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Hey, guys. Welcome back to the TMZ podcast. Lauren La Rosa here with Derek.


Koffman, a lawyer, filling in for Charlie Cotton. So I'll have to put on an accent today? You want me to try my Austin.


Accent out? Please don't invoke it. No, I don't want to be canceled of any sort. Don't invoke any accents or any ethnicities while you are.


Here with me. You got it. Before we even start, we would just cancel the show. All right, go.


What do we have on tap today? So today we are starting off a bit serious. There have been some things that are going on that we got to talk about that are definitely going to pull at the heart strings a bit. So first, Danny Bonaduce is going to be having brain surgery, which is really serious. This comes after him having a very serious health scare. We'll talk a little bit about Ms. Jackie O, who is the long time girlfriend and partner of actor and comedian DC Young Fly. They got really, really big on the internet. She was a super mom, but died very.


Young, 32 years old. Thirty two is a kid. I mean, at my age, you start to.


Look at 32 as a kid. I'm 31. And I was like, Wow, you know what I mean? Very heartbreaking story there. They have three babies. So we'll get into that. And then we will end with our girl, Ms. Tarty for the party, Kim Zolziak. So allegedly, she punched Croy the day before the divorce.


That divorce is getting messy. That's all I have to say. That couple, I've watched them for years on Real Housewives of Atlanta, and they were so lovey dovey. But when those things curdle.


Things get weird. I forgot you were a house wod, especially the Atlanta girls. I can't wait to talk.


To you. I'm in deep. I'm going to leave that one.


Right here.


You and I. We're going to get into some things. Let's start first with Danny Bonaduce. Danny Bonaduce.


Danny Bonaduce Duchy, first of all, to set up for people is a huge deal. Maybe not to Lauren, but he's from the Partridge family.


He's a legend. Huge deal to me. I didn't watch Partridge Family, but my grandmother watches the show and I feel like he's very referenced in a lot of rap songs.


Yes, he s the red headed breakout star of the part of the family had singing family. He was a little redhead. He's now an adult, been an adult for many years. He's been on the reality show circuit. He has a radio show. But yeah, he's undergoing brain surgery, which is serious. When you hear the words brain and surgery put together, you've got a very serious condition, even if it's addressable. And he's told us this news yesterday that he's had a condition where he's been disoriented over time trying to figure out what it was. He's talked to a hundred doctors.


Which is a lot of doctors and a lot of examinations, a lot of MRIs.


And the worry when something is going on neurologically is you are just so anxious to figure out what it is. But the brain is one of those organs, very hard to understand. He was dealing with vision and memory loss, his balance condition, it was blurry vision, things like that. And now someone said he's got hydrocephalic, which is just basically a build up of fluid on.


The brain. Which is never, ever good.


It's not good. But apparently this surgery is going to put a port on his head that will drain the excess spinal fluid. Now, it's.


What they do with a heart bypass, but just in.


The brain, right? That's right. There's a lot of plumbing in your body, and they're putting in a drain, essentially, to take the excess fluid, so it doesn't just sit on top of the brain and provide some relief.


And we should say, I mean, today, my mom had to have a brain surgery, and it was very nerve racking. It was very scary because you just don't know. Going in, you just don't know the brain is such a sensitive part of your body. But in our time, we are blessed to have doctors that they are aided by really good technology. So although this is very nerve racking, and I'm sure his family is probably freaking out and it's very sad to hear about, there's hope that he comes out of this surgery doing a slow turnaround because the brain is very temperamental.


But doing better. I think that's right. And look, he is not a young man, but he's also not a very old guy. So he has some ability to recover from this. He's very vibrant. Danny Bata Dutch, he's always been this big personality. So to think about him diminishing or losing some of those faculties, it's really sad. It makes me think of the Jamie Foxx situation that's going on when these big, bright personalities diminish in any way. Life happens. Yeah, life happens, man. You get older. Aging and your body breaks down. And it's really sad when someone who was so bright and shiny loses it a little bit. So I hope Danny recovers now.


