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On the TMZ podcast.


Hey, guys. Welcome to the TMZ podcast. Brendan here with Courtney Ducette. Hi. We have so much to talk about today because last night was part two of the Vanderpump Rules reunion. It didn't really give a lot for me. They tease so much of what's coming up, and then it's stuff that's for next week.


It did, but it also did a build up because you still have the Raquel parts that you wanted to hear from her. Andy asked her, How did you feel about this situation ending with Arianna? Did you guys really think that you could ever be friends with it? And when she actually thought that they could be friends after and it all would be fine, I was like, She is about to walk in to an experience she's not prepared for. If she actually thought that Harrianna could come out of it, fine. And that her and Tom were just going to tell everyone and that Sheena was going to get over the restraining order so fast and Lala and James were going to come for her. I'm like, You have no idea what's waiting for you. And Tom did try to warn her going into next week, Arianna will.


Come for you. There was that interesting scene where Tom and Raquel are in the trailer, and he s asking the producer, Can you turn the cameras off? And the producer's like, Listen. Yeah, I actually think we have a clip of it. Yeah, let's take a listen.


Hey, can we have a for real break where we're not being filmed? Yeah, you want to go back and get lunch right now? Yeah, but can I just chat with her without like... That'd be nice. Cameras are up if anyone's together the whole time. Dude, no, man. I'm taking my mic off. You can have time if you need time to yourself, but if you all are together... Dude, I just want to fucking sorry.


I know, but.


If you're together... We're not. Dude, we just need a breath, man. We have this part of what it is. I want to talk to her like, I don't want to camera my goddamn face. We're not understanding. I think that.


Is a good producer.


It really is. Well, we actually got these photos and video, but we couldn't hear the conversation that was happening. And I was so excited to be like, That's what we got the images of. And it.


Was so good. And there's only one thing that makes you think, okay, this was Tom in that situation. He wanted to coach Raquel. She hadn't really come.


Out on the set yet. Because Aarron has been saying that this entire time. He wanted to coach me on this show. And then going back and forth on that. And Tom's like, No, you were coaching me all the time. And she was like, No, it's you. You want to get story straight. We already saw in part one that Tom and Tom did not have the timeline straight when they were going over when the affair started. And Tom Swartz blew his cover that it happened.


Months prior. I need to remember, Raquel is watching this from a trailer. So she's seeing the live feed.


Coming from the set. I love the cutaway shots. They are so brilliant.


And the one where they tease is it Sheena from coming up in next week. And she's sitting in the trailer with her white cloth as she.


Walks out on the set.


Oh, my God. I love.


The white cloth and sneakers on. She still looks so angry.


I love T im Arianna.


Oh, boy.


But I wish she's cutting off Tom so much that part of me wishes she'd let him speak a little bit before she cuts him off because maybe he's going to say something that's going to reveal something that we don't already know. They're all very quick to cut each other off and say F you and F that and don't speak. And you're.


Spinning this. She even shushed him at one point last night.


I know people are like, Oh, I don't want to hear from Tom Sandoval. He's doing an awful thing. But I wish people... That's why they do these reunions. It's for everyone to be able to.


Tell their side of the story. Everything that he's saying is a lie. It's all a lie that he's coming out. It's all just made up. And I will say, I'm like, Oh, was Arianne to right about the coaching thing? Because when Tom leaves the stage again, when they have to do the switch between Sheena and Raquel, Tom's in the parking lot smoking a cigarette, and he goes, I've blown it. And he says something about blowing it. And I'm like, What story did you not have lined up with Raquel, and now she's about to walk in there, and you're going to have to face that timeline also doesn't match up.


I also think it's interesting that Raquel, she filed that restraining order against Sheena, which prevented them from being on the set together. That was so annoying. So annoying. And then the day of the reunion, she conveniently has her attorney go to court and file to dismiss the restraining order that she had filed three weeks prior. Of all days to do it, okay. I don't know if she thought that was going to help her.


