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The cameras stopped.


Rolling on Vanderpump Rules, and that's when it.


All got real. I'm Jax Taylor. And I'm Brittany Cartwright. And we.


Are talking about everything on our podcast, When Reality Hits.


Marriage and.


Parenthood, friendships.


And feuds.




Feuds. And life before, during, and after Vanderp up Rules.


So listen to and follow When Reality Hits with Jax Taylor and Brittany Cartwright. At Apple.


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Today on the TMZ podcast. Hello and welcome to the TMZ podcast. I'm Charlie Cotton, and today I'm joined by Nikki Hendry. How are.


You, Nikki? I'm doing good today. How are you?


Man, we got some interesting stories today. We got an update on Peter versus Peter, Pete Davidson versus Peter the animal organization. There is a big old update for them. We're going to talk about Britney Spears. Seems like she's saying goodbye to her sons as they go to Hawaii in a really nice way on Instagram. And also, big break up news. Taylor Swift and her rebound? I don't know. Maddie Healy.


For all the Swifty's, I'm going to say Hallelujah.


Yeah, right. She's back on the market again. So to our first story, yesterday we talked about how Peter was angry with Pete Davidson that he had bought a bred dog at a pet store rather than adopting one of these strays or one of these abused dogs. They wanted him to do that. Well, he saw our article how they had made a statement to TMZ. And so he decided to call them up and leave the lady who made the statement. Her name is Daphna. He called up and left Daphna. She's the VP of something at Peter. He left her a voicemail. So let's just listen to that voicemail now.


Hi, my name's Pete Davidson. This message is for Daphna. Thank you so much for making comments publicly that I didn't adopt a dog. I just want to let you know, I'm severely allergic to dogs, so I have to get a specific breed. I'm only not allergic to Cavapoos and those type of dogs. And my mom's dog, who was two years old, died a week prior and we're all so sad. So I had to get a specific dog. So why don't you do your research before you create new stories for people because you're a boring, tired, fuck you and suck my tch.


End of message.


Honestly, okay, so there's two things I want to say. This is such a hot topic amongst people who have dogs, whether you buy them as a purebred or whether you adopt them. I know it is. And I understand understand Peta's mission and all the things. However, you can't deny that that message is one of the funniest things you've heard all week where he tells this lady... The fact that he called them up and took the time out to do that. We do have to say, though, that he gave TMZ a statement and said that his anger was due to the grief that him and his family are experiencing in light of their dog, Henry's passing. It was a poor choice of words. He shouldn't have said what he said, but he's not sorry for standing up for himself and his family.


Even Peter, though, after getting that voicemail, they gave TMZ an additional statement basically saying, if you're allergic to dogs and so you can only have a hypoallergenic dog who's a... You only have a specific breed you need, they say, Pet Finder or one of these websites can find you the dog you need. So they're not even backing down now after the SMID comment.


I honestly think, though, that Pete wanting to get another dog right away was to fill the void of the dog that he just lost two weeks ago. So I don't think he's even thinking, Oh, it's got to be an adoptive dog, even though I'm super hyper allergic and I'm going to do my due diligence and my research to figure out what I can get and adopt so I don't make Pete a mad. He's grieving right now. I don't think he cares about Peter.


I just think everybody loves to come at Peter, the animal organization. They come at people. They come at people. People love coming back at them. They're so antagonistic. I mean, maybe if they played it a bit cooler. Their motives are good. But I just think the way that Peter goes about attacking everyone for every little thing gets us off side. Give Peter Bread a bad name, on a really.


Peter Bread? Yeah.


They do give.


Peter Bread a bad name. I don't know what you're trying to connect right now.


But it's not landing.


I'm so.


Over them. They throw the flower and the fake blood on people when they wear fur and just like... It's funny because their motives and their mission is a good one. I think we all say, Yeah, okay. But just the way they go about.


It is the delivery. It's the delivery.


So what do you feel about rescue dogs versus...


I don't have a dog in that fight.


But if you did have a dog in that fight... Honestly, just give me a healthy dog. We don't condone dog fighting either.


It must be said.


Just give me a healthy dog.


Honestly, if it's a healthy dog, yeah, just give me a healthy dog.


But sometimes the dogs that you get that are rescued.


Do you want to talk about yours?


Well, I got two dogs. Both of them are rescued. Both of them just bark at me the whole time.


One of them is?


One of them is special needs. I rescued a blind dog.


A blind Olly dog. I don't know if a lot of people know that, but yeah, that's something that was really... What made you do that?


Instagram likes.