But he's handling it very... Do we have the clip for them to hear? Do we just... Okay, so we can reference it? Okay. So he's handling it very well, my opinion. I feel like when you go through something this serious, the best thing you can do is find either the comedy in it, the brighter side in it. So we actually talked to him. And when we talked to him, he made some jokes about basically living a wild life. And he doesn't really know how this happened because he's done, in his words, he's done so many stupid things.


What is bothering me, I guess it's called hydrocephalic, that's water on the brain. And I can't figure out what caused it because I've done so many stupid things on a reality TV show. I took a guitar to the head and that hurt and was possibly the cause of all this. I got punched in the face by Jose and Seiko, a 265 pound professional athlete. And by the way, I didn't hit the floor. Made it on my feet the whole time. So there, Jose.


He has a little bit of that, like, jackass quality is that he's lived wildly for a long enough period of time that you don't know like, I don't know which.


Injury it was. It makes me feel like, okay, he feels like I'm going into this. Yes, it sucks. I've lived a hell of a life, though. So at the end of the day, no matter what happens, I'm going to be okay and you guys should be too. Like, chill. It's going to be okay. I think you're right.


That's his attitude is he has filled up life's cup. I mean, he didn't leave anything on the table. He's had guitar smashed over his head. This is somewhat the consequence of a wild life sometimes is it catches up with you in middle age, early middle age.


I need to.


Slow down. Listen, or you can do like me and just be boring for 85 years or whatever I've got on the clock.


But then you go and it's like, what do they write on your tombstone? Like the boring lawyer dad who wore those T shirts.


I'm not letting any of you write anything on my tombstone. The one thing I'm writing in my will is that only Mary can have the pen.


Hold on, wait. That's not a good idea either. I was about to say I was speaking for your wife. Not even that we even wanted to come to the funeral or anything.


I know. Maybe the nicest things would be said by you. I don't know. I feel like you can come. You'd have nice things to say about me.


I wouldn't take this then. I would plead the fifth.


Trust me. You'll take the fifth.


The cameras stopped rolling on Vanderpump Rules, and that's when it all got real. I'm Jax Taylor. And I'm Brittany Cartwright. And we are talking about everything on our podcast, When Reality Hits. Marriage and parenthood, friendships and feuds. Definitely feuds. And life before, during, and after Vanderpump Rules. So listen to and follow When Reality Hits with Jax Taylor and Brittany Cartwright. At Apple podcast, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.


Let's move on. It's a sad segue. I mean, Danny, there's a hope for recovery. Tell me what's going on with Jackie O, who's DC Young Fly, s longtime partner, 32 years old, passed away.


What happened? Okay, so just to give you guys a little bit of context. Dc Young Fly is a comedian and actor, huge force on MTV and the Cannons Wild 'n Out. When we met DC Young Fly, he had this girlfriend that he had met who was also a Wild 'n Out girl. They have these girls who are gorgeous that come and assist with a lot of the segments. You know what I mean? The models on stage. They gotten together and then they had a baby. So we begin to watch their journey. She became a YouTubers documenting being a mom and managing life with him on the road and building his career. And today he is a way bigger star.


Oh, he was one of the breakouts of Wild 'n Out. It's like how punked broke out a few stars other than Ashton Kutcher. Remember, Dax became a star. This was a show that had nick C anon, but DC Young Fly.


Broke out on the job. And he's still there and still a star on the show. Ms. Jackie O was no longer on the show. But I say all that to say that as his career grew, so did her storytelling and us watching her get into her her full... S he was an entrepreneur. She has the J Nova collection, which is a lip gloss line. She started for her daughter. They went on to have two more kids. They literally just had a baby boy and they have a baby girl that's the middle kid. But she would document the day to day of just being a mom, figuring out brand deals, supporting her boyfriend, who is this big superstar now on stage and trying to balance family and all of that. But one of the things that stood out to me the most with this when I heard about this was she was a super mom, such a mom. At 32 years old, she was so dedicated to her family. You could tell that she was the glue that helped keep scheduling together and everything because you got to imagine you guys are both young, you're trying to be with each other, have three kids building.


So basically what happened is she went to have a mommy makeover, which is something that she talked about a lot on her channel and on her social media, surgeries that she'd done.


