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Good morning, millennials.


Welcome back to The Toast, and happy Friday. A celebración. Congrats. Hey, Jacks. How you doing?


I'm doing good. Excited that it's Friday. We've got a big weekend ahead of us. Huge. And today is really giving Friday because I know we were both out late and up late last night. And it's giving morning after.


It's giving morning after. Yeah, I got home. I went to bed at 2:00 AM. We got home a little bit earlier than I expected, about 1:30. It's not much better. But it was not all for not. The Knicks did win. Thank God for that. I told Ben, You don't want to feel my wrath if this team fucking loses. And we drove all this way. Now, I don't want to spoil too much of the evening because I did decide very last minute to vlog it. It was actually Ben's idea. He was feeling like...


He was feeling camera ready.


He was feeling like he wanted his closeup. He was ready for it. So I won't spoil the evening. But Ben had an amazing time, and that's really why we went. So I'm glad that he did.


I'm happy for Ben.


I'm happy for you because not only did you get a picture with your man, which we were discussing yesterday on the show, how difficult that can be. Two, because we made it into this thing, and we're like, Is she going to get the photo? Talking about it for endless. You broke the internet engagement-wise.


Yeah, the engagement was through the roof. I was telling a story yesterday. A thread. There was a thread through my getting ready process. I was capturing content. In the evening, we got our picture, and then I needed to post all my content. There was an ad in there monetizing the story that I'm telling here. And all to say, I got the shot at dinner, except I brought my camera my G7X, because I influence, I create content, and I didn't have a memory card in it, so I stretched out my bag, my lethal purse for nothing, but the phone was fine.


You are literally Post Malone. All of this to say... That's like you, the line from Fortnite. If you know, you know.


Because of my memory card or just because I keep saying all this to say?


The latter. The second one.


Oh, because I keep saying all this to say. Yeah, because I'm saying all of this just to say, we had a lovely evening. Happy birthday to my husband. And for those of you who are really proud of me for asking a stranger to take our photo outside pre-dinner with lipstick on, don't hold your praise because Olivia and Shapiro joined us for dinner last minute. So I had a photographer on call.


I actually asked a stranger to take a picture of me and Ben at the game, which is probably more embarrassing than a stranger on the street because it was like a- Then you have to sit with them the rest of the time. Not only that, it's not the type. It's not like I was at a Taylor Swift concert. I wouldn't feel weird about asking anyone at a Taylor Swift concert. They would kill it. They would see if I needed more, all the angles. This man who was so not wanting to take my... Actually, he was super nice. I'm projecting. He was so lovely. He took an amazing photo, but I definitely felt weird. The vibes were not on the same vibe level, and he literally had to sit behind me the entire time. What if I didn't like it?


That's the weird part.


But it all turned out good. I love the photo.


Great. So it was just a photogenic evening for the swirleys.


Pretty much.


Yeah. Did you post your photo?


I did. Not in feed. It wasn't like that type of moment. It was just a pick of me and Ben like, Hey, we made it. We had great seats.


Philly swirleys.


Philly Swirlies, essentially. If I did post it in feed, that would have been my caption. Speaking of girly swirly, I just think it's important that everybody knows. A couple of weeks ago, Jackie and I dropped a game-changing collection. Of merch. Of merch, yeah. The waves and the impacts it had on the fashion industry is still being discussed, and it will probably for generations to come.


I think I heard next year's Met Gala theme is girly swirly.


Well, we were supposed to be keeping that under wraps, but sure, let's just-No, it's just a rumors can't confirm or deny. No comment. And what's exciting is that if you head to shoptoastmerch. Com, some of you might have noticed there's a countdown. And the countdown is very girly swirly. That's what I'll say. Okay, I'll leave it at that. It's a girly swirly countdown.


Head to shoptoastmerch. Com to see what the hell we're talking about.


Make sure to sign up for alerts and things of that nature.


Things in which to alert.


Exactly. Sometimes there's nothing else to say after that.


Yeah, it's true.


I'm feeling delirious. That is the truth. I'm feeling I'm serious.


Probably because you went to bed at 2:00 AM.


No, and I was thinking this morning because I'm trying not to be angry. It's not good to hold on to anger.


Who are you angry with? Let it out. Ben.


Because I went with him and it was good. I was like, Now I'm feeling tired and groggy, and I have a really, really busy next six days. And feeling groggy doesn't behoove me. I'm supposed to run today. Honestly, I don't think I can. I feel so run down. And I realized one of the most important things in the world to me is my sleep schedule, for real. And I know at the beginning of last year, I'm saying yes to life. And honestly, my sleep schedule is put on the back burner, but it always remained a priority. And I feel like this year, I am going to say no to everything that deprioritizes my sleep schedule. I honestly, that's the lesson after Philly.


For sure. But it feels like it was just Philly because this hasn't been an issue until yesterday.


I have a hard line. I will not do things on the weeknights. It's just not... It deprioritizes my sleep schedule. And also my wind down routine my bath time, my TV time, my reading time. No, don't ask me to do anything Monday through Thursday, or Sunday through Thursday, rather. Okay.


Well, Sunday, Sunday day.


Yeah, sorry. I'm talking about just in the evenings. Okay. After 6:00, if I have to work the next day, I need to shut down.


Yeah, we were out to dinner really late last time. I was stressed. I'm like, This is late, man.


No, I know. It's a really radical thing to do.


I think we got home at 10:30, later than that.


Well, compared to... And we got home-Just for a dinner?


Yeah. And then I got into bed, it was 11:30.


Did you get into bed and start feeling sad?


No, I didn't because I was reading all the comments. You guys were cracking me up. So happy for me.


You can't feel sad when engagement's through the roof.


So many people wondering if I'm on Ozempic, which just means the world to me. I'm so glad you brought that up because we- It means everything. Thank you, guys.


We need to talk about something in your photo. Do you know what I'm going to say? My legs. Yeah. Should we be worried?


No. The thing is, I don't know why they look so skinny. I didn't edit the photos what to look at you guys.


I was actually going to call you and be like, did you FaceTune? Specifically, you're shin, calf area.


No, and that's not an area that I'm insecure about. So I wouldn't even think to face tune there if I was going in. But no, I didn't go in. I think I posted when we were in the car anyway. I could barely do things on my phone in the car, certainly not moving a photo around. There was no face tune. My legs, I don't know, they just looked really skinny. I don't think they're that skinny in real life. You don't have to worry.


Sometimes your body will just do things for you. Not always, but every now and then. Your body will really show up and show out for you, in a photo or just in a moment. It's also important that we thank our bodies for doing that. Why don't you take a moment of gratitude to express to your legs?


I will always thank my body for everything that it's done for me, carried me through. But I also want to thank the I have some headlights on the car that were pointed at me because I think that they lit up my legs in a way, plus the flash, where it was just an optical illusion. Oh, it's giving high contrast. You know how some people see a picture and they see Jesus in the contrast? I saw thin legs.


Well, you can tell Jesus that the bitch is back, okay?


Oh, yeah. You can tell him for sure.


She warned us. She said, It will be over for you bitches, and it looks like it's really over for us.


I think, yeah, it's ending for you guys. I'm sorry to I would say you can definitely get a few more good times in, but- But count your days. I would start packing your bags. Yeah, I would.


You're out of here. Pack your bags.


Pack your bags. Your time is up. It's my turn now.


May. So it's Friday, and that obviously means a whole host of things. What does it mean for the stories?


So I have something I want to share with everyone.


Rip. What? Rip. Rip what? To the stories.


What stories?




I have some things to say, but there's legit no stories. I've been sitting in my studio for 45 minutes.


I thought you were saying you showed up and you're like, I'm not doing it, even though earlier in the week, we were saying the fast five is going nowhere.


