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The cameras stopped rolling on Vanderpump Rules, and that's when it all got real. I'm Jax Taylor. And I'm Brittany Cartwright. And we are talking about everything on our podcast, When Reality Hits.


Marriage and parenthood.


Friendships and feuds. Definitely feuds. And life before, during, and after Vanderp up Rules. So listen to.


And follow When Reality Hits.


With Jax Taylor and.


Brittany Cartwright. At Apple podcast, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Today on the TMZ Podcast.


Hello and welcome to the TMZ podcast. I'm Charlie Cotton, and I'm joined here today by Lauren La Rosa.


Yes, hello guys. I'm back again.


Back again. And we got a few really big stories today. I'm really.


Into them. We always have big stories, Charlie. We're TMZ.


That's it. But today they're.


I don't know. You think it's a bit more?


The delectable stories. People will like these. Well, let's just see. How about that? Okay. Croi Beaman and Kim Zolziak. Well, they're the couple getting divorced and they're in like, Oh, my God. It's the messiest divorce I've seen in a long time. We're going to talk about that. We're also going to talk about Al Pacino, who's 83, about to have another child. Congratulations, Al. And finally, we're going to talk about hot new couple alert, YG and Sweetie. Down in Mexico.


We do actually have some stuff today. We got some heat.


We got some heat today. It's going to be hot, hot heat.


Well, he is hot.


Charlie, what the hell? I don't know. I thought that was a cool thing to say. Okay, moving on. Croi Beardman and Real Housewives alum Kim Zolziak, are going through one of the messiest divorce s I've ever seen. And it's getting so messy that recently we just learned that cops needed to be called to the house because Kim was in the bathroom, the family bathroom, and she was refusing to come out. That is according to Croi, who called the cops. Now, she says that Croy was holding.


Her hostage. Shouting at her. Basically, she didn't feel comfortable to leave the bathroom.


Right. So it's all over some verbal shouting bathroom incident. Cops were called, had to break them up, separate them, tell them to go their separate ways for the evening. But they're still living in the same house right now.


It seems like they don't really have a lot of money because everything's on the table right now from the house and the IRS or whatever. So they're probably trying still trying to figure that out, which is adding extra pressure. But also, too, I don't know. Have you ever watched Kim on Real Housewives of Atlanta?


I haven't.


So her and Kroy, I feel like... I don't know. I always felt like he was her puppy a bit. So it's a weird dynamic to even think about them this catty. But at the same time, she is very much the drama queen. She was in the good days of Housewives when, like, oh, a T was a T. So I'm not surprised that in a situation where there's a lot of emotion, it seems like they're all over over the place, there's drama because that's to me, it reads housewife, even though this isn't a storyline, this is her real life.


I know. But it's interesting that those old episodes and seasons she was on that you've seen that a lot of people have seen where she is just off the rails. It always comes back to bite her right now because you then assume she's guilty.


That's true. I was just thinking about that when I said it. Am I instantly taking his side of it because of her perception that I have from her?


And you said he was her puppy. Puppies are usually quite placid, and they pee around the place, but they're nice little...


All dogs got teeth and can bite, though. But I'm just saying that I'm actually just more surprised that even though they're going through a divorce, it's not just like, Okay, this is not working. Let's separate. Let's figure it out. It's so like... You know what I mean? From like, she had to take a good parenting class, which is standard in Georgia, but at the same time, it's like, I know he's looking at that as a one up. She wanted him to take drug tests because he smokes weed. They've just been so back and forth.


While living in the.


Same house. With kids that are grown enough to know what's going on. I'm a little bit more surprised about that.


I know. What must the kids think? Well, this incident we're referring to just happened at the start of May, but we're learning about it now. Now, the kids were home. They were apparently asleep, but.


God knows. You know, you're waking up for all of this.


Shouting. That must have been because everyone's had fights, but not to this barricading yourself in. It's one of the messiest celebrity divorcee we've seen. And God knows where it will go from here because they've got a lot of things to separate.


It's going to hell. That's where it's going. This is over.


Maybe they don't have that many financial stuff to separate because they've got no finances. But the kids and they're both going for custody. You know what I mean?