Me either, because Andy said it was filed on this day. And the previous day, there was also footage of Arquell talking to Andy where she says that she regrets filing the restraining order. File it then so it could have gone through the court system so we could have seen them on stage together. But I don't know if she just wasn't prepared to actually see Sheena just because that's who she was the closest to other than Arianna. And she was there with Sheena that night on Watch What Happens Live when the story came out. So I don't know if she was actually prepared to see her because she was like, I wish I would have wrote Sheena a letter watching this more and more. I'm having realizations about the regrets I should have. And I'm like, You had to watch your friend cry to realize that you shouldn't have slept with your best friend's boyfriend. It was so fascinating to watch her talks with Andy because she actually really feel like she did nothing wrong. She even said I was living in my own world, my own bubble where I thought that it would all be fine, and we would just go off and start dating after I broke up with Arianna.


And what reality would that ever happen after a nine year relationship? You just start dating your best friend's boyfriend and everything just goes smooth.


I do agree. I do think Tom and Raquel thought that if this did get out because they have talked about how they were planning to tell Ariana. And Tom admits that he had waited too long in that scene when he films with Tom Swarts during the Skandival episode. But I get this vibe, what you're saying is almost like Tom and Raquel thought that this maybe once everyone found out and time passed, things would die down, people would move on, friendships would be repaired, people would have an understanding or accept it and move on. But that's not happening here. I mean, the cast...


That's not happening at all. Raquel still doesn't give Lala for sleeping with James. She's still upset about that. If you're still upset about this girl that you weren't even friends with, sleeping with your boyfriend at the time, and you're still upset about it, how do you think your best friend is going to react to actually see when the guy that she did like? When Andy asked her was like, were you going to tell them? And she was like, well, I actually don't know if Arianna did want to know. But after talking to Arianna that night on Watch What Happens Live, she did want to know if we were having an affair. What are you talking about? And she was like, Well, Arianna never questioned me. Why would I question my best friend if you're sleeping with my boyfriend? Why would that ever be a thought? She was living in just this fantasy world. And I'm like, Raquel, girl, you better... Hot mess. I cannot wait for next week. This part wasn't the greatest because you heard a lot about the story line that you didn't want to hear. Lala, great story line. Don't care. Ali, don't really care about your story.


I know, 10.


Minutes of Ali. I know. I sped through it and I was like, I need more, Arianna.


But then I go back to the Ellie stuff because I always think about, she was the whistleblower in a sense of this and bringing up that she saw them dancing together at the Abbey that night. But that's the one part they didn't even.


Talk about. They didn't even bring that up. It was.


All about her and James. They talk about her relationship with James.


Yes, at least be like, You were the one to bring it on screen that they were dancing at the Abbey. How do you feel about that? You didn't even bring her into the Santa.


Claus stuff. Also, I'm a little bit over it. I'm like, If James walks off the set one more time. Too much making it about him.


Andy's over it.


Andy's over it. But Andy needs to bring it back again to like... He does. We need to focus it on Arianna and Tom and Raquel. That is who we want to hear from. Yes.


I loved it when James was like, Every time I hear Tom speak, I get angry and I have to pee. I'm like, That can't not be real. But I did love the teaser when Tom Schwartz, right before Raquel comes out, he takes out the biggest bottle of Xanax I've ever seen, just right out of his Coke pocket and just starts popping one as soon as he sees Raquel walking out. And all the cast is like, Are you just popping a Xanax right now?


I'm really curious also, just thinking ahead because they start filming the new season at the end of next month. And so many of them have said they're not going to film with Tom and Raquel. And I get it. But also without them, what is this show?


There is no show because Raquel, even before this storyline came out, Raquel was the show this season. All the stuff that she did, Raquel was carrying it because the other cast really wasn't doing it. Tom and Tom were so stressed out with the bar, and that was a storyline. And then Lava was just so protective. And I think that she has to be because of all the court legal stuff that she's going through with Randall. But she really didn't have one. Sheena was just so boring. She was like, She lives out in Marina Del Ray. They're all out in Valley Village, so she's not even part of it. And James is always just like James. So Raquel was holding it down and was getting all the stuff already in it. So I don't know what they're... They need Raquel, and she did say she wanted to come back.


