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The cameras stopped rolling on Vanderpump Rules, and that's when it all got real. I'm Jax Taylor. And I'm Brittany Cartwright. And we are talking about everything on our podcast, When Reality Hits. Marriage and.




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With Jax Taylor and.


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Today on.


The TMZ podcast.


Hello and welcome to the TMZ podcast. I'm Charlie Cotton, and today I'm joined by Derek Koffman.


Always good to sit in the co anchor chair with my friend Charlie. How was your weekend?


My weekend was good.


Ordinary. It was ordinary. I know it was completely ordinary. You have little kids. You're doing nothing anymore. Your life is uninteresting.


I saw you post everything about your life. I did. You went to a science work or something?


It was Carter s fourth birthday, so we went to a rock climbing facility. We don't get outside much, but we'll do indoor rock climbing in an air conditioned setting.


Fantastic, mate. Well, some big.


Stories today.


Yeah, bangers. Bangers. Britney Spears is not on meth. That is according to Britney Spears and Kevin Fetaline, her ex, will also talk about there was a big brawl at the Mayweather Got the Boxing exhibition fight. And not even the fight. The fight. But the fight wasn't between those two specifically. Well, there was many fights happening around the arena. We'll talk about that. And also, finally, we'll talk about Chloe and Tristan Thompson. Tateem Thompson is their kid's name. Wasn't originally named Tateem Thompson.


Got it. So is this a tee leaf? We're going to have to get into it a little bit.


This is a little bit of a.


Tee leaf. We're going to read into it. All right.


Stay tuned. It's a stay tuned. All right. So Britney Spears is not on meth. That is the headline. This comes after a report came out linking Brittany to crystal meth. Apparently a journalist went round to KFed's home with the boy. A journalist wanted to meet with all of them and apparently...


Did meet with KFed. Did meet with KFed. Which KFed acknowledges that this reporter asked some questions and KFed was answering some questions. And then the report comes out that they're really concerned that Brittany is on crystal meth.


Well, KFed said, this is a direct quote from him, I fear she's on meth. I've been praying someone would make it public and that she wakes up. It's terrifying. She's the mother of my boys. And now after this article and others come out, KFed then jumps saying, There are lies in this. He doesn't specify what the lies are. He goes, There are lies. This is a false report. He's trying to come out on the defense.


Yes. And attacking the journalist for bad tactics, I let you into my home, and this is what you've done with my words and so forth.




What do you think of this? What do you take of this? Because I read those articles, too, and there's these direct quotes, I fear she's on meth. Now, the best I can say is if KFED is telling the truth that that's an out and out lie, that's a hell of a lie for a journalist to make up a quote, whole cloth. Is it possible he said something tonally that was different, like in just like, oh, man, seeing her towel around makes it seem like she's on meth. And he was joking. And then the journalist writes it as deadly, deathly afraid that his mother of his children is on meth. I'm not clear what's happening, even, because it's such a direct quote.


It's such a direct quote. And he didn't come out to refute that direct quote. He basically only came out to say.


That's a scumbag.


Don't listen to it. That a journalist is doing this to our honest family. But I think he knew this was happening all the time. He knew that he was going to have to defend what he said, but he wanted to say it anyway.


Yeah. Look, KFed has been around a long time. He's very savvy with journalists. You've seen him in the field before. He's a pretty private guy. You get him in the shop, he's pushing the shopping cart, Daddy. He knows how to handle the media. He's not always popping off. He's not that reckless. So when I saw the report, the initial one that he said he was concerned she was on meth, my first inclination was, Wow, he's really starting to express some concern, and he does it always in a careful way. He's pretty measured. I know he's the Popo Zou guy, but he's not a guy who is a loose cannon, typically. So I thought it had some truth to it. And then he immediately tries to throw the journalist under the bus. And then Matt Rosengart also came out and said, Even in the age of click bait journalism, this is even poor by their standards. And so now I'm just confused. I don't know what pieces of that report have veracity. Kfed did indicate that those people came and spoke with him. It's not like they just invented it and he was like, I don't know these people.


That would have been the easiest thing.


