. That's a big, like for me, that's why I've always shared, these are my goals, is my vision, is what I'm doing.Number two is I think that we will receive what we desire for others. Think about that when we talk about money. If you want to be wealthy, I know how to do it. Go help other people become rich. Right, right. If you don't want your boss to become rich, you might have a money mindset problem, because you will receive what you desire for others. And the third one, especially as it pertains about worth and the concepts in the book, is that the work instills the worth.The work instills the worth.When I had no self worth when I was a teenager, trying to figure out my way in life, all I knew is that if I could just show up and do the work, be consistent. Right. Because I think confidence is eaten away when we're not keeping the commitments we make to ourselves in private. So the work instills the self worth, and you can't think your way to that. It's a doing. It's proof. When I show up and I'm consistent for 45 days, 60 days. Lewis, when you've done this podcast for so long, the work instills, it's there.Every week for eleven years.Those are the three universal truths. I think that if people would consider, it would just transform their whole mindset and perspective.And. Weren't you in jail for a period of time?I did, man. I got juvie. Well, I know that's what we connected earlier with your brother story. Yeah, I ended up.How old are you?I was 15 the first time, 16 the second time.It's not a funny, really, but it's crazy, dude. I'm just curious, what is the, you know what I love about your story and my brother as well? The cool thing. My brother went to prison for four and a half years.Yeah, I think. When you were eight, right?Yeah, eight to twelve. And one of the coolest things, and the thing that I'm really happy for him is last month after 27 years of him being out, he got pardoned by the state of Ohio. The governor gave him, like, a full forgiveness, pardon and everything. And it's cool to see that, you know, we can make mistakes or go through dark times and still have a life of success and fulfillment if we put in the work, if we're willing to reshape our story, our identities, our actions. So I just want to acknowledge you for the constant journey you've been on, because, you know, you could have gone down a much darker path twice in Juvia. I don't know how long you were there for, a few months each time, or you could have kept making those decisions based on a belief and a story that you were worthless or not good enough or bad or wrong or whatever it was. But you have decided continually to upgrade those beliefs and be of service to others. So I want to acknowledge you for that.My man.It's beautiful to watch. I wish you lived in LA so we can hang out more, but now you got your jets, you can come down anytime. So I just want to acknowledge you for the service, man. It's cool to watch you put yourself out there more and share this wisdom with the world in such a way where you understand processes and also you can teach it so people can consume it and understand it and make it easier, because some of these concepts can seem daunting to understand and to implement. But with your book, you give people the tools, the processes, the frameworks, and the stories on how to take these kind of baby steps and grow beyond these old beliefs. So I acknowledge you for that. Appreciate you. Final question for you, because you shared my three truths question already. My final question. Sorry, you just went right into it, which is great. What is your definition of greatness?Such a great question. You know, I still remember the call when you'd bought do. I remember where I was at.What did I say?I was asking what was new, and you were all excited. There was a bunch of stuff. I think he just finished doing a big photo shoot with Nick, and he said, hey, dude. And I also bought greatness calm. And I said, I remember thinking, oh, that's a big dog move. That's a big move. You know what I mean? That was. A. Nobody in our space was doing that kind of stuff. And I was just so proud of you. I was just like, yeah, Louis, like, let's go.I remember Noah Kegan got, like, yeah, before that, I think. And I was like, I need to do something. I need to own, like, more than my name, a word, more than just my name, which I was like, I can't really, can I go so far with that? And it's limited by me, but owning.A word is like, and did you ever do that? The book? I mean, it's awesome. Like, I read your last book and it was. I loved that book. You wrote an incredible book.Thank you.I think greatness is very simple is that are people better after having you around them? Like, are, if you look around the people you spend time with, are they better for having you in their life? If that's true, that's greatness.My man. Dan, appreciate you, brother.Oh, honor. Thanks, man.I hope you enjoyed today's episode and it inspired you on your journey towards greatness. Make sure to check out the show notes in the description for a full rundown of today's episode with all the important links. If you want weekly exclusive bonus episodes with me personally, as well as ad free listening, then make sure to subscribe to our great plus channel exclusively on Apple Podcasts. Share this with a friend on social media and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts as well. Let me know what you enjoyed about this episode in that review. I really love hearing feedback from you and it helps us figure out how we can support and serve you moving forward. And I want to remind you of no one has told you lately that you are loved, you are worthy, and you matter. And now it's time to go out there and do something great.


all good options. They're all good. Which one do you want to do? I'm going to probably buy a map. Sounds like a good idea.


