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Good morning, millennials, and welcome back to the toast. Happy Thursday. That's. That's just splendid.


Happy day of the Thurs.


Latter half of the week. Congrats. So much to be celebrating in this very moment.


Thursday, always a win.


We got spray tans, so we just, like, look and feel more like ourselves than we have all week.


And more alive, probably not like ourselves, which is why we feel good.


Cause ourselves is disgusting, ugly, yucky people, rats. And we got spray tans. Because today's our last show at the Westhampton Beach Performing Arts center. Four out of four sold out shows. The residency is still in full swing. Cause we're headed back to New York City next week to sell at the beginning theater two more times. But how are you feeling about the ending of this particular journey?


This leg of the gizno has been a wonderful.


You've got some gizno on your leg.


This leg of the Gizno has been fantastic.


I kind of love the Westhampton Beach Performing Arts center. Not to sound like that girl, but it feels like.


It does feel like a second home at this point. It's where everyone knows your name.


Literally. Literally.


We've gotten really comfortable, really familiar. We're just kind of like old pros up on that stage.


Local celebs, local yokels. It's really. Actually, we joke. It's the nicest theater. The accommodations are so nice. They take really good care of us. I'm gonna miss it there. I've loved doing the shows. I've loved seeing the swirlies. I've loved how many swirlies are experiencing the Hamptons for the first time. Because most of the people who come to the show aren't from West Hampton. They're like, you know what? Let's make a swirly weekend out of it. They're experiencing the Hamptons for the first time. I love that we've given them that experience. Yeah. And it's just. It's been amazing. It really has.


It has been one more show to round her out, and I'm excited to do Gizno. It's funny, we, like, rot in the house all week. We're literally like house Frau trad wipes.


You can't say trad wife to me without immediately I took notes. I have to table.


You have to table. Yes. Your ballerina. It's gonna be a referendum.


It's the first story.


It's gonna be a referendum on the. Referendum on ballerina.


I just wanna say I went to sleep thinking about it, and I woke up thinking about it. I have so much to say. Go.


Okay, great. We're just a bunch of housebow tradwife during the week, but, like, one or two nights a week, we drive ourselves to the West Hampton beach performing arts center and kind of slay the house down. Boots. It's just like this fun thing about us.


In celebration of it being our last show. I meant to tell you that I booked a car service.


I saw that.


Don't wanna drive.


I think it's weird that we drive.


Oh, there's a fly in this room. Giving that episode of Breaking Bad, the fly.


Annoying big fat buzzy one.


Tortured us last night. Literally landed on my phone while me and Ben were, like, doing our scroll time before bed. It has been torturing me for, like, 12 hours. It's in here now. We just. We have to sort of ignore her or she will take us down.


Okay, but it's big, fat, and buzzy.


I'm aware. I've lived with this fly for 12 hours. I don't know how the fuck she got in here. Somebody left the screen door open. Wasn't me.


You go out on the terrace here?


No, like, in the house. And then he made his way up.


To my bedroom, took a tour, said, I'll take the master suite. Thank you.




Have a great day. Day, everyone.


The fly kind of has dirty energy, just like coming to the house. Barry Ramon, Mona Singer, taking the master bedroom.


Yeah. As he should.


We. In addition to being girls who never leave the house and then eventually get clammed up and go to the West Hampton Beach Performing Arts center, we've also been churning out content. Now a big theme on the toast this week. Thanks to the viral nature of our viral video and our viral moment from 2006 seven. We did an entire podcast episode yesterday dedicated to our experience at fat camp. A fun fact about us that some people don't know and some people just randomly think about. And it's like this fun fact about us people can't get over. Yeah, we talked about the actual experience of, like, fat camp. A lot of questions about day to day. Like, what is it like, is it like the movies? And then also the experience of the tv show, which is a cornerstone of a lot of people's childhoods, ours included. So that is up on the Patreon now. It's a podcast episode, and we really. I think we left no stone unturned. We covered the gamut.


It was actually, like, really sad for us because we were remembering all of these, like, amazing moments. And things will never be better, simpler, happier than they were than our days at summer camp.


Yeah. Not just, like, because it was a fat camp. Because it was camp.


Camp. No, just camp.


If you went to camp, you can relate.


That's, like, the highlight of your life. And then we just had to kind of move on from that.


No. And go back to being, like, wives, mothers, businesswomen. She owes.


Yeah. And not campers.




And that's always hard.


I can't lie. Like, I seriously can't think about anything besides Bella.


Oh, my God. Like, keep it in your pants.


No. It's also, now that I read the article, and then I went searching for people's takes, I'm inundated in the algorithm, especially on TikTok, with people's thoughts.


I read the article, and then this morning, I, like, went to pull up the article for the stories today. So I just Google searched ballerina farm and went to news and the subsequent headlines, like other people's take, other publications, extrapolated. Horrible.


What was it?


The dark truth behind TikTok viral ballerina farm's idyllic life. Jezebel. Yikes. A peek behind the ballerina farm facade is bleak as hell.


Now, it's gonna come as a shock to nobody that I abhorred this article. I'm sure, Jackie, you have similar feelings. We actually haven't even discussed it offline. I'm so excited to have a first time convo about it right here in this moment. And there are a lot of reasons I hated the article, which I will get into, but just know, like, that's the general gist, and I have a lot of reasons that I think are really good for. Hashtag standing with ballerini Morgan.


Yeah. Also the same. The Times that wrote the piece on her two days ago wrote a piece called, for most women, trad wives are a freak show.