They almost lived together for a few days. I really do think that Kevin Fenderline wanted this story to get out there, but he didn't want the blood on his hands thing. And now that it's out there and he's got to backtrack almost a little bit. But he's taking the boys to Hawaii to get away. Apparently, this report said that the last time the boys saw their mother, they thought that someone was bringing her drugs. Oh, geez. Yeah. That's what the report says. But when KFed comes out to deny the report, he doesn't deny any specifics. He just attacks the journalist, which means I don't think he wants Brittany mad at him. He wants to be on the same side as Brittany because otherwise, us versus them will never work.


But to your point in inviting a journalist, Daphna Burdock and Eval Gunasty, and you have them in your home and you give them access to your thoughts, they don't want to just hang out with you, KF. These are people who want a story about Britney Spears. He's not a babe in the woods who's that naive to know that if you have two journalists in your house, they're looking for an angle. So that's what's confusing. Did he want to get this story out to your point, or was he really really just blindsided? The nature of his comments sounds like I was betrayed by herbal guanacity as if it's like a good friend of his who has leaked a story.


It's so preposterous that if Brittany falls for this, you know what I mean? She's not going to fall for the fact that, Oh, they didn't make up that direct quote. The journalists are not making up quotes about Brittany on meth. You could sue them for.


That, couldn't you? Also, yeah. Oh, absolutely. If they're making things up. But he also wants to keep a safe distance from inflammatory comments like this because remember, he collects child support. I'm sure there are parameters of that deal that you can't disparage the other parent. So he didn't do this directly. He didn't go to the press and say, Hey, we're moving to Hawaii because we're worried she's on meth and it's going to be destructive to our family. He didn't do that. But what you're insinuating is that he wanted to get that message out there for her safety. He's obviously saying that didn't happen, and these are lies and so forth. But it's a strange scenario because it seems like he might want a certain message out there but doesn't want to have his fingerprints on it. Well, he does now. It's very, very confusing. His fingerprints are on it. Although you're right, it's plausible to Brittany, who hates the media and thinks they're always out to get her, that this fits within that narrative. So he's now trashed them. Matt Rosengard has trashed them, trashed the journalists, and yet the message is out there. So now people are going to start looking at her Instagram very closely, looking for signs, making sure her erratic behavior, maybe she calms down a bit.


I have no idea whether or not she's on any drugs, though, after I read this. I know that they both denied it on her side.


They must be concerned in some capacity. And that's partly why they had that planned intervention that didn't go through. And this meth supposed thing was a part of why they wanted the intervention in the first place, supposedly.


Yeah. And I don't know. Maybe they're being cute with the words a little bit. Maybe it's not math. Maybe there are some other things going on. We know from the conservatorship that she does battle mental health issues. It doesn't need to be a drug that is driving this behavior. She's behaved in this way before. I know that that can exacerbate it and so forth. But there's a lot of concern here. This doesn't alleviate concern about Brittany for me in any way. All it does is elevate it. Even if you have... Which is.


What Kevin wanted, which is what he was trying to get at. He didn't want it on his hands. But unfortunately, it is and we'll see what happens now. Hopefully, there'll be Kumbaya sometime soon, but I didn't.


See it. I know. And everyone had tried to read the like, Oh, she was mature about the boys moving to Hawaii with KFed. And we were starting to see some glimmers of hope. This is the dark side of what is going on on between these two people because the news stories had been getting better. It was like, Oh, Brittany is turning a page. She's meeting with her mother, Lynn. She's mending fences there. She's allowing her boys to leave and she was posting nostalgic photos of them. And now we get a nasty story like this. I hope it doesn't derail everything that has been positive going on, but it does look bad.


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Onto our next story.


There was fireworks.


At the Mayweather Gutty fight. It went down in sunshine, Florida.


Yes, just.


An exhibition. It's supposed to be an exhibition, but what an exhibition it was because I don't know if you guys have seen the videos. And if you haven't, you should go to our website because, oh, my God, there are so many good videos. It starts with the fight in the actual ring, the exhibition where the fight gets waived off because John Goddy, he got disqualified. He had him in a headlock too much. He wasn't throwing punches enough.


