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The cameras stopped rolling on Vanderpump Rules, and that's when it all got real. I'm Jax Taylor. And I'm Brittany Cartwright. And we are talking about everything on our podcast, When Reality Hits.


Marriage and parenthood, friendships.


And feuds. Definitely feuds. And life before, during, and after Vanderp up Rules.


So listen to and follow when reality hits.


With Jax Taylor and.


Brittany Cartwright. At Apple podcast, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Today on the TMZ podcast.


Hello and welcome to the TMZ podcast. I'm Charlie Codden and I'm joined by.




Hayes. Katie Hayes.


Yes, all the way in from New York.


From New York City.


That's right. Tell me about yourself, Katie.


I mean, we've worked together for 10 years now, so I feel like you know everything you need to know.


What do you do for a.


Living here? I am a producer, writer, producer on the TV.


Show, TMZ. You write the words that the funny voice says?


That the voice says, yes. That's what I do. Exactly. Very interesting. And what do you do here, Charlie?


Not a lot. You're looking at it. We cherry picked some stories for you today, C arry, that we thought you'd like. Bill Murray has a surprising new girlfriend that you'd never expect. We're going to talk about Lala Kent. I saw her at LAX yesterday.




It's good. She's got empathy for Raquel. She's feeling a bit sorry.


For Raquel. I mean, she's done a total of 180.


She has. And finally, we'll talk about Kim Zolziak's scene back on the set of Real Housewives while she's going through this messy divorce.


What an exciting Friday.


Oh, my God. This is crazy. All right, well...


Let's jump into it. I love this story.


Kelce Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, and one of them is Bill Murray.


72 year old Bill Murray.


He's 72. Kelce, from the Milkshake song, she's 43.






Dating. Did you do the math? Do it fast.




30? Don't get specific. Yeah. Three decades, almost, between them. I love it. But I come from a very age tolerant relationship family. When I said we.


Want to very pick the stories, that was what I was referring to.


You are... I'm in a marriage. Yeah. He's almost 20 years older than I am. And I would like to say to Kali's at this point, don't do it. No, I'm kidding. I'm joking. But this is exciting, right? Because they bonded over actually a sad fact that her ex husband... I'm sorry, her husband at the time died, and his estranged wife has also passed, and that's apparently what they bonded over. What an aphrodasiac. It's a little... It's a bummer, but you get it, right? I f you're both grieving, it's nice to have someone to grieve with. So Kali's second husband died just this past March, March of 2022. No, I'm sorry. That'd be two Marchs ago. And then Bill's strange wife died in 2021. So apparently that's what they're bonding over.


It is just, if you had said, Kali's is dating an A list actor, I'll give you a million dollars if you can guess it in 100 Guess es. I don't think I ever would have guessed Bill Murray.


No. And would you not guess it because of the age difference?


Age difference. You couldn't pick two more polar opposites.


Right. Because she was married to Nas, right? Her first husband was Nas.


Okay. I mean, if you're saying it, I.


Believe it. And so both of her husbands have been age appropriate. Well, around her age, right? But Bill Murray, man, people love him. Every story you hear about Bill Murray is how fun he is, how funny he is. He always just pranks random people. He's supposed to be a good time.


He's a good time. But it's almost like he's living at Groundhog Day, and this is the one where he is with Kaliace. It just seems like such a preposterous situation that how did we get here?


And I guess he was at her show, right? In London, and then they were spotted together at the same hotel.


Wow. It could also just be a little fling. Maybe they're just having some fun.


Do you have a fling with a 72.


Year old? That's really all you can have, right? Because at that point, every day is a.


Good one. Do older men really know how to get the job done?


I think they should, right?


I don't know.


I don't know when it... I think it just depends on the man because you could say the same thing about a younger guy. I could say the same thing about you. I could say looking at Charlie, I don't know if he can get the job done.


Okay. I think Erin would say the same thing.


My wife. But I.


This. I like it. I love it.


I love it. I love that Bill Murray's having some fun. I love that at least if she's dating it. You know what? She had such a sad, her husband that died of stomach cancer. It was super sad. I love that Bill Murray, who's known as a jokester and hilarious, I love if he's bringing some laughter back into her life. I bet they had a good time. I don't know how serious it can get because of a Vavon's 30 year age difference.


But as you say, you're in an age gap relationship.


I mean, it happens all the time. Look at George Clooney and his wife, especially in Hollywood. Look at Leonardo DiCaprio and all those girls. It's a huge...


It's a thing. And you're right. You just got to find a way that you connect and things you can bond over. And if dead spouses happens to be that thing, that's good that they've got each other then.


I mean, people are making jokes, right? Saying that her milk shake is bringing all the insurer to the yard, or they didn't know that they put insurer in her milk shake. They're going to get a lot of jokes. What's Insure do? Insure is the milk shake for old people.


Why do they.


