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Good morning, millennials.


Welcome back to the toast and Happy Friday. Congrats to the grads who graduated the week, although, you know, definitely feel like we had a little extra help given the fact that it was a short week. But again, beggars, we're not gonna be choosers here.


Oh, we're lucky a week is a week, no matter how you slice it.


Honestly, so true.


Things we did this week.


Things we did this week. I love that. Happy Friday to you, Jax.


Happy Friday to you. Fal la la. Turd.


Falalalalalalalalalala. Oh, speaking of turd, this is. Just go with it. Yesterday, Jackie and I recorded a podcast episode for our Patreon. So many people have been asking us if we're gonna try out for jeopardy. Pop culture edition. And we did, like, a full test, trial, hour long episode, seeing how much we truly know about pop culture, not just our niche of pop culture. You guys forget there are corners of the culture. We don't. We don't wait into no Marvel DC. So we both tested out our trivia skills and our hosting skills, and we had to come up with a name for what our team would be. And there were some disagreements between Jackie and I, and I won't spoil the episode, but I thought of one this morning.




Like, it was right in front of us.






Lou, je lou, je purdy Lou. I love it.


I love it.


I still like Latour de Jep, but at least we have options. Maybe the producer Latour de Jeopardy.


Is like a little too inner circle, you know, Gibberti Lewis also. No, but at least the word Jeopardy. Is in the title, you know?






Also, it was just a fun episode. A lot of pop culture, if you like that sort of thing. A lot of Jackson Claude, if you like.


If you like that sort of thing.


And the girls were girling. So if you looking for more content today or this weekend, whenever we've got.


You, let me tell you how lit up I am for today's episode. One. It's Friday, so we're just coming into this already with a leg up because we're just in good moods, you know?




Two, last night was the season finale of summer house. Jackie and I both watched it. I have so many thoughts there. Like, it's like, killing me not to just get into it right now. I feel angry.


No, like, I was feeling feelings, pit, sadness, anger. So excited to break it all down today.


And then we also have Queenie and Weenie of the week, which we literally forgot to do last week. But last Friday, if you remember, was the Craig 20 episode. We had so much business to get to. Of course we forgot Queenie and weenie. Like, it just fell off. But we're back. Queen Annie's not going anywhere. We are back.


We are back. I think Queenie and we need. This week is really easy.


Mm hmm.


So we'll get there when we get there. Also, we need to give an update because yesterday's episode ended really crazily. We got this deer toaster submission about the pregnant woman who tested positive for chlamydia and was questioning her husband. We heard back from her that she got retested and she was negative and her husband was negative and it was, you know, a fuck up at the doctor's office.


And so many people had chimed off, chimed in in the comments and just like, dming me being like, tell the girl, tell the girl. Apparently this happens quite a bit and in a situation like this that's, you know, kind of questionable. You should always get a second test. One, things can get mixed up in the lab, and two, there are false positives.


Right. So all's to say one less thing to worry about.


Tgft. Thank God for that.


Yeah. So a little bit of happy news to kick off the episode that was for me.


And it's gonna be going to the weekend very much. Having that off our shoulders, because that was a burden on all of us, I think we wanted to, you know, wrap our arms around our fellow toaster.


As we always do.


You got big plans for the weekend, Jax?


What are my plans? I actually have big plans for today. I'm doing something so fun, but something so, like, low key, classic normal. I'm going shopping with friends.


Oh, friends. Is Mary Orton in town?


Mary Orton's not in town, but I'm going shopping with my friends. Actually, you are involved in this story, so we can send her you. Thank God, because a few months ago, my friend, she's a Patreon member because she's a good friend. She was watching the vlog of you in my closet for St. Barts, which is an amazing vlog on our Patreon. Like, join Patreon for that. And she was saying that she's like, she loves my closet. She's so impressed, like, by how many things I have and how, like, I really invest in certain things and I'll have them forever. And it's her dream to go shopping with me. So, like, I can help, like, curate a closet for her. And I love, like, helping people get dressed. I love shopping and it's spending other people's money. It's fun if I'm shopping for me, it's fun if I'm shopping for someone else. This is a great way for me to, like, use my addiction in a positive way.


Flex your muscles.


So we've been meaning to go shopping together for a minute now, and, like, today's the day, and I'm really excited. Of course, I'll be, you know, scanning, browsing for myself, but I'm really there to help her shop. And it's just gonna be, like, a fun afternoon inspired by the Patreon.


Oh, thank you for involving me in the story. Cause you know how I. How it triggers me to hear you have friends and plans without me, so that's big of you. I appreciate that, and I wish you well on your journey. I hope you guys have an amazing time and drink awesome shooters and just soak up each other's awesomeness.


But the thing about shopping, like, it sounds so fun and glamorous, horrible. And not to complain, but, like, it's so hard by the end of a shopping excursion. Like, it is cardio. My aura ring. I don't have to plan a workout today, like, or I'm going shopping.


When you and I were talking earlier in the week how we enjoy so many of the modern conveniences. Conveniences. But we also, you know, you're slow living, doing some things from the old school. One thing I'll never give up is, like, the majority of my shopping for anything, whether it's home, clothing, furniture, being done online like that is a modern convenience I honestly take for granted.


So I go back and forth, and I'm in this vicious cycle where, of course, I order online. I'm a modern woman, but then I order things, and they're either the wrong size or the wrong fit, or I'm just, like, between styles. I don't know what I want. I want to go and see things right.


And I don't make perfect the enemy of the good. Jackie.


I like ordering online because I do not like returning. And something has to be legit, unwearable for me, for me to return it. And then even when I decide to return it, like, it's going to sit in my foyer for three weeks before I make the moves and organize the pickup or take it to ups. So I'm not the best with that. And then it makes me want to go shopping and see what's out there. So then I do that, and then I try something on. It's the wrong size, but they don't have one size smaller. And I'm like, why wouldn't I just shop online where they have all the sizes?


Another problem cycle. There's problems with both. A problem I'm experiencing recently, because I think you and I, was it me and you or me and my friend Margo, we've been talking about how, like, literally, I leave the house without a wallet. Like, all I have is my phone these days. Because what else do you need? And, like, I don't need to get robbed. It's just my phone and buying things that, like. And when I go to Zara or, okay, pretty much only Zara, I always use Apple pay, and I don't try on. I'm like, okay, it's down the street. I'll just try it on at home and figure it out later. And most of my returns are done by Ben because he's always, like, going places. I'm like, okay, you're going to golf. Do my returns first. And when you pay with Apple pay, you can't use the credit card, like, the physical credit card. So giving Ben my credit card, I need to give him my phone.




Which I obviously wouldn't do. So there's issues with both.


So that doesn't work.


So just if you're shopping and planning on making returns that you're actually, you know, hoping your husband will do, don't use apple pay, ladies. Make, learn, learn from my mistakes.


Good to know. But that's also why I'm dressed athletically today, because, like, I am doing the hard work of shopping. I need sneakers, I need wick moisture wicking pants.


Moisture wicking pants. For sure.


I didn't wear a sports bra because I want to try stuff on and I need to know how it's gonna look. So anyways, all is to say, I have a. Just a fun afternoon planned.


