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Good morning, millennials.


Welcome back to the toast and happy Friday. Hope everybody's having an amazing day thus far. Today's episode is brought to you by Byheart. Byheart is an infant nutrition company built from the ground up to deliver real innovation on behalf of babies and parents. Their mission is simple. Make the best formula in the world. This year, our friends at by heart, the only american made formula with globally sourced ingredients to use organic, grass fed whole milk. Never skim are celebrating all the ways in which they never skim on anything, especially your babies. By heart never skims on healthy fats. They use only organic, grass fed whole milk. Whole milk is full of healthy fats like naturally occurring MFGM, which play an important role in brain development and growth. And by heart never skims on their standards. Their formula is made with certified clean ingredients. Plus it has no soy, corn syrup, GMO's, nor palm oil. So try by heart today and celebrate their commitment to never skimming on all the important benefits when it comes to infant formula. Are you curious about Byheart? Redeem your welcome podcast with code toast 20 only for a limited time.


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I'm so excited for today's episode for a number of reasons. It's Friday. Mazel tov. Congrats, grads. We did it. And we're going into a long holiday weekend. Oh, my God.


I didn't even think about that.


So we have that holiday weekend energy and that joie de vie.


Yeah. I feel like when we come back to the show on Tuesday, not Monday, don't get it twisted. We're gonna be, like, tan and full of life.


What's also exciting is that we already recorded Monday's Patreon episode for you guys. We recorded it yesterday. All about toast, inside jokes, Dini Lexicon explaining everything that we say and why we say it. And that will drop on Monday. So if you're looking for an episode. There'll be one on thetoast. So also, we can go into the weekend feeling good. Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.


So I feel like there's a lot of people listening to today's episode. And before we get to the meat of the thing that, like, everybody wants us to talk about, let's just say, hi. Welcome. The Toast is a daily podcast we stream live on YouTube and anywhere you can get your podcast, Monday through Friday. We usually drop the episodes at about noon. Jackie and I are sisters. We love each other very much. Some core values here at the toast are just, like, joy, humor, family love, et cetera. And, of course, pop culture. We do five pop culture stories every day. The first half of the show is usually just girly girls chit chatting, you know, and then the second half, girly swirly chit chat, girly swirly chitchat. And then the second half of the show is pop culture. We also have a patreon where for $7.99 every month, you can get five extra episodes, vlogs, podcast episodes from your girls. Kind of an amazing price. And we're also doing live shows this summer at the Beacon Theater in New York City in the West Hampton Beach Performing Arts center. There aren't a lot of tickets left, so we will be serving Spritz society.


It's gonna be an amazing, amazing night. I cannot wait. And that's society, the tour. Let me just get that in tour, even though there's, like, no tickets left. I don't even know why I'm, like, shilling it. Yes.


Speaking of Spritz society in the Hamptons.


Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Good segue.


Summer house was on last night, my new fave show.


I also perfect timing, like, hashem was looking out for your girl. I yesterday was like, I need to get in on summer house because the finale's airing next week. Then the reunion. There's all this drama, and I happened. I knew that last night on watch weapons live, there was gonna be something involving us, and I was like, I need to do my homework. I need to come prepared. So I watched about five or six episodes of Summer House last night and this morning, and I also watched watch what happens live, which is what we are really here to talk about.


Yes. So this last night's episode of watch what happens Live with Kyle was recorded a few days ago.




And I have a mole. Some mole. Shout out, mole. They were like, no, that there was a conversation about Fritz and lover boy and Ben and Kyle and Craig.


And so that's why we watch. I don't normally watch Revans live with, like, two losers, but I did, and I will say I wasn't bothered. So many people were dming me, like, oh, my God, you have to hear what Kyle said on watch Redmond's live. And his general gist was like, you know, you could tell he's very protective of his brand, and I totally get that. And he was, like, mad and all butthurt. And it felt like he was, like, a little threatened that Kyle joined our company. I'm Kyle. Craig joined our company. He invested. He's a new ambassador. We're gonna be doing a lot of fun, like, things, events, flavors, trips to the cape. And so I didn't really feel like he said anything that crazy on the episode. Like, he was just being, like, douchey.


On the whatever on the show. And he honestly was getting, like, sad. He seemed a little sad when he climbs into bed and starts feeling sad that Craig invested into society. Yeah.


And I wasn't gonna, like, do an episode on it. Like, whatever. But then this morning, so many people were sending me, like, he really went in on the after show, and what he did was lie. And he didn't even lie about me. He lied about two people I love very much. Obviously, my husband, who I'll seriously, like, ride for till the end, and who's such a good, honest, loving person and not duplicitous, like, he loves, spurt society. It's his livelihood, but, like, it's not his entire world. You know, he's not gonna be out here, like, scheming at night, stealing ideas. Okay. And then he also lied about my good friend, our good friend Craig Khan, over calling him a liar. And I just felt like there were a few things I wanted to add color to and clear up and clear up so you can all make your decisions, whether your team, whatever. There are no teams. There's room for all of us, but it's important that you have all the facts. And, you know, he went on watch, happens live, and, like, slung some pretty serious accusations. And I just want to give, because I have all the facts.


I have all the dates, I have all the timestamps, and I have the receipts. So let me just clear up a few things. And actually, I'm gonna be looking to my left because I wrote them down because he said a couple things. I just wanted directly respond.


Make sure you get it.


Hit every point and I think that a really huge part piece of the context that a lot of people might not have about lover boy and the show is, and they've said this on the show, but you might not have put it together, is that lover boys, Kyle's company, and he doesn't take on investors. Like, you know, anytime you have a startup, we have a ton of investors from all different parts of the country. Some of them, you guys know, the skinny confidential Shannon Ford. That's more of a. An influencer partnership where people invest and they get equity, but we also use their name and likeness. That's what we're doing with Craig because we really believe, like, in compensating talent, you know, you're coming to us, you're giving us your instagram. Like, that's value. We know that that's valuable, and we believe, you know, in compensating people fairly. And at lover boy, you know, it's just Kyle. He doesn't take on investors, and he certainly doesn't give any equity to his castmates or fellow influencers, fellow Bravo stars who are doing a lot of work and selling a lot of product for.


Them or holding lover boy in every episode, talking about lover boy in every episode, talking about the new flavor. Oh, this pair tastes good.


And these aren't nobodies. These are people with hundreds of thousands of followers, with fans of their own with successful podcast giggly squad. Like, these aren't nobodies.


Who other brands would pay thousands for that and do do that?


So I can see why that might be frustrating for Kyle. Like, he's really gotten away with sort of robbing his castmates, and it's, you know, famously become an issue. Hannah Burner, you know, they talked a lot about their reunion when Hanna Burner's out here, like, shilling products for him, getting nothing in return, and then she gets eviscerated for taking a brand deal with truly, which is a canned malt beverage. And, like, Kyle made it his mission to destroy Hannah and get her kicked off the show because she literally is trying to make a living. Like, it's insane. So that's just a little bit of context he. And that makes him very stressed, I think. Like he said on the show, how, you know, he has funded the company not with investors. We have funded the company with tons of investors. Like, that's how, you know, we make payroll, and that's how we can afford marketing and things like that. He doesn't do that. And he's taken out personal loans, which is obviously a very brave thing to do. So I see why he's, like, really protective over it. Like, I totally get it. If I was $4 million in personal loans, like, I would be freaking, too.


Like, I'd be doing everything I could to make this company successful. And even if that meant, you know.


Saying your wife can't go do her own little pet project cause you need her.


That's why he's so stressed, by the.


Way, on the show, we see that. And then also, that's why he was kind of feeling, like, backed into a corner with the Craig thing and started just slinging these accusations that aren't true.