So you're going to go to her house and meet her children. When this is the stance, it was.


Very clear that there was an immediate bias in the article, which I think people who are even applauding the article can acknowledge. I think that the general takeaway from the article is that ballerina Farm is actually, like, a victim and her husband is an oppressor. And that's what I've seen on social media. Like, the word oppressor is really crazy to use, and we're going to get into it. And if there's anything else you want to talk about, like, let's talk about it now, because I will not be able to stop once I start.


Okay. Anything else?


Oh, my God. Jackie made cornbread last night?


Oh, yeah. We had such a wonderful dinner. As you saw on the YouTube, it was very rainy and the moody here. So still today, too, it was a chilly day.


We woke up and we said, it's a chili day. And all day, we were just, like, spent preparing to the library.


We got recipes.


Jaggy like, wine, cookbook section. It was kind of crazy.


I got a lot of really good recipes from a variety of cookbooks, not just for cornbread, but for other things I'm gonna make. Other things.


So the cornbread and stuff recipe that we used was Paula Deen.




Which I feel like every dish is kind of has a vibe. And when you're gonna go to a cookbook of, like, famous chefs, like, you have to have the chef match the vibe of the dish. So the first cook, the first cornbread recipe Jackie had pulled out was actually Alex Gornaschelli.


Cause I saw it in the library, so.


And I love Alex Gornaschelli when I think vibes.


But you didn't like the picture. She.


No. She also doesn't like her freak. Doesn't match the freak of cornbread. I can't really explain it.


I just feel like you have to justify, like, using Paula Deen's, of course.


And by the way, so, the picture in the cookbook, it was so crumbly and dry, I could, like, feel the dryness through the page. I'm sorry. Why should I suffer? Because Paula Deen has, like, a very, you know, sort of controversial history.


You shouldn't.


I shouldn't suffer, and I didn't. So, yeah, I used the Paula Deen one. Okay. So the Paula Deen recipe was, like, very Paula Deen coated. Lots of sugar, butter, milk, butter.


And I went for most of it. But in true me fashion, I had to swap out the sugar for a splenda stevia.


Oh. You know, that is because they're a.


New sponsor, which I just recently got into, splenda stevia. And I love baking, of course, but I can't put buckets of sugar.


It's crazy.


It, like, literally pains me to, like, take out cups of sugar.


Zachary, allow me. Because today's lead sponsor, she's coming now with splenda stevia and organic integration. You know, the little yellow packets of sweeteners, and they've created something new over at Splenda. And it's splenda stevia. Just so you know, it is made by splenda, but it doesn't have any of the original splenda in it. I. Splenda stevia is an all new plant based sweetener that uses us grown stevia. So stevia is really popular. I love now. I love stevia leaf, and I'm very splenda loyal. We've had this conversation before, and you have been really into stevia. Sort of, like, you know, educating me on the benefits, and then actually splenda DM'd me. They're like girlies. We make stevia, splenda stevia. It's over.


It's over.


It comes in packets, pouches, and liquid sweeteners. Splenda stevia is a zero calorie sweetener that is perfect to use anywhere. So when it comes to baking, which we did last night, but also I use, I'm actually, like, kind of, like, always, like, opening up a packet of something.


My coffee every day stevia.


And I'm a brand loyal girl. Like, splenda is one of my OG brands. And the fact that they're now getting into stevia, the Splenda Stevia brand, you could try.


