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The cameras stopped rolling on Vanderpump Rules, and that's when it all got real. I'm Jax Taylor. And I'm Brittany Cartwright. And we are talking about everything on our podcast, When Reality Hits. Marriage and parenthood, friendships and feuds. Definitely feuds. And life before, during, and after Vanderpump Rules. So listen to and follow.




Reality Hits.


With Jax Taylor and.


Brittany Cartwright. At Apple podcast, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. Today on the TMZ podcast.


Hello and welcome to the TMZ podcast. I'm Charlie Codden, and today I'm joined by Fabian Garcia.


What's up, dude? What's up, man? Happy to be back.


I'm glad you're here because the first story we're going to talk about certainly pertains to you. In fact, it's a story you wrote.


I did. I wrote this story this morning.


We're going to talk about Prince Harry because he's come under eight hours of cross examination, which has been quite elucidating. Is that the right word?


Elucidating? I don't know what that means, but yeah.


Shed light on?


Yes. Illuminating, perhaps.


Illuminating. There we go. It's been very illuminating. We're going to talk about Nikki Minnage and the case of the damaged jewelry question mark. Yes, and we're also going to talk about Jeremy Beaver.


Justin Beaver's father.


Yeah, he said some pretty controversial stuff on the heels of it being Pride Month.




Lgbt. It's quite anti LGBT. But into the story you wrote, and I know that you're very enthusiastic about this, Prince Harry has just come under eight hours of cross examination. This is in the phone hacking case where apparently tabloids hacked into his voicemails and heard his messages. And so I had all this inside information and then published these articles. And he's mad about it now. It's been 15 more years in the making. And now he's under cross examination.


Tell us what happened. So this is day two of his tabloid privacy case against the Daily Mirror, which is just one publication, one tabloid that he's suing. It's the first case being heard. So yesterday, you'll recall, he was on the stand opening. He read this long witness statement, 55 pages. And it sounds like most of the testimony was just that. And there was a little bit of cross examination yesterday. Today was all cross examination.


Crazy to see a Royal go under eight hours of.


Cross examination. Absolutely. And from what I could gather from the coverage over in the UK is that a lot of his claims were being under the microscope and drilled. So basically, a lot of his evidence, he doesn't have much evidence. He doesn't have a smoking gun in this case. He doesn't have data because he's claiming, Oh, phone hacking, this and that. You got into my voice. Voice, males. And the attorney was like, Well, where's the evidence of that? Where's your data? He doesn't.


Have anything. He just basically speculates based on the fact that there was information published which he thinks couldn't have come from anywhere else besides his voicemail.


That's exactly correct. So So they actually went one by one, article by article, because there's 33 articles in question here. And they went one by one. And a lot of these articles pertained to his relationship with this woman, Chelsea. And there was ups and downs and fights they had and breakups they had, et cetera. And the Mirror was publishing stories about that, citing anonymous sources. And what the attorney basically questioned for Harry was like, look, a lot of these stories were out in People magazine. They were out in American tabloids at the time. And we just piggybacked on those and either reported the same thing or did a little spin of our own. And what Harry says is that there's no way the Daily Mirror could have gotten this information without hacking my phone because I never spoke about my relationship to palace officials. So basically what he's saying is the anonymous sources, they're not real. That's what Harry is claiming. The attorney is saying, no, that's how this business works. G gossip sites and tabloids, they're constantly getting information from people in the know, whether or not you're aware of it or not, that's a different story.


So it sounds so naive of Prince Harry. You know what I mean? Basically, we write stories here all the time, siding anonymous sources.


But basically, what Prince Harry is saying, supposedly, is that he didn't tell anyone this information.


What he's saying is I didn't tell an official. He didn't go to the comms person. He didn't go to the palace PR person and spill his guts about his relationships. That's what he's saying.


But maybe this Chelsea lady did.


Exactly. Or someone else who knew. One of Chelsea's friends, maybe.


Absolutely. That's what the attorney for.