She had three kids quite young, so she apparently wanted.


To bounce back and beauty and all that stuff. Nothing unusual. A lot of girls do this where after they have a baby, they go, they do the little mommy makeover to help in the aiding process of their body forming back.


These are like tummy tucks and various surgeries.


Like that? Yes. From what we know, and there's still a lot of details that are very gray area vague, she was in Miami, she was having the surgery done, and there was a complication somewhere of some sort. Something happened that she didn't come back from. She was pronounced dead yesterday. From what we were told, DC Young Fly was actually in Atlanta. He wasn't in Miami with her. She was there with friends, and he was actually working on the set of Wild 'n Out when he got the call. Now, I had to...


All of a sudden, he's a single dad to three young children, and the anchor of the family is gone.


It's unfeasible. When I say anchor, I mean, when you're young, I'm 31 she's 32. And we've met DC Young Fly. He's been in the office sometimes. He's very serious about his career, super funny, but he's also young as well, too. I can't imagine being able to balance everything she was balancing. Being that supportive girlfriend, they had a really great relationship. You never really heard much about them negatively in the relationship aspect. Then three kids, she was also very well about bringing his mom and their families together in the mix and keeping everybody in the... I can't imagine now what lies in his lap and how he's feeling. But also too, this has been his partner for a very, very long time.


Yeah, this story touches me very deeply. I have two kids and it's just an unimaginable thing to happen to a family to lose either parent. But let's be honest, really losing a mother I'm a father. I am a very attentive father. I'm very present. But losing a mother is different. I'll just put it that way. I lost my father. Mary has lost her mother. Those events in your life, they hit differently. I don't know how else to explain it. Moms really hold it down. And whether that's gendered, and yes, there's more equality than there used to be, of course, in the household. But moms, man, they're irreplaceable.


Very much so.


And I feel for this family. This is destructive, and they will feel the consequences for the rest.


Of their lives. I think the biggest part, too, is it's not like, okay, I don't know, not to say that it would be better if it were, but it's not like she was dealing with an illness or there was a car accident.


Yeah, we don't need to make comparisons or anything. It's just like she was fine and she went to go get a surgery and do something that would make her feel good and then just didn't come back from it.


It's a reminder that surgery is serious business. I don't know any of the facts or details about what went wrong, why it went wrong, if she had pre existing conditions that she knew about or something that went wrong. But there's also a lot of charlatan doctors. When you go under general anesthesia, you're out, man. It's a very delicate process. I hope we figure out what exactly happened here, if anything went wrong, if it was anybody's fault, that there's some closure for the family as to how this happened to a 32 year old woman who is, at least to the public, great health. And this should have been a routine surgery so she could come out of the hospital looking the way she wanted to look.


And it's heartbreaking. Well, first of all, I do want to send my deepest condolences to DC Young Fly and their family. I wish I could just wrap my arms around. I just want to hug him. I just can't imagine. But I also don't have kids. First of all, ow someone that has kids, where he sits right now, what does he do? How does he have this conversation with.


His babies? These are young, young kids. And what I do know is that is a blessing and a curse. He's got a long road ahead of him, but they are also very resilient. They're more resilient than you give them credit for. And when they're young, they will figure out how to find happiness again, but there will be a hole in their lives for the rest of their lives. Losing a mother at any age is devastating, and he's really feeling the impact of this and communicating this to young children is really fraught. They don't understand the complicated issues like this. They don't understand permanence, really. They don't understand that this is something that she will never come back.


Through that door. Does he say... Because what I was.


Thinking is like... You have to tell them. I mean, she's in their life every day. You have to tell them.




It's devastating, but you can't hide this stuff. So let's move on. We wish them the best. Yes, please, before I cry on here. We wish them the best and condolences to them. Let's move on to Kim.


Kim Zolziak. Still a little bit.


Of a feisty.


Crazy story, but yes.


So if you followed them over the years, Kim and Kroy had this whirlwind romance. Remember, he showed up on the show, danced with her. Do you remember when she first said, What a butt on that guy? Because he's a former tight end.