And I mean, to have eight children, one is a feat. Is a feat to give birth to them at home to then two weeks later, go and do a pageant. I think people are freaking out, and they love to say this sets unrealistic standard for women, but I always like to see aspirational women, you know, I know I'm not going into a pageant two weeks after I give birth. Like, not whatsoever. But I think it's cool that, like, the female body is able to do that sometimes.For me, the criticism of her, especially with the pageant being, what was the word you just used, aspirational, like, or setting unrealistic expectations for women. I actually don't agree with that criticism. I think it's more like, this is what this person wanted to do, and that's great for her.Yeah.And if I want to rot in bed for two years after having a baby, that's amazing as well. Like, everyone's choices are their own, and they should be celebrated, not. And this one person, just because she does have all these followers doesn't mean that she should make choices in her personal life, because she doesn't want to, like, have, you know, be a bad role model. Like, this is what she wanted to do, right?In the same way, we would never, like, shun someone for not bouncing back quickly. Why would we shun someone for bouncing back quickly? Reminds me of when Christine Quinn had her baby, and she was literally, like, the next day in her, teetering in her high heels. Would have never guessed that she had a baby. I think that's so cool. Of course, I know that's not gonna be me, and I'm not, like, sad. Like, why does she. It's just genetics. It's the genetic lottery she won, right? Congratulations. Congrats, grads.Also, not just in terms of women who have had babies, but just, like, anyone who chooses to share their life on the Internet, barring you're killing people, your choices are your choices. And I'm not really gonna clown on people, and I said this a couple of weeks ago, and I feel like this is a perfect example. And part of, I think a lot of my thoughts on this article are informed by this overall, like, thesis that I've come to is that you are not going to find me, like, jumping on bandwagons, criticizing influencers, female influencers. I think Ballerina farm is amazing. When there are articles like this about, you know, the highest paid male athlete and the highest paid. What that. What does his home look like? And, you know, let's spend the day with him.What, the referendum on his naggy bitch wife, right?No.No, I don't think so.When there are articles that are as in depth and as critical and as, you know, that analyze as deeply, you know, men who are crushing in other fields, then I will give something like this credence. But for, of course, you know, no one hates women more than women. This article was written by a woman I don't know. And the bandwagon everyone is just sort of jumping on, that's not gonna be me. And I do feel like the article came from, like, I think before the lady even showed up. And like you said, she had written an article two days ago about her thoughts the Times. Oh. Oh, okay.That's different. It's not the same author.Okay, that's different. I do feel like the lady on the plane ride there, like, knew what she was gonna say and sort of picked things out from her day. Not that things in the article didn't happen, but you're looking at a whole 24 hours in somebody's life. And the article was extremely short. These pieces go on forever. That Huberman one never ended. When they decide to, like, do a hit piece on someone, oh, my God, they just wax on forever. This article ended. I'm like, I just kept this the end.No, but also, it's, like, not a secret that, like, and it's clearly obvious that, like, tradwifery and, you know, the media are not congruous. Like, she's literally, like, unplugging from the media. They don't watch tv. They don't have iPads. Those are people who literally do not subscribe and give you clicks. Like, why are they going to promote this way of life? Like, they are at odds with one another? So there's no way that this person feels warmly towards this way of life. And, like, that girl boss culture that, like, ballerina Farm is shirking and that a lot of the tradwives are shirking, that at least this author, like, had the honesty to say has failed a lot of women, but that's still what she's chasing and in the corporate world. So, like, these two things are at odds. We're not gonna get, like, an honest take of it. It's not someone who's, like, looking at Balla and ballerina reveres her and is impressed by her. It's someone who's there to find an angle, show us something that we haven't seen online. And that's the story.And also, what's the big takeaway here? For a lot of people, it's that, like, her husband is bossy. He definitely wears the pants controls, and he sort of runs this ship. And this is a trad wife, a traditional wife. They have a very, and they both were brought up, super traditional mormon upbringing. This is sort of the way a family is built in the eyes of the mormon church. And that works for a lot of people. And, you know, that's how they were both brought up. So what is so shocking that a trad wife is trad, right? Oh, no. Like, what's surprising about that? And I think the way a lot of it was written was really intentional because a big thing from the article that's being pulled, the poll quote, is how they met. So he had met her and, you know, asked her out, and she had said no. And then they, like, you know, had kept in touch. She still said no. She had mentioned that she was getting on a flight back to New York to go back to juilliard, where she was studying ballethe and he called up. His dad was like, listen, I need to get on this flight next to this passenger.He, like, used his place of privilege and ended up sitting next to her and was like, oh, what a coincidence. It's not a secret that he did that now, but in the moment, they acted like it was, you know, happenstance, fate. They ended up dating and getting married. And a lot of people are like, that is stalker behavior.Oh, my God. Are you guys okay? That is cute behavior. No.By the way, not only that, how it's written is so important because I could see it being written totally differently. And the takeaway would be like, ladies, if he wanted to, he would like, because it's written in the way that it was with somebody who's clearly just against this sort of, you know, arrangement. It's now stalkery. Yeah, but if it was in a book, you guys would have been like, it's just I think that right. The way it was presented was intentional.Like, he's a billionaire. He wants to see her. Isn't this literally 50 shades of Gray where he's like, bring everything to try and get time with her?Like, I just think, yeah. Could you see it that way for sure?I didn't see it that way. I thought that was a really, like, cute story.No, of course.But I'm not looking at things, like, wanting to hate them, right?No, no. And so a, if you are, then that's obviously the conclusion that you jump to be. They're, like, sharing this. They have nothing to hide. If you had a real sort of toxic, because people are calling him an oppressor. Okay. If you had an oppressor living in your home, you're telling me you would invite the times in? They don't need this article. Yeah. They did it because they thought they had an interesting life to share. And I think that's my overall takeaway, was they invited this lady into their house, and they did not put on a show. You know, you think of a reporter's coming, everyone's dressed in their finest. We're acting normal all day. We're pinching each other under the table. We're putting on a show. They have a very chaotic life, and they invited someone into that, and this is what she took away. And, you know, that's unfortunate, but I don't. I think that they should be committed. Imagine somebody comes into your house during getting the kids ready for school.You have eight kids, like, my question from this is, like, why did. Why do they allow this? I mean, maybe they just haven't been burned by the media yet to be, like, more skeptical, or maybe he has, and that's why he wouldn't leave the room and was, like, being very controlling, because, like, maybe he, in whatever he does, he's seen that before. But I felt like they were very naive. And to think that, like, oh, there. They just want to, like, get to know us and take our picture. Meanwhile, they're mad that everything's all about the dad, but the photographer taking the picture is saying, hey, everyone, look at dad when a housekeeper, but they don't have any childcare.Yeah.And, you know, a woman with that many kids, like, obviously needs help. And it's just, I find the Internet, especially when it comes, like, a referendum on motherhood. And nannies, like, people always like, well, if you have a nanny, you need to share that. And nannies are a privilege. And there's so much chatter about nannies. And here's a woman who doesn't have an ad. No.And, like, people are upset that she doesn't have. That her husband won't let her have one.No. Let me just say, that could never be me. No, no.That, like, she needs. I just.But also, the kids are homeschooled, and they have a teacher. They. They spend all day in the barn, like, at school. And that lady watches them. Like, that is a form of child care.But she has a six month old, a two year old, and a three year old.Oh, yeah.They're not there yet in school. Like, how is she cooking all these things and milking, grocery shopping, I guess. She's always wearing the six month old.That brings me to my first quote I want to pull, because it seems like the lady, she was trying to make the point that the writer, that how frustrating it was that she couldn't get a moment alone with Hannah to, like, talk one on one with her, which is, you know, understandable if that's the subject of your article. I do think that they thought the subject of their article was, like, their family, not just Hannah. with, you know, the women who came before them. But, like, obviously, yeah, give me the drugs.Yeah.And sometimes, and I think this is what I learned from Aaron Foster, is, like, you opt for a natural birth, and in the middle of it, you're like, fuck this. I want drugs. And you're like, people around you are supposed to say, no. Maybe that's what happened. Like, I don't know. I just feel like they, like, you can't. The article was just so short and tried to fit in so many things. Like, let's have a whole conversation about Martha's birth. Maybe we'll learn more. Yeah. Maybe it's not her husband. Maybe it's the fact that she just couldn't do it.Yeah.I don't know. I'm just. I'm not. I'm not jumping, like everybody else's to conclusions. There was clearly an agenda with this article.No, there were a couple things that years of marriage. But their divorces turned contentious rather quickly after the star accused her estranged husband of transferring $35 of her money, $35. $35,000 of her money into his personal bank account.Well, that's where things get dicey. Like, when you know you're gonna leave someone and you have joint money. If you transfer it out while you're still married, into a personal account, like, it's no longer marital property. It's like, a really manipulative, crazy thing to do.The court documents claim that he was able to divert over thirty five k of my separate property rental income into his account. I'm asking for Josh to account for the funds taken and return them to me as those funds are dark and toxic. This hate and toxicity has to stop. I am asking everyone to stop engaging in any negativity towards my castmates and all of our family. Enough is enough. Love. Love, Teresa.So nobody knows what she's referring to. And then, like, Melissa and Rachel Fuda were, like, posting on their stories, like, things that were clearly, like, about this being, like, girl, it's you, like, pot, kettle, blah. I have literally no idea what this bitch is talking about, but it is reminding me of that time on Beverly Hills with Diana and the bots and the guy, Patrick and Kathy Hilton. We also never got down to the bottom of that. Yeah, I have. Like, I wish I could lead you guys in some sort of discussion. I have no idea what the hell she's talking about.Okay. You won't be leading us in discussion today.No. You know how much I love to lecture and, like, teach you about things that I feel you know nothing about. Like, I. Seriously, I'm clueless.So there's not, like, a level of toxicity and negativity on social media towards the real houses of New Jersey, the likes of which we've never seen before in 14 seasons.I don't know. And I think if there were, it's more directed towards Margaret and Melissa, like, than Teresa. Teresa has, like, this army behind her. And also, I think what. And maybe I'm mistaken. I think what Melissa and Rachel are sort of referring to is, like we said this last season when your husband hired a private investigator, was calling our kids place of work. So now that it's happening to you by the fans, allegedly, now it has to stop. But when it was one of our castmates doing it to us, like, that's what the whole point. And they keep bringing up the reunion this particular season, like, the envelope. And there was this meeting at Margaret's house being like, we need to get.Yeah.So they keep bringing up. But it's like, we have been saying this. Yeah. And it's been happening to us from your husband. So now that, like, some people. Right. So now that some fans are, like, saying stuff, like, now it's a problem.Got it.that's just sort of what I have to take on now. Thank you guys so much for listening to the toastal money show. We deliver the fastest stories you need to know. Everybody, the friend on YouTube. So if you're watching us on YouTube, please, if you're subscribing this video, thumbs up. Also available podcast and repackage me fans of Spotify, soon to pop a beautiful, sunny, and wickedly talented we are.Love ya. Bye.


