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Hey, everyone. This is Lewis Howes, and I am so excited to invite you to the Summit will never want you to leave because they're so weak, they want to stay in your shadow. So you need to pick and choose. This person is toxic. Leave. Liberate yourself by setting all these extra people free who do not belong to your journey. And these people will always wear you down.And if there's something is weighing you down, how will you fly high? And feel The fear of abandonment, if you can manage to overcome this fear, again, when you are on your own completely, that is where you will understand that solitude is very powerful. So powerful. It's Very powerful. Because even in that silence, you're having a conversation. I mean, there is no energy vampire around me. I'm on my own, and I'm manifesting the best things for myself. I would never I would trade my solitude to anything because when I am alone on my own, I am the best version of myself. Really? Because I'm kind to myself. Yes.You're kind to yourself.Yes.How much time did you spend alone after the incident?I have this really cool habit. I switch off. Even when I'm I'm surrounded by a lot of people, I'm actually not there most of the times.Really?Yes. I'm just thinking. You know what? Recently, I was thinking about something that when I was talking about how this beautiful balance of strength and vulnerability makes us who we are. I was thinking about it the other day that I experience this balance on daily basis. When I see my social media, when I read emails and people sending beautiful messages, that How your words have empowered us. Because if you, we're never going to give up. It gives me so much strength. And I say to myself, Oh, my God, I'm so strong. And then at the night time, when I'm thirsty, I'm unable to get up and get a glassbe a boy or a girl, to look good, to wear lipstick, to look nice, to face the world. It's normal now. And even right now, when being an anchor person, I'm working for the national TV of Pakistan, and when I'm doing my show, I'm always thinking about that little boy or girl sitting in a far-flung village watching my show. And I think about them that they might be thinking that if a girl or a woman in a wheelchair can do this, we can do that, too. And that's what it is. So one day, I feel, Louise, that the day I will leave the world, a lot of people will see my reflection in these young boys and girls who are unique, who are different, who were scared once, but now they're not anymore. Yeah.Speaking of young boys and girls, in your videos online, you talked about how after the accident, the doctor said that you to be able to have kids. Isn't that right? Yes. Was that really a shock and very devastating for you? And if so, why was that so devastating? And what did you do about it to change that narrative?It was devastating. Yes, definitely it was. We live in a society where if women... It's a bit of truth. A lot of people will hate me to say that, but I have to say it because I've experienced that. If a woman is If a woman is unable to reproduce, if a woman is unable to be a mother, she's labeled as a useless woman. Oh, she cannot give birth to a child. She's incomplete. And This is not changing. I hope one day things will change, but it's not changing for women. The first thing that came to my mind was that, Oh, my God, I loved kids. I will never be able to have a child, but people are not going to accept me. Because at that point, I was married, and I cannot have kids. Disaster. How will I tell the world that even if I cannot give birth to a child, I I can still love a child unconditionally? You don't have to give birth to a child to be a mother. So what happened was, again, that was my biggest fear, that I wanted to have children. I wanted to have at least one child.So what I did was I adopted a child. And that baby was... My son's name is Niall. He was a few days old when I held him for the first time in my arms. And now he is 11 years old. I mean, He is so amazing. He's such a bundle of joy. When I held him for the first time, it actually made me feel that he was the fruit of all the pain that I've been through. So, yes.What's been the biggest lessons he has taught you and motherhood has taught you?Motherhood is all about unconditional love. It's all about that. A woman in a wheelchair can be a mother. A woman who cannot see her child can be a mother. You You cannot define motherhood in words. It is just all about being unconditionally in love with a child, whether you have given birth to that child or not. I mean, probably my eye color does not match my son's eyes, but I see my reflection in his eyes every day. And this little boy who is now 11, he is such an inspiration. I have learned so much from him. One thing I've learned from is that kids don't judge. They don't. And I've shared this many times. I'll share this with your audience also, that he was about four years old. He's obsessed