No, I'm saying who knows what will be today? So don't feel like you're in any rush to get there. There's not really somewhere to get to. There could be If need be. But all is to say, there's not that much going on in the world today. All is to say. All is to say. Yeah.


Well, it sounds like it's a great day for Weanie and Queenie of the Week, which we do have at the end of the show. So thank God for that.




And all of this to say, yeah.


And it sounds like it's a great day because it's our last show together for a week.


Oh, wait. There's a lot. Thank you for bringing that up. A lot of housekeeping announcements. So Today is today. Live. This is Friday. This isn't prerecorded. Tomorrow, Jackie and I are headed to Austin, which is super excited. In the earlier afternoon, Jackie and I- It is super excited. Jackie and I are doing a meet and greet at Spritz, our first meet and greet at Target. We just launched in Target. So head over to the Spritz Instagram for all the details. And then after that, Jackie and I are doing a panel hosted by Ms. Taylor Strecker at the Jeer Media event. So we're just giving business attire. The next day, Jack is headed home. I'm headed to LA for the 5K. Okay, finally, it's here. She'll stop talking about it after. But I will never stop talking about it. I can't believe it's just here. Whatever. And then I'm doing five shows in LA. I just wanted to let everyone know, the shows that I'm doing in LA are all being recorded the day prior. So don't expect gangbusters, pop culture, breaking news energy. Also, a lot of the people... I have scheduled it so that the Monday episode, the person is not doing the Fast Five with me.


Tuesday, they are. Wednesday, they're not. Thursday, they are. Friday, they're not. So it'll be a good mix of some people whom you probably don't want to hear the Fast Five with them. You want to hear a good podcast interview and getting to know them, introducing them to the girly swirly universe. So just keep that in mind. But that is better because all the episodes will be out super early. Since I'm on West Coast time, if I was doing it the same day, the girlies here in New York wouldn't get it till three. So I'm doing, I think, what's best. So next week is all prerecorded the day prior, guest interviews with turdy in LA. Then we're back. Now, I know what you guys are going to say. It's the Met Gala on Monday. It is the Met Gal on Monday. You're a genius. That's 100% true. That's why it's so important to be a Patreon member, because if you're going to be looking for some Patreon I mean, excuse me, some Met Gala recap, outfits, things of that nature. It will be on petreon. Com/yatoast. So it's really never a bad time.


No, never. Certainly not. And I have something exciting for the Patreons next week. You do. I'm working on an exciting project next week. I'm so excited for my week. Let me tell you.


What do you plan for the week off?


Oh, just a lot of leisure. Just being a woman of leisure. I'm getting lunch with friends.




Manicure. I'm actually getting today because of our big work event tomorrow. I should have done that. She will be manicured and pedicured. I think I might get a facial.


Oh, okay. She's truly leaning into the leisure.


I'll be making sourdough.




So now it's over for all of you.


And that's scary because we've come to... I feel like people who tune into this show, they know exactly what they're getting. They know exactly who we are. And it sounds like you'll be taking a week off and you'll be coming back an entirely different person. It's literally like, it's going to be a new host.


No, I think you know exactly who we are. I think I'm taking the logical next step in my journey. And I think people have known this was coming for a while. I've been warning you and talking about it for months. So if I don't do it, it's like, what am I talking about? I have to now... I've been talking to talk. It's time to walk the walk.


If you don't do it, you're just going to be one of those people who says they're going to do stuff and doesn't do it, which is the worst type of person.


No, I never even said, Oh, I'm going to do it. I didn't do it. I've just been like, You just have to continue to grow, and that's the next step.


And if you never bleed, you're never going to grow, and it's all right now. I heard a rumor that Taylor and Travis will showing up at the Kentucky Derby this weekend.


I could see it.


I could see it, too.


What are you doing for the derby? Oh, I guess the derby is on Saturday. We'll be working.


I have no fucking idea. The derby is not something I keep up with. But I have seen Secretariat.


Yeah. Everyone's like, I like the derby. Everyone's excited about it. Everyone's dressed nice. Sometimes there's a horse that is very exciting. I'm pro derby.


I don't think there's a famous horse this year that everyone's talking about. It's been a For a while since there was a horse. Not yet. Wait. Also, you know we have that list of things that there are two of? I think it's so crazy that there are two movies and also two horses, Sea Biscuit and Secretariat. I don't understand- Secretariat. Secretariat. I don't understand why we got both movies, especially if you watch them. Sea Biscuit, like, Look, he wasn't even famous. Also, is Sea Biscuit real? Yeah. Yeah, okay. So Secretariat was that bitch. But See, Biscuit got the Oscar treatment, like Tobey Maguire. And literally Secretariat is a DCOM. It's a Disney channel original movie. I don't even know if it ever even hit the theaters. And it was literally such a more interesting story, Horsewise.




Make it make sense.


You should read Horse, the book we read for the Redheads a while ago.


I don't know. Sometimes there's a book, and I might like it, but I see other people reading it, whether it's people I know or people on social media, or it's on someone's Book Club chartlist. And I know that it's not for me. Do you know what I mean? I feel that way.


You're judging the book by the reader.


Yes, but also the cover. You know what I feel that way about? Every person I've ever seen who highly recommends Untamed by Glenn Doyle, those are not my people. Do you know what I mean?


And that's not your book.


Exactly. I feel that way about a horse.


Because those are not your people. I feel that way about horse. Yeah, I would say if Horse was a girly swirly recommendation, you would have already read it by now. If you're interested, though, in Secretariat and Sea Biscuit and you want more, this is an interesting story about a famous real horse.


But is A. J. Michalca in the book? Because A. J. Michalka is in the DCOM Secretariat and thus making it superior.


No, but there's definitely a part for her in the movie adaptation.


Secretariat, the DCOM, is so Hannah Montana movie coded.


How so? Oh, because of the grandma.


The grandma. Miley's grandma in the movie plays the secretary girl.




Then, this is not Hannah Montana movie. Sorry, it's just Hannah Montana. Jessie from Hannah Montana, he could be the one. He's in the movie, too. He plays like some other horse guy's son. Then there's E. J. Michalca, who's not Hannah Montana, but she reminds me of that era at Disney, Cowbells.


She's in that universe.


Yeah. It's such a good movie.


It really is. If you haven't watched it, stream Secretariat.


On Disney Plus because it's a DCOM. What's your favorite DCOM?


High School Musical.


Okay, but I don't really consider Do you know what I mean when I say DCOM?


No, I know, but that was legit a DCOM.


Of course. Then it got turned into, seriously, a billion dollar franchise. But I'm talking about the one offs.


Wish upon a Star, Katherine Heigl.


That's a good one.


What's yours?


I don't know because for so many years, it was like, Luck of the Irish. I loved Luck of the Irish and Smarthouse. But I actually, later in life, maybe three, four years ago, watched Smarthouse, and it was fucking horrible. It was one of the worst movies I've... Me and Ben, we couldn't even finish it. I don't know how they all age. But I will say at the time, probably my favorite was Luck of the Irish. I thought that guy was so hot. He was my dream crush.


Yeah, he had it going on.


He had it going on. Xenon was good, too.


Yeah. Okay. We weren't like Xenon girlies.


No, no, no, no. We were... Model behavior.


So good. Pixel Perfect.


Pixel Perfect. Although that one was weird. That kid needed to seriously touch grass.


There's a lot of interesting themes between humans and technology in DCOMs.


Yeah, well, I think it was also reflective of the time. It was this industrious time for technology. People started having phones, and the idea of a hologram was all these out there ideas that we thought the future would hold.


Yeah, and you didn't know what it was going to be. Also, Descendence is a DCOM, Absolutely Love and Adore. Yeah. J'adore Descendence.


I mean, actually Hannah Montana movie is technically a DCOM, but it's not.


No, no, no. It was released in theaters.