I am also having a fun afternoon. I have been dying to get a facial from this place that, like, everyone goes to. It's, like, so hard to get into. I got one. Today's the day. So excited. Dermaplane, hydrofacial. Like, the whole thing.




And then I'm being such an amazing wife this weekend. Not only am I picking Ben up at the airport today, I'm also golfing with him tomorrow, which I'm low key excited about. I just want to get tan and maybe have a cocktail. So I'm just kind of being like, good wife energy this weekend. That's the theme.


That's really sweet. La.


Yeah. I'm a nice girl when I want.


To be LA, La I also have some exciting weekend news, not for this weekend, but for next weekend, if I may.


What do you mean, exciting weekend news?


You're about to find out because I'm doing a book signing.


Yes, I knew that.


And it is next Sunday. It is in Coral Gables in Miami at books in books. And it is going to be starting at 11:30 a.m. and it is so much fun. I'll put the link on my instagram so you can get your ticket. And your ticket is just a book, like the price of a book. And you get a book, and then you'll get it signed by myself.


Can I ask some questions about the book signing, some faqs?




Is this a child friendly environment? I know you sell children's books.


Yes, it's a children's book signing. So bring your children. There'll be other kids in line, hopefully, and everyone can play and be rowdy. And a bookstore is a great place for kids to hang out.


And in order to attend, do I have to buy a ticket online at the link in your bio?


You do.


Okay. And that ticket equals a book.


And that ticket equals a book. It gets you a book. So you can buy, like, two tickets if you want more than one book, however many books you want to buy, and however many you want me to sign. Get your ticks.


That is so exciting. Well, maybe today you also need to buy something to wear to your big book signing.


Toddy, you're so right. I have nothing to wear.


Nothing to wear.


So. Books and books in coral gables, Sunday, June 9, 11:30 a.m. see you there. South Florida swirlies.


How exciting. I might have to fly in for it.


And tickets are limited. Like, there's a finite number of books that are available, so definitely get a ticket if you want to come. And for sure, you should fly in for it.


For sure.


For sure. I miss you.


I'm. Oh, my God. I miss you, too.


There's actually something also really fun going on that day that you actually might want to fly in for. I'll tell you offline, okay. Entirely teaser family secrets. Teaser.


I'm so ready to stop dilly dallying. Like, I gotta get to summer house. Like, my thoughts are oozing out of me.


Okay, just one more thing that I need to say. Like, if I don't say it, then I don't get the full credit, which was that I made homemade french fries last night. Did you see them?


I did.


They were so good, Claudia.


Like, how different than an oreida frozen bag?


Well, all right. Is so good. The problem with Oreida is not about the quality or the taste. Like, they're so good. But, like, I was making potatoes for dinner. I was like, how can I elevate this experience? I wasn't going into, like, the frozen bag. Like, I wasn't trying to make something, like, so not healthy. So I wanted to, like, make a healthy little tasty thing. And it was so good. You could, like, taste the freshness. It was just potatoes, olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and they were so good. And I'd never done something like that before. And it was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be.


Let's go.


Let's go.


I'm telling you, sometimes it just feels right.


I feel that.


Let's go.


So now I feel like we can get into the fast five stories that we need to know.


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If you live slowly, that's for you. If you live fast mobile app or comma, State Farm has all the different tradwives covers. So that's what we love about State Farm. No matter what kind of toaster you are, State Farm lets you do things your way. So when you need help protecting the things that matter most, remember to sing like Jack and Claude do. Hit it, Jax.


Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.


Let me just perfect it. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. today? Eligibility. Nope, never mind. Today's episode is also brought to you by delete me having your personal information on the Internet is like giving strangers the key to your front door. And delete me can keep that door locked tight and your information safe. So delete me finds and removes any personal information that you don't want online. And it makes sure and it makes sure that it stays offline. So delete me is a subscription service that removes your personal information from the largest people search databases on the web, and in the process they help you prevent identity theft, doxxing, phishing scams. So you sign up and provide delete me with exactly what information you want deleted and their experts are taking it from there. They're going to send you regular personalized privacy reports showing what info they found, where they found it, and what they removed. Delete me isn't just a one time service. Delete me is always working for you, constantly. Constantly monitoring and removing the personal information that you don't want on the Internet. That's what I think separates delete me from all these other companies is like it's not just a one time thing because you can just put things back on the Internet.


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Don't eat your hair.


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Yum, yum.


Like, so good. Like, I'm trying not to save money.


Bread, yummy, yummy, yummy.


I'm eating healthier. I'm saving money. I'm, like, spending more time at home in my kitchen. Ben helps me out with them, but, like, I actually really don't need help. It's truly idiot proof. And it feels good to, like, for me, at least do something in the kitchen and, like, do it.


Six ezen goes out of town, right?


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Hello, fresh.


Hello, fresh.


Hello, fresh. How you doing?


Hiya, dern.


Hello, fresh.


Yummy, yummy, yummy.


Okay, our first story. The stories are light celebrity fair today, everyone. So that, you know, just know that Natalie Portman hangs out with Paul Mezcal during a London outing. The two were spotted smoking cigarettes and hanging outside of a London bar on May 28, more than two months after she finalized her divorce from her husband, Benjamin Millipide. So on its face, you know, it could be a friendly sig break between the two smokers on set.


Yeah. And I actually feel like the amount of cigarette smokers is dwindling in the world due to, you know, more information about cigarettes and, of course, electric vapes. And so I think perhaps this is just, like, a person you're smoking with by default, honestly.


But do you think that's how a great romance could start?


Yes. And to be honest, and this is cutting off the heels of yesterday's dear toasters. Like, smoking is so personal, and there's so many things in a relationship that smoking can affect your breath primarily, especially if you're early dating. And a fellow smoker wouldn't be bothered by yellow tar in your teeth and wouldn't be bothered by your hair smelling like cigarettes or your breath being kind of dry and funky. So I think it's finding in all.


These books that we read, it's like, when he smells of cigarettes and pine, it's like, a good thing.


Well, okay. I think in books, when they are describing scent, they're talking about fragrances. Cause fragrances use tobacco, but I don't think they're talking about dirty cigarette breath. I think they're talking about nodes of tobacco in, like, an aftershave, maybe.


It depends what kind of books you're reading. Like, if you're going light. Yeah. Colleen Hoover's not glorifying cigarette smoking, but, like, some of the, like, the more literary and artists and writers, they love cigarettes.


They do. They do. It's kind of. It gets what gets the creative gears moving.


Yeah. It's so funny because you would think that they would be like, no, but they're kind of holding up the industry, the tobacco industry.


And I'm so glad we're talking about this, because something I've recently noticed, and I will never forget, that scene in Real Housewives of Beverly Hills when they took a trip to Dubai and Lisa got into a fight with so many of the women, and, like, her and Ken leave, and we see Lisa. It was clearly like a moment that she didn't think was gonna be filmed, and she's smoking cigarettes. And that was the first time I knew that she smoked cigarettes. And it was this eye opening moment for me where I'm like, somehow housewives, they're like, the only people who smoke cigarettes these days are, like, 50 years old. Like, I was just sort of shocked by that. And now I've noticed. I feel as though Countess Luann has gotten very comfortable sharing. I know that she smokes cigarettes. If you're paying a close enough attention, it's all over her social media these days. I was thinking that yesterday.