Oh, no. Charlie.


No, I mean, he's a lovely dog. He does bark a lot. It's an extra thing to rescue a rescue dog. It's an extra layer on like, you don't know how they're going to be affected. Both of my dogs are quite affected. I don't think they'll mind me saying so. I think they know. But I don't know, maybe a purebred would have just as many little weird things.


He's allergic. I think he was just thinking, Let me go to the source so I know where this dog is coming from or what is on the dog. I think it's the fur or something people are allergic to. I'm not really sure. But I don't think that he was doing anything out of like, spite or... You know what I mean? I don't think if he was purposely being like, I don't rescue.


He's a dog lover. He's a big dog lover. And he just wanted an exact replacement for the dog that had just died. His two year old dog had died, and so he wanted an exact replace, like, Cavapu, which is a bit sad for the other dog. You go on and you got it. Imagine if you broke up with your boyfriend. Exact replacement. Yeah. It's just like, okay, I feel bad for.


The dog. I don't, but it's okay. Maybe the dog is in a better place now. Maybe it was sick. We don't know any of those details. We just know that the dog died and that his family is super upset about it. And that's where all of this anger is coming from. It's projected onto the wrong people, I feel. But they started it.


Absolutely. Well, shout out to Pete Davidson's mom's dead dog, RIP. Britney Spears is taking to Instagram and doing something a bit out of character. She's not posting a nude selfie this time. She's not dancing around in a living room this time. She's basically reminiscing about days gone by where her and her sons were all close. And she's posting old family picks of her with the boys. This is on the heels of them moving to Hawaii. Kevin Fetaline, her baby daddy, is taking the boys, the family, to Hawaii. So this is her farewell to them. But people think it's quite nice that she's doing... It's an acceptance that her boys are moving. It's not like fighting it tooth and nail. It's a bit of, I'd say, maturity, which a lot of people have come to expect her to be unhinged. Well, this seems like a hingged thing for.


Her to do. Well, I was going to say she's a mother first and foremost. And you hear about all of the motherly things that moms have, right? Instincts and the constant love and affection for your child, no matter what they do to you. And so I do feel that this is hurting her, that she's not going to be able to see... Kevin and Brittany live in the same neighborhood for the reason of the boys being able to visit their mother when they can and when it's allowed. And so when Kevin was like, We're going to head to Hawaii, asked her to sign these relocation plan, she did it because she probably deep down knows this is something that her boys either want to do. Kevin knows what's best for the boys. He's had custody of them for a very long time. Time. And she's probably just like, this is what is telling me her mother, Lansing's like, just let them go.


I'm glad she did because it could have got ugly. And some people were predicting like, Oh, this is going to be a messy thing. But she hasn't seen the boys in over a year. They went on a talk show a while ago and said basically they're a bit embarrassed by their mom. They're nearly 18 anyway. So when they're 18, they can make their own decisions. So she could have stood in the way and lost that fight probably. But instead she's like, all right, have at it, which I think is the motherly...


It's the motherly mature, exactly what you said, thing to do. And I think she realizes that her boys are no longer the little kids that they used to be. They're almost 18 years old. They have their own personalities, they have their own things that they believe in, things that they stand by. They have their own personality.


They're just about adults, you know what I mean? So you can't really stop that thing. I wonder if it's going to affect Brittany in any way because she seems increasingly isolated in that her family's off site. She did just meet with her mother, which is a good step, a productive first step, because she's isolated from her parents, her sister, her boys are now leaving the state. There's potentially, allegedly, trouble in paradise with her and Sam. Obviously, she doesn't have the conservatorship over her to take care of her anymore. So she's increasingly on her own. Do you think there's any reason to be worried?


Well, I don't think it's increasingly. I think she's always been alone. I think she's always been by herself and had to fend for herself and defend herself. And there's a lot of things that we don't know behind the scenes of what goes on between the stuff with Sam and the stuff with her mom and things like that. But just like a motherly instinct, what did Lynn do when she heard there may be trouble? She flew and tried to come and see her daughter. Mums, huh?


Mums. Where are.


Dads when you need them? We don't need them. No, I'm just kidding.


You do need them. Well, she's got major beef with her dad. No, big is big.




Does. Jamie.


I know. And that's why I said she's been on her own for a very, very, very long time. She has. She's probably just okay with that. And she's like, My boys need to probably go with their dad. They're almost 18 years old. It's probably going to be a better situation and a better life for them, maybe away from me, maybe away from the chaos that is surrounding me.