It was released in theaters, yeah.


No, it has to have premiered on the Disney channel for it to be a A Disney channel original movie.


I just want to look up. I mean, The Color of Friendship. Oh, Powerful. Powerful. Disney channel original movies. Let me just make sure we're not missing any. Halloween Town, that wasn't us. Oh, we're totally missing. Something that literally shaped us as human beings.


The one about Hanica?


No. A Cheetah Girls, Cheetah Sisters.




So good. Camp Rock, but to me, that was so big.


I don't consider that. Yeah, it transcended.


I consider the one-offs that we remember, Smart House.


Yeah. These are the obvious ones, high school musical.


This movie was that. We loved this movie so much. Connect Kelly.




Arguably, Hilary Duff's best and most important work?


No, Claudia. Raise your voice. Stop.


I spoke too soon. Sound off in the comments. What's your favorite DCOM?


What's your favorite Hilary Duff movie?


Raise your voice. What about Up on your pain.


What about that one where she's dating big as her mother? You know it.


Is that English? Dating big as her mother? Claudia. What does that sentence mean? Wait, I feel like I'm having a stroke.


Dating big, capital B-I-G.


From Sex and the City?


Mm-hmm. As her mother.


She swaps places. Yes, yes, yes. Her mother's Heather Graham.


No, Heather Lockley Hilary Duff.


Literally same thing. She's in high school, and she becomes Pen Pals. What twisted-ass movie is that? Hold on.


Like The Perfect Man or something?


Yeah, Heather Locklear, Hilary Duff. That movie was fucking weird. I didn't realize that the male protagonist, The Perfect Man. I didn't realize that the male protagonist in that movie is Big.


Dating Big as Her Mother.


Dating Big as Her Mother. Seriously, I had no idea. Chris North, you're right.


That should be the The tagline for the movie.


Oh, I thought you meant the title of today's episode.


Oh, also good, but you never know where the episode could take us.


Oh, yeah. And then her classmate is falling in love with her the whole time, and she's too blind to see it because she's so busy with her mom.


Yeah. Lest we not forget a Cinderella story.


Oh, yeah. I mean, Hilary Duff's discography or whatever.


It speaks for itself.


Seriously, we could do an anthology of episodes diving into her work. And we would start with raise your voice because that's definitely the one. One more mile to Jericho. Okay, you know what? I was thinking about this on my run the other day. Yeah, I run. The word Jericho is beyond confusing to me. It's biblical, question mark. I think it's a New Testament energy, but it's also a town on Long Island. I don't understand Jericho.


That's a lot of things that are biblical, and then they use them again, like Babylon On.


Yeah, I guess.


Even Jerusalem, Salem, Massachusetts, is named for Jerusalem.


You're lying. That's one of the funnest facts you've ever shared here on the show.








But it would be called Salem.


Maybe it was, and then it morphed.


You really learn something new every day here at the toast.


Yeah. I think people get inspiration from the Bible all the time, Jericho just is different. I understand what you're saying. It hits different.


I remember being a kid watching Raise Your Voice, and she's singing this song about Jericho, the town, 45 minutes away. I was like, Is Hillary deaf from Jericho? What's the significance? It was one of those things that truly stump me as a young woman. Now, I also still don't understand the biblical significance of Jericho because am I correct in that it's a New Testament term?


I want to say yes because I don't know the significance either.


When I listen to the worship music, a A lot of times they reference Jericho.


Yeah, it obviously major things happened.


I feel like it might be worth our time just to Google it.


Yeah, it might be a good story, too. I love a biblical story that can be referenced in everyday life, Tower of Babel. It's a battle. We forget it. It's a cautionary tale.


In the biblical Book of Joshua, Yehoshua, that's not New Testament.




Was the first battle fought by the Israelites in the course of the conquest of Canaan, which is modern day Israel. According to Yehoshua, the walls of Jericho fell after the Israelites marched around the city walls once a day for six days, seventh time on the seventh day when the priests blowing their horns daily and the people shouting on the last day. Excavations Wait, I feel like this has something to do with the Sheva brachas. When you get married in a Jewish wedding, if you've ever seen, the bride walks around the groom seven times, and they walked around the walls seven times. This is definitely... Jericho is giving a wedding.


To bring the walls down. Google it, Claude. We don't have stories.


Sheva bracha, wedding. Jericho. No, I don't think there's a... Oh, wait.


Also, seven is just a big number in Judaism.


Yeah, but walking around.




Okay, hold on. I'm on dallishjewishnews. Com. By circling around her new husband, the woman like the Jews circling Jericho. Yeah. Oh, my goodness. I totally thought Jericho was a church thing. I didn't know we were a part of it.


And you thought it was an irrelevant ugly, and it's not.


Okay, so sorry. There are actually a few different links.


I'm sure there's a lot of different interpretations, as there always are.


Yeah. Seven circuits derives from the biblical concept that seven denotes perfection and completeness. This has also been linked to when Yehoshua circled the walls of Jericho seven times, and they were destroyed. Sephardic Jews do not perform this ceremony. Very interesting. I feel dumb for not knowing Jericho is our thing, too. Now I can sing it in my worship songs and not feel weird.




And go off Israeli. Yeah, you walk that walk, girl. You walk. No.


But Claude, you know the Jews have only been in Israel for 70 years when they call recognize the land, right?


Jackie, Jews need to go back to Poland, where they came from. That's what people say. Do you know that?


Yeah, I know. It's astounding how dumb people can be while saying it with their whole chest and really thinking they're the good guys. They can't really think that, though, right? Look at them. The way that they're behaving, you think that that's the right side.


Listen, I happen to know the good guys. They are not the good guys. The good guys would never.


The good guys don't.


Yeah, literally. Period. Well. Yeah.


Well. Well, well, well. It is time for... I'm not going to put a number on it. I'm going to see where the wind takes us for the stories that you need to know today.


Oh, okay. It's just the stories.


Just the stories, yeah.


And just the stories that you need to know are brought to you by Lipton Green Tea. Did you know that drinking two cups of Lipton Green Tea daily is a great ally for wellness and a simple way to up your everyday health habits? Okay, I'm all about low lift wellness things. Not all of us are cold-plungeing like nut jobs, but I'm really focused on feeling my best all day. And what I put in my body, especially in the mornings, is super important. I love that we have added the Lipton Green Tea to our daily regimen. Two cups of Lipton Green Tea can help support health by providing approximately the same amount of Flavonoids as eating eight cups of raw kale. Green Tea contains Flavonoids, which are naturally occurring bioactives found in tea, vegetable, and fruit. Just two cups a day is an easy way to help support health. This This is a low lift wellness. It tastes very good. Two cups, that's not an unreasonable amount. Some of these wellness things, people are really getting out of control. Lipton Green Tea is a delicious way of getting those bioactives and Flavonoids into your diet. Lipton, I just feel like, is an O-G trusted brand.


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That's why they created the most innovative, versatile, and convenient fitness mat on the market, the stacked mat. S-t-a-k-t. I get so many questions whenever I post about it on my Instagram. It's twice as thick as a standard yoga mat. When you're laying down for planks or whatever, you're not literally laying on the floor. Some of these mats are so thin. You might as well just be on the floor. It's very supportive and comfortable. It transforms into a block to act as a second piece of equipment, so it folds up and you can use it for something else. It's super lightweight. I take it with me in my tote bag. It's not an issue at all. It's great for storage. It folds up and I just put it in my haul closet. Working out can be intimidating. The stacked mat makes it more fun, more approachable. I just love this mat. It also comes in gorgeous colors. My other friend, Margot, who I work out with once a week, just got one in a sage green, I want to say, and I was jealous. Mine's pink, but I have a purple one, too. It comes in seven colors.