I felt like he was her... I really thought that he was her puppy love, which is so into her and just in love. So for them to be going through all of this crazy turbulence in their relationship flight is in the work. It's insane.


But this is what happens when love burns bright, though. When it dims, it can be nasty. And you want, I always said, a steady burn.


Oh, my God. You are so boring.


You want to put that flame on a simmer. These guys are on a boil. And here we are when the boil boils over. So here's this incident at this house. So two cops arrived at the couple's house in Atlanta on May fourth. They got a call for a domestic dispute. Kroy is there. He tells them that Kim punched him in the head during a heated argument over their stuff. He didn't have visible injuries. Croy is gigantic. He's a former football player and Kim is very small. So he refused medical treatment, didn't want to press charges on her. But what he says was Kim took her fancy pocketbooks, which you can tell me about how much pocketbooks.


Can be. We're going to get there because we're talking in this totaling $175,000.


I can't imagine that's a house that she put in a safe. It's a modest house in a place.


I did not condone domestic violence at all. Don't touch my bag.


Stay away from.


Your bags? Don't touch.


My bag. I also think you should probably hit him and maybe did get physical.


I don't know. And it's no excuse for her to put her hands on a grown man, even if he wasn't grown. There's no excuse for you to put your hands on anybody. But I think here what it's seeming like is that they're making decisions for... There's a partnered situation right now happening with their divorce and all the money they owe, but they both seem to be making decisions for themselves. And that is causing a lot of issues. So here, what the story is is that he decided to take these purses and put them away in a safe and said, you know what? I'm going to use this to pay back some of the money we owe. These are joint marital assets.


Yes. He has said that she has gambling issues, and he wanted to make sure we got money to take care of all the issues you've caused in this family with your spending habits.


But they're her bags, though. And they were gifted. Even if he bought them. Okay, you're an attorney. Yes. If my man buys me bags and then I decide to divorce him and we owe money, whatever, can he come in and take my bags and say these are joint marital assets?


No, to the extent that is true, there are separate property and there is joint property. If he gives a gift or if you get a gift from a relative, that's your separate property under the law. But proving all these things because now Kroy is going to say, no, those weren't gifts. Those were things that we got in the course of our marriage that he bought.


With community money. I hate those type of men. I don't care. Do not give me something that at some point you're going to want to use against me, take from me. It just, oh.


All things are nice when you're lovey dovey, but things, it all gets very nice. Don't touch my back. This is why people sign prenups because they want to put in writing the way things work while everyone is calm. And then when things aren't calm, you know what you do? You look at how it was written. Because if you don't have something written, what you have is two people saying different things based on their own motivations. And that's why people put it down in writing and say, this is how we felt at this moment in time when everyone was calm. Because when you don't have that.


That's it. For some reason, this is so funny. For some reason, as I'm reading this story, all I keep hearing is Lado's, rip me out the plastic. I've been acting, I'm going to act brand new because I'm just thinking if this was me, because granted.


This happened. I wish I knew that lyric, but it is.


A good lyric. You don't know this song? Derek, you know the beat now in the tombs. I know. You got.


To catch me up.


I'm going to put you on. Put me on. Okay. Please put me on. I'm just saying that because we got a preference this was saying also this happened the day before Cori went and filed for divorce.


Yes, the timing is significant.


It seems like they were on a down spiral already. I think in my opinion, it's given a little bit of, you're not about to go off and just be this great woman with all these bags and this money and these gifts, and then now I got to put the pieces back together. It gives me that Kim was trying to be ripped out the plastic bag brand new. She was ready to get out in the street. She had her bags packed. She was taking the Chanel. She was out.


I'm piecing together that this clearly was the event that was, although maybe not the only thing that happened there, Mara Sherry on the spot. The straw that broke the Campbell's back. They run to the courthouse. We'll see how it plays out. They got young kids. I feel for the young kids. Always when there's a family that's breaking up as well as two knuckleheads. Sometimes it's.


Better, though, for two people to divorce and to move on and just bring the step dad in. Sometimes it's better.


Yeah, or step mom. All right, that'll do it for us today. We'll see you guys tomorrow.