Okay, like, why does it have to be some big secret?


That's what I'm saying. I feel like it's not anymore.


Yeah. Well, anyways, do you think there's anything romantic between these two, or just, like, people dreaming and too many people having watched? The idea of you.


Yeah, the idea of you is definitely sort of fogging everyone's windshield. No, I don't think there's anything going on between them.


But, like, if this was an couple announcement. Like, I would. I could see it in 2 seconds.


Yeah, right. But. But they're confirmed working on a project together.


Yeah. They were hanging out outside of a London bar. Hmm. I guess they weren't, like, filming inside the bar. They were out at a bar.


Oh, well, that changes things, because if it was just a smoke break from work, this is a big nothing burger, but again, you could just be hanging out with your co workers because you're all in London together, you know?


Yeah. They were spotted on a friendly hangout at a cocktail bar in London. During the outing, the pair stood outside the speakeasy style lounge chatting and laughing as they smoked cigarettes. They appeared together on for Variety's Actors on Actors series. Right. It could be friendly, it could be more. It actually doesn't seem like a work thing.


I need to just look one more time at these photos. Like, what is the vibe? You know, it could do any sexy.


No, it's not sexy, but it could be, like, cheeky. It could be just like, they're positive vibes. There's laughter, there's chat.


Literally wearing what Paul mezcal is wearing in that photo. Wearing it today, like a belt, trousers and a white shirt.


Ooh. But the way his pants end, I don't, I don't think it's.


No, let me say something about this. I'm so torn. Pomez cow picture where you see the.


Way pants in from the side.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


He looks like Ben flat.


You know, he's a seriously, some of the most ugly pants I've seen. I'm like, in my life. Like, they're balloon. They're so unflattering and like, a woman just never.


That's like a really bad picture of the pants because when they're walking out of the bar, the pants look fine and normal.




But if I were interested, if I were her and, like, they were courting and I saw this picture of him from the side, like, ick.


These pants are the definition of ick. Like, this is where the word ick was created.


Icky Paul's pants.


Aside from the. Aside from the 14 year age gap, which, again, doesn't bother me because he's 28 and can make his own decisions.


And his friend was fully developed, I.


Think there's a lot of, like, fanfare around who Paul mezcal dates, loves, you know, engages in intercourse with, like, he's a very sort, sort of sought after person in that sense. And he was engaged to Phoebe Bridgers and, like, everyone was obsessed. And then I think she, like, kind of cheated on him with that guy inside Netflix. What's his name? Bo Bronham. Yeah. And now they're not together anymore, and I think a lot of people are still holding a candle for him and Daisy Edgar Jones, even though there's, like, literally nothing there. They just worked together a lot and had great chemistry in that hulu show. So, like, is this it? Like, we've just kind of been waiting? I don't think this is it, but.


I'm saying, like, if this is it, that makes sense to me. And I endorse these two.


I never thought of Natalie Portman as a smoker, but she would be. Yeah.


And she's Israeli, right?


Oh, that's so true. Israelis love a cigarette.




It's like, what's lung cancer? There could be a bomb.


Right. Enjoy your life. Have a nice day.


Yeah. Living in a war zone definitely puts life in perspective.


Fire character. Also, our next story is keeping in with this theme of older women and younger men on screen and off screen, because did you see the trailer that dropped for this new Netflix movie called a Family Affair with Nicole Kidman, Zac Efron and Joey King?


I did.


We need to talk about it.




So Nicole Kidman and Zac Efron are an unexpected couple in a family affair, which is a new movie coming to Netflix. So Joey King plays Nicole Kidman's daughter, and she also is the assistant to this Hollywood star, Zac Efron and Zac Efron and her mom start hooking up, but, like, in a real way, like, they're falling in love. And it's, like, the weirdest concept for a movie because it's, like, seems really cringe. But these are all serious actors who signed on to this movie, so it makes you think, like, it's a good one. And it really seems to be a love story between Nicole Kidman and Zac Efron, which wasn't on my bingo card, but now it is.


I was definitely shocked to see Nicole Kidman in there. Like, you know, a silly Netflix movie is. Joey King is no stranger to that. That's how she built her career. I think we all know that. We all remember where we were when we saw the kissing booth. Zac Efron's dad definitely in this, like, weird spiral time in his career. I don't really understand, like, what's going on. So him being cast in this again, like, not jocking Nicole Kidman is someone who's very selective with her roles. She's not, you know, she doesn't need to take girls. I think she takes them on because she believes in them. So I think she's giving this movie a sense of credibility that I wasn't expecting.


Fiona. I think all three of them are. But do you think that maybe she, like, saw Zac Efron was going to be in the movie, and she was like, okay, I'll do it. I'll kiss Zac Efron? No, that's, like, a fun way to just have a little fun. This is another duo that I didn't have on my mood board and wish list for celeb couples. But I'm loving, I love Nicole Kidman. Duh. I love Zac Efron so much. I think people know that about me. But just in case you don't, like, that's a fun fact about me. I love him. I think he's like, when people say celeb crush, he still comes to mind.


Current Zac Efron or, like, Troy Bolton, all of them.


I like Zac Efron in all forms.


Yeah, but if you had to marry, like, Zac Efron from one movie, which character would it be? For me, it's has always and will always be hair.


Of course, yes. It's not gonna be Troy Bolton. He's like 14.


No, but greatest show.


Yeah, greatest show. Even though his character, like, wasn't my favorite character, and I don't think he got the greatest songs.


Oh, I don't disagree. Except the very end where, you know, they kind of pass the torch from Hugh Jackman from now on.


But, like, the other side is, like, definitely a skip on the album for me and rewrite the stars. Like, doesn't do for me what it does for other people.


I completely agree.


So what I think of Zac Efron, that's, like, not, that's my favorite movie. Greatest showman. And he's in it, but, like, that's not even what I love him so much from.


No. And I kind of could see these two having good chemistry because that hefront doesn't not remind me of Keith Urban, you know?




Short king.


Yeah. I really watched this trail. I was like, oh, my God, I can't believe this is something that's happening. And I'll be watching.


And I want to say there's definitely a renaissance happening in the culture with Joey King. She went to Cannes. I don't know if you saw her look. She looked so sick.


I did, and she did.


And she was kind of, and it ride me a little bit of Anne Hathaway, like, using fashion to make some sort of comeback when it comes to, like, the general public, because there was like, a deep hatred of Joey King. Just sort of like, Internet. Like, we hate her for no reason. She's a very, very nice girl. She didn't do anything wrong. She's a talented actress. And so I think her wedding was really good for her likability when it comes to, like, you know, her Q score. Her wedding was so high fashion and so rich and just so randomly, like, gorgeous. And then her looks and can. I'm loving the Joey King renaissance.


And she's in that show. It's a holocaust show.


That's, we were the lucky ones.


And it's gotten a lot of really positive reviews. And that's a serious role. Perhaps there'll be some awards in her future.


She got nominated for an Emmy for the act where she plays GRB.


Right. And don't forget Ramona and Beezus.