Stacked also Also sells an all-natural cleanser spray and a carrier bag with your mat. So the whole front to back tools. And we have a code. I feel like they don't do a lot of codes. It's shopstacked. Com/toast and use code toast at checkout for 20% off your first purchase. That's S-H-O-P-S-T-A-K-T. Com/toast, and use our code toast for 20% off your first order. Today's episode is also brought to you by Urban Stemms, a nationwide floral delivery company, and they are asking you to leave your mom alone this mother's day because what moms really want is just some peace and quiet and maybe some flowers from Urban Stem's. Their Mother's Day collection is thoughtfully curated to give mom the cherished gift of alone time. Unlike many of their flower competitors, every bouquet is designed in-house and on-trend. Every delivery includes a personalized note to your recipient, thoughtfully designed packaging, and 100% happiness guarantee. You can shop by color, price, range, or flower type at urbanstems. Com. Choose from a vast selection of bouquets, plants, and unique gifts. Let this ad just serve as a reminder as well. Mother's Day is super soon. Place and get you an order at Urban Stem's.


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Thank you, turtle.


You're welcome.


Just doing a little more research.


On Jericho?


On Jerusalem, yeah, because I was just looking about... Because just to confirm that Salem is named for Jerusalem, which it is, but it also... So Jerusalem, It's a city of peace, and the Salem is Shalom. Oh. Yerushalai. So the city of Salem here is named for Jerusalem, but it's also just meant it derives from the word Shalom, meaning just peace.


That's so interesting because I feel like there is nary a city that has less of a peaceful history than Salem. Yeah. It's funny how that... It's almost like it was a jinks.




You just reminded me of something I wanted to say. Oh, I feel like because you shared such a fun fact, and I realized it's been so long since I've heard a really good or even shared a really good fun fact. And I feel like ever since Snaple stopped doing it on the caps, we're all worse off as a generation, as a people. And maybe the sad state of the world can be originated back to the lack of Snaple caps.


Agreed. And I feel like that's a really great impetus for us to just generate a fun fact of the day today. I love- Even though technically we did one.


I love that.


Here's a list of fun facts to have on hand on your next dinner party.


Oh my God. Nobody wants to invite the fun fact guy to a dinner party, but you know what? It's like a low bar for conversation, but it gets the people going.


Okay, here's one. The Spice Girls were originally a band called Touch.


Fifth Harmon was originally a band called Lailas. Lailas. Love You Like A Sister.


The Heart of a shrimp is located in its head.


Okay, that's not a good one. That's dead-ass one that would be on a snapple.


Yeah, and that's a conversation ender at a dinner party.


1,000 %.


Say you're eating shrimp and you're like, Do you guys know the heart of a shrimp is located in the head? Okay, can you leave?


Then I would just start thinking about how you have to pull the poop out of shrimp, and that's reason enough to never eat it. It's seriously just so disgusting. There was pulling out that little brown string. You're like, Oh, what's that? It's like, Oh, it's their poop.


The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland.


How can you have a national animal that's not real?


Is that true You're talking about shrimp? That's not lobster?


No, no. It's shrimp. You take a knife, slit it down the back, and this duty tube comes out. Deadass. Doody tube. Doody tube. Also-doody tube, okay. Do you remember somebody... I don't know if this was a rumor. It never was confirmed. Because, Snaplefacts, sorry, I'm stuck on Snaplefacts. When you used to pop up in the cap, there would be like, Snaplefact number 6,825. And there was a rumor that Snaplefacts number one was that half the Snapple facts are not true.


Let's dispel the rumor.


So you would always just doubt. With the help of the internet. You would doubt your Snapple fact.


I feel like that's not true. Snapple fact, one. Facts in order.


Oh, my God. There's an- Or wait, the Atlantic, we fact-checked Snapple's real facts. Oh, great. Now the internet is ruining the age-old pastime of- Yeah, and their fact-checkers are Probably like brain dead morons.




And it's going to be like, Snaple facts is a key part of white supremacy. I can't. No, honestly- Key, major key. I'm so happy, actually, that Snaple facts, really, they had their shine before the internet was around to debunk everything because that was such a pure time for us. It was not only a drink, but also an activity, and it was fun and fresh, and it was good.


Okay. But I just want to say you can go to snapple. Com and you can generate facts in their generator.


Okay, they're moving into the 21st century, which I respect.


Here's snapple fact number 1,029. Humans share 50% of their DNA with bananas. Well, that's bananas.


Jackie. I'm sitting next to my twin.


Is that dirty? Why are you holding yourself?


This is so crazy.


An octopus has nine brains and three hearts.


When you think of bananas, what do you think of?


Lizzo. How about you?


I think of Banana Girl. Do you remember Banana Girl? Stop.


I also think of like that. There was a movie growing up where someone was passing out. They needed potassium. And then some genius was like, Banana.


Get her a banana.


Now it's like, we just take for granted that we know that bananas have potassium. But in that moment, that person was Albert Einstein.


Honestly, I feel like we all learned that. Honestly, I don't know what movie you're talking about, but I know the scene in My Bones, and it sounds like it might have been in the DCOM, for real.


A hundred %. It's giving like, Honey, I shrunk the Kids.


By the way, it might have been.


That was a movie about science. Audience. And the person just comes back to life because they've had a banana, because they had potassium deficiency. You're so right. Sound off in the comments what fucking movie that was because we know you all saw it. Who fated? And I know that everybody knows exactly what I'm talking about.


I know this scene. I could recreate it in my mind. Yeah.


But what fucking makes it? And up until that point in human history, it wasn't common knowledge that bananas had potassium.


Movie where someone faints and then is given a banana. Is there any way that Google is going to know what I'm talking about? If AI is real... Oh, my God, you're right, honey. We shrunk the Kids. Somebody wrote on Reddit, Who else learned that bananas contained potassium? By seeing Honey, We shrunk Ourselves. Maybe the sequel.


Okay, wow.


That's really... That's crazy.


Wow. We all just are living the same life.


We are all living the same life. Okay, I'm ready for the stories.


You don't want one more fact? Sure. But now there's so much pressure to make it a good one. I don't feel like that one is. Oh, here. Fol lore states that if you split a double strawberry in half and share it with the opposite sex, you'll soon fall in love.


See, that's where snapple really lost the plot because first of all- No, but they said it's folklore.


So basically, they said some nutty people think- Moron.


I think fun facts really have to be based in fact, not folklore. Okay?


No, I agree, but at least they said this is folklore.


They shouldn't have generated that. That's not a snapple fact. They shouldn't have generated it.


Okay, what about this? This is the same but different. Ancient Romans thought strawberries could cure bad breath and chronic fainting. The fact would be that strawberries can cure bad breath in common.


That's better. It's rooted in history.


Yeah, it's a history fact. There are a lot of facts about strawberries here. Strawberries taste sweeter at room temperature. Okay, so I should stop keeping them in the fridge.


No, that's disgusting.


This is interesting. I feel like people know this, but they don't realize it. Russia and the United States are less than three miles apart.


Yeah, and that's how we know the world is round. Oh, no, I'm sorry. I just saw TikTok about this. They're really not. There is an island where it's like Russian territory. Nobody lives there, and it's like by Alaska or something. But it's Russian. That doesn't count.


But it's still a fact.




Okay, one more.


No, enough. We need to move on.


Okay. I'm just telling you, we're running towards nothing. That's what I'm saying.


But the thing is, we've been doing nothing this whole time. We can do anything, Jackie.


I've just learned an immense amount.


Salem will stick with me truly forever.


We'll always have Salem.




No matter what else happens today.




But our first story, this is why I don't want to do the stories. New Kevin Spacey doc reveals the actor allegedly groped a house of cards cast member on set, made aggressive sexual moves on a schoolmate, and more. So less than 10 months after Kevin Spacey was found not guilty of sexual assault allegations brought by four men in a UK court, a new documentary series is due to air featuring previously unheard of testimonies about the actor's alleged sexually inappropriate behavior. I want to talk about strawberries.


No, you know it's so funny.


I'm sick of talking about Hollywood, disgusting people in Hollywood. They're disgusting, we know.


I completely agree. And it's so Hollywood. The cycle of Hollywood is so funny. How, not funny, but they fostered and created this environment where disgusting predators and male predators got power and could abuse other people, whether Kevin Spacey, young men, however you want to see women. And so that was the environment that they created for centuries. Then they finally were like, We're going to do better. Time's up. And now they're capitalizing. It's like a cycle. You are a Hollywood predator. You become a Hollywood star in a Hollywood documentary about the Hollywood predators. The way they keep capitalizing.


And then soon, there'll be a documentary about the person who was the director of documentaries who was taking it. They don't learn. It's always good that people can get their story out there, and the truth will come out. We know that Kevin Spacey is not a good guy.


I feel I think there are certain celebrities, disgrace celebrities, who people are obsessed with. For me, I never saw a piece of content Kevin Spacey was in. I never watched House of Cards. I don't think I've seen him act in literally anything. So for me, I'm so disinterested. I was never a part of making him famous.


Yeah, he's not your problem.


He's not one of mine. Someone who, for me, was like, Oh, my God. I don't even know. But it's just not a person I I really care about. But the Quiet On Set documentary, that was a slate of content that raised me. So I found that interesting. But I would never watch this because I seriously don't give a fuck about Kevin Spacey.


Even Harvey Weinstein, I would say, we've watched a lot of Miramax movies.


We've seen his work.


Yeah. But I agree with you about Kevin Spacey, though I did watch House of Cards, but my takeaway from House of Cards was that I hated his character. Hated so much. So good to know the character matches the man.


And every time Kevin Spacey comes up on this show, which is so infrequently, thank God, I'm reminded of how crazy it was that Netflix built this billion-dollar company. We know of Bridgerton. We know Orange is a New Black. How many Emmys? They have a million original shows. But they were a DVD company. Company, and the first show they ever made, what if we make our own show was House of Cards? And it really started Netflix. Yeah. And it's so crazy.


Speaking of Netflix, a part B to this story now, because this wouldn't be a story, but Unfrosted comes out today.


I was going to bring that up at the beginning of the show. I was seeing so many people posting about it on Instagram this morning. I'm going to download it for my flight. I'm so excited.


Yeah, maybe I'll watch it tonight with Zack. It's the movie with Jerry Seinfeld and Amy Schumer. It's about the Breakfast Wars, Marjorie Post. She's not the main character, unfortunately. I think it's more from Kellogg's POV. I think she's the villain.


That's what I was about to say. I think because I follow Jerry Seinfeld's daughter, she was posting all these behind-the-scenes things, and it was Kellogg's. We read Marvelous Marjorie Post. We see this from the Post POV. Post saw Kellogg as the enemy, and I'm sure Kellogg saw Post as enemy. I feel like it's not being told from the side that I stand, which is obviously the Post family, CW Post. I'm open, but it's just not the story I wanted to hear.


Yeah. It's also drawing comparisons to one of our favorite movies, The Founder, because it's a food origin story. This is about the creation of the pop tart.


And the pop tart wasn't covered in the book, by the way. So I'm assuming that was a catalog, ting.


Or maybe it was just a small part of her journey as a woman.


No, I feel like they each had their own big things. And Marjorie Post was the inventor of frozen food. The reason why there's freezers in grocery stores is because of her. And maybe like, okay, they had the pop tart.


Not the inventor, but the curator. She knew a good thing when she saw it.


No, she didn't invent it. Sorry, because she acquired the company, but she knew it was good. Yeah. And she popularized it. We might not have. Yeah.


So Oh, stream unfrosted on Netflix.


Yeah, I'm excited about that.


Me too. Are you ready for our next story?




Gipsy Rose is running amok ever since she got her new nose. Gipsy nose.


Is it confirmed she got a new nose?


Yeah. There's pictures of paparazzi photos of her with a bandage on her nose. She said she was getting a new nose, and now she's posted some glam shots where she's showing off her new nose.


Yeah. Like celebrity makeup artist Alexis Oakley, who I follow TikTok, made a whole series. She's like, I'm glamming. Alexis Oakley's thing is like, She's dying to glam Hailey Bieber. She did this whole series, I'm glamming a dream client, dream client. Everyone was like, Oh, my God, she's finally glamming Hailey Bieber. It turned out that it was Gipsy Rose, and she took Gipsy Rose to Sephora. Honestly, she slayed the glam. She looked amazing. Gipsy's running around town, honestly being a glamazon.


Glamazon with her new man. She's slamming the old man. I had to study the nose. Did you see what's going on with her ex-fiance?


Of course I did.




I'm looking at the nose. I have to... Yeah, Doggygate. Pixie.




Okay. I'm looking at the before and after of the nose, and it's good. Do they say who did it?


Maybe she said it because she's been open. She's been definitely authentic about this. Yeah, of course.


She also replaced her old silver teeth last month.


Yes. Porcelain, new caps.


No Bo Cap. Now she's officially famous. She has fake teeth.


Yeah, and she will be a success because she has fake teeth.


No, I'm loving the yasification of Gipsy Rose. What's next for her? Botox? I'm sure actually she probably has Botox.


You think?


I think she'll probably get lip filler. I also think a nose really takes many, many months to fully de-puff and get to its place. I think we'll still see the evolution of the nose. But it's clear she's diving headfirst into Hollywood and surgery. I love that. I think she looks great.


Yeah. And she has her new man who's her old man.


She's got her old man, not her dad.


And not the killer.


Not the killer. And yes, her and her old man Ryan. Ryan, her ex-husband, have been fighting in the comments on TikTok. He posted, giving victim energy Hey, you all. Thanks to everyone for the well wishes. No one's wishing you well. He was just really giving in to influence her He's doing such a trope. He was like, Me and Pixie are here. We're hunkering down. We're doing good. I guess, Pixie is their shared pet. Gipsy was like, Funny how you're literally making content and getting sympathy with Pixie when literally that's my dog or cat. I don't know. You wanted to drop her off at a shelter, so give her back to me.


I had to text to approve it.


That's why I love making former felons famous. They just don't give a fuck.


I guess Gipsy's seen some stuff. She's not afraid to fight in the comments.


Yeah, I think that's putting it mildly, Gipsy's seen some stuff in her lifetime. Yeah.


Happy for her. Happy for her. There's something I wanted to say. Oh, Don't let me stop you.


Okay, so Saturday Night Live this week is Sabrina Carpenter and Jake Chilen Hall. Everyone's freaking out. Honestly, this is the second thing Sabrina Carpenter has done that's really in Congress with her best friendship with Taylor Swift. The first is obviously Skims. I feel like we could explain that away. Now, this Jake Gyllen Hall thing. Now, I want to say, Sabrina Carpenter, I don't feel is at the level that she could be turning down SNL opportunities. She's really a pop star on the rise.


I think this is easier to explain than Skims, actually, because she doesn't choose who she's going to be hosting with. She's not going to say, Oh, actually, I'm not doing that week. Can you put me in a different week? She is happy and grateful to be here.


This is a huge opportunity.


She is happy and grateful to be here. Thank you for the opportunity.


She can't say no. But the two things together are definitely weird. I think a lot of people will be looking to see because she's very much a part of the Swiftie lore. She knows the history. She reads the tweets. She does this thing, Nonsense. You know her song, I'm on a vice so about a nonsense. Every time she performs it live. She changes the lyrics to the last two lines. It makes a little skit about where she is or whatever. A lot of people are thinking maybe she will, not address head-on, but subtly. Maybe she'll say, I know I said, but it also too well. Something like that.


Got it. Okay, cool.


Do you know her new song? Are you familiar with it? Espresso? What are your thoughts on it? It's amazing.


I haven't listened in full, but I've seen some snippets, and I like it. I'm an O. G. Sabrina Carpenter fan. You don't need to tell me.


I've been waiting for a day like this to come, strike like lightning. She wrote the song for a Boys World.


For Girl Meets World, yeah.


How does that sound?


Here, I have her on my liked. I'll go through the She had her first album, which I thought was so amazing.


I love her.


Everyone loves Sabrina. Oh, and I also I love Skin, which was her response to Olivia Rodrigo. I loved it.


I also really do love- Will be the stars.


Oh, literally, you guys don't know old Sabrina?


Especially when the Disney machine was making her music.


Yeah. Our boy, Matthew Gerard.




It had that Matthew Gerard energy.


Neville Longbottom. What was that other guy's name?




Mcneill? Yeah.


Thums. I don't know that one. Oh, that one?


Hold on. Oh, I do know that one.


Yeah, it's got a good beat. I'm playing it. Okay, can I hear? No, no, no. I know it. I know it, Jackie. Pause it.


Jackie, pause it.


You can't hear it.


Yes, you can. The mic picks up everything.


Yeah. It's giving Natasha Benningfield. And They keep on Twitternaid thumbs.


No, she's everything. She's everything. Skittle lady, she's literally scatting.


Skittle lady, no.


But Espresso, people are saying it's the song of the summer, and I actually agree.


She's long overdue. Anyway, stream Eyes Wide Open, the album.


She's long overdue. I also agree with that. I just feel really happy. We could wax on, we could go back and forth a million times about the whole Olivia Rodrigo thing. But at the end of the day, Olivia Rodrigo is one of the biggest pop stars in the world, and she did it on the back of Sabrina Carpenter.


On the tresses of her blonde hair.


I'm happy that Sabrina Carpenter is also becoming a major, major pop star. They both deserve it. They're both super talented. But I think that time was really hard for Sabrina. Yeah, they agree. So at least she's getting something out of it, too.


Yeah. At least she gets to enjoy herself now and her success. Yeah. And us Ogie fans are just happy to see it.


Yeah. She's just so cute. I love her. Honestly, I'm still holding a candle for her and Sean Mendez. Yeah.


And I'll stay holding the candle.


Do you remember a time when Sean Mendez was so famous? Yeah. I feel like he's really not. Obviously, he's a famous person.


Yeah, I think that's a choice, and I actually respect it.




He could have stayed famous.




Going out on dates, whatever. But I think he's taking a step back, and so I respect it. It's Addison Reilly style.


Also, Shipp. Addison Wright and Sean Mendes.


No, she's too much woman for him.


Okay. Also, wait, shit. I had something I wanted to say. What did we say two seconds ago? Oh, Anne Hathaway's new movie is out. The idea of you.


I am not on that hamster wheel. I didn't read the book. I saw the trailer. It looks good. I'm not going to watch the movie. I don't really give a rip, but I know that you are.


Well, you know I have a lot of problems with the book from a moral standpoint in an ethical place. And I was planning on skipping it, even I really do like, even if I don't love or are obsessed with the book, I do like to watch a movie because I always just find it interesting to see how it's done. But I was going to skip this one just because I was taking more high ground on it. I don't like books about, seriously, predators and pedophilia. I don't. However, people are saying it's so good, so I might watch it. Okay.


I'm sure it is good. She really doesn't do bad work.


Yeah. And that guy, Nicholas Geltse, everyone's talking about him. He's in Mary and George. It's having a moment.


Happy for him. Happy for Sabrina.


Happy for Sabrina.


Happy for our next story. What number? It's number three. We're fine, yeah. And ahead of next week, it is an explainer for the Met Gala 2024 theme, Sleeping Beauties, Reawakening Fashion.


Okay. If Somebody doesn't come in a Sleeping Beauties dress from Amazon.


Go home, everyone. And also, Somebody doesn't come in a sleeping bag.


Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I love when people take a literal approach to the theme for us mere mortals to understand it.


Yes. So in November, they announced the theme would be Sleeping Beauties, reawakening fashion, accompanying the Costume Institute's exhibit, featuring approximately 250 items from the museum's archives, including 15 historically significant pieces that are too delicate to ever be worn again. It will be open to the public May 10th through September second. Andrew Bolton, who is the director of the Costume Institute, said, These are the Sleeping Beauties of the title. These pieces, including a ball gown that dates back to 1887, will be displayed in tandem with designs from the likes of Diora McQueen, Givenchy, along with works by their contemporary successors.


Okay, so they don't mean Sleeping Beauties in the sense that- It's about your sleep schedule. Disney, which is a priority of mine. They're saying things that have been slept on for a while, like old tings. It's getting history?


I love that interpretation.


They're waking up. Reminder, these things are here. That's how I thought. That's how I just understood it.


The theme in the exhibit underscore the importance of sustainability and preservation, exploring the ways in which time and nature affect fashion, both literally and in a more abstract It's a contract sense.


Oh, someone's going to show up completely naked in the name of sustainability with nickel covers and a vagina cover on and be like, Yeah, sustain this, bitch.


Wait, this is not... Sleeping Beauties is not a euphemism for sustainability.


No, but they're saying in addition, sustainability, keeping it in mind, how will this dress be at the year 3000 Meccala?


Wow. Okay.


At the end of the day, no theme will ever be more confusing and abstract than Comme de Garçon, Comme de Garcán. So whatever.


But Comme de Garçon is a designer?


No, it's a state of being, I think. It's like it's androgyne.


Hold on. Because now, when there was Carl as the theme last year, I actually thought that was a good theme because there's so much to do. It's just Carl's history of work. But Comme de Garçon is a designer.


Okay, but I think also the phrase means something. Now, every May, people who listen to the show are reminded how little I truly know. So don't quote me on this. But I know, yeah, it's like that brand that makes a little heart T-shirt.


Yeah, it's a Japanese brand.


But I don't think that's I don't know what the theme was. I think the theme was the translation. Hold on, I'm on my way.


Also, as much as we sound dumb and whatever, this is how most people feel about the Met Gala, too. We're just speaking for the common man.


In French, it It means like boys.


Yes, so that Met Gala was actually more understandable than we thought at the time because it was Rai Kawakubo, Kome de Garçon. He's the head designer for Kome de Garçon. It was about his important and influential designs over the past 40 years.


Oh, okay. I liked heavenly bodies. I understood it.


The thing is, we didn't understand that because we didn't break it down on the show. And that's why we do what we do.


Correct. And I will say a I loved, and I feel like also I now understand because of the Met Gala was camp. That wasn't a word I had heard prior. I remember when we were talking about on the toast, we thought they were all going to be wearing whistles around their neck and- And a clipboard. And T-shirts. We literally thought it was giving summer camp. Now I understand camp, and it's a word I use everyday life. I'm looking camp right in the eye. I wish I could go back and relive that Met Gala now having a full understanding of what camp really is.


I feel like we feel that way every year. No. And by the end of the Met Gala, we get it.


Sort of.


Sort of. Well, after we see everyone's dresses, and then they explain their reference, and you get it as much as there is to get.


As much as there is to get, correct.


But you can't go wrong with a sleeping bag this year, an eye mask, set of pajamas.


Seriously, a Lenej lip mask?


Yeah. It's giving cozy.


Cozy vibes.


You know who should be there? Bruno.


Thousand %. If If they really cared about fashion, they would have invited him. Well, they don't.


We know that.


We know that.


It's just politics at this point.


At this point, yeah. Money.


Are you ready for our next story? Speaking of politics and money to a degree. Tiktok and Universal Music Group settle their royalty dispute with a new licensing agreement.


So annoying.


The months-long standoff between UMG and TikTok over royalty payments and AI policies is finally over, at least for the time being, with the announcement the two entities have struck a deal to bring the label's music back on the platform. As part of the agreement, the company stated that they will deliver improved remumeration for UMG's songwriters and artists, new promotional and engagement opportunities for their recordings and songs and industry leading protections with respect to generative AI.


The thing is, this was annoying, but it was probably most annoying for UMG and their artists. It's really crazy how all powerful TikTok is. You would think all of the biggest and best music can't be on the platform. Oh, my God. Tiktok is going to... They literally were unfaced. It didn't affect the platform whatsoever. People just pivoted and made content about the lack of UMG. They're almost too Almighty to have been taken down by this. I feel like probably UMG had to concede on a lot of things that they probably didn't want to.




And they keep on twiddling their thumbs.


And they keep on twiddling them.


Happy for us, especially happy for Sabrina Carpenter, because Espresso kept getting taken down. Oh, really? It's really hard for things to become the song of the summer if we can't be popping our pussies to it on TikTok.


Yeah. Well, for you. Yeah. Empathetic, yeah.


Yeah. You're so empathetic.


Yeah. In solidarity.


I love that.


Are you ready for our fifth and final story?


If it's the fifth and final story, that's brought to you by State Farm.


It is. State Farm will like this story.


Oh, good. This episode of The Toast is supported by State Farm. We know our tosters can agree that Nothing feels better than a personal win. Like when you get your final piece of furniture delivered to your apartment, your home feels really complete, hitting a workout personal best during a run, if you will. Maybe you're a toaster who managed to stop for a much-needed ice coffee and still made it to work on time, or you found a new pair of jeans that finally fit perfectly. Whatever it is, if you define it as a win, it's caused for celebration. And who's cheering right beside you? State Farm, through all phases of your life. Because with the State Farm personal price plan, you can create an affordable price just for you when you bundle home and auto. So celebrate by breaking out the confetti and those happy dance moves. Talk to a State Farm agent today to learn how you can bundle and save with the new personal price plan. What I love about State Farm is they've got all the girlies covered. If you're super tech savvy, you can do everything on the interwebs app website, not an issue.


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You mean sing it for you?




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Prices are based on rating plans that vary by state. Coverage options are selected by the customer. Availability, amount of discounts and savings, and eligibility may vary by state. So say it with me. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. Got you. Today's episode is also brought to you by sacks. Com. Jackie and I are saying yes to the warm weather this year, and that means we are stepping up our wardrobes with the help of sacks. Com. I want to say our week of exciting tings like the 5K, the panel, the meet and greet, My Week in LA is truly brought to you by sacks. Com. I was really not looking forward to all of the things that I had to do because I had nothing to wear. And there's just like, you can't be excited about something no matter how fun it is. If you don't know what you're going to wear and you're feeling insecure with your options. Sacks. Com makes it super easy to get a jump into spring and summer fashion trends as you're approaching the warmer seasons. So whether you need new boots for festival season, perhaps you're taking a last minute impromptu, expensive trip to St.


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Our fifth and final story has been chosen because I was influenced by conversations we've been having on this show. Oh, wow. Otherwise, you would have gotten four.


Oh, wow. Oh, wow.


But I saw this story this morning, and it was harking back to what we were talking about, ancient cities. And there has been a discovery of a stretch of wall in ancient Jerusalem that vindicates the Holy Bible's claim and debunks what archeologists have thought for a while.


So it's like-Okay, you have to explain from the start.


A scientific breakthrough has exposed the truth about an ancient site in Jerusalem, overturning expert opinion and vindicating the Bible's account.


Okay. The Bible remains supreme.


The Bible remains supreme. Until now, experts believe a stretch of wall in the original heart of the city of Jerusalem was built by Hezequia, king of Judah, whose reign straddled the seventh and eighth centuries BC. He had seen his neighbors to the north, the Kingdom of Israel, destroyed by the Assyrian Empire, and it was thought that he built the wall to defend against the invaders. But now, an almost decade-long study has revealed it was built by his great great grandfather, Uzeah, after a huge earthquake, echoing the account of the Bible after all. The wall is in the city of David, the historic archeological site that formed the original town of Jerusalem, according to the Bible.


Okay, go off Bible.


Go off Bible.


I just feel like this is probably a shit stain on the resume of these historians. You literally have one job and you can't even do it. It's seriously humiliating. That's how I felt last night watching the next. Not to be so rude, but up until the very end, they couldn't score any points. It's almost like you're being paid to make this point. It's like, score.


For sure. I do feel like being an archeologist is a very hard job. It requires a certain skillset. I could see how they can get it wrong sometimes. How can you date a rock? Seriously. But they do it. No.


But there are measures in place. It's actually, I think, quite easy to date a rock. There are ridges and shit. I actually don't think it's hard.


I'm just saying, to me, I'm impressed by archeology and what they're able to do. There are oftentimes stories like this every once in a while, dead sea scrolls will be dug up, really ancient things. It's always in Israel, the indigenous homeland of the Jews, and everything that they dig up is just written in Hebrew and just goes to prove the point that the Jews have been there for thousands of years. And it's fascinating.


No, I'm going to go back to something you said about archeologists being impressive. I don't know. I see them coming in with their little makeup brush dusting off a rock. And it's just really hard. I know what they do is important, and I'm not, of course, disqualifying that. I just feel like they're really hard to take seriously with their little glasses and their little makeup brushes. I don't know. And now stories like this coming out, they've been lying to us. I don't know. I'm not buying it.


Yeah, I guess they got it wrong. They're man enough to admit that. That takes a big person.


I do feel like that's probably the perfect segue into Queety and Weeny of the Week because I've just found mine.


Archeologists are your weeny?


No, actually, I have an amazing Weeny.


Even though they're verifying the claims of the Bible, ultimately. Even though all of us Bible thampers have been like, We've been new, but okay.


Right. But it is nice when facts in Modern times. It is. Substantiate claims made in this book that sometimes people are like, This is a little whack for me.


I agree. No, it's nice for all the haters and doubters, non believers, but it's also extremely cool.


Okay. I have something to say about the Bible. I can make It might make me sound really stupid. And we might need to cut this out, but I just have a question, okay? Okay. So the pyramids. As you guys know, if you read the Old Testament, Jews were slaves in Egypt. Part O made us build that back-breaking work. Terrible, terrible. And now the pyramids are standing. And of course, there are people who don't read the Bible or believe in the Bible. It's not their book. I totally understand. It's a million other religions. How do those people think the pyramids just popped up? Who built them according to non-Bible consumers. Do you know what I mean?


Yeah. Well, I guess anyone could have built them according to them.


What's the going theory? Do they think they've just been there for years and nobody knows where they came from? Yeah.


Well, just like anything that was built, someone built it. Builders.


But there would be history. They would know. Where do people who don't believe in the Bible think that the pyramids came from? What's the opposing argument? Do you know what I mean?


I don't know that you have to believe in the Bible to acknowledge that the pyramids were built, likely by slaves in Egypt.


Yeah, I don't know.


Because that's not I think people who don't believe in the Bible will say it's supernatural and mystical, and they don't believe in the miracles. But the- Facts. The story outside of the parting of the Red Sea and things like that, I don't know if they still dispute those things. Oh, the history of it, you mean? Yeah, as a history book. But I think some people who aren't believers have a hard time seeing it as a history book because they don't believe in the whole thing. They just throw away the whole thing.


But also people are born into a million different religions, so they just might not even think about it. We're seeing it, of course, through our own lens.


I don't think they spend a lot of time thinking about it. They're just like, Oh.


They have their book, we have ours. Got it. Okay. That wasn't so dumb, right?