I mean, to have eight children, one is a feat. Is a feat to give birth to them at home to then two weeks later, go and do a pageant. I think people are freaking out, and they love to say this sets unrealistic standard for women, but I always like to see aspirational women, you know, I know I'm not going into a pageant two weeks after I give birth. Like, not whatsoever. But I think it's cool that, like, the female body is able to do that sometimes.


For me, the criticism of her, especially with the pageant being, what was the word you just used, aspirational, like, or setting unrealistic expectations for women. I actually don't agree with that criticism. I think it's more like, this is what this person wanted to do, and that's great for her.




And if I want to rot in bed for two years after having a baby, that's amazing as well. Like, everyone's choices are their own, and they should be celebrated, not. And this one person, just because she does have all these followers doesn't mean that she should make choices in her personal life, because she doesn't want to, like, have, you know, be a bad role model. Like, this is what she wanted to do, right?


In the same way, we would never, like, shun someone for not bouncing back quickly. Why would we shun someone for bouncing back quickly? Reminds me of when Christine Quinn had her baby, and she was literally, like, the next day in her, teetering in her high heels. Would have never guessed that she had a baby. I think that's so cool. Of course, I know that's not gonna be me, and I'm not, like, sad. Like, why does she. It's just genetics. It's the genetic lottery she won, right? Congratulations. Congrats, grads.


Also, not just in terms of women who have had babies, but just, like, anyone who chooses to share their life on the Internet, barring you're killing people, your choices are your choices. And I'm not really gonna clown on people, and I said this a couple of weeks ago, and I feel like this is a perfect example. And part of, I think a lot of my thoughts on this article are informed by this overall, like, thesis that I've come to is that you are not going to find me, like, jumping on bandwagons, criticizing influencers, female influencers. I think Ballerina farm is amazing. When there are articles like this about, you know, the highest paid male athlete and the highest paid. What that. What does his home look like? And, you know, let's spend the day with him.


What, the referendum on his naggy bitch wife, right?




No, I don't think so.