But what's the beef? I feel like with this, with their divorce, normally with people, you can pinpoint a bit when it's going to get messy and what caused the mess. I don't really understand here, what's the beef? It's like, if you're not working out, the marriage is over, okay, cool, separate. The kids are old enough where you can visitation and stuff like that.


You don't have exes that you know, what's the beef, man? We've broken up and now they're still coming at you. You've never had a messy breakup.


Yeah, but there's always an origin of the beef.


And it starts with him, probably?


I mean, yeah.


You're messy.


I'm not messy. I'm not going to walk away from the table. I know. You know what I mean? I'm here. I'm in it for the... If you want to be petty, we can be petty, too. But no, I feel like even if it's not just the guy's fault, there's always something at the core of it. Even if it's just like someone's upset that it's over and feels like it shouldn't be in another person's deciding to leave. There's always something, money cheating.


Something happened. They would have exposed that. They've exposed each other's all of their secrets. And so they would have come out and said, Look, you cheated on me. But that hasn't come.


Out yet. But why then? So why?


Financial stuff, basically. Is that the.


Crux of it? But even that, I feel like if I'm mad and we're arguing and we're going through it and you're doing all this to me, I'm coming out, Oh, you broke. Leave me alone. I'm dragging you.


He said that she wasted all her money on gambling. She gambled away the.


Family's life. That has not been a secret. That was part of her storyline on the show. She's been in that position. He's been putting up with it. Now all of a sudden that's like a thing. You're leaving and doing all this because she gambbles too much.


That would be pretty stressful for a relationship. All she's got on him is that he sometimes smokes pot. That's all she's coming. But she hates his guts.


For me, I just feel like this is one of my biggest things that I worry about when I do think about marriages. You invest so much time, money, assets, and just your life with someone. And the minute that it goes bad, it gets really, really, really bad. And then you have to figure out the split and the divide, making family understand what happened. All of that in the midst of, like, you guys are still right here because you have everything together, your house.


So you got to pick the right one, Lauren. It's very important to pick the right one. I don't.


Know why I feel like every time I'm here, it comes back to me and my daily life and my DMs.


Well, you like this one then. I reckon you'll like this next story. A l Pacino, 83 year old Al Pacino is expecting his fourth child. So Al Pacino, the lady who's having his baby is 29 year old. She's eight months pregnant.


Why would I like this story?


You would like this story because you like rich guys. You're all about like, you pay my rent, you pay my dinner, you.


Pay my everything. Okay, all right, we get it.


Are you not?


It's nothing wrong with that. And it's nothing wrong with her securing her baby or her bag, whatever house she have.


This 29 year old, she was previously with Mick Jagger and also this.


Billionaire guy. Where is she hanging out?




I read this story, the first thing I thought, okay, so she's 29, maybe like met on a set or something. She's up to become an actress or something, producer, something. And then I saw her exes and I'm like, no, sis has a type and she is zoned in and she's focused and I'm proud of her.


Me, I'm proud of her too. She has gone whoop.


She's going up, up, up. I don't know her background and say she's going up because what if she comes from money herself? And these are the most eligible bachelors on.


Her level. Potentially. But, you know, Lauren Sanchez, Jeff Bezos's fiancée, she's got competition now from this Noah Al Fala because she is going through these hot properties as much as the Lauren Sanchez was.


They've cleaned their pieces.


They're good. But what do these women have that make the richest or the most famous fall over them?


What do they have? I've been on Instagram all day trying to figure out what it is that she has. Where did she get her hair done? Where did she eat? What does she do?


Anything. So you can follow the playbook?


I just feel like there has to be something that... I mean, listen, for the ladies that are listening, I don't want you all to feel like it's all about the money. But at the same time, you all see what just happened with Kim and her? Money plays a big role in a marriage. You're married. If you were to go jobless and broke for three years, how do you feel your marriage would be?


I feel like it'd be stressful, but I don't think my wife would leave me just based on that.


I love you. You're so cute.


Oh, no. This love trump's money in a lot of.


People's lives. I do feel like when we read these stories, A pachino's older, he has these children already.