Did you expect an honorable fight from John Goddy the third? Did you expect him to be above board and adhere to all the rules of boxing and formalities?


From that point that I've described, it disintegrated further because when the ref called off the fight, he stepped around the ref and started throwing punches. And everyone jumped into the ring. And then because the scene dissolved into chaos, there were fights happening. There was spot fires all around the arena. There's so many different little fights because everyone must have been so pent up. And when the ref called it off, they were like, No, we're going to continue in our own way. One of the biggest fights, and I mean it, you should really go to the website and look at this video, Jocelyn Hernández.


Puerto Rican princess.


Oh, you know her nickname?


I've heard of her.


Famous on love and hip hop. She's famous in her own right. But she got into the biggest fight with this music artist named Big Lex. And she like, even someone watching the fight said, Jocelyn is going to kill her. And it looked like... She's tough. When she had her in the headlock and it looked like she was suffocating. It looked like a UFC type thing. I'd never seen a sporting event like this where after it ends, there is just mellies everywhere.


Nowhere's safe. It's mayhem. And Jocelyn, we've seen she's gotten physical before on Love and Hip Hop. She's known for this. She doesn't look like she's laying off in any way. A lot of times the fights on reality shows are a lot of flailing. There's a lot of theatrics, but very few punches landed. It doesn't look serious. It just looks exciting. And I think reality television is built on wine throws on the housewives.


There was that, too. There was that, too.


Last night. But this actually, I agree with you. When you watch this, you're like, Oh, man, is Big Lex in danger? Should someone intervene? This doesn't seem like reality television. Television, this seems like a real braw where we need the authorities to come in and make sure no one ends up in the hospital. It's wild. I want to go back to Floyd and John even doing this thing. At this point, is this tarnishing Floyd's legacy that he does these ridiculous exhibitions with John Godddy III? And then John Godddy hits up. He's now reality father. The fight is secondary to Jocelyn Hernández beating the.


Crap out of somebody. But how much did he get paid for this far? A lot. A lot. Probably tens of millions.


It's worth it.


I guess. It's worth it so he can get another necklace or something.


He already retired a long time ago, undefeated. So he's very concerned about his record staying that way. So he does these clown fights. John Goddy III has no business in the ring with Floyd Mayweather. He's not even a Jake Paul.


Clearly. But afterwards, the civic in me thinks that everything's probably set up. You always think everything's set up. I always think everything's a set up. Nothing's for real. If you're on a reality show, there's very little you can do to convince me that anything happens in your life is reality. I think it's all staged. But when you watch Jocelyn, like, eyeball this big Lex and go after her and there's no way they set this up beforehand. Let's do a little brawl.


In the sand. Yeah. There was no whispering, like, go easy on the face. I need to be on a show next season. Don't kill me, but come play with me. When we do the Rion, put your hands around, but don't push, don't apply pressure. It doesn't look that way. It looks unhinged, right? It really does. And it's true. You sit in that room and Charlie is the civic of clinics. I mean, we're all in that room. We're all very have a skeptical eye about everything. Jesse Smilett, all that stuff. Before it came out about Jesse Smilett, there were a bunch of us in the room going, This seems a little bit off. Day one, right? But you, every story, don't buy it. He sits in that not buying it. Doesn't matter.


I'm right.


Eight out of 10 times. It's true. You have a pretty good track record. If I had just been as cynical as you, I think I'd be batting higher.


Right. Well, as I say, go to the website to look at those videos. It's just crazy. On to our final story. So Chloe Cardashian's baby, Tateem Thompson, didn't used to be a Thompson. In fact, used to be a Cardashian when the baby was born, they were going through all of those cheating scandals that Tristan was involved in. And so she didn't think that he deserved the last name for the baby. So it was a Cardashian coming into this world. But since that point, they've changed it. And people are saying that this is a sign that she is potentially thoring out whatever thing she was holding against Tristan. So the fact that she has gone in and changed it to given it the tristan alliteration there as well. Yes. She obviously, they say we are not back together. They say that. I'll believe you all my lying eyes because I see those two out everywhere and they always look pretty affectionate.