When there are articles that are as in depth and as critical and as, you know, that analyze as deeply, you know, men who are crushing in other fields, then I will give something like this credence. But for, of course, you know, no one hates women more than women. This article was written by a woman I don't know. And the bandwagon everyone is just sort of jumping on, that's not gonna be me. And I do feel like the article came from, like, I think before the lady even showed up. And like you said, she had written an article two days ago about her thoughts the Times. Oh. Oh, okay.


That's different. It's not the same author.


Okay, that's different. I do feel like the lady on the plane ride there, like, knew what she was gonna say and sort of picked things out from her day. Not that things in the article didn't happen, but you're looking at a whole 24 hours in somebody's life. And the article was extremely short. These pieces go on forever. That Huberman one never ended. When they decide to, like, do a hit piece on someone, oh, my God, they just wax on forever. This article ended. I'm like, I just kept this the end.


No, but also, it's, like, not a secret that, like, and it's clearly obvious that, like, tradwifery and, you know, the media are not congruous. Like, she's literally, like, unplugging from the media. They don't watch tv. They don't have iPads. Those are people who literally do not subscribe and give you clicks. Like, why are they going to promote this way of life? Like, they are at odds with one another? So there's no way that this person feels warmly towards this way of life. And, like, that girl boss culture that, like, ballerina Farm is shirking and that a lot of the tradwives are shirking, that at least this author, like, had the honesty to say has failed a lot of women, but that's still what she's chasing and in the corporate world. So, like, these two things are at odds. We're not gonna get, like, an honest take of it. It's not someone who's, like, looking at Balla and ballerina reveres her and is impressed by her. It's someone who's there to find an angle, show us something that we haven't seen online. And that's the story.


And also, what's the big takeaway here? For a lot of people, it's that, like, her husband is bossy. He definitely wears the pants controls, and he sort of runs this ship. And this is a trad wife, a traditional wife. They have a very, and they both were brought up, super traditional mormon upbringing. This is sort of the way a family is built in the eyes of the mormon church. And that works for a lot of people. And, you know, that's how they were both brought up. So what is so shocking that a trad wife is trad, right? Oh, no. Like, what's surprising about that? And I think the way a lot of it was written was really intentional because a big thing from the article that's being pulled, the poll quote, is how they met. So he had met her and, you know, asked her out, and she had said no. And then they, like, you know, had kept in touch. She still said no. She had mentioned that she was getting on a flight back to New York to go back to juilliard, where she was studying ballethe and he called up. His dad was like, listen, I need to get on this flight next to this passenger.


He, like, used his place of privilege and ended up sitting next to her and was like, oh, what a coincidence. It's not a secret that he did that now, but in the moment, they acted like it was, you know, happenstance, fate. They ended up dating and getting married. And a lot of people are like, that is stalker behavior.


Oh, my God. Are you guys okay? That is cute behavior. No.


By the way, not only that, how it's written is so important because I could see it being written totally differently. And the takeaway would be like, ladies, if he wanted to, he would like, because it's written in the way that it was with somebody who's clearly just against this sort of, you know, arrangement. It's now stalkery. Yeah, but if it was in a book, you guys would have been like, it's just I think that right. The way it was presented was intentional.


Like, he's a billionaire. He wants to see her. Isn't this literally 50 shades of Gray where he's like, bring everything to try and get time with her?


Like, I just think, yeah. Could you see it that way for sure?


I didn't see it that way. I thought that was a really, like, cute story.


No, of course.


But I'm not looking at things, like, wanting to hate them, right?


No, no. And so a, if you are, then that's obviously the conclusion that you jump to be. They're, like, sharing this. They have nothing to hide. If you had a real sort of toxic, because people are calling him an oppressor. Okay. If you had an oppressor living in your home, you're telling me you would invite the times in? They don't need this article. Yeah. They did it because they thought they had an interesting life to share. And I think that's my overall takeaway, was they invited this lady into their house, and they did not put on a show. You know, you think of a reporter's coming, everyone's dressed in their finest. We're acting normal all day. We're pinching each other under the table. We're putting on a show. They have a very chaotic life, and they invited someone into that, and this is what she took away. And, you know, that's unfortunate, but I don't. I think that they should be committed. Imagine somebody comes into your house during getting the kids ready for school.