The Daily... I hope her name.


Is Chelsea, by the way. It is Chelsea. I know that for a fact. That's what the attorney for the Daily Mirror is suggesting that maybe a friend of yours or a friend of Chelsea's or somebody who is on the peripheral on just on the outside who might have been privy to this information, leaked it to the press. Is that a possibility that you ever considered? And Prince Harry is like, No, that's not a possibility. You guys hacked it. So he's doubling down and doubling down, but he doesn't have any evidence to back his belief. He just.


Has conviction. And he brought this case, right?




Brought this case. So he needs a smoking gun. He needs some evidence beyond reasonable doubt over there.


In England? I don't know how the UK court system works. In America, you would absolutely need evidence, especially if a jury was listening to all this. If all his evidence or whatever boils down to just his testimony and his firm belief that things like, I just know it. I just know they hacked my phone. If that's all this boils down to, he's losing this case. That's what I would suspect. But again, I don't know how the London courts work. It's just one judge listening to the case and he's going to decide it. So you're in Australia and you're like, Aren't you familiar with UK law stuff? I'm not.


Really familiar with any of things. But yeah, I think that this is trouble for Harry. I assume that he would have like... You know how in court cases they have like, The phone was over there at this GPS? I assume they had like phone records that pointed to the Daily Mirror. And this hacking is just guessing the codes, basically, of the voicemails so that they can tap into his, hack into his voicemail and hear the info. But if there's no witness saying, Yeah, I was at Daily Mirror at the time, and.


That's what we did. As far as day two goes, I haven't seen any of that. The other thing that's interesting is, Harry came out swinging yesterday. He sounded so strong on the stand, compelling on the stand, reading from his 55 page statement. And yet when you actually get down to the nitty gritty of the articles he's suing over, it's 33 of them, a lot of the stories are just about gossipy things that people are talking about.


How his dad wasn't really his dad.


Exactly. So there's nothing truly private that he's stating that he's saying, Oh, only me and my ex girlfriend or whatever. That information only existed on a voicemail. He's not saying that. You know what I mean? It sounds like a friend of his who might have been privy to it or a friend of her or anybody could have just like spill to the daily mirror. And that's what he's suing over. It's crazy. It's like somebody's suing us over a gossipy piece we might write here and say, Oh, my God. You hacked my phone. N ow, we just talked to so and so. We just talked to so or whatever. You know what I mean?


He's got sour grapes about the whole experience, obviously. Yes. Hey, before we leave this story alone, can you please do your impression of Prince Harry on the stand in a British accent now? Oh, boy.


Okay. Council, I just know in my heart to heart you hacked my phone. You hacked my phone. And it's wrong. It's wrong.


Anyway, that's not bad. That's not bad. It's better than I was expecting. I do. I do.


I do look a little sometimes.




All right, should we move on to the next big story?


Let's go into our next story. Nikki Minhaj and her stylist are being sued over damaged jewelry. They deny it. But this place called Rose Ark Jewelry Store.


Right, West.


Hollywood here. In West Hollywood, they loaned Nikki and her stylist 66 pieces of jewelry. It was a one week loan. Apparently, there was a contract where they said they had to pay for the damages if it happened. Well, when they brought back the 66 pieces, on time, by the way, that was very good of them. But the earrings and a ring were damaged. Apparently, there was a missing stone. It was damaged to these two two pieces. Nikki's camp denies it, says there's no evidence of the damage. And the jeweler is just looking for PR.


I got to be honest, we cover these sorts of lawsuits all the time where... Look, celebrities are constantly renting jewelry. It's a common practice here in Hollywood, especially for public events and red carpets, etc. I have to side with Nikki's team here. At least on the face of things, I don't know all the details of it, but what they're saying is we return the pieces, but By the way, Nikki had nothing to do with this. It was a representative of hers. Her stylist, I believe it was, right?


Yeah, it was a middle man. But she was the one who probably damaged.