Who could?


Who would?


And certainly I could never forget the kissing booth. Like, seriously, I am who I am.


I know, but you love to slam the kissing booth.


I do. It has its problems. But it introduced us to Jacob Elordi and it introduced me to that brand of why it introduced the world. Actually, it was the first sort of young adult cult classic that Netflix released. And then they did so many it invented. We wouldn't have Noah Centennial if we didn't have the kissing booth. And he wasn't even in that movie.


Don't you Dundesta.


It's a great question.


I like him too. Like, he's a Zac efron.


Yeah. I don't know what happened to him and, like, what went wrong in his, like, career slash, like, management because definitely was a fumble. Like, he was sort of on his way to being like, the biggest heartthrob of his generation.


Yeah. Now when I think about him, I'm like, does he even exist? Like. Or am I just thinking of, like, Jacob Elordi and, like, Bryce hall?


Excuse me.


Like, Noah Centennial. He reminds me of who was the guy that was dating Dixie.


Noah Beck. Great call.


Noah Centennial is Noah Beck now. Yeah, I know what happened to him. He changed his name.


Yeah, yeah. And Noah Beck, like, should star in one of those Netflix ya movies, like, as an acting debut.


Claudia, I think that's where he went to be, like, noah Beck.


Oh, you think you got, like, a face transplant?


I think he just, like, changed his last name. Like maybe his mom got remarried.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. They're the same, for sure. Okay, this movie looks good.


Yeah. And it comes out June 28. So hopefully I'm still interested in.




Claudia, that's good for our family watching. Actually, it might be like a little.


No, it's definitely not.


Okay. But I'm writing it down so that I.


Things you want to watch? Yeah. Okay. Things I want to watch coming up. Because like, they keep announcing things and I just forget. Celine Dion's prime video documentary. I would like to see that as well. I think that could be added to my list of great documentaries.


Okay. And then this is called a family affair.


There's good stuff coming out. You're right. A list is exactly what we needed at a moment like this.


This is always what we need.


La so true.


Our next story. Speaking of relationships, a no age gap couple, Millie Bobby Brown and Jake Bon Jovi are married.


So sweet.


Jon Bon Jovi shared the details at his son married Millie Bobby Brown and that's exciting. He was asked about his son getting married during the interview on BBC's the one show, he said the newlyweds are doing great. They're absolutely fantastic. It was a very small family wedding. The bride looked gorgeous. Gorgeous. And Jake is as happy as can be. Yeah, it's true. Zachary.


No. So sweet. So low key. I think these two are actually extremely well matched in so many different ways. Like, obviously she's a star and maybe you hadn't heard of this particular son, but, like, I think it's actually a perfect match. I love it.


Yeah. How cute. And they didn't confirm that they got married or anything. It's all very low key, which always gives a bit more gravitas to a situation.


They have been wearing rings.


They're not doing it for the. For the lights, for the people. They're doing it for the love, ya know, it's nice.


I. She's like really grown up and she's literally married, so. Feel old yet?


I know. How old is she? I'm trying.


She's still really young to have gotten married, but she's like, you know, an adult. And I think we all met her with her nose bleeding when she was, what, like eleven or twelve.


She was legit. I think her name was eleven. I think she was eleven.


Now I think she's like 20 or 21.


She's 20.


So crazy. Can't even drink at your own wedding. Well, actually, they probably got married abroad. She's british.


Yeah. So. Cheers. Cheers.




Congrats, grads.


Congrats to the grads.


Are you ready for our next story?


What? Number.


Number four. You're ready?


Is number five summer house reunion.




Then no, I'm not ready.




Oh, I'm sorry. Then I am ready.


Number four. A bit of Kardashians news that's come out from this episode that's making waves is that Kylie has addressed her Jordyn woods friendship with Khloe on the Kardashians.


Sorry this is such a divisive issue.


She spoke to Chloe about her friendship with Jordan. Right. That's more clear. Kylie talked about the state of her relationship with her former best friend after she was involved with Tristan Thompson. So on Thursday's episode of the Kardashians on Hulu, Kylie and Chloe talk about their status with Jordan four years after the scandal. During the conversation, Kylie spoke to her older sister about the time she spent with her BFF during Paris fashion week in January. Former BFF, sorry. She said, I saw Jordan again in Paris. It was fun. I think we have a lot more healthy distance in the relationship now. It's like we talk once a month. She also said that she's happy that she felt the chatter had faded. She said, I think what I do love now is that the narrative about us online is over. Like, when we were seen leaving that restaurant, it was the story for the day or two days, whatever, and now it's over. People know that we're cool. No one's talking about it anymore.


I mean, personally, I'm so over this, but I imagine for them, like, it's not. It's literally like their roman empire. Jordan, like, her entire life changed in a day. Chloe's man betrayed her. Kylie lost a best friend. Like, I understand why they're, like, like, still talking about it from an entertain. Like, I really don't care anymore. No, it really is. And was, like, such a divisive issue.


It was. I also feel like it's exactly like Kylie said, like, once we knew that they were speaking and friends and they had gone to dinner, that sort of, like, dispelled everything. And then. So if they're seen here or there, they make a TikTok. It's like, well, great, they're friends.




And that was one of the sadder outcomes from the situation. But one of them, you know, that happens. And I'm glad that it came back. Get back on good footing. And also, what Kylie was saying, which is that I feel like people don't give Chloe credit for, but that Chloe has always been steadfast about is, like, be friends with Jordan. Like, do what's best for you. Like, I don't want this to impact your life negatively. Like, if you want to be friends with Jordan like that, I love that for you do what makes you happy. And I think she's always said that and always really meant it, and I don't think she gets credit for that. She kind of gets the opposite where it seems like she was, like, dragging Jordan.


They get a lot of flack for how they handle that because, like, Jordan was sort of, like, on this island alone, getting dragged through the mud, and she was a guilty party, but so was Tristan. And, like, Tristan never really got that sort of treatment, which is a fair argument to make, but I don't think it was. The girls is doing, like, that one video that came and posted on Snapchat. Like, Kylie got mad at, and they deleted. Like, I think that it was just, like, a byproduct of the situation in the culture. And, like, you know, obviously, everyone's gonna, like, clown on the girl. Leaving Jordan alone.


I feel like Tristan got, like, people would go to his games and boo. Like, yeah.


But, like, that was after, like, so many things. It wasn't just.


I feel like Tristan, like, perpetually lives in the dog house. Like, maybe now he's coming out, but, like, still not. He's Tristan. Third trimester Thompson. Like, yeah, it's really hard for him, but that's where he was before, so, like, he just stayed there.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


And anyways, I'm glad that they're moving forward positively, but I really do think Chloe is so graceful, and she, like, she also. She never really, like, lashed out negatively, publicly. Like, she had that screaming phone call in. Like, that's in her home.


To me, the craziest thing that came out of this episode wasn't this. It was the conversation that I think it was between Simon and Courtney, where Courtney was talking about that phone call she had last year with Kim, where they were, like, really in a heated argument, and Courtney had no idea until afterwards that it was being filmed. And when she found out, she asked that it not be put in, and, of course, it ended up in because it was, like, entertaining or whatever. I thought that was extremely telling.