Their inheritance is getting cut now as well.


They must be pissed. But we instantly think that the family is upset because there's a new girl taking the money. We instantly think that she's a gold digger. We instantly think that there's no love involved. I feel like maybe there is a change for love, for money, for all of it to be there. Because at 29 years old, he's 83, you know he's not going to be here for a good portion of that baby's life. I know. That's sad. I think that a lot of it, too. I would love to think that she just wants to give him the joy. Maybe he wanted another child. She wants to give him the joy of another child and enjoy her. And they enjoy his years together.


No one can defend a gold digger like you.




I mean, you are.


You're making a good I'm not even upset. I'm thinking that should be a book or a podcast. No one can defend a gold digger like you. I think people would.


Tune in for that. I like that too.


I don't think that she's a gold digger, though. And I also want people to understand that men can be gold diggers, too.


Yeah, but he's Al Pacino and her name is Nour or something.


You know what I mean? Yeah, but it's not always about money. There has to be something that...


She was with Mick Jagger and then a billionaire, and now she's with Al Pacino. She's just got a type that rich guys, it just.


Happens to be rich. But you can have a type. I got a type, but I haven't entered that realm of my life yet to meet and date that type.


Because you just haven't achieved how she's achieved. I mean, maybe there's still.


Time for you. But I'm saying that there has to be something... Oh, there is. I haven't even hit my stride yet. But what I'm saying, maybe there's something that she has that these men are clamming after as well. And in that instant, if they're all going after it repeatedly, they're gold diggers too.


Well, I mean, maybe we know what that thing they're clamoring up. She's a nice young lady. She's a pretty young lady and guys are gross.


That is not what you wanted to say.


Well, I'm trying to cater the...


To what? Because you already called me a gold digger. Who are you catering to? The women that's listening? They already upset at you, so it's okay.


She's just sexy property. She's a sexy young property.


I don't even think no shade to Noah.




Shade to her. But I feel like when I saw her, I expected her to be a bit more... Because normally when you hear 29 year old, 83 year old, super rich, famous guy, a girl you've never heard of, the look plays a major part. She's a beautiful girl, but I expected a.


Little bit more. Maybe she's really smart. Have you ever thought about that? Maybe they're really into her brains.


Yeah. Moving on.


Okay, next story then.


Really into her brain. I love that. You are so optimistic. Aaron is not leaving you if.


You broke. She'd never leave me. Well, unless I did something really.


Bad, but I won. You're not going to do that.


Okay. Yg and Sweetie.


Yes. Oh, my God. I feel like we had this really on the road with the couples and the money.


Well, they've all but confirmed that they're dating now because we got these photos of them all canoedly.


In Mexico. They didn't confirm. We confirmed.


Well, I mean, they've been linked together for a while since Coachella, and there's been other viral things where they've been together. But now they're all canoodling in somewhere in Mexico, Cabo, which pretty much puts those rumors to rest. And then they instantly become one of the hottest celebrity couples we've got. Both of.


Them are just like... Because Sweden is G, his YG is fly. He's YG, he's that guy. So you put the two together, it's like it couple. I think with her, she gives the it girl vibe. She does. And everybody she's with becomes it couple.


But he is, too.


Isn't he one of the coolest dudes. I feel like I don't know him personally, but his fashion esthetic, his music is always good. He's cool with everybody. He has the money. You know what I mean? He's out the way, but not out the way as well, too. So he gets that he's the guy on the scene.


This is a good couple to say they'd have gorgeous babies as well.


100 %.


Both of.


Them are just stunning. Now, the thing is, though, here, you know that sweetie, her last relationship publicly that we saw her and was with Quayla save off from the Migo's. They were there for a very long time together, and then it ended pretty badly with accusations of cheating. And then there was the video of them on the elevator that got weird. It's just been a lot. Then there was the accusations that she slept with Offset, who is Migo's member or unmember now, but you know what I mean? They're in the circle, family. There was this whole thing. She has been to herself and been very public about being on this single life journey and this his traveling journey. And now she's in a relationship with YG. And people are pointing out that when he was with Kehlani, it didn't really go too well.


