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Good morning, millennials.


Welcome back to The Chose and Happy, oh, yeah, that's right, Tuesday. That's right, it's no longer Monday, and I feel like the spirit of the Lord is with me. Everything is different. Everything has changed.


We made it to Tuesday. Yeah, things we did. That. Like, the week is basically over. Tuesday.


The week is basically over. Oh, wow.


Wow. Calm yourself. We're getting our head of ourselves. We are. But it is a joyous occasion to be celebrating on this day of choose, and on this day of choose, I choose you. Turdy Lou.


Oh, yeah. Let's talk about that. So Jackie and I recorded a podcast episode yesterday. It's up on our Patreon, which was on a.


It's high praise It's an award. We did one of our favorite installments called Toast Radio, which gets a lot, a lot of heat. And we just walk through the fire. We took the heat and we were like, the world-We are so brave. The world needs Toast Radio, come hell or high water.


So It's an episode that's over an hour long, and it features everything you would want if you're going on a walk, if you're going for a workout, if you're just needing to kill time. You're like, Should I listen to my favorite podcast? Or some sick beats. Well, you can do both with Toast Radio.


It's a radio show. We pick music. The theme for yesterday's was running songs. But we got to talking because as you guys probably can tell, I've started calling Claudia turtle because the nickname for me has more from turdy turtle Lou turtle.


It's a natural transition.


It's the next progression, the next iteration of the name. But she's stopped me in my tracks and requested that I stick to turdy Lou because you've built a business around it, this whole brand. If I carry on as turtle, people could get confused, and they might start calling you turtle when turdy Lou has work to do.


It's also really crazy how, technically, the nickname you gave me is Doody, and it doesn't bother me at all. But turtle? Like, ew. Doody is fine. It's like that Drake meme. Doody? Turtle. I don't know. I don't like it.


I'm not slow. She's requested that I stop calling her turtle on the show to keep her turdy Lou brand intact. That's going to be hard for me because I just march to the beat of my own drum. Correct. You could say. I'm going to try it. I still call you turtle in private, and the nickname will continue to morph in private because I am who I am.


I'm not going to stifle you.


But on the show, I will call you by your chosen name, turdaloo.


I appreciate that immensely.


Turdaloo who? Turdaloo you.


Speaking of turdaloo who, not to get ahead of myself, but it does feel like holiday season isn't that far away.


Well, I just want to say it's raining here today, which is why I'm wearing my girly set. I'm going for some cozy vibes, even though my studio... I'm not going to complain because your studio is like, hell on earth right now.


No, but also, why would-My studio is a little musty today. Why would the weather have any bearing on your outfits? You literally work from home.


No, I know, but it was the mood. It's called a mood. I looked outside and I'm like, Oh, I'm feeling moody. What if I just went with a sweat? I haven't worn sweats in a while because I've been dressing for the seasons. But I even went so far as to think, What about a chili?


You think it's Actually, it's a chilly day in New York, too. It's super foggy, but Ben's not home, so my chef is out.


I don't think it's a chilly day. It's not the chilly season. I filled up my cup in the fall of winter, and I'm not really even craving. Of course, if someone I put a steaming pot of chili in front of me, I would enjoy myself, but I don't have that itch.


Yeah, no, but it does. When the new year comes around, we feel so far away from that fall football, chilly holiday season. And I feel like we're coming out of the worst time of year, which is the first few months of the year. It's the weather is horrible. Everyone's depressed. There's no holidays. I feel like we're coming out of it. It's about to be May. It's literally summer, and it's basically Christmas.


It's going to be May. Oh, yeah. Tomorrow is May. I know that the ends of the month are so crazy busy for me. I don't know how I plan my life to be this way, but we always have like, Patreon, whatever obligations we haven't done, we have to do it at the end of the month. And then Redheads, we record the first Thursday of the month. So I'm always speed reading at the end of the month. And that's where I'm at today. We're recording Redheads today because Redheads drops first Thursday in May. I haven't finished the book yet, you guys. Oh. I'm usually... First of all, I never like to tear a book to shreds because someone put their blood, sweat, and tears into this book. And okay, so it wasn't for me. Big whoop.


By the way, I completely agree with that, except every now and then a book comes along, First Lie Wins. That is so offensively bad.


Our Country Friends.


That you absolutely have to tear it to shreds because I also do feel bad, especially as somebody with a platform. So many authors- They get so excited.


Oh, they chose our book for the Redheads. Let me hear what they have to say.


I know. And it's like, how do you critique... Writing is so personal. It's two authors ourselves. I really don't know how to critique a book that I hate so much. I actually feel annoyed that I wasted my time. I'm angry at the author.


So this book is not offensively bad. I'm just not enjoying it. And if it wasn't a book for the Redheads, I wouldn't finish it. I did text Snitch, and she is liking it. And I think a lot of people will like it. I just am in a headspace right now where this is seriously not for me. And not only do I not like to tear a book to shreds, but my role as the Red Head's host, I really do try to be in the middle of the road. And that's also just my nature as a person. If there's people who don't like it and people who do like it, I'm a little bit of I see both sides.


She's a little bit country. She's a little bit rock and roll.


She sees both sides as she always does. I always see both sides. When there's two sides to see.


Oh, okay, Jingle. Okay, Barry Manilou.


Turtle. Turdy Lou. Excuse me. Asterisk.


Jackie, put a dollar in the turtle drawer.


And we're going to donate it to save the turtles.


Oh, you know what? I love that. And then we can still use plastic straws because we're counteracting our carbon footprint by saving money for turtles.