with soccer. He loves football. So we got him his first football, and he was so excited, so much so that he actually forgot that I'm in the wheelchair. So he said, Mom, I got my football. Let's play football. And I said, Yes, let's do it. So he kept football in my feet, and he said, Mom, kick the ball. And I looked at him and I said, Nail, my legs don't work.Wow.I just started crying a little bit, and I was acting all cool, but he could sense that, you know what? My mom is hurting. And he looked at me and he said, It's okay. Your legs don't work. Your hands are working. content, it has to go to the next place. So we don't have access to your information and this message anymore. It's hypothetical. But you get to leave behind to the world three lessons that you've learned from your entire life experience. And these three lessons is all we would have to remember your content by. I call it the three truths question. What would be, again, without you preparing for this, what would be those three truths or three What are the lessons you would share if that's all you could share?Well, I would want the world to know what real success is. Everybody wants to become successful. My definition of success is different. Success is not about how well people know you. Success is how well you know yourself.I like it.Just know yourself. If you know yourself, you are successful. Secondly, be grateful. I wish I could say it a thousand times, but gratitude works wonders. When you are too busy complaining about what you don't have, think about a child who is suffering from teledermia, who is waiting for one bottle of blood and dreaming to have a life that you have. But you know what? You're too busy complaining. The breath that you just took right now, that's a blessing. Be grateful. You have survived a global pandemic. We are sitting here having a conversation. So many people have left the world. We are still here. Be grateful. So gratitude. The attitude of gratitude works wonders. And last but not least, I've said this a thousand times, and I'll say it again, that you are the hero of your own story. And heroes never give up. So just don't give up and keep going.Muniva, I love this. I want to acknowledge you, Muniva, for your incredible grace. When I look at you, when I see your information online, when I hear you speak, the word grace comes to mind. How you've overcome the challenges in your life in such a graceful way. I'm not calling you perfect. I'm sure you have your own challenges, but you You are so graceful in the way you speak, the way you communicate, your artwork, the way you carry yourself in the world. It's so inspiring to see a woman who has been through the challenges like you have overcome them with grace, with gratitude, with appreciation, and with saying, How can I continue to know myself better? How can I improve? And how can I be of service to the people in my life to the best of my ability? So I want to acknowledge you for that. I want to acknowledge you for overcoming fears. I think it's easy to stay stuck in our fears. It's hard to break through them. It's hard to face them continually until they no longer have power over us. And so I would acknowledge you for also taking that on, even in your situation, and doing it in a culture that maybe isn't as accepting in certain ways that other cultures would be.So I really acknowledge you for that. And I acknowledge you for your consistency You keep showing up and creating content and adding value to people. You keep traveling to speak on stages. There are no limits that hold you back. And Minuba, I'm just really grateful and appreciate you for how you show up in the world. So I wanted to acknowledge you for that. I want people to follow you. I want them to check out your social media. Your YouTube is really inspiring. I want them to buy your artwork. So we'll have all this linked up for people as well in the description on our podcast and and also on YouTube. I have one final question. It is, what is your definition of greatness?How do I define greatness? How gracefully you let go of all the things and people who don't belong to your journey. How gracefully you let go of all that. That define your greatness. Your consistency, that defines your greatnesscheck out the show notes in the description for a full rundown of today's episode with all the important links. And if you want weekly exclusive bonus episodes with me personally, as well as ad-free listening, then make sure to subscribe to our Greatness Plus channel exclusively on Apple podcast. Share this with a friend on social media and leave us a review on Apple podcast as well. Let me know what you enjoyed about this episode in that review. I really love hearing feedback from you, and it helps us figure out how we can support and serve you moving forward. And I want to remind you, if no one has told you lately that you are loved, you are worthy, and you matter. And now it's time to go out there and do something great.


