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Good morning, millennials.


Welcome back to the toast. Ugh. And happy Monday. Ugh.


Thumbs down. However, looking on the bright side.


Shall we?


What if I just looked on the bright side, Turtle.


I know. Okay, let me. Let's hear it. Make your case.


Okay. Exciting week ahead. Because every day of this week brings us one step closer to being together.


I like that. I like that.


Also, this is our final week before Turtle's LA week.


Oh, and Turtle has firmed up her guest co hosts and they are more star studded than you can even imagine. And I'm not even like being like, exaggerated.


No, she's not. So we have to make the most of this time together. Like, this is our last Monday together for.


And I didn't emo. I'm feeling emo even. Did I tell you who I booked for my fifth and final? Okay, let's do reactions. I'll text you day by day who I'm doing. Okay?


Okay. Yeah, because you sent me the names when I asked you after last week's episode. But send me them again cuz I need to.


And I just booked my Monday. It's probably like the most famous person on the list. I definitely spelled the name wrong. Did you know that?


Yes, because you. That was in your text from last week. I only just said my heart is worn.


Wednesday? Who's Wednesday? I know. I know who they are. I just don't know which order. I think she's Wednesday.


Wow, major.




Major. How annoying are we? Sound off in the comments.


Definitely getting this order wrong, but whatever.




And then family bringing it home. Yeah. So I've just been like kind of bringing it home with booking, you know, bookings, bookings, bookings.


You love to see it. I mean, what else is there to do in LA other than make deals, shake hands.


That's pretty much what I'll be doing the entire week. Oh, and running a five k, but I won't talk about it.


And running a five k. No biggie small. She's doing five k. I actually went.


In the five k with Ben and Josh, who I saw last night. And you know, Josh is like a. He's person who is in like very, like, he's already in shape. He, like, I think, like run before the five k. Like he had been on a run, you know, somewhat recently. Ben and I. On Friday, on Saturday. Excuse me. And I'll just get my running anecdote out of the way really quick. Ben started his training like literally day one. And let me tell you, he couldn't run for more than a minute, and we ran for the same amount of time, but we ran for 25 minutes. I set a new personal goal of running 2 miles without stopping. It took me about 24 minutes, and when we were done, Ben was like. I literally, like, just walked. And I'm like, okay. But he had run like, his distance had been 1.7. Like, it's so not fair being a boy. He has, like, these long strides. I'm over here huffing and puffing for 25 minutes. Like, working the hardest I've ever worked. Ben's going for a brisk walk and, like, jogging for 30 seconds at a time, and we net did similar distance.


A lot of things are unfair about being a man versus being a small girl. He probably gets allotted double the amount of calories in a day. Let me look on the bright side, shall I? When you lose five pounds, it's major. You're a different person. When he loses five pounds, nobody notices. On the dark side, though, it's very easy for him to lose five pounds. And for us littles, it's not.


Yeah, no. I think a lot about, you know, the differences between Ben and I, and I've started to think about them even more. Being on this health journey with him, like, a bad day on his health journey. Like, is nothing. He could still lose weight. And me, I'm set back a month from one day. Like, yeah, it's not fair. I like low key. Hate Ben.


No, but it's just girly tings on this one. It's not Ben specific. It's just men versus women.


That's so true.


Men are from Mars, women are from Venus.




Literally two different plans. How was your weekend?


I didn't really talk to you.


I didn't talk to you either. And I want to facetime with you after this. Facetime to get all the behind the scenes deets. But I didn't talk to you at all because I really had an amazing weekend. Something kind of monumental has happened around here, which is that a nice new little park opened up.


Yeah, yeah. She was at the park all weekend. You guys don't look for her.


We were at the park all weekend, and I was talking about this on my episode with Josh Peck. Like, things you appreciate as a parent, new park.


Like, not. Not shit at all.


New park. It's kind of like, just change the social scene around here. We're, like, constantly going in the park with our neighbors. Like, meeting up at the park. We just, like, post up at the park. It's kind of like when you were describing the new kosher market as just being, like, the center of social universe. That's kind of. That's kind of what the park has done for us. So that was really, like, my entire.


I thank you for putting it into perspective. Like, kind of the analogy of the kosher market. Like, I totally get what you're saying. Everything's changed. Like, there will only be BP and AP before park and after park.


Yeah. So, parents, sound up in the comments. How long till your kids get sick of a specific park? Like, could it go on forever? Or, like, once they've. How many times do they have to go before they're like, okay, we've seen this.


Actually. A good point. Well, think about it.


You could go a really long time.


Backyard. You have, like, a swing set, jungle gym item.




Are the kids still into it? Yes.


Yes, they are.


That's basically a mini park.


Yeah. Oh, also, Josh Peck. Should we just call this episode. Should we just call him up and get him on the episode? We can't. He told me that a mini park is actually called a parklet.


Oh, I don't know if that's true.


I hope it is a parklet.


Le t or l e t te.


I think le t e. That means French. Yeah. We're kind of friends.


Would you say the new park in your neighborhood is a park or a parklet?


I'd say it's a parklet. Let's not get ahead.


That's amazing. Have you ever been to a national park?


I guess not.


Yeah. No, I haven't either.


I've been. I've been to Yellowstone.


That's a park.


The town, I guess it's within, like.


Did you do that? Like, did you go in the park?


I don't know if where I was staying was, like, in the park, but we didn't go to, like, the geezers inside.


It's really crazy to have check out a map, by the way. I don't know if I necessarily knew that Yellowstone was a town in addition to a park, but I guess that's what the show's about.


Yeah. Like, do the duttons live in Yellowstone National park? No, because it's national park. Right.


I bring up national parks because I saw this TikTok of somebody who had, like, been to all of them, and she was ranking, like, the best hiking trails. And I've literally, like, never been to a national park. I don't go on hikes, but I watch the whole thing because she had great footage, and I think I want to go to a national park. Like, they look really insanely. Beautiful. Like, you can't believe it's America.


I think I stayed on the outskirts of Yellowstone National Park. I agree. You know who kind of always is finding herself in a national park? Satchel. Cratchel. Satchel. Hey, Satch, how you doing?


Listening us?


Miss you. Miss you. She's at stage coach.


So, yeah, this weekend. So Shannon and I did not go to stagecoach this year. Shannon had a couple of shows on her tour booked, and so when she said she wasn't going, I was like, okay, I can't be, like, the oldest person at Stagecoach. Like, having Shannon was like, my buddy, and I'm not gonna go with Margo and her friends. So I'm like, you know what? You kids go have the best time. And we were texting each other on Saturday morning, being like, oh, my God, we have no fomo. It kind of looks boring. We were being like, such haters. Because Friday night was Eric Church. Margot said his performance was very strange. It was all acoustic, very boring. People were walking out. So I was like, oh, my God, thank God. Like, honestly, thank God. And I was like, it doesn't look girly pop at all. And where we eatin our words? Yes. Last night, not only did Miranda Lambert absolutely slay on Saturday night, she brought out reber. Like, it's turdy coated. And Margot's story is like, it just looked amazing. And then last night was Morgan Wallam, which, like, everyone knew was gonna be amazing.


And everyone was like, turdy, why don't you go? Oh, and last week, when I was saying how I'm not gonna explain myself anymore, I couldn't think of, like, the example I was thinking of, it was like, everyone asked me why I didn't go to stagecoach. Like, do I need to have a reason? But if you're looking for one, here it is. A lot of people were like, she was supposed to be in Israel. No, actually, I was coming back. I wasn't deeply moved by the set list. The set list, the lineup lineup. Then Shannon wasn't going. And it's, like, a lot of work. It's really far. The outfits, it's, like, expensive. And I don't know. I did it last year, and I was just like, I'm not gonna do it. And I'm, like, living a life of regret. It looked amazing.


Well, Morgan Wallin's performing at MetLife in three weeks, and I wanted to talk to you about that offline.


Other thing is that the only person there, like, I really, like, was dying to see was Morgan Wallen. I've never seen him live. I am seeing him in three weeks. I'll be fine.


Okay. Yeah, I was gonna text you about that. We'll chat offline.


We'd love to chat offline with you. Should we set a time.


Yeah. When we got.


Yeah. Cause we're, like, on set.


Yeah, we're on set doing major movie things.




This is a movie.


Life is a movie when you're Jackson Turd.


If we were a movie, you'd be the right girl.


Isn't it crazy that there are two songs?


There's a Taylor Swift, right?


If this were a movie, I don't know. Why am I literally.


It's a Vultrac, right?


I think it's like an OG. Fearless Taylor Swift.


I don't think so.


If this was a movie. Yeah. Wait, Taylor's version. Is it a vault beating? Sounded like footsteps. Let me go to the chorus.


Is it a vault trap?


Come back, come back. Come back to me. Eli. Eli.


And then where does this wear a movie?


Oh, you would. You would if this was a movie. Stand in the rain. It's of Taylor Swift. I spent so much time listening to TTPD this weekend.


Okay, there will be time for you to discuss that in the past five. She said shut up within the fray. No, because we're going to talk about tailored, and I don't want to talk about her twice.


I don't want to double looking down at my hand. I was out to dinner with my. Sorry, lunch with my good friend Shannon Ford yesterday. She's just so fabulous. Like, you just want to compliment everything she. And I was like, oh, my God, I love your ring. Can I try it on? And she was. Again, I put it on my middle finger, and she was like, honestly, it's a middle finger ring, and it doesn't fit my middle finger. You can have it.


I want to see.


And that's what you get for giving compliments, you know, gifts.


You never know when you're just gonna be.


I love it, but, like, it just doesn't work on the finger that I need it to. And honestly, let it have a second life with you. And I was just kind of taken by that.


That's really nice. And it's not tip for tat, and I'm sure she did it out of the good.


What did she give you?


Oh, no, that's not what I was gonna say. I was gonna say, like, now you just need to, like, have that in mind to maybe repay the favor one day.


I thought you were gonna say, have it in mind, just, like, keep complimenting her. Maybe like, I'll get something else.


No, the opposite. Like, give her something one time now.


Like, I. Shannon won me zero.


Yeah, but it's not tiffer tie. She didn't do it so that you'll give her something, but you should lead with that generosity of spirit as well.


I love that, first of all. And second of all, being with Shannon sparked something I wanted to talk about on the toast today. You know, we always joke that we have a chip on our shoulder, and we do, but I found myself being extra chippy yesterday, totally separate from our usual chip, but. And I was trying to explain it to Ben, and I don't really know what the right word is, I think. I guess it's, like, dazzling. Shannon has this real energy, this spirit about her, where, like, we go to a restaurant, like, the waiter falls in love with her. We go to. We went shopping afterwards. Like, I was invisible. Like, it was just the Shannon show, and she's not even trying. She just has this, like, dazzling energy about her. And I literally, like, it was my cross to bear. Like, my invisible. My cloak of invisibility. Just honestly, standing in Shannon's shadow, I had a chip on my shoulder the whole day. I was like, hi, I'm here, too.


Okay, that's cool.


I was like, really? I took it personally.


Well, I want to say something.


Oh, shit.


And not to take away from Shannon, because I know exactly what you're talking about. She's just, like, all eyes on Shannon, you know, people who don't know her. Like, there's just something magnetic about her, like, especially if she walks into a store, like, fashion. I want to help out. I want to help Shannon, because if I'm working there.


You're judging people for sure. Based on commission.


Yeah, like, yeah, so. And I feel like Shannon's gonna buy something. However, it's not fair for you to have a chip about that because you, like, you have a magnetism as well. Like, when we're at a table with, like, a group of people say we go to, like, everybody wants to talk to you. So, like, like, the center of the tables, like, wherever you're sitting, and then, like, the further away you are from Claudia, like, the less involved you are in the conversation that's like, I'm literally gonna cry.


The nicest thing anyone's ever said to me. Is that true?


It's so true. I feel like every. You're just like, oh, my God, the center and then everything else just.


You don't understand what this in your ripples to like, an attention seeking whore. Like, me. Like, I'm not okay. I'm the center.


So it's like, it's a little different. It's a little different than Shannon's dazzle, but you have a dazzle all of your own, and people could have a chip about that. Like, how come everyone wants to talk to turdy? How come everyone's having a tour? D jokes. It's like, if you're not sitting close to 30, you just hear the laughter, and you don't know why everyone's. But you've not experienced when we were.


Shopping, like, my ass was so invisible. Like, I literally spent so much money just to prove a point. Like, I was being crazy. And actually, I, like, really bad anxiety about how much money I spent yesterday. But, like, we. Me and Shannon, we're shopping. We, like, bought bags, and I was like, maybe gonna buy one. But the way this guy, like, I was like, I'll take it. And he was like, okay. Like, he did not care.


And I can't believe you made so many purchases and you didn't even, like, send me a pic. Like, that's fucking root dirty. What about me? I have a chip.


Disgusting. But, like, I had Shannon, you know, no other redheaded friend.


That's. That's wrong. And don't even try and put Shannon in between you and I. That's not right to do. To Shannon and Shannon.


It was good to see Shannon's face completely healed. Like.




So I had, like, an amazing Sunday, just, like, being. It was 79 degrees. Like, you were not gonna catch the girlies inside. We were out all day. We went to lunch. They tried to seat us inside, but, of course, Shannon to the rescue. And was like, Shannon, you know what? If we want to move, get our table moved outside. Like, we have to tip. So it. But I wasn't gonna be the one to tip. I don't have that. That sort of suave energy. But it was my money, so it's like, Shannon. The guy was, like, loving Shannon. I'm like, I paid. It was my 50. Like, I was Jackie. I was being.


Oh, my God. Yeah, that's rough.


I wasn't the best version of myself yesterday.


I'm so sorry. But you have so much else going on for you, is what I was trying to say. And it's like, okay, once you did get the table outside, like, then it's your table.


Oh. A couple of housewives. We saw Alexia and Marisol. They were together eating lunch. They were sitting outside. Yes. It was very, like, Shannon was like, oh, there's a housewife. And she didn't know who it was. And, like, it was painful trying to get her to, like, explain to us who it was. We couldn't see her, and we were like, go, go. And she was like, oh, I feel like she's from New Jersey. Like, she was really being. Me and Taylor were like, just tell us. Then we eventually saw who it was. She had seen Alexia. She didn't even notice. Marisol.


Got it. How fun.


Parklet, chip, toast.


Toast. Yeah, I think we're ready. Other than that. Oh, I caught up on BPR this weekend. I'll try and stay consistent and recap when it's on this week. But I was seriously emo at Lala's sperm donor party. Like, the way this girl has my heart, I can't even tell you.


And it's so funny because the, like, Stan Twitter, where I get, like, a lot of, like, where I take the temperature on things. They're turning on Lala. Like, they're. Everyone's, like, kind of hating Lala. So it makes sense that your timing, like. Like, you guys, you are two ships passing in the night with popular opinion, for sure.


But I always love Lala. Like, she's just someone who I'll love through thick and thin. And right now, like, I'm finding it very easy to love her. Like, she's so unbothered. She's unbothered. But she's also, like, growing and changing and just, like, doing hard things and taking it all in stride. I just have so much respect for her, and I was seriously, like, I was getting teary eyed. Yeah, it was really, really nice. I forget what else happened. Who gives?


Life is just a cycle of catching up on your shows, you know?


Yeah. I mean, I was so behind. I'm so behind on, like, everything else. I finished my book, Serena Williams, and it was so good. And now I'm reading the book for the redheads, which is also, like, some historical thingamajig, and it really pairs in comparison. Like, it's, like, silly historical fiction. And I'm like, this is silly compared to, like, the heft of what I do.


I feel like that's in my future because I'm, like, 75% thorough demon copperhead, and I am loving it so much, and it's just kind of changing my perspective on the world. Yeah, I was actually saying. I was talking to Shannon yesterday because she called herself a hillbilly, and I was like, you know what? I'm actually not going to use that word anymore because this book that I'm reading, and then I got on my soapbox. Moral superiority. I'm reading a Pulitzer Prize winning novel, and I go for jogs. I'm loving it. I, like, don't want to finish it, even though the part that I'm at now is, like, I think I knew it was coming the whole time because you can't talk about, like, you know, Appalachia without, you know, someone having an addiction. And I've reached that point. And it's sad.


Yeah, it's sad. But we'll talk when you finish. When you finish the book. After I read that, I wanted more appalachia. I don't know if. Yeah, after I read that, I think then I watched dope sick. But you've already watched it, right? And then I read Hillbilly Elegy because I thought it was gonna be, like, the non fiction version of kind of this story, and it didn't do for me what I thought it was gonna do, honestly. But it was. It wasn't very long, so it was fine. Okay.


So I know. I know the feeling.


Of heft, of.


Like, a book hangover kind of, too. And then it's just like, you're so sick. Like, you, like, I'm reading a Pulitzer prize. Like, I'm so, like, educated, you know?


Yeah. And now I feel, like, dumb. I'm wasting my time, like, not to shade the redheads. And it is a citizen's choice, which means everyone's gonna love it. And I'm just being, like, a hater to my core, but that's just kind of where I'm at, so I just thought I would update everyone on where I am. Love that which is here with you about to do. The fast five stories that you need.


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Thank you.


You're welcome.


Our first story, tailored, weekend Update, two things to discuss plus thirty's thoughts on GTPD. First, Taylor and Travis shared a sweet moment at a charity gala in footage shared by Patrick Mahomes. The Mahomes family had a charity event this weekend. Tailored accompanied Travis and they were seen looking glamorous.


Yeah, like, we're getting nothing. Like they were there. And we know that because there's like four blurry pictures and videos going around from different angles of the same moment. We're latching onto it for dear life. Like psychoanalyzing the body language.




But there's nothing there, which is devastating.


And then part do is that Charlie puth reacted to his name check on the tortured poets department in a way that is weird to me. That is reading weird, especially from the Pooh stuff.


He hasn't said anything. This is probably the biggest thing to ever happen to him and sorry it will ever happen to him. And part of me, like, respects that he's not being thirsty about it, but, like. Cause, like, you could. That couldn't be me. I'm getting name dropped. Like, do you know, by the way, do you know? So there's a line in so high school, are you gonna marry, kiss or kill me? And it's from that viral video where a million years ago, Travis is being interviewed by, like, a sideline reporter. And she's like, marry, fuck, kill, Ariana Grande, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift. And the girl, the sideline interviewer, she came up on my TikTok. Jackie. She is, like, deceased beyond belief. Every video she makes is like, the fact that Taylor has seen a video of her. Like, she can't get over it.


I saw one of her videos. What was his answer, by the way? He was gonna kiss Taylor, but who was he gonna marry?


I don't know. That's actually a good point. I'm not sure.


And, like, in that game, like, the highest honor is marry, right?


Well, I don't know. It's all circumstance I kill, right? It's all circumstantial.


Yeah, but I saw that. No, but. So all set to say, like, if you were referenced on the album, like, you'd be crapping your pants. Meanwhile, Charlie Puth is reposted a slide from her Instagram carousel. And he didn't even give any commentary. Like, by the way, that's true.


Travis said, that's messed up. I don't want to kill any of them. He told the host, ultimately killing off Ariana Grande, kissing Taylor and marrying Katy Perry.


I think that's better than marrying Ari. Don't you think?


Yeah. Well, now, like, you know, Katie and Taylor are friends. I do often think about how, like, Taylor and Ariana have, like, there's not one anything.


Like, well, when she did her. You need to calm down video, and she had, like, drag queens of all the pop stars, she did have Ariana.


I mean, she couldn't not. And I don't think they, per se have beef. I think they've never acknowledged one another, mostly. And recently, because up until recently, Ariana was like, scooters, girly.


Oh, true. And I also feel like some people just aren't meant to be friends and wouldn't get along on a personal level. And those two seem like that.


Okay, wait. Also this morning, I was looking at Taylor's Instagram. It's really so crazy to me that, like, even after all of this, you know, Taylor is the beatles, this monumental peak of fame. Like, Selena Gomez has 100 million more followers than her. So does Kim Kardashian. And I know Taylor, like, never posts. And honestly, like, as a big swifty, you actually don't need to follow Taylor on Instagram. She never posts. And when she does, it's news instantly. Like, you can. You can consume.


No, it's still. It's weird. Especially cause it's not like Selena has the most bussing Instagram. She's always taking a break.


Like, Kim obviously works at the algorithm. The feeds, the.


It's Kim. Like, it's her job on her resume. It's kind of like the number one thing, being, like, a social media influencer. That's the hub of everything else in reality tv star. But it is weird that Selena has 100 million more than Taylor. That legit makes no sense.


It's the craziest things. That's what I was thinking about this morning. Now, TTPJ, let me tell you, I'm currently hyper fixating on so high school. The song about Travis, it's. But, like, the chorus makes me, like, no chorus. Excuse me, the bridge. It makes me, like, dead ass giddy. I'm over here, like, twirling my feet when she's like, I feel like laughing in the middle of practice of that impression you did of your dad again, like, I'm obsessed. That song is so good. And I have decided not to be, like, a hater. Like, I have decided what the worst song in the album is. And if anyone wants to hear it, like, let me know. You can disagree. You will be wrong. I've seen people saying it's their favorite song I actually like, and I literally would lay my life out on the line for, like, I think it's a bad song.


Okay, I'm listening.


And I just, like. I hate to be so negative, because what the message is is, like, I spent the whole weekend listening to the album, and I couldn't be more obsessed with it. Like, it's incredible.




There's an actual, like, bad song on it, and every time it comes on, I'm like, oh, the bad song.


What song?


You guys aren't ready. Like, it's a very hot take.


I'm ready.


It's the.


I'm sat. As the kids say, the alchemy. Oh, that's fine with me. I haven't harped on it too much. I think I've listened to, like, the first eight songs a number of times. I'm still, like. I'm breaking it up into chunks. Like, it's gonna be, like, three separate albums for me. And I love. I don't really harp on the alchemy or guilty as sin.


So guilty as sin is good. It's getting a lot of attention right now. The chorus, a lot. I mean, the bridge. A lot of people are trying to decode. What if he's written mine on my upper thigh? Okay, just go through your.


I really. I really like. I know this is, like, a basic answer, but I really like. Who's afraid of little old me?


What's the best song on the album?


It's so good. I really like the line like, teeth. We took out all her teeth. Yeah. It reminds me of the greatest show and also the book I was just reading, like, you know, in that era, like, they. That was entertainment. Like, freaks. Freaks and dogs and things. And it's, like, literally feels great. To showman code agree, which is important.


I saw a. Someone who theorized that the song is actually, like, a response to Olivia Rodrigo. I don't actually see it that way.


I've seen that the song is about the music industry. Like, and all the people, like, the who's who of who's that? And, like, they're a who's afraid of me? You should be.


Yeah. And also, another song about the music industry is Clara Bow. Just about how it's like, we're always looking for the next hot young thing, and it's like you get to a certain and you're like, grandma. Bye, Stevie. Next. Bye, Taylor Swift. Bye.


Yeah. So, Clara Bow. I haven't. I think that's where I keep going, like, back to the top, because, like, the black dog and down. I've only listened to, like, thank you, Amy, because I'm still in the first half, so.


Okay, let me tell you something.


I'm gonna take.


Peter is so good. Like, it's so good. Love, Peter. Now, I also saw another theory about the manuscript, which is the last song on the album. And I. It's not even a theory. It's just like, how they're interpreting the song as being sort of like a sequel to all too well and just like, about this heartbreak. But so much has happened because of that song that, like, you know, she looks at it so differently now, and she has said that on tour many times. Like, used to be this song. She, like, couldn't sing without crying. And now she doesn't even think about the heartbreak. She thinks about all the memories and all the people who love the song and all too well. Ten minute version. Like. And I think the manuscript is sort of, like, closing the chapter on that. And I really liked that interpretation of it. And if you listen to it, you can see it, too.


Nice. And apparently Robin is about Aaron Dessner's daughter. Baby.


I didn't see that.


Someone told me that they thought I would like it because of that, and I. So I listened. And then, you know when you listen to a song, like, ready to pay attention and you forget to pay attention.


Yeah. Also honorable mention. Loving the bolter. But the way you. It's like, clarabeth is scared to death. I've been the bolter. Like, that's what I keep thinking for sure.


But also, it reminds me of that animated movie Miley Cyrus did, bolt. I thought I lost you when you ran away to try to find me I thought I'd never see a sweet.


Face again I love that Miley song. What the hell movie are you talking about? Why don't I know that reference?


It's about a dog who runs. I thought I lost you when you ran away to try to find me. The dog ran away. I think it was a dog that was. He was, like, a famous dog on the set, and he didn't realize that it was, like, truman show style, and he ran away to, like, try and find his girl. Like, yeah, it's. It's purely intricate, but it's just an animated movie. Didn't really go anywhere other than into the deep wells of my heart.


Now, do you think that Taylor will perform TTPD songs at the eras tour?


Yes, I think there will be a TTPD era after midnight wherever she wants. Right.


I guess she doesn't go chronologically, so she could put it anywhere.


I don't think after midnight's because you're not gonna end on right.


You're gonna end the way it ends. Like, karma, the confetti, the colors. Like, it's so the perfect way to end a show. But she released. She obviously has some partnership with YouTube because she's released two YouTube shorts where I've learned more than I've learned in the last ten years. And she had some rehearsal footage in there, and somebody, like, you know, pointed out there is, like, something that looks like the TTPD logo. So I think it's, like, pretty much confirmed that she is gonna do it. I'll be very interested to see. And do you think she should? That's just, like, I feel like. Forgive me, if we've had this conversation, I might have had it offline with someone, or I might have had it online with you. Do you think that's how she'll. By the way, we definitely had this conversation.


She'll just keep doing this Forever eras.


Tour, forever, adding new eras, taking things out in, and, like, she won't ever be on that track again where she does album tour, album tour. Album tour, perhaps.


But I do think, like, once this eras tour is over, like, there will be a long break, and then she might come back and do not call it eras, but, like, play the greatest hits, but again, not a greatest hits. But I was actually thinking that her next album, if it's about, like, everything, like, the end of everything after TTPD, I think it could be called eras.


Oh, and it would be called the eras tour, and then it would be.


Like, because this everything post TTPD is eras.


That's true, actually. Like, I like. I like that, actually. You sound like a crazy swiftie, but I like it.


It just came to me.


But she.


And she likes a one name more.


She's also just not someone to, like, ever really repeat, you know, she's very original.


I also feel like. I'm just saying it came to me just like, baby Doreen, I had to share with you.


I do feel like culturally, though, the word era is over. It was hot.


It's her word.


It was hot for a minute. Like, in the zeitgeist. Like, I'm in my villain era.


Well, I feel like if she, like, it's an. It's. It's a real word. It's a good word. And I think she can keep it alive if she wants to.


Love that, if anyone can do it.


And it could be her word. So her and baby Doreen and baby Olivia will be writing the next album called eras Love that's my theory, love. Okay, are you ready for our next story? So that's closing out the Taylor Swift talk for today.


Okay, let me just make sure I didn't, like, have any more thoughts about the album. Yeah.


Our next story, Sophia Bush reflects on coming out by sharing a quote from poet Maggie Smith. So Sophia Bush is feeling freer than ever after coming to terms with her sexuality. In a candid essay for Glamour's April cover, the actress revealed reflected on her divorce from Grant Hughes and also revealed her relationship with soccer player Ashlyn Harris.


I know.


She also admitted that this year felt like her very first birthday. As she wrote, I finally feel like I can breathe. She continued to reflect on the striking piece on instagram, revealing that poet Maggie Smith has inspired much of her revelations and her thoughts on her birthday. In particular. She said, I feel like last summer, I had my very first birthday, my own. And last summer, Maggie Smith's words helped me begin to understand why from afar, she helped me put myself back together. Now, of course, like, is this the dowager countess?


Okay, smacky Smith. I'm so glad you brought that up. Who the fuck is Maggie Smith if not the Dowager countess?


The thing is, I'm sure we could look at.


I'm not interested.


I prefer this version.


Agreed. I feel like Sophia Bush is doing everything in her power to, like, come out the other side of this scandal as anything other than, like, the other woman. And no, literally nobody is purchasing what she's selling. Like, I was reading, like, comments and just, like, people are obsessed with this story because it really is so crazy. And, like, her rewriting history and I'm sure that everything she's saying is true. Like, that is her experience. I'm sure she was really unhappy in her marriage and, like, she probably feels amazing, but, like, to not really address the elephant in the room. Like, don't do press.


Just, what's the elephant? The cheating.


She, like, befriended this couple, these two women soccer players. Everyone was obsessed with them when they won the World cup. They ended up getting married, had a baby. Like, so cute. Everyone was obsessed. And then literally, like, sophia Bush, like, befriended both of them. Like, became obsessed with soccer. Sophia Bush is, like, the part owner and, like, she's in the soccer world of that, like, la women's team that Eva Longoria does. She befriended this couple and literally burned it down from the inside. And now it's just, like, interesting, clear and happy. And, like, that's amazing. But what about the other stuff? Question mark.


Yeah, I don't keep up with this story. Whatsoever. Like, I guess because I never watched one tree hill. I don't have ties to Sophia Bush.


I don't have ties to her, either. I come at this story because I followed the soccer players.


As a women's soccer fan, I followed both of them.


I loved following their journey.


Like, I'm not. I don't keep up with the women's soccer team either. So everyone is, like, so caught up in this story, and I'm just, like, on the outside looking in.


Oh, oh. You know, it's.


And from my purge, I'm, like, happy for Sofia. Mazel to know it's happy first birthday. No, I know. That's why I'm sitting and listening. I'm sad.


You're sad? Yeah. As you should. You need to decentralize yourself from this conversation.


That's classic me.


I am. I can't get enough of this. And I actually, like, in another world. And I could see, like, down the line, like, people becoming obsessed with this couple, like, for sure. But Ali Krieger is kind of the injured party here, and, like, no one is getting over it on her behalf. And then today, I went to her Instagram. Cause, like, all this happened over the weekend. I was like, has she posted? Because when it all went down, she was, like, posting things with shady captions, just, like, acknowledging, you know, the weird place she found herself in. She's just. She just posting a ton of ads for white claw. So, you know what? Go off queen. She's running to the bank.


I love that for her. And then also, Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris were on the red carpet together at the White House correspondents dinner, which isn't a story, but I would love to talk about some of the random people who attended.


I am, like, obsessed with you bringing that up. And I just. I don't. Personally, the White House correspondence center, I don't understand what it is. Like, how can it be a place where the president and Brittany Cartwright are both at? Like, I don't. And, like, in recent years, everyone from Vanderpump rules has been going, like, what? How is that? It's a influencer event. I literally don't get it.


No, it's an influencer event. So it's. It's like a night for. Meghan McCain calls it nerd prom. It's, like, for the DC people and media people, and because they're always, like, working together and, you know, press conferences, whatever. It's, like, one night where we're gonna, like, kick our heels back, and we have comedians, and we're just gonna, like, have fun. I think it's, like, not even supposed to be super partisan, but media companies get tables. Yeah. And they want to be. It's exactly like that. They want to be buzzy, so then they invite people.


Got it.


Who might, like, make some headlines. Not in a bad way, but, like, then we'll be talking about that media brand.


Like, I don't get it. But positioning it like the Met gala. Like, the Met gala is also confusing. And also the Met gala is a week away.


I know. We actually have a Met gala story if it's next. If we could just. Yeah. Discuss this for 1 second. So Brittany and Jax went to the White House correspondents brunch. They went to the brunch.


I only saw Britney. I don't know if I saw Jax.


I saw him at the brunch. They walked the carpet separately, but then.


The actual dinner, I think just Bernie was at.


Got it. Maddie Pruitt was at the dinner. Yeah, they walked it separately. Did you see that Maddie Pruitt was at the White House correspondence dinner? I'm not, I'm not gonna let up on that.


Yeah, no, it's definitely interesting.


Is she the first bachelor? Former bachelor contestant?


I feel like. No. Yeah, but wait, what was I about to say?


Oh, conspiracy.


Conspiracy. That Jax cheated on Britney with his publicist, who he's always posting with. Like, that's the running theory. Is that what, that's what happened in their marriage?


Is it that publicist that everyone's always with?


Yeah. And honestly, like, if that's true and Britney's the one who moved out, like, that's insane to me. First of all, the wife always stays. Like, the fact that she didn't is so crazy. But also, if he actually cheated and then had the absolute gall to not leave the house.


I have. This is coming out of left field for me. I cannot comment on the matter.


Oh, wow. Okay. She's giving no comment.


Also, I feel like sometimes you want to leave, like, okay, keep your smelly house. Like, I'm gonna go get a nice rental in the hills.


So true.


And you can do stay here with all the dishes and the mess you made.


Literally and figuratively.




What was the story?


Who else was there? Oh, the Sophia bush. But then White House correspondent.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Jax. Jax was at the dinner.


Like, it's the craziest thing to me. It doesn't make sense.


I need this list to also say who brought them.




Cause I feel like broadcast network brought Matty Pruitt and that tracks by the way that tracks.


I feel like the Daily Mail bought Jackson Britney, perhaps christian broadcast network. Why didn't the jewish broadcast network invite us?


You're gonna have to bring that up with them.


They'll be hearing from my people.


Yeah, but our next story is about the Met Gala because Anna Wintour is catching fire for partnership, partnering with TikTok for the Met Gala. So this year's Met Gala is sponsored by Tick Tock. The editor in chief of Vogue animal tour will be joined by Tick Tock CEO Xu Chu on the red carpet just days after a bill was signed into law to ban the chinese social media platform or force its sale. So this sponsorship was inked, like, way before the ban. But I don't think Adam gives a fuck.


She needs the money. It's an expensive affair. And who's going to have more money right now than tick tock, like, go off? I think what's interesting about it is, like, where does that put TikTokers now, Anna, like, she needs the money, but she's very specific about people. Like, just because it's sponsored by TikTok doesn't mean, you know, all the tick tockers get to come. But I do think we'll see two or three. And I would love to theorize on who they are because I think for sure Alex Earl is gonna go.


Okay. We've seen TikTokers in the past, though.


Yeah, but it's always, like, first of all, when YouTube. The thing is, what do you consider a TikToker now? Because the influencers that I know who went, they went when it was YouTube. Who sponsored the entire event? James Charles, Jackie, Aina, Nikki tutorials.


No, but, like, what about the D'Amelio's? Don't forget Addison Rae.


Yeah, but to me, they're not TikTokers. They're celebrities for sure.


But, like, they are TikTokers. And especially years ago, they were. And years ago they were going, yeah.


I think they'll go again. Not Addison. I think Charlie and Dixie will go. I think Alex Earl will go.


I think Addison will go.


Like Emma Chamberlain. But she's. She's a fashionite now. She's not.


She's not a TikToker. She's a youtuber.


Right, right. But I'm trying to think of, like, who's who. Like, who's the it girl of tick tock right now?


The who's who.


That's what I was thinking of.


Tick tock. I couldn't. I think I'm the girl of tick tock honestly, everyone's like, where is she?


Me, when I'm delusional, literally same.


Where is she?


I'm. I actually am going to the Met gala because I am the acrel of TikTok. Like, who's, like, fashion y. Oh. Like, oh, you know who? I feel I could go, Brittany Xavier. She's, like, so fashion y and so TikTok.


Yeah. And, yeah, she is.


She's not, like, revolve. Like, that's, like, not what I'm talking about.


I'm talking about, like, she's, like, Dior.


High fashion people who do.


And her baby showers were brought to you by Dior.


I feel like she could go. Someone who's, like, above. Like, everyone. Like, is, like, you know, fashion y when they wear, like, their asos. But I'm talking about, like, a real.


What about Pookie?


Mm. It's tough. I feel like. And I feel like Anna's very specific about not inviting people who are viral but who, like, Alex Earl, I feel, like, is past the point of virality. She is.


Oh, for sure.


I feel like pookie might be, like, falling into, like, that viral trope, you know?


Perhaps. But she's the most fashion and high fashion viral girly there is. She also, I think, has legit teams because she goes to, like, legit things. I think if there's a chance she's got a good a chance as any. Not saying she's gonna go, but, like, I think she's gonna throw it all at the wall.


That's really interesting. I would love out there shaking that thing.


Oh, my God. Them on the carpet. Honestly, they kind of need it.


Thing is, like. And this is why it just only doesn't make sense that tick tock is the partner of it. Like, I feel like the Met gala goes out of their way to do everything, like, not corny, not viral. It's just sort of, like, elegant. And tick tock is, like, so the opposite. I feel like the vibes are so anti. Antithetic. Is that the right word?


I think they'll find middle ground.


Well, they must.




I'm looking forward. That's fun. I forgot that was coming up now. I read a report this morning that Taylor and Travis are confirmed not going. At the end of the day, they're always wrong about who they say is and isn't going to go. They really never know who's going. I can't see a world in which she goes to an event Kim Kardashian's at, especially after the song.


Yeah, yeah. I think she's like, you can have your smelly party.


Yeah. I think she, like, gave that to her. And it's just. It's so funny how now, like.


Like, why do you want to put yourself in situations that you're just, like, not gonna be comfortable or happy? Like, she doesn't need to do. That's for what?


To prove what I also think she.


Hasn'T got proved nothing.


I think Taylor's, like, literally too famous to go to the Met Gala. Do you know what I mean?




Like, if John Lennon was alive, would he be going to the Met Gala every year? No.


I don't know him. Like, I don't know what moves him.


I saw it.


What motivates him.


I saw a picture that I didn't realize till afterwards was doctored, but when I saw. When I saw the picture, it was seriously, I'm sure maybe some of you have seen it. It's like, this photo that's going around that's, like, AI of John and Yoko on the COVID of a magazine, but, like, it literally didn't happen. They're both naked, and they're both just, like, turned around. So we see their butts, and they're, like, looking over and, like, if the person who talked to him made, um, made John Lennon's butt not, like, fat, but, like, made his crack really, really long and deep and made Yoko onos. Wait, I'm gonna send it to. You made Yoko ono's tiny John Lennon. Yoko ono butt crack. You will die. And then I googled it. I'm like, there's no way this is real. But it was a really well done.


Hey. Hi. Is slick, man.


Oh, okay. No, this is, like, where I love AI. Do you know what I mean? Like.


Mm hmm. Do you think that the person who put this into AI, like, said, give them polar opposite cracks, or.


Oh, my God, do you not think it's funny?


It is.


Look how big his crack is.


Okay, but do you think they said to AI, like, give him a big crack in her small crack? Or, like, AI's just going off of, like, what they. How long they think they're cracking?


That's a good question. No, I think this person, like, intentionally wanted to mess with me, like, for real, and they did. Like, I thought of nothing but that picture. I'll post it on my Instagram so you guys know what I'm talking about. I'll put it on the toes. Instagram, actually. You're gonna die. You're gonna die. It's AI. It's not real. Okay. But send it to someone, you know, just like, it's so funny.


Okay, are you ready for our next story?


No. Because is it the next story that's brought to you by Marianne George, our new favorite show on stars.




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Thank you. La la la.


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Our next story, Meryl Streep reveals Nicole Kidman Skinny dipped every morning filming big little lies. So Meryl presented, Meryl presented an award to Nicole Kidman at the American Film Institute Life Achievement Award gala at the Dolby Theater in LA on Saturday. There were a lot of galas this weekend. All's to say. All's to say. I just feel like if you weren't, like, in a gala attire this weekend, you weren't at the park and you weren't shopping with Shannon and Taylor, like, what were you doing? Zachary?


Well, I just want to say I agree that everyone was out of gala. I'm so glad they finally put together a gala to honor Nicole Kidman. I feel like we've been for years that they should do that. And it was. Tell me how toast coded. It was that, like, on the step and repeat. Who's the sponsor in the background?




Canva. Like, for me, it was kind of, like disassociating to see canva, like, on this picture of Miles teller.


Fiona, I agree. They got their fucking asses up and they got canva pro.


It's good to know, like, yes, they stopped advertising on our show, and it's because they save their money and they put it towards something bigger. And I love that.


Yeah. And then we see it back, and I hope they used canva to make that step and repeat. Otherwise, like, what are you doing?


Do you think the canva logo was made on canva?


Could they have made it if they didn't have canva?


The thing is, I don't think it was. Obviously, it's a billion dollar company. They hired, you know, some big fancy agency.


So is this.


But I think that it's like a literal. That would be like the best marketing thing ever if, like, this billion dollar company's logo was made on canva.


It's like the chicken and the egg. Like, what came first? But canva or the logo also, canva.


Logos are, like, so generically. You can look at something and you just know it was made on canva and, like, it's honestly not good.


Why is that an insult?


It's not. It's just, like, not good enough for a billion dollar company. For real.


I feel like there are ways to make things on canva where if you're skilled and you're working hard enough, like, people might just think that's regular old photoshop.


Wait, you know what's so crazy is.


Like, and that's the point, but if you want to be lazy and use a lazy basic template, not even search for a good template, she said, get your fucking. And if you don't want to pay for canva Pro and you do canva, please. Well, you get what you pay for.


Down. They haven't sponsored the show in a while. Like, don't be plugging them so hard. Also, it's fun.


Claude. I'm so authentic. My passion and my zeal for canva. I just closed out of a canva tab to start the show. My pat, they don't have to pay me. This is how I feel about the brands that we work with.


Also about canva is. It's funny how, like, now it's a thing you put on your resume. It's. It was always, like, proficient in Excel, PowerPoint, and literally people put canva like, it's literally like a skill. Now, they invented a lot of history.


Proficient in canva, greater than proficient in PowerPoint, because not only am I doing the same thing or Photoshop, I'm doing the same thing and I have extra time. What else do you need?




No, I'm right on top of that, Rose.


Like, I don't need my computer. Like, I don't need my work computer. I can log into my account anywhere and all my work is saved. This literally sounds like an ad for canva.


Well, it's an ad for Nicole Kidman's lifetime achievement award. And apparently when they filmed big little eyes, she went into the Pacific Ocean every morning at 48 degrees, stark naked. And so she cold plunged, plunged she cold plunge in the Pacific. That definitely makes it cooler as opposed to like a wooden tub in your backyard.


1000%. Also, I'm so glad that they honored Amanda. Amanda. What's her name? Amanda had a stroke. Nicole Kidman. Because it taught me something that I didn't know. I was like, why is Miles teller there? Like, love that him and Kelly left the house. But, like, for what? And he was cast in his first movie ever by Nicole Kidman. She cast him when he was super young. I don't know. I hadn't heard of it. I'll tell you. I'm watching american rabbit hole in 2010 with, you gotta watch it. Eight months after the accidental death of their four year old son, Howie, Nicole Kidman and her husband are trying to overcome their grief. He wants to hold onto everything that reminds him of the kid when she would rather sell the home and make a fresh start. Cracks begin to appear in their relationship, as Howie bonds with a member of his therapy group, and Becca reaches out to a teenage boy with telling facial scars. Oh, that's so funny that he got the role because he actually, in real life, has those scars that I imagine when he got them, he was like, oh, my career as an actor is over.


But it actually was the catalyst, and maybe that's the message of the day.


That's a beautiful message.


It's actually also the message of the song. Thank you, Amy off of TTPD. It's like the thing that you thought was gonna break. You actually ended up being the catalyst for all the success in your life.


Agreed. So shout out Nicole Kidman and everyone at the Nicole Kidman awards. American Film Institute for their service. Oh, and Nikhil Kidman and Keith Urban walk the carpet with their daughters.




Did you see?


No. I feel like she really keeps her kids out of the spotlight because of Tom.




Zach Cruz.


Yeah. But these are her kids with Keith urban.


I know, but, like, I think that she's definitely scarred. Her kids don't talk to her because they're shunned. Like, she's an sp. A shunned person in Scientology. And it all played out so publicly that I actually don't think I've ever even seen a photo of their kids, which is, like, I think, testament to their privacy.


But then they just walk the carpet together, so they want you to see. And also, they're not. They're like, they're young girls. They're teens. Wow.


I don't think I even like young adults.


Yeah, me neither.


On my way to Google Nicole Kidman.


Kids, and then, are you ready for our fifth and final story?


Wait, let me see. These kids.




Oh, there's the candle.




Wait, there's. How many? Three.




They're literally gorgeous.


Mm hmm.


Oh, wait. They're like. Like, the most beautiful girls ever. They're gonna be stars.


Yeah, no biggie.


Oh, and speaking of daughters who are gonna be stars, somebody I saw, and I'm sorry to who it was, had a casting idea for the on going.


Thither on the roof project.


And Adam Sandler's daughter, who was in that bat mitzvah movie. She's got to be one of the daughters. She's gorgeous. She was an amazing actress, and she.


Has a very jewish look, and she's the right age. I'll allow it.


And actually, Josh peck texted me, and he said, there has been a fiddler on the roof, like, revival in the works quotes for years. He's like, it's. I don't think it's ever gonna happen, but, like, it's been like, somebody owns the project.


Well, I'm glad that he knows about it. Hopefully, that means that he's in it, because he is also right for the movie, but that's what happens. Like, and they'll talk about that. Like, greatest showman was in the works for ten years before it finally got to Wicked. Never give up. Yeah.


Wait, speaking of things that finally happened.


Wicked is just, like, taking a long time to happen. But it's happening.


Yeah, but they announced it on Twitter in 2013.




Or maybe 20.


It's like that.


Wait, also speaking of things that finally happened, Normani finally released music. Like, the. The full circle of Normani's journey, like, to announcing her album, like, actually five years ago, she released it. And it's so crazy how, like, nobody moved.


What is happening?


But there was a time when, like, people were choking. Like, they were like, give us Normani or give us death. And it's so crazy to have squandered momentum like that. It's like. It's literally a lesson in what not to do.


No, a lesson in what not to do was the Instagram clear out and what is happening?


What is happening? That is so funny. I forgot about that.


She's wearing Abercrombie.


She's wearing abercrombie.


What is happening?


I honestly, like, I follow Jason Tardyk on social media, and I cannot watch his stuff anymore. I need to mute him because it reminds me of that thing that I said.


Just mute him for a while until it goes away.


And every time he wears a shirt, I'm like, oh, that's a nice shirt. I wonder if it's Abercrombie. I'm really embarrassing.


Are you ready for a fifth and final story? Yes. It's actually some exciting reboot ish news. No, it's not terrible. Mufasa. The Lion King trailer drops. A disney prequel is following a young mufasa and scar as blue eyes. Ivy Carter joins the voice cast. Not the voice capital v, the show, but joins the cast of voices for Lion King. Mufasa.


Love that. I mean, her mother was in the most recent. Who was she? She was Nala, right?


Yeah. Yeah.




Mm hmm.


So I don't think I know what her voice sounds like.


This will explore the titular lion's origin story, depicting his childhood with his brother Scar, who becomes the main antagonist in the Lion King. Aaron Pierre and Kelvin Harrison Junior will voice the younger versions of Mufasa and Scar, respectively. James Earl Jones voice Mufasa in 1994 and the 2019 remix.


Such a voice.


Speaking of remix remakes, that is a stellar one.


Completely agree. That opening. Oh, my God. I think I could chill. I could watch it endlessly. And I feel like when it came out, people were saying it was like a flaw. People were not excited about it. I remember there being just some hate.


Yeah, they were wrong for that. Also, members of the 2019 voice cast are returning, including John Kenny, who played Rafiki, Seth Rogen as Pumbaa. Billy Eichner is Timon, Donald Glover as Simba and Beyonce as Nala. And then Beyonce's daughter, blue Ivy Carter, will play Kiara, who's the daughter of Simba of King Simba and Queen Nala.


Wait, I'm sorry. Is this a prequel or a sequel? It sounds like both, because Simba's kid.


Simba's kid. That's the future. But we're also learning about their upbringing. That's the past.


What's the movie called?


It's called Mufasa now. The Lion King.


Pardon my ignorance. Who's Mufasa again?


Mufasa. Simba's God.


Who? Spoiler.


Original king. Yeah.


That's James Earl Jones. Yeah.


Yeah. And then it was also revealed everyone girder loins at Lin Manuel Miranda is penning the film's song.


Oh, my God. I'm so glad you just brought that up. Because when I was talking to Josh Peck, he brought up Lin Melmomuranda, like, in the conversation for Fiddler on the roof. And I said, josh, please tell me Lin Mlmiranda's not involved in the project. He said he doesn't think he is.


No, that's.


But it didn't even cross my mind. Cause these days, like, who does musicals? Who's the guy? It's Lin Manuel.


You know, who needs to do Pasik and Paul?


Yes. Thank you. He needs to pack.


And Paul for Fiddler on the roof.


Pacic is jewish. I don't know about Paul, but, yeah, we need, like, zionist choreography composers.


Yeah, yeah. Passing.


I'm telling you, if they left it up to us, like, we could slay the house down boots.


No. And also, like, we can work with the suits, you know? I understand we're not gonna have it all our way, and some of our artistic vision is going to be compromised, because not everything can happen. And we have budgets and timelines, and we have to answer to people scheduling. But I feel like I would be really good at working with others to make this project come to life.


And we're proficient in canva.


We are proficient in canva. So what more do we need?


Put that on your resume.


We should actually start a list of all of our ideas for Fiddler on the roof remake in case if anybody.


Ever does come to us.


And that way, also, if anyone comes to us, and also if they ever remake it, we could be like, oh, we thought this, but it was that.


Okay, so passing and Paul to the music. Adam Sandler's daughter has to be like, that's, I think, one of our really good, good ones.


Okay. Daughters. We'll do a list of eligible daughters.


I know who should be the matchmaker.




Alex Bornstein, Miss Ungermeyer.


Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. She's got the part.


And she's, like, so jewish.


I love that. And then for Tevye, our choices were. I had Sasha Baron Cohen. You had lie of shriver.


Oh, yeah. I think my Lia Schreiber is, like, a really good one.


I also would put Adam Sandler down. I would let him audition.


I would let him audition. Honestly, I don't know if I can see him as anything other than Adam Sandler. Like, for real. No.


I could see him being like, if I were a rich man.


And the thing is with Borat, like, I can't see him not making it, like, satire. And it's not a satirical role.


Actually, the movie is a little satirical. He's, like, talking to the camera. It's very jokey.


It's not a bad call, like, at all.


No. We'll add them all to the list. Who else do we have for daughters?


Liam, Michelle.


We at Lee and Michelle. I feel like we had some other really fyre castings, but I thought, oh, and then for men, we had Josh peck. We will not allow Ben Platt anywhere near our movie.


No, like, stay away. Literally.


I also would like to see. I'm gonna put this back on the list. Like, David Foster working with Pasik and Paul.


Oh, I love, love, love that. Oh, who's gonna play, like, our. The nazi guy who runs away with Chava.


Oh, who's our Nazi? Well, he's a. He is a cossack, but, like, same. Anyone. Like, seriously?


Let me think. Like, who's perfect for Mark Ruffalo?


Glen Powell.


Mark Ruffalo. Stop.


No, he's not coming anywhere near this movie. It still has to be someone that we like. Glenn Powell.


Yeah. By the way, Glenn Powell's a perfect casting.


There can only be one non jew in the movie, and it's Glenn Powell.


I agree. And he gives allyship energy.


Yeah. You know, it's gonna hurt him to do it.


Yes, but I was gonna say there's only one non jew in the movie. Right? I mean, yes. Friends.


Yeah, yeah, his friends. But also that judge who's, like, the head.


No, that's Margaret.


The guy on the horse. He does look like Mark Ruffalo.


No, because the guy, he does look like Markovalo, but the guy on the horse, like, he had to carry out the anti semitic rulings. But you could tell he was a coward, but in his heart, he didn't think it was right.


Yeah. No, he wasn't, like, as bad as you could be, of course. Like, he could have stood up for. But then they just would have brought in someone worse.


He was a cog.


He was a cog.


Yeah. That guy.


Laser wooly looks.


Oh, okay, wait. We need someone like a James Gandolfini. Energy.




Laser wolf. Wait. Oh, I have laser wolf. Josh. Gad.


Oh, that's good. That.


No, Jackie, that's not good. That's amazing.


That's really.


He's jewish, and he looks like laser wolf.


Yep. Yeah. 00000 Claudia dina Mendel or Jack Black.


Okay, wait.


For Tevia.


Jack Black for Tevye. Jack Black for Tevye. He sings. He's Jewish. And wait, I just had an amazing call. Adida Menzel for Golda.


Okay, she's jewish.




Adele de Zim.


Adele does eam.




Oh, I feel like we could also get Selma Blair in the project. She's a proud. You just put her name. I don't know what. What?


For, like, village person?


Yeah, like, someone.


Okay, I'll just add her to.


I actually feel like we have something really, really good here. Like, I don't know, if you can, like, sell an idea like this, but, like, somebody should pay for it. Or they could just steal it. Cuz it's like we were saying it on the podcast.


Yeah. Honestly, like, I want to see it get made, so I'll. I'll give it away.




Oh, you know who else would be a good tevia?




Jon Favreau.


Is he jewish?


No, he's on this list of actors that are jewish.


Okay, wait. Also Jeff Garland somewhere. But actually, I don't think there's a role for Jeff Garland.


I don't think so either. He's not someone that's, like, a period piece.


No. Like, he could only exist this year.


Except, you know what's technically a period piece? The Goldbergs.


So true, actually. So true. We could take from the Goldbergs, too, even though I feel like a lot of those people aren't even jewish.


Yeah, no, we're good.


We're good. We have. It's in a really good spot.


I feel things are really shaping up nicely.


I'm excited.


Me too. Can't wait to watch it.




And those are the fast five stories, so. Yeah. Mufasa Lion King origin story. I love that. I love the Lion King. Like, I think it's great. Music's great. I would love more. Give me more. Give me. Give me more.


Okay. She's sassy today. I so enjoyed getting to spend this time with you.


Me as well.


And I hope everybody has an amazing day. Thank you so much for listening to the toast, the Lenny morning show, where we deliver the fastest stories you need to know every Monday through Friday. And YouTube. So if you're watching us on YouTube, please don't forget to subscribe. Leave this video. Thumbs up. We're also available. Stunning and wickedly talented. We are. We'll see you tomorrow.


Love ya. Bye.