You have eight kids, like, my question from this is, like, why did. Why do they allow this? I mean, maybe they just haven't been burned by the media yet to be, like, more skeptical, or maybe he has, and that's why he wouldn't leave the room and was, like, being very controlling, because, like, maybe he, in whatever he does, he's seen that before. But I felt like they were very naive. And to think that, like, oh, there. They just want to, like, get to know us and take our picture. Meanwhile, they're mad that everything's all about the dad, but the photographer taking the picture is saying, hey, everyone, look at dad when a housekeeper, but they don't have any childcare.Yeah.And, you know, a woman with that many kids, like, obviously needs help. And it's just, I find the Internet, especially when it comes, like, a referendum on motherhood. And nannies, like, people always like, well, if you have a nanny, you need to share that. And nannies are a privilege. And there's so much chatter about nannies. And here's a woman who doesn't have an ad. No.And, like, people are upset that she doesn't have. That her husband won't let her have one.No. Let me just say, that could never be me. No, no.That, like, she needs. I just.But also, the kids are homeschooled, and they have a teacher. They. They spend all day in the barn, like, at school. And that lady watches them. Like, that is a form of child care.But she has a six month old, a two year old, and a three year old.Oh, yeah.They're not there yet in school. Like, how is she cooking all these things and milking, grocery shopping, I guess. She's always wearing the six month old.That brings me to my first quote I want to pull, because it seems like the lady, she was trying to make the point that the writer, that how frustrating it was that she couldn't get a moment alone with Hannah to, like, talk one on one with her, which is, you know, understandable if that's the subject of your article. I do think that they thought the subject of their article was, like, their family, not just Hannah. with, you know, the women who came before them. But, like, obviously, yeah, give me the drugs.Yeah.And sometimes, and I think this is what I learned from Aaron Foster, is, like, you opt for a natural birth, and in the middle of it, you're like, fuck this. I want drugs. And you're like, people around you are supposed to say, no. Maybe that's what happened. Like, I don't know. I just feel like they, like, you can't. The article was just so short and tried to fit in so many things. Like, let's have a whole conversation about Martha's birth. Maybe we'll learn more. Yeah. Maybe it's not her husband. Maybe it's the fact that she just couldn't do it.Yeah.I don't know. I'm just. I'm not. I'm not jumping, like everybody else's to conclusions. There was clearly an agenda with this article.No, there were a couple things that years of marriage. But their divorces turned contentious rather quickly after the star accused her estranged husband of transferring $35 of her money, $35. $35,000 of her money into his personal bank account.Well, that's where things get dicey. Like, when you know you're gonna leave someone and you have joint money. If you transfer it out while you're still married, into a personal account, like, it's no longer marital property. It's like, a really manipulative, crazy thing to do.The court documents claim that he was able to divert over thirty five k of my separate property rental income into his account. I'm asking for Josh to account for the funds taken and return them to me as those funds are dark and toxic. This hate and toxicity has to stop. I am asking everyone to stop engaging in any negativity towards my castmates and all of our family. Enough is enough. Love. Love, Teresa.So nobody knows what she's referring to. And then, like, Melissa and Rachel Fuda were, like, posting on their stories, like, things that were clearly, like, about this being, like, girl, it's you, like, pot, kettle, blah. I have literally no idea what this bitch is talking about, but it is reminding me of that time on Beverly Hills with Diana and the bots and the guy, Patrick and Kathy Hilton. We also never got down to the bottom of that. Yeah, I have. Like, I wish I could lead you guys in some sort of discussion. I have no idea what the hell she's talking about.Okay. You won't be leading us in discussion today.No. You know how much I love to lecture and, like, teach you about things that I feel you know nothing about. Like, I. Seriously, I'm clueless.So there's not, like, a level of toxicity and negativity on social media towards the real houses of New Jersey, the likes of which we've never seen before in 14 seasons.I don't know. And I think if there were, it's more directed towards Margaret and Melissa, like, than Teresa. Teresa has, like, this army behind her. And also, I think what. And maybe I'm mistaken. I think what Melissa and Rachel are sort of referring to is, like we said this last season when your husband hired a private investigator, was calling our kids place of work. So now that it's happening to you by the fans, allegedly, now it has to stop. But when it was one of our castmates doing it to us, like, that's what the whole point. And they keep bringing up the reunion this particular season, like, the envelope. And there was this meeting at Margaret's house being like, we need to get.Yeah.So they keep bringing up. But it's like, we have been saying this. Yeah. And it's been happening to us from your husband. So now that, like, some people. Right. So now that some fans are, like, saying stuff, like, now it's a problem.Got it.that's just sort of what I have to take on now. Thank you guys so much for listening to the toastal money show. We deliver the fastest stories you need to know. Everybody, the friend on YouTube. So if you're watching us on YouTube, please, if you're subscribing this video, thumbs up. Also available podcast and repackage me fans of Spotify, soon to pop a beautiful, sunny, and wickedly talented we are.Love ya. Bye.


a housekeeper, but they don't have any childcare.




And, you know, a woman with that many kids, like, obviously needs help. And it's just, I find the Internet, especially when it comes, like, a referendum on motherhood. And nannies, like, people always like, well, if you have a nanny, you need to share that. And nannies are a privilege. And there's so much chatter about nannies. And here's a woman who doesn't have an ad. No.


And, like, people are upset that she doesn't have. That her husband won't let her have one.


No. Let me just say, that could never be me. No, no.


That, like, she needs. I just.


But also, the kids are homeschooled, and they have a teacher. They. They spend all day in the barn, like, at school. And that lady watches them. Like, that is a form of child care.


But she has a six month old, a two year old, and a three year old.


Oh, yeah.


They're not there yet in school. Like, how is she cooking all these things and milking, grocery shopping, I guess. She's always wearing the six month old.