Drink it? What does it do specifically? I don't know. Maybe it's fiber. It's got to be about balls. I feel like anything with older people and drinks, it boils down to the balls.


It's to keep things moving thing. That's what it... All right.


Well, maybe. But they're making a lot of these jokes now. But you know what? Bill Murray can take it.


I love it. It's a comic. I love it. Okay, onto our next story. I was at LAX yesterday. And on the heels of the Vanderpump Rules reunion... Are you a Vanderpump.


Rules fan? You know what? I got to the game late, but now I'm obsessed.


Really? Yeah. You watched all three reunions?


I watched all three reunions because we talk about it a lot here. So I was thrown into it, maybe against my will. And then now I've just taken off. So I don't know. Do you look at me differently? Because I haven't been in it since the beginning. The hardcore Vander pumpers are like, you're not a real fan. They're mad at the lingo. But this interview, you did a great job, by the way, and asked great questions. I know. I'm being too nice to you. Don't let it go to your head. I still think you're terrible. But no, Lala was going in at the reunion, and she always has a lot to say, and she's standing up and yelling. And so to see her in this interview do the 180 and now have a little empathy for Raquel was shocking to me.


It is. All right, well, let's play some of the sound from the interview now.


So in the moment during the reunion, after I left, I felt dirty after watching last night when she finally had the breakdown. Just as a human, it was like, for me, it's a reality TV show. I feel like we're all playing the same game. When I watched that, I was like, oh, we may be dealing with someone who maybe shouldn't be on this type.


Of platform. It's a bit of a look behind the curtain I thought she gave, saying, we're on a reality show. I'm playing my part on a reality show, basically, she said. And she said that Raquel is letting it all get to her in a way that maybe this business isn't for her.


It was interesting, wasn't it? That she said that because it was looking behind the curtain of like, We all play these parts. This isn't who I am. I amp it up. And then when she saw Raquel breaking down, she went, Wait a second. This actually looks too real. And it's like, Wait, no, you guys are all real, right? And she's going, No, not really. But I thought that was fascinating. I don't know. Just the nature of reality shows is to bring out the worst in people. It's what we want to see. Otherwise, if you're a lovely, nice person being kind to everyone, why am I watching? Which is terrible.


Well, why did you and me both tune in a couple of months ago for the first time? And now we're hooked. And I will watch next season because you know why I watched next season? Because you want to see all the fall out. So then how does Raquel, someone who is currently or was in a mental health institute or something like that, how does she go on shooting with these people who hate her? And these people who hate her because of what she did, they also worried about her maybe a little bit by the looks of what Lala said, saying, We don't want this person to be in a psych ward. We don't like what she did, but we don't want to torture her, it sounds like. So I don't know what they do about next season. Then they're going to have to resolve it because it's what we want to see. But it's going to be tricky.


And Lala is also smart, right? So she knows without Raquel and without the controversy, are you going to tune in next season?


Of course not.


Why would you? So it's good for all of us of them to have Raquel on the show. So they should really figure out a way to get over it and have her back. And it's going to be a fine line because they can't go over the top and hate her because that would be too much for her. So I think this is like a little olive branch from Lala being like, Hey, I still have a mortgage to pay or rent to pay, so let's get her back in here. I mean.


It's good for the show. Lala can't speak. I wouldn't have known who that was a few months ago.


Or Tom Sandoval. Those are all household names now.


Globally, household names. I got people texting me from Australia just like, Have you seen this?


Every week. I know. It's wild.


It's wild. But they need Raquel. They need Tom.


As far as Raquel goes, that's dicey. I don't know. She was really melting down in that last six minutes.


In the confessional. You did feel for her when she finally said about the, We had sex while Adriana was away at the funeral. She was legitimately having a mental breakdown. S he went to the hospital, I don't know how many days after that. So it's going to be an interesting tightrope that they all have to walk. Them because, as you say, this is the peak of their careers. And Raquel is an important piece in all of it. So they'll have to play nice, even though we want them to.


Play dirty. But not too dirty. But I did appreciate how Lala said that she would film with her, although she goes, Keep in mind, I've never been friends with her. I didn't like her from before this, which I still appreciated that little like, because it is true. They never liked each other. So we'll see what happens. I think next season, if they can get them all back, will be explosive.


Can't wait. It was a big day at LAX yesterday, actually, for... I saw also Sheena Shea and Brock, her Australian husband. The ones that say... What's their names again? They're all blending together. Raquel and Tom banged in Mexico at their wedding, if you remember.


Yeah, and they tried to lie about that, too. And then Raquel just came clean in that confessional. Tom had to watch it and go, Oh, boy.


Yeah, we talked about this.


We talked about.


This, Raquel. Another paparazzis saw Ariana yesterday at LAX as well. So they were all flying through, and all of them had way more empathy than anger. I've spoken to most of them before. And I think this reunion where they saw the breakdown just like we did. And they also saw themselves shouting these vile go bang a cheese grader.


Yeah, that.


