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Good morning, millennials.


Welcome back to the toast. Congrats to all the grads for graduating the week. It's Friday. Yeah, that's right. Not to brag or anything.


I've graduated from congrads. Grads.


You're over it?


I'm on to congrads. Trads.


Ooh, contrads. Trads.


Congrats. Trads. I made two more loaves of bread last night. I just want to say, it's not that I'm obsessed with sourdough. It's that I'm in it and I haven't mastered it yet. And I cannot stop until I've got it done. And then I can judge whether or not I want to keep doing it, but I'm not. I don't keep doing it because I'm obsessed and I got the bug. It's like I need to conquer this thing.


One thing about Jax, you tell her she can't do something, she'll do it twice.


One thing about Jax, I'm a perfectionist. I'm Enneagram type one. And I'm not going to stop until I have a gorgeous loaf of bread. Even though my loaves have. I finally got to give one to Olivia. Last night I drove over there at, like, 09:00 p.m. With a hot, fresh bread. And her. And her. Shapiro loved it. And that's one thing about them. Like, they're not picky and they're always going to be supportive. Enjoy what you've made. Yeah.


And the thing is, I think that you going on this journey of making your own bread or good and trail is going to light a little bit of a fire under Olivia's ass because Olivia's always kind of been, like, the doer, and you've outdone the doer. And I'm telling you, in the coming weeks, like, Olivia's gonna start her own bakery. She's like, oh, she has kind of gotten comfortable in, like, her being. She's always been, like, the most bala busta, you know, kitchen girly in the family. And you're now over here making your own bread. And that definitely shifts the dynamics of the family.


Yes. But I actually don't think it's so out of step. Like, Olivia is very much the balabusta, like, throws together a shabbat, like, cooking. You know, she cooks with her heart, she measures with her heart. And I. Not that, like, I'm recipe. Like, I will.


Your lesson chemistry.


Yeah. Like, I'm not just, like, breezing around the kitchen. So I actually feel like we compliment one another. Like, she could make a gorgeous meal, and I could just bring the bread I worked on for eight days.


Yeah, yeah. And the time that you made bread, she made eight meals for her family.


Right. And I also want to say that last night when she tried my sourdough, she gave me the highest compliment, which was, it takes just, like, my wild grain.


That is because I had that wild grain shit, and it was really good.


And also, the more I think about it, a lot of people make sourdough, and they immediately freeze the loaf so that they can have it in the future. That's exactly what wild grain is. Like. She's having fresh sourdough that's then frozen in center, and then she defrosts it. So all's to say, like, she liked my bread and it was edible. And. And then as I was leaving, I saw shapiro go back into the kitchen for another slice. Like, these are high compliments.


All's to say congrats to you.




Setting your mind to something and accomplishing it. Like, there's really no greater feeling. Now, of course, you can tweak and improve, but you did the damn thing. And to that, we say, congrats, chads.


And I will continue to do the damn thing until I get it right and find the right recipe for Florida. People have sent me amazing recipes, so I'm prepared. I just need time now. Cause I can't cook two loaves of bread every day. Like, I just can't. I have a full time job and two small children. And last night, like, I literally did not take off my makeup again till 10:00 p.m. Not acceptable.


Unacceptable. Now, what else? What also is unacceptable is that we have dilly dallied far too long. I think there are people joining this episode.


Have you spoken about me far too long?


No. No, no. But I was at the top. We can get back to sourdough, I promise.


Okay, thanks.


24 hours ago, we did the thing that we hate when people do. And we were like, secret project revealed. Tomorrow, 24 hours. Did we tell you what we do? And we kind of hyped it up, but the time is here for us to announce.


Time is now.


Time is now.


Perfume. Oh, wow.


Love that. Something we've never done before. Something we've gotten a lot of requests to do for, I think, a brief period. We were actually. We have done it once before, and, like, it didn't go amazingly. And we were like, I don't think this is for us. I mean, just like, years ago, like.


Six years ago, tabula Rasa.


Tabula Rasa. We feel like we're at a place where we can officially. Drum roll, please. Do live shows. That is right now, of course, we have to do everything a little bit different because we are not like other girls. So while Jackie and I are not yet. Not yet going on tour, we are going to be doing a residency this summer in New York. So Jackie and I were planning on.


Spending going over the gorgeous, gorgeous state of New York gorries.


Jackie and I were planning on spending the summer together in the Hamptons. And we were like, listen, should we make the best use of our time and perhaps, perhaps, perhaps do a couple of live shows? And we did. So we are going to be kicking off the summer at the end of June at the Beacon Theater, two shows in New York City, and then Jackson I are headed to the Hamptons for the summer, and we will be doing live shows at the West Hampton Performing Arts Center. I have done a show there. It's amazing. We have three shows booked. Maybe we'll add more if peeps, you.


Know, if there's demand for it, excitement. But we're excited.




Get on stage, do live, meet people, doing meet and greets, the whole shebang, while also you, you know, we're homegrown. Big apple swirly.




So, yeah, Thanksgiving residency, we're going. We're hometown heroes. Going back to Long island, back to our roots.


Our roots. We were gonna call it the fly tour, if you know, you know. But of course, you know, we came up with a better idea, which is the girly swirlies night out.


Cause that's what it is when you tell your friends, like, oh, what's that? What's that thing you're going to. It's a girly swirly sne out. It's a Gsno. Like, we're there to have a good time and a good time, only we're there to laugh, drink, dance, sing. Like, it's going to be the Gsno and the girls night out that you've been waiting for, Morgan.


And if you have come to see me on tour, just know this is completely different. This isn't stand up. It's a live podcast. We're going to be playing some of our favorite games, perhaps, you know, some titillating guests, stopping through whom, you know, who we happen to be related to. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.


But it's just meant to be a girly, swirly, downright good ass time, Zachary.


Good ass time. We're going to have the, like, seriously, I've never especially, like, having gone on tour by myself, like, I'm. And it's a lot, like, of. It's a. It's a heavy burden I carry, you know, going on stage by myself, being able to do it with the swirly. Like, we're gonna have so much fun. Like, I feel like I'm not even gonna be nervous. Like, I was so nervous when I. When I do stand up, but, like, I feel like this is just pure fucking fun.


Pure excitement, pure fun and pure toast. We're gonna be doing toasty things. We have a really great program programmed.


We have a great program. I love that. Yeah.


And I'm really excited to see everyone excited for the residency because, of course, we can't go on tour.


No, of course not. Logistically, let me tell you what's what. Head over to our Instagram for all the dates and locations to plan your purchase. You know, next week, tickets will go on sale. All the details will be on our Instagram, so don't fret. If you are a Patreon member, you will get access to the pre sale. It's also not too late to become a Patreon member. If you, like, are really worried about getting a meet and greet or a ticket. Excuse me. Do that on toast. Next week, tickets will go up. Patreon members will get it first, and then it'll be general on sale. After that, all the details will be on my Instagram, Jackie's Instagram, and the toast Instagram. So as long as you're following us there, you will be settled. And again, check out our Instagram. Now for the date cards. All the locations, all the dates. New York City, West Hampton. The swirlies are coming. And seriously, get ready.


