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Our economic system is designed to keep people poor. We're taught to go to school to get a job and spend our money. We're never taught what to do with that money. We're never taught to start a business, and we're never taught how to take this money that we're earning and convert it into wealth.




You're working to make your bank rich. You're working to make Gucci rich. You're working to make everybody else rich except yourself. The one and only Jaspreet Singh. I am Jaspreet Singh, the chief executive money nerd at the minority mindset companies created the YouTube channel minority mindset.


Jaspreet, thank you for being here.


Money talks, and the people who have money will get to be able to live that freedom. And the people who don't become subservient to the people who have money.




The first step to building wealth is to start with money mindset. The beliefs that you have around money and understand, number one, you can become wealthy. You will become wealthy that money is abundant. We demonize the wrong things. People coming at this from a good perspective, that you have to own a home to build wealth. But there's also a difference between making more money and building wealth. Really becoming wealthy comes down to five steps. I'm going to break down into the simplest root thing.


Hey everyone, this is Lewis Howes and I am so excited to invite you to the summit of greatness 2024 happening at the iconic Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, California. This is more than just an event. It's a powerful experience designed to ignite your passion, boost your growth, and connect you with a community of other inspiring achievers. Join us Friday, September 13 and Saturday, September 14 for two days packed with inspiration and transformation from some of the most incredible speakers on the planet. Don't miss out on this chance to elevate your life, unlock your potential, and be part of something truly special. Make sure to get your tickets right now and step into greatness with us at the summit of greatness 2024. Head over to tickets and get your tickets today and I will see you there.