Was harsh. They saw themselves as well. And maybe they said, Okay, maybe we do need to take a step back.


Yeah. I mean, that's what reality TV does. Just brings out the worst in people. That's why we love it.


On to more reality TV news. Kim Zolciak, who's going through a very messy messy divorce.


Who ever thought that that would happen?


I mean, it's like her and Croi, her now ex husband or I guess.


Estranged, right? Estranged. They were a couple where you didn't see any issues. They were a perfect... They didn't argue, they didn't. But behind closed doors, it must have been terrible.


Well, all the financial stuff, I think, right? Because we did a bunch of stories where maybe their house was getting taken away and they had a tax... Didn't they have a tax lien on their house? They owed a million dollars to the government. And so that puts a lot of stress on the marriage. And I'm sure eventually that's just what broke them.


I think that's probably right. Well, she posted a picture yesterday on the set of Real Housewives. I guess she's back, if only for a cameo or who knows? But I'm surprised they aren't asking her back. And I'm surprised she wouldn't accept that because she needs the money. This is a camera's up-time. If we've learned anything from Vannever rules is when tragedy strikes or when something crazy strikes, get those.


Cameras up. Yeah. This could be a great opportunity as sad as that would be to say for them to make a lot of money because it's going down in their house. He tried to take her handbags and her shoes and sell them to pay off bills. Somebody does that to me, get out your camera because I'm getting crazy. They're locking themselves in bathrooms. They're doing all sorts of.


Crazy things. Gambling, drinking, smoking.


Pot, even. Forcing each other to go to parent classes and fill out tests. They're going nuts. They're doing everything nasty that is terrible that you don't want to see, but then all you want to do is.


See it.


Right, exactly. So I feel like they can make that million dollars back like that.


Totally. I think it's bizarre. Screw being a cast member in Real Housewives. It should just be like a real house... I'm trying of a title right now on the spot and I can't.


Really do it. Real house of... Real house of division.


That's not very catchy.


That's not very catchy. We're going to have to keep working on that one. We're going to.


Have to workshop that. But why aren't they filming? You say to Croy as well, Come on, Croy, you can be smoking your pot out back. We'll get the cameras out for that. I'll get angry at you. I'll go to the casino. I'll go buy some crypto. And all while the kids are living in the same house, mind you, going, Mommy.


Daddy, are you okay? Well, because they're still sharing a house, which is like you put two people who hate each other in the same house and you lock the doors and then you don't even need a camera crew. Just set up some trybots all over the place and some, you know, like, let's do it. But it is interesting now that all this drama is happening that now the housewives, like, she's making cameos because she has stuff to talk about. So I wonder if she will become, I mean, if her episode is explosive and her cameo is explosive, if she'll be... I mean, she really doesn't have a chance to like... I mean, she doesn't have the option to turn down work right.


Now, right? I wouldn't have thought so. The house is being foreclosed.


Right. So she's got to do it. I think she should go back. She should be a real housewife again. Well, what happened? I guess you can be a housewife without being a.


Wife, right? No, of course, you don't need to be a real housewife to be on that show. You don't need to work at a Vanderpump Rules restaurant anymore to be on that show either.


It's just the thing.


It's just the thing. So I don't know why Andy Cohen wouldn't do that show on Bravo because it would be even just a one-off special. Maybe just do a divorce special. You know what I mean?


What a sad special, but yes.


Everyone would love it. Get your pop corn out.


Everyone would watch and it would be a great opportunity for them to make some money and pay back all Uncle Sam because he never forgets. But she looks amazing.


That's actually, yes, she does. She's got that post break up hotness.


Yeah. Divorce does. I always say divorce does a body good.


Is it because you don't eat when you're sad? I think so. I thought.


You eat more when you're sad. Unfortunately, that's the way it goes for me. I really hit the cookie sleeves and I don't stop at one. But yeah, no, she looks amazing. So it's her time to strike, unfortunately.


Could she be on The Bachelorette or something? Could she be on The Bachelorette on her.


Upcoming season? Aren't they doing... How old is she? I can't remember because they're doing an older...


Oh, they're doing Senior's Bachelor.


Yeah, but she falls in the middle. So now we need a middle... We need the divorced Bachelorette. That is a show. Wow. You just did it. Look at us. We're giving away our ideas. We need to cool it. Don't give away IP for free. We've come up with three TV pitches during this segment. A Housewife Divided.


A Housewife Divided. That doesn't even make sense.


It doesn't even make sense. That sounds like she's been in a magic show and cutting a million pieces. It does. We're going to keep workshopping this, though. Send in your suggestions of working name titles for A Housewife Divided.


All right. Well, thank you so much.


Well, this.


Was fun. You're going back to New York now, so h, damn.


All right. Well, I'll be back in a few weeks.


Tune in in a few weeks for more Katie Hayes. Thank you, Katie.


Thanks, Charlie. And we'll see you guys here next week.