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Good morning, millennials.


Welcome back to the Chosen Happy Wednes Day. That's right. It's Hump Day. Don't forget to hump someone you love. Speaking of people I love, hey, Jacks, how you doing?


I'm doing good, La Terre DeLou. Excited for today's show. We have a lot on the docket. Yes, we do. Vannerpump Rules was on last night.


Yes. Scheduling update, Dear Toaster has been pushed to tomorrow because the grand finale of Vannerpump Rules, part three of the reunion, was on last night. So Jackie and I will be tackling that in today's TV recap, in addition to just the fast five, catching up with the swirleys, all the things going on. And it's going to be a great show.


It really is. I texted you last night after Vannerpump Rules, and of course, you didn't answer me. I didn't. Explain yourself.


Remind me what you said again. I know it was about Vannerpump.


I said, BPR Reunion Part 3 was so good. I'm locked in.


Yeah, you said part 3 had me locked in. And I was like, Oh, has Jackie had a lobotomy? She doesn't talk like that. And I had watched it two hours before you. I watched it live, and I had moved on. I can't explain it.


Okay, rude.


Yeah, I had moved on. Ben and I restarted Entourage. And I don't know, I was there.


You couldn't even... I guess we're not these people. I don't feel like you need to respond to my text if you don't actually have a response in your heart. But you couldn't throw me a bone. But I don't want a bone thrown for a bone's sake.


And I figured we literally have designated time the next morning to talk about it, so maybe we could talk about it there.


But do you ever feel like... Because it's all work, no play, what if I just want to talk to you about the Van der Pump Rules reunion?


You doing that and we're not recording is weird of you. No cap.


I know. But it's also weird that I feel like we're on the reunion where they're talking about things for the camera and not for the camera, but everything should be for the camera since this is our genuine lives. But then there should be things not for the camera. Oh, my God. Are we? Van der Pols.


Jackie, we have plenty that's not for the camera, okay?


We do have plenty.


So we have that. Wait, you texted me. Oh, just really quickly. So Ben and I restarted Entourage just because we weren't in the mood to watch a full movie, and we just wanted an hour of TV before bed. So we watch three episodes of Entourage. Ask me how many times they say the R-word in the first three episodes of Entourage. At least seven.


Yeah, you know that about Entourage, and you've remarked on that before.


Yeah, no, I think I even wrote I got it in my book. It's really a testament to how things change so quickly because Entourage is still a super relevant show. It hasn't been cut out. And I think it's good. It's important to know we used to talk like that. And they call each other the F slur because they're like, toxic straight men. They call each other F. It's so crazy. What's so crazy that not enough people talk about. I totally forgot there was a time where Sarah Foster was a full-blown actress. She's working actress. She's in 90210. She plays herself. She's in 90210. She plays Jen, iconic. But she's in one of the early episodes of Entourage, playing herself. She's on Kimmel as an actress, just doing Kimmel. It's so crazy.


Oh, that's so fun. Also, speaking of the F-slur, did you see that the Pope said the F-slur?


I did. And Pope drama is probably my favorite category of things to discuss. Of course, the famous liking of the bikini models, Instagram from the Pope's account. The famous Puffer. The Puffer, really, truly, the AI-generated Puffer. I have to imagine it was like a lost in translation moment. What he meant in his language as gayness came off as F-ness.


I actually only saw the headline. I I didn't see a clip. Was he speaking in English?


No, the Pope doesn't speak English. He speaks Italian.


Right. So then he said the English slur word?


No. Okay, let me tell you. Because- I guess I shouldn't have brought up because I didn't see it. The gay response to this is so funny. They're not really offended. I don't think they think the Pope is homophobic. The gay community, I'm talking about gay men. They love the F word. They use it in their own community. I think they're this moment because it's given them a new word to use. Yeah. Okay. So the Pope was quoted using the word F-R-O-C-I-A-G-G-I-N-E, which in Roman It's Roman-Italian dialect. It's Roman-Italian dialect. Roughly translate to 'ethness'.




'f', the letter...


I'm not going to say the slur. I'll rhyme it, shall I?


No. No, just 'fness'. What don't you understand? The 'f slur', N-E-S-S.


'f slur'?


Do you know the 'f slur' I'm talking about? It's not fuck.




Yeah, a cigarette.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Okay, but they didn't use that-ness. Oh, I guess he did. Okay.


That's what the word translates to, the Italian word.


Got it. When I saw the F word, I thought he was speaking English.


But he was reiterating his opposition to gay men studying the priesthood. Why?


I don't know.


I feel like that's what we should be talking about.


Obviously, that word-I do think people are talking about everything that he said, but then the way it was distilled to TikTok, and it's about the word.


Well, why can't the queers study for priesthood?


You'll have to watch his speech in Italian.


Aren't priests celibate? It doesn't even matter.




I just want to say, I don't feel like the gay is dying to become priests, but they should be allowed. I'm sure they're like, No, I'm all set.


No, the Pope is just blunder after blunder.


Wild. I know. It feels like the Pope needs crisis PR.




And I think we just might be the girls to do it?


You think so?


No, no. I don't know enough. No, no. Because we're also Jewish.


I don't know enough about the faith.


Yeah. And you know me, I'm always confusing Christian and Catholic, which is really uncool of me. I need to do better. Yeah. That's. But I know the Pope is Catholic.


The Pope is Catholic.


Because that's like that phrase, Is the Pope Catholic?




Affirmative? Yeah. And of course, I can't think about the Pope without thinking about that movie.


Which one?


Euro trip. If you I don't think about anything. Well, I guess if you're Catholic, you would think about other things. But they've elected a new Pope.


Yeah, that's not what I was thinking of. But that is... They have elected a new Pope.


It's up there for me.


I think of not some great things.


Oh, of course.


Of course. Spotlight. I think of Spotlight. I think of The Keepers on Netflix. I think of this. This is a positive one, that sketch on SNL with Kevin Hart playing the new Pope.


Yes, that's a great one.


That's a good one. That's positive.


Oh, yeah. I forgot. There's like... I feel like the Efsler is just the tip of the iceberg for the Pope and his issues.


Yeah. So do better, Pope.


Dbp. Dbp. So we've got a great show, as we stated, and as I feel is obvious.


It's evident at this point. Before we get into the great show that's stated, there's something that we want to talk about. I want to talk about what's going on in the world, in Israel, in Gaza, because there's a lot on social media and online, and a lot that happened over the weekend. And I want to talk about all of it because I do feel like we've been vocal pro-Israel voices throughout this entire war. Right now, Israel is carrying out a military operation in Ra'afa, which is a heavily populated, densely populated area. They evacuated almost a million people into a safe zone so they could carry out their operation. And on Sunday, they targeted two Hamas leaders in a very precise military strike, and they hit their target. And the investigation is still ongoing. But then Schrapnel, from that, hit a munitions warehouse, a Hamas mission warehouse, that then started a fire in one of the camps where refugees were living. Like a safe zone. A safe zone where people were living and was expected to be safe. And many people died in the fire. Terrible. Really just upsetting, awful. Nobody wants that. Nobody wants to see that.


That's not the desired outcome for anybody, not for Israel. It's so upsetting to see.


Yeah, especially because I feel like people who are involved in this war who support Israel have been really trying to show people of the length that Israel goes to to avoid things like this. Civilian casualties are not a goal of Israel. It's really just them trying to defend themselves. And the ultimate goal for everyone, like Palestinians included, is to get rid of Hamas. That benefits everyone in the region. So when something like this happens, of course, social media plays such a crazy part in spreading information and mostly misinformation. But I feel like as long supporters of Israel, we're always sharing the length that they go to to avoid things like this. That's not, like you said, a desired outcome for Israel, for Israelis, for the IDF, for Palestinians, for anyone.


For anyone. And so quickly people are posting online, Israel bombed a humanitarian camp, a UN safe zone. And that's not what happened. And it spread this blood libel around the world that this was an intentional hit by Israel.


And what happened- And if you're seeing this message on social media, it's like all eyes on Rafa. That's what this is regarding.


Right. And that's what it's been distilled down to. And I I don't know how to talk about everyone posting that. But first, the immediate lie that's being told is that Israel did this intentionally. No, Israel targeted- Terrorists. Legit military targets, terrorists, well within international law.


It was over a mile away from the camp.


But because Hamas keeps their weapons and their people so entrenched in civilian populations and amongst innocent civilians, their weapon... Unition shouldn't be that close. Close to a safe zone.




So per usual, there's one common enemy here, and it's Hamas. And Hamas doesn't care about civilian casualties on their own side. They don't care. Obviously, they intend for civilian casualties when they go into Israel. And it's just a really terrible situation. And now this lie is being perpetuated. Even further, Israel is committing genocide, Israel is killing babies, which Israel does not do. And that is not the intention of Israel. They are in Gaza, trying to get back the hostages that were stolen from their beds on October seventh.


I don't know why that's- Bodies of dead hostages have been recovered in Rafeh. That's why we're there.


Starting the military operation in Rafeh, they've recovered seven hostage bodies. It's known that there are a lot of hostages who are being held there, and they are there to extract them. If Hamas would turn over the hostages, this war could end, but they don't. So Israel has to go and get them. They're not there for no reason. It's so frustrating. And so seeing people using this as a way to just smear Israel and the military per usual. And it's the same folks as usual who are doing it. But now it's like, reach this level where I feel like people who don't know a lot about what's going on and don't speak on it because they don't know feel like they have to because everybody else is posting the same thing. And so now everybody's posting this all eyes on Rafa graphic. I think for a lot of people who haven't said anything, they saw what happened on Sunday, and it's terrible on all counts, and they want to show that they care. And so they post this with no context without knowing what it means. And I think it's one of the few graphics that's not calling for the express genocide of the Jews, not from the river to the sea.


So it feels like a safe thing to post. But they have no idea what they're saying and what it means and how it contributes to this lie against Israel. And I just feel like all of these people who are so quick to assume the worst about the IDF and don't realize the links that they go to make sure things, to try and make sure that things like this don't happen. But it's an impossible warfare situation, this urban warfare, where usually when two armies fight against each other, they fight on a battlefield. But Hamas has made that impossible. Their soldiers dressed in civilian clothes. They hide weapons under children's beds. This is not normal warfare. Israel is in an impossible situation, fighting for their life, fighting for their life. I think I saw a message. Someone was like, Are you going to say anything? Like, actual beheaded babies and people burned alive. I'm like, What do you mean actual? Someone who sends that is not a serious person because what do you mean actual? As if October seventh, that's not what happened?


It's also really, I think, difficult to talk about because it's happening so far away. And you get used to it, having these conversations, and it feels so weird because we're talking about human beings. These are real people. I think what people really don't understand, especially people who are critical of Israel and the Jewish people, is like such a core value in Judaism is the preservation and the celebration of life. There's like that quote from the Talmud, it's like, To save a life is to save a thousand. So I think when people I think when people don't really understand, and they just believe everything that they read, it paints this brush, where it's like, Jewish people, supporters of Israel, people in Israel, don't give a fuck about who lives or who dies in Palestine. And that couldn't be further from the truth. And civilian casualties, and Israel has had many, and Palestine has had, they're terrible, and they're of equal value. And I think to assume that anyone who doesn't see both civilians as equally valuable, that's wrong.


And that's just not where- Who thinks like that?


I know. And that's what's so crazy about social media, is you become so desensitized, and you're talking about... You see people referring to human beings like that, and it's wrong. And it makes it difficult because we feel so staunchly defensive of Israel, and it makes it really difficult to talk about because these are human beings. These are people who've passed away. And it's really sad, no matter who it is. And then there's this other added element, like you said, where it's like Israel and the Jewish people feel like we're depending our right to exist, right?


Yeah. No, that's what it is. Hamas has expressly called for genocide against the Jews. Israel has never, not once, goes out of their way to minimize civilian casualties. Hamas goes out of their way to maximize civilian casualties. Civilian casualties are the point.


And this is like a cycle in this war in particular, but all wars in Hamas, it's what they do. And I think it's important to remember, in October, a bomb went off in a hospital, Al Ali Hospital, and immediately it came out- In Gaza. In Gaza. It said that the hospital is The hospital was hit. No, and then it's completely in rubble. It's completely gone. Five hundred people died, and this was in an Israeli airstrike, and it was everywhere. The New York Times, within 30 seconds. It's impossible to know that information in that short amount of time, but it was everywhere. It was fact. And within two days, it was completely refuted. One, the rocket did not come from Israel. It actually came from within Gaza from another terrorist organization trying to hit Israel, but it fell short. It hit the hospital. Five hundred people did not die. Fifty did, which is still horrible. I hate to even say that it's minimizing, but it also didn't hit the hospital. The hospital was still standing. The picture that was going around was fake, and it hit the parking lot. So you have to remember, so much of the information that's coming out of Gaza aren't coming from the civilians.


It's coming from these Hamas run organization. So to take these lies as facts and run with them and pull them everywhere on social media and report it as fact, it's so damaging, but it's also just a lie.


Yes, it is. And you have to ask yourself why some people are so quick to believe the lies about Israel, but won't believe or look at the things that are the hours of footage from October seventh, the things that are completely factual, things that did happen. There's footage from both sides. They filmed themselves, and you still won't look at it and accept that this happened.


You're calling it propaganda.


And now that Israel has to go and fight a war to defend themselves. I also just want to talk for one second about the influencers, because I think a lot of influencers listen to this podcast, and I think our audience that we're talking to are pretty sound of mind in general. But I do feel like in this moment, a lot of influencers feel pressure to pose something. And as I said, that all eyes on Rafa graphic looks safe because they saw something terrible that happened, and they want to say something. And I feel like on October seventh, I really felt so strongly, people need something terrible happen, speak out. And people weren't speaking out. And since then, my bar has lowered. And now my bar is like, if you don't know what's going on, please don't wait in, don't say anything. And certainly, if you didn't say anything when Jews were murdered in their sleep, raped to death, beaten, taken hostage. Babies, kids, if you didn't say anything then, now is not the time. Certainly don't. Seven months in to say, Hey, I care because you don't and you didn't.


No, if you're entering the conversation now when things are so complicated, we're in the middle of a war and you were nowhere to be found on October eighth. To me, your intentions are quite clear, and I don't take anything you say seriously because obviously, the death of Jews means nothing to you, and that's great. So shut the fuck up.


Right. I just want to share something that I saw an influencer post who clearly just wanted Get involved. Well meaning. Show people that she is watching the news. And so she posts this graphic. Even the first three words of this graphic, before we even get into the lies of what it says, it says, Israeli Occupation Forces. Okay, let's just talk If you see Israeli Occupation Forces, this person probably didn't even read the graphic, but Israeli Occupation Forces, no, it's called the Israeli Defense Forces. Defense Forces. That's the name of the Israeli military, the IDF. If you are calling it the Israeli Occupation Force, then you believe that Israel is occupying the land of Israel, that the Jews do not have a right to live in the land of Israel, and that the Jews should be ethnically cleansed from Israel. In the first three words, that's what you just said. Is that what you mean? Probably not. So don't post this shit.


The social media activism adds a really crazy layer where people just want to post something. And it's been proven that a lot of the pro-Hamas rhetoric is supplied by bot farms. So there's all these fake accounts sending messages to people with a lot of followers. And this girl who's just trying to post her family and her clothes, getting all these messages like, You support beheaded children. It I can understand how we get to a point in influence her culture.


What do I post to show these people that I don't support that?


Of course.


And also, it's like, you could post that, and really, you're not going to get a lot of hate because that's not what our side does. It's hate and target and go off in that way. But if you post anything remotely defensive of Israel, that's what the other side does. So really, what sane person wants to invite into their little internet world? No one. But the thing is, you've got to be a little stronger than that at the most and smarter than that at the least. How about just don't say anything that you don't know about when there are so many global conflicts going on in the world at any given time, historically, since you've been on Instagram, you didn't speak on them, hundreds of thousands of people murdered, genocide, slavery, human trafficking, nothing from you. But when the Jewish state needs to defend itself from the genocidal cycle path living next door, now you've got a problem.


It feels futile. It does. I don't even sometimes want to talk about it because it feels like a David and Goliath situation, right?


You see how many shares are on the one graphic and how many shares are on the other graphic. It does feel that way. I'm starting to feel like it's not my job anymore. More because the people who don't believe that Israel is really well-intented in this and doing their best for the safety of everyone in the region, everyone, not just Jews. There are millions of other people who live in Israel, in the surrounding areas. And Israel's stability is good for the stability of the realm. The region. They're doing their best for everyone. I cannot keep explaining that to you. Not you tosters, because I feel like you get it. I just want to say, I don't know when the next time we'll talk about this is, but I feel like where it feels futile. I'm starting to feel like it's not my job to explain everything anymore. If you keep jumping to the worst conclusions about Israel, you need to ask yourself why. Then you need to look inward. Yeah. If you really are taking the word of a terrorist organization so much more easily than you're believing the democratic nation in the area that's under a microscope, you need to ask yourself why.


Also, like we said, it's war and it's horrible and terrible things happen. I think even in this war in particular, there have been incidents where Israel fucked up and accidentally killed civilians, which is so... And they have immediately taken... There's a track record. They've immediately taken responsibility. What happened at that kitchen. They came out immediately and released a statement being like, Shit, that was a fuck up on our... We take responsibility. So there is There's a track record. There's a paper trail of when things have not gone the way that Israel intended them taking full responsibility. Do you think that they would intentionally set fire to a humanitarian camp that they have been urging people for months to move to?


Do you think they would drop it A 950,000-pound bomb? 950,000 people to.


Knowing they're under this microscope, knowing that their actions then have consequences for Jews living all around the world. Do you think that... Let's just apply logic here. That's not something they would do. If you look at history, and even in the last year since this started, any time that there has been an accidental loss of civilian life, Israel has immediately taken responsibility for it. So they haven't done that here because that was not their goal. They dropped two small strikes on two Hamas leaders. The bombs were like 30 pound mountains.


There's actually an intercepted call that was posted. I think the IDF shared it from two Hamas militants talking about how it was their weapons and munitions warehouse that- What are you doing putting thousands of weapons in a humanitarian zone?


You're obviously not a good faith actor.


Well, that's the point. They're not. Duh. To keep operating in people who are thinking that in some way this is a fair fight, it's not.


So just be... What's the word I'm looking for? Not critical, but everything you see on social media, like thoroughly- Question it.


Also, I'm sure people will bring this up, but there's also another lie that's going on. So the President of Israel, or the Prime Minister, not Tuna, who he released a statement when this happened because this is a tragedy. Of course. And he was expressing that, and he did so in Hebrew, and he used a word that then English... He said this was a terrible... I forgot the Hebrew word, but he used the word that translates to mishap. This was a terrible mishap. And the reporter translated it as a mistake. This was a terrible mistake. And then that goes all around the world- Went around. That Israel has claimed that this was a mistake and that they did this. That's not even the word that he used because that's not what happened. But then that's out there. So people will be like, No, not to get her ready. Israel said they did it. Israel said they did it. Israel did not do it, nor did they say that they do it. And the investigation is still ongoing because these things take time to suss out what exactly really happened.


Yeah. I just think it's really hard to talk about when we feel so strongly and in support of Israel's right to exist and their right to defend themselves. But then at the end of the day, at the hands of Hamas, so many people have died, Israelis and Palestinians. And if at the end of the day, you aren't laying blame on the terrorist group in the region, you obviously have some stronger issues inside that you need to work on. But it's just so It is so sad.


It is so sad. It keeps coming back to this. Even with the aid, when aid is donated, Hamas seizes it. They shoot people. There are videos, they shoot people who run up to the trucks and try and get some for themselves. To get water. And so when you're donating to some of these organizations, you are literally donating to the terrorists. And the best way to help them is to help eradicate the terrorist organization in the region.


And I think a criticism that I've seen of myself and the Tosa is, we attack anyone who's Who supports Israel. I mean, excuse me. Who supports Palestine and Palestinian lives. And that couldn't be further from the truth. And so I think what Jackie just said is so important. I'm not mad that you want to raise money for civilians in Palestine. We all do. I can understand the reflex. There's a zero % chance that the money you raised actually makes its way into the hands of an innocent Palestinian civilian. Hamas is so embedded themselves in every... The Gaza Ministry of Health, that's Hamas. They've embedded themselves into the UN. Red Cross hasn't visited any- The hostage bodies were found in a UN Refugee Association building.


They are everyone. I can understand seeing a video, a horrible video, and your reflex is to help, and you're over here, and what can I do? And I want to send money, and that makes you feel good.


But it's- The odds of that money making it-causing more harm because you are arming and feeding a terrorist so that they can continue to do what they do, which is kill people. And there are civilians in Palestine starving, and they have no water. And I think people are immediately blame Israel for that. But if you knew the hundreds of trucks that enter Gaza every day, zero of it makes, zero of the aid, zero of the money, zero of the water, zero of the food makes it to the actual civilians who are starving. So that's where I think the criticism comes from. It's not this lack of empathy or lack of care for the people living there. They're human beings.


Yeah. But I think there's a problem, and I think a lot of people are misdiagnosing the problem. Yeah, exactly. And it's actually going to exacerbate the problem.


I think that Bill Maher went on The View and did a really good job of explaining it. It was one of my favorite interviews. And if you're looking for more things to watch, I liked that a lot. Yeah. So as always, it's hard We do have these conversations because it's so personal to Jackie and I, and we definitely feel this responsibility. But at the end of the day, the point of the show, this is supposed to be joyous, and we're not supposed to be talking about these terrible tragedies going on in the world. And so the goal of this show has and always will be to bring light and joy and positivity, and we will continue to do that. But I think today in particular, felt especially an obligation, almost.


An obligation because I think a lot of well-meaning people are like, Wait, what happened? And Why aren't the girls talking about it? So just wanted to touch on it. It's hard to then pivot to the show. But that is what we do. And so we shall. Okay. And I guess without further ado.


I guess. It's so awkward.


There's no good way to do it.


But that's what we do here. Dark light. We're just here to bring joy. So let's just get this really uncomfortable segue over with. Yes.


And perhaps- And go into the fast five stories, or is there anything else you wanted to catch us up on?


Oh, was there anything else about me?


From TD, turdy's day.


I went for a run. Mazel. Thank you so much. It wasn't my best. I'm starting a 12-week running program. So it was day one, and so it's like resetting. It was like two-minute running, one minute walking, which that's old turdy.


Do you find it hard to hold yourself back?


No, actually, because I took a two week break from running, and it's crazy when you don't run, you stop becoming a runner. I was seriously panting out of breath. I thought I was going to throw up.




Yeah. You have any sourdough yesterday? People are equating your journey with sourdough and my journey with running are two annoying personalities. But I just want to say, and I want to say something. I see the comments even like, Cherny did such a good job of pretending she cares. First of all, eat my ass. I love my sister. And yes, even when she talks about things that bore me to tears, I still care. I'm just not peppering her with questions. And And with sourdough, I actually care. You think I don't care about bread?


I didn't feel that you were pretending to care, and I can sometimes feel when you are pretending. But I think it's more so like... It's not about what I'm doing. I don't know if there be anything that I could be doing that you're not doing that you would care so deeply about. I think it's more so like just turdy cares about turdy things more than non- turdy things.


But I resented, especially with the sourdough, because I feel like I'm actually into the sourdough conversation. I love bread.


I felt like yesterday you were into the conversation. You were peppering me with questions.


Yeah. And also, when you sent me that picture of your bread, it was sick. It was sick.


The excitement was palpable. Yeah.


Oh, my God. Do you know something I've been saying recently that I don't know where I picked it up from, but I need to stop. Do you notice it?




Sick? Let's go. Mostly in text messages. First of all, when I was in my golf lesson, every time I did a good shot, I was like, Let's go.


You know where you probably got it from? Where? Going to the next game.


Actually, maybe. Because when you sent that picture of your bread, you were like, I did it. I was like, Let's go. And then also, I've been texting with Dog friendly living about Romeo's journey, and she's sending updates, we're sending updates. And every time there's a positive update, I'm like, Let's go.


There's worse things to say than that.


I know, but it's like, Where's my penis?


Also, speaking of things that we say, I've been meaning to mention how you know how we've been saying all's to say? You know, in Fortnite, she says the correct phrase, which is, All of that to say. All of this?


Well, okay, you're totally off pitch-wise, but All of this to say. That's what she says.


Right. That's the phrase.


No, I feel like we're saying the phrase right.


All's to say? No, I think the point is we're not.






All of this to say? Yeah, I guess.


It's just too many syllables.


Too many words.


We respect brevity here.


And we respect bread.


We respect toast. D-o-a-s-t.


Well, that's a great segue into our ads.


It is. Without further ado, it is time for the Fast Five Stories that you need to know.


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I saw I saw the sign. It opened up my eyes, I saw the sign.


Jackie, that's beautiful.


Thank you. Our first story about another singer, not me.




No. Jlo's deal for a $1 million per show, what lost Vegas residency is in jeopardy as her new album and concert tour are flopping. Jlo was recently in talks for a $90 million Las Vegas residency, but the blockbuster deal now looks shaky at best as her new album and upcoming concert tour are flopping badly, the post has learned. The embattled pop diva, whose headline, Grabbing marriage to Ben Affleck, is reportedly crumbling, recently had been in talks with MGM Grand on a guaranteed $1 million show for 90 dates starting next year, a source quote.


That's $90 million. Yeah.


But Casino executives have lately grown skittish over a business ticket sales for her first tour in five years following the release of her This is me now album in February, with poor demand having forced the cancelation of seven shows this summer.


Yikes. Oh, my God. I didn't even hear that update, seven shows have been canceled.


Yeah. And then Rival Casino Resorts World up the bidding for JLo to $875,000 per show in partnership with AEG. Soon after, MGM and Live Nation then swooped in with an a million dollar per show offer for JLo. But buyer's remorse has lately set in. A source said, MGM is watching her not doing well on the road. They are very nervous. It's pretty rare you have a poor tour and then go to Vegas.


Okay, I do agree with that. However, I feel like we've been talking so much about JLo's career, like how she's at this inflection point. I think whoever told her to release an album and then go on tour for that album. Seriously, she'd be fired. It's like, read the room. But I don't know if that necessarily means that she wouldn't have a successful residency. First of all, when you think about the rooms that residencies take place in, they're much smaller. It's not arenas. She's going on an arena tour, which is 20,000 people. A Vegas residency is 2,000 to 3,000 people. Adele, the theater wasn't that big. Gaga wasn't that big because it takes place in a hotel. It's smaller venues, first of all. Second of all, I think if I think if her tour failing tells us anything, it's like maybe she's ready for a residency. Do you know what I mean?


Yes, but it definitely puts a smell on things. And I just want to say- Of course, $90 million. Jlo and Vegas, like handshaking emoji. Perfect. That's the vibe of music you want to hear when you're in Vegas, she is so Vegas. That's where she's at in her career.


She has so many hits. Also, the vibe of her show is so big. It's like lights, glitter, dancing.


We saw the Super Bowl teaser. That's what it's going to be. So I think this is a great idea at any time. However, and I don't I think that this will overall be affected. But she's going out on tour, she's coming to your city, and it's flopping still. It makes her being in Vegas less attractive to the concert goer because it's like she's not in a great moment right now. But I still think if she does her residency, it'll get amazing. If she does it well, which she will, it will get amazing reviews. People will go. It will be really good. But I do think that her doing a week sauce tour, an album right before, makes things less exciting.


It's also really crazy to do a worldwide arena tour back to back with a residency. That's not really what you do. Even if you're at the top of your game, that's a lot of demand. There's a lot of tickets to sell. And JLo is not at the top of her game. But I think what the major takeaway from people with these two movies/documentaries that she released on Prime that people really dragged her for was that she lives in her own world. Any person around her, they're very much coddling her. I don't think she really even knows at this point what the vibes are out there when it comes to her public perception. I think people around her protect her, which is good, but it can get you into bad spots, selling arenas and nobody's buying tickets in your canceling shows.


Yeah, that's very true.


It's also really crazy that she just released a documentary, and she made a whole thing about how she had to finance her own movies, and then Amazon, and she bet on herself and Amazon. The person who wrote JLo a check for Prime Video, who put out a documentary called The Greatest Love Story Ever Told, and then one month later, she's getting divorced, where's the accountability? Does somebody get fired for that?


I don't think so. I think JLo is a lover. She loves hard. I think it's actually on brand for her to have such a high love story. She never said it's forever.


No, and she actually says in her documentary, she's been married four times. She loves being married. She used to be really afraid of being alone. That's the type of honesty I actually really appreciate. I felt like her documentaries, though, and that's what people's takeaway was, was it was so not real. And you know what would be an actually good documentary? Right now, you're having this moment. You're at a rock bottom of your career, and then you're going to take on this Vegas residency, and you're going to put your whole fucking pussy into it. You're going to train. You're going to work hard. Very much like how Beyoncé did, all the behind the scenes of what she did for Netflix. What are you about to say?


You know what documentary that is?




Bet It All on Blonde, Erika James. Oh, sure. The Phoenix Rising from the Ashes, Taking Her Talents to Vegas, Starting Again on Her Own.


That's a documentary worth making. Jlo in this career low. Everyone's saying she can't sell the- A comeback story.


Everybody loves a comeback story. She's not even that low.


But she just dropped two back-to-back documentaries. It's like, enough documentaries. And then she also had Half-Time on Netflix. It's like, seriously enough.


First of all, she's not even that low, I just want to say. She's still JLo. Second of all, you know what it's also- I don't know.


I think she's pretty low.


You know what it's also reminding me of? What? How Adele's Vegas residency got a little smelly before the kickoff with the pool and the cancelation.


Yeah, but it was It was never about demand.


No, but still, there was a bad taste, and she completely superseded the taste. Different issue, but there was a smelliness. Worse issue. It was a smelliness.


Yeah, but J-Lo's issue is way worse. People not wanting to come. That's the baseline. And that was Adele, say what you want, but people were so mad because they wanted to go so badly. It's like the opposite. No, I know.


Not the same issue, but a little bit of not coming in on the best environment.


I do feel like, obviously, hindsight's 2020, and this is an annoying thing of me to say, but she never should have released this most recent album. She never should have released those two prime video documentaries because the jokes that were made about her from two clips that went viral, I think, really did damage, especially with a younger audience. Had she just chilled and then announced his Vegas residency, she'd be raking in $90 million. People would be going for sure, and they would be talking about her insane showmanship. That's what she's known for, the dancing, the outfits, the vocals. She can put on a show, and that's what she's best known for. It's It's not helpful of me to say this, but those documentaries really did badly for her. The new music and the flop of the album really show that people aren't interested in hearing new JLo music. They're just interested in the hits. You can have a fabulous career. On the hits. Celina Dion didn't release new music for a big chunk of time. Then she went through great personal tragedy, and of course, inspiration struck. Speaking of the documentaries in Celina Dion, I am very much looking forward to that documentary.


When does it jump? Apparently, she is, I think in June, which is far away. It's in two days. But she is speaking her truth. Oh, Oh, wow.


Yeah, May is only... 30 days past a memory. Oh, no, May is 31. I got another day of the month. That's exciting.


But that's a documentary I'm looking forward to.


Yeah. I'm not in my documentary mode right now. I'm really in my Reality TV mode right now. Yeah. And you're in your historical movies mode.


I'm in my based on true story mode.


Learning something new.


Yeah. I think the movie I actually wanted to watch next, which I have seen, but like a million years ago, is Pearl Harbor. Also because Ben and I were saying how I'm pretty caught up on world events around World War II, but I'm not really sure how Japan was involved. I know Hitler. I know all of that. But question mark, and not to sound so stupid, But for many, many years, I thought Pearl Harbor was World War I. I have some work to do in learning.


Well, it is two different theaters in the war. You know the European front, front and back at this point. But the Pacific Theater, which also I know less of. But every time I read something or watch something about that time, it was wild. I mean, the book The Rape of Man King.


That's what I was going to bring up, too. Every time you bring up that book, I'm like, You know what? I really need to learn more.


Yeah. And then I also read a historical fiction romance novel set in World War II China because it was occupied by a lot of different forces, then eventually Japan, in the city that they were in. It's a very big territory. The book was It's called The Last Rose of Shanghai. I would recommend it if you want to learn more in a less serious capacity. It was a love story about a German Jew who fled to China and fell in love with a Chinese woman. It's very sweet. We love. Yeah. And then, yeah, Pearl Harbor.


Pearl Harbor. So I think that's maybe what I'll watch this weekend or tonight, depending on how much time I have.


That's a nice idea.


Yeah, I'm loving it. And that's also just a very... That's a movie that launched a thousand careers. Ben Affleck, K. B.


O. D. Hill. And a thousand ships, literally. Literally. Are you ready for our next story? Yeah. Some romance news that tickled my fancy. What? Mary Kate Olson and Sean Avery. I'm obsessed. Spark Dating Rumors after reuniting in the Hamptons over Memorial Day Weekend. So that headline says, This might be a case for the Olson and the Olson mystery Agency. I read that wrong. Olson and Olson mystery Agency. Okay. They'll have any crime solved by dinner time. Dinner time. Mary Kate Olson and Sean Avery sparked Dating Rumors after Reuniting in the Hamptons over Memorial Day Weekend.


What's Reuniting? Did they used to date?


Yeah, they were coupled up in 2007. That's a really long time ago, though. So it's giving me like, We used to date, didn't work out. Now we're friends. Because then they were also spotted hanging with Andy Cohen that day. And so I feel like it might not be romantic. It might be friendship.


So is this the twin who just got divorced from that old man who was then spotted with Luanne?


Luanne's man, yeah. Even though that, allegedly, has fizzled, I refuse to believe it.


No, because that's really... It's right person, wrong time.


What if I just lived in a world where I believe that Luanne and Olivia are still together? It would never actually affect me. I don't know them. Why can't I just choose to believe that they're in love?


Why can't you just create your own joy?


Create my own reality. Yeah, it literally makes no difference.


And they're truly perfect for one another. I don't know how Lou-Anne fumbled the ball on that because that was her moment. That was it.


It was. But now Mary Kate's having her moment. She was going into the Rose store in at McGanset this weekend. Sean Avery was with her. Nothing they were doing looked romantic other than the fact that they're two eligible single people who at one point dated.


And they used to date. I love this. I need these two to date. I just don't know, seriously, how you can be sexually attracted to Olivier and Sean. The two could not be more different. But I love this pairing. I'm so ready for the MK and A sisters to be back in the fold of pop culture. I feel like they were both really settled for a while. Business booming, relationships very stable. And now, yeah, date the hot hockey player. Love that.


Love that. Do you see the pictures?


Yeah, I'm obsessed. He's so hot.


Yeah, he is. And I've seen him and watched what happens in his life. He's got personality for days.


Yeah, he's best friends with Andy. And I remember reading in one of Andy's books, how they became friends was weird. There was like a... Oh, they were literally in the same room once. They didn't even know each other. And then it was being reported that Sean Avery was gay, and he was dating Andy, and it was just Andy and him literally became best friends from that.


So cute.


Yeah. I love this. I really hope that they're dating. I love when some... I hope so, too. I love when there's no better way to, seriously, get back in an ex than the next person you date being a long lost love of yours. Very Morgan Stewart, McGraw-coated.


Very like, I never got over him. You meant nothing to me.


No, literally, you're irrelevant.


You were in the way.


It's very much like Taylor Swift going back to Maddie Healey.


Yeah, that's definitely a blow.


To who? Joe.


Oh, duh. Was thinking I'm not about him the whole time.


Right. No, it makes you question, seriously, the last X amount of years. It's a power move. Everyone should do it, even if they don't like that person. Just for a minute, just if you really hate your ex.


Yeah, I agree. Also, speaking of the Hamptons, girly swirly Live tour this summer, West Hampton Beach Performing Arts Center. Come see our girls.


It's not cool of you to promote a show that has no tickets left. There's none.


Well, we are excited to see those of you who are coming.


There are There's 11 tickets left to the August first and second shows at the Beacon Theater. But that was when I checked yesterday. I don't know. There may be seven left. I don't know. We don't even need to promote it because we're so in demand.


Yeah. So anyways, I- I'm going to really quickly.


I have one of the biggest veggies, and it's cutting off the circulation of my labia. I'm just going to quickly hop off camera, pick my wedge, but feel free to read the next story, okay?


Hop away. I'm not going to read the next story yet because it's so personal to both you and I that I need my girly's full attention. But I also respect you doing what you have to do, because seriously, is there a worse feeling? I do not think so. She's back. No worries. How do you feel? Better?


A little bit. There's a lot going on down there between the bodysuit.


Yeah. Well, our next story is for you and I, as I said, because it's a celebrity. It's a celebrity admitting to their Ozempic usage.




And it's one of my favorite people. I could give you a guess, but I don't know.


We already spoke about Kelly.


Okay. One of my favorite reality stars. I could give a big clue. One of the few people to be on two Bravo shows, and it's not Paige.


That's what I was thinking. I'm like, Paige is on Ozempic? No. Who?


Caroline Stanbury. Oh. Yeah, my queen. So the Real House Rides of Dubai, Dubai star, Caroline Stanbury. I feel like I've had a lot of verbal blunders in this episode. Just skirt past, okay?


I have also not said anything, and I feel like I deserve some award for that.


You really do. But as long as I'm decipherable-Making sense.and you know what I'm saying, I think it's okay.


I think so, too.


But Real House Rides of Dubai star, Caroline Stanbury, says she used Ozempic to lose weight. She's speaking out about her use of Ozempic. She said in a recent episode of her podcast that she used Ozempic to lose weight during a midlife crisis she experienced at 45. In a video posted from the episode on Instagram, she said, After 40, we all know it's very, very hard to lose weight, but I met so many 40-year-old women going, How have you done it? And I don't want to lie to you, I used Ozempic, which I think is one of the best tools if you're able to use it. What did Kate Moss say? Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. There's something to be said for that.


Just love the casualty in which... I can't wait to get to a point where it's not this grand admission. It's just like, I had a headache. I took Advil. I gained some weight. I took Ozempic. I'm looking forward to that day. But people like Caroline, just being super casual and chill about it, we love.


Right. And I also think Ozempic, the perception and dialog about Ozempic has come so far, even in the last six months, in the last year. And originally it was like, this is only for diabetes people. You're taking it away from someone who needs it. And now, most people who have obesity or are severely overweight, everyone's okay with them taking it. But I do think the last frontier of this conversation are the people who are taking it to lose the last 10, 15 pounds, to become the person that they either were in the past or that they want to be or whatever it is. People have reasons for gaining a couple of pounds and having a really hard time losing them.


And so when Dr. Gheezy and I did the episode, she talked a lot about that because what she does research on, she has a study going on for people who need to lose 10 to 15 pounds, which obviously wasn't the intended goal with those I think it was people who really need to lose 40 or more pounds. But she's doing a study on the health indications for just losing 10 pounds. Not significant, not life-changing weight. And especially for older women, your risk of cardiovascular issues, she was saying, goes down. She talked about it on the Patreon, if you guys want to go listen to it. That's something she was really doing a lot of work and research on. She said there were so many health benefits for older women just losing 10 pounds, which when people are like, You need this then to lose 10 pounds. It's not for you. Well, maybe it could be down the line when it becomes more, hopefully accessible and affordable for everyone. I thought it was really interesting. You would think 10 pounds is 10 pounds. Who cares? But the research that she was doing showed enormous life-changing health benefits, adding years to your life.


Yeah. And I think the health benefits are so great. I feel like some people might need to hear that in order to be okay with people taking Ozempic at that size. But I think also it completely changes your life to lose that last 10 or 15 pounds, whether it's from gaining weight, from being pregnant or just getting to an age in your life where you can't lose that weight. And I feel like people who want to be mad at Ozempic usage have now taken all their iron out on those celebrities who are thin and are staying thin because they're using Ozempic. And I think that actually, Caroline, sharing this is different from the other people who have shared, and it's green-lighting people to use it in a way so that they can actually feel their best and live their best. That changes your life.


Yeah, for sure.


Of course, a dramatic weight loss changes your life. But finally losing that weight that's been nagging you all those years, you haven't got a new lease on life. Everyone deserves that.


Yeah. There's eight different conversations going on when it comes to Ozempic. I feel like the main one that's finally being had more, and I think the most important one, is the one that was had between Whoopie Goldberg and Kelly Clarkson on the Kelly Clarkson show. Just years and years of severe weight gain that you seriously... Acknowledging obesity as a disease and not just like, Stop eating.


Shame, blame in the weight loss revolution.


Exactly. I feel like that's the most important conversation when it comes to Ozempic. It's finally being had in a way that's just so real. People like Kelly just doing it in a way like, and Wolfie Goldberg, doing it in a way that's so relatable, I feel like is so important. Then people like Caroline Stanbury feeling comfortable to share and just being so casual about it. That's also another conversation to be had. I definitely feel like a difference has been made in how we're talking about it. I think we still have a lot to do. I will say this a thousand times, people with eating disorders in the eating disorders community need to just take themselves out of the conversation permanently because it's not about you and you're not the only people who have weight issues. There are other weight issues, and those are valid, too. They're just different than yours. I think we've made great progress.


Yes, I agree. And am I wrong to think that the shortages have gotten better? It seems like the drug is more accessible these days than it was six months ago when people couldn't get it.


Now, the real issue for a lot of people is the affordability of it. It's not covered by insurance, and that's a huge problem because people aren't having problems getting prescriptions. They're not having problems getting their prescriptions filled. They're having problems getting their insurance to cover it. If not, it's $1,000 a month.


Right. And insurance only covers it if you have diabetes, correct? Or if your blood work comes back at a level that it's concerning.


Yes. I know people who, A, can't get it covered, even though they are severely obese and have bad blood work. They still don't have that diet. It's like they're waiting for people to get diagnosed with diabetes before they want to help them. It's such a shame because people who are severely overweight are on their way to having diabetes. Why don't we just help them now instead of in a year? But yeah, it's the pricing. People go to crazy lanes, and that's what's so annoying. And that's what Dr. Gheezy was saying. She was like, I see on TikTok, people selling Ozempic, whatever, dupes. It's so dangerous. And some of these med spas, going to these rancid fake compound pharmacies, selling fake things, and you're injecting that. So the lack of accessibility and the lack of affordability is making people go crazy. And then you hear woman dies. Well, she wasn't actually taking Ozempic. She was forced to go to some back alley med spa and get some shit injected in her ass. They're doing people such a disservice, and that's where it really gets dangerous.


Yeah. So that's the next frontier, I think.


Yes. Is tackling the fact that insurance companies don't cover it.


Either insurance not covering or the price of the drug, because really, what's the price of the A drug.


Right. It's $1,000 a month.




And that's why people literally, if you go to Mexico in the pharmacy, in the airport, you can literally buy Ozempic. It's $300 for a month, which is still insane, but it's a quarter of the price. Wow. People are doing everything they can.


Yeah. Okay. Well, my queen stays winning.


Stays winning.


Are you ready? Oh, speaking of reality TV in London, I told you this the weekend that I started watching- You told me that you hit an all-time low. I did because you guys know I love... I actually really like trash reality TV. I don't know what it is about me. I started watching Selling London. I guess they brought selling Sunset to London, and I figured it's made for me. It was okay. It was interesting to see the actual real estate, though, because it's a mix of historical structures, but then the interior is super modern. And I liked learning about the different neighborhoods. Like, literally, they're selling a house in Belgavia. The Show. Hello. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What are we going to sell? Like, Downton Abbey next?


Right, right, right.


So that was fun for me.


I guess that is interesting.


I don't know if I'll go back, but I wanted something mindless. So that's what I watched. And in the absence of Ladies of London, all's to say. All's to The Greatest Show. We weren't ready as a society. No. And that's what we get. Before we get into the next story, I need to let you know a couple of things, if I may.


Go off, Quin.


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And that is just a major key. You don't want to have to be worrying about diapers. You want to get them in the right one.


And I can't stress enough how involved of an Auntie, I I am. I've changed many diapers, and I'm not weird about it. Margot's like, I won't change diapers. And let me tell you, first of all, nothing brings me more joy than getting those little babies cleaned up. And those Huggies, they're on.


They're on. Snug. They're so cute. Right now, we have the ones that have Simba on them. Which is actually a great segue into our next story, but it's not time for that yet. But they have really fun designs that also makes diapering more fun. So get your baby's butt into the best-fitting diaper, Huggies Little Movers. We got you, baby. They offer 12-hour protection against leaks, which is a game-changer. Thank you, Huggies. And today's episode is also brought to you by ZocDoc. Now, I do feel like I'm a good person to tell you about ZocDoc because I recently moved. And when you move, you have to find all new people, all new professionals, and most importantly, new doctors. So every time an issue has come up, even when I need to find an OB/GYN, I took to ZocDoc to find the right doctor for me. They have so many different search terms and filters. You can find a doctor who accepts your insurance. You can really customize it so that you can find the best doctor in your area for you, which is such an amazing resource. It's like, how did people move before the Internet and resources like ZocDoc?


How did you find your new doctor?


I have no idea. It's so awkward.


For your specific needs, because really going to the doctor is more than comedy, more personal than food.




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Thank you, Jax. Now, I'm so looking forward to what this Huggies-inspired story could possibly be.


So as stated, the Huggies diapers at the moment have Simba on them. And Simba has really been in the news because of Northwest. Yes, yes. And something that we talked about yesterday that needed to be a story in order to be cleared up is, you know the TikTok of the mom talking about how she took her daughter to the audition. There were three girls up for the role. Kim Kardashian walked into the with Northwest, and all of a sudden, the audition process was over. That was not true. So the mom went on TikTok and made another video talking to the camera. People said they wanted to hear her daughter singing. So she said, My daughter's been in cats in off-Broadway rendition Marista cats. And here she is, and it's a cat. And she made up the whole thing.


You're fucking lying. No.


And now that I think about it- Why the fuck would Kim go to an audition?


That's the whole point of nepotism, is like, you don't have to.


You don't have to. And the way she was talking in that video, I forgot about it because I was more interested in what she was saying. But I'm pretty sure the whole thing was a joke.


Right. I love that.


No, I love it. It's such a good reminder that just because someone says something, that doesn't make it true. Oh, on TikTok, but why did we just believe this person?


Yeah, proof. Receipts proof timeline.




Yeah. No, I think it really speaks to wildfire. That's I got things work on the internet. And then it really... And it's funny and whatever, but it did send a lot of hate the way of a young girl. It's not funny.


Yeah, but I think the hate was already there. I don't know what this person's intention was, but to me, it just proved this point.


I actually don't think this person had bad intentions. I think they thought everyone would understand that it was a joke.


Because also, when you think back on the video, the way she was talking was funny. Now, even as I'm saying, so I watched her whole video, and She pants to the cat, and the cat is singing, I just can't wait to be king or whatever. So all's to say, she didn't actually have a child that went through the audition process. Like, right?






I don't know. It's so grand of humor. It's very confusing.


It's such a wild thing.


Oh, I just can't wait to be king.


Oh, flat. Yeah, and also, why would Kim walk with North into the audition room at the same time that the common people are auditioning?


No, the whole point of nepotism is you don't go through those common practices. The director comes to you.


And honestly, this is a really teachable moment. Now, I fell for it. I took her at her word. However, my reaction, I don't think was the intended reaction of wire towards the situation. So I don't feel totally gotten. But I did get got by just believing her because that's what you do. You just believe people. So why wouldn't we? I don't want to become more cynical. I know. But I do think you have to You have to be more critical.


You have to think critically.


But who's going to watch that video and be like, She's lying.


No, who's going to lie about that? It's so fucking random.


I know, but I think it proves an important point.


Of course. That's the theme of today's episode with the Pope AI-generated Puffer. Right. Bringing it back.


It reminds me of when Tanya Zuckerbrott was in that battle.


Oh my God. That feels like a factor. That feels like six years ago. Was that during COVID?


Yeah, I think so. So maybe five years ago.


People were saying her products were giving them miscarriages, and then literally, it was a lie.


So yeah, the person who went after her, Emily Gallis, was just posting what people were saying. People would message her and be like, Factor gave me blah, blah, blah. Diarrrea. One person, as an experiment, sent into her, Factor made me have a miscarriage, and she immediately posted it without verifying anything. And then the person who sent it in was like, I sent that in. It's not true. And it just goes to show you how you cannot believe what people just send you.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. No. I mean, that's just, I think, a whole conversation about Instagram journalism. Yeah.


But I think it just proves the same point of people can just say anything. And just because you say it doesn't mean it's true.


Well, and that reminds me of things I've been wanting to say, I am a model.


But it is true.


I know. That's why I said it.


Yeah. But no, that's not proof. You have to say an untruth. Someone messaged me recently about some company. They're like, CEO is a bad guy. No proof, no nothing.




I don't know you either.


Well, that's also been a conversation about labels. We're so crazy. He's... Whatever. And then those words end up losing their meaning, and it's actually really damaging. But that's also another conversation about how we abuse language.


Oh, for sure. But it's like, you could just say something about someone. I guess because we're just believing, and that's a good quality to have.




To be She's not naive, but just not so cynical. I don't know. But people, they're taking advantage. Yeah, for sure. But I don't know if that was what her intention was here. I need to talk to her.


No, I think she was trying to be funny, and I think she fell down a slippery slope.


Such a niche brand of humor.


For sure.


And anyways- Went over my head. People owe North an apology.


They do.


Also, imagine Kim watching that when it first came out, not knowing that this woman was playing a prank, and then being You're a fucking liar. But how can she even go and say that this person's liar? Because everyone would be like, You're maligning someone whose daughter was working hard for their role.


You're attacking a mother.


There's no winning.


Yeah, no.


And Meymal is a cat. It's always the cat. That's funny.


Well, I don't want to go there.


Are you ready for our fifth and final story, which is actually a story that you had told me about that needs discussing?




It's a little pet news. Because a woman who paid for her sick dog to be put down is shocked to find out now that the healthy pup is up for adoption, and she's not getting it back.


I just want to say to everyone who sent me this story, why? I have just now put to bed my worries and concerns that something like this happened to me. You guys know when I put Theo down, I left the room before the second shot was administered. I was there for the first shot, but he was still technically alive. I was having anxiety about it over the coming weeks. Part of my grief was like, Oh, my God, what if literally somebody took him home and is keeping him a sex slave in their dungeon. I've just now recently come to terms with the fact that Theo's totally dead, especially because I did not request his remains. I said, Whatever you do with them, just do. I don't need. So I had no proof of death, if you will.


Right. I guess neither did this woman because she was shocked to discover that her sick dog that she took to be euthanized, was back at the shelter and up for adoption a year later. She was heartbroken when she was told that the most humane thing she could do for her beloved pet was to put him down. She said she paid $450 to adopt her pup from the Lost Dog and Cat Rescue Foundation in 2022. She was almost Almost always by his side, the dog, but then she discovered something was wrong. Blood test showed that he had a liver problem, but medications failed to lead to any improvements. The dog's vet, the clinic's lead doctor, and animal emergency room vet eventually all agreed that the poor pup's symptoms pointed to severe neurological problem. She said that she was told that further tests would cost $12,000, but would only provide a very slim chance of finding out what's wrong, an even smaller chance of it being something that doctors could fix. She was ready to pay that $12,000, but it would likely be for nothing. A while. Running out a viable option, she was told that euthanizing the puppy would be best.


She held out for another month, hoping his symptoms would lessen, but eventually decided to take the vet's advice and put him down. She did that. Then in late March, she was told That the shelter's policy does not allow pet owners to stay in the room with their pets as they were put down. She said goodbye and walked out of the office. That's a policy? Yeah. About a year after the situation, she considered getting another dog and decided to take a peek at the rescue's website, the original when she was visiting family back home. She was shocked earlier this month when she spotted a dog who looked identical to Bo, just a bit bigger, with the same name he had been given at the shelter when she first fell in love with him in 2022. She quickly called the shelter and received confirmation that her dog had not been euthanized after veterinarians there deemed him healthy enough to be saved. The shelter instead returned the puppy to the rescue, which confirmed in a statement that its vets found no neurological issues with the dog. Instead, the vets diagnosed the animal with a liver problem and declared him healthy after a $7,000 surgery.


She claims it took several days to get anyone from rescue on the phone to explain what happened and was hurt by the rudeness she was treated with when she did finally talk to someone.


Okay, the crazy thing about this story is that there's broadly a happy ending. Her dog is healthy and she can be reunited with him.




And so imagine someone you thought was dead a year later, is alive and healthy.


Wait, but now they're giving her an issue about reuniting with him. The person on the phone was saying that I abandoned him and left him to die, that I never cared about him. She was claimed that the dog will never go back to her before the person hung up on her. Ldcrf does not rehome an owner-surrendered dog with its former adopter owner. Our mission is to save adoptable and safe to the community dogs from euthanasia.


Okay, by the way, so they're low key the villains in this, and they're trying to point the finger at this girl. And by the way, I don't know this because I have never, up until recently, put a dog down, so I don't have a ton of experience. But I'm pretty sure them not letting you be in the room is very weird.


It's very weird. And isn't the The point of the shelter and adapting dogs is for the dogs to find homes? So if this is some backdoor scheme to get more dogs and recycle the dogs and set-Right.


You're basically getting someone to pay for a dog twice. Right.


Which you're in the for-profit dog business industry. Why wasn't he used the... Why didn't the needle go in in that very moment? Because it's giving scheme.


It's giving. The hospital has some backdoor deal with the shelter.


And double-dipping.


Diagnosing healthy dogs, pretending to put them down, then putting them back in the shelter so you can instead make $450 from a dog, you can make $900 from a dog.


That's so crazy.


No, this is really crazy. Although, and I would like to keep following up on this story because I would like this girl to get her dog back. That would be so crazy.


Yeah, but that's what the rescue suppose person said in a statement. Even since this has come out, that they don't rehome owner surrender dogs with their former owner. That's the position that they're taking.


No, and that's a good policy when that happens, but it didn't.


But it didn't.


It's really It's really fucking weird.


It is. Not to...


It's a perfect segue, like giving Graham.


It is giving Graham.


And that is a great segue. Graham did get rehomed. Well, hippie, whatever they call them. His name will always be Graham. They did rehome Graham, technically, to the place that surrendered him. Technically.


Not exactly. But maybe Lisa has her own policies. It's her dog rescue, Vannerpump Dogs.


Okay, so part three of the Vannerpump Rules reunion was on last night. I feel like it was definitely the most away that it usually is. But them doing this whole, nobody the last two minutes of the episode and then watching it together was brilliant. Seriously, I felt so fucking awkward.


I was gripped. My stomach was in a knot watching Sheena and Lala watch back what they said. It's so funny how they're such a different people because-Yes.because it was She's watching their faces like Sheena is dying on the inside. She's horrified because that's Sheena. She doesn't like... Maybe you could call it talking behind someone's back, but she doesn't want to say the unkind thing that she's thinking to someone's face. Maybe she doesn't like confrontation. I don't think that's a bad quality.


No, she gets shit because she's a people pleaser. She says one thing to someone and does the other. And I don't think it's her being duplicitous. I think it's this genuine feeling. She wants everyone to like her, so she can't hope that she feels a certain way, but she won't say it because she doesn't want anyone to think that she's making it about her or that she's being mean.


But then you see Lala, and I'm sure on the inside, Lala was like, Fuck. But she's going to double down because she knows that is how she feels, and that's her truth, and she's going to speak it. I thought, I just was so invested in this episode Really locked in, as I said. Couldn't look at my phone. I just want to say, overall, Ariana has my heart.


That was my takeaway, too. I thought she acted so mature. She never once got angry. She did not raise her voice. She was still very vulnerable. I actually appreciated her breaking down a little bit when it came to Tom and explaining, even when Andy was like, How does it make you feel to hear what Blank said about you? Even when she could have been confrontational, she said, I was hurt, but she never lashed out at anyone. I think it points to such an emotional intelligence and a maturity that is so unrecognizable in reality TV. She seriously stood out so much because of it.


Yeah, she really did. Just everything that she was saying She didn't come for anyone except for Tom, who she's- Deserves it. Allowed to. But even when she heard what Lala was saying, and she just responded, being like, That's so hurtful. She was so big, and she just deserves better. She can't get that that on this show. She just can't. I think either she can compartmentalize, and maybe it's now that it's been a year plus since the affair. In this season, could do that, or she has to move on from it. But it's not fair that she has to be the one to leave her job and her career because of what he did.


No, I think last night's episode was such a reminder for me how close this was to Sandoval. I didn't know it, watching it, but I think everybody who lived it knew. It's only been three months, and so now I actually do feel like people were really hard on her, especially with the house thing. It was still really fresh. I think last night was really not a good look for Lala, but I came away from it understanding her a little bit more. I think I don't really agree with her stance on anything, but it's clear that Lala is so damaged. I think that she has been applying her experience with Randall to Skandival this entire season. I think everybody's rolling their eyes at it. And me too, because it's not a fair comparison. But that doesn't diminish the fact that she's living with deep trauma. And hers is, yes, a betrayal of the highest, just like Ariana, but then the added layer of the custody, which I think really broke her and drove her to this place to want to have another kid without another I am. I think she's so broken, and her just breaking down at the end being like, It's so unfair.


It is unfair. What happened to her after she got cheated on, what happened to Lala, Ariana, after she got cheated on, are completely different things. And it's not fair. And life isn't fair, and that sucks. And I understand her anger and her frustration and just her reliving this trauma. But that doesn't make what Ariana is going through any different.


Yeah, I agree with that.


I felt sad for her. I wasn't championing anything she was really saying, but I did feel sad for her.


Oh, no. I heard all of her points, and I feel her, and I feel like she's still my queen. So I hope no one thought that was in question. And also, what's also It's equally frustrating, we talked about last week how the response has been different, but when they flash back to that reunion and really the takeaway was like, how you get them is how you lose them. You should have known better. I'm sorry, Tom and Kristin and Ariana, it's the same It's a supportive situation. We've known him and seen him for so long, and there's none of that. Because there shouldn't be any of that, because a person was hurt and they believed in someone. And the fact that none of that grace was given to Lala. And it's not even like it was so long ago. It was like two years before. And that's really the response that you're going to give her when she's home with a seven-month-old baby. She's right to feel so mad about that and not be able to- It's not fair. Let it go. It's not fair. But I also felt like a lot of the points that she was making about the show, though incredibly harsh, are fair points.


The things that she said in the finale, nobody really wants to hear it. But I think that's more of the reality of their day to day is they talk about the show, probably 95% of their time, and then the 5%, they're filming the show and they talk about it like it doesn't exist. But even that scene that they played back from Katie talking about Ariana and Tom's relationship and how they don't show anything on the show, that's the show's fault for not showing us that.


Up until that point, yeah. But it's also on Tom and Ariana. They obviously made a decision, an agreement We are going to put forth some whatever, and we can deal with whatever issues we have in private, but that's not going to become father for the show. So that was an agreement that they had, and that's what makes Skandival all the more shocking, because they looked like a solid couple.


Yeah. And then they all want to tell us, No, it's been bad for so long. But it's like, But we didn't know that.


We didn't see that. Right. And that's where I think frustration from the viewers came this season. It's like, Well, we knew Tom was an asshole, but you guys pretended everything was normal and okay, so now we have to relive everyone discovering Tom's an asshole. We knew.


Yeah. No, I felt badly for Lala. I felt really bad for Ariana.


Sheena, obviously- I felt bad for Lala, too. But I don't think... Basically, when she had to speak for herself at the reunion after Randall, there was a lot of victim blaming going on. That's what it was. And I think She was looking for that to happen again, but I don't think that's the answer. But you can't help that that's what happened to Lala. Do you know what I mean? It's already done. But them doing it to Ariana doesn't make it right. I guess would make it fair.


Or some acknowledgement on Lala's part. I think she just wants everyone to see her and realize what she's been through. But it will never be... Even if people are like, Yes, Lala, we were wrong. We shouldn't have been that way. It's not going to change what happened and how it went down, and she's always going to carry do that.


Yeah. Sheena was seriously, I think, seriously wanted to die. It was painful to watch. She was crippled with anxiety and just- About the show versus then they're going to rap and Lala's her best friend, and did she just throw her under the bus? Right. But And also feeling isolated because the things she said about Ariana were played in front of Ariana. So she's distance from Ariana. And then the one person she had in this world is like, Seriously, you're not doing enough. And so then her trying to put a bandaid on it at the end, being like, Lala has been there for me, was nice, but it's not the point.


Yeah. But I I think Lala, if they're really that close, knows this about Sheena. It must be frustrating to really stand out there on your own like Lala was doing and take the hits. I was looking briefly at what people were saying about the reunion.


It's- It's team Katie and Ariana.


Lala Hatred. It's Lala hatred. I think she's getting so much hate. I hope she has turned her phone off because I think towards the tail end of the season and these reunions, she carried it, in my opinion. And yes, Ariana was the subject, but she was just there because what more can she do? Because she's going through No, and everything, it's so funny.


All of this has happened to Ariana. Ariana has played no part in Skandival. She never really even responded. She's just letting everyone clown and spiral. But she herself has contributed nothing. For her to be getting hate is really crazy because she's literally done nothing except just try and protect herself. She doesn't freak out. She's had a couple of angry moments, but really nothing.


Yeah. But I thought their exchange was interesting because when Ariana said her walking away from the conversation with Tom was a better ending to the season than having the conversation with Tom, which personally, I don't really care to see. Does anyone... It's like, corny. We know they would never have that conversation if they weren't on a show together. And what's there to say that hasn't already been said? They're not going to come away from it with resolution. So she was like, That gave a better ending to the season, me walking away than having the conversation. It's like, while of them being like, No, if I hadn't spoken my mind, the season would have ended with you walking out the door. That's not interesting either. So it It is true that they both contributed to... The way the season ended, I think, was one of the most interesting pieces of reality TV I've ever seen. Same.


Because it was very breaking down the fourth wall, very honest.


Yeah, but they both really did their part in that.




And I think I appreciate Lala being so honest about the business of it and the opportunities. I think that's always been the truth, but not something anyone says. You can say. Yeah, that's so much breaking the fourth wall. And I think once they broke the wall, they're just letting it rip now. And that is the truth of the matter. The show, if it doesn't continue to make waves, it's in jeopardy. Now they've got the Valley down their backs. Why did they spend so much time talking about Jackson-Brittany? I don't know. I'm not interested at the moment.


No, I do feel like it's a way of them melding these two shows because I think people from Banner Pump Rules are going to graduate and go to the Valley. Yeah. I mean, if just logistically, Sheena lives in the Valley.


And Lala, they're neighbors now.


Right. And they have kids.


Yeah. So it was very emotional. Also, knowing that Lala's pregnant, I think that's one why she was so emotional, too. That anxiety, that pit in your stomach, it's just not good. I'm glad that It's done with for her. I wish her well. I hope she has a good summer. And we'll see what happens when they come back. And I really wish Ariana well. I was so impressed by her. Me too. I feel so deeply for her, and I don't know what the right The right way forward is. I don't. Me neither. But I hope that she knows and does what's best for her.


One of them has to leave in order for the show to really work.


Or Ariana just accepts this is an entertainment show.


But she shouldn't have to do that, and She doesn't want to. No.


Okay. She doesn't want to. But that is one option. We both stay on the show. We'll go to the party together. I hate you. It'll become like, But we'll fight, and it'll be crazy. Because Tom Sandoval is not leaving the show unless he's fired, and I don't think he's going to get fired.


She's too evolved for that, by the way. She's not going to do that. I do think the only real way to move forward is for Ariana to leave the show, which is so wrong.


But I do think they set the scene for that, especially talking about Lisa not going to the reunion of Beverly Hills. Sometimes you're just done with this group of people, which means that you have to be done.


You know what? I actually... So glad you brought that up. I love that they brought up the Lisa, because you know what? At the time, I was so anti Lisa. I thought she was a drama queen. She couldn't hold her own. But now seeing how she has like 100... A lot of people leave and come She has never reneged. She's done. Whenever she gets asked about these people, she wants to know part of them, and she continued to thrive work-wise and personally. Actually, I'm glad that they reminded me of that because I was very critical of her at the time. But now, looking back, she was really a woman of her word. While I don't agree with the stance she took in the actual argument, there is something to be said for being done with a group of people, especially in reality TV, never renegging on that. Yeah.


And also the way she explained it, and it's like, I don't know if she said this at the time, but I feel like I would have been more understanding. It's not that She didn't want to face up to everyone at the reunion. The goal of the reunion is to come together and hash out the drama. She has no interest in coming together or hashing out the drama and making it right. So I'm done.


So there's no point. Yeah.


Yeah. At a certain point, you have to put your peace and your sanity and your mental health over this. And I do think at this point, Ariana has what she needs from the show. She has opportunity. She has something about her which can still be on the show via Katie.


Yeah, but the thing is, if Ariana leaves the show, where does that leave Katie? It leaves her on an island. None of the girls are friends with her. She hates Tom. She hates the other Tom. The other Tom hates her.


So then I think maybe Ariana won't leave the show. I think maybe we'll get another season that's like this, and it'll focus on something about her. Also, she spent all this time building a restaurant. You think she's going to leave before the promo hits? No, that's not sound business either. Agreed. I think they go on another season, and we'll see what happens. Because also, anything could change. Crazy stuff happens all the time.


It's true.


That's what I think. I actually think nothing will change. They gave us a great season, so why do we need to change it? If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Now the dynamics are really strained.


Yeah. We have to move forward, so let's watch that.


Okay, so that's how I feel. More of the same.


I feel like that's the end of the episode. Yeah. And that's all she wrote. So all that to say, thank you so much for listening to the Toast and Milana Morning Show where we deliver the fast-size stories you need to know every Monday through Friday on YouTube. So if you're watching us on YouTube, please feel free to subscribe and give us a video of thumbs up. We're also available as a podcast, and we're podcasting we found. So that's Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Public Video, iHearReady, Castbox, all the places. But if you listen to podcast, find us, The Toast, leave a five-star review about how beautiful, about how stunning, about how wickedly talented we are. Hope you guys have a great day, and we'll see you tomorrow for Thursday's show.


Love you. Bye.