Yeah, me too. One, if you're not enough, people are talking about that. I've seen headlines about it, and I feel like if you're on a phone call and, like, you should know that you're being a horse, honestly, you know who's probably eating that up?






Yeah. Like, Kim's favorite thing, recording phone calls. Totally. One, I feel like Courtney handled herself so well in that conversation, and now knowing that was not her, you know, acting any sort of way for the cameras, I was. Exactly. And now you look like Kim knew she was being filmed, and that's what she said. Courtney didn't know she was being filmed, and that's how she said slash acted. I just feel like it's very interesting.


Yeah. And I understand, like, putting it on the show for entertainment value, but if they didn't put it on, like, we would never have known about it. So it's not like we're missing something that we don't know about.


I also just think that the or I thought that the girls were at a point, and they're all ex executive producers of the show. They were at a point where, like, if there was something one of them didn't want in the show, they don't have to bleed out for the show anymore. It's not like they're so desperate. It's not that type of show.


I think it's Courtney saying, I don't want it on and Kim saying, I do not like a hulu. Yeah, like, you have to.


No, no, for sure. That's what I'm saying. Like, they have final say on what goes in and what goes out. So the fact that Kim is still throwing things in where, like, there was a time when, yeah, we had to just be totally vulnerable, honest, throw all this shit because we were trying to, you know, be that. But the show hasn't been that for a while. The girls haven't needed to act like that for a while. So I thought it was very, like, out of character, just not what I had thought that Kim would be doing.


I actually think this show, not to say was right to put it in, but I think the show needs stuff like that. Otherwise, of course, commercial for skims and good american and Kylie cosmetics. Every episode is an info safely again, I started when I went to watch the first episode of this season. I'm watching for, like, ten minutes, and I'm like, I feel like I've seen this before. Maybe I saw it on Kim's story or something, and I realized I was in last season.




And it's like Chris is in her kitchen, like, cleaning was safely, and Tristan's like, want me to do that for you? Like, everything is an ad, so you just have to, which is fine, but you have to balance. Balance with, like, good, organic content. So they. They kind of do still need to be doing things like that, or else the show is just, like, commercial.




So, yeah. All's to say.


All's to say.


And our fifth and final story. Are you ready for it?


I don't have to be, like, we still have summer house and Queenie and Weenie.


I feel the same. A lot of relationship news today, but a couple that I always forget are together just got married and I'm reminded of how cute they are. Yellowstone co stars Harrison and Ryan Bingham are married. So they are both on Yellowstone. They play a couple on Yellowstone and now they are married. And we had reported that they were engaged and together, but I forgot again.


But the wedding was literally gorgeous. Like Yellowstone come to life.


Yeah. They're like walking the walk.


Yeah, they live that life. I think he's like a real cowboy.


Yeah. And I wonder if them get their characters getting together on the show was because they're together in real, like I wonder if the gone that way because at first she was with the old guy.


Mm hmm.


And I liked them.


Me too.


And I thought it was actually a little weird that she wound up going for guitar man.


Yeah. I don't think that they did that just because they were dating in real life. I feel like that happens all the time where people on a show are dating, but on the show they're dating like another cast mate. I don't think it's.


Yes, yes, but it's like it wouldn't be jermaine. It's not important to the storyline who she's dating. And it's like if her man's is on set, she's gonna watch it. He's gonna watch her kiss this old guy all day.


That's literally the life, Jackie. We're always talking about it.


It's so weird. I know, but I just feel like in this set it doesn't have to be that way. And it wasn't.


Yeah. Yeah. They're so cute. Like, the wedding was really gorgeous. Like very chic, elegans, but also rustic. And I mean, we just get. We get nothing from this cast. Like in terms of off air anything. And they've been off air for so long that we're just like so desperate at this point. I am. And I think I said this last time we brought up Kevin Costner. Whatever. Like, I am getting over it. I can feel myself caring less and less about these people. Except for obviously. And that's not good for anyone.


Yeah. Well, the wedding was beautiful. I hope this brings the cast together. Nothing good. Love story. She looked amazing. Their wedding was in vogue.


And do we know who was there from the cast?


I'm not seeing anything, but I feel like that might come out soon. Like maybe some videos and stuff. I hope there were some cast members there.


I just feel like, Kevin Costner definitely wasn't there.


Perhaps not, but maybe he doesn't seem.


Like that type of co worker.


Like, we need some of the bunkhouse guys.


Of course.


So cute.


So cute. So happy for them. They both look so different in real life than they do. That's the thing about Yellowstone. It's a show where, like, everybody's really in costume, that people look so different. Like, I wouldn't. I wouldn't have recognized the girl, like, on the street from Yellowstone.


She looks so gorgeous. I love her. I love her. Look.


Me too.


So some happy couple news before we get into the dissolution of Carl and Lindsay.


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Thank you, la.


Okay, what first?


Summer house.


Okay. Absolutely.


Summer, summer, summer.


That last scene did not disappoint. I find a lot of the times with bravo, like, every season, we, like, know about this big moment, and we're, like, waiting for it. And when it comes, it's a little bit anticlimactic. This one was, like, better than I ever imagined. It was so layered. And I found myself, like, re watching parts. And. And Carl and Lindsey are no stranger to, like, low blows, but I found that Carl said some of the craziest shit to Lindsay. Like, when. When he literally had the absolute audacity on camera to say, I feel like you want me to relapse so that you can control me. What a disgusting thing to think of your partner, and that's obviously not true. So you think that, like, why are you with this person? Like, why have you been with this person?


Right. And what was crazy about this is, like, it didn't feel their relationship, like, didn't feel long in the tooth, and that, like, this conversation was, like, overdue and calling. No, overdue. Like, I felt. And I feel like this might be where my take is, like, a little unpopular, but I felt like it was premature. And I know everyone, and especially the girls at the end, were like, he did you a favor. You guys shouldn't be together. They've been fighting all summer, and at the end of the day, that is true, because the fact that Carl would just pull the plug before doing the hard work means that, like, he's not ready for this.


It would have gotten worse.


But the thing is, like, they were fighting all summer because he was picking fights all summer because I think he wanted to back out because I think he's not a whole man and he's not a whole person. And he, like, got in over his head and isn't ready for the things that he said he was ready for. Isn't ready for, like, a marriage, family, fatherhood, isn't ready for a career. Isn't ready to make hard choices. Isn't ready to do hard work. And so that's why he's not the man for Lindsey. But, like, if he decided to be ready and do that work, like, I think that they could have made it work. And I feel like that's what Lindsey says, too. Like, yes, this would have been hard work. And they've been fighting all summer about his job situation. Like, if he got to work, get a job.




Literally job, then, like, that is out of the equation, and then what are they fighting about? So I kind of agreed with Lindsey, where it's, like, there's 15 things we can do before we decide not to have this wedding. Yes. There. Their relationship looked miserable all summer because they were fighting all summer, because he kept wanting to fight all summer because he was wanting to pull out, because he is, like, a scared little boy, and he made this a self fulfilling prophecy, whereas, like, last summer, they were so in love. And what I think is germane to what I'm saying is the fact that they've known each other for eight years, and it's, like, right. Even if you're having a hard time in the romantic department, if you are friends, that is the best foundation for a marriage and a family. And, like, even when things are getting, like, in the bedroom, if they're having issues, like, but we're friends and we get along, and, like, let's go back to that for a second. And I feel like they had so many of the tools. What they didn't have was a whole Carl, and that's why it doesn't work.