She did say she wanted to come back, but who knows? I mean, that was filmed before she checked into this mental health facility that she's in, that she's allegedly still in. So it makes you wonder, during this treatment process, if she's learned things, if these therapists and counselors that she's working with, or the courses that she's taking are saying, Listen, being on reality TV on national television is not in your best interest if you want to move forward from this. Who knows? But also, it's a paycheck for her. But does she want to move forward to it? What's she going to do if she doesn't do Vanderpump Rules?


I have no idea. It would be very hard.


I don't know if she's going to go back working.


At Surr. She couldn't go back working at Surr. You would have to move.


Somewhere else. She'd be so ridiculed. All the fans would come in and be like, I don't want her as a server. She'd get no tips. Peter would still take her.


Peter would still take her. That would be so sad. No, she would have to go somewhere else, though. She just couldn't do it. But I know that her and Tom are still talking because we used to have photos of them when he was on the flight. Even if the rest of the cast didn't film with them, if they just had their own little, not spin off, but if they were still part of it, but they just showed them, everyone would have watched that. If they're still talking, no one's not going to. Tom Swarts will still talk. Heck, if they bring back Jax and Brittany, Jax will do anything to get on TV and he'll play the in between. Peter will do it. They still have some, not the strongest.


People in their corner. I could see because remember we did that story about Sheena on her podcast had said that she hadn't gotten an apology from Raquel yet. I could see maybe Sheena agreeing to sit for one scene where they go to dinner or something and have a sit down or at someone's house and say, This is how I felt. This is what you did to me. You betrayed me. Just Raquel and Sheena one on one. Did Sheena.


Say that on her podcast before the reunion?


No, she said it only a week or two ago. Why hasn't Raquel still... But she hasn't blocked Raquel yet because if Raqel wanted to reach... More so she was seeing if Raquel was going to reach out and give her an apology.


You think she would have seen from the reunion, Raqel being like, Hey, I wish I would have sent Sheena a letter. So you think right after that, she would have...


Said something.


What? I know. Oh, my God. Okay, I could talk about this forever.


We will have much more. I think there will be much more to talk about this next week because I think next week will be juicy with it being the final.


It's going to be amazing.


The cameras stopped rolling on Vanderpump Rules, and that's when it all got real. I'm Jax Taylor. And I'm Brittany Carmichael. And we are talking about everything on our podcast, When Reacts, reality Hits.


Marriage and parenthood.


Friendships and feuds.


Definitely feuds. And life before, during, and after Vanderp up Rules. So listen to and follow.


When Reality Hits with Jax Taylor and.


Brittany Cartwright. At Apple podcast, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts.


But on to another amazing reality TV show, Selling Sunset.


I just finished. I finally finished. Have you watched? I finally finished.


I finished it in one weekend. Kind of mad.


At myself. I usually am like that, but I'm bad. I finally finished it the other night. God, why did they wait until the Palm Springs trip? It was like six episodes of giving me nothing. And then finally, they go to Palm Springs on episodes six or seven. And I'm like, Finally, something worth watching.


You didn't like it. You are very hard to please this morning with.


Your reality TV. I just thought it was a lot of fake staged nonsense in the first several episodes. And I was almost at a point where I was going to drop out. But then the Palm Springs trip came and I was like, Okay, this is insane. And then Creshell makes the crackhead accusation.


That was so bad against Nicole. Which was insane.


And I don't even know how they can legally air that without.


Well, I'm sure, like, Nicole has to give consent, but Nicole actually, we shot her out, and she says that she wants to drop it all and move past it all with Creshell. Are you taking any action? I know that you reached.


Out to a lawyer.


Right now, it's not.