will never want you to leave because they're so weak, they want to stay in your shadow. So you need to pick and choose. This person is toxic. Leave. Liberate yourself by setting all these extra people free who do not belong to your journey. And these people will always wear you down.


And if there's something is weighing you down, how will you fly high? And feel The fear of abandonment, if you can manage to overcome this fear, again, when you are on your own completely, that is where you will understand that solitude is very powerful. So powerful. It's Very powerful. Because even in that silence, you're having a conversation. I mean, there is no energy vampire around me. I'm on my own, and I'm manifesting the best things for myself. I would never I would trade my solitude to anything because when I am alone on my own, I am the best version of myself. Really? Because I'm kind to myself. Yes.


You're kind to yourself.




How much time did you spend alone after the incident?


I have this really cool habit. I switch off. Even when I'm I'm surrounded by a lot of people, I'm actually not there most of the times.




Yes. I'm just thinking. You know what? Recently, I was thinking about something that when I was talking about how this beautiful balance of strength and vulnerability makes us who we are. I was thinking about it the other day that I experience this balance on daily basis. When I see my social media, when I read emails and people sending beautiful messages, that How your words have empowered us. Because if you, we're never going to give up. It gives me so much strength. And I say to myself, Oh, my God, I'm so strong. And then at the night time, when I'm thirsty, I'm unable to get up and get a glassbe a boy or a girl, to look good, to wear lipstick, to look nice, to face the world. It's normal now. And even right now, when being an anchor person, I'm working for the national TV of Pakistan, and when I'm doing my show, I'm always thinking about that little boy or girl sitting in a far-flung village watching my show. And I think about them that they might be thinking that if a girl or a woman in a wheelchair can do this, we can do that, too. And that's what it is. So one day, I feel, Louise, that the day I will leave the world, a lot of people will see my reflection in these young boys and girls who are unique, who are different, who were scared once, but now they're not anymore. Yeah.Speaking of young boys and girls, in your videos online, you talked about how after the accident, the doctor said that you to be able to have kids. Isn't that right? Yes. Was that really a shock and very devastating for you? And if so, why was that so devastating? And what did you do about it to change that narrative?It was devastating. Yes, definitely it was. We live in a society where if women... It's a bit of truth. A lot of people will hate me to say that, but I have to say it because I've experienced that. If a woman is If a woman is unable to reproduce, if a woman is unable to be a mother, she's labeled as a useless woman. Oh, she cannot give birth to a child. She's incomplete. And This is not changing. I hope one day things will change, but it's not changing for women. The first thing that came to my mind was that, Oh, my God, I loved kids. I will never be able to have a child, but people are not going to accept me. Because at that point, I was married, and I cannot have kids. Disaster. How will I tell the world that even if I cannot give birth to a child, I I can still love a child unconditionally? You don't have to give birth to a child to be a mother. So what happened was, again, that was my biggest fear, that I wanted to have children. I wanted to have at least one child.So what I did was I adopted a child. And that baby was... My son's name is Niall. He was a few days old when I held him for the first time in my arms. And now he is 11 years old. I mean, He is so amazing. He's such a bundle of joy. When I held him for the first time, it actually made me feel that he was the fruit of all the pain that I've been through. So, yes.What's been the biggest lessons he has taught you and motherhood has taught you?Motherhood is all about unconditional love. It's all about that. A woman in a wheelchair can be a mother. A woman who cannot see her child can be a mother. You You cannot define motherhood in words. It is just all about being unconditionally in love with a child, whether you have given birth to that child or not. I mean, probably my eye color does not match my son's eyes, but I see my reflection in his eyes every day. And this little boy who is now 11, he is such an inspiration. I have learned so much from him. One thing I've learned from is that kids don't judge. They don't. And I've shared this many times. I'll share this with your audience also, that he was about four years old. He's obsessed with soccer. He loves football. So we got him his first football, and he was so excited, so much so that he actually forgot that I'm in the wheelchair. So he said, Mom, I got my football. Let's play football. And I said, Yes, let's do it. So he kept football in my feet, and he said, Mom, kick the ball. And I looked at him and I said, Nail, my legs don't work.Wow.I just started crying a little bit, and I was acting all cool, but he could sense that, you know what? My mom is hurting. And he looked at me and he said, It's okay. Your legs don't work. Your hands are working. content, it has to go to the next place. So we don't have access to your information and this message anymore. It's hypothetical. But you get to leave behind to the world three lessons that you've learned from your entire life experience. And these three lessons is all we would have to remember your content by. I call it the three truths question. What would be, again, without you preparing for this, what would be those three truths or three What are the lessons you would share if that's all you could share?Well, I would want the world to know what real success is. Everybody wants to become successful. My definition of success is different. Success is not about how well people know you. Success is how well you know yourself.I like it.Just know yourself. If you know yourself, you are successful. Secondly, be grateful. I wish I could say it a thousand times, but gratitude works wonders. When you are too busy complaining about what you don't have, think about a child who is suffering from teledermia, who is waiting for one bottle of blood and dreaming to have a life that you have. But you know what? You're too busy complaining. The breath that you just took right now, that's a blessing. Be grateful. You have survived a global pandemic. We are sitting here having a conversation. So many people have left the world. We are still here. Be grateful. So gratitude. The attitude of gratitude works wonders. And last but not least, I've said this a thousand times, and I'll say it again, that you are the hero of your own story. And heroes never give up. So just don't give up and keep going.Muniva, I love this. I want to acknowledge you, Muniva, for your incredible grace. When I look at you, when I see your information online, when I hear you speak, the word grace comes to mind. How you've overcome the challenges in your life in such a graceful way. I'm not calling you perfect. I'm sure you have your own challenges, but you You are so graceful in the way you speak, the way you communicate, your artwork, the way you carry yourself in the world. It's so inspiring to see a woman who has been through the challenges like you have overcome them with grace, with gratitude, with appreciation, and with saying, How can I continue to know myself better? How can I improve? And how can I be of service to the people in my life to the best of my ability? So I want to acknowledge you for that. I want to acknowledge you for overcoming fears. I think it's easy to stay stuck in our fears. It's hard to break through them. It's hard to face them continually until they no longer have power over us. And so I would acknowledge you for also taking that on, even in your situation, and doing it in a culture that maybe isn't as accepting in certain ways that other cultures would be.So I really acknowledge you for that. And I acknowledge you for your consistency You keep showing up and creating content and adding value to people. You keep traveling to speak on stages. There are no limits that hold you back. And Minuba, I'm just really grateful and appreciate you for how you show up in the world. So I wanted to acknowledge you for that. I want people to follow you. I want them to check out your social media. Your YouTube is really inspiring. I want them to buy your artwork. So we'll have all this linked up for people as well in the description on our podcast and and also on YouTube. I have one final question. It is, what is your definition of greatness?How do I define greatness? How gracefully you let go of all the things and people who don't belong to your journey. How gracefully you let go of all that. That define your greatness. Your consistency, that defines your greatnesscheck out the show notes in the description for a full rundown of today's episode with all the important links. And if you want weekly exclusive bonus episodes with me personally, as well as ad-free listening, then make sure to subscribe to our Greatness Plus channel exclusively on Apple podcast. Share this with a friend on social media and leave us a review on Apple podcast as well. Let me know what you enjoyed about this episode in that review. I really love hearing feedback from you, and it helps us figure out how we can support and serve you moving forward. And I want to remind you, if no one has told you lately that you are loved, you are worthy, and you matter. And now it's time to go out there and do something great.