It if she wore it. I suppose, possibly, that's what the guy's claiming. But what her team is saying is, first of all, you have no evidence of that at all. Is those photos or anything? Right. If it was in fact damaged, you have no evidence that Nikki did it. And first of all, Nikki was not involved in this at all. There was a middle man, and yet you're suing her and you're naming her. They're saying that he's doing it for publicity. He might well be. Look, the truth is, for a system like this, it's so bizarre to me. Is there not a check in process? When you return the pieces right on the spot, presumably you go, Okay, let's take a look at it. You don't just leave it and.


Walk away. When you return a higher car, they do a lap around the car to see if you've dinged it ever. And before signing off on it. I would have thought with expensive, expensive jewelry. They're suing her for $26,000 plus.


Yes, which is a.


Lot of money. You would have thought to take a walk around the jewelry to see if there's any dings on it.


Right. I mean, look, with jewelry this small, maybe in the moment they didn't catch it. And later they did an audit or something.


That's on you then, I reckon. Unless you see it at the time. Then if there's any like, Maybe we dropped it in the store when we were walking back.


From the car. There's so many possibilities for how or why it might have been damaged. It seems frivol to me. That's the truth. It seems frivol to me. And Nikki Minage's team saying that it's frivol, rings true in my mind, at least. Rings true. It does. I'm not even that big of a fan of Nikki Minage, frankly. But yeah, one, you got to catch it on the spot. That's my thing. Because you know what I mean? Because another thing her team said is that they didn't bring this lawsuit until much later. The jewelry was back in their possession for a good while, and then later they sent them the invoice. So maybe a week later, they sent the invoice like, Hey, you damaged the stuff. It's like, Well, why did you wait so long? How do I know you're not setting me up? You know what I mean? There's so many things.


It's just nonsense. This is a celebrity version of... You know how some people buy clothes for a night out, and then they return them the next day? Yes. What happens on that night out if you spill a drink on it, it's like that. Is it like that or is it not like that? I'm not sure.


That one's a little more obvious. Damage to that, you could see. Damage to this, it's minute.


I thought there was a stone missing, or there was.


A stone missing? There was a stone missing, which I guess you could miss at the outset. If you're inspecting it.


It's like a sleeve missing on.


A T shirt. Yeah. But a stone for these types of jewelry pieces are presumably very small, right?


Maybe there's lots of stones.


That's what I suspect.


This whole episode comes down to evidence today, doesn't it? It does. Is there the evidence? Show us.


The evidence. And so far, at least in my mind, so far, lacking evidence as far as the claiming part is concerned. Not guilty. Not guilty. That's what I would say. Yeah. If I was on a jury here.


Okay, to our last story.


Yeah, this is a big one.


Jeremy Beaver, aka Justin Beaver's dad. He's also a dad of a few other kids. He's got kids by three different women. He celebrated the start of Pride Month by posting something anti LGBT. He said, Don't forget to thank a straight person this month for your existence. And that was written over a giant rainbow, supposedly one of these affirmations. And so obviously, Justin Bieber, his fans are not happy with this.


No. So people are flooding Jeremy Bieber's comments, trawling him saying, Don't forget to thank Justin Bieber for paying your bills, and blah, blah, blah, blah. And then you get to ride the wave of his fame and fortune. I don't know if people are flooding Justin Bieber's comments just yet or demanding Justin speak on this. As far as I can tell, he hasn't spoken on this. First of all, before we even start demanding Justin apologize on behalf of his dad, let's just for a second. Jeremy is his own person, obviously. He speaks for himself. He doesn't speak for Justin Bieber. Also, wasn't he absentee in Justin's life? Justin was raised by his mother. That's the whole lore of Justin Bieber. He's not that close with his dad as far as I know, especially growing up. Here's my thing. First of all, I didn't understand the meme or the message at first. I was like, Wait, what? Is this some think a straight person for your existence. I don't know what they meant. But now I know what he's saying. He's saying, Thank your mom and dad for having sex and having you, essentially. Is that what he's.