But Lindsey wasn't wrong for wanting to make it work and, like, seeing what. Seeing what they do have and being like, I can work with this.


The thing is, is that I so understood Lindsay's frustration, because these aren't 25 year olds. Lindsey is, what, 30?


How old she is? Because it's also important to this conversation.


Lindsey is. Is who she is. These aren't young people who are, you know, gonna grow together and become who they are.


She is who she is.


Is. You knew who she was when you literally decided to start dating her after knowing her for seven years, to then pitch a fight about the way she is. Like, she's obviously, like, this sort of tough love bitch. She's not this, like, soft. I need a sensitive. Hugs you. That. That would seriously be, like Ben saying that to me. I so resonated with Lindsey. I'm the same way. Like, I'm very tough. Like, hard truth. That's the best way to learn.


Like, solution oriented.


Oriented. And so for him to just, like, show up one day and be like, I don't like who you are at your core. To me, that was obviously not how he felt. That was him trying to get caught in the relationship. And he's been trying to do that from the very beginning. And you could see at the end, when he's talking to producer, he's like, well, she's going to be the victim, and I'm going to be the villain. You just broke up with your fiance, like, a life altering moment, and you're sitting here thinking about how it's going to come off on camera. Maybe that's a thought you could have the next day, but still in the apartment, you're thinking that. And I think it's so fucked up when you think about the plans he had to make to have this conversation on camera and film with Kyle. He knew. The fact that Kyle knew that this relationship was ending before Lindsey did is so fucked up. And seriously, like, the blind leading the.


Blind, like, production, too, by the way, she's 37, so not only, like, she.


Is who she is, she has been for a while.


Her when she's about 30, when she is who she is, it's not like in that time she's ever been anyone else. And then she grew into someone different like that.


And the thing is, when they started dating, like. Like, Carl had obviously went this, like, went through this recent transition of, you know, losing his brother getting sober, you know, his identity with lover boy. Like, he was obviously in this, like, transitional period. And that's where, like, a woman, like, can help you and make you, and that's what could have happened. But I think Carl is so toxically, like, I need to do this on my own. Like, having the idea of, like, Lindsay, who has success as a female business owner, as an entrepreneur, as an influencer, having her help him was, like, so not okay with him. And he's like, he showed himself so much in that conversation. When he went through the list of the ideas that Lindsey has shot down, I did not hear one idea that wasn't fucking stupid.


Right? And it's cigars.




You want support and you want a guest, man. But what if, like, all of your ideas are seriously the worst ever? Like, even if you could argue, like, maybe she should be more supportive, but, like, what if your husband just has all bad ideas? You're supposed to say yes to that.


No, no, seriously. Like. Like, I don't think anyone would have said, like, lindsey should have been more supportive saying it when he was listing off those ideas.


Cigars, sober sports bar.


Thank you. Like, no, I think a good wife, like, tells you, and I'm sure, like, that's hard. But life, like, when you're going through a transitional period like that, it's hard. And to have someone on your side who really is supporting you, but it's not gonna tell you just what you wanna hear is so valuable. And the fact that Carl took it as, like, an offensive and not. Oh, my God. Thank God I didn't start acting. Seriously.




He was so luck acting then you.


Said, I can't be an actor. You said, sober bar is bad. Correct, correct, correct.


Jackie the scream. I scrumpt when he said actor.


No, I'm. I'm not okay. Also, yes, she was giving him, like, I don't even want to say tough love because she wasn't tough. And I feel like the way that she communicated with him and the asking of questions just to, like, understand situations, because this is going to be. Be my husband and the father of my children. Like, she was so patient with him, so handling him with kid gloves, like, what do you want more than that? Like, I'm gonna give. You're gonna say the worst idea ever, and you're gonna get a hug and a pat on the back and what, to go off and do it like, this isn't fairyland. And so I'm so impressed by how patient she was with him when she didn't even need to be. And then his complaint is that she's not soft enough. I'm like, this girl is giving you Runway.


No. And the way he kept saying words like, soft and sensitive, like, really trying to make her out to be this, like, evil monster bothered me so much. Like, why does she have to be soft? You're being an idiot.


Right? And also, if you want someone to be soft in the relationship, it's like a yin and yang. So, like, she would be, like, the soft and sensitive one, and so then what? He would be, like, the strong and tough one, but, like. Like, he's not that. He's soft and he's sensitive. And so if you have two people like that, it's just a puddle of mush. Like, you need to balance each other out. Like, if he really wanted a softie, like, what? They would just, like, hug all day and have bad ideas? No. Then you'll go nowhere.


The hug in the kitchen.


Squeeze me harder.


Oh, my God. Like, he's. He tried. It was so clear, like, in that moment, that everything he's been doing has really been to position himself as, like, I'm this battered man, and Lindsey's the villain. And, like, look, she won't even hug me. And he. Thank God he didn't go into acting because he sucks at it. Everyone is seeing through his intentions all season long. Like, I don't. I didn't see. I was reading the tweets. People were being so funny on social media. People were being so funny saying things. And, like, really? Nobody is buying. Even people who don't like Lindsey, nobody is buying what he's selling. And I'm so glad because I think that. And I think a criticism so far has been, like, how could Lindsay truly have been blindsided if they were fighting all summer long? And, like, yeah, you could say that. But if you really watch, like, you're right. Like, she was never going to give up. Breaking up was never an option. Like, yeah, we can have the worst of fights, but I'm in this for the long haul. Like, we are going to get married, and we will fight for each other.


We'll fight each other, but we are end game, right?


And, like, she's 37 years old, right? She wants to have children. This is her best friend. Like, this is not all bad. We only see the fights, but in hindsight, he was picking fights with her all summer to activate her so that she would have an explosive reaction that he could say, I can't beat with you. But she never gave him that because she is working on herself, and she's trying to be a good partner, and they're in couples therapy, and she's learning how to communicate. And so when he didn't get what he wanted that weekend, then the next weekend, we're gonna do it again. And the next weekend, I'm talking to Kyle, and the next weekend, what about my cigars? And, like, she never once walked into his trap, and so he had to be the one to pull the plug. Based on crumbs. Nothing. And we're seeing that.


My least favorite part of the episode, though, was, like, Danielle feeling like she had been right all along. I think, like, no matter what happened between Carl and Lindsay, like, danielle's behavior last season was so seriously that of an unwell person. I don't think her, her whole concern the whole time was that they were moving too fast. I don't think that they ended up not getting married because they moved too fast. It's because Carl doesn't know who the fuck he is, and Lindsay does, and that threatens him. Like, seriously, Danielle couldn't have been more wrong about everything. Like, and then breaking up does not in any way make her behavior last season any less abhorrent and psycho. Psychopathic, right.


And when two people who are in their late thirties, maybe Carl's even 40, who have been best friend for eight years, fall in love and want to get engaged a year later, that's not too fast for me.


Not at all.


Not, I don't think the, the swiftness was the issue. I think the issue is with Carl as a, as a person, and that is core. He's like a lost person and has absolutely nothing to do with his sobriety. I actually think that is one of the best things about him and something that he's actually done, you know, right.


Now, it's like an accomplishment.


And that is it. Like, and so I has, I think it has nothing to do with that. And then he always likes to throw her drinking in her face. Oh, well, she could just go have it down a drink and have a good time at the rest of the party.


The most isolated I've ever been, by the way.


He just, like, went and took a piss. Isolated he's ever been. And by the time that she's downing and drinking and that's why she's able to have fun. It's called compartmentalizing, and that's what grown people do.


No, it's true. And I actually, I think that when, when I was watching them have two completely separate reactions after their fight, like, he shut down and went inside and isolated himself, and she was able. And I don't think it has anything to do with liquor because something I really pride myself on is, like, when me and Ben are arguing, like, and I have to go somewhere, like, I'm gonna have the best time, and, like, we'll handle it when I get home. Ben, seriously, like, he can't. Like, he cannot compartmentalize, and it's something that we're different in, and it has nothing to do with drinking.


Nothing to do with drinking.


If anything, sometimes drinking can make you, like, wallowing your feelings worse.


Right. It can make things worse. It could also just, like, then make you more emotional, and it just adds another layer. So I just think, like, him throwing that, it's just, like, such a cheap shot, and it didn't land for me. I think Lindsey's drinking is not an issue.


Not at all. I think maybe in the past you could have argued that.


I never saw those reasons, but these days, no, no.


And back then, I think, like, it was seriously, part of, like, being a reality star that's so toxic is, like, you feel the need to drink to do your job. And I think she fell into that trope for a while, and I've never thought she had a drinking problem. I thought she was just a bad drop.




Now, another part that everyone's talking about is that scene afterwards where they all meet up at Danielle's and, like, Amanda is feeling sort of, like, defensive of Carl and sort of admiring him for getting out of this relationship. And I think people were speculating online that maybe she saw, you know, a little bit of herself in Carl and, you know, somebody getting out of a relationship, no matter how difficult, and engaged, married. Like, it's not just a regular breakup up. Perhaps that was something she thought to be inspiring, but people might have been looking too much into that.


No, I thought there was two things. Like, one is just, like, a friend of Kyle's. She was saying, like, carl did the right thing. He was, like, the right one in this situation for doing that because they needed to pull the plug on their relationship. And in that argument, like, I disagree with her. And ultimately, Carl and Lindsey shouldn't be together because of Carl. But, like, if Carl wanted to become a better man, then they could be together. But he.


No. And Lindsey could help him, but he's.


Unwilling to do that, and he wants to blame everyone around him. And so he's taking everything out on Lindsay. She doesn't deserve that, which is why they shouldn't be together. But, like, if Carl woke up one day and said, I'm going to act right. They could be together.


No, but the thing is, and you saw it, I think really when he was talking to his parents, how they were gassing him up so much, and I don't think that they disliked Lindsay and just wanted it to be over for that reason. I think that, like, they seriously and, like, think he's the greatest thing to ever walk the earth. They have heard his tale of woe from his version of events, and, like, they're gassing him up. So I don't even see a world in which he would wake up one day and be like, I want to be, you know, the best version of myself.


Right. So that's why they shouldn't be together. But I didn't agree with Amanda. But then also the other piece when she said, like, he's so strong, I can never do that. And it's like, she didn't do that. And also, what's interesting is, like, watching this season knowing that they don't end up together, because then everybody watches every fight, and it's like, well, so good they didn't end up together.




But the season before Kyle and Amanda got married, they got married at the end of the summer. Like, was the same. Fighting every weekend. A very unhappy couple. Maybe these two children be together. And if they had wound up not getting married, it. No one would have said they should have gotten married.


No, we would have watched back and been like, oh, wow, look at this.


Right? But now we know that they did get married. So. So you assume, like, those fights, okay, they got past them and such an amazing point your and it's like, okay, there's things we don't know, and we'll go slays over that because, you know, you're married.


I would actually argue that the season that, um, Amanda and Kyle got married, their fights were worse because they were about, like, bigger things at the end of the day. And this is why I think Lindsey was so blindsided. Like, what they were fighting about was Carl's career, which isn't something you break up over, right?


And, like, he could go and get a job tomorrow, and then this fight fixed, taken out of the equation. They can go back to fighting about whatever other regular stuff they fight about.


And the way he was just looking at her on that couch like, he hates her. And you can see that reflected in some of the things that he said. Like, you want me to realize what an ugly thing to say. You couldn't even conjure up something so mean to say about someone you even remotely liked, and he's sitting there with just, like, devil eyes, like, he hates this woman. How did, like, what. Why did he propose? But there was a time when I think that he really felt that way, and I think he just saw himself. Like.


I think.


I don't know.


I think he was a happier person a year ago. I think he was, like, newly sober, like, newly sunlight. He had. He was working with lover boy, but it wasn't working out. But he was going to be going on to the next thing, and, like, he was in a really good car.




And then in the last year, like, things have gone downhill for him. And instead of looking inward and being like, I'm not living up to my potential. What else has changed in the last year? Lindsay? Oh, it's you.


Lindsey has always been, like, one of the most polarizing people on the show. And she was coming off of, like, a few bad years where, like, all the girls were against her, the audience was against her. And so I think Carl really thought it was going to be easy for him to, like. And the fact that she came out seriously, like, the hero of this story, I think, is really powerful when you look at how the odds were stacked against her. And Carl really should have had an easy time making her the villain, but. But she so wasn't.


And as far as her saying she was blindsided, like, she was completely blindsided by this decision, as she said, it's two weeks of fighting. You don't, like, call off the rest of your future because you've had a hard two weeks or even, like, a not ideal summer, as we saw with Kyle and Amanda, having a bad summer before your wedding can par for the course. Especially you're living in a share house with a bunch of other people weighing in on your relationship all the time. Like, that's a recipe for disaster.


No. And getting married is so stressful, even in, like, the most perfect relationships, like, you're fighting.


Right? So I think when Carl went into that conversation, he acts like, and I know he says it on the reunion, too. I went into that conversation to have a conversation. I didn't have my mind made up. I want to see how the conversation went, and then we would take it from there. But, like, Lindsey couldn't have responded to everything that he was saying, like, more calmly, calmly, and rationally. And in a way of, like, I want to work on things. Like, she did. She did not give him any reason to end things, and still he ended things just to say, like, that conversation. He walked in, like, knowing he was going to end the relationship, which is premature to me and certainly blindsighting to her.


Yeah, I stan, I can't wait for the reunion. I thought when they. When they put the trailer for the reunion, obviously, like, the obvious things that we're gonna be talking about, I'm excited to hear. But Paige and Danielle fighting. I'm obsessed, I guess. Like, Danielle watched and saw, like, Paige's snarky comments that are so on fucking point. And they like that. I'm very much looking forward to hearing.


Yeah, no, it was hysterical. Paige said, like, some really funny things that Danielle's obviously gonna be upset about.


Lindsay, you can have her back.