Jackson Claude, take the hamptons.


No, it's giving summer house.


It's giving. Kim and Kourtney and Chloe, take the hamptons.


That's a better reference. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Speaking of summer house, I've been watching, so that's also getting me really excited for our hamptons, John. Even though they never really leave the house. And when they do, there's no cameras.


No cameras. That is the fatal flaw with the show. And I do think not to go on, like, total random tangent. When the show first began, and it was like, kind of, like, ragtag cast and they never left the house, and every time they did, they couldn't film. It was seriously, like, what's the point in the show now? I feel like they've gotten to a place where, like, the cast is so good that it doesn't matter that they never leave the house, but, like, it would improve. No.


And I actually get a little sad when they leave the house because I'm like, oh, we won't get all the camera angles. Like, I have to watch. Like, they're having fun. This isn't, like, good for my show.


I bet it's great for their mental health to be able to leave the house, not be filmed, and, like, yeah, it can contribute to the storyline, but you can, like, take a break.


Yeah. But most of the time these days when they leave the house, they go to restaurants and clubs where they can.


Film at, which are never, like, the cool spots.


Yeah, no, they actually went somewhere on the episode I watched last night. They must have been able to film somewhere, like, new for the first time. And they were talking about how so excited they were. It was the best night ever. There were people their age, like, this is.


Where'd they go?


I don't remember, but they didn't say, like, because we can film. But that's just the vibe I got. Like, they go to lesser places where they can film.




Anyways, my summer house journey is going well, but it's definitely conflicting with my sourdough era because Sourdough was taking away from all of, like, the spare few hours that I had go towards sourdough when they should have been going towards summer house, and then I'm going to sleep at 1230, and that's just not right.


Would you ever consider putting a little tv in your kitchen? A lot of people do that.


That's a great idea for when I'm cooking. But when I'm cooking, like, I'm so dialed in because, as I said, like, I'm not skilled enough and I don't want to encourage my children to eat and watch.


Yeah, no, I think tvs in the kitchen are great for adults, but more often than not, dinner time just becomes movie time, which, you know.


Yeah. Like, we didn't have a tv in our kitchen growing up, and I like that there's tv shows. Everything is a tv now. Like, I don't.


Yeah, you could just, like, bring an iPad.


That's true.


But I like to watch.


Like, that's the thing. When I'm ready to watch my show, I'm in the bed. Himalayan popcorn. Maybe make it a party mix, add some cheddar bunnies, and I want to enjoy.


I was having this conversation at book club about where people have in their grown up apartments. Like, where do you have a tv? A lot of my friends only have it in the living room. So when they get into bed, it's just, like, bedtime. I was saying how I don't even. I'm such a bed person. Like, I have a tv in my bedroom, and I don't even have one in my living room, you know?


Yeah. I haven't watched a tv in my living room, though, in forever.


Well, like, I know.


I saw your story. So funny.


Well, so Ben is, like, on this mission because the Knicks are, like, you know, have all these big games, and Ben, like, wants to have people over to watch. And I'm like, great. But we don't have a tv in our living room.


You don't want to have them in your bedroom, right.


I'm like, what? Everyone's gonna get in the bed.


Nick's slumber party.


And so last night, Ben, after talking about it for so long, he was like, I'm just going to best buy, and I'm getting a tv. And the way that our room is configured, the living room, it's like, you can't just, like, we don't have a media console, and there's no, like, wall to mount it. It's very complicated. So he just, like, rogue bought a tv. It was fucking huge. He set it up. It obviously didn't fit. And, like, have you ever returned to tv?


No. I've never raised pleased enough.


Cuz, like, you just tear open the box and you throw it on the wall. And I was like, do we have to put it back in the box? Yeah. I had literally torn the box to shreds.


Yikes. Bikes.


He was seriously, like, being such a baby about the knicks and a baby about, like, having people over and, like, a baby about putting it back in the box. I'm like, this was your mission. And he was like, can you help me put in the box?


And I was like, no, I'm just a girl.


I had helped assemble it.


I'm just a girl. Also, you do see a very unattractive side of your partner when you're assembling furniture.


I mean, I can only imagine what Ben is saying about me on his podcast, because I was seriously being like, move.




I was being, like, so nasty. Like, really, like, a bitch. But, like, don't. Don't do that to me. I'm like, a nice. Thursday night, and we had had a nice dinner. He cooked dinner, and then we, like, ate the dinner so fast, like, standing up because he had to go to best buy. He's like, all right, I'm gonna go to best buy. Let's have dinner. I'm like, wait, what? So, like, my dinner was ruined. Like, it was just not a good night for us.


I'm so sorry, lost world.


It's okay.


It's fine. I was cleaning flour off my counters, like, for 12 hours. So also, I just want to say. So yesterday, knew I was gonna cook this bread, so I started the process of making my dough at 08:00 a.m., yesterday because I, like, was up early and I had time. So I was like, great. And then 2 hours later, you do the salt, and then you prove. I started at 08:00 a.m. I did not have bread to the Shapiro's house by 08:00 p.m. It is a twelve hour endeavor. It's insane.


No, it's really worth it.


Not yet, but once it's right, it will be. I know some people proof overnight, but I can't then, like, get to yesterday was an anomaly in the morning where I just happened to, like, wake up early to and be able to do it. But usually I get. I can't do hard things in the morning. I can only really do the things I'm doing right now. Yeah, I like that I can only do these things.


People can do hard things.


People can do hard things. And sometimes self care looks like hard work. And sometimes self care looks like baking a loaf of bread.


Yeah. Yeah.


And sometimes self care means leaving your husband with a tv to put back in the box by himself while you go in bed and read your kindle.


That is the old. Oh, my God. Thank you for bringing up my kindle.


Most of the time, that is what.


Self care looks like, a thousand percent. Wait, I'm reading this book, and seriously, like, there should have been a trigger warning on it. There's, like, four chapters about nodovirus. Like, the main character gets in and then gives it to her boyfriend. And, like, seriously, I was shook.


I'm glad that you brought it up, because I wasn't going to, but since there's norovirus in the air, I need to tell everyone there is norovirus in my house.




Which also is great that I've been making sourdough. If anyone wants a piece of.


To settle your stomach.


To settle their stomach. But I wanted to ask the classic question, because we got norovirus, the great noro of 2022. We literally did, like, six episodes on it. We did a feature film documentary.


I literally am changed as a human being from it.


Have you had it since?




Okay. Because right now, the Shapiro's all had it.


No, you're not immune to it?


No, I'm asking the group a question. Is it something that if you've had it once and you really and truly had it, not just like, oh, I started. You went through it. Can you get it twice? Is it like the chicken pox, or is it like the flu? Every year it mutates, and it's seasonal.


It's the flu. It's literally the seasonal stomach flu.


I want people to sound off in the comments. Have you had, well, internorovirus, and if you've had it, you know what it really is? Have you had that experience? Twice.


So I want to say I haven't had it since, but I also haven't been exposed to it since. I haven't known anyone to have had it. Ben hasn't had it.


Like, I've been exposed enough. Like, I'm exposed right now. I'm exposing you viewers, right. And I haven't gotten it yet. I'm prepared if I do. Like, I'm. I understand.


Let me tell you.


I mean, I might even, like, you know, get into a new decade on the scale, and I'm a little bit.


Like, okay, Jackie, you will know that you have it. You. If you randomly, like, not at night, just in the middle of the day, like, start to feel extremely tired for me, like, I got home from the toast, that it's a hard bar.


That happens. No, the time.


No, no, no. It's a different kind of exhaustion to the point where, like, if you sat down on the couch, you would fall asleep. I literally sat down on my bed after the toast, and I fell asleep for 4 hours. And I kept, like, waking up being like, let's get up. And I seriously, I couldn't move my limbs. 4 hours later, I got up and I was like, oh, toilet.


Got it.


It's this unbeknownst exhaustion, and actually, in the book, the girl has, like, the worst case of it, and that's exactly how it happens. She just kind of, like, stumbles into her bed and goes to bed at, like, 04:00 p.m. And then at 08:00 p.m. Like, the nausea wakes her up, and she has it for, like, four days.


Okay, why is that in your book? And I also feel like norovirus is really at its peak a 24 hours.


No, it's not. No, it is not.


It's 24 hours of uncontrollable orifices. But then you don't have anything left, and then you're. I remember I would. 24 hours of that.


By the way, not having anything left is the worst part because you're still having the urge to vomit and shit. So you're, like, dry heaving. I had the most terrible stomach cramps.


When I had it. I had 24 hours of the purge, and then I had a fever.


So you had had, like, a milder case because, like, it started with Ben and then to me and then to you. So it was still, like, bad for you, but for Ben and I, I was seriously. I had uncontrollable everything for 36 hours. And then, like, fever, sweats, chills, stomach pain. But not, like, for another day or two.


She was going through it for four days. And why are you reading that? Like, is this stripping into the story?


I didn't know, obviously, that it was a point I wouldn't have read.


Why is there a book about the norovirus?


I don't know. I don't know. Abby Jimenez. I don't know.


That's really weird.




Well, sound off in the comments. Have you had it? The real thing? Twice. Could I? My time becoming sound off in the comments? In which case it's good that it's the weekend coming up. I'll see you guys on Monday, bright and early. Maybe I'll be looking thinner.


We have the fast five today. And Queenie and weenie. No, no. And, like, tell me. Oh, vibes.


Friday vibes. Strong and silly at the same time.


Strong and silly. I love that.




And then we also have deer toasters. That coupled with the. Oh, not dear toasters. I'm sorry, Queenie and Weenie. And I mean to trigger him.


What? No, we don't. Please.


That coupled with the major announcement we just made, I feel like, who wouldn't listen to this episode?


No, who wouldn't? And hopefully, per usual, there'll be a bomb title. I don't know if we've reached it yet, though. I think Girly Swirly's night out, though.


Oh, yeah. But also, I wasn't hating. Strong and silly.


Super cute.


That's us to a t. Could we be stronger or sillier?


No, we really couldn't. And that's what you can expect at the GSno. Tickets on sale Monday at our Patreon. And now, as ever, is a great time to join Patreon.


Oh, yeah. I thought you meant for the fast five.


I was like, now is ever as a good time for the past five.


Yes. Also true. Two times. Two times. And should we deliver a lie, girly, spoilers night out will be no fun.


Lies. Lies. Without further ado. And further lies, here are the fast life stories that you need to know.


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Thank you, turdy, for letting us know that Macy sponsored today's episode.


You're welcome.


Our first story, ACM Awards 2024, aired last night. Of course, I didn't get to watch because I was working on my sourdough.


I watched.


But here are the big winners.


Okay, I just want to say I respect country music. The ACM's have turned into the Lainey Wilson awards. No, like, american music awards, whoever shows up wins. Like, Luke Holmes was not there and Morgan Wallen was not there. Now, you cannot deny that the two of them were this year in country music. Honestly, they were this year in music, selling out the biggest venues in the country, literally on the same level as Taylor Swift and Beyonce. For them to have not won any awards because neither of them were there, that's how I knew. I'm like, we're just giving it to the people who showed up. Chris Stapleton, Lainey Wilson, and Jelly roll.


Yeah, so that about sums it up. Entertainer of the year. The nominees were Kane Brown, Luke Combs, Jelly Roll, Cody Johnson, Chris Stapleton, Morgan Wallen, and Lainey Wilson.


And Cody Simpson.


And Cody Simpson.


Who was snubbed big time?


The winner was Lainey Wilson.


And I just want to say, I love women in country, and I gave this spiel last year. You guys can go watch it, because I love Lainey Wilson. She's unreal, but she's like, wasn't the entertainer of last year, and she wasn't the entertainer of this year. And I have to imagine being Miranda Lambert sitting there. Miranda Lambert for years was snubbed in that category. Sometimes she wasn't even nominated. And if she was, it was just, like, to nominate her for the sake of nominating. I don't even know if she's ever won. I think maybe the one year she won was the year they gave it to her. And Carrie Underwood, like, finally to give it. We're gonna give it to both women. For her to sit there, like, in the front row with her boyfriend, like her husband, whatever. And, like, seriously, like, it must be infuriating. Cause you know, Miranda's not the type to just, like, blindly support other women, and that's why we stand. It must be seriously, like, difficult to swallow. For real.


Yeah. It's. It's just not.


And I can't stress enough. Like, I love Lainey Wilson.




No, she knew if I drink a little drunk, it's cause I am one. I fucking love that song. Like, she's so good. If my neck's a little red, it's cause I am one. Like, I love her. She's not the entertainer of the year. Yeah, she's not. She wasn't last year, and she's not this year. Like, she's.


However, she also won female artist of the year, which I think she is.


A must, which I thought was appropriate.


Yeah. The other nominees were Kelsey Ballerini, Ashley McBride. Kelsey Ballerini doesn't win any of these awards.


No, I actually was thinking the same.


I feel like she's nominated in every category every year. Has she won one?


No. They're kind of, like, always not giving her the credit she deserves. And I feel like last year was really, like, the year of Kelsey Ballerini, and I don't think she won any. And she was nominated this year for rolling up the welcome Matt, the platinum edition that had, like, one new song. So I don't feel like this was her year, but, like, a new song. No, it was, I think, maybe, like, a revamped. Like, it was delusional.


You know, one thing about me, I'm obsessed with rolling up the welcome mat.


And so that was last year's nominee nomination for her. And, like, that really would have been the year. Like, last year was the year of Kelsey Ballerini. Like, and she did so much for country music, and she never strayed. Like, I feel like there are a lot of girlies who get, like, attention outside of country music and sort of, like, forget their roots, if you will. And Kelsey, like, has remained so loyal to country music, given her success outside of country music and, like, in the pop sphere. And I feel like they never really give her her flowers.


Yeah. They just don't.


It's like. They honestly feels like they don't like her. But then, like, she's always hosts the ACM's and CMA. She's very much in the industry. I don't know what it is. It's, like, weird.


I don't know what it is. Megan Maroney was nominated. Casey Musgraves and Lainey Wilson, who won. Megan Maroney, though, won female new artist of the year. Yeah. Yeah, you can.


I don't think they do. New artists of the year, female and new artist of the year, male.


Yeah, but it just gives more people a chance to win. And they also have. They have artist of the year male and artist of the year female male, was Chris Stapleton.


So Chris Stapleton won all the big awards that he was nominated for one.


Album of the year, like, male vocalist of the year, because I didn't listen to it. But what I do know is that growing old was the album of the year.


No, the thing is, is that what.


I know, and this is not.


I feel like Chris Tableton wins everything, so I can say this. I actually only know one song off of his most recent album. He had performed it last night and he performed it incredibly. I'm obsessed with him and his wife.


He's amazing.


The love he has for his wife. Like, you've never seen anyone stare at someone so piercingly than he did his wife. And he was literally performing with Dua Lipa. He didn't even look at Dua Lipa. He was staring dead into the soul of his wife. Wife. It was, like, so cute. I love him. Like, this is not a slight against him, but, like, his album really compared to Morgan Wallin's album and Luke Holmes album, like, really made no waves. And it was just giving participation. Like, whoever showed up won because surprisingly, like, a lot of big people did not show up last night. And I think it's because they're busy being the entertainers of the year. Morgan Wallen is performing this weekend at MetLife Stadium. Yeah, that's right. Metlife stadium. Two nights back to back, Luke Holmes is performing at a Levi's. Levi's. Yeah. San Francisco, the big football stadium. Like, they're busy doing things that entertain. Like, they're too busy, you know, real.


Entertainer of the year is too busy entertaining to accept this award.


And so I guess they didn't want to give it to someone who wasn't there. And there was no way that either Luke or Morgan could have been there. But it does sort of. It gives it less credence. It was seriously giving Billboard music awards. Like.


Yeah, yeah. Duo of the air, Dan and Shay.


No. Like, none of the nominee. Like, none of the winners were, like, unique to me.


No, that category is always kind of the same group of the year, old Dominion. I mean, and they should be snubbed again, but.


Oh, yeah.


No, but every artist in this category, including old Dominion, like, I would have been happy with Zack Brown band, little Big ten.


Sorry, there was something else. Oh, the performances were so fabulous. I just. I said to Ben, they. It was during post Malone's performance, and then, like, he cut to his band member, and he got, like, a solo on the fiddle, and I was like, this is such fabulous music. Like, I love country. It was so pure. This, like, old man on his fiddle, and everybody was living for it.


Like, was he fiddling on the roof?


No, he's fiddling on the stage. Similar but different. And it was like, last night really felt like so many people from, like, dua Lipa, like, had reached out to Chris Stapleton to be like, I love this song, woman. Like, can we do something together? I think she, like, wanted to release a song with him. Bobby Bones interviewed them after, and she was like, I reached out to Chris to, like, work with him, and he, like, you know, threw me this bone of performing with me at the ACM. Like, I feel like Chris Haplton has to field a lot of collab opportunities. He's, like, the number one collab guy, honestly. Him in post Malone and dua Lipa just, like, wasn't on the level, I think, of, like, all the other people that he collabs with. Seriously. And she's huge, but it just speaks to Chris Stapleton's hugeness. And she was like, yeah, come perform with me. And it was so good, by the way. But that's the vibe that I got when they were being interviewed. Like, she wanted to do, like, an original song, and he was like, yeah, you can sing my song with me at this random award show in Vegas.


Like, if you want to fly, fly yourself here, pay for your own travel. Because he's just fielding so many major collaborations, right? Like, everyone wants to work with him.


Speaking of major collaborations, the post Malone Morgan Wallin song came out. Like, I didn't. How long were they teasing that song for? I heard a snippet of it, and I sent it to Margot, like, over a month ago, being like, what song is this? I like, like, they weren't teasing it.


Like, it got leaked, and I think they actually ended up releasing it sooner because there was so much demand for it.


Yeah, because I saw a clip and I sent because. And I couldn't. Like, I googled the lyrics. I couldn't find it, so I sent to Margo. What song is it? She's, like, new post Malone Morgan Wallen. But then it didn't come out for weeks after, and so I just felt like they were teasing us. But it's so good. Like, what's not good?


My only complaint is, like, literally, like, make it 1 minute longer. Like, and we needed more song, but it's literally giving, like, song of the summer energy. It's so good. And he performed it last night by himself in addition to one more song. I don't believe it's released yet. From his upcoming country album. You could tell he was really nervous. Like, he did a really good job. But then, like, Reba came out afterwards and, like, interviewed him, and he was like, I'm so nervous. Like, he was literally shaking. I don't know if he does, like, a lot of televised performances, but also, this is, like, a totally new genre, singing live and playing guitar live in front of a live audience in an arena and then also streamed live on Amazon prime. He was really good, and I, like, love this era for him, but, like, seeing, you know, post Malone dua leap like, all these people, I was like, I feel like country is, like, having its moment. Like, everyone kind of Beyonce, cowboy, Carter. Like, everyone is getting in on it, and it's like, age coach. Yeah. Like, I'm loving it. I'm loving it.


Yes. Me as well. And also, not to bring everything back to Juliet Porter, but did you see that she was in the music video for Post Malone? Morgan Wallen. She was in the bar. Like, girl at the bar.


I did see that. Thank you for reminding me. And you just sounded like Madison beer. I was supposed to be in the video.


Juliet was supposed to be in the video, and she was in the video.


Yeah. She's like, by the way, when you.


Were, like, being the Forrest Gump of the generation, like, just at every major.


Moment, when you said not to bring it back to. And I was like, literally, I did not think you were gonna say not to make everything about Juliet Porter. I thought you were saying not to make everything about Luke.


Or, like, this is, like, I'm two days in a row of extraneously bringing up Juliet porter, and I could go.


And when you have that sort of razzle dazzle. Sparkle, markle sparkle, we're gonna talk about you.


Yeah. She's just making waves outside of Siesta key.




Justice for Siesta key. Another show that I kept up with. A comfort show of mine.


Gone but not forgotten.


Yeah. Are you ready for our next story?




Taylor Swift and Travis Kelsey wrap their arms around each other as they enjoy a romantic getaway in Lake Como.


La gallicomo. Yeah. There was, like, this really, really blurry picture of them, like, eating outside their chateau. They looked like they were eating on the front lawn and, like, picnic table. It was so cute. And, like, that's really all we got. But live for it.


Yeah. So what we know is they're on a lover's trip, you know, amid her european leg of her tour to Lake Como. Doing lovery things.


Doing lovery things. I love that they're both like, he's. That they're together because, like, he's experiencing this time off. And they do say, like, if you're going to date a professional athlete, football is the best one. They have the shortest season and the longest break. Like, if you're married to a baseball player, like, seriously. See you when you retire. Like, never. What is it, like, 75 games a year? They have 18. Oh. In football. And they're talking about adding a 19th. Like, instead of doing a preseason. I heard Roger Goodell making a speech, like, nobody watches preseason. But we all, like, spend the money to, like, air it. Like, why don't we just make it a regular game and, like, make the fans more excited to have one more game?


Oh, that's exciting. I guess. I also feel like it takes a second to, like, get into football, and then you're so into it, and, like, by the Super bowl, we're all so into it. Like, we need more. I thought it was gonna be, like, a poster season game also. It just should be.




There should be a post season game of the two runner up teams, like the conference losers.


No, I I don't agree at all with what you're saying. It's giving, like, low stakes losers. Who cares?


It's giving extra football.


Well, I would prefer, like, one more game in the regular season that, like, counts towards the Super bowl. You know, that's what they're suggesting.


Yeah, it just. It feels like a cash grab, which literally said that it is.


Yeah. Of course. This is a business.


I just like when maybe if the.


American song contest had the same sort of business sense that the NFL did, we wouldn't have missed out on Kelly Clarkson hosting the greatest song competition of our generation.


But then it's like, why not 20 games, Colin?


I agree.




I agree. But wait. What I was gonna say is that they announced this. Football schedules this year, first game of the season. Like, literally, like, seriously, there's a toaster in the commission. Commissioner's. Commissioner's office. Niners versus jets.




Probably niners.


Oh, so not a true toaster. Or she would have put in your backyard.


Yeah, she would have if she cared, but she doesn't.


And, of course, there are. Females who work at the NFL are more likely that there's female. Like, commission game chiefs or a male toaster.


Right. No, literally. No, wait. Also. Oh, back to tip. Oh. So what I was saying is, like, it's so nice that he has this time off and can spend it with her, but, like. And I know they made it work when she was on tour and he was in the Super bowl. Like, two heights of their career. She's in Singapore. Whatever. But, like, I feel like they're not gonna see each other for a while. Like, it's come because of training. September. No, just because, like, he then has weekly games and she's. You can't come back from Europe every week. She's all over.


Yeah. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.


Yeah. No, I think it'll be good for them, but I'm glad they're spending, like, their time off together and her time on and his time off together as well.


Yeah. Yeah. So.


Oh, and he did an episode of new heights, and him and Jason were both not in their usual studios, obviously. Travis is in some chateau in Lago da Como, and I don't know where the hell Jason was, but it looked fucking weird. And so they were using, like, their travel equipment and whatever, and somebody noticed, like, Jason was talking, and Travis was sort of, like, disassociating, and he put his hand to the right. It looked like he was, like, stroking a cat.


Does Taylor travel with her cats?


So funny. I was then having this conversation with my friend Margot Faye, and she was like, do you think her cats come with her? For sure? Like, what? Seriously? What's the point of being a billionaire if you can't take your cats with you?


Right, but what's the point of being a cat owner if you can't leave them at home with a bowl of feed?


Well, there is someone who, like, lives across the way from, like, one of the windows in Taylor Swift's apartment and has, like, spotted one of the cats, like, three times. Because cats love to, like, go up to the window and, like, fuck around. So sometimes I do think that they're left there. But even if, like. Yes, it's great to be a cat owner, but if you're a billionaire, it's also great to, like, have companionship for your cats.


You bet your ass. Bryce would be with me.


Let's say we're going on a toast live tour. We are actually billionaires. Like, we have our own planes. Like, why the fuck wouldn't we bring our pets along with, like, daycare for the pets?




And then, of course, like, childs and child's care.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. But the cats don't need daycare. That's the point of cats, at least.


No, but, like, it's still nice to have, like, somebody to, like, be in charge of them.


Yeah, Travis, maybe that's his role.


Speaking of pets, I would love to give an update on Romeo. Even though, like, nobody asked. I feel like I, like, kind of abandoned him, and then everyone forgot about him, which is totally fair. But he has been with me for the last week, and let me tell you what a man, what a man, what a man what a mighty good man he is incredible. I love this man. And I have to have him, like, especially last night. Like, we had a real, real moment. He's so sweet. He's also, I think, you know, we got him at seven weeks, which is really crazy. He's five months now, and he's, like, still a puppy, of course, but he's more in his own element. He's so sweet. He's, you know, having had a few accidents, nothing major, nothing unmanageable. He loves to lay with mommy. He loves his dad.


It's a mama's boy or a dad.


No. And I'm, like, trying to pick up a lot of the slack. Like, do more feedings, take him out, because he obviously, like, dogs love the person who take care of them these days.


These are formative days. I know this is where the favorite parents.


This morning, I was, like, up and at him. Like, Ben was in the shower, and he came out and he was like, where's Remy? I'm like, oh, I took him out. He's eating. Like, you know, not a big deal. Like, yeah, I did everything, and he still, like, ran straight to Ben. Ben has, like, I don't know what it is. Like, Theo loved Ben more, too, like, for sure, which is great. He'll be a great father. And I can't wait to seriously, like, leave him with the kids and go on vacation. Like, it's great. But I do want Romeo to love me, so. Romeo's just been amazing. He's the light of my life. I'm obsessed with him. Like, seriously, he's so cute to the point. Like, it actually freaks me out because at this age, Theo wasn't as cute as Romeo is. Like, Romeo is really exceptional looking. But Theo then grew into probably the most cavalier. And I can say that now. Like, he's gone. I see other cavaliers. I'm. I have another dog. I don't think it was like, of course everyone thinks their dog is the cutest. I can see it. Now, as an outsider perspective, I look at photos like, he really was one of the most beautiful dogs ever birthed.


And I'm worried, you know, because, honestly, Romeo is so cute, it can only go down from here. Is Romeo gonna be, uh, go.


No, I think it only goes up because also you fall more and more in love with him that whatever, like, quirk might come out. Like, you're just gonna love, like, seriously, stop focusing on the looks.


No. I'm so vapid when it comes to my crazy, insane.


It's so crazy.


Like, not me literally, like, taking photos, choosing the best one, face, tuning it. Like, I'm crazy.


It's seriously so crazy. I really tried to make you let it go. Like, I really tried to help you.


I take a picture of Romeo from the side. I sent his jacket. Like, does he look like he's gonna have a long snout?


I'm like, who? And it's like, he's a dog. So it's not like the world will treat him differently. You know, it's not even like it matters.


So the thing is, is, like, only.


Cavaliers will treat him differently.


Yeah. With cavaliers, there's, like, a rare occurrence where you can have a long snout, which is, like, just genuinely, like, so unattractive.


I think that's with dogs.


No, no, no. It's, like a cavalier thing. Cause they have, like, these cute sort of button up noses, but every now and then you get, like, a dog, literally, with a long snout. And what's so funny is, like, you know, we've told this story many times. The reason we love cavaliers is because we had one growing up and we were so afraid of dogs. And, you know, one day we came home and there was just, like, a dog, and it was our parents way of just, like, sort of baptism by fire. Like, we used to go to people's house and run away screaming and would.


Stop going to people's house if they had a dog. So, like, something needed to be done. And it was kind of brilliant. It was brilliant. And cavaliers are the best dogs for children, which actually works out really nicely now. But that's why we got a cavalier growing up, because we were so afraid. And they are, like, the most docile and sweet dogs for kids.


And we fell in love with our childhood dog. But, like, I think a couple of years ago, before we got our, you know, adult dogs, we found this, like, old picture of Dagney the dog. And I think we all looked at each other and we're like, damn, Dagney was busted. Like, truly, like, the big ass, nose.


That's hurting. That's love.


But the thing is, you couldn't have told us that as kids. Like, we would have. Seriously, we would have laid in front of oncoming traffic for this dog. We love this dog so much.




But now, like, hindsight, that was really, like, truly, like, a fucking ugly dog.


Oh, turdy, stop being mean about dogs looks.


I'm not being mean. I'm just speaking facts, and I could tell you, as an outsider, you happen to have a beautiful dog. Bruno is very beautiful. So you can. You can, like, take the moral high ground, like, be whatever, at what I'm saying. But you say that with a beautiful.


Dog, I actually can take the moral high ground, because when I got Bruno, he. He wasn't the most attractive of his litter. He definitely.


There was definitely a couple of character. There were a couple of weeks where.


We were, like, had personality, but his mama was gonna love him through it.




And then he just turned into, like, the most handsome young man. But even when he wasn't the most gorgeous, like, he was the most gorgeous to me, and he was so special and unique looking.




Bruno, mommy loves you. He didn't want to work today. Bruno has norovirus. Just kidding.




Are you ready for our next story?




The new Miss USA has been crowned. After the olden Miss USA, they pulled the 11th runner up, Miss Hawaii USA. Savannah gang. Savannah has been crowned Miss USA 2023. Amid the ongoing controversy surrounding the organization. She was the runner up in 2023 competition. She received the honor from the governor of Hawaii at a ceremony in her native state in Hawaii in. On Wednesday.


So there were. When the story broke, there was three months left in the term of Miss USA 2023. So what is there? Two and a half months?




Honestly, this feels, like, genuinely a slap in the face, like, for sure, but.


Like, I would snatch that crown in a second. This is every runner upstream. Not to happen in this way, but to. In some way get the crown.


I don't know if it's every runner upstream to get, like, a. This is like. This is like shit. Like.


Like, I get.


I get to be the thing. I competed my whole life for something. I lost, but then they actually give it to me because the other girl quit, and I only get it for two and a half months. Like, seriously, it's giving, like. Like winning by default, which is never how you want to win, for sure.


But a crown is a crown. And she can call herself Miss USA. Like, and she can say, I was Miss USA competition in the first place.


She'll end up being on real housewives in, like, 20 years, and somebody will bring up that she wasn't. Like, she tells everyone she was Miss USA, but, like, she actually wasn't. I could see this, like, seriously being a storyline.


Totally. But I'm going to support her, at least especially until I know, like, what's going on. It's really hard, and I.


Did you see the mothers?




Of Miss former Miss USA and former Miss teen USA sat down. I think on today's show, we're one of those shows, they were very limited in what they could say, but they were very emotional, and they were just kind of talking about the. They couldn't even say it because of the law. It's like, all. They all signed NDAs, but it was.


The mothers signed ND.


No, but the girls didn't want to get the girls in trouble, but they were just making, you know, large inferences. It was. It was very upsetting, actually.


What were they inferring?


You know, harassment, bullying. They didn't say this, but it was giving, like, you know, a form of abuse. Yeah, they were very up. Like, the moms were, like, on, like, teary eyed the whole time.


Oh, that's so upsetting, because I was just gonna say, I feel like if someone accepted the crown, then maybe, like, it wasn't a worst case scenario.


Right. I don't know.


I don't know either. I feel like they're, you know, we'll wait for the documentary.


Yeah, right. To explain it all to us.


Yeah. But I guess, in the meantime, congrats, Miss Hawaii, I guess. Yeah. Our next story.


What, number four? No.




How about that?




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Love it. Us in the Hamptons this summer.




Our next story is some showbiz news.


There's no business like show business. I know.


I don't even know how to tee up this story. It's so perfect.


Oh, wow. Okay.


New musical hitting the scene. The queen of Versailles starring Kristen Chenoweth.


The queen of Versailles. Like, the documentary.




Is being made into a musical.




On Broadway or a movie?


It's a musical first. It's not on Broadway yet, but it will go to Broadway. It's, like, on the international stage. Stage right now. Kristen Chenoweth playing Jackie Siegel.


Wow. Okay. For those who don't know, the queen of her size documentary that came out a little while ago, and it was.


Literally super popular over ten years ago. It was really popular. Was a really, really crazy, crazy story. It was just a documentary. Was meant to be a documentary about this really big family. Wealthy family, lives in Florida, and they were building the biggest residential home in America. So that's why they got a documentary to follow their home. It was modeled after Versailles, and they were filming the documentary in 2008. And as they're filming the documentary, the family and the dad, the father's business starts to go into financial ruin because of the 2008 housing crisis. And he had, like, a lot of business and timeshares. And literally, they're, like, losing their money. Throughout the documentary, the house is, like, in the middle of being built and is stalled because everything is going to shit by the end of the documentary. They are, like, can't build their house. They can.


They have, like, half a house. Like, the foundation is built.


Yeah. Like, his company, it goes bankrupt. Crazy. Crazy story. And what's so crazy is that they were filming through the whole thing.


Right. Like, the people who, you know, originally signed up to make the documentary had no idea that it would take this turn. It was really so crazy.


But also, the family were really, like, a cast of characters. Like, the mom, she had, I think, I don't know how many kids. She had, like, eight kids.


Like, she had Jennifer Coolidge energy.


She had Jennifer Coolidge energy. She just had this huge family, like, really big personalities. Just, like, not what you would expect from an incredibly wealthy family.


Yeah. And I don't mean this in a bad way, but they were, like, a little tacky.


They were also kind of, like, hoarders.


Yeah. They weren't, like, refined, like, snobbish, rich people. They were kind of like, if the everyday american became a billionaire, there was something oddly endearing and relatable about them, even though they were these, you know, wealthy, wealthy people.


Yeah. Yeah. It was not what you would think it to be. And now it is being turned into a musical starring Kristin Chennai.


I love that. I feel like we're always adapting shit into musicals or whatever, but this is not something you would think to make into a musical. It's such a random moment in pop culture, but it is like this crazy story, and that's what's gonna be very good Broadway show.


Like, kind of a crazy story. Like, really dramatic. There could be, like, such crazy fun songs about these wacky events.


And I love this for Jackie Siegel. I have to imagine she, you know, benefits financially from this now.


I don't know, but I would hope so. I saw her once shopping a few years ago in Utah.


She's like a podcast.


Yeah, I think she's on social media now like the rest of us.


Right. I'm gonna look her up.


Even though the documentary was really before, like, peak social media, so if it came out now, she would have, like, 5 million followers.


Yeah. Her username is the real queen of Versailles. She's kind of legendary. Wait, she was Miss Florida?


It all comes back to miss USA.


Oh, no, I'm sorry. She was Misses Florida.


Did she compete against ballerina?


Is she still married to the guy?


I feel like they are, but I would need to double check that. I know that, by the way.


Yes. She has six kids, three boys and three girls.


And she's still married. Yes, she is.


And I feel like they. They got a little bit back on track business wise. Yeah, I think they're fine.


Yeah, I think he did. Okay. In 2024, he stepped down. Oh. Like, literally last month, he stepped down. A CEO of Westgate Resorts. Yeah, that was his company. Okay. So they're fine, you know, up until now.


Oh, I'm happy for them.


Yeah. And I think they eventually made it into the house.


Well, they are posing for pictures on her instagram in front of, like, truly what looks like Hotel du cap. Like.


Yeah. And here I'm looking at a picture of her. Oh, no, that's in front of the construction site. Hold on. Did that.


Well, they travel private, so that's great.




I'm happy for them.




Except her and her husband are, like, literally so cute.


Yeah, they are cute.


I stand.


Okay, are you ready for our fifth and final story?


No, I'm seriously, like, spiraling down.


I know, because apparently they're not in the house. And, like, the house just sits there.


But they keep taking pictures in front of this arch. That's obviously the house. Right. But they don't live there.


Yeah, the picture. Did you zoom in? In the back? I think it's a construction site.


Well, I don't think so. I don't think so. I think they live there.


Hurricane Ian in 2022 wrecked some of the home.


It's, like, hard to know if they're doing well financially because so many of the photos she posts, like, in front of planes or throwbacks, you know?


Oh, yeah.


You know, whatever. I truly wish the best for them financially.


Me as well. And I. This is a show I would see if given, you know, if time and place were right and lined up.




And I couldn't have dreamed up a better casting. Like, I really feel like someone went into my brain for this idea.




Our fifth and final story. It's Friday. It's the fifth and final story. It's got to be some food news.


I mean, classic food news.


Yummy, yummy.


Wait, we need to make, like, a little jingle. So every time we have food news, that's our little. Yeah, but fruit salad is three syllables.


I just.


Food news.


It was. I jog out the food.


It's food news. Yummy, yummy.


Food news.


No, like, I. I'm really weird about.


Syllables like that, but I. It worked for me because it's the ooh. It's just more ooh. No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm gonna have to override you as this singer, songwriter, and inventor of this jingle. It's food news.


No, like, the ooh. Like, seriously, like, gives me a chill. Like, not in a good way.




Food news. Yummy, yummy. I guess we'll just sing it differently. How about that?


Okay, fine. Do you want to hear the food news, or you want to keep fighting about it?


I kind of want to keep fighting about it, but I know that's not what we're supposed to say, so. Sure. Tell me. Tell me the food news.


As far as food news goes, what's your favorite brand to do? Food news about Krispy Kreme. Okay, but don't worry. It's not Krispy Kreme.


That would be crazy if we had two Krispy Kreme stories in one week.


McDonald's drops.


I mean, they're, like, tried and true.


They've dropped a new McFlurry.


I feel like you always talk about food news on days when I'm particularly sad.


I think you're just always hungry. Swirly.


Ain't that the truth.


Okay, let's get to the food news.


Yummy, yum, yummy, yummy.


McDonald's has dropped a new McFlurry inspired by grandmas. It tastes like a trip down memory lane. So McDonald's took inspiration from an unlikely person when coming up with the latest McFlurry flavor. On May 16, the fast food mavericks revealed the grandma McFlurry.


Fast food. What?


Mavericks? This story was literally written for me. This one and the one before. I feel like someone's playing a trick on me just to get the. Choose these stories in the fast five.


By the way, please tell me what the flavor is.


Grandma McFlurry.


Nobody. What's the flavor?


A sweet new flavor coming to fans, but it's called Grandma McFlurry, and it combines a delicious syrup and crunchy candy pieces, like grandma's favorite treat that she hid in her purse with vanilla soft serve. According to a release. All in all, the dessert is meant to be sweet, just like grandma.


So not them releasing this information, like, seriously, with what's in it.


So you know how, like, there's that meme about, like, those strawberry second candy.


So is it strawberry?


I think it's, like, meant to taste like, those second candies? I don't know. I'm. I like this idea in theory, but I also think it leans a little too heavily into, like, Internet comedy, and it's like you're McDonald's. Stop.


No, I think that would be fine if they were, like, if there was a million McFlurry flavors and they were always releasing new ones. There's seriously two McFlurry flavors. They. This is, like the oldest sort of trick in the book. They don't do anything new, innovative, and they're perfect. But to finally release, like, something big and new and, like, seriously, it's like an Internet meme, and I. I still.


Don'T even get one three years ago. And the meme was like, where do grandmas buy these grandma treats that everyone has? And by the way, I saw them at the supermarket the other day.


Oh, wow. Mystery uncovered.


And I wanted to buy them, but then I would really be a grandma.




But anyways, the chief marketing and customer experience officer said that the new frozen dessert came about. Since grandmas are having a major moment influencing culture, be it in fashion, decor, or the food world, the grandma McFlurry tastes like a trip down memory lane. And we're excited to give our fans that experience while honoring the grandma figure in all our lives.


Really weird. Like, really weird. This whole thing is weird. The announcement is weird. The lack of details on the actual ingredients is weird. Kind of giving this, like, zeros across the board.


On top of adding the grandma McFlurry to menus nationwide, they're honoring grandparents by donating to little brothers friends of the elderly, a nonprofit that provides companionship to elderly people.


Well, that's nice. And so if they're doing this dumb, like, pr stunt just so they can.


Make a donation just to, like, exploit the elderly. Yeah, you should give them a buck. Yeah, but it's weird because there's a lot of things that you could exploit. Like, there's a lot of Internet trends that you could harp on, and this wouldn't have even been number 100 for me.


And sometimes I feel like they would do it in collaboration with, like, you know, Mother's Day. But there's. It's not, like, grandparents day. Like, I don't know. This whole thing is fucking weird.


It really is. It's giving elder abuse. And also the cup that it comes in, like, it's signed on the bottom. XOXO, Grandma.


What? So creepy.


This is so weird. And I also.


This is, like, a miss.


This is a miss. And I'm not saying this because I support it, but just as a. Like, an investigative journalist, which I am, I need to know what it tastes like.


Yeah, of course. Do they have a picture of it?


Yeah. Here, I've zoomed in for you.


Oh, well, it appears like there's caramel on top and, like, some whipped cream, but that's not even a McFlurry. Like, doesn't have whipped cream, first of all. So what the hell is this? Looks like oatmeal. This is, like, really. Oh, ready users are. Oh, ready users are claiming it's butterscotch.


Oh, that.


Okay. By the way.


Okay, that is a flavor.


Now, this makes more sense because there's caramel on top. Butterscotch candies are very grandma.


Butterscotch candies are very grandma. Okay.


And I happen to think that vanilla ice cream and butterscotch, like, syrup, is, like, the most fucking delicious thing on the planet.


Yeah. All right.


Wait, but the grandma. This announcement was, like, moronic.


The grandma branding is weird.


Yeah. I'm so hungry. Like, seriously.


Okay, well, we're almost done because it's time for Q and W. It's time.


For Queenie and Weenie of the week, our weekly segment where Jackie and I bestow the honor to two individuals, organizations, you know, pets, perhaps as either the queenie or the weenie of the week. Of course, the weenie of the week did something weenie like and the queenie of the week did something queenie likes. Let's start out positive, you know? You want to tell me who your queenie is?


My queenie of the week is Ed and Golan, Israel's Eurovision contestant. The way she captivated my week, I am so impressed by her, enamored by her, so talented, so graceful, so poised in the face of extreme evil and hate. And, like, there's never been a more queenie like queen that I know I.


Co sign, but I do have a different queen, okay. Because honestly, just, like, I'm a stickler for dates. Like, that was last week.


Do you know Eurovision was on Saturday?


No, I know, I know, but, like, to me, that was last week.


But I agree, she hadn't been the Queenie last Friday.


Agreed. Agreed.


I wasn't.


It's almost like if you do something Queenie like or really like on the weekends, like, you might get a pass.


Oh, for sure. Cuz other. But, like, I had her written down as Queenie early in the week and nothing else this week superseded that.


For me, the queenie of my week. And obviously Queenie and weenie of the week is so personal. And I think many weeks we would have Kelly Clarkson as our Queenie, but this week in particular, like, I love the way she announced her, like, ozempic or whatever it was journey, like, as in ozempic girly and also a Kelly Clarkson Stan. It was a meaningful moment and I loved it and I love her.


Fiona, can I just say something, though? Because I saw Terry Dubrow said something and I didn't click the article, but I think this is what he said based on the headline, which was that, like, I feel like she announced that she's on one of these drugs. But, like, again, she had to be like, no, it's not ozempic. It's something else. Like, I feel like. Not like it's still a little bit of the, like, put down of Ozemp Zik.


Oh, that's funny. I didn't perceive it that way. I perceived it that she didn't want to say the brand, okay? As just like a celebrity on a network. And I thought maybe there would be, like, a conflict of interests, like NBC, like, I don't know, you know, all those companies own.


Like, she slammed Ozempic. She said the name Ozempic.


Yeah, but she just said, I'm not on that one. She didn't say it in a negative way. She's like, I'm on a different one that does the same thing. I could see someone maybe, like, having Terry Dubrow's understanding of it. That's not how it came off to me, because she was talking glowingly.


And I don't even know if my understanding of Terry Dubrow's understanding is the correct understanding. But I feel like. I know, by the way, I feel like I do see that a lot where someone is on, like, a GLP one peptide.




And it's like, oh, no, I'm not on Ozempic, but I'm on something else just to, like, kind of distance themselves.


Like, no one, the media, the media has destroyed ozemp. Nobody wants to be associated with that. All they do is make fun of it.


Right. But, like, these are strong, successful people. Like, of course, don't join the chorus, by the way.


I didn't think she was putting it down, honestly, I didn't think so. But I thought it was, like, a strange way of saying, I do see.


That as a trash. Like, no, no, I'm not on Ozempic. I'm on this one.


Well, a lot of people also aren't on ozembic because they can't get it. It's too expensive. Semaglutide compounds are cheaper and more accessible. So sometimes they're actually not on ozembic. And Ozembic has just be kind of, I think, kind of come like a word for the general use of. No one's saying I'm on a GLP one medication, they're saying I'm on Ozempic even if they're on manjaro, you know?


Right. It's like I'm using a band aid even though it's just like a bandage from Dwane Reed.


Exactly. Like I'm using ketchup, but it's like.


But I don't say, oh, no, I'm not using a band aid. I'm using a different bandage.


Yeah, yeah.


It's what I'm saying.


So, weenie of the week, you want to go first or second?


I will go first. I think my weenie of the week is going to be pretty harsh, and people are going to think it's extreme, but I really don't.


Oh, my God.


And the more I ruminated on what happened this week, the more upset it made me. Not upset. That's a strong word. Oh, Sports Illustrated. Seven covers, 30 cover stars, 30. Not an exaggeration. I started to zoom in on those three evening gown covers, and they were horrible.


First of all, if you want to.


Have a bunch of icons together, get them in the same room. I don't want to see your canva photoshop seeing all of these amazing, gorgeous, beautiful women in some of the ugliest evening gowns I've ever seen.


Yeah. Sparkly prom dresses.


No, if you want to put them in dresses, make them great. Like, make it a fashion moment. If you're not a fashion magazine, go.


Back to bikini, put them in bathing suits.


I hated everything about this Sports illustrated year of covers for the 60th anniversary. It was a major fucking flop. And the more I look at the covers, the more I dislike them.


I completely agree with you. I love that. Thank you, my weenie of the week. And I don't know why. Like, again, it might just. It's something that, like, hit me sideways. It, like, wasn't that big of a deal, but, like, I weirdly thought about it a lot. Like, seriously, that girl who flashed her tits during the Dublin portal, like, she bothered me. The guy who spread his ass cheeks, it bothered me. Like, I'm just not one for public indecency and maybe call me a prude, whatever, but, like, the fact that we weren't able to have this nice thing. It was supposed to be a nice thing. It got shut down. There's, like, police barricading it now. Like, seriously, like, eat my ass.




It really, like. I don't know why. It really bothered me.


Yeah, no, I could understand why. Because you.


She just, like, stood. It wasn't even. Like she flashed her tits and put her shirt back down. She stood there with her shirt up, jumping around, swirling her tits in the air, like, for minutes.


Yeah, she's wrong for that. What if you expose yourself to a crowd in Dublin? Do you get arrested in Dublin? Nope.


Well, she, like.


No, New Yorkers are nudity.


Yes, they did.


They saw her back.


Well, if you were standing in front of the portal, you saw her front.


But only Dublin was in front of the portal.


No, no, there was, like, you could see her. Yeah, yeah, exactly.


I think Dublin should arrest her for public nudity.


I love that. I love that. And I love Queenie and weenie of the week. Drop a comment. Who is your queenie and weenie of the week? Reminder, the toast is not going on tour. The toast is doing live shows. It's girly Swirly's night out. Head over to our instagram for all the details. But next week, tickets will go on sale. Patreon members get access to the pre sale. You can become a Patreon member. Until then, not to Toast Jackie, it's been an amazing week. I know you have a lot going on at home between the bread and the norovirus, so I'm wishing you well.


Thank you.


Refu ashlema to everyone, and bahatz lecha to you.


Thank you very much. I think it's gonna be a long weekend, and I'll see you guys on Monday with the full update.


Thank you guys so much for listening to the Toast millennia morning show, where we deliver the fastest you need to know every Monday through Friday on YouTube. So if you're watching us on YouTube, please feel free to subscribe and give us video thumbs up. We're also available as podcasts and where podcasts can be found. So Spotify, June, sister public video. Love ya. Bye.


Love ya, bye.