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Summer welcome back, everyone, to the school of greatness. I'm very excited about our guest and this topic in a moment of time when it seems like inflation is rising higher than ever. It seems like people are more in debt than ever. And it seems like we don't know who to trust. The government seems like some of them could be lying to us potentially about the economy. There are so many wars that are causing transfers of money that we're not sure where the money is going. Student loans, debt is at an all time high, and it's harder and harder for people to make money these days. We brought on one of the leading experts on the Internet today, Jaspreet Singh, who is a trusted individual and advisor to millions around the world about money, managing money, making money, understanding money in their lives, and really trying to figure out what is happening in the economy and in the world. And Jaspreet, welcome back to the show. Very excited that you're here because I'm confused, and money, you're going to start investing it. You're going to be very disappointed in the first couple of years because you see no returns, you don't see anything happening, but you got to stick with it. Yes. And you keep doing it. You built your financial education, you learn more about how to invest. You start studying the financial trends, you keep building the financial preparedness.Maybe you see a market downturn, it creates more opportunities for you to invest, but you just stick with it. Then what's going to end up happening? You go through the decade of sacrifice because now you turn around and you don't recognize the person that you were ten years ago. You won't even recognize yourself three years ago. But this is where now you will start to build this real wealth fund for yourself. And now you can start spending more money, but it's not necessarily coming out of your paycheck. You can start having nice things. You don't have to worry about the price because the money is being $100, $1,000, whatever is right for you. But just start taking some action now. Always you have to have some action being putting your money to work. But you also want to couple that with learning. So do that. Then number three is be ready for the mistake and keep going when things go wrong. You know, one of the disclaimers I always say is, number one, don't blindly listen to a random guy on YouTube, because that's what I am. And number two is investing has risks. You're never guaranteed to make money. In fact, you will probably lose money. Every single successful person in the world has lost money at some point. Every single successful investor has lost money at some point. The goal is to make more than you lose. But those losses are where the real education happened.Painful.It is painful.It is painful, but you are.It sucks. It sucks. I don't know how else to say, but it sucks. But that's the time now where you got to really double down, come back to the education and make sure you were working on the financial preparedness and use this as an opportunity to learn more. I mean, I have talked so many times about the times I screwed up in my own business, the times I screwed up in real estate. Like, I have made a lot of mistakes, and it is tough when you go through them, but without those mistakes, you're never going to be able to get to where you want to go.Exactly. Yeah. I can think back when I was living on my sister's couch for a year and a half in Columbus, Ohio, with, I don't know, close to $30,000 in student loan debt. I was fortunate. I was one of the fortunate ones not to have 200,000 in student loans debt or more. And I remember I was injured. I had a cast on from surgery for six months. So I was unable to kind of physically do manual labor jobs. I didn't have my college degree yet, and this was in 2007, eight and nine, when the economy crashed, the mortgage, you know, industry crashed, and they weren't hiring people with masters, let alone people like me that didn't graduate college yet. So I remember feeling very down and out, very victimhood, and a lot of shame on top of that because I wasn't contributing and earning any money, and I was living off of my sister Catherine. Now, she had a job, and she was able to at least provide housing for me. And I was eating kind of the scraps of food that she would have left over. And I remember feeling a lot of shame that I was thinking, why am I now an adult man that is unable to make money?This economy is really hard. I'm struggling, and I didn't have the right money beliefs. Also, I think I had some decent money beliefs that I saw my dad do some things well. But there was so much pain and suffering and conflict within their marriage that things were tied and muddy around money as well. So I was confused about money, and I didn't know how I was going to make it. I didn't know how. Who would pay me? Am I capable of making money? Do I have any skills to make money? Who's going to hire me? Where can I work? Could I start my own thing? I didn't have the belief around any of these things. But what you're saying right now is something that I started to do. I started to educate myself, and I started to read a lot. At that time, I was reading blogs, and I was reading, like, financial personal finance blogs, right? So I was learning. I read a book by Ramit Sethi called I will teach you to re rich.Great book.That book, over the next few years, helped me pay off my student loans and start taking action. It didn't happen overnight. But it gave me a game plan to take action on paying it down from $20 a month to hundreds of dollars a month, then paying it all off. And that created the snowball effect that you talked about. I started to build momentum little by little. It didn't happen overnight. Then I started to get creative and put myself out there and say, how can I earn a couple extra hundred dollars a week? You know, let me try to help people with what I'm learning online. Let me try to create these events that I was starting to do and I started to generate a little bit of cash. And from there I built confidence and I built competence. Then I reinvested that money back into myself. What you talked about, step one, invest in you. And I started getting coaches and mentors and going to events and all these things gave me more confidence and competence and I lost money along the way. I spent time on things that didn't work out. I had ups and downs, physical health challenges, relationship challenges.All these different things were happening at the same time. But as I look back now, 1516 years later, I see that by taking action and sticking with it, like you just shared kind of the last point you shared, sticking with it over time, I have more than I've lost. I've learned more, I've experienced more, and there have been some extremely painful times. There has been betrayal, sadness, heartbreak, all these different things. But by being consistent and just doing a little bit better than you do worse and making smarter decisions every time you make dumb mistakes, you will have more than you did before and you will become a different person in the process.Oh, yeah.And I think if people can. It was really hard for me to see the future. 16 years ago, 17 years ago, when I was on my sister's couch, it was near impossible to see, how am I going to make money? How am I going to create wealth? I'm going to have a financial freedom. How am I going to create this feeling of abundance inside of me and also in, you know, in assets or in investments, how is this possible? It feels near impossible. And I think when you stop thinking about the end result of, okay, how do I make a million dollars in the next couple years? And you just start thinking about the next step today and being consistent with those actions and improving day after day, year after year, it'll eventually grow. And I hope that's what people take away from this interview in this episode is that it doesn't happen overnight. You will feel experienced pain, financially, physically, emotionally, psychologically in the process. But you can also experience a lot of beauty, fulfillment and joy in the process as well.And the purpose comes from pain.Yeah.And it's. You gotta go through the process.I tell you that, man, the most painful parts of my life have the reason why I'm here. You know, dealing with that financial heartache, dealing with challenges as a kid that I dealt with has given me the reason to live in service, which is one of the tenets of your religion, to serve others from that place of pain, to hopefully help others get out of that pain as well. That's why I do what I do. I know. It's why you do what you do with market, market briefs with minority, minority mindset, is that right? The minority mindset on YouTube and with your paid community of teaching people about the latest trends, what's happening. Because you don't want people to suffer the way you suffered financially and the pains that you've had. So you're now educating those to hopefully bypass a lot of those mistakes to.Lower the learning curve. We can't bypass. You got to go through the hardship.I know, man.But you can, you know, minimize. Yeah. You can lower some of the pain, lower the learning curve that we can get to where you want to go a little bit quicker and hopefully make less expensive mistakes. Not avoidable, making less expensive mistakes because you got to make the mistakes. You're going to.You got to. Jaspery, this has been extremely informative. You've got an amazing YouTube channel where you're putting out content almost daily, hundreds of, I think, a thousand videos on there now. So much content around all these different topics for free. If people want to learn more, they can watch it for free. My more minority mindset on YouTube, you've also got market briefs, which is your free newsletter. Hundreds of thousands of people are part of that. You send out incredible insights and information weekly for people. Daily, daily. There you go. You have a whole team that is scouring the news, the information, what's happening, trends to give people for free. So make sure you sign up for that. Is that or briefs dot co?Briefs dot co or just go to Google and search market briefs.Market briefs. And you also have a paid community that's coming out soon. Well, I guess it's out by the time of this launch of this video and this audio. But if you sign up for Briefs Co, you'll get information on the, the premium version of that as well.Briefs Pro.Briefs pro. There you go, dude. This has been informative. My audience loves when we come on together and share these things. So thank you for reviewing them again. My biggest takeaways are that the system is rigged against you. If you don't have the right mindset, if you don't have the right beliefs, and if you have money wounds, you'll be stuck in a system that wants to keep you poor. And fortunately, there is a way out if you're willing to change your beliefs, if you're willing to reinvest in yourself and become someone new in the process, and start taking daily actions that are painful at first that will be extremely rewarding in the future. So you need to think about your future self and what your future self wants you to do today. And stop thinking about what your desires and your ego self wants today with the pleasures of life, minimize the financial pleasures and create more experiential pleasures that are free, that cost nothing, which is connecting with loved ones, which is enjoying nature, which is being creating your own adventures in life as opposed to needing to always spend. I'm not saying don't spend, but make sure you spend less than you make.Start taking those daily actions and invest in your future and keep being of service with your talents and gifts. So I'm so grateful for you jasperit, for always being of service, for living the tenets of your religion, which I believe the first one was remember God. The second one is make sure to serve others and then earn an honest living. So I appreciate you, I acknowledge you and I'm grateful for all that you do for your community, this community at school of greatness. And is there any final message that you'd like to share for people before we wrap up?Well dude, that was so nice. Very sweet. You know, again, I make a lot of mistakes, so I would definitely not want to put myself as, you know, a perfect person or anything even close. I make a lot of mistakes in every which way, but I think the goal is always just to be a little bit better every day. You can improve no matter where you are. I think all of us, myself included especially, have a lot to improve. But what you said was 100% right. That there is opportunity and availability for you to go out and live a life financially of more freedom. But that requires you to, number one, breathe, understand as possible, take action. And even when things get tough, you keep going. And you know, beyond that, right? You got to make those financial sacrifices. That way you can do more of the financial things, travel, spend money, and not have to worry about the price. Because now you have the money, right? The goal is not to ever enjoy the nice things is to be able to afford the nice things without having to worry about the price because you've put in the work and now you earned it.That's beautiful man. If you guys enjoyed this, make sure to like the video. Leave a comment of your biggest takeaway or your biggest challenge or struggle that you're facing with around money or your biggest question around money and we'll bring just back on in the future to try to answer some of these questions. And just preet thanks mainland so much for being here.Thank you for having me. Mandev.I hope today's episode inspired you on your journey towards greatness. Make sure to check out the show notes in the description for a rundown of today's show with all the important links. And if you want weekly exclusive bonus episodes with me as well as ad free listening experience, make sure to subscribe to our greatness plus channel on Apple Podcast. If you enjoyed this, please share it with a friend over on social media or text a friend. Leave us a review over on Apple Podcast and let me know what you learned over on our social media channelsewishowes. I really love hearing the feedback from you and it helps us continue to make the show better. And if you want more inspiration from our world class guests and content to learn how to improve the quality of your life, then make sure to sign up for the greatness newsletter and get it delivered right to your inbox newsletter and if no one has told you today, I want want to remind you that you are loved, you are worthy, and you matter. And now it's time to go out there and do something great.


money, you're going to start investing it. You're going to be very disappointed in the first couple of years because you see no returns, you don't see anything happening, but you got to stick with it. Yes. And you keep doing it. You built your financial education, you learn more about how to invest. You start studying the financial trends, you keep building the financial preparedness.


Maybe you see a market downturn, it creates more opportunities for you to invest, but you just stick with it. Then what's going to end up happening? You go through the decade of sacrifice because now you turn around and you don't recognize the person that you were ten years ago. You won't even recognize yourself three years ago. But this is where now you will start to build this real wealth fund for yourself. And now you can start spending more money, but it's not necessarily coming out of your paycheck. You can start having nice things. You don't have to worry about the price because the money is being $100, $1,000, whatever is right for you. But just start taking some action now. Always you have to have some action being putting your money to work. But you also want to couple that with learning. So do that. Then number three is be ready for the mistake and keep going when things go wrong. You know, one of the disclaimers I always say is, number one, don't blindly listen to a random guy on YouTube, because that's what I am. And number two is investing has risks. You're never guaranteed to make money. In fact, you will probably lose money. Every single successful person in the world has lost money at some point. Every single successful investor has lost money at some point. The goal is to make more than you lose. But those losses are where the real education happened.Painful.It is painful.It is painful, but you are.It sucks. It sucks. I don't know how else to say, but it sucks. But that's the time now where you got to really double down, come back to the education and make sure you were working on the financial preparedness and use this as an opportunity to learn more. I mean, I have talked so many times about the times I screwed up in my own business, the times I screwed up in real estate. Like, I have made a lot of mistakes, and it is tough when you go through them, but without those mistakes, you're never going to be able to get to where you want to go.Exactly. Yeah. I can think back when I was living on my sister's couch for a year and a half in Columbus, Ohio, with, I don't know, close to $30,000 in student loan debt. I was fortunate. I was one of the fortunate ones not to have 200,000 in student loans debt or more. And I remember I was injured. I had a cast on from surgery for six months. So I was unable to kind of physically do manual labor jobs. I didn't have my college degree yet, and this was in 2007, eight and nine, when the economy crashed, the mortgage, you know, industry crashed, and they weren't hiring people with masters, let alone people like me that didn't graduate college yet. So I remember feeling very down and out, very victimhood, and a lot of shame on top of that because I wasn't contributing and earning any money, and I was living off of my sister Catherine. Now, she had a job, and she was able to at least provide housing for me. And I was eating kind of the scraps of food that she would have left over. And I remember feeling a lot of shame that I was thinking, why am I now an adult man that is unable to make money?This economy is really hard. I'm struggling, and I didn't have the right money beliefs. Also, I think I had some decent money beliefs that I saw my dad do some things well. But there was so much pain and suffering and conflict within their marriage that things were tied and muddy around money as well. So I was confused about money, and I didn't know how I was going to make it. I didn't know how. Who would pay me? Am I capable of making money? Do I have any skills to make money? Who's going to hire me? Where can I work? Could I start my own thing? I didn't have the belief around any of these things. But what you're saying right now is something that I started to do. I started to educate myself, and I started to read a lot. At that time, I was reading blogs, and I was reading, like, financial personal finance blogs, right? So I was learning. I read a book by Ramit Sethi called I will teach you to re rich.Great book.That book, over the next few years, helped me pay off my student loans and start taking action. It didn't happen overnight. But it gave me a game plan to take action on paying it down from $20 a month to hundreds of dollars a month, then paying it all off. And that created the snowball effect that you talked about. I started to build momentum little by little. It didn't happen overnight. Then I started to get creative and put myself out there and say, how can I earn a couple extra hundred dollars a week? You know, let me try to help people with what I'm learning online. Let me try to create these events that I was starting to do and I started to generate a little bit of cash. And from there I built confidence and I built competence. Then I reinvested that money back into myself. What you talked about, step one, invest in you. And I started getting coaches and mentors and going to events and all these things gave me more confidence and competence and I lost money along the way. I spent time on things that didn't work out. I had ups and downs, physical health challenges, relationship challenges.All these different things were happening at the same time. But as I look back now, 1516 years later, I see that by taking action and sticking with it, like you just shared kind of the last point you shared, sticking with it over time, I have more than I've lost. I've learned more, I've experienced more, and there have been some extremely painful times. There has been betrayal, sadness, heartbreak, all these different things. But by being consistent and just doing a little bit better than you do worse and making smarter decisions every time you make dumb mistakes, you will have more than you did before and you will become a different person in the process.Oh, yeah.And I think if people can. It was really hard for me to see the future. 16 years ago, 17 years ago, when I was on my sister's couch, it was near impossible to see, how am I going to make money? How am I going to create wealth? I'm going to have a financial freedom. How am I going to create this feeling of abundance inside of me and also in, you know, in assets or in investments, how is this possible? It feels near impossible. And I think when you stop thinking about the end result of, okay, how do I make a million dollars in the next couple years? And you just start thinking about the next step today and being consistent with those actions and improving day after day, year after year, it'll eventually grow. And I hope that's what people take away from this interview in this episode is that it doesn't happen overnight. You will feel experienced pain, financially, physically, emotionally, psychologically in the process. But you can also experience a lot of beauty, fulfillment and joy in the process as well.And the purpose comes from pain.Yeah.And it's. You gotta go through the process.I tell you that, man, the most painful parts of my life have the reason why I'm here. You know, dealing with that financial heartache, dealing with challenges as a kid that I dealt with has given me the reason to live in service, which is one of the tenets of your religion, to serve others from that place of pain, to hopefully help others get out of that pain as well. That's why I do what I do. I know. It's why you do what you do with market, market briefs with minority, minority mindset, is that right? The minority mindset on YouTube and with your paid community of teaching people about the latest trends, what's happening. Because you don't want people to suffer the way you suffered financially and the pains that you've had. So you're now educating those to hopefully bypass a lot of those mistakes to.Lower the learning curve. We can't bypass. You got to go through the hardship.I know, man.But you can, you know, minimize. Yeah. You can lower some of the pain, lower the learning curve that we can get to where you want to go a little bit quicker and hopefully make less expensive mistakes. Not avoidable, making less expensive mistakes because you got to make the mistakes. You're going to.You got to. Jaspery, this has been extremely informative. You've got an amazing YouTube channel where you're putting out content almost daily, hundreds of, I think, a thousand videos on there now. So much content around all these different topics for free. If people want to learn more, they can watch it for free. My more minority mindset on YouTube, you've also got market briefs, which is your free newsletter. Hundreds of thousands of people are part of that. You send out incredible insights and information weekly for people. Daily, daily. There you go. You have a whole team that is scouring the news, the information, what's happening, trends to give people for free. So make sure you sign up for that. Is that or briefs dot co?Briefs dot co or just go to Google and search market briefs.Market briefs. And you also have a paid community that's coming out soon. Well, I guess it's out by the time of this launch of this video and this audio. But if you sign up for Briefs Co, you'll get information on the, the premium version of that as well.Briefs Pro.Briefs pro. There you go, dude. This has been informative. My audience loves when we come on together and share these things. So thank you for reviewing them again. My biggest takeaways are that the system is rigged against you. If you don't have the right mindset, if you don't have the right beliefs, and if you have money wounds, you'll be stuck in a system that wants to keep you poor. And fortunately, there is a way out if you're willing to change your beliefs, if you're willing to reinvest in yourself and become someone new in the process, and start taking daily actions that are painful at first that will be extremely rewarding in the future. So you need to think about your future self and what your future self wants you to do today. And stop thinking about what your desires and your ego self wants today with the pleasures of life, minimize the financial pleasures and create more experiential pleasures that are free, that cost nothing, which is connecting with loved ones, which is enjoying nature, which is being creating your own adventures in life as opposed to needing to always spend. I'm not saying don't spend, but make sure you spend less than you make.Start taking those daily actions and invest in your future and keep being of service with your talents and gifts. So I'm so grateful for you jasperit, for always being of service, for living the tenets of your religion, which I believe the first one was remember God. The second one is make sure to serve others and then earn an honest living. So I appreciate you, I acknowledge you and I'm grateful for all that you do for your community, this community at school of greatness. And is there any final message that you'd like to share for people before we wrap up?Well dude, that was so nice. Very sweet. You know, again, I make a lot of mistakes, so I would definitely not want to put myself as, you know, a perfect person or anything even close. I make a lot of mistakes in every which way, but I think the goal is always just to be a little bit better every day. You can improve no matter where you are. I think all of us, myself included especially, have a lot to improve. But what you said was 100% right. That there is opportunity and availability for you to go out and live a life financially of more freedom. But that requires you to, number one, breathe, understand as possible, take action. And even when things get tough, you keep going. And you know, beyond that, right? You got to make those financial sacrifices. That way you can do more of the financial things, travel, spend money, and not have to worry about the price. Because now you have the money, right? The goal is not to ever enjoy the nice things is to be able to afford the nice things without having to worry about the price because you've put in the work and now you earned it.That's beautiful man. If you guys enjoyed this, make sure to like the video. Leave a comment of your biggest takeaway or your biggest challenge or struggle that you're facing with around money or your biggest question around money and we'll bring just back on in the future to try to answer some of these questions. And just preet thanks mainland so much for being here.Thank you for having me. Mandev.I hope today's episode inspired you on your journey towards greatness. Make sure to check out the show notes in the description for a rundown of today's show with all the important links. And if you want weekly exclusive bonus episodes with me as well as ad free listening experience, make sure to subscribe to our greatness plus channel on Apple Podcast. If you enjoyed this, please share it with a friend over on social media or text a friend. Leave us a review over on Apple Podcast and let me know what you learned over on our social media channelsewishowes. I really love hearing the feedback from you and it helps us continue to make the show better. And if you want more inspiration from our world class guests and content to learn how to improve the quality of your life, then make sure to sign up for the greatness newsletter and get it delivered right to your inbox newsletter and if no one has told you today, I want want to remind you that you are loved, you are worthy, and you matter. And now it's time to go out there and do something great.