Getting at? I think it's a slap in the face of Pride Month where people are celebrating being all types of your sexualities and genders and that stuff. And so he's basically then saying, no, it's because of us. Us straight people that you guys even exist. It's really...


It's problematic, obviously.


It's in poor taste. I don't know why he did this just me, but obviously, he'd be calling up his dad and saying, Man, put down the keyboard, get rid of the memes, bro. I don't need this in my.


Life right now. 100 %. So first of all, the reason he posted this, presumably is because maybe he believes it, right? And maybe he's a conservative guy or a Christian guy or whatever. It's very interesting. So Justin Bieber himself is very Christian, right? And it just goes without saying that if you're very Christian, you inherently have anti LGBT views. Now, as far as how you go about expressing that, Chris Pratt's a good example of this, right? He's a mainstream A list actor, very well known to be a Christian, somewhat conservative guy with conservative views. But in terms of how he goes about expressing those views, he often walks the line and the trapeze, if you will.


I think what Jeremy is doing here is basically just trawling. It amounts to trawling. It's not even like obviously, we know where his beliefs stand right now because of this trawling, but it's not like he was trying to make.


Some intelligence point. Intell or nuanced point or anything.


He's just trying to poke, poke, poke, poke. Right now, there are heightened tensions in America because of Pride Month, and also because there's all of this stuff about school curriculum. Should they be using these books in their school or should they not?


Did you see what happened at Glendale yesterday?


So there was a massive fight. That was insane.


A sprawl at Glendale. People out there that were fighting LGBT, this and that, protesters. I guess there was something going on with the school board voting on whether to incorporate something into the curriculum, I guess.


It's the same debate that they were having over in Florida with the supposed don't say gay bill or whatever about taking books out of curriculum. And so basically, there are heightened tensions right now where there's some politicians who are openly anti LGBT. And I think that gives license to people like Jeremy Beaver to say, Okay, we can say whatever we want. But as I say, this is not the time to be making some.


Inflammatory statement.


It's just bad bad because it's supposed to be a Pride Month celebrating as well.


He's just trawling. And here's the thing, too. Even if Jeremy Beaver doesn't actually support Pride Month, which, frankly, whether you agree or disagree, that's fine. This is views you can have your own views. But even if he doesn't, it's like, you don't need to, like you said, poke the bear. This seems so antagonistic for no reason. Even if he's anti Pride, it's like, okay, I'm just going to just step away and let you do your thing or whatever. I'm not going to say anything.


Don't post about it. I think Justin Bieber would be picking up the phone to his dad.


I'm sure he will be pretty soon.


Even if you hold these views.


Keep it to yourself thing, right?


Keep it to yourself because I don't know where Justin Bieber would land on any debate or controversy. But I think a lot of his fan base is quite.


Liberal and.


Diverse and young, and he wouldn't want to be putting off anyone off site. You know what I mean? He wants to be including of all people. So I think that he'll be like, Dad, please, man, put away.


The keyboard. One last thing I'll say about Justin Bieber. Where is he? What's going on? Is he doing anything? I know he had health issues this past recent year, and he stopped his whole tour and stuff like that. And he's just living his married life. But where is that guy? I don't hear much about him these days.


We haven't seen him out with Halley.


Beaver much. Not really.


Are you a believer?


No. I mean, I think Justin Bieber is talented, obviously. I'm not a fan of... I wouldn't go to his concert.


What's your favorite Bieber song?


It's probably... Sorry, maybe. It's cliche. Sorry is a good song. Or Love Yourself as a... I mean, the hits that he has had as an adult, I should say, have been pretty good.


I think you are a.


Very good player. He hasn't had hits like he did long ago. Anyway, that's a different conversation.


Anyway. Okay, well, thank you so much for joining me today, mate.


Yeah, dude, happy to be here. Thanks for having me. I appreciate it.


Of course. We'll see you tomorrow. Take it easy.