That brings me to my first quote I want to pull, because it seems like the lady, she was trying to make the point that the writer, that how frustrating it was that she couldn't get a moment alone with Hannah to, like, talk one on one with her, which is, you know, understandable if that's the subject of your article. I do think that they thought the subject of their article was, like, their family, not just Hannah. with, you know, the women who came before them. But, like, obviously, yeah, give me the drugs.Yeah.And sometimes, and I think this is what I learned from Aaron Foster, is, like, you opt for a natural birth, and in the middle of it, you're like, fuck this. I want drugs. And you're like, people around you are supposed to say, no. Maybe that's what happened. Like, I don't know. I just feel like they, like, you can't. The article was just so short and tried to fit in so many things. Like, let's have a whole conversation about Martha's birth. Maybe we'll learn more. Yeah. Maybe it's not her husband. Maybe it's the fact that she just couldn't do it.Yeah.I don't know. I'm just. I'm not. I'm not jumping, like everybody else's to conclusions. There was clearly an agenda with this article.No, there were a couple things that years of marriage. But their divorces turned contentious rather quickly after the star accused her estranged husband of transferring $35 of her money, $35. $35,000 of her money into his personal bank account.Well, that's where things get dicey. Like, when you know you're gonna leave someone and you have joint money. If you transfer it out while you're still married, into a personal account, like, it's no longer marital property. It's like, a really manipulative, crazy thing to do.The court documents claim that he was able to divert over thirty five k of my separate property rental income into his account. I'm asking for Josh to account for the funds taken and return them to me as those funds are dark and toxic. This hate and toxicity has to stop. I am asking everyone to stop engaging in any negativity towards my castmates and all of our family. Enough is enough. Love. Love, Teresa.So nobody knows what she's referring to. And then, like, Melissa and Rachel Fuda were, like, posting on their stories, like, things that were clearly, like, about this being, like, girl, it's you, like, pot, kettle, blah. I have literally no idea what this bitch is talking about, but it is reminding me of that time on Beverly Hills with Diana and the bots and the guy, Patrick and Kathy Hilton. We also never got down to the bottom of that. Yeah, I have. Like, I wish I could lead you guys in some sort of discussion. I have no idea what the hell she's talking about.Okay. You won't be leading us in discussion today.No. You know how much I love to lecture and, like, teach you about things that I feel you know nothing about. Like, I. Seriously, I'm clueless.So there's not, like, a level of toxicity and negativity on social media towards the real houses of New Jersey, the likes of which we've never seen before in 14 seasons.I don't know. And I think if there were, it's more directed towards Margaret and Melissa, like, than Teresa. Teresa has, like, this army behind her. And also, I think what. And maybe I'm mistaken. I think what Melissa and Rachel are sort of referring to is, like we said this last season when your husband hired a private investigator, was calling our kids place of work. So now that it's happening to you by the fans, allegedly, now it has to stop. But when it was one of our castmates doing it to us, like, that's what the whole point. And they keep bringing up the reunion this particular season, like, the envelope. And there was this meeting at Margaret's house being like, we need to get.Yeah.So they keep bringing up. But it's like, we have been saying this. Yeah. And it's been happening to us from your husband. So now that, like, some people. Right. So now that some fans are, like, saying stuff, like, now it's a problem.Got it.that's just sort of what I have to take on now. Thank you guys so much for listening to the toastal money show. We deliver the fastest stories you need to know. Everybody, the friend on YouTube. So if you're watching us on YouTube, please, if you're subscribing this video, thumbs up. Also available podcast and repackage me fans of Spotify, soon to pop a beautiful, sunny, and wickedly talented we are.Love ya. Bye.


with, you know, the women who came before them. But, like, obviously, yeah, give me the drugs.




And sometimes, and I think this is what I learned from Aaron Foster, is, like, you opt for a natural birth, and in the middle of it, you're like, fuck this. I want drugs. And you're like, people around you are supposed to say, no. Maybe that's what happened. Like, I don't know. I just feel like they, like, you can't. The article was just so short and tried to fit in so many things. Like, let's have a whole conversation about Martha's birth. Maybe we'll learn more. Yeah. Maybe it's not her husband. Maybe it's the fact that she just couldn't do it.




I don't know. I'm just. I'm not. I'm not jumping, like everybody else's to conclusions. There was clearly an agenda with this article.


No, there were a couple things that years of marriage. But their divorces turned contentious rather quickly after the star accused her estranged husband of transferring $35 of her money, $35. $35,000 of her money into his personal bank account.Well, that's where things get dicey. Like, when you know you're gonna leave someone and you have joint money. If you transfer it out while you're still married, into a personal account, like, it's no longer marital property. It's like, a really manipulative, crazy thing to do.The court documents claim that he was able to divert over thirty five k of my separate property rental income into his account. I'm asking for Josh to account for the funds taken and return them to me as those funds are dark and toxic. This hate and toxicity has to stop. I am asking everyone to stop engaging in any negativity towards my castmates and all of our family. Enough is enough. Love. Love, Teresa.So nobody knows what she's referring to. And then, like, Melissa and Rachel Fuda were, like, posting on their stories, like, things that were clearly, like, about this being, like, girl, it's you, like, pot, kettle, blah. I have literally no idea what this bitch is talking about, but it is reminding me of that time on Beverly Hills with Diana and the bots and the guy, Patrick and Kathy Hilton. We also never got down to the bottom of that. Yeah, I have. Like, I wish I could lead you guys in some sort of discussion. I have no idea what the hell she's talking about.Okay. You won't be leading us in discussion today.No. You know how much I love to lecture and, like, teach you about things that I feel you know nothing about. Like, I. Seriously, I'm clueless.So there's not, like, a level of toxicity and negativity on social media towards the real houses of New Jersey, the likes of which we've never seen before in 14 seasons.I don't know. And I think if there were, it's more directed towards Margaret and Melissa, like, than Teresa. Teresa has, like, this army behind her. And also, I think what. And maybe I'm mistaken. I think what Melissa and Rachel are sort of referring to is, like we said this last season when your husband hired a private investigator, was calling our kids place of work. So now that it's happening to you by the fans, allegedly, now it has to stop. But when it was one of our castmates doing it to us, like, that's what the whole point. And they keep bringing up the reunion this particular season, like, the envelope. And there was this meeting at Margaret's house being like, we need to get.Yeah.So they keep bringing up. But it's like, we have been saying this. Yeah. And it's been happening to us from your husband. So now that, like, some people. Right. So now that some fans are, like, saying stuff, like, now it's a problem.Got it.that's just sort of what I have to take on now. Thank you guys so much for listening to the toastal money show. We deliver the fastest stories you need to know. Everybody, the friend on YouTube. So if you're watching us on YouTube, please, if you're subscribing this video, thumbs up. Also available podcast and repackage me fans of Spotify, soon to pop a beautiful, sunny, and wickedly talented we are.Love ya. Bye.


years of marriage. But their divorces turned contentious rather quickly after the star accused her estranged husband of transferring $35 of her money, $35. $35,000 of her money into his personal bank account.