That aren't true. So, Ben and Craig are two people I know very well and really love and respect, and they're, like grown men who aren't gonna get on their podcasts and defending themselves. But I am. Cause I'm not a grown woman. I'm a child, and I have the facts.


You're not a grown man.


No, I'm not a grown man, and neither is Kyle. So we're just gonna be duking it out. That's fine. Like, here's just the facts, okay? It's just important. The first thing is how Craig got involved in the company. It wasn't this, like, big master scheme. It was actually such a pure story. And, of course, it involves Taylor Swift. Like, I've known Craig and Paige forever, but Ben recently. Well, when was eras in New York? Maybe a year and a half ago. No, actually, exactly.


Last summer.


So I went to Eris tour, like, three times. The second night, I went with a brand. And when we went with a brand, they had, like, this party bus. Craig and Paige were there, too. They invited a bunch of influencers. There was this party bus, and, of course, you know, Ben's like, yeah, can we get Spritz on the bus? And the girls who worked for the brand were like, toasters. So cute. Spritz on the bus. Spritz in the suite. Spritz everywhere. And Craig was, like, pounding them. He was like, these are so good. And he didn't know it was our company. He was just like, oh, my God, I love these. And then we were all hanging out. We ended up driving them home. Craig was, like, asking me so many questions about Taylor Swift, and that's where him and Ben really became friends. Of course, golf was a huge part of it. When he found out we were the owners of Spritz, he, like, wanted to get involved. Ben love. Ben loves doing partnerships like this, like, involving people who want to invest but also have an audience and have an Instagram following. Like, that's a match made in heaven.


So, Craig. We've been working with Craig for a while. We only recently announced that he was going to be joining us. And we have a lot of fun things coming up with Craig. But that's how it started. Like, no one was thinking about Kyle. Like, nobody thinks about Kyle. Like, two things can exist and two people can be successful. And there's a million canned cocktail companies besides us, and they're all bigger than us, and it's, like, it's not a big deal. So just. It was never about that. But I think Craig was aware that he wanted to tell Kyle in his own way. And another piece of context that is important, like, so important and factual, is that Craig took Kyle out to dinner before the announcement, not the day before, like, a week before it was going to be announced, and said, maybe actually more than a week. And he said, I want to let you know I'm doing this partnership with Ben and the toast girls, but if you will let me invest in lover boy, I won't do it.


Like, I would rethink if you have an offer for Craig was really.


Craig's really smart about his money. I feel like that's kind of been, like, the Craig, you know, a redemption story on southern charm. People, like, thought he was a joke with the sewing. Literally. His company is huge. Sewing down south. They thought he was a joke with the lawyer. He passed the bar. People don't take him seriously. And I think he's having this sort of redemption era. He's really smart, and he wanted to invest in it in a ready to drink cocktail. And he said, listen, I really love spritz, but, of course, like, I will invest in you if you don't want me to do Spritz. And, of course, like I said earlier, that's not something lover boy does. They don't want to give other people equity. Kyle wants to remain in control of the company. That's why he took out the personal loans, and he said no. So Kyle knew he had first right of refusal. And I feel like Craig really, that's, like, what a good, honest person does. And so to be called a liar on the show and then, like, completely not include that very vital conversation was dishonest of Kyle, and I don't like that.


And I don't like you calling my friend a liar. Craig is a really good person. Like, he's an honest. He loves Paige. He's a hardworking guy.


Also, at this point, we have about, like, a decade of footage on Craig and lie. He does not.


No, he's a good. He's a good.


The way that Kyle said, like, craig's a liar. Like, everyone knows. Like, no, he's not a. No, we don't.


No, we don't know that. Like, he's a good. And I think that's really why him and Ben, like, sparked when they met. Like, they're really similar. Like, hard work. Like, their values are aligned, like, hardworking. I mean, Craig would die for Paige. Ben would die for me. Like, they're just, like, honest, good, faithful people who just, like, want to have fun. Like, it's not that serious. So it really had nothing to do with lover boy, but now it does, because, like, he's making up lies now. Another lie that was told that I must defend my husband. Because if, you know, to know Ben is to know he's literally incapable of deception. He is a golden retriever, sweetheart. And Kyle said on the after show that the founder of Spritzocidy, that's BSC, Ben Safer, my husband, took him out to dinner the night before the Craig announcement was made. Now, this is why I love, the toast. Ben did go to dinner with Kyle Cook. I happened to be vlogging that evening because I knew Ben's gonna be out of town. Not out of town, out of the house. And my book club was coming over.


I have a book club. We meet monthly. And I vlogged, you know, the bala busta, getting my apartment ready, home decor, very, you know, homemaker energy. And I was saying, I'm like, oh, my God, Ben's going to dinner with Kyle Cook. Ben and Kyle Cook have never met up until recently. They both were speaking at this beverage conference, and somebody introduced them. They might have, like, a partner in common who they work with. I don't remember who introduced them, but they met, and they were, like, going to dinner. I was like, oh, my God. This is, like, so mature, you know? I love that. And Ben was like, it's literally not a big deal. I'm like, okay. Ben was just like, so chill. It's all in the vlog. And I'm like, what are you guys gonna do, you know? Trade secrets? Like, it was so sweet and innocent. And Kyle went on and said that Ben used that dinner the night before the announcement with Craig. Now, if you look at the dates of the Patreon and when we announced Craig, they're weeks apart. And he used that dinner to milk information from Kyle. Couldn't be further from the truth.


Kyle sat at that dinner and was like, I feel like your wife, Claudia, doesn't like me. Well, I don't know.


Ah, you don't.


And I'm not gonna lie. I stand firmly with Hannah Berner. So, yeah, I didn't really love you before that, but I didn't know you personally, so I really. The jury was out on how I felt, but all I knew was I didn't like what you did to my friend Hannah Burner. And I don't love how you act on the show, you know? So that's all I know. But I reserve judgment. I like to meet people in person. Still have never met Kyle cook. One time, he was on the morning breath. I wasn't there. I've literally never met him.




So now, obviously, I have, you know, a couple of issues with how you talked about people I love. But, you know, it's never too late to apologize. Like, seriously, because facts are important, and I have a few more facts that I want to give. Now, let me just. Did I get that? Yeah. Craig isn't a liar. I'm gonna defend my friend. He's a good, honest person, so don't say that like, that bothers me. Ben didn't milk you for information. You had, like, a nice. It was, like, kind of so mature of them. When Ben got back from dinner, he was like, it was just nice to talk to somebody. Like who?


Something similar, like taking on the big companies. Renegade.


Like, very influencer focused. That's, like, Ben's passion.


Yeah, they have, like, more in common.




Most people. And it doesn't have to be competitive.


And did Ben tell Kyle Cook about the Craig Conover work deal at dinner? No one. The deal wasn't final two. They had just met. You don't, like, share company things with, like, I don't know in what world Ben would have owed Kyle cook anything. Like, he didn't tell him, and that's literally not weird.




So that's another fact. And then on the after show, the general insinuation was that, like, our business is a failure. We're copying lover boy, and, you know, we're losers. Spritz is doing very well. We just launched in target, which is super, super exciting. We have a lot of fun things coming up in the pipeline. You know, it's a slow. It's a. It's an. It's a small business. We're not huge, but, you know, we do our best, and we have a lot of fun, exciting, you know, things. And a lot of things we've accomplished that we're really proud of, and we're gonna keep going, and we love it, and we do very well, so. Eat my ass.


Yeah. They made it sound just, like, very conspiratorial. Like, this cheater brand is failing, and so they're grasping to do something just like Kyle, and it's like. It's so not like that. This is one of many collaborations that we've done that we do and that we're gonna continue to do. Craig is, like, a natural extension of the brand, and literally nobody was thinking about Kyle and lover boy. I guess that's hard when no one's thinking about you.


And we're literally not competitors. We, I feel, are very clear about what we do. We are a canned cocktail company. All of our beverages are sparkling wine based. Like, that's what we do. It's a very specific sort of drink. And Kyle said last night, like, we're not even a spritz company. You're not. He couldn't really define what kind of company they are, because I know they sell espresso martinis in a can, limoncello in a can, teas in a can, spritzes in a can. Non alcoholic beverages. They would put their urine in a can and sell it if they could. Like, they sell everything, and that's so. And by the way, they do really well. Like, I'm not. I really don't like to clown on other people's businesses. That urine thing was mean. I take that back. But you know what I mean? They sell a lot of different beverages, and that's great. We're different. There are a million companies, and really, none of them have anything to do with the other. Lover boy has nothing to do with Spritz, and Spritz certainly has nothing to do with lover boy. So we're not the same. Like, let's.


We're not. We're actually not. Andy said, direct competitors. We're actually not.




And then the last point I wanted to say that I think is most important, actually, two things. One, Kyle accused us of copying him, which just isn't true. And I can say. I would say this on. Under oath. I would say this on lie detector. I swear in my family, I've actually never in my life tried a lover boy. And I don't know if Kyle Cook can say the same about Spritz, because he literally placed an order from our website, and I have a receipt, and I have his address, and I have his email. So let's not, you know, let's not lie, because paper trails are of the utmost importance. That's that. And then the second to last thing I wanted to know, the last thing I wanted to say is you can use code Craig 20 at for 20% off site wide. That's Craig 20 at we have a ton of flavors. I was actually drinking a passion fruit one this morning. Our newest flavor. But I happen to really love peach. It depends, you know, flavors are so specific and so personal, so there's a flavor for everyone. We've got lemon.


We've got grapefruit. We've got blood orange. We've got passion fruit. We did a limited collab with Clawson pickles. And you can actually get that collab in some stores.


So just head to dot lemonade.


That's our skinny confidential collaboration.


That's our favorite. That's in Target.


Yes. So you can head to for a store locator and see where we're sold near you. And if we're not in a store near you yet, you can order online. So it's fabulous. It's fabulous. Thank you, Kyle Cook, for giving us an excuse to shill our product.


Talk about Spritz. It's been a while.


It's been a while. So that's code Craig 20 dot. And I think I got through all my notes. At the end of the day, there's space for all of us. There's no need to be slinging insults. Kyle and Craig are, like, low key. Not even that close, but, like, that's also not important. But.




I just. I didn't like that. You know, you could say what you want about me. People, I'm, like, accustomed to it. People say stuff about me, but don't say stuff about Ben. Like, seriously, I'll kill you.


Yeah. That's just so off the mark.


Yeah. No, like, I feel like making Ben the villain in your story, you're never going to be believed. Like, Ben is not the villain in anyone's story.


No. Unless he's just, like, muting the microphone and not turning it back up. But that was. It's not malicious intent, and it's of.


The utmost importance that we say here. Like, no one's allowed to clown on Ben's offer except for us. No one's allowed to lie on his name except for us. It's a role I take extremely seriously.




And don't step on my turf. Okay?




I'm so glad we got that out of the way, like, living for the drama. Like, thank you, Kyle. Like, for, like, bringing us into this now. It's like, by the way, this is such a great moment for our business, and I know that was, like, the opposite of his goal, but, like, you lie. That's what happens.


That's what happens.




And now's a good time as any to do summer house recap, because now you're caught up. And I want to hear your thoughts on the season, because I don't have too many thoughts about last night's episode. It did kind of feel like circling the drain of.


Hold on. Someone. One of the Spritz founders, texted me. They wanted me to add, like, a little bit more clarification, because you understand, these are business people. They don't get involved in tv drama, and now they're excited.




Two points of clarification here. We didn't take him out to dinner. He paid for himself. That is important. Two, he approached us to go to dinner. Also important.


Interesting. Okay, where'd they go to dinner?


And maybe add in that at dinner, we were so kind to offer, like, that we should do stuff together. They were talking about partnerships, like, throwing parties together, introducing lover boy to the toast community, like they wanted. Ben is, like, so mature like that. Like, yeah.


Rising tides raise all shides.


Yeah, well, not today.


Where did they go to dinner?


You want me to ask?


Yeah. I feel like it's Germaine, and I'm hungry.


Where did you guys eat? Just curious. Okay. I asked.




Yes. I'm all caught up on summer house. And by the way, if you're listening and you hear, like, a little bit of a buzzing, the air conditioning in my studio is out. And seriously, the fact that I showed up here today is I'm so committed to this line of work, and you're gonna have to deal with this little fan. Cause it's the only thing keeping me from fainting.


But aren't you moving studios soon?


I'm really working on it. It's just saying, like, a thing I put on the back burner. Ever since Kyle Cook came for me, like, I haven't been able to think.


Of anything else last night.


Everything. I haven't been able to think of anything else.


Do you think you'll move before the summer or after?


Which is, like, still. But they did say the air conditioning supposedly fixed today, but they haven't seen that for, like, two weeks.


For two years.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. So just, like, send prayers, and if I look a little flush. Like, it's just the heat.


Okay, so we're not worried about you.


Yeah. And I know everyone's always worried about me. Like, oh, my God, she's too skinny. Like, things like that. Yeah.


Things of that nature.


Things in which. Like, that.


Things of that elk.


Would you.




Summer house recap. Yeah. So I'm all caught up. I have so many thoughts.


First, what are your thoughts on the season at large?


So good. Like, it's so crazy how Paige Desorbo is, like, so uninvolved in any of the drama or storyline, and she's my least. My most favorite character. Like, I can't wait. I can't get enough screen time of her. Like, I love her so much. She's so gorgeous. Like, it's literally sick. And to be so gorgeous and have such a personality. Like, it's like God does have.




God has favorites. Like, for real. And so stylish, so beautiful, so perfect, so nice. Like, you could say bad word about her if you tried.


Yeah. I wonder where it comes from. Like, I wonder what her. Like, if in childhood.




Was she ugly duckling? I don't know, but she's not such a fire point.


Yeah. So many thoughts. Okay, I'm just gonna go through each cast member. I love Jesse Solomon so much. I would lay my life out on the line for him. Him and Wes are really amazing additions. It's high time, like, the men on the show started doing something.


Yeah, agreed.


Oh, my God, the hate I have for Carl. Like, I can't. Like, you know what it is. And I've. I. This is. This is exactly why him and Lindsey. You could take Lindsay. So you could argue both sides. Whatever. Like, I'm not gonna take sides.


By the way, she was a child model. She wasn't an ugly duckling.


Oh, that's so funny.


I think she model for limited, too.


They went to oceans on 19th and park. Kyle and Ben.


Okay, cool.


Yeah, I love that restaurant, actually. It's so good. Oh, what was I saying?


Oh, Carl.


Here's what it is about Carl and Lindsay and why I lean more team Lindsay, but it's definitely personality based. Lindsey, I feel I have a very similar energy to. We're very, like, sort of tough love. I hate the word aggressive for a woman, but, like, straight to the point. Yeah. And her saying, like, someone crushing it in life is a turn on for me. Like, I get that Carl is extremely beta. Like, I need sensitivities. I need hugs. Like, I'm sorry. Like, no.


Even when I'm like, not doing well and being a loser. Like, it's like, the loser you are. Like, the more coddling and attention that you need when it's, like, no strength is rewarded.


And Lindsay's over here, like, doing the most. Making double what. What Carl has made this year. I can't believe he shared those numbers, what they make from brand deals. I thought that was so interesting and.


That he was not a woman. Lame enough to say it's because he's not a woman. Like, sorry, what's. Look at Craig on a reality show.


Booming business at Craig. It bothered me so much that, like, he's just so excused. And even that shit presentation Kyle gave him, like, pennies on the dollar. Like, he'd be so grateful for it. Like, he's really loser energy, I think when it comes to his line of work. And I think Lindsey thinks the way that she's gonna get him to do what she wants and to be the best version of himself is sort of tough love. And just straight to the point.


She's not even Claudia. She's not even being tough.


No, she's just asking questions and, like.


Not even asking interrogative questions, to use his word. She's just trying to understand the conversation. Can't understand what was said. If I don't, like, ask you what was said, she's coming at him with, like, no anger, no malice, nothing. But, like, he can't even answer a question.


Yeah, it's really just one blind support.


And she's not supposed to even have information, let alone opinions.


No. And by the way, like, they're getting married. She's been very clear about how much she wants to have children. And you this, like, lines of work and careers, really. I don't think she's unreasonable and wanting that to be figured out as soon as possible. And, like, him still dilly dialing at the same company with the same guy. It's like a joke.


It's a joke. And the fact that he had to leave the company because it was, like, a toxic workplace for him. He needed eight months to decompress from that job while he figured out his next step. And then his next step is to go back. She's right to say that. It's like an ex. And she also clarified on watch what happens live. Cause Andy was like, you don't really want to be a stay at home mom, do you? And she was like, no, at that time. We're getting married soon. I want to have kids immediately. Which means, like, in a year, I could be on maternity leave, which I deserve.




Like, to have some time off once I had a child, and that's in the immediate future. And what will Carl be doing for work? Can I even go on maternity leave next year? No. If he doesn't have a job.


No. It's so fair, especially when her.


When she, at this point, is an influencer, entrepreneur, works for herself. So, like, if you're not working, you don't get paid. It's not like a job where you go on maternity leave and it's paid, and you get paid three months. Like, if you stop working for three months, you have no income. If your husband's not working, you have zero income, and you have a new baby. Unacceptable.


Agreed. I think she's totally justified. I just think their methods of communication and deep down, like, their personalities are not right. And I don't know why I didn't see that earlier, because last season, I thought they were really good together, but that was because he was, like, standing up for himself against Kyle and, like, really wanting to move forward, and now he's just, like, moving back, and he.


Was, like, cleaving on to Lindsay, like, which a good husband and also, like, maybe a little bit of a lost man should do is, like, lean on your wife. She is strong, and she will help you, but do not like. But now he's not doing that.


He's villainizing her.


So adversarial. And, yes, they're obviously not the right match for each other, but Kyle wouldn't be a. I'm sorry. Carl wouldn't be. Their names are just too similar.


Carl, Craig, and Kyle. I don't know how we're supposed to get through this episode.


They're not the right match for each other. But Carl is not at a point in his life to find a match because he is not whole.


Yeah. No, it's true.


And nothing to do with, like, his addiction or anything like that. It's, like, as a man and, like, the things that, like, you need to do to, like, work hard and provide. Like, he. And he makes excuses, so, like, there's no partner that would be better for him. I mean, maybe, like, he could do the circuit of, like, a really young girl who, like, doesn't see the faults in him, and then she, like, grows up and matures is like, what are you doing?


I think people forget Lindsey's age, and I also think Lindsay gets a bad rap in relationships. But what I've realized, and I'm, like, loving Lindsay. What I've realized is that she has horrible taste in men. And she's, she has high expectations for a partner. So those two things, like, really don't mesh well because I don't want to use the word high maintenance, but I think she just has, like, high standards for what her partner should be doing for her in the relationship, for them in their future family, in a career. And she also picks bad men.


Okay. I don't think her standards have been high this season. She's literally, he's been out of work for a year now. She's put up with that.


Are you some people dating, like, a reality star who films a show? Like, would be enough, but she likes more than that. She loves stability. Yeah. Because what's not being said is that they get paid to be on the show and to be sure, but the.


Show is too seasonal out of the year. If you think about.


Think about large mates, do like, think about Paige. Paige, fashion contributor, podcast influencer, Amazon live host, reality star. Like, everybody does a million things because they film, like eight weeks.




Lindsay. And, and I thought it was so dismissive. And I get what he was saying. He was like, you don't have to keep bringing up your, you know, old pr job, but having built a successful company, like, you're not a moron. No.


And you are poised to offer advice.


Yeah. And he was just, like, clearly threatened by that. I just, I don't like them as a couple. And I, if I'm gonna take a side, it's certainly gonna be Lindsey's. Cuz I don't think she's being unreasonable. I think her delivery is just, like, not picture perfect. I need a hug.


Sensitive. Her delivery is picture perfect. What more, she's being so measured.


She actually is.


What else could she. How would it be better, objectively? What could she do better?


And then he goes and, like, sits with Kyle, who, like, gasses him up. He obviously doesn't like them as a couple. And he doesn't like Lindsay. And so he just thinks he's so right and he thinks he's so. He has, like, this moral superiority. It bothers me so much. No.


When the boys get together and, like, offer advice on the other's relationship, leading.


The blind, I mean, called his wife a fucking bitch. Why are we listening to him?


Right? And the other ones, like Jesse. I mean, at least Jesse Solomon knows enough to say, like, don't loop me into this. I'm pitching tomorrow. Like, I have no experience.


Okay, wait. Other people. I love the idea of Amanda creating a swimmer line for big breasted women. I think, first of all, I'd be their number one customer. And second of all, she does have this, like, really unique design POV. She's super talented. I encourage her to do it. I love that.


Mm hmm.


Wes and Sierra, like, everyone is obsessed with Wes, and, like, I get it. I get it. But, like, this whole. I don't know if I'm ready to be in a relationship, like, grow up. I really have no time for that. And, like, no.


The chickens are coming home. Tourists. It's been probably, like, six weeks of them having a good time. So, like, this would be the time in any relationship for, like, to shit or get off the pot. Like, starting with exclusivity. Even so, I feel like he's a great personality for, like, the first six weeks. Everything's really fun. But I like that she's, like, laying down the law and, like, being serious and not gonna, like, keep living this way. It's. You can't if you want something serious.


Danielle has been very quiet this season, except for the breakdown in the shower. I'm sorry. Gabby has been really quiet this season, except for the breakdown in the shower. I happen to really like her, and I think she doesn't get, like, enough screen time, and it's because she's, like, not, like, pursuing a relationship, and that sucks. Like, that sucks. I think, like, we're not getting to know her enough, and if she does, like, not get asked back, it's because they didn't give her enough screen time, because I think there's a lot more there.


Yeah, I agree.


And all we do is get screen time for Danielle, and I can't. Her and Carl are, like, tied for.


My least favorite characters, probably when they had that conversation. Like, there was a night I think was the night, like, Kyle was spiraling.


The three of them in the car.


The three Musketeers, talking about their, like, unsupportive partners, and they don't know what it's like to run a business. I'm like, yeah, yeah, yeah. This is embarrassing. I'm embarrassed.


No. And I do remember saying this last season when Danielle would follow Kyle out of the house every time he stormed out. First of all, like, so not girls girl energy. And second of all, like, she's literally in love with Kyle, and she always has been. And Carl and her following him out to the car and, like, giving him a hug, and he's like, I just want to be alone. Like, I. I can't. Like, that was really painful to watch. I thought that, um, scene where she's, like, berating Gabby, chill yeah. And founder and CEO. That's all I have to say.


And where's her app? They had the launch party on last night's episode.




Is it not, like, a good idea?


Is it not out?


Like, I don't know. I didn't. I didn't look, but I haven't, like, haven't heard more. But I like the idea for the app, by the way. Just by the way.


It's out. It has 3.5 stars, ten ratings, an absolute lifesaver. Someone says. Someone says it's okay. That's not nice. I'm gonna say that.


Yeah. You can't go by ratings. No rating for my favorite app in my life.


It appears to be, like, legit.


It's cute.


It's definitely a good idea if they're, you know.


You know who she needs?






Yeah. I have to say, I had enormous respect for Paige not going to Lindsay's bridal shower.




Like, it was weird. You're invited to someone's bridal shower, but not their wedding, and they're, like, just getting back on good footing. So, like, it was nice of Lindsey to extend the olive branch. I don't think it was rude of Paige not to go. I understood her reasoning completely.


Yeah. I'd like for them to be tighter, by the way.




But it's happening naturally. I just have to be patient.


And I don't know if anybody's gonna understand this call, but, like, is it wes or west?


Great question. West. But maybe his nickname is Wes.


West is fibula coded. I'll just leave it at that.


Okay. And Jesse Solomon is an amazing man. The song, like, I was really liking him all season. Everybody likes him. And then he was so, like, vulnerable and emotional last episode. Like, it was really nice. And then the song just put me.


Over the edge, like, no, 1000%. And I. And this is the line about him being a big jew. Like, I just am obsessed. And I think it's so rare that a, like, a man shines through without being in a relationship. Like, yeah, I remember there was a season where all we talked about was Austin, but it was, like, this dumb, like, love triangle to stand out on your own because you're sensitive, because you're vulnerable, because you're funny. Like, is so hard for a man. And the respect. Like, if they don't bring him back, seriously, end the show.


No, I think they will bring him back. I don't know why they wouldn't. I want. I want him to meet a nice girl.


A nice jewish girl.


A nice jewish girl. Yeah. And the fact that they put the whole song in the episode where I feel like people do silly antics all the time. One, I was so grateful for it. It was such a nice moment, like, among the whole house, and I feel like even the cameraman, like, everyone was just, like, having a giggling. Yeah.


Loved it.


It was really, really cute. And do you see anything between him and Amanda?


Oh, well, people on TikTok, like, put that in my head.




And now I'm watching it, like, when she went over and gave the biggest.


Hug, the post recovery hug, like, when she was giddy, that was the only hug where she, like, hugs him, like, twice from two different angles. Like, arms underneath.


Yeah, I ship.


I didn't see anything before that, though.


But I do ship.






So next week's the finale. Carl calls it off, and we got.


All the lukes from the reunion and oh, my God, Lindsay, like, you know, she just wanted to eat that up, and she did. And she. Seeing someone new, like, I'm happy for her. I really. I genuinely, like, want good things for her.


Yeah. She deserves them.




Okay. So a little out of order today, but now, without further ado, let's get into the fast five stories that you need to know.


Let's. And just a reminder, today's episode is brought to you by, by heart.


Yes, it is. Which is super awesome.




Our first story, a little more alleged shade. So fans are convinced that Billie Eilish shaded Taylor Swift and Beyonce's psychotic three hour concerts.


By the way, I hate when, like, this is not the second time Billie Eilish has said something clearly about Taylor Swift. Like, you don't need to put alleged in there. Like, it's obviously about her.


Right? Swifties are convinced that Billie Eilish shaded Taylor and Beyonce and their respective eras and renaissance tours by taking aim at marathon length concerts. She told her fans that doing a three hour show is literally psychotic. In a station head clip that went viral on Thursday, she said, nobody wants that. You guys don't want that. I don't want that. I don't even want that. As a fan, even my favorite artists, I'm not trying to hear them for 3 hours. That's far too long now.


This is just a bad take. You know, I don't think anybody would be mad at an artist for doing more for us. Someone who paid for a ticket. Like, it's very generous of spirit.


At this point, hundreds of thousands of people have gone to eras tour, like, clearly working. I've not heard one person have that take that it was too long.


Agreed. Same with Renaissance tour. Like, if anything, people were just wanting more. This is, like, okay with the. With the plastic waste take. It was clear, like, that was about Taylor. And sure, like, an argument could be made about the environment. Even though I don't think, like, on the list of things wrong with the environment. Taylor Swift's vinyls are the issue. This is just like a bad take, an incorrect take. And it's giving jealous. It's giving. You couldn't perform for 3 hours, so you don't. Don't clown on other people for it. Just like Beyonce and Taylor out here. Like, giving people a night, giving people a reason to get dressed up. Like, literally changing the culture, making an impact on the economy. Like, how you could say, like, seriously scrounge up anything to say that's negative about the era store in the Renaissance tour. Like, it's getting jealous.


Yeah. I also feel like maybe I'm just misremembering. But after she said the thing about the vinyls, then, like, Taylor and Billy were, like, together again. No, no, there wasn't a hug.


No. And this week in particular, Billy dropped new music. And I think in an attempt for Taylor to a. Make a statement and be. Block her from going number one. Taylor has now released four different new versions of. What's the album called? TTPD. With, like, different live versions. Cause she's been playing TTPD songs live on the aristorn. She's been, like, recording them live and putting them, so, like, to flood the billboard charts and block Billy from going number one. And then also, I guess, be wasteful.


Oh, so there's. There's beef between them because I thought after the last time, like, Taylor did something that made me feel like she didn't care what Billy had said. Like, wasn't angry about it. No, I feel like after this, it's clear. So the girls are fighting.


Like, I took Taylor side in the first argument because I'm always gonna take Bill. Taylor said, I'm not a Billie Eilish like, girl. But, like, if you wanted to go back and forth, like, I could see someone arguing what Billie was saying in that argument. I just ride for Taylor and I'm always gonna blindly support the vinyls.


Didn't bother you?


They didn't bother me in this particular case. Like, this is such a bad take and she really shouldn't have said it because it makes her look jealous. It makes her look incapable of performing out that level. And it just highlights that, like, you don't perform like Beyonce and Taylor. So if I have x amount of money, I go see one of them over you. Yeah, it's a bad take.


No. And it's just cementing her status as a forbidden upon him.


It's cementing her status as a forbidden upon him, always dragging on and on. And like, a forbidden upon him at its core is going to find anything to be like. It's going to put a negative spin on anything. And how you could put a negative spin on Renaissance, which are. It's joy come to life, it's bright colors, it's music, it's happiness. It's like, seriously Disneyland. It's the happiest place on earth. How you could. Then it's actually, she outfabcinad the fabissa na. Like, she really went there to go make it negative. Like, please stop.


No, it's. Seriously, it's like a parody at this point. How she can make anything just miss.


Yeah. I can't wait to see what she takes on next.


Yeah. Disney World.


Maybe she's gonna out miss the miz les mizzle.


Exactly. Well, that's the latest drama. Are you ready for our next story?


Am I?






A little more southern charm drama. The southern charm stars are causing drama because southern charm's Katherine Dennis is cuffed and crying during DUI arrest. The body cam footage from her DUI has I watched it has emerged. Reality tv star Katherine Dennis had a total meltdown after she was pulled over for drunk driving in South Carolina, and her dramatic tear filled arrest was all caught on video. The former southern charm star was not so charming during her leading role in this police dash cam footage obtained by TMZ. Cops raced to the scene Monday following her three car collision in Goose Creek. We didn't know there was a collision.


Yes, that's what they said last time. Yes.


In the last article.




Oh, I didn't know there was a collision.


You know, it was really bad. And, like, it makes her behavior in that dashcam video even more important, like, knowing the damage she did. Just shut the fuck up and sit there.


Geez, that is so, so bad.


I had two major thoughts after watching the dashcam footage. One is like, I seriously would never be a cop. My God, people are like, people are just awful. Like, she's being awful. Like, just disgusting. The second is Katherine Dennis is me. If I ever got arrested, because I guess she was arrested while in possession of her dog, and I never thought about what would happen if you're arrested alone. Yeah, with the dog. Like, I guess if you're with a partner, they would take the dog home and. But they take the dog to the shelter, and I don't think that clicks for her until they're putting. So she's actually, like, she's being a bitch, but she's being calm the second she realizes that the dog's being taken to the shelter. And I think they're putting him in, like, a crate in the back. They must carry crates with them. Oh, my God. She loses her goddamn mind. Like, seriously, it's, like, just now being put into perspective for her that she's being arrested and, like, she freaks. Give me the dog. Give me the dog. Like, seriously, so crazy. And honestly, me.


I know, but, like, to drive and endanger your dog. Like, to drive drunk and endanger your.


Dog in addition to other civilians.


Right, right. But, like, what? That. This is so, so upsetting. I mean, she's not on the show anymore, so, like, I don't know what.


Could be done, what's gonna.


Like, you know, what's next for her or whatever. But, like, just as a fan of hers. Yikes, I'm disappointed.


No. And dashcam footage never does anyone any, you know, good. I mean, obviously, what comes to mind for me is Witherspoon. Oh, man. Of course. Reese Witherspoon's dad cam footage is seriously, grossly under discussed. She is a pr expert. Should study how she went from that video. Do you know who I am? I'm America's fucking sweetheart. Getting arrested for literally driving drunk.


I saw recently. I didn't investigate.


She wasn't America's sweetheart in that moment. She is now.


No, she was then. She's been America's sweetheart forever.






You saw a comment. What?


That it wasn't her driving drunk, it was her husband.


And then I think she was, um. But she also was arrested because she was a drunk. And then her behavior.


Yeah, well, she can be drunk.


Yeah. In the passenger seat.


Yeah. Drive drunk and do that.


No, no, she was just saying that. You're right.


And hearing police activity.


Yeah. And, like, what's the word? She wasn't resisting arrest, but she was, like, hindering someone else's arrest.


So she was hindering someone else's arrest.


She was being a hindrance.


She was being an obstruction to justice.


Oh, that's what it is. Obstructing justice. Yeah. When you're getting in the way of justice being served. Correct.


So this is bad for Katherine Dennis, as stated earlier this week, but now having the video footage just.


And it's long. Like, she was, like, there was a lot of drama in the video. Like, it was. It went in stages, and the dog thing was sort of like the climax of it.




She's just. She's being so disrespectful and, like. Like, just. I would seriously add to the list of jobs. I never want to be a cop.




Like, dealing with the people at their worst. I'm sure sometimes it's funny, but.


No, no.


Like, so miserable.


Yeah. Are you ready for our next story, which is some relatable news?


Am I?


Yeah. Okay. Because Serena Williams is being praised for showing her postpartum struggles after failing to fit back into a denim skirt. So she's not skirting around the hard conversations. Fans applauded Serena Williams for opening up about her postpartum body struggles while trying on a denim skirt that used to fit her before giving birth to her two children. She said, okay, everyone, I've been working my butt off. Let's see what happens with my jean skirt. Can I fit into it yet? So in the video, she's seen wearing shapewear. She attempts to squeeze into the skirt. She said, I've been jimming a lot, but I don't know if the needle is moving. Let's see if Compton has a problem still. So she struggled to get the skirt over her hips. She said, I can't say I'm happy about this. So she's getting a lot of praise for, you know, sharing this moment, which, as someone who is also in this exact moment, like, so much respect.


Anytime we talk about Serena Williams, my love for her grows, like, memory. She ate the dog food. Like, seriously, her social media, she's not, like, crazy active, but she's always making waves when she does post because she's so funny. She also just launched a beauty company. I saw it everywhere on TikTok. People are obsessed with it. It's, like, a few products. I think it's called win. Yeah. I think I love her. Like, she's so real for this. And I thought the story was going to be that she's getting backlash for, like, wanting to fit into something. Like, can we just normalize? Like, wanting to get back into, like, a groove.


Yeah. Or get back to the person that you've been your entire life and the last. Like, your body changes when you go through pregnancy. That doesn't mean you have to stay at the size that you are postpartum. And that's not also to say that being the size that you are postpartum, that there's anything wrong with that. Like, right.


Like, everybody's decision is good.


Here's the thing. There's nothing wrong with any of it.


Yeah. And it's all good.


And I do think that sometimes we feel shamed for, like, wanting to bounce back now. Like, it used to be you were shamed if you didn't bounce back and you didn't want to bounce back. Now we're getting shame for talking about bouncing back or, like, praising it or even saying, like, you know, excited, acknowledging our successes. And it's like, can we not shame, blame anyone in any part of this?


Like, it's shalom, blame, blame and the postpartum game.


And so not only do I not want your shame or blame, I want to be able to talk about it, right. And I want to. It's nice and comforting when you see someone else who's like, it's. It's a long journey. It's not like you just either decide to stay as you are or bounce back. Like, what about the middle? Like, I'm halfway between, like, where I landed postpartum, bouncing back. And, like, this part is hard. I've had to buy, like, all new clothes because neither side of the spectrum fits me. Some of my, like, pre baby clothes fit, but not in the way that I want them to. Like, this sweater. It's a pre baby sweater. You guys maybe remember it from, like, 2020. It's a little snug.


No? And, like, I think seeing someone, like Serena Williams, who is an athlete who, like, fitness is life gym. Like, her whole life, to say, like, I've been hitting the gym a lot, and I don't feel like I'm moving the needle. Like, that is such a relatable statement for anyone. But for somebody whose life at one point was fitness, like, oh, my God. Thank you.


Yeah. And it's very relatable to, like, not be at either end of the spectrum, to be in the middle of it, like, working really hard, seeing results, but, like, not all the way, like, still that doesn't come through. But this conversation is actually great for today's sponsor, which is by heart, which.


Is by heart is an infant nutrition company built from the ground up to deliver real innovation on behalf of babies and parents. And their mission is simple. Make the best formula in the world. And what I love about it is their whole message is, like, never skim. Right?


Because they literally never skim. They use whole milk in their products, but they talk about how, when it comes to motherhood, postpartum, taking care of your babies, like, how we. We find ourselves. We never skimming. You never really would and there's so many things that I realize that I never skim on now with my children that, you know, five years ago, I didn't even think. And I definitely skimmed on myself back then. But now with the babies, we never skim.


And I like you're making your own applesauce.


I'm making my own applesauce, turtle Lou. I'm making my own bread because it's better for my family's gut health and no added sugars in my bread like there is in store bought bread. And that's similar to how by heart is good for baby's digestion because my sourdough, one day I did feed. One day my sourdough is going to be good for their gut health, just like by heart is. So, it's so funny how you really find yourself never skimming. Also, like, I only now use non toxic cookware where I'm cooking for my kids. Pots, pans, steaming baskets, wooden cleaning supplies, boards, cleaning supplies. All of my cookware is non toxic since becoming a mom. And that also lines up with by heart standards and their certified clean ingredients. Yeah, never skimming and certified clean ingredients equals motherhood.


If I might praise you for a moment, I also feel like you do a really good job, obviously, like, your kids never skim. Best of the best everything, you know? But also, like, I feel like you really also make it a priority to, like, never skim on yourself too. Like, the things you care about, like watching tv, getting your shows in, reading, like, your passions, cooking, being beautiful, like, stylish, like the things you cared about before. Like, you still prioritize yourself, too. And I think that's also really important to be, like, the best mom is. Like, to also take care of yourself.


Yeah. Never skimming on the things that are important to you because you want to be the best version of yourself so that you can continue to never skin for them, right?


No, I think I could do a really good job of that. For real.


Thank you so much. Yeah, never skimming on my reading. I did a little bit of reading last night, put me right to sleep. Slept like a baby. Our ring can testify to that, and we're just not skimming. And if you're curious about by heart, you can redeem your welcome podcast with code toast 20 for a limited time. Additional terms and conditions apply. Also, something that I never skim on was something that I learned, like, about a year ago, hanging out with Bobbi from Slave City, which is the importance of using grass fed dairy products and grass fed milk and cheeses, and also by hearts, whole milk is organic, grass fed, not other products. So that's, like, a major thing I line on with them as well.


And I feel like we have a lot of girlies who listen to the show who are either, like, pregnant in the newborn phase, postpartum, and when it comes to, like, self care and, like, never skimming on yourself, I think that takes a backseat for a lot of people, and it takes them, like, a while to be, like, no, wait. I am also still a person, in addition to being, like, a milk factory and a mom and, you know, janitor and everything. And what is, like, a piece of advice you would give? Because I feel like you did a really good job, like, balancing both for someone who, like, doesn't want to feel selfish while, like, you know. And how do you. How you effectively do both, like, never skimming on yourself, but also your children.


I would say that I know I don't have time for everything that I used to like to do most of the things that I used to like to do or that would fill my free time, but, like, identifying what are the most important things to you personally, and they're gonna be different for everyone. I would say for me, like, it is doing my makeup, doing my. Even if it works just. Or on a day, like, when I'm really in, like, the postpartum, think of it like, just skincare. Like, just putting something on my face, maybe, like, putting my hair up in a bun with some product, and, like, feeling a little bit more like myself. Also, when you're in that, like, immediate postpartum phase, like, not skimming on the loungewear that you want to buy and, like, the comfy clothes that you're gonna be in.


Oh, that's a good one.


You don't need, like, a million things, but, like, a few cozy products. Like, I love cozy pajamas. I don't skim on my pajamas for me.


No, that's really a good way of looking at it.


So identifying, like, three things that, you know, are important to you, to feeling good, maybe for some people, it is working out. That's not one of mine at that time. You know that. But, like, going for, like, making sure you get a daily walk and, like, whatever it is for you. Like, don't skim on yourself and identify the things that are going to make you feel like yourself.


And I would say also probably communicating those to your partner is enormously helpful. So you can be like, listen, let's say working out is one of those things which that's crazy, but no judgment. Everyone's journey is their own being. Like, listen, I'm gonna need you for 30 minutes to watch the kid. Make sure you know and don't skim. I'm going for a walk. Or I'm. Or, of course, you can bring your baby on a walk. I'm going for a run, and that's important to me. And maybe there's something important to you, and I will support you in that.


Yeah. There's so many different things. I feel like for some people, it's like date night or being able to go out to a restaurant, have a meal that you didn't cook for yourself or having a meal that you. Sometimes it's like, actually, I want an hour to cook a nice dinner. That's appealing for some people. So identify the things that make you feel like you don't skim on that ever. So again, if you're curious about by heart, redeem your welcome podcast with toast 20. For a limited time, additional terms and conditions apply. That is code toast 20.


Thank you, Jackie. And thank you, Serena Williams, for sparking that really interesting conversation.


I love having interesting conversations, especially about, like, postpartum stigmas.


I know. Not the stigmas.


The stigmas. And, like, what's crazy is, like, the stigmas have stigmas.


Yeah. You know? Cause that's exactly what you were saying about Serena Williams. Like, the bounce back culture, how. Yeah, it was really toxic, and now I feel like we flipped the other way, and now it's like, what about both?


Yeah. And what about, like, the middle time? The middle period where, like, the journey. It's about the climb.


I just fucking love Serena Williams. Like, that's kind of my thesis of the episode.


That's your takeaway?




Did you see that? She tweeted something like a. What was it? Like, a tennis racket or something? Like, it was giving. I'm coming out of retirement.


Oh, please. No. I think that's, like, the worst move for a famous athlete. Like, going out as the goat. And I don't think Serena Williams has to worry about anytime soon anybody even coming close to beating any of her records. Like, she is so far superior. Same with Tom Brady.


Like, that's just, like, a theory, actually.


Tom Brady had Patrick Mahomes on his ass. Like, I actually think Patrick Mahomes played a part in Tom Brady's thinking. Like, let me get one more ring to get even further from Patrick. Mums. I know there's a lot of big, like, coco goff. She's so far from what Serena Williams like, records are. There are men who are goats who are far away from Serena Williams. Please, like, please don't.


I don't think it's only about protecting your records. It's also, I imagine, like, if she's in this period in her life where she's bouncing back, like, I'm sure one of the activities she likes to do is play tennis. Right?


Okay. Also, maybe she was just playing tennis and, like, tweeted, like, hey, I'm playing tennis.


Oh, yeah. Could be. That. Could be nothing more than that. But say she's, like, using tennis as a physical activity to get back in shape. It might be her mind, and she's crushing it. She might be like, what if I just went pro again?


Yeah. Seems like I actually didn't need to retire. I'm really good.


I'm really good at this.


Yeah, it's possible.


Could be that our next story is a little more Kardashians news from the first episode, because eagle eyed fans are calling out Scott Disick for having the weight loss drug manjaro in his fridge. So in the premiere of season five of the Kardashians, they're in Scott's kitchen, and his fridge opens up, and he's, like, showing his, like, low calorie drinks fruits and almond milk, because they're saying, like, you look so good. And, like, in his egg compartment, you could see Manjaro.


I just want to say, as somebody who was on a GLP one medication for many years, I also kept it in my egg compartment, and I would just like anyone who's also currently or has been on any of these drugs, do you also keep. You have to keep it in the fridge? And I don't know. What about, like, the egg compartment?


No, it's literally made for the box. It fits.


It is, right? Okay. Do you guys also keep it in there? Like, we had, like, me and Ben were both on it, so we had, like, a couple of boxes. It fits perfectly in there. I want to say something. I feel like this was planted. Like, the way it's, like, seriously, like, front facing. Perfect. He obviously staged his fridge for the episode because it's so perfectly clean and organized. I don't know why I felt like it was, because now we're talking about the Kardashians.


You think? No, I didn't think.


Am I wrong?


But I would actually prefer that because it makes me feel a little bad for him if he exposed himself in this way and really was caught out. And he can share if he's on the drug. Or we've said so many times, like, someone doesn't have to share, but, like, to have it, like, out there and you didn't put it out there. That's a little sad. And so I hope that your version is right, but what would be the point of your version?


Like, we're just talking about the Kardashians episode. Like, it's. This is a business. Okay. I don't know. I feel like the Kardashians are all executive producers. They don't have, like, flops like this.


Really. They might not even think of it.


I don't know. Am I wrong? And thinking, like, that's possible, I hope.


No, I hope you're right. I like that better than. Damn. He played. Like, he exposed himself.


Yeah, but I think that I would love if he talked about it because, you know, there was a period where he was overweight, and it's clear that he used one of these drugs to get back on track. He gets often cited as an example of somebody who took it too far because there's, like, old photos.


Like, there was, like, one day he looked bad.


Yeah, yeah. But, like, he was overweight, and I.


Because he had an accident, too.


Right, right. And a lot of things, like, made it difficult, like, everyone's. Everyone's weight journey. Everybody has something.


Yeah. Stopping something that brings them to Manjaro in the egg container.


I just want to say, like, relatable. I love this. I don't know if it was, like, organic or not. Either way, like we said.


Yeah, yeah, no issues. I actually sat down to watch Kardashians yesterday afternoon. I wasn't feeling well, and I was like, okay, great. I'm just gonna, like, watch some tv. And my remote wasn't working, and I couldn't get it on. And instead, dad didn't want you to watch? I took a nap, which is what I needed. Oura ring was, like, very happy that I took a nap, and then that was that. Actually, I was out last night. I didn't even tell you that.


Where did you go?


I went out.


What, with Mary Orton?


No, with Olivia Ashrae.


Oh, my God. I'm even more foMo. What did you guys do? Like, have one?


No, we went to, like, a little bit at our friend's house.


Oh, friend. Disgusting.


And I drove again at night. I. Like when, like, now.


How many people did you kill?


None. None.


I'm kidding. I'm getting.


But it's like. It's now fun that I could drive Olivia.






It's probably so fun for Olivia. Like, she can have a wine.


Yeah. If I don't even think she did, but, like, she could if she wanted to.


Yeah. Cuz you're like sober, basically. Yeah. You're not like a person in recovery, but you're literally. Don't.


I'm a sober person atm.


You are. You are a sober person at the moment. Like, I would love to live next to you. Like, great, let's go to dinner. I can get wasted. Yeah, but it is a little boring to get wasted alone.


Well, there were other people there.


Oh, well, I had dinner with the satchel last night, so. Satchel beat that.


I feel like we're literally even. Because it was sisters and sisters.




And how was beat that? How was dear Satchel?


Amazing. We went to this restaurant that has like a secret menu that's all kosher. They have a kosher burger, a kosher steak, kosher chicken milanese, kosher chicken payard. So we ate good. Like, I waddled home.


Yum. I was actually thinking, oh, I just want to say people were asking for a sourdough starter update. They were asking.


They were.


I've been feeding it twice a day because she was like, the bubbles were small and she was not ready. But now it's like doubling every 6 hours. And I think I might go for a bread, like today or tomorrow. And I'm excited about that. And I also, I want to cook up a feast tonight. I think, what should I make for dinner?


With the bread?


No, with the bread won't be ready for like three days. That's the thing about it. Like, you really have to plan in advance.


What should you make? What's the weather? Super hot.


Yeah. So not like a beef stew or anything like that.


Yeah, because I was gonna say beef stew. Maybe you got a barbecue, like, get some chicken on the grill.


I think we're gonna barbecue, like every day this weekend because it's such barbecue weather. But I should go get barbecue tings.


Yeah, I'll be going to my country club.


Maybe a pasta salad.


I just want to say I wish I didn't check my phone during the episode because I have so many, like, very interesting text messages. Like I said, I have a voice memo from somebody and an Instagram DM from somebody else. Just like, very interesting, you know that.


You can't share on the show.


No. But I feel like you guys can guess.


Well, our fifth and final story is a little viral TikTok news, which is a great way to round out the week because.


And it's viral tick tock news that Jackie wanted to talk about. Like, I didn't even send this to her.


She didn't send it to me. You know who sent it to it to me?


Shannon Ford.


Shannon Ford sent it to me. And she said, I don't know what you got planned for the fast five today, but I really want to hear your guys's take on this. And I said, shannon, I'll see how things shake out. And, Shannon, there was a spot for your story, and it is this viral video of this wedding in Lake Como. Gorgeous.


I think it's Lago to come.


Lago decomo, new couple getting married. And an overenthusiastic groom starts doing, like, a champagne shower. Like, he just won the big NASCAR race, and he starts champagne spraying his wife next to him.


Now, it's so disgusting for so many reasons, but he's. Do you know how fast, like, champagne can shoot out of that bottle? Like, you actually hurt someone if you're that close to them? So, like, okay, calm down. Hazardous two. Are you fucking kidding me?


Like, dumbest person on the planet. Like, how many hours did your wife get ready? How many thousands of dollars does her dress cost? This is the biggest day of her life, and you've just ruined her look. And, like, you don't have the presence of mind in that moment to realize that this is a bad idea. Like, seriously, I'm worried for how this person crosses the street.


I seriously have to imagine that, like, they planned this. Like, you know, you say, like, we're gonna jump in the pool at our wedding. People do that all the time. Like, I seriously, like, I'm praying that there she was, like, yeah, do a champagne shower on me.


No, I think they planned champagne shower. I don't think they had to caveat. Like, don't. Or do. Turn it on me. No bride wants this. Especially, like, this is a fancy fucking wedding.


No. And this happens a lot where, like, things go viral at a wedding. Mostly the groom being a dick. And, like, how do you. How do you live with that? Like, okay, so it's the next day, you're probably on your honeymoon. The world thinks your husband's a prick. Maybe you're now seeing things, like, seriously, I would love to hear from, like, a girl who went viral for her husband being a dick. I feel like it happens a lot. What happens to the marriage? We never get updates.


Oh, I think they're in wedded bliss right now, and it's so funny that their wedding's going viral and they're. They're fine. And also, like, she doesn't look so upset. Like, in the, like, not, like, furious in the moment. She's kind of, like, I feel like it'll dawn on her afterwards. But sometimes, like, things get crazy at your wedding, and I feel like they're just watching the videos and, like, laughing today.




But I do think this speaks to, like, an idiocy in this man.


I'm sorry. My phone is distracting me, by the way. 1000%. It also shows to, like, a. Maybe this is, like, me generalizing, like, being dramatic, but, like, that's a bad husband right there. You know? Like, you're supposed to protect your wife as a husband. Sorry. Yeah. I'm really toxically traditional in that sense when it comes to gender roles in a marriage. Like, a man should protect his wife at all costs, physically, emotionally, and not only. You're not doing that. Like, you're literally, like, physically and emotionally hurting her.


I'm cracking up. Apparently, he posted on his TikTok a picture, like, a video of them selfie. And it's a day one of honeymoon. I'm getting canceled on the Internet for having fun with my wife. Yikes.


No, he's giving really, really toxic. Like, I need to hear from the wife. She's welcome on the show anytime.


Do you think there's, like, a girl out there who's super chill and, like, doesn't mind getting showered with champagne at her wedding?


Yeah, she doesn't get married in Lago da Como, and she doesn't look like that.




Like, I'm just using context clues.




So I'm wishing her well. And seriously, her husband sounds so crazy and scary. Like, just, like, crazy canceled for having fun.


Crazy. Very stupid.




Not, like, evil. Nothing like that.




Like, seriously stupid to. Not in that second, like, put together that your gorgeous wife who spent months, like, getting her look ready like, that, it wouldn't click for you that she doesn't want to destroy it at the big.


You shouldn't really.


The biggest day of her, like, her.


Life, right in Lago to como. Some people just don't deserve to get married in Lago to como.


Ain't that the truth?


That is our show. It is our last show before the holiday weekend, so we're gonna miss you guys. We won't be doing a show Monday, but there is a Patreon podcast and video episode dropping, so if you head to, the toast, you can listen to that on Monday. We love you so much. Hope you enjoyed this really kind of amazing episode. I've enjoyed spending time with you. Jackie. I love you so much.


As always, I've enjoyed spending time with you and I love you dearly. And I look forward to the long weekend so we can come back on Tuesday. Kumzo Fresh thank you guys so much.


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Love you.


Love you. Bye.