$100, $1,000, whatever is right for you. But just start taking some action now. Always you have to have some action being putting your money to work. But you also want to couple that with learning. So do that. Then number three is be ready for the mistake and keep going when things go wrong. You know, one of the disclaimers I always say is, number one, don't blindly listen to a random guy on YouTube, because that's what I am. And number two is investing has risks. You're never guaranteed to make money. In fact, you will probably lose money. Every single successful person in the world has lost money at some point. Every single successful investor has lost money at some point. The goal is to make more than you lose. But those losses are where the real education happened.




It is painful.


It is painful, but you are.


It sucks. It sucks. I don't know how else to say, but it sucks. But that's the time now where you got to really double down, come back to the education and make sure you were working on the financial preparedness and use this as an opportunity to learn more. I mean, I have talked so many times about the times I screwed up in my own business, the times I screwed up in real estate. Like, I have made a lot of mistakes, and it is tough when you go through them, but without those mistakes, you're never going to be able to get to where you want to go.


Exactly. Yeah. I can think back when I was living on my sister's couch for a year and a half in Columbus, Ohio, with, I don't know, close to $30,000 in student loan debt. I was fortunate. I was one of the fortunate ones not to have 200,000 in student loans debt or more. And I remember I was injured. I had a cast on from surgery for six months. So I was unable to kind of physically do manual labor jobs. I didn't have my college degree yet, and this was in 2007, eight and nine, when the economy crashed, the mortgage, you know, industry crashed, and they weren't hiring people with masters, let alone people like me that didn't graduate college yet. So I remember feeling very down and out, very victimhood, and a lot of shame on top of that because I wasn't contributing and earning any money, and I was living off of my sister Catherine. Now, she had a job, and she was able to at least provide housing for me. And I was eating kind of the scraps of food that she would have left over. And I remember feeling a lot of shame that I was thinking, why am I now an adult man that is unable to make money?


This economy is really hard. I'm struggling, and I didn't have the right money beliefs. Also, I think I had some decent money beliefs that I saw my dad do some things well. But there was so much pain and suffering and conflict within their marriage that things were tied and muddy around money as well. So I was confused about money, and I didn't know how I was going to make it. I didn't know how. Who would pay me? Am I capable of making money? Do I have any skills to make money? Who's going to hire me? Where can I work? Could I start my own thing? I didn't have the belief around any of these things. But what you're saying right now is something that I started to do. I started to educate myself, and I started to read a lot. At that time, I was reading blogs, and I was reading, like, financial personal finance blogs, right? So I was learning. I read a book by Ramit Sethi called I will teach you to re rich.


Great book.


That book, over the next few years, helped me pay off my student loans and start taking action. It didn't happen overnight. But it gave me a game plan to take action on paying it down from $20 a month to hundreds of dollars a month, then paying it all off. And that created the snowball effect that you talked about. I started to build momentum little by little. It didn't happen overnight. Then I started to get creative and put myself out there and say, how can I earn a couple extra hundred dollars a week? You know, let me try to help people with what I'm learning online. Let me try to create these events that I was starting to do and I started to generate a little bit of cash. And from there I built confidence and I built competence. Then I reinvested that money back into myself. What you talked about, step one, invest in you. And I started getting coaches and mentors and going to events and all these things gave me more confidence and competence and I lost money along the way. I spent time on things that didn't work out. I had ups and downs, physical health challenges, relationship challenges.


All these different things were happening at the same time. But as I look back now, 1516 years later, I see that by taking action and sticking with it, like you just shared kind of the last point you shared, sticking with it over time, I have more than I've lost. I've learned more, I've experienced more, and there have been some extremely painful times. There has been betrayal, sadness, heartbreak, all these different things. But by being consistent and just doing a little bit better than you do worse and making smarter decisions every time you make dumb mistakes, you will have more than you did before and you will become a different person in the process.


Oh, yeah.


And I think if people can. It was really hard for me to see the future. 16 years ago, 17 years ago, when I was on my sister's couch, it was near impossible to see, how am I going to make money? How am I going to create wealth? I'm going to have a financial freedom. How am I going to create this feeling of abundance inside of me and also in, you know, in assets or in investments, how is this possible? It feels near impossible. And I think when you stop thinking about the end result of, okay, how do I make a million dollars in the next couple years? And you just start thinking about the next step today and being consistent with those actions and improving day after day, year after year, it'll eventually grow. And I hope that's what people take away from this interview in this episode is that it doesn't happen overnight. You will feel experienced pain, financially, physically, emotionally, psychologically in the process. But you can also experience a lot of beauty, fulfillment and joy in the process as well.


And the purpose comes from pain.




And it's. You gotta go through the process.


I tell you that, man, the most painful parts of my life have the reason why I'm here. You know, dealing with that financial heartache, dealing with challenges as a kid that I dealt with has given me the reason to live in service, which is one of the tenets of your religion, to serve others from that place of pain, to hopefully help others get out of that pain as well. That's why I do what I do. I know. It's why you do what you do with market, market briefs with minority, minority mindset, is that right? The minority mindset on YouTube and with your paid community of teaching people about the latest trends, what's happening. Because you don't want people to suffer the way you suffered financially and the pains that you've had. So you're now educating those to hopefully bypass a lot of those mistakes to.


Lower the learning curve. We can't bypass. You got to go through the hardship.


I know, man.


But you can, you know, minimize. Yeah. You can lower some of the pain, lower the learning curve that we can get to where you want to go a little bit quicker and hopefully make less expensive mistakes. Not avoidable, making less expensive mistakes because you got to make the mistakes. You're going to.


You got to. Jaspery, this has been extremely informative. You've got an amazing YouTube channel where you're putting out content almost daily, hundreds of, I think, a thousand videos on there now. So much content around all these different topics for free. If people want to learn more, they can watch it for free. My more minority mindset on YouTube, you've also got market briefs, which is your free newsletter. Hundreds of thousands of people are part of that. You send out incredible insights and information weekly for people. Daily, daily. There you go. You have a whole team that is scouring the news, the information, what's happening, trends to give people for free. So make sure you sign up for that. Is that or briefs dot co?


Briefs dot co or just go to Google and search market briefs.


Market briefs. And you also have a paid community that's coming out soon. Well, I guess it's out by the time of this launch of this video and this audio. But if you sign up for Briefs Co, you'll get information on the, the premium version of that as well.


Briefs Pro.


Briefs pro. There you go, dude. This has been informative. My audience loves when we come on together and share these things. So thank you for reviewing them again. My biggest takeaways are that the system is rigged against you. If you don't have the right mindset, if you don't have the right beliefs, and if you have money wounds, you'll be stuck in a system that wants to keep you poor. And fortunately, there is a way out if you're willing to change your beliefs, if you're willing to reinvest in yourself and become someone new in the process, and start taking daily actions that are painful at first that will be extremely rewarding in the future. So you need to think about your future self and what your future self wants you to do today. And stop thinking about what your desires and your ego self wants today with the pleasures of life, minimize the financial pleasures and create more experiential pleasures that are free, that cost nothing, which is connecting with loved ones, which is enjoying nature, which is being creating your own adventures in life as opposed to needing to always spend. I'm not saying don't spend, but make sure you spend less than you make.


Start taking those daily actions and invest in your future and keep being of service with your talents and gifts. So I'm so grateful for you jasperit, for always being of service, for living the tenets of your religion, which I believe the first one was remember God. The second one is make sure to serve others and then earn an honest living. So I appreciate you, I acknowledge you and I'm grateful for all that you do for your community, this community at school of greatness. And is there any final message that you'd like to share for people before we wrap up?


Well dude, that was so nice. Very sweet. You know, again, I make a lot of mistakes, so I would definitely not want to put myself as, you know, a perfect person or anything even close. I make a lot of mistakes in every which way, but I think the goal is always just to be a little bit better every day. You can improve no matter where you are. I think all of us, myself included especially, have a lot to improve. But what you said was 100% right. That there is opportunity and availability for you to go out and live a life financially of more freedom. But that requires you to, number one, breathe, understand as possible, take action. And even when things get tough, you keep going. And you know, beyond that, right? You got to make those financial sacrifices. That way you can do more of the financial things, travel, spend money, and not have to worry about the price. Because now you have the money, right? The goal is not to ever enjoy the nice things is to be able to afford the nice things without having to worry about the price because you've put in the work and now you earned it.


That's beautiful man. If you guys enjoyed this, make sure to like the video. Leave a comment of your biggest takeaway or your biggest challenge or struggle that you're facing with around money or your biggest question around money and we'll bring just back on in the future to try to answer some of these questions. And just preet thanks mainland so much for being here.


Thank you for having me. Mandev.


I hope today's episode inspired you on your journey towards greatness. Make sure to check out the show notes in the description for a rundown of today's show with all the important links. And if you want weekly exclusive bonus episodes with me as well as ad free listening experience, make sure to subscribe to our greatness plus channel on Apple Podcast. If you enjoyed this, please share it with a friend over on social media or text a friend. Leave us a review over on Apple Podcast and let me know what you learned over on our social media channelsewishowes. I really love hearing the feedback from you and it helps us continue to make the show better. And if you want more inspiration from our world class guests and content to learn how to improve the quality of your life, then make sure to sign up for the greatness newsletter and get it delivered right to your inbox newsletter and if no one has told you today, I want want to remind you that you are loved, you are worthy, and you matter. And now it's time to go out there and do something great.