It didn't go well with the her past ones, too. So maybe they've met their match. I mean, she's been linked to Lil Baby. She had that little thing that everyone was laughing about with Jack Harlow.


Remember that time? Oh, yeah, that was cute. That was.


Really cute. And what's his name? Dempson Edris?


Yes. That was for a second, but they said they were just friends, but they popped up.


Was she with James Harden? I read that routine too.


I don't know that to be a fact that was rumored at one point. There's a lot of rumors. But what we're seeing is, outside of Quvo, we're seeing a very beautiful woman who is dating. I feel like she does date a lot of people that are on the music side, talent side. She has a thing for rappers that's very obvious.


That's her type?


Yeah, 8 Figures.


You like how I said that? Because you like that? That's my type.


You knew the song this time. Every time I name drop a song in here, you never know it.


Okay, but let's just go under the radar. That's my type. That was just a cool thing for me to say.


It was. Got you. Just like the heat, it's hot. But I think that she does have a type. But we're watching her date and figure it out. And I just hope that this time because it's going to be very public because YG is such a big star that it doesn't... I feel like the Quavo situation was so public that when it went bad, it like... S uitey was like a super big personality. She was out there working with these brands. Even if you didn't love her music, you lashed onto her look, her personality, her brand work, and then she filtered the music in. When the Quavo break up happened and because of how bad and public it was, I felt like we lost her. She took a step back. She got out of the limelight. We weren't seeing her as much on social. I think a big part of that was because the only conversation people wanted to have around her was Quvo and who she's dating. He was the.


Biggest star. These guys seem more matched on the.


Same level. No, I would say YG is definitely the biggest star. Oh, is that right? Yeah, 100 %. Definitely the biggest star. But at the same time, she is a little bit further on in her career now. I just want for her... When you're a girl, you're linked with any and everyone, even if you're sitting this far apart from them. So to really be with someone and be seen showing PDA because they were hugged up in those photos. If you all did not see that see the photos, please go to the website. If my man is not all over me like that on a vacation, I don't want him. It was really cute. But I'm just saying there's no denying that they're dating now. So he becomes a part of her conversation. And I know that can be frustrating. She's trying to build a career. She's trying to drop new music. She has new music coming.


Do you think they could do a Jay Z and Beyonce, The Carders type album together? We don't see much of that these days.


This is not me comparing Sweetie to Beyonce and Jay Z at all, just to make that clear. But I do think that they have this LA, California vibe. They're just cool. But they come from the same... It's very different, though, I would say, the Bay. Is he from the Bay or is he from LA? He's from one of the two. But they have that California music love. And I think that they both are fly, young, fashioned. I could see them doing something collaborative in it going up. I do feel like people come for her because they feel like her lyrics aren't as strong and her songs aren't as strong. But YG has been making good music since Tooted & Booted when people didn't even know who he was, depending on where you.


Were from. Tooted & Booted? I haven't heard that one. Is that a good one?


It sounds good. Oh, it's so great. I always put you on to the songs in there. It's a good song, but it's an older YG song. But I'm just saying that to say that I know when she was with Quvo, I feel like she had a lot of support musically, as far as figuring out her videos and her songs. Yg could be that for her. So I could see that collab happening and actually being a good thing for her. They could take over the Summer lowkey because YG makes the anthems and she makes the pretty girl anthem. So with some depth to that, the good esthetic, I think she could do it. But her music was supposed to be about being the single girl right now. So I don't know. She has to switch it up. She has to switch it up. This is what, man, men always making you have to just change everything.


She's in love. She's in love.


We don't know that.


Look at her hugged up. She's in love.


Yeah, she could just be enjoying her time.


Yeah. Well, I hope you find your YG, Lauren. And thank you very much.


Charlie always in my business. We always leave this with Charlie in my business.


I'm trying to find.


I don't want to find a white team. I'm trying to help. I need a Jeff Bezos type.


Okay, Jeff Bezos type. And Al Pacino.


All right. A little bit more. So Al Pacino, I'll take him. He's on his way out.


Okay. Thank you very much for joining me, L aryn. We'll see you guys here tomorrow.