Yeah. Yeah.


So what happens is, over time, that transformational leadership approach allows you to develop people. That's good so that you don't become the bottleneck. The reason they call it a bottleneck is because it's at the top.




Again, most people build businesses they grow to hate because they don't know a different way of leading and creating and training, so that the bigger they grow, the more time it takes. My philosophy is, the bigger it gets, the more time you get back.




Yeah, it's. I mean, it's the funnest thing to show people because once they see it, it's like so logical. If I'm always hiring people to buy back time out of my calendar, it's impossible for me to get to a place where I feel overwhelmed.


You should have more time every time you hire.


Every time you hire, though, the rule is start with the calendar. Audit it. Okay, here's the bucket of things. That's the only people I'm gonna hire to buy back that time. Things that I didn't want to do in the first place that don't make me a lot of money. Then I transfer it. Then I fill my calendar with things that make me money. I enjoy doing that. Develop me so that I become more so. It's kind of awesome that, and you've seen me do it for a decade. This is literally how I do it.


I love it, man. This is awesome. I could ask you a lot more questions around this, but I want people to get the book, buy back your time, get unstuck, reclaim your freedom, and build your empire by my man, Dan Martell. Make sure you guys check this out. Get a few copies for some friends. Also, this will be a game changer for anyone. And I think, again, people want to feel free. They want to feel light. And it's hard to feel free if you are stuck doing too many things you don't want to do and you're not evolving beyond that. And there's always going to be a season. Or maybe this is a limiting belief, but I've been through many seasons of like, oh, I don't have the skills. I've got to go do something that's going to take time and energy at a rate that I wish I was making more at, to go develop skills until I get to the next level. You know, I was a truck driver. I was mowing lawns. I was doing all these different things. I was like, that's not what I want to be doing. But I've got to keep developing the value within me, the skill set, filling up my time wherever I can get it, to get more skills, to then go showcase my value and exchange it for some type of money that I want.


Right. So I think this has been a beautiful conversation. I love this concept of kind of knowing your worth but also understanding your value, because everyone can say, I'm worth this, but unless the market agrees, once that value and is willing to pay for that value, you're worth what you're getting, I guess, right?




So there's a difference there. Where can we follow and support you the most?


Instagram is my favorite, as you know. It's just like, I give away every. My plan is to die empty, right? I want to die. Give it all away. A lot of people that read the book are always asking about, like, how to manage your executive assistant.


Uh huh.


So I'll do something for your audience only, Louis. If they. If you guys message me, follow me on Instagram, message me, Lewis. I'll send them direct link, no opt in, no nothing. To my Google Doc, sanitized for my internal standard operating procedure for working with my assistant. I think it's like 42 pages ask and to clean it up. So just for this audience, message me, Louis ea. I'll then know and I'll send it to you over on Instagram. Dan Martell to Elsa Martell. Dan Martell on Instagram. And Dan Martel on YouTube and all platforms. And, yeah, I mean, the. The big thing I want people to understand, I kind of call them the three universal truths, is, I think the biggest way for us to become more values we talk about worthiness, is, first off, realize that we become what we talk about. People talk about visualization. The problem is visualization is that a lot of people visualize big dreams they don't tell anybody about. So you talk your future into existence. That's a big. That's a big, like for me, that's why I've always shared, these are my goals, is my vision, is what I'm doing.


Number two is I think that we will receive what we desire for others. Think about that when we talk about money. If you want to be wealthy, I know how to do it. Go help other people become rich. Right, right. If you don't want your boss to become rich, you might have a money mindset problem, because you will receive what you desire for others. And the third one, especially as it pertains about worth and the concepts in the book, is that the work instills the worth.