Something that's on the table.


Okay. I know you got a lot of death threats. Has Creshell reached.


Out to you since? We haven't. No, we.


Haven't spoken. No? She told us yesterday for you to repair the relationship if you wanted to reach out. Do you think that's something you'd do? I mean, I have.


Hopes that we can just come to an understanding that we can co exist. And I think at this point that's healthy for both of us. Yeah. Everyone's around us. And it's just at this point, it's like, I don't need to spend any more time with her.


So I feel like that's the best in her interest to actually do that because Chris Schel blue Nicole's cover saying that we were cool before the filming. And Nicole came on and targeted me to get a storyline. But that wasn't even my best storyline. B reed to yes, see. Nick Cannon's baby mama, she brought it. And that's why I was like, I can't believe it took you until six seasons or till six episodes.


It took me a minute to warm up to her. I think got more sympathy for her when she had that one on one right before they went to Palm Springs with Amanda. And they went and had girl time, had a drink, talked about the whole co parenting thing. I do love.


When she refers to herself as a model, though. And I'm like, you were a rock star drink girl. We've all been a drink girl and you, that's not a model. That's not a model.


We all had a model mayhem account one day, girl. No, I think it was once she had that conversation with Amanda just because both of them are co parenting and single moms that I got a better understanding of her story and what she's gone through and what she's going through and what she has to deal with. Not that nick is a bad father. It's very clear they have a great relationship. But yeah, it took me a little bit to warm up to her. However, I will say, I will give her the credit, she's the only realtor this season season that's brought on celebrity clients. She's had.


Three of them. She's had three celebrity clients. None of them else have. And some of them didn't even show houses this season. They were just.


Like, Shut up. I other really happy. Crescel and Emma, the first episode, they were like, Oh, my God. This is Harry Styles's former house. I know but you're not.


Selling Harry Styles's house. I wish you were selling Harry Styles's house, but no. It's a.


Little teaser. And then Brie came in with, what was it, two athletes and maybe an actor. I'm drawing a blank on the names, but she brought people of notoriety.


Yeah, and a boxer. But I was shocked. Jason and his girlfriend broke up. We posted that story yesterday on TNT. Com, that him and his girlfriend broke up. She was on this season so much, he even left the office for three weeks, which he never does, to go be.


With her. And I actually liked her on the show. I mean, she wasn't on that much, but she was very comfortable in the scenes they filmed together. And I was like, Wow, I was thinking, if they lasted together, I could see them bringing her on as a cast member. That's obviously not going to happen anymore. No.


I mean, that would be good because now he would have four of his exes on the show because I didn't realize that Jason also dated Nicole.


Nicole, yeah. Yes. Forever ago. He's dated all of his employees. Because Nicole has been at the group for eight years. She was.


Before Mary. And when Nicole married Chris Schel and then this girl that he raised and he just broke up with.


I might get crap for this, but I just... The show misses something with Christine. There's an element missing without Christine being there.


Well, because she was one of the OG people and she brought it. And she knew how to read people and she was also fun. She was very light. It wasn't so serious. And she was very playful.


It's very clear that Chelsea, who I've warmed up to, I do like Chelsea. And Chelsea, I do think is bringing the fashion this season out of any of the others. I do think Chelsea has tried and is doing okay, not as well as Christine, in stepping into that villain role. She plays it in a way.


Well, she lost her partner. Christine was her partner last year. It would hard.


I mean, she's not horrible. I like her. I like her a lot. That skirt she wore that one scene where she said she had not wear it in the car.


Oh, yes. She had a dress in it. It was like a pure leather thing. It was.


So hot though. It was so good. It looked like a belt that the UFC fighters wear. I know.


It's crazy. Well, this is another show I could talk forever. Forever and ever. Forever and ever. But we have to get back to our work. But we.


Are out of time.


I know. Thank you guys for joining us. You guys can download your podcast wherever. Google, Spotify, watch it on YouTube. We'll see you next time. Yeah.