be a boy or a girl, to look good, to wear lipstick, to look nice, to face the world. It's normal now. And even right now, when being an anchor person, I'm working for the national TV of Pakistan, and when I'm doing my show, I'm always thinking about that little boy or girl sitting in a far-flung village watching my show. And I think about them that they might be thinking that if a girl or a woman in a wheelchair can do this, we can do that, too. And that's what it is. So one day, I feel, Louise, that the day I will leave the world, a lot of people will see my reflection in these young boys and girls who are unique, who are different, who were scared once, but now they're not anymore. Yeah.


Speaking of young boys and girls, in your videos online, you talked about how after the accident, the doctor said that you to be able to have kids. Isn't that right? Yes. Was that really a shock and very devastating for you? And if so, why was that so devastating? And what did you do about it to change that narrative?


It was devastating. Yes, definitely it was. We live in a society where if women... It's a bit of truth. A lot of people will hate me to say that, but I have to say it because I've experienced that. If a woman is If a woman is unable to reproduce, if a woman is unable to be a mother, she's labeled as a useless woman. Oh, she cannot give birth to a child. She's incomplete. And This is not changing. I hope one day things will change, but it's not changing for women. The first thing that came to my mind was that, Oh, my God, I loved kids. I will never be able to have a child, but people are not going to accept me. Because at that point, I was married, and I cannot have kids. Disaster. How will I tell the world that even if I cannot give birth to a child, I I can still love a child unconditionally? You don't have to give birth to a child to be a mother. So what happened was, again, that was my biggest fear, that I wanted to have children. I wanted to have at least one child.