The work instills the worth.


When I had no self worth when I was a teenager, trying to figure out my way in life, all I knew is that if I could just show up and do the work, be consistent. Right. Because I think confidence is eaten away when we're not keeping the commitments we make to ourselves in private. So the work instills the self worth, and you can't think your way to that. It's a doing. It's proof. When I show up and I'm consistent for 45 days, 60 days. Lewis, when you've done this podcast for so long, the work instills, it's there.


Every week for eleven years.


Those are the three universal truths. I think that if people would consider, it would just transform their whole mindset and perspective.


And. Weren't you in jail for a period of time?


I did, man. I got juvie. Well, I know that's what we connected earlier with your brother story. Yeah, I ended up.


How old are you?


I was 15 the first time, 16 the second time.


It's not a funny, really, but it's crazy, dude. I'm just curious, what is the, you know what I love about your story and my brother as well? The cool thing. My brother went to prison for four and a half years.


Yeah, I think. When you were eight, right?


Yeah, eight to twelve. And one of the coolest things, and the thing that I'm really happy for him is last month after 27 years of him being out, he got pardoned by the state of Ohio. The governor gave him, like, a full forgiveness, pardon and everything. And it's cool to see that, you know, we can make mistakes or go through dark times and still have a life of success and fulfillment if we put in the work, if we're willing to reshape our story, our identities, our actions. So I just want to acknowledge you for the constant journey you've been on, because, you know, you could have gone down a much darker path twice in Juvia. I don't know how long you were there for, a few months each time, or you could have kept making those decisions based on a belief and a story that you were worthless or not good enough or bad or wrong or whatever it was. But you have decided continually to upgrade those beliefs and be of service to others. So I want to acknowledge you for that.


My man.


It's beautiful to watch. I wish you lived in LA so we can hang out more, but now you got your jets, you can come down anytime. So I just want to acknowledge you for the service, man. It's cool to watch you put yourself out there more and share this wisdom with the world in such a way where you understand processes and also you can teach it so people can consume it and understand it and make it easier, because some of these concepts can seem daunting to understand and to implement. But with your book, you give people the tools, the processes, the frameworks, and the stories on how to take these kind of baby steps and grow beyond these old beliefs. So I acknowledge you for that. Appreciate you. Final question for you, because you shared my three truths question already. My final question. Sorry, you just went right into it, which is great. What is your definition of greatness?


Such a great question. You know, I still remember the call when you'd bought




I do. I remember where I was at.


What did I say?


I was asking what was new, and you were all excited. There was a bunch of stuff. I think he just finished doing a big photo shoot with Nick, and he said, hey, dude. And I also bought greatness calm. And I said, I remember thinking, oh, that's a big dog move. That's a big move. You know what I mean? That was. A. Nobody in our space was doing that kind of stuff. And I was just so proud of you. I was just like, yeah, Louis, like, let's go.


I remember Noah Kegan got, like, yeah, before that, I think. And I was like, I need to do something. I need to own, like, more than my name, a word, more than just my name, which I was like, I can't really, can I go so far with that? And it's limited by me, but owning.


A word is like, and did you ever do that? The book? I mean, it's awesome. Like, I read your last book and it was. I loved that book. You wrote an incredible book.


Thank you.


I think greatness is very simple is that are people better after having you around them? Like, are, if you look around the people you spend time with, are they better for having you in their life? If that's true, that's greatness.


My man. Dan, appreciate you, brother.


Oh, honor. Thanks, man.


I hope you enjoyed today's episode and it inspired you on your journey towards greatness. Make sure to check out the show notes in the description for a full rundown of today's episode with all the important links. If you want weekly exclusive bonus episodes with me personally, as well as ad free listening, then make sure to subscribe to our great plus channel exclusively on Apple Podcasts. Share this with a friend on social media and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts as well. Let me know what you enjoyed about this episode in that review. I really love hearing feedback from you and it helps us figure out how we can support and serve you moving forward. And I want to remind you of no one has told you lately that you are loved, you are worthy, and you matter. And now it's time to go out there and do something great.