You can have her back. We see what you were saying. Yeah.


No, like, to me, that was the whole, like, season in a nutshell.




And I cannot wait. And the girls look so gorgeous at the reunion. Like, everyone.


Yeah. I cannot wait for the reunion. It was nice that I also.


I think this is, like a year. How long after? No, actually, they wrap.


Labor Day.


They wrap. And then. What is the reunion film?


It filmed, like, two weeks ago, I think.


So I am looking forward to actually hearing from Amanda, like, what has gone on in their relationship because, yeah, we're judging something that happened last summer. So what has happened since then with her and Kyle? Yeah. Like, you know, your husband called you a fucking bitch on tv, but that's a year ago. Like, a lot can happen since then. And I'm curious what they've done.


I feel like this happens. The last few seasons I've watched with them. They have a bad summer, and then they come on their union. They're like, things are good. It's good we're understanding each other. They don't get almost like, they don't get grilled at all. And then they go back into the house and their relationship is the same.


It's true. They don't really get grilled ever about not only their relationship, but, like, their place in the house.


Yeah, but, like, how are you gonna grill a married couple about their relationship? Like, it's one, what are they gonna give you? Not, they better give you nothing. They're married. And, like, two, that's not your place. Like, you're not a couple's counselor.




You know?




But it never stopped anyone from doing it to Carl and Lindsay, even when they were engaged. I also forgot that they're wrong for each other and they don't like each other and they don't know how to communicate. Meanwhile, Kyle called his wife a fucking bitch and you would never say those things to him.


No. And the thing is, is that I think that's been a huge argument with former castmates. I don't know if Kyle is at all involved in production, but there's definitely, like, a hierarchy. He's been there from the beginning, and he helps cast the show, and I feel like at one point, he, like. I think he, like, started the show. I don't know what his role is, but, you know, everyone gets their feet held to the fire except for him, and I think that's been a huge issue. Like, I remember with the work as twins and then Hannah Burner, it's like, this isn't a leveled playing field, and it's like we're all bleeding out, getting our asses ripped, and you act the worst and get the least amount of sort of accountability.




It's been a longstanding issue on the show. I don't know exactly what it is, like, what his role is in with the creators and producers of the show, but I feel like it's something even the way that, you know, his brand and Danielle could only wish for such promotion for her app.


So true. I also think it has to do with Andy. I think in general, he goes easier on the guys. I think he likes all the guy on southern charm. He's, like, so hard on women. Shep, Craig, Austin a boys. What's up? Like, I think he just, like, likes the guys in general. Same with every show. Vanderpump rules.


Vanderpump rules.


Summer house. Like, he's easy on Kyle. He's harder on Lindsay. He's so. You know what I mean? Like, I think he just, like, likes the boys more and. Yeah, it's very obvious. Yeah, I think some of the girls, like, he doesn't even know their names.


A thousand percent. You can't tell me he knows Gabby's name.


You can't tell me he knows Gabby's name.




Yeah. Also, I just wanted to give a shout out to Sierra because I think she's such a good example. I agree with me when she was talking about being in a relationship and how. Why do people see that as, like, a shackles or a bad thing? Like, let's yes to a game, let's go to a wedding. Like, to me, it's so true. Like, relationships, especially, like, boyfriend girlfriend is so fun. And hookup culture, that's what's really not that fun. Fraught with peril and just, like, your ins, like, you don't know how people feel, and you're just on a stranger's whim. And, like, I'm not, like, bashing it at all. But I do feel like relationships get, like, the bad rap is being like.


A thousand percent ball and chain jail.


No. Like, stability. That's fun.


No, no. Having someone to go to, all these things you have to go to with the good, the fun stuff and the bad stuff with, seriously, is life alteringly fun.


Partnership is fun.


I couldn't agree more. I love that. And I think, like, people who glamorize the hooking up phase and then sort of dread the relationship phase, it's really just a sign of immaturity. Cause once you get into a healthy relationship, you realize how much better it is than that. Like you said, that sense of uneasiness. Does he like me? Like, it's horrible.




And so that is just her being, like, wise beyond her years and Wes. And that's the thing with, even if when you date a guy the same age as you, they're so emotionally behind in terms of maturity, that's why you have to date someone older.


Yeah. I feel like maybe she could make him see that. Like, this could be fun still, but.


It'S not her job.


I don't know. Like, relationships, monogamy, like, gets, like, a bad rap. Yeah, but I think, like, being exclusive and being with someone that you really like and getting to do all your favorite things. But, like, with your favorite person, that sounds more fun than, like, waiting for a text. Is he gonna call me?


A thousand percent.


So just shout out to Sierra.


She deserves better.


She does. But also, like, I hope that she doesn't get. Feel pressured to, like, change her ways or, you know, maybe she feels like she's not, like, being modern, but she's a scrupled woman.


I completely agree. Nurse slash model slash scrupled. And I think that makes a really easy segue into our final segment of the week, which is every Friday, Jackie and I do Queenie and Weenie of the weekend, where we bestow two honors, queenie and weenie of the week, to somebody who exhibited either weenie like symptoms or Queenie like symptoms. And I think we're both in agreement that our weenie of this week is one. Carl Radke.


We are in agreement.


Try as you may, you will never be a lady. And I did not like what you said about my friend. I think you are really manipulative and you have a lot of work to do on yourself. Like, for real.


Yeah. And you're allowed to end a relationship. You're allowed to especially add end a bad relationship, but you making the relationship bad so that you can end it while also trying to throw your partner under the bus and gaslight her. Gaslight, like textbook text. Yeah. Is extremely new behavior, and that's putting it mildly.


And then Queenie, Lindsay Hubbard, of course.


Pinnacle of grace and patience and strength.


And I never thought we would see that from Lindsay. Anyone on this cast. Yeah, but really, Lindsay, I don't think a lot of people thought, like, queenie like behavior. And then her showing up to the reunion, she looks so sick and she's.


Had a new man. She was young time.


She looks her best because when they flash back to her engagement, I thought she looked so much younger this season. So much like her skin is going glow.


She looks insane.


I thought you looked amazing.


She looked amazing when she was crying at the girls apartment.


Yeah. I think maybe she had just, like, went a little nuts with the filler last season and maybe got some of it dissolved or didn't, you know, like, re up it because she looked so young and glowy and healthy this season. And at the reunion, she looks so, like, I don't know, glowy. Yeah.


Yeah. She has one confessional look where she's wearing that, like, little. Yeah, corey top and her hair is like a little flip and she looks perfection.




And that's really the best revenge.


It's so true. So that's a wrap on summer house reunion coming up next week. Super excited for that. And that's our show. Correct. That's the week in toast.


That's the week in toast history. Another week in the books. And next time we see you, it'll be June.


Oh, wow.


That's major.


Major. Thank you guys so much for listening to the toast of millennia morning show where we deliver the fast five stars you need to know every Monday through Friday on YouTube. So if you're watching us on YouTube, please feel free to subscribe and give us video thumbs up. We're also available as podcast and rare podcasts can be found since Spotify tune stature public video. I already cast box all the places we'll visit. Podcasting out. Wickedly Dala did. We are.


Love ya. Bye.