Can this happen? You can be not together romantically, but you can raise a family and have a very strong interest in having true, their daughter, have a sibling with the same last name. There's a part of the Kardashian that this is what I believe is going on. Kristen has embarrassed her a lot. And were she to wade into the waters of a monogamous relationship with the Kristen, it's a matter of time, not if. It's when, not if, tristen will stray. And I think she knows that at this point. It's not like, oh, is he going to... Will he make it? Will he not? He's not going to make it. We know that. He doesn't make it. But I do think she likes the babies he makes. They're very cute. They've got a beautiful family on paper. He's a very good looking guy. He's very charming. If you've ever seen him on the show, you can see why she's lured into the spider web every time. I'm into it. Yeah, you just get lost in him. He's extremely handsome. He was in the playoffs. He's a basketball player. He's so tall. So maybe she just wants kids who he's got good genetics.


And she wants to co parent in a way a peaceful way, but maybe not romantically. The problem, to your point, is once you're lost in those eyes, just like time has a way of getting away from you. And I think she may slip up. I think we're both right. I don't think she wants to be in a relationship with him, but I think she may have a few slip ups because he's so handsome and charming.


Yeah, exactly.


I do. That's my thought on it. And we'll all be like, Oh, they were... She was stupid.


It's impossible not to when you stare at that man. Because he's so tall, you don't realize what it razing face he has as well. Beautiful. But when I was looking at the Instagram, going through her birthday tribute to him, actually, I was just going through the slideshow going, Happy birthday, tristin.


Happy birthday. Honestly, happy birthday. What bone structure to be that large. Because most basketball players, they're monsters. They're like ogres. I love Jokic is a great player, but he's not pulling cardassians because he's just monsterous and good at basketball.


I don't care how faithful Jokic is. He will never pull someone like Chloe. No. You'd prefer to be with the Trystin who strays and the Jokic.


Who doesn't. Yeah. Everyone's got, oh, he's got so many triple doubles. He's got weird bruises on his arm all the time. He's not a specimen in the same way. Trystin Thompson, who is much less good at basketball and plays garbage time minutes and mop up ball. But man, looks good doing it. Looks good doing it.


He looks great riding the bench.


So you're the critic now. I wonder where you fall on this. Are you cynical that she's not with him? So you believe she's with him? Or are you so cynical on the relationship that it couldn't exist? Where does the cynicism land you?


This is like a scenic inception now.


Yeah. We're levels deep, man. I'm spinning the top. Where does it land?


I think there must be some romance there. Otherwise, I think that, Oh, my God. He's so good looking and charming. I think that turns to hate. Everything about the way he looks and he sounds turns to hate. I can't believe anybody else would fall for this tricks. But you see them, they're all real friends and they're like, Good copairance, everyone. We're just copartnering.


I don't buy it. I'll tell you what happened. And you're married, you have a kid, and then we can wrap this up. But when moms see a dad doing cute dad stuff, man, it's an aphrodisic. It warms their heart to see, Oh, he's playing with our children. And there's going to be those moments where he's got true up in the air and tatum on his arm and doing something cute where she's like, Oh, man, tonight.


You're going to be... It's going to be like that. Yes, it does. It makes you forget everything. One of the slides in the slideshow for his birthday I was looking at that Chloe made was true, like dancing around him, around and around his big old legs. And I could just like...


You could see it fading and her.


Softening on him. It's like the flower girl. If you get the flower girl to dance at a wedding, famous move. It's like it makes.


You forget it. They love it. Any bride's made you want to do a little turn with a five year old. It's very true. But her friend should be texting her the motorboating video just to remind her of who Tristan is after dark. That's who Tristan is. Tristan's face in the boobies.


True. Daytime Tristan is lovely. Yes. Nighttime Tristan.


You can straight. The wolf comes out.


The wolf comes out. All right. Thank you very much for joining me, Derek.


It's a pleasure. Always a pleasure. See you next time.


See you next time, guys. Bye.