We could leave that in. No. I think the people who do think about it, Well, your book says this, and my book says that, there has been wars for it over that.


It's giving crusade.


It's giving crusades. Exactly.


Correct. Okay, well, let's dive into weaning and weaning of the... Well, for me, it's always weaning and weaning. It's always weaning. I just realized I've been slouching literally the entire time. I told you yesterday, you need to keep me accountable.


I feel like in a sweatshirt, it's less noticeable. Okay.


I feel like in a sweatshirt, I look like a linebacker, but it is what it is.


Well, are you starting? Are you making a high salary? Cool. What's wrong with being a linebacker? They're professional athletes.


Yeah, they are. I don't want to look like a professional male athlete. I think that's okay to say. We all have ideal body types.


I think that's rude to the linebackers. Justice for linebackers.


Great. I bet that linebacker wouldn't like saying, Hey, you look like Claudia O'Shrey either. It's a point of pride for him to be wide and big. For me, it's not. I'm just a woman in this industry trying to survive, okay? Is that okay?


Yeah. I was trying to make you feel better, but okay. You're a millionaire. Congrats.


You're famous and successful. You're on TV. No. No. You're on TV. Literally my dream. Okay, Queenie and Weanie of the Week, our weekly segment here that we do every Friday, where Jack and I just take a look at the week at a glance, and we dole out two very prestigious awards, Queenie and Weanie of the Week. Now, I want to say I feel like your Weanie of the Week is going to be the terrorist set all the college- How'd you know? Because it's so obvious. But I want to beg you to reconsider because Weenie of the Week is really supposed to be fun and light-hearted, and there's literally nothing light-hearted about what's going on They're not Weenies of the Week. They're actually the criminals of the Week. I'm actually going to ask you to rescind and think about someone else.


Okay, but there are criminals. There are terrorists. There are terrorist sympathizers, and there are also serious weenies there who actually do not know what they're doing there. Of course. And they think that they're a revolutionary, and they're fighting for freedom, and they are changing the world, and they don't even realize they're being paid by George Soros to up-end world order. Okay?


1,000 %. But you're doing great. But I champion everything you say. I'm going to be a stickler for Weenie.


I know. I hear you. Could their parents be the Weenies?


No, because I actually saw a video of this mom who saw her kid on TV, and she went over... She must live nearby. She drove over to campus and grabbed him by the fucking arm and started literally slapping him. I loved it.


No, I love that.


She literally said, Get in the car. We're going home.


These kids, you need to call their parents. First of all, it's like, Where are their parents? How could they have raised such brain dead morons seriously? But then also it's like, maybe that's why they wear the mask because they're scared of their mom.


Yeah. I mean, they also- It's like, Hi, Mom, I'm a terrorist. I don't know how fair it is to blame the parents. These kids have been away at school for four years. A lot of them are graduate students, maybe six years, and they've become radicalized by their institutions. The parents can only do so much. They thought they were doing a good thing. Oh, my kid got into Columbia. Woohoo, I can go brag about it at a club. For sure.


But pay attention to what's going on to your child and who's paying for that?


You. Pay attention, please.


You've got your paying, so you got to pay attention.


My weaning, which I think really captures the essence of what Weaning of the Week should be, is... Now, I don't want to say Normani because I don't feel like it was her. But at the end of the day, that's the industry we live in. It's going to reflect poorly on you. But I'm going to say Normani/Normani's Management for totally mishandling and really bringing shame upon her house. This whole, What is happening, saga. The interview in the cut was disgraceful. Seriously, they have dropped the ball on what should have been a Camila Caballo-type career.


Now, I understand why you didn't want me to say what I was going to say.


Because you say terrorist and I say Nourmani. Sorry, that's actually not fair to normani.


No, they're not both weanies of the same degree.


Weenie, I think it needs to remain unserious.


I know. I try.


Being a weenie is something we have said. You can one week be queenie and one week be weenie.


That's true. It needs to remain. And these people could never be queenie. Never. And they'll never be queeny.


So I beg you to reconsider.


Okay. Okay. Reconsidered.


Now for queeny.


Queeny, I wanted to end on Queenie. I want you to go first because I want to have the last word.


Okay. I don't love my Queenie. But honestly, people weren't giving Queenie behavior this week. Let me just say that. Nobody acted in a way that dazzled me.


Okay. So no Queenie for you.


No, I have a queen. It was Melissa McCarthy. I think what the Barbara thing could have been really embarrassing for her. I would have died. But she handled it with Grace. I loved the video she put out. Seriously, she didn't even address the Ozempic stuff. It's so awkward, seriously. It had the potential to I'll start. Probably make someone cry. If that was me, I might have cried.




Who's yours?


My queenie is Claudia Ashray because she is embarking on a 5K this weekend, and she has been working so hard, and she has completely changed her life. She is doing something new and doing something hard, and she's been consistent with it, and we are so proud of you. You've been working so hard, and that's queenie-like behavior. Now, all of your fruits, all your hard work, you're going to breathe through this thing, and we're so proud of you.


Oh, my God. This is so unexpected. Oh, my God. This is so unexpected. Seriously, I'm shaking. I'm shaking. No, No. Everything you said is completely factually and historically accurate. I've changed my life. I can do anything. I literally... Yeah, maybe I will run a marathon one day. I'm literally dreaming about the 5K. First of all, I didn't even share a personal best. I ran the fucking 5K on Monday in 38 minutes, and I took one extra minute because I was feeling like I had to poop. I'm currently tracking at 30. Yeah, bitch, I did. Thank you so much. You're a queenie as well. Sending you off on a queeny leisurely week. Have the best time.


I will be a queeny this week. Living like a queenie.


Yeah, as you should.


And then actually, I'll change my weanie to a fictional weanie.




Only redheads will understand. Oh. Elise, from the book that we read, is my weanie of the week.


Iyk, YK.


Yeah, Redheads will know. Redheads will know.


And if you don't?


It's never too late to become a redhead. We're not exclusive whatsoever. We're welcoming We welcome anyone who is in a weaning.


We welcome anyone who's not living in an encampment.


Exactly. Exactly.


I can't believe, literally- Our bar is extremely low.


I just want to say something. I want to admit something. When we sat down to record this episode, I had one story on my iPad, and I didn't know how we were going to make it through the episode.


Oh, wow. The truth is out. That's so crazy.


I know. I'm not lying that I sat here for 45 minutes looking for stories, and I was being like, Too picky, whatever. Then as the show went on, I kept re-arranging. Look at us, hour 15.


That's beyond impressive.


Like nothing.


Wow. Well, that's queeny behavior,. No, take the... It can be about you. Oh, not take it.


It can be just about you today and every day.


But tomorrow, we go back to it being about you.


Okay. Next Monday.


See you next Monday. Next Monday. Jacks, we'll miss you next week. You guys, I'm super excited for next week. Thank you so much for an amazing week of shows. I'm super excited for what's to come. Yeah, and if you're missing me- We'll be seeing so many of you tomorrow.


Oh, my God. We'll see so many of you tomorrow. If you're missing me next week, I'll be on the Patreon. I'm still doing content, not actually ever taking off fully because I have too much to say.


They literally... She refuses to be silenced.


I won't do it. I won't go out quietly.


Thank you so much for listening to the Chosa Millanay Morning Show, where we deliver the fast five stories. You need to know everybody through Friday on YouTube. So if you're watching us on YouTube, please feel free to subscribe and give us a video a thumbs up. We're also available as a podcast anywhere. A podcast can be found on Spotify. It's Spotify, it's a district public video. I already cast all the places, reviews, and podcast. That's a Chosa Millanay five-star review about how beautiful, how stunning, how wickedly talented we are. Hope you guys have an amazing Incleab weekend, and I will see you on Monday with a very special guest. Yay.


Love you. Bye.