Well, I hope that this is a positive first step. And then from here, we can see more signs of like, She's really adulting now. She can take care of herself. She's mature and she can have a relationship with her family, even though they're not in close quarters. I know. Let's hope this is a good thing, a good first step. Usually, we cover the bad things about Brittany, so we got to cover.


The good things too. Yeah. And everyone wants what's best for her. Everyone truly, truly does want to see her be successful in her personal life with all the stuff that she's had to deal with. I hope this is the start of something.


Different for her. Totally. Okay, onto our last but potentially our biggest story. Taylor Swift and her weeks old boyfriend. I don't know how long they've been supposedly dating. Not long. They're broken up. We got hints of this when Maddie Healy was performing, and he always kisses people during one of these songs that his band, the 1975 do. I think it's called Rubbers. And so he said he was never going to kiss anybody one else during that song while he was with Taylor. Well, he kissed someone the other night. And so it led people to believe, Okay, maybe these guys are through. Turns out they are. We talked to her people, and turns out they're single right now. So that whirlwind few weeks, maybe a month or I don't know how long.


Not very long. It's over. Yeah. So we don't know exactly how long they were dating, but we were the first to report that they are split just one month after that they went public. And we had gotten those photos of them together.


Why such a world wind?


I think she came off of her relationship with Joe Allen, and this was just a rebound for her the entire time. Maybe for him it was something different, but for her, I think it was just a rebound. So rebounds don't last forever.


I don't even know if it's a rebound or it was all just marketing to begin with. You know what I mean? It was all just putting bumps on seats at her tour.


But for what, though? She didn't need to put bumps in her seats. She already was a sold out artist.


I mean, yeah.


All of the stuff that happened with ticketmaster tickets and all the things. She doesn't need any help. If anyone needs help, it's going to be him.


Well, I mean, he definitely got help out of it. No one knew his name Maddie beforehand, but now we all know the name Maddie. I'm happy for her that she can get over the six years or seven years in a relationship. The best way to get over someone is?


To get under them.


To get under.


Someone else. That's right.


So maybe she.


Was just... You thought I wasn't going to know that, did you? Yeah, I know. You're cool. Trust me, I was something before I got married to Charlie, so don't get it twisted. Oh, wow.


Okay. Keaton learned more after.


The part. No, that's in the vault. That's never.


Coming out. So he was back on stage somewhere in Europe drinking out of his fly ask. He had an eye patch on overnight.


Oh, yeah. The photos from last night. Yeah. I don't know if he's trying to get over it or if he always does the set of his concerts, but like you said, he was drinking out of a flask. He was performing. He had a cigarette. He just looked like he was really in his feelings in those songs and the photos. I don't know. I'm not really familiar with 1975, but whenever you stop dating someone, especially someone of a caliber and has high of a A list celebrity as Taylor Swift is and you're not there, it's got to hurt. It's got to hurt.


You've got to be pissed. But everybody knows the year the 1975 now. No one knew that year beforehand, and now we do. So maybe it's good for business. So if Maddie was a rebound, what happens after you get a long term relationship rebound? Is there usually a another rebound next? Is like a Ricochay? Or do we go to another monogamous relationship?


So if I had one envision for Taylor Swift, this is what I want her to do. Lay it on us. Okay. I want her to go through her hot girl era. I want her to get a BBO and the mood job, and I want her to transform herself and just be a completely different person and bag some hottie.


A BBL, for those who don't know, Brazilian butt lift. You want Taylor Swift to get one of those big old Kardashian.


Butt lift? Yes. To completely transform herself. I don't know, to become a different person. D ate some... Rapper. Oh, yeah. Let's put her with a rapper. Who would you want to see her with next?


Big Sean?


Big Sean. No. Why not?


No. Well, you asked me and I gave an answer. You can't say no.


Who do you want to see her with? I'm trying to see who I want her with.


P. Diddy.


No, he's too old.




On. You used...


Drake. Drake and Taylor Swift. I could see it. I could see it, too, actually, because they're both all about their images. And D rake's always single.




Has he gone through Taylor Swift yet?


I don't know. I don't know how to answer that.


I'm not sure. He seems to date a lot of people.




Could see that couple definitely happening, to be honest. I'd be there.


To see it happen. We're getting the signal to shut up, so you need to wrap it up right now.


Wrap it up, D rake. Anyway, okay. Thank you very much for joining me today. Nikki, this is fun to e p me.


It always is, Gwen. It's such a pleasure being here with you.


Thank you. That's not what you say when I ask you, can you please come and do the podcast for me? All right. Thank you guys very much. We'll see you here tomorrow.