Speaking of the turtles, I'm using a reusable sustainable cup today, morning toast merch.


Oh, I am using a can of La Croix. And I feel like cans aren't bad, right? It's plastic that's the enemy.


It's the plastic that keeps the cans together. That's six.


La Croix doesn't do that. It comes in a cardboard box.


La Croix doesn't cardboard. But that's what you have to look out for. So we are saving the turtles.


I do feel like as a society, we definitely have moved past the need for those plastic rings. It's tacky.


I agree, and I like a cardboard box anyway.


Me too.


What was I saying, though?


The red heads, you see both sides, you wrote a jingle about it.


I wrote a jingle about it, and I'm sustainable? Question mark. Because I'm saving the turtles. Because turdy Lou, that's how it got here.


I, too, am making progress in my reading journey. I have about 40 pages of Demon Copperhead left. And I know what you're going to say, turdy, why don't you just finish it last night?


How does someone You have 40 pages left of a book that's around 400 pages that they've immensely enjoyed?


Because honestly, the last 100 pages of the book are so... It was going to be five stars, and I feel like maybe now it's four.


What's going on with Demon?


He's just in the throes of his addiction. Spoiler alert, spoiler alert, spoiler alert. Dory overdosed, so she's gone. And you thought maybe that would be the thing because she was really tethering him to the addiction. He had all these hopes and dreams of quitting, and he was obviously taking pills every day, but he wasn't high all the time in the sense that he had a job. And she was really bringing him down. And her passing away just had the opposite effect. So now it's just like, everything's bad. Everything's bad. They're going up to Devil's Bath tub. And I know something bad happens at Devil's Bath tub. I think that's the climax of the book. And I just wasn't in the mood to get there. You know what I mean?


No, I don't know what you mean. Finish the damn book.


But I also have a lot of time before Book Club meets, over a week. I usually finish the book right before because I like it to be fresh in my mind. So I'm actually in no rush.


Got it. I'm in an immense rush. We're recording tonight. Make sure to send your questions to redheadsbookclub@gmail. Com.


You're in a big-time rush?


I'm in a big-time rush. And next Redheads book is my choice. Pressure. Any suggestions?


Oh, let me think. I have been so bad on my reading journey. I haven't read much.


I could give you guys a little preview of what I'm thinking. I would love that. People could sound off. It's a historical fiction, which would... No, we didn't just read historical It's not a circle fiction, so it would just be two in a row. No big deal. It is called Lady Tan's Circle of Women. It's a time and place that I've not read about whatsoever. It's 15th century China, but it has 4.37 stars on Goodreads.


I have no books to share because I've been... What am I up to on my Goodreads goal? I'm not going to hit it this year. I actually have read maybe five books. I've read seven books. That's really bad.


Yeah. I don't even know if I... Oh, wait. I haven't even set my reading challenge. Okay, join the challenge. My My goal is 40. That's what I read last year. I've read six.


Yikes. Oh, no.


Serena's on here. Oh, my God. And one of them is a book that Snitch read because she used my Kindle. That's embarrassing. I have to delete it. Oh, my God. I've read five books, and I'm about to have six.


Sorry, we're just over here thriving as businesswomen, as mothers, as friends, and as sisters. We can't do it all, okay?


Yeah, but the crazy thing is it's not like I've been watching TV either. What have I been doing with my evenings?


No, I sat down to watch Van der Pumperals, and I don't feel like it's a statement on the season because I happen to think everybody thinks it's a really good season, and I don't disagree. I find it unwatchable. I find 30 minutes go by, and I haven't looked up for my phone. It's really bad.


I understand. That's a you thing, though.


Yeah. No, I think I'm not in a place to consume reality TV. I don't know why.


Yeah, it's just not capturing your attention enough. But you do have to try to put your phone down. I know. Otherwise, you're not going to.


I know. That's my life. I have to try to put my phone Yeah, that's everyone's life.


Reminder, put your phone down, but keep listening to The Toast.


Put your phone down and your headphones in. The show is about to begin. So we've got a great show today. It's Tuesday, which means- Confirmed. Which means nothing. But What does it mean for the stories? Describe them for me.


The stories were a journey, let me tell you, because I was combing through the publications, and I didn't have nary a story in sight.


Oh, that's bad.


But then I went to People magazine, which is usually my second It's a good job.


What's your first? Page 6?


Page 6, yeah. And all of a sudden, boom, boom, boom, boom, It sounds like human interests, circus, dogs, freaks. Which I love. It's not that. It's more like, My publicist sent this in. Can you give it a read?


My publicist wanted you to know X.




I like that.


Yeah. So that's how I see People magazine.


I see People magazine, seriously, because I think for me, I know it's an online publication, but for me, they're an airport tabloid. Nobody outside of an airport or outside of 30,000 feet reads People magazine in a physical sense.


Or outside of picking the fast five stories.


No, in a physical sense. You don't pick up People magazine and read it, do you? At home?


People do? Well, that's just magazines in general. You would say that about any magazine.


No, I feel like people get the New Yorker.


Okay. Tabloid magazine.


People magazine is the one magazine that I feel survived the tabloid transition. They're a leading digital publication. But I will always think of them as an airport purchase. I'm always thinking about reading on an airplane about the man with the 19 pound scrotum.


Would you love him?


Yeah. Like, woman chained to a well for 35 years is released, and it turns out she's Jewish.


Right. Classic.


So stuff of that elk.


You like that elk?


Yeah, I do.


Yeah, but if that's the elk on a Tuesday, it's going to be a long week.


Yