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Good morning, millennials.


Welcome back to The Toast, and happy Wednesday. A gorgeous, excuse me, gorgeous day here at The Toast. Speaking of Hump Day, let me throw it to a girl who truly I would hump any day of the week. It's Jacks.


Hi, turtle Lou. Thank you so much. Speaking of Hump Day, Bruno's on the show.


Speaking of Hump Day, Bruno's on the show.


I'm very excited because he took a few days off. He said, Mom, I deserve a break. I've been working very hard. I said, Bruno, sure, sure.




But get back on your sure microphone.






How's my swirly? Your swirly is good. I'm excited. We've got a great show today. We've got Vannerpump Rules recap. Huge news. A programming update. Dear Toaster's got the bump till tomorrow because Jackie and I are caught up on the reunion. We stand, Brock and China. We're going to do that at the end of the show. We've got five great stories. And today's episode is brought to you by Maybelline, which is just fabulous because it's a gorgeous company and we're gorgeous girls.


Yeah, it's very apt.


It's appropriate, some would say. Some. I'm excited that today's episode is brought to you by Maybelline. For over a century, Maybelline has provided accessible makeup to give everyone the self-confidence to express themselves. As the number one makeup brand in the world, Maybelline has a platform and the power to make an impact from the inside out. That's why they've created braveTogether, an initiative designed to help those facing anxiety and depression by funding free professional one-on-one support so that no one has to struggle alone. Mental health challenges like anxiety or depression can be really difficult to manage on your own. If you struggle yourself or if you know someone in your life who struggles, it can be tough. I feel like there are a couple of things I do in my daily life, and I will say I hate to be that person. But incorporating exercise into my life, I feel like, has really helped with my brain. Obviously, it's for my physical health, but I definitely feel like there are so many benefits to just... First of all, committing to 40 minutes a day being off my phone, that's huge.


Yeah. I mean, endorphins. Endorphins make you happy.


Right. And listening to music, and especially with running, getting outside. I used to roll my eyes when people say that, but let me say no cat, it really helps.


Yeah, it does. There are a bunch of low lift things that you can do to just improve your overall mental health any day. You never know what the world is going to throw at you. Of course, for me, a little time with Brew Tadoo.


Just slowing down- Animals are very emotionally supportive.


They're very emotionally supportive. Slowing down, going on brew time. Also, brew forces me to take it for a walk. What does brew need? Should we lay on the heating pad? That's always good for mama.


Obviously, something we're both really passionate about that I think never was the reason why I started. But reading has seriously been amazing for my brain, mostly because hours can go by and you haven't been on your phone. And that's really, I think so much of So many of my issues come from my phone. I think a lot of people have that issue. And so anything that gets you off your screen is amazing, even though Kindle is a screen, but it's different.


It's so not a screen. If you've used a Kindle, you're like, Where's my screen?


It's It's giving Oregon Trail.


Yeah, it is. Also, not to bring it back to the presenting sponsor, Maybelline, but doing my face. Yes. Sometimes it's as simple as getting up, putting myself together, doing my face, any varying degree of my daily makeup routine of mascara literally wakens me, and getting dressed and just feeling like my best self. I totally agree. Because it's like, sometimes you got to...


Look good to feel good. Push yourself.


Look good to feel good, fake it till you make it, and then you are that. Then you've You made it.


Yes, I completely agree. The difference pre-Makeup Me and post-Makeup Me, we're two different girls.


Two different people.


So Maybelline New York created the brave talk training to help people navigate mental health conversations with their friends. It's five easy steps to having a brave talk. It's an acronym, be present, write setting, ask questions, validate feelings, and encourage action. It is brave to ask for help, so let's be brave together. Maybelline is committed to donating $10 million to NGO partners and providing free access to one-on-one professional support to 3 million people by 2025 so that no one has to struggle alone. If If you or someone you know is experiencing anxiety or depression, Maybelene New York is funding free confidential support. Text together to 741-741 or visit maybelline. Com/bravetogether to learn more. Thank you, Maybelline, for being today's presenting sponsor. And just exciting Moving. In the true spirit of the Beautification Committee, I think moving forward, it would be helpful if Maybelline sponsored all of our episodes.


It would. I also just like, Wednesday can sometimes be the hardest day of the week, and I just like starting it with some mental health tips.


Just like It's just tips. I think another one we didn't mention that would be good is cooking.




But even though sometimes cooking can lead you to a dark place, if things don't go right, for me, I'm getting tired of not being able to truly cook one thing properly. It's actually annoying.


I feel like for you, you've tried hard enough, and I think we can call it. I don't think you need to get better at cooking, one, because your husband is a chef, and you don't need two chefs in the house, and two, you tried your best.


Thank you. You know what? I agree. It's not for you. But everybody wants to one day be the mom who can cook. You know how people sit back, Oh, you got to have my mom's cooking. My kids are going to be like, Stay the fuck away from my mom's kitchen.


It's so true. I also feel like to get to a place where you can make dinner every night with ease, you have to train for a long time. It took me a really long time to be able to make dinner and have it not be such a production. Now I've got dinner on lock. I make my main protein, and then I customize it for everyone's different dish. So for mommy, it's going on a salad. For Charlie, it's going in the blender. For Zack, it's going over some rice.


I am so Zack in that situation.


Yeah, so you do have to start early, but you have been for that. I'm sorry. I don't think that a married couple was meant to have two chefs. I think that's actually your karmic punishment for marrying a good chef is that you are unable to be one.


So I guess my kids will be like, Oh, you got to come home and try my dad's cooking. And you know how that kills me to see a man in the kitchen. But it is what it is. That was my lot in life. It's almost like it's poetics irony. It's karmic. Yeah. Hashem was playing some trick on me.


Yeah, that is really funny.


Yes, today we have such a great show. Obviously, always excited to talk to you about swirly affairs, a swirly state of the Union.


Every day is a swirly state of the Union here.


At a glance, for sure. Then we have Van der Pumper rolls, which I did watch last night. Let me tell you, I was going to be such a good wife. I was like, Ben, don't go to the game. I'll watch the game with you. I was thinking, I'm like, Okay, I'll watch Van der Pumper rolls in the morning. I'll put my journey to the side for you. But he was so adamant on going to the game, so him and his friends went. And then Ben calls me. And I started watching the Knicks game just to see what was going on before Van der Pumper rolls. And he calls me, and it's into the second quarter. I'm like, Oh, I wonder what's going on at the game. And he calls me and he goes, he's so serious. He's never really serious. He's like, Did you see my Instagram? And I was like, No. And he was like, Go look. And then he hung up. And he was so serious. I'm like, What the hell happened? Somebody... I actually got worried. And he's complaining that he bought fake tickets on StebHub, and he never got to the game.


I was like, Am I supposed to feel bad for you? You left me, and that's what... Karma. Karma is my boyfriend.


Karma is fake tickets on StebHub coming straight home to me. Then, Coming straight home to me.


And then Coming straight home to me. And then what's so weird about Ben is he just called it. So all of his friends, they were all pissed. But of course, it's a big game. They went to the bar next to Madison Square Garden. We're going to eat, drink, and watch the game. I'm like, Okay, have fun. He's like, No, I'm coming home. I'm like, Why? I had already settled into my evening without you. It was such a strange evening for Ben. It was really been, almost, I want to say, at his worst.


Damn, he should have used the game time app.


I know, and he should have used Coteos, even though I think he even has a code.


That's really sad for him. I don't feel bad for him whatsoever. He goes to every net game. It's down the street. By the way, it could have happened to such a worse case.


I keep saying to him, I'm like, Listen, you don't have to go. It's really expensive. We went to a game. You don't have to go to every single one. He wants to go to Indiana. The first time he said it, I was like, Okay, that's a fair analogy. He was like, What if Taylor Swift? I was like, Okay, you know what? Sure. But it's seven games, so many different rounds. He needs to stop using that comparison because Taylor Swift was doing seven shows in my hometown It would be different.


The reason why- That's literally so different. And I actually, I'm going to play Ben's advocate for a second because he's been a Knicks fan for so long, and they've been losing for so long. Nothing to cheer for, nothing to refer, and he sat and waited, and now it's his time. And to our dinks, if there was ever a time to go follow the Knicks around, it would be right now while they're on a streak, which they probably won't be on again for a really long time. I think now is his time.


Oh, wow. Okay. All right. Noted. You know what? The next time you have an issue with your husband, I'll take his side.


I know. You noted. I know that's coming for me. I feel like I'm very fair about how often I take Ben's side, and it's not that often. Just a few times, it's incredibly shocking.


Okay, that's good to know because I thought we were just blindly defending one another because that's what I fucking do for you.


That's not who we are, though.


Good to know. We're not that. We're not that. We're not that. We're not that. Can't wait to come back over to your house and stir the pot. Can't wait. Invite me back. I can't wait.


I'm just trying to bring you peace. What about that?


What about loyalty? What about sisterhood?


You feel like you're supposed to be mad at Ben because what he's doing is- Dumb? A little dumb and selfish, but I'm trying to make you feel better about it because it's going to happen regardless.


You know what it sounds like you're saying?


Hmm. Screw sisterhood?


Screw sisterhood. I don't accept that.


Sometimes you got to ask for your sisterhood.


But no, actually, you don't. That's what I'm saying.


No, but the thing is, you can't see my bigger plan, but what I'm doing is all in the name of sisterhood because I want to see my sister happy and thriving and peaceful.


So you're actually saying, In the name of sisterhood.


In the name of sisterhood, I'm arguing with you.


My sweatshirt today has thumb holes, and you just can't tell me shit. I'm like, so emo. Are you going skiing? Yeah. I don't think of skiing when I think of thumb holes. I think of, seriously, chewing through my shirts in high school just to make my own thumb holes. I just feel like- So you could go skiing? It's given goth, no?


I guess they are into that, too. But I just think of that's all my ski clothes have, that's so that the gloves go on seamlessly.


Oh, my God. I literally never knew that. You don't have a ridge. No, I feel like, oh, my God, I'm so little. My gloves, my things are so big. It's going over my hand.


It could go over your hand without a thumb hole?


Shut the fuck up, okay? You're just jealous because I look so skinny in my sweatshirt today, right? That's why.


Yeah, it's a cute sweatshirt. I like the color. Lululemon. Cutie.


So how are the stories?


We're just chock-full of wearing sponsors. This is Loft.


Let me tell you, that shit from Loft is good shit.


These shorts I just got, I think from my new favorite website, Tucker Nook.


Oh, yeah, that's really crazy of you.


Have you heard Have you heard of it?


Of course.


I had never heard of it before. And then I went on because a toaster tagged me in something, and I thought she was wearing a dress that I really liked. I thought it was from Tucker Nook, so I went to the website.


Not you stalking tosters.


She tagged me? To say, I think this is really... It was a I'm really chou. If you had to see it, it was a very me.


I understand.


It was a very me dress.


Yeah. No, you look so cute.


Thanks. No, not the dress I was just wearing. She was wearing a different dress, which was sold out. Anyways, but it brought me to Tucker Nock, my new favorite website, All's to Say.


All's to Say is your new favorite website.


Yeah. I'll see you there in two years.


Yeah. Well, now I might be open to placing an order from Tucker Nock because yesterday, long overdue, I had all my closets organized with Done and done home. Oh, my God. My life has changed. Now, I had so much new clothing that I was not embracing fully because there was nowhere to put it. Now, I have one item per hangar. That's such a luxury, one item per hangar. And I'm really going to try and keep it good as long as I can. But also, not having to do with Tuckernock, I finished Steven Copperhead, My Book Club Meets Tonight. What are some good literate takes that I can bring to the table to stunt on these bitches?


Well, the overall, the book is you probably... I don't know why you wouldn't know this unless The book is based on a book called David Copperfield. Yes. And so you could draw the comparisons to that.


I've never seen that book, but I just know it's a book about growing up in immense poverty.


Yeah. It's a play on that. You could talk about other Do you like that? Do you like that in general?


I didn't know the other books, so I can't really speak to it. But yeah, I hear what you're saying. I will say I feel like it's one of those books that really changed the way I see the world.


Yeah, I agree with that.


I feel like we live in a culture where we're so aware of each other's differences. I don't often think about... I feel like a lot of it is race-based, religion-based. Everyone clings to their identity. But really, the greatest, I think, divider between us all is the rich and the poor. And they were talking at the end about how you really can't ever be... Why so many people who grow up in the country are so afraid to live in the cities is because living in the cities being poor versus living in the country being poor is so different. You really can't go that hungry living in the country because you live off the land. But in the city, everything is in a... It's all concrete. If you have no money, you cannot survive. Whereas you can survive on less in the country. I forget what they called it. It was land poor and something, whatever. I loved it.


Yeah. No, it definitely spotlighted a community that often gets overlooked. That sent me down a rabbit hole. That was then after that, I watched Dopesick, which you have already watched, and I thought she did a great job.


Yeah, Barbara.


Barbara. So I'm glad. I'm excited to hear how your book club goes. I had the busiest day yesterday. I don't want to give away too much, but I made my Sourdough, and She's going to leave it at that. She's going to leave it at that. The entire journey is on Patreon. This was Sourdough. Is it up yet? No, it's going up today. Okay. Sourdough Documentary. I don't want to say how it went because you just have to trust the process and watch the Patreon, and That's all I'm going to say.


No, all we're going to say is this, Oregon Trail.


Amongst other things.


We've been talking about the Oregon Trail a lot last week because of your sourdough journey. I just feel like it's important to remind everyone that the Oregon Trail was created by Kevin O'Leary. Just a fun fact about life that I think people know but don't talk about enough.


I feel like we do our part in letting people know once a year. If we have new tosters this year, Oregon Trail was created by Kevin O'Leary, and that's why we have no choice but to stand. Even if we had a choice, we still would stand, though.


At the beginning of every Shark Tank episode, when they give a little brief on all the sharks and they say he sold his educational company for $3 billion, Oregon Trail was a huge part of that educational company. Amongst.


Amongst the successes of his company.


I feel like there are a couple games or just things from our childhood that I consider it... Remember that game Dream Life? Me and Margot played it a lot. It was a video game about going to the mall. On the TV. Yeah. We couldn't play it enough. For Margot's 18th birthday, I got her one on eBay, and we played it, and it was so stupid and so disappointing. It ruined the magic of the game. Nostalgia is real. I don't ever want to play Oregon Trail.


No. Oh, my God. I think it would be dreadful.




It was dreadful then. No. No. It's a game about dread.


Oh, well, yes. Everyone dying of sedentary.




Whatever. You're dying of sedentary. I was just going to say that. Or famine. It was low-key sad.




In a very classic way.


You just had a mouthful there.


I really did. Oh, well- So you're answering my question. How are the stories?


The stories are great. I look forward to talking about them. They're extremely varied. They run all categories.


Okay, Tell me if this is a story. Have you been seeing everything about the New York and Dublin portal?


No. Can you talk about it for a second? I'm sorry. Yes, I've been seeing it. No, it's not a story. Happy to talk about it.


In an attempt to be sweet, in an attempt to be sweet, the government, I guess, is it paid for? I think it's the government.


I feel like it's private. No, the government, why would they do that?


Okay, yeah, government, they give us something nice.


Can't even pick up the garbage.


Somebody set up a portal in New York and a portal in Dublin. By portal, I mean it's just this big round screen with a webcam. But it's very cool. You can stand in front of it. Someone in Dublin can see you, and someone in Dublin can stand in front of it and see you. It's making the world smaller. It's sweet. I saw in the beginning, really cute things. This girl I follow on TikTok, she has a following, and she was like, Does any of my followers want to meet me? They were passing signs. People were being cute. It's also just cool to see... If you live in Dublin, to see a... I don't know where it is in the city, but it's in a densely populated part of New York. It's like, How exciting to see New York. Then someone in New York, How exciting to see Dublin. It was supposed to be sweet, but of course, we can't have nice things. A video went super viral. There are two videos, but one of them is going much more viral. Of an influencer, of course, God forbid, any of us ever represented the group well.


She goes up and she picks up her shirt and she flashes her titties, and she's jumping around, swirlying her titties in the air. It's not just a, whew. It's like a swirly, swirly, swirly. Then there was another video that got less traction of a guy pulling his pants down and showing everyone as Tushy.


Okay. Did you see the guy in Dublin who put his phone up to the camera with a picture of 9/11?


Yes, I did. That's not funny. Yes, I did. At first, it was the 9/11 thing. At first, it was people making jokes about the other country's culture or whatever. Then the nudity. Now it's been shut down because of the nudity, mostly because of that girl. I just want to say, I feel as though, excuse the repetition, it is so emblematic of the state of culture. I hate to be such a grandma, but seriously, put your titt away. It's disgusting because there could be children around. Put your titt away. I don't even think that's a hot take. Put your titt away. Put your ass away. I don't know why. It's just so classic.


But there's ass in the streets all the time, and there's kids walking around.


Yeah, that's true. Well, that's just a problem that we have here in New York, and we need to work on that.


Ass in the streets. I don't know.


Something about the way I saw it, I was so triggered. I'm like, Are you fucking kidding me? We can't just have one nice thing. It was so It was sweet at first. Even with the 9/11 thing. Even with the 9/11 thing. Okay, that was mean, but it was funny. But like, Tushy and booby, come on. You don't know who's watching in Dublin. You don't know who's watching around you. And now it's shut down. We couldn't even have one nice stupid screen with a camera. And seriously, I just want to say, shame on that influencer.


Yeah, for sure.


Yeah, I'm saying it. I'm not freeing the nipple. Boobs should stay in shirts unless you're breastfeeding someone.


I I just don't think it's that great of a loss. Okay, bye, Dublin.


No, I don't think it's that great of a loss either, but I think it's really- So long, Dublin. So long, Dub. Yes. I just think it's really representative of the state of culture. Of course. We can't have anything without somebody ruining it.


Yeah, I'm shocked they didn't have a patrol officer standing there to make sure people acted right. But you can't make sure people act right. What is officer going to do when the man said yes. They can't even control it like an actual officer of the law. We just got problems, but I do agree that that was a microcosm. So many microcosms this week.


Jackie, it's a microcosm.


It's a microcosm of what's wrong.


Wrong, yeah. Maybe that's just me growing up. Maybe there would have been a time where I thought it was funny, maybe. But now, seriously, I'm like, put your titties away. Close your cheeks to Dublin Portals.


Yeah. Close your cheeks to Dublin Portals.


Nobody, and I mean, nobody wants to see that.


Yeah. Super funny. Now, I think we're ready to get into the stories.


Yeah, I would say.


There's a lot to break down. Without further ado, here are the Fast-Fi stories that you need to know.


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Thank you, La Swirl. You're welcome. Our first story, major publishing news, Sports Illustrated 2024 covers have arrived, and we have four covers. We have four cover stars. Kate Upton, Chrissy Tegan, Hunter McGrady, and Gail King have each of their own Sports Illustrated covers. Then there is a group photo, very Jenna Rink, Sparkle, Celebration of Humanity.


Very Jenna Rink, Sparkle, Celebration, Prom.


Yeah. That's an aside. Let's talk about our four cover stars, Kate, Chrissy, Hunter, Gail.


No, Let me tell you, Sports Illustrated is missing not a stone. All boxes are checked. All boxes are checked. Gail gets the Martha Stewart from last year, Older Woman, Can be sexy. Kate Upton is like, They're bread and butter, tried and true, old school, big titties, sexy bikini model. Hunter McGrady has got the plus community covered.


Yes. Who is the fourth? Chrissy Tegan.Celebrity?That's an interesting choice.




Well, I I just want to say, I feel like every year we say a version of this, but now I feel really certain of this. I hate four covers. I agree. I hate three covers. I hate two covers. I want one cover. I would say I want one cover star, but I like the year when there were three on one cover. That was a really cool, gorgeous shot.


No, one cover, one physical.


I want a choice. Make choices. This is so unexciting to me. Everyone gets a cover.


By the way, I actually completely agree. I think that there was a time when there was one cover. If you were the cover star, it launched a career. Kate Upton, Hannah Jeter. There were so many people.


Chrissy Tegan.


Chrissy Tegan. Nina Ogdahl. We've had iconic covers since then. But it doesn't hold the power in the sense where you get on the cover and you are automatically a star, and you're a model for life, and you will seriously become a billionaire. That's really not how it works anymore. I definitely feel like that's because You're one of six.


It just makes these covers so forgettable. When there are so many images, pick the one. You tell us. Be a tastemaker.


But there's something to be said about Sports Illustrated surviving in this climate. They're obviously doing something right because they're still around. When you look at their competitors, Victoria's Secret announced today, they're bringing the show back. Nobody fucking cares. When you're embracing feminine beauty, you can't win these days. It's like you're doing too much or too little or not enough. There is something to be said about the fact that they're still, as a brand, successful.


Yeah, but I feel like the last few years, having all of these cover stars, I can barely remember who was for last year. Martha Stewart was one of them. I don't know who the others were. I feel like, yes, they've done really well up until this point, but I feel like if they keep going this route, it's a decline.


It's a quick trip to irrelevancy. But also, I can't even imagine a world where they pick one person because there would be backlash every year. Why didn't you pick an older woman? Why didn't you pick a plus size? Every group would have an issue. I don't care. I don't care.


Make a choice. Stick with it. Be scrupled. Introduce us to some new faces.


It's giving we're all winners here. Yes, that was the other thing I love. Now, it's just people we've already heard of. It's never someone- A breakout star. They're never launching a career. I loved that because we didn't really know Kate Upton. There was a little bit of hoopla around her because that video of her dancing, the Stanky Leg or whatever. She wasn't a household name. Nobody had heard of Hannah Jeter until... What, by the way, what was her? I always call her Hannah Jeter.


What was her maiden name? I don't remember.


Hannah Davies or something? Oh. Davis?


Yeah, maybe. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Even this cover of all the women, if that had been the one cover, that would have been so awesome. I like when people make a choice, when they set the tone and are real tastemakers and influence and not just pander to everyone.


No, I agree. It's giving we're all winners here.


It's giving a teacher- And any one of these four women, if they got their own cover, these are all gorgeous photos, and I would have been like, great. That's awesome. It would have been more impactful if it was just one.


No, and I I remember every year when they would tell the girl that she was the cover star, it was this big viral surprise moment. Now it's six videos. I don't watch any of them, except for Gail King. They told her live on air. She thought she was just in the magazine, and then somebody handed it to her. It was actually really cute. But those moments now are so far and few and far between. We used to be able to rely on it every year.




I agree with you.


Okay, thanks. Also, what I thought was cool is Hunter McRady is wearing a A Swimsuit by Juliet Porter, JMP The Label. Wow. I saw that on Juliet's Instagram this morning. Is she freaking out? Yeah. Congrats grads.


Wait, that's sick.




Well, the other thing I was going to say was that I feel like the first year they did this, Was the first year they put... What the hell is her name, Ashley? Graham. On the cover. It just felt like a consolation. You're embracing plus size, but she's one of three. I honestly feel like ever since then, it's been multiple covers.


I remember a few years ago, maybe a lot of years ago at this point, Kate Upton had three different covers. That's fine.


I'm never going to be mad when it's Kate Upton. By the way, what's so crazy is I'm literally Kate Upton's number one fan. I didn't I didn't see her cover. That's how it just got lost.


Her cover is sick.


Let me look at it. Hold on.


I think of all four of the covers, it's the best cover.


It's so sick that she is a mom. She's really so sick She's one of the most literally beautiful people.






I think there are so many cool things they could do with the cover, so many awesome people, and it would be nice if they made a choice.


Yeah, Yeah. Also this Chrissy Tegan cover is so not Sports Illustrated in the sense that it says, Shot in LA. It looks like it's in her backyard. They always go really tropical. It's almost like because there's so many covers, everybody's budget's getting cut.


I mean, same for Gayle King. That looks like me on vacation.


Hold on. Let me see Gail King. Hold on.


Me saying to my husband, take a picture.


Oh, literally. Also Hunter McGrady. It could be Montauk. She's on a deck. Where does it say? Oh, in Mexico. I feel like they used to go deep into the woods of Nicaragua. Yeah.


Or in Antarctica, freezing cold in the bikini, raving the elements. No, everyone's getting their budget cuts because there's four covers.


Everybody gets a 25% of the budget.


Yeah. Where was Kate Upton shot? Can you see that? My Zoom is getting blurry.


She was shot in Mexico again. Budget cuts.


Yeah. If you put the budget together. Plus, don't forget the budget for the big group shot.


Oh, yes. Yes, that as well.


It It's also their 60th anniversary issue. It would have been cool if they had one cover star, and she was 60.


Thank you. That's a beyond brilliant idea.


I'm available for consulting. I'd love to be a consultant.


Consultant. A consult? What else I'm going to say?


I'd love to be a consultant. In general, I feel like consulting is a dream job.


No, and I really have an extremely hot take. This big group cover photo, everyone in ball gowns for Sports Illustrated. Seriously, this looks like a low budget Vanity Fair cover shoot.


Claudia. And there's three different ones. I don't know why that just registered to me. I've been looking at them. Three different ones with three different people on each.


So how many cover stars? That's seven. That's seven covers total.


Seven covers. But oh my God. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29. 30 cover stars this year, everyone.


No, it's Giving Participation Award. I'm a cover star this year. Jackie, what are they going to do next? Put me on the cover?


No, literally. I'm actually now offended that I wasn't chosen because you chose everyone. They left me out.


It's not very inclusive of you to not put me on the cover.


This is very uninclusive.


Some would say it's exclusive.


Yikes to better.


Yikes to better. Ydb. I hope you're listening and learning.


I hope you're Ellen Elling.


I hope you're Ellen Elling.


And the thing is, in general, I love Sports Illustrated, and this is all I'm just saying, Come on. That's my official thought.


Come on. She's just saying, Come on. No, I completely agree.


But congrats to all the models and cover stars.


And the grads.


And the grads. I'm congratzing the grads less and less these days. Every video from every commencement is more and more frightening.


I know.


Frightful. Full of fright.


You gave me a fright.


Are you ready for our story, which is really only for you. Yes, we have an audience of millions of people who are going to have to listen to the story, but I only chose it for my swurrow.


Oh, my God. This means the world.


But it's bad news for you.


Okay, so before you get bad news, let me say good news. I'm the worst businesswoman in the world. As of today, I totally forgot. My special Lean In, which I so appreciate everybody renting and buying and supporting on Prime Video, is now available to watch for free on YouTube. You could just look it up. It's called Lean In, Claudia Osh. It's free on So yeah, I'm a woman of the people. It's giving calming energy, and I'm obsessed.


Well, our next story is going to have you feeling sad when you climb into bed. Oh, no. No, it's good news, but not for you.


Joe Manginello is seeing someone.


Taylor Kinne is married.


Oh, no. I'm really upset.


Chicago Firestar marries a model, Ashley Kruger, after two years of dating.


So him and Lady Gaga are not getting back together?


No. Him and you are not getting together.


Okay, by the way, not to be so weird, but why would this... I like him, obviously, but why- I thought you you love him. I think you're thinking of Taylor Kitch from Friday Nights.


No, we all love him. We all love Taylor Kitch. Okay.


I love Taylor Kinne, mostly because I think him and Lady Gaga were truly right person, wrong time.


He's just one of your people that you cite.


He's actually not. I don't hold a candle for him. Honestly, I don't even watch that show that he's on. I'm just like, I'm genuinely- I mean, who does? I'm genuinely a lot of people.


No, I I know a lot of people- Why?


I know a lot of people. One of them, I think is your sister Olivia.


I know a lot of people watch it, like those shows, Chicago PD, Med, like the Chicago Universe. But who does? Why? I feel like it's on for a lot of people, and so they watch it. But- Oh, so you want names? No, I'm saying, who Tevo is it?


Olivia fucking Ashray.


I think she loves that show. She tevos everything. She tevos everything.


You, seriously, the fact that you call it Tevo, but you also I'll call Twitter X. I can't keep up with you. Like, Tevo from the '90s.


I'm an enigma wrapped in a riddle and cash. Let me just say, I learned last week that that quote, the Erica James tagline, is a Winston Churchill quote. Not the cash part, but the enigma wrapped in a riddle. She was citing Winston Churchill that went over all of our dumb fucking heads.


Wait, speaking of tag lines, I watched all of Real House Lies of New Jersey, and I just want to say Margaret's tagline was so funny. While you're taking cheap shots, I'm taking screenshots.


Sickening. So good. All of them were really strong. Even Dolores, I'm an Italian dating an Irishman playing Sweden.


There really wasn't much like that happened in Jersey, except the feeling of Jersey coming back on. I guess it always comes on right before summer, in our lives, but they're airing during their summer, and they always go to the Jersey Shore. It always makes me really excited for summer. I just remembered, I was watching. I was like, Do I need to go to the shore?


Yeah, we always feel that way. We always want to go to the shore after watching.


They make it look so fun.


Yeah, they do.


I just want to say nothing really monumental happened that I don't think it's worthy of a full TV recap. But I'm getting really annoyed. I have reached a point where I think Dolores Catania has so much potential. She really, I feel, gives the show 50% because she's so limited in what she can actually do in terms of stirring the pot and moving the plot line forward because she's so loyal to Teresa. She's such a rational person, and she's a deeply moral person. This fatal flaw of her is just being so ride or die for Teresa. That dinner with her, and now her boyfriend is ride or die for Louis. I'm like, Seriously, I can't.


Yeah, but I think she has an important role to play. She's really one of the very few bridges, and at times, the only bridge.


They would be too far apart, the two groups.


But this season, doesn't it look insanely good?


It does. Also plot twist of the season, disappointment of the year, Jen Fessler. I know. What the fuck?


I know.


Jackie Goldschneider- Jackie Judith Goldschneider. Jackie Judith Goldschneider clearly comes and literally sells down the river Melissa and Margaret, who were so good to her. But Jackie's intentions are so clear. She was demoted on the show. Every year she comes on, tries to get her job back. When she was making fun of Danielle Shorts, being a bitch for no reason, she's clearly to make a moment so that she can get her job back. Her now going to Theresa, none of that feels genuine. That's just her seriously playing a part, and it gives desperate energy. Jen Fessler is the opposite. She was a friend of, but I think the audience liked her so much. It was all so organic. She doesn't need to prove anything. Her herself, not even being a part of the drama, her life, her personality is enough just for her to be on the show. For her to be staying at Rachel Fuda's house, be such good friends with Margaret, and then go licking Teresa's balls. It's so lame. It's the biggest loser energy on the planet. I was shocked because I loved her.


Yeah, no. It doesn't look like it gets any better.


No. Then I called Margaret after I watched, and I was like, Seriously, tell me what's going on. I got some good tea. I'll tell you about it later.


Oh, please do. But don't spoil the season.


No, I love abusing my platform in situations like that.


Yeah, but I'm always so late to it. I also always make you text someone. I forget. When I was watching that show on Netflix, Bling Empire, I wanted to text Dorothy, find out what happened. Dorothy? Dorothy. To find out what happened with that guy, Ari. They were so cute. It was two years later.


I was going to say it was two years later, and I did not text her.


That's wrong.


What was... Oh, Taylor We're kinny. Can you remind me why you think that I hold this special place in my heart for him?


I just feel like you do. Okay. If I'm wrong for that...


You don't want to be right.


Take me away, boys.


Lock me up. Nail me to the cross. Throw away the key. Lock you... Oh, my God. I had a dream I was going to prison because this book that I'm reading, this guy, his mom's going to prison, and it's just the weeks leading up. I had a dream that it was my last day before prison. I met the woman who was going to be my guard, and she hated me so much. I was screaming, my biggest fear in life. I'd rather be dead than go to prison, for real, my biggest fear. I feel like maybe, not that I was planning on breaking the law, but maybe that dream was a message from God just to reinvigorate my law abiding side.


Not to start your encampment.


Right. Right. No, seriously. Even if it's the drunk tank, not real prison, where they keep you to sober up and then they let you out. I seriously... My biggest fear. Just know if I ever am out here committing crimes, something's seriously wrong with me. And it's on you to get me help.


Okay. So I'll say, Screw Sisterhood?


Yeah. That is the only time when it's appropriate to say, Screw Sisterhood.


Okay. Are you ready for our next story? Mm-hmm. Some big news for a lot of different people. Jeopardy is getting a new pop culture It's a spin off at Amazon Prime Video. It's for the swirleys. It's for the Jeopardy fans, I guess. It's for everyone. The first Jeopardy spin off series to be created for a major streaming service is this. It's called Pop Culture Jeopardy.


Okay, so many things to say. First of all, for anyone who watches Jeopardy, you know when there is a category that's even remotely pop culture related. I was watching last night and there was a whole category about EDM DJs. There was like Skrillex, Diplo. I knew every single answer. There's nothing more thrilling than when there's a category that appears like it might reflect your interests. I love this. I want to know who's hosting it because I need to host it. Obviously, I want to be a contest on it, but I'm literally Ken Jennings. Nobody could beat me. I want to be the host. Is it already cast, the host?


A lot of this sounds like it's done. It's happening. They have a name. They probably haven't started shooting yet, but I feel like they have a host, and that'll be another announcement.


When Amazon had their upfronts where they announced all their upcoming projects, another big story was the Reese Withers Spoon. They're doing a prequel series to Legally Blonde.


Of Ellen High School.


So cute. It's giving Carrie diaries. I love it. Although, how you're doing this when three years ago, you told us there was a Legally Blonde 3, it's giving like, We're not going to believe you until it happens now. Yeah.


I mean, that's with everything. Don't get too excited. I know everyone wants to be on pop culture, Jeopardy, and some people want to host it. Would you watch it?


Yeah, but I'm literally sending a text. Hold on. I just want to know, has the Jeopardy pop culture spinoff Host been cast yet?


It's not in this variety article. Who are you asking? An industry insider?


An industry insider. Then I'm seriously like, I'm going to make a tape. I'm going to send my reel. I'm serious. I want to put myself forward.




And seriously, I'm putting a lot of weight on who they cast as host. Besides for us, obviously, who do you think would be a good host?


I don't want too much personality in my host.


I know.


It's such a good call. And especially if we're going in the vein of Jeopardy, I want a real host, a host that feels like a real host.


Honestly, I know we put him up for every guest. Justin? Yeah, it needs to be Justin Sylvester. Yeah, I agree. Because he is a professional host, but he's also obsessed with all facets of pop culture, and he hosts E-News.


Yeah, well, I guess he could do both.


Or they bring Giuliana Ransick out of retirement.


Not for this.


No, not for this. I'll let you know if I find out.


I'm so curious. Exciting, swirly, trivia news.


I love that.


Are you ready for our next story?




Which is some exciting food news with a little bit of celebrity as well. It's like Krispy Kreme knew I'm done talking about free donuts, so they did this.


So they started charging people again.


No, so they incorporated Dolly Parton. Dolly Parton and Krispy Kreme announced It's a new Southern Sweets Donuts, plus a free treat if you show up dressed like Dolly.


By the way, they can't give their donuts away fast enough. How they make a profit is seriously remarkable to me.


These donuts are so cute. They're so Dolly. They're pink and have butterflies and all this crapola. So cute. It's called the DALL-E Southern Sweets Collection.


I can't sing the praises enough of Krispy Kreme as a brand. I feel like the fact that they get spoken about here so much, when we don't even eat them on the reg, they're always doing good work. Their partnership The last one I feel like they did was Hailey Bieber with the strawberry glazed donut. Like a genius.


Yeah. No, and this is really genius, too. Plus really cute that if you show up dressed like DALL-E, you'll get a free donut. That's just encouraging cute vibes.


It's encouraging cute vibes. Also, like I said, they can't give their donuts away fast enough. They must have some overproduction issue where every couple of weeks, they need to do some campaign so they don't waste it.


No, it's just brilliant marketing because the donut probably cost them, what, $0.10? But it creates this buzz. Like, look, they're talking about on the toast now. How many donuts is this really advertisement worth? Like, one million?


They have not cast the host yet.


Say any names in the mix. Can I throw my hat in?


I'm putting together a reel. Okay, here's my official reel. Oh, you want to do a little pop culture Trivia?




This will be my actual- And I'll be the contestant.


If you get to be the host, I want to be a contestant for one.


Of course. Cool. Okay, ready? Yeah. What's the show called? Jeopardy. Jeopardy Pop Culture? Yeah. Welcome back to Jeopardy. I am your host, Claudia O'Sher. Today, we are joined by a fabulous contestant from New York City, currently living in Florida. She's got red hair and tits to match. Hey, Jacks. How you doing?


You lost the job. This is a family show.


No, you're right. Okay, By the way, delete, delete. Okay. Welcome back to Jeopardy. I am your host, Claudia O'Shre. Today, we have three amazing participants. Let's meet them, shall we? Hi, Jacquelyn. Hi, Claudia.


It's so great to be here. I'm excited.


Welcome to the show. Are you feeling nervous? Are you feeling anxious?


I'm a little nervous to see what's in store for me, but I love pop culture, and I can't wait to get started.


And what makes you think that you are the right person to win?


I just always be really interested in pop culture. I have a pretty good memory, and I think I could crush it. Claudia, I do.


Okay, are you ready?


I'm ready.


Category is Disney Princess.




Say $200 or something.


Disney Princess for $200. Dirty.


This is hard. Who was the first Disney Princess?


Snow White.


Common misconception, Snow White. It's actually Persephone. Okay.


It's fucking Snow White. That was a bad question. For 70, it's not a Disney Princess.


Okay, $400.


Disney Princess is for 400, turtle Lou.


Who was the first, and so far, only Disney Princess with a tattoo? Moana. No, I knew you were going to say Moana. Think old school.


With a tattoo.


Can you paint with all the colors of the wind? Oh, Pocahontas.


I maybe would have gotten there, but probably not.


Who was Walt Disney's favorite princess? I'll give you a clue.


Okay. But they don't give clues. Yeah, I know. I know. Okay. This is fucking hard. Okay.


I just want to say this website sucks, and this is the worst audition tape for you to be.


No, unless they want to save their money. Yeah, I guess.




Oh, okay. Cut. Let me go to a different way. Do more. I'm having fun.


See, who won for best actor in the role of the Revenant in 2016?


Leonardo DiCaprio.


What is the only film to have won a Big Five Academy... Excuse me. What is the only film to have won all Big Five Academy awards? Best picture, best director, best actor, best actress, and best screenplay. This is a deep random cut.


Can you give me a I'll give you another clue.


Yeah. Here's Johnny.


What's he in Gilbert Grape?


No. Have you ever seen Silence of the Labs? No. Oh, wait, sorry. That's from The Shining. Not me literally quoting the wrong movie. Silence of the Labs is the worst fucking movie on the planet. Okay, you'll know this one. What about the way I'm cracking up that I literally quote the wrong movie.


But anyway, what's he doing over here?


Jackie, we absolutely have to delete this I'm coming off as the world's worst host, and you're coming off as the dumbest contest.


No, but this is perfect. I feel like I'll get the job because then they don't have to pay me. I won't make a lot of money.


What is the highest grossing film of all time, not adjusted for inflation?




Yes. Which actor played the character of Neo in the Matrix trilogy?


I've never seen the Matrix, but I know Keanu Reeves. Yes.


Who directed the 2019 film Parasite, which won the Academy Award for Best Picture? You're never going to remember his name.


I don't remember his name.


Bong June Ho. That was the movie one. You'll know this one. Which TV show is set in the fictional city of Westeros?


What is Game of Thrones, Turdaloo?


In the TV show The Crown, who plays the character of Queen Elizabeth II in the first two seasons?


Who is Claire Foy?


In the TV show The Office, what is the name of the company that the characters work for? Do you know this?


Yeah. Scranton, The paper...




Scranton? No. What's the name of their township?


No, they live in Scranton, but that's not the name of...


It's not Scranton? Paper Co. No.


Dunder Mifflin. Totally.


I know that, but I would not have guessed I wouldn't have accessed it in time.


Oh, my God. I'm literally cracking up. Oh, you won't know this one, number one, because you don't watch Friends. By the way, now it's coming back to haunt you.


Yeah, wait. Let me try.


In the TV show Friends, what is the name of Ross and Monica's mom?


I don't know. Priscilla.


Judy Geller. Priscilla. They're like Jews from Long Island.


I just gave it a shot.


Who is the best-selling solo artist of all time?


Michael Jackson.


Elvis Presley. What was the name of Michael Jackson's chimpanzee I'll see. I just want to say, these are the types of questions that-I don't think that question would be on it.


What's the name of Michael Jackson's chips? No, me neither. Okay, bubbles. That was really fun. I hope you guys enjoyed that as much as I did.




#scranted paper co. Yeah. Okay, well, get your free donut. All's to say, our fifth and final story is one of my favorite categories of stories. Favorite Favorite category, favorite subset, subset, subset. Category is sports. It's a lot. Subset is Olympics.


I'm obsessed.


Subset is Olympic village hanky panky.


All right, who's talking?


No one, if they have it their way, anti-sex beds have arrived at the Paris Olympics after horny athletes admit to orgies amid the competition. In an effort to stop the athletes from banging all day and night, they have made the beds for the athletes this year. Diny-diny.


Why? By the way, these are consenting adults. Who gives a fuck?


Yeah, I don't know. I feel like they just wanted to make the bed small. It's not like a sleepaway camp. I feel like they were just trying to save money, and they took this angle of anti-sex beds, which have arrived in Paris, ahead of the 2024 Olympic Games, with their materials in small size, allegedly aimed at deterring athletes from getting kinky during the competition. The bed's twin size means there's no room for the competitors to settle up together. The beds are manufactured by Airweave, which also made the products for the 2020 Olympic Games in I also think the beds are sustainable. You could break them down. The mattress and cardboard frame are 100% recyclable. I don't think this is going to deter anyone from having sex. These athletes have worked their whole lives. Most of them, no offense, but it's just a fact, are not going to place, and they're there to have a good fucking time, as they should.


This is just coming off the heels of our conversation from yesterday, how important sleep is, especially when your job is to be physical and to To bring someone to the peak of their career, the highest level of competition, and then make it impossible for them to sleep. Yeah, of course, sure, the sex part. But these are, first of all, huge people. They're all huge. They're tall, they're wide, they're everything. Sleep is such an important part of physical health. To make the bed so small and made of cardboard, seriously, I'd rather sleep on the floor.


No, not only will they not be able to lie next to each other because they're smaller than a twin, but they won't be able to lie on top of each other as the cardboard frames are reportedly designed collapse under such a weight. I'm sorry, but this is- Disgraceful.athlet abuse.




You have to see the picture of this bed. It looks like a prison.


I have always thought because I remember in Sochi, it was a whole thing. But the Olympic village is always like, Shitzville. Now, of course, budgets, I guess, are somewhat limited, but they're really not. It's the Olympics.


The whole world's pitching in.


There's really no reason why everyone can't have a queen bed. These are grown people. To To make a grown person, not even an athlete who is probably larger than most, except for the gymnasts, to make a grown person sleep in a twin-size bed, seriously- Smaller than a twin.


A twin would be humane. A twin XL, what you got in college, that's perfectly suitable. This is insane. This actually looks like a prison cell.


Anti-sex cardboard beds, I see.


I agree with you. What's the big deal if they have sex? They're consenting adults. I guess one, they give out 30,000 condoms, so maybe they can cut down on their condom budget. Two, disease. But again- But that's a part of having sex anywhere.


No, this isn't a school trip. This isn't sleepaway camp. Everyone is of consenting age, I think.


Actually, some Okay, but that's just because some of the gymnasts are 16 doesn't mean that- Right.


Some Olympians are 16. And seriously, there should anyway be a separate building for minors because they probably have to be there with their parents. No, this is really just- I feel like the- It looks, by the way, it's literally origami.


Yeah. I feel like the culture and the hookup scene of the Olympics, for most of the athletes, is one of the best parts. They work so hard. They've been abstaining for so long. They missed out on so much fun. Let the athletes let it rip.


I agree. This is so lame.


This is the prime of their life.


If somebody wants to get fucked, that's her business.


It's literally not going to stop them, these beds. If anything, maybe they'll just be more sex in public because they can't do their cardboard bed.


Or in the communal showers, which is actually less sanitary for other people.


I don't think this is going to result in one less hookup. Not one.


You can have sex in a chair. You can have sex literally anywhere, especially if you're in peak physical shape. You don't need anything.


I don't know why whenever the Olympics make a change, it's always shittier for the athletes.


It's always about the living conditions.


It's just the village gets smaller. Fuck that. Fuck that.


Do you think that the people competing for France get to sleep at home?




Do you think they get better accommodations? That's a good way to get a leg up on the competition. We're sleeping soundly in our queen-size tamperpedics, you're sleeping like shit on your twin bed made of cardboard.


I don't think it's different for them.


Me neither. That's against international law, for sure.


International law, exactly.


That was our fifth story Sorry.


Yes, and now it's time for our TV recap. I'm so excited.


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Gargi-paragy. Okay. Part one, Reunion. Pump Rules, aird last night. I didn't know that none of the cast had seen the last five minutes with that hot mic moment, and then Lala's speech, and they're all going to be watching it together.


Brilliant that they did that. One, because they can watch it together. We can see their reaction. They don't have time to really plan. It will be very genuine, too, because I think if Ariana saw that, it would change the way she was talking to Lala. I do want to have an honest conversation about the whole season, and then things are going to change because everything has changed after that final scene. So I loved that. And let me just say, Lala can. I am so obsessed. I've always been obsessed, but I thought she was on fire Last night. Anyone else? Even James was like, No, you're killing it. She thought she was making no sense because she had pregnancy brain. But fire points, just fair, reasonable, rational, tough, but fair.


I I want to say something. I think Ariana Maddox showing up to a reunion, having not seen any of the season, seriously, is unacceptable. How do you think that you can actively participate at your job? This is a job, and it requires doing the work. You can't hold anyone's feet to the fire for something they said because you don't know that they said it. Even if everybody had seen the final parts of that final episode, Ariana wouldn't have watched it, and she wouldn't have known the stuff. It's almost good that they're showing it because Ariana didn't do the homework. I feel like her admitting that, first of all, she shouldn't have done that because it really just makes her look like she has one foot out. Honestly, when she said that, I was like, Well, then why are you here sitting next to Andy? You're not going to participate. You don't know anything. I know more than you.


Yes. It didn't bother me. I don't feel that way. At first, I was like, Oh, yeah. But one, she didn't see the confessionals, but she lived the rest of the season and she knows a good amount. And two, she's still a human being, and that is so painful to watch. I also didn't feel feel like she needed to hear every little thing people were saying about her. Because in normal life, people talk about you behind your back and you usually never hear it. I was glad because then in that moment, at least, Lala didn't have to answer for everything that she had said. And we'll talk about it here and now. I also like, you have to keep in mind, Ariana has been through a major trauma. She's trying to move forward and not live in the past, and she needs to be able to do that. I was glad.


It goes back to what we said yesterday. Her protecting, setting boundaries, protecting herself, taking care of her mental health, but then also being a reality star. It seems like she's gotten to a place where you really can't do both effectively. For sure.


To me, that was a boundary that I didn't think affects her ability overall to do the show. Yeah, she could have had more to say and why Lala say this or that. I'm sure if there's anything pointed, Andy will just bring it up like, Oh, Lala said this about you. But it didn't bother me so much, and I understood it. I also feel like, yeah, you have to do your homework for the reunion, but do all of these reality stars just sit around and watch their own show all the time? I know even like Sheena said that she only fast forwards to her scenes most of the time. Is it required that they watch their own show?


I don't know if it's required, but I think if you want to come to a reunion and do what you're supposed to do, which is serve facts and bring things up, you need to know what's being said when you're around and when you're not around. I know that they get, because when they film this, there was probably three or four episodes that hadn't come out yet. They get the screeners leading up. I I think it's not said, but I think it's implied, watch it.


Yeah. I could imagine not watching a season that was miserable for a person, skipping that one. And that doesn't bother. I will give Grace.


I was shocked. We spent so much It was the beginning part of the episode talking about Raquel. I literally forgot about her. Then to hear Tom Sandoval have such a shift in his talking about her was really shocking. I thought the conversation about whether or not he was a groomer was It's really interesting. It's clear he doesn't know what grooming means. He thinks of it as pedophilia. No one's calling him a pedophilia, even though she's 12 years younger than him. I think Lala did a good job of explaining and really not backing down, being like, No, that's not what it means. You can say all you want. That's not what grooming means. It's about a power imbalance, an age difference, her being really impressionable, and then him calling himself impressionable. I can't. He's so moronic. I actually can't fucking stand him, for real. He's just so ugly on the inside.


Yeah. I thought it was so interesting that he's dating a new girl who was on his wall. That was crazy. That was a crazy story. I saw a picture of the two of them. She doesn't watch the show. He said she looks like she dated Leo once.


Oh, how the mighty have fallen.


No. He's just in a relationship now. Interesting.


Good for him. But Ariana had bought a house, so when they were talking about the house stuff, had that just not happened yet?


I feel like it had, but I don't know why it didn't come up. Because I don't know why it didn't come up. Because there's also house legal stuff, so I don't know.


I think the real interesting part of the reunion was this whole thing between Lala and Katie, and how a lot of it stemmed from, and I didn't know this all season long, but I guess it was true. How did they get to this place? They were so good. We had thought it was because they were just in different places where Katie was holding onto a lot of anger, and Lala was entering her soft.


A different approach to handling things.


Trauma. Yeah. But it It comes out, though. Lala was actually really mad all along that they were having these conversations off camera, and Katie was just being honest about her feelings when it came to Ariana. But then on the show, no, never mind. We love Ariana. We stand. She couldn't even bring up a fact that she was probably I guess, and she had valid reasons to be mad at Ariana for leaving for some project, not telling anyone. Then the sandwich shop, what about the sandwich shop? They had said last night that by the time this episode comes out, the sandwich shop will be open. I checked the Instagram last night. Nothing has been posted.


Still nothing has been posted. It's supposed to open next week. That's the date, like May 22nd or something. It's weird that the Instagram hasn't posted that.




But yeah, it was interesting to see that that's why Lala and Katie were beefing because Lala felt like Katie wasn't being honest on the show. Lala was just dropping straight facts. Ariana is the fan favorite. You don't want to fuck with that.


Living in the comments, that's really interesting. Making personal decisions about your life, your friends, your relationships.


And how you're going to to move on the show.


Based off of what the comments will say. We talk about all the time how Bravo fandoms, especially... Pup Girls is the biggest show on Bravo. They can be so toxic and so loud. It's probably, especially if you're an impr... She is such a people pleaser. I can see her really Making decisions seriously about her relationship, about a million personal things, based on what she thinks people might say in the comments. That's such a bad place to live. You need to make decisions for your life based on what you think is right.


Yeah, I think for her life, she does. But I feel like in terms of friendships, she's struggling Between Sandoval, this is a show, I'm doing my job, versus what are people going to say. Even when she took a picture standing next to him, she got eviscerated, and that really hurt her. I feel like when she's crying about being torn, it's a lot of that. It's also then Ariana, her friend, she doesn't want to hurt her friend, and she doesn't want Ariana to drop her.


The thing is, the power imbalance in the group now has shifted so much, where Ariana is this A-list celebrity, and Then I think in what Lala experiences, and I think Sheena probably, but Lala is the only one vocalizing it. Yes, what Ariana went through was really hard. But I think a lot of the girls, specifically, are having a hard time seeing her as a victim when she's a New York Times bestselling author. All the things Andy, the brand deals, commercials, Bloomingdale's, Duracell, Dancing with the Stars, Broadway. It's really hard to see someone who has all these gifts being bestowed upon them. It's hard to see them and position them as a victim.


Also, when each Both of them have gone through a pretty similar situation. They were either cheated on or a long-term relationship broke up. Raquel wasn't their best friend, but to a degree of a similar situation and didn't have that outcome. Also, from what we know about Tom and Aria's relationship now, him cheating on her and ending the relationship was the biggest favor he could have done for her. It was a miserable relationship. So not only did she get out of that situation, but she gets to be on such a high. It's, of course, you are going to mourn what you thought was your life in 10 years and person that you thought you were close to. But it's all good. All good things. I also thought it was interesting that they started out the reunion, referencing last reunion, and asking anyone if they thought they went to hard or regret anything that they said.


Everybody really stood their ground, which I thought was interesting because I remember feeling after the last reunion like, Yeah, we hate Raquel, but we don't want her to kill herself. It really felt like everybody seriously wanted her to slit her wrists. I thought that was a good question to ask.


Yeah, I agree. I also thought that they gave her a lot of credit, which she deserved for showing up to the last reunion, especially considering she didn't... Since she's not back on the show, she didn't have to show up for that reunion. It's crazy that she did.


Yeah. No, but seriously, I think it all was a part of the success she's having now. People looked at how she handled the whole thing, really with grace and elegance, and then she showed up looking stunning. Raquel? It all contributed... Oh, sorry. I'm saying- Are we not talking No, it's not crazy that Ariana showed up to the reunion.


The whole world was on her side, a room full of people ready to just go to bat for her and battle for her.


I'm sorry, I misunderstood.


All she did was sit there in the gorgeous, which she did. She gets that closure of getting to yell at the people who have hurt her. I'm saying Raquel. Since Raquel was not on this season, she did not have to go to the reunion. The fact that she did, credit to her.


She probably didn't know for sure she wasn't going to be coming back. I don't think the decision had been made yet, but yes, I agree. That was an extremely brave thing to do. I thought also it was really interesting when they were talking about if anybody felt bad that they had took it too far with stuff regards to Sandoval when they found out he was having suicidal thoughts. Andy asked Ariana, and Ariana is right in that she didn't contribute. She wasn't out here doing podcasts, making songs, merch about Sandoval, so she didn't really feel like she had to reneg on anything. She pretty much stayed silent the whole time. It was really Lala and Sheena, but they were doing it on Ariana's behalf. I had assumed up until this point that they were doing it like... They were not being pushed, but being encouraged by Ariana, and Ariana liked it.


I just feel like they weren't discouraged. I feel like when it happened, everyone could have been quiet and been like, We'll let Ariana say her piece, but she didn't want to say anything. I actually agree with Ariana. She literally didn't do it. Everything happened to Tom can't hurt her. Then the world and people react as they do. She really did nothing other than try and protect her peace and not speak to him. Nothing in her reaction, in her own reaction, can be faulted Aside from, I guess, the reunion, just spewing, but you're allowed to spew for a couple of days after what they did to her.


It's two parts or three parts?


I feel like it's three. Next week is about My favorite part. I'm sorry. I know this is so wrong, but my favorite part of the episode was talking about Lala and Schwartz.


I know. And by the way, Katie's face. I actually could see a world in which if Katie had a normal reaction to it, maybe years later, we would pinpoint it as a moment where Lala and Schwartz maybe thought it was something they could do. But Katie's so funny because she hates Tom with all her heart. She says she is so indifferent. But anytime it comes up, him being with another woman, Joe Then last night with Lala, her face, she seriously, I thought she was going to cry.


I mean, yeah, I would cry, too, because they were just really cute. But also in that moment, Schwartz wasn't saying... He was saying, No, it's not flirting. But when she said, I would devour you, he I had something to the effect of what I'd like to see.


The thing is, I think the flirting has been cute, and I love Lala, and I want happiness for Lala. Seriously, I think there's no man on Earth who's a worse partner than Tom Schwartz. I don't want that for Lala. Lala deserves better. Schwartz is like an asshole piece of shit loser who won't defend even his wife. Seriously, I find him so unattractive because of how he was as a husband.


No, I know. I just need to think about that and the idea is kaput, but in those sweet moments where they're just being so cute, and we said that all season. And crazier things have happened on Vannerpump rules of people getting together. I mean, Tom and Raquel, obviously. If the next step were Lala and Schwartz getting together, it actually wouldn't be the craziest thing. No.


I feel like Lala is so mature and emotionally intelligent that she wouldn't go about it in a way like Raquel, like a seeking around. I think she would seriously on camera, sit down with Katie and be like, I'm feeling this way, and I want to tell you about it.


I feel like the way it would have to happen, I thought about this. It would be, Schwartz has to go to Lala and be like, I have feelings for you. I would like to explore them. He would have to say, I'm in love with you. It has to be love.


But see, Schwarz is so incapable of direct communication.


If he did that, if He did that that would speak to a newfound maturity that would make him worthy of Lala.


He's not worthy of Lala, and he's certainly not worthy of being some stepfather to her kids. It's not a possibility, but it's fun to talk about.


No, I'm so... It was my I was smiling from ear to ear during that segment, and I know I'm wrong for that. I know that's wrong to Katie, and it's against girl code. Everything in me, my head knows that it's wrong, but my heart feels that it's right.


In the words of Selena Gomez, The heart wants what it wants.


That's what my heart wants.


I love that.


Yeah. Then James Kennedy being hysterical.


He was pretty quiet. Him holding on to this grudge about how they kicked him out of the group for five minutes last season because Raquel was the it girl.


Just so funny to me. I seriously love him so much.


I love him, too. I also thought it was really interesting. He also clearly is holding this grudge about how he got shit for moving on from Raquel so quickly, but nobody gave Ariana shit. It came up, she's still dating that guy. I know. He's so blah.


I just feel like we have no idea what's going on with her. She's been in a one-year long-term relationship, and it's like, Okay, what? Who? Where?


Even when she was leaving the finale with that group of people, I'm like, Who the hell are these people?




No. It's like, this is supposed to be about a group of friends, and not one castmate was with her. She does feel like she's on this island.


Yeah. And that she's not really sharing anything. I understand she wants to remove herself from Tom. She's not going there, but like, Okay, go other places. Not just something about her. Oh my God. When Lala was like, It's sounding more like nothing about her. Oh, my God. I was like, Chills.


No, it's just like we were all thinking it.


I'm obsessed. Does everyone, and by everyone, I'm not talking to everyone. I don't care. I was with you. I know your heart. Were you just obsessed with her last night? She was peak Lala last night to me.


Yeah, you texted me. You were like, Oh, my God, Lala's on fire. I actually didn't see that. I agreed with everything she said, but I didn't feel like she was particularly on one. No.


If this were a presidential debate, she was the winner, in my view.


Yeah. She definitely ate Katie up and chewed her out at the very end. She ate everyone up. Bringing up that phone call. She ate everyone up.


She was crying. Oh, my God. When they were crying about Summer Moon, I was crying about Summer Moon. Yeah, that was sweet.


And about Brock, by the way, them going to Australia and not seeing the kids. That's really crazy. Why the fuck did they go to Australia?


Because he probably has friends and family there.


But it's still really crazy.


No, it is crazy and sad.


Summer Moon being his second chance at fatherhood. I have such a hard time because it's really crazy. I know.


It's like I sometimes watch those scenes as the ex-wife. Yeah, of course. Rock's ex-wife watching those scenes.






But yes, Lala, I think at the very end, she was serving facts to everyone. She's a good talker. She's a good fighter. But her breaking up something we didn't know, which was that Katie called her before before the season and was just complaining about Ariana when Katie's been so loyal to Ariana. That was definitely a micro moment. That also provides a lot of clarity because it definitely felt like, what happened between these two?


They were going toe to toe because they're both pretty sharp. But when she was sighting these things, Katie just started to fall apart.


Then saying, you don't need a lawyer, you need a therapist, bringing up her custody. Katie was just like, I don't think I said it like that. I said lawyer. I think everybody needs a therapist. She didn't deny it. It's like, you said it.


I think everybody needs a therapist. That's not what you said.


Right. That's not what you said.


Yeah, that was just... She was on a roll. That was... Yikes. She's on fire.


She's on fire. Okay, so part two will keep up next week. Tomorrow will be Tomorrow will be dear toaster, so we'll be able to save the girlies in need then. Until then, thank you guys so much for listening to the Toast Millennial Morning Show, where we deliver the five-time stories you need to know every Monday through Friday on YouTube. If you're watching us on YouTube, please feel free to subscribe and give us a video of a thumbs up. We're also available as a podcast, anywhere podcast. Can be found on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Public Video, IRR, podcast. How stunning. How wickedly talented we are. Have an amazing day. We'll see you tomorrow for Thursday.


Love you. Love you. Bye.