Well, that's where things get dicey. Like, when you know you're gonna leave someone and you have joint money. If you transfer it out while you're still married, into a personal account, like, it's no longer marital property. It's like, a really manipulative, crazy thing to do.


The court documents claim that he was able to divert over thirty five k of my separate property rental income into his account. I'm asking for Josh to account for the funds taken and return them to me as those funds are dark and toxic. This hate and toxicity has to stop. I am asking everyone to stop engaging in any negativity towards my castmates and all of our family. Enough is enough. Love. Love, Teresa.So nobody knows what she's referring to. And then, like, Melissa and Rachel Fuda were, like, posting on their stories, like, things that were clearly, like, about this being, like, girl, it's you, like, pot, kettle, blah. I have literally no idea what this bitch is talking about, but it is reminding me of that time on Beverly Hills with Diana and the bots and the guy, Patrick and Kathy Hilton. We also never got down to the bottom of that. Yeah, I have. Like, I wish I could lead you guys in some sort of discussion. I have no idea what the hell she's talking about.Okay. You won't be leading us in discussion today.No. You know how much I love to lecture and, like, teach you about things that I feel you know nothing about. Like, I. Seriously, I'm clueless.So there's not, like, a level of toxicity and negativity on social media towards the real houses of New Jersey, the likes of which we've never seen before in 14 seasons.I don't know. And I think if there were, it's more directed towards Margaret and Melissa, like, than Teresa. Teresa has, like, this army behind her. And also, I think what. And maybe I'm mistaken. I think what Melissa and Rachel are sort of referring to is, like we said this last season when your husband hired a private investigator, was calling our kids place of work. So now that it's happening to you by the fans, allegedly, now it has to stop. But when it was one of our castmates doing it to us, like, that's what the whole point. And they keep bringing up the reunion this particular season, like, the envelope. And there was this meeting at Margaret's house being like, we need to get.Yeah.So they keep bringing up. But it's like, we have been saying this. Yeah. And it's been happening to us from your husband. So now that, like, some people. Right. So now that some fans are, like, saying stuff, like, now it's a problem.Got it.that's just sort of what I have to take on now. Thank you guys so much for listening to the toastal money show. We deliver the fastest stories you need to know. Everybody, the friend on YouTube. So if you're watching us on YouTube, please, if you're subscribing this video, thumbs up. Also available podcast and repackage me fans of Spotify, soon to pop a beautiful, sunny, and wickedly talented we are.Love ya. Bye.


dark and toxic. This hate and toxicity has to stop. I am asking everyone to stop engaging in any negativity towards my castmates and all of our family. Enough is enough. Love. Love, Teresa.


So nobody knows what she's referring to. And then, like, Melissa and Rachel Fuda were, like, posting on their stories, like, things that were clearly, like, about this being, like, girl, it's you, like, pot, kettle, blah. I have literally no idea what this bitch is talking about, but it is reminding me of that time on Beverly Hills with Diana and the bots and the guy, Patrick and Kathy Hilton. We also never got down to the bottom of that. Yeah, I have. Like, I wish I could lead you guys in some sort of discussion. I have no idea what the hell she's talking about.


Okay. You won't be leading us in discussion today.


No. You know how much I love to lecture and, like, teach you about things that I feel you know nothing about. Like, I. Seriously, I'm clueless.


So there's not, like, a level of toxicity and negativity on social media towards the real houses of New Jersey, the likes of which we've never seen before in 14 seasons.


I don't know. And I think if there were, it's more directed towards Margaret and Melissa, like, than Teresa. Teresa has, like, this army behind her. And also, I think what. And maybe I'm mistaken. I think what Melissa and Rachel are sort of referring to is, like we said this last season when your husband hired a private investigator, was calling our kids place of work. So now that it's happening to you by the fans, allegedly, now it has to stop. But when it was one of our castmates doing it to us, like, that's what the whole point. And they keep bringing up the reunion this particular season, like, the envelope. And there was this meeting at Margaret's house being like, we need to get.




So they keep bringing up. But it's like, we have been saying this. Yeah. And it's been happening to us from your husband. So now that, like, some people. Right. So now that some fans are, like, saying stuff, like, now it's a problem.


Got it.that's just sort of what I have to take on now. Thank you guys so much for listening to the toastal money show. We deliver the fastest stories you need to know. Everybody, the friend on YouTube. So if you're watching us on YouTube, please, if you're subscribing this video, thumbs up. Also available podcast and repackage me fans of Spotify, soon to pop a beautiful, sunny, and wickedly talented we are.Love ya. Bye.


that's just sort of what I have to take on now. Thank you guys so much for listening to the toastal money show. We deliver the fastest stories you need to know. Everybody, the friend on YouTube. So if you're watching us on YouTube, please, if you're subscribing this video, thumbs up. Also available podcast and repackage me fans of Spotify, soon to pop a beautiful, sunny, and wickedly talented we are.


Love ya. Bye.