So what I did was I adopted a child. And that baby was... My son's name is Niall. He was a few days old when I held him for the first time in my arms. And now he is 11 years old. I mean, He is so amazing. He's such a bundle of joy. When I held him for the first time, it actually made me feel that he was the fruit of all the pain that I've been through. So, yes.


What's been the biggest lessons he has taught you and motherhood has taught you?


Motherhood is all about unconditional love. It's all about that. A woman in a wheelchair can be a mother. A woman who cannot see her child can be a mother. You You cannot define motherhood in words. It is just all about being unconditionally in love with a child, whether you have given birth to that child or not. I mean, probably my eye color does not match my son's eyes, but I see my reflection in his eyes every day. And this little boy who is now 11, he is such an inspiration. I have learned so much from him. One thing I've learned from is that kids don't judge. They don't. And I've shared this many times. I'll share this with your audience also, that he was about four years old. He's obsessed with soccer. He loves football. So we got him his first football, and he was so excited, so much so that he actually forgot that I'm in the wheelchair. So he said, Mom, I got my football. Let's play football. And I said, Yes, let's do it. So he kept football in my feet, and he said, Mom, kick the ball. And I looked at him and I said, Nail, my legs don't work.




I just started crying a little bit, and I was acting all cool, but he could sense that, you know what? My mom is hurting. And he looked at me and he said, It's okay. Your legs don't work. Your hands are working. content, it has to go to the next place. So we don't have access to your information and this message anymore. It's hypothetical. But you get to leave behind to the world three lessons that you've learned from your entire life experience. And these three lessons is all we would have to remember your content by. I call it the three truths question. What would be, again, without you preparing for this, what would be those three truths or three What are the lessons you would share if that's all you could share?Well, I would want the world to know what real success is. Everybody wants to become successful. My definition of success is different. Success is not about how well people know you. Success is how well you know yourself.I like it.Just know yourself. If you know yourself, you are successful. Secondly, be grateful. I wish I could say it a thousand times, but gratitude works wonders. When you are too busy complaining about what you don't have, think about a child who is suffering from teledermia, who is waiting for one bottle of blood and dreaming to have a life that you have. But you know what? You're too busy complaining. The breath that you just took right now, that's a blessing. Be grateful. You have survived a global pandemic. We are sitting here having a conversation. So many people have left the world. We are still here. Be grateful. So gratitude. The attitude of gratitude works wonders. And last but not least, I've said this a thousand times, and I'll say it again, that you are the hero of your own story. And heroes never give up. So just don't give up and keep going.Muniva, I love this. I want to acknowledge you, Muniva, for your incredible grace. When I look at you, when I see your information online, when I hear you speak, the word grace comes to mind. How you've overcome the challenges in your life in such a graceful way. I'm not calling you perfect. I'm sure you have your own challenges, but you You are so graceful in the way you speak, the way you communicate, your artwork, the way you carry yourself in the world. It's so inspiring to see a woman who has been through the challenges like you have overcome them with grace, with gratitude, with appreciation, and with saying, How can I continue to know myself better? How can I improve? And how can I be of service to the people in my life to the best of my ability? So I want to acknowledge you for that. I want to acknowledge you for overcoming fears. I think it's easy to stay stuck in our fears. It's hard to break through them. It's hard to face them continually until they no longer have power over us. And so I would acknowledge you for also taking that on, even in your situation, and doing it in a culture that maybe isn't as accepting in certain ways that other cultures would be.So I really acknowledge you for that. And I acknowledge you for your consistency You keep showing up and creating content and adding value to people. You keep traveling to speak on stages. There are no limits that hold you back. And Minuba, I'm just really grateful and appreciate you for how you show up in the world. So I wanted to acknowledge you for that. I want people to follow you. I want them to check out your social media. Your YouTube is really inspiring. I want them to buy your artwork. So we'll have all this linked up for people as well in the description on our podcast and and also on YouTube. I have one final question. It is, what is your definition of greatness?How do I define greatness? How gracefully you let go of all the things and people who don't belong to your journey. How gracefully you let go of all that. That define your greatness. Your consistency, that defines your greatnesscheck out the show notes in the description for a full rundown of today's episode with all the important links. And if you want weekly exclusive bonus episodes with me personally, as well as ad-free listening, then make sure to subscribe to our Greatness Plus channel exclusively on Apple podcast. Share this with a friend on social media and leave us a review on Apple podcast as well. Let me know what you enjoyed about this episode in that review. I really love hearing feedback from you, and it helps us figure out how we can support and serve you moving forward. And I want to remind you, if no one has told you lately that you are loved, you are worthy, and you matter. And now it's time to go out there and do something great.


content, it has to go to the next place. So we don't have access to your information and this message anymore. It's hypothetical. But you get to leave behind to the world three lessons that you've learned from your entire life experience. And these three lessons is all we would have to remember your content by. I call it the three truths question. What would be, again, without you preparing for this, what would be those three truths or three What are the lessons you would share if that's all you could share?


Well, I would want the world to know what real success is. Everybody wants to become successful. My definition of success is different. Success is not about how well people know you. Success is how well you know yourself.


I like it.


Just know yourself. If you know yourself, you are successful. Secondly, be grateful. I wish I could say it a thousand times, but gratitude works wonders. When you are too busy complaining about what you don't have, think about a child who is suffering from teledermia, who is waiting for one bottle of blood and dreaming to have a life that you have. But you know what? You're too busy complaining. The breath that you just took right now, that's a blessing. Be grateful. You have survived a global pandemic. We are sitting here having a conversation. So many people have left the world. We are still here. Be grateful. So gratitude. The attitude of gratitude works wonders. And last but not least, I've said this a thousand times, and I'll say it again, that you are the hero of your own story. And heroes never give up. So just don't give up and keep going.


Muniva, I love this. I want to acknowledge you, Muniva, for your incredible grace. When I look at you, when I see your information online, when I hear you speak, the word grace comes to mind. How you've overcome the challenges in your life in such a graceful way. I'm not calling you perfect. I'm sure you have your own challenges, but you You are so graceful in the way you speak, the way you communicate, your artwork, the way you carry yourself in the world. It's so inspiring to see a woman who has been through the challenges like you have overcome them with grace, with gratitude, with appreciation, and with saying, How can I continue to know myself better? How can I improve? And how can I be of service to the people in my life to the best of my ability? So I want to acknowledge you for that. I want to acknowledge you for overcoming fears. I think it's easy to stay stuck in our fears. It's hard to break through them. It's hard to face them continually until they no longer have power over us. And so I would acknowledge you for also taking that on, even in your situation, and doing it in a culture that maybe isn't as accepting in certain ways that other cultures would be.


So I really acknowledge you for that. And I acknowledge you for your consistency You keep showing up and creating content and adding value to people. You keep traveling to speak on stages. There are no limits that hold you back. And Minuba, I'm just really grateful and appreciate you for how you show up in the world. So I wanted to acknowledge you for that. I want people to follow you. I want them to check out your social media. Your YouTube is really inspiring. I want them to buy your artwork. So we'll have all this linked up for people as well in the description on our podcast and and also on YouTube. I have one final question. It is, what is your definition of greatness?


How do I define greatness? How gracefully you let go of all the things and people who don't belong to your journey. How gracefully you let go of all that. That define your greatness. Your consistency, that defines your greatnesscheck out the show notes in the description for a full rundown of today's episode with all the important links. And if you want weekly exclusive bonus episodes with me personally, as well as ad-free listening, then make sure to subscribe to our Greatness Plus channel exclusively on Apple podcast. Share this with a friend on social media and leave us a review on Apple podcast as well. Let me know what you enjoyed about this episode in that review. I really love hearing feedback from you, and it helps us figure out how we can support and serve you moving forward. And I want to remind you, if no one has told you lately that you are loved, you are worthy, and you matter. And now it's time to go out there and do something great.


check out the show notes in the description for a full rundown of today's episode with all the important links. And if you want weekly exclusive bonus episodes with me personally, as well as ad-free listening, then make sure to subscribe to our Greatness Plus channel exclusively on Apple podcast. Share this with a friend on social media and leave us a review on Apple podcast as well. Let me know what you enjoyed about this episode in that review. I really love hearing feedback from you, and it helps us figure out how we can support and serve you moving forward. And I want to remind you, if no one has told you lately that you are loved, you are worthy, and you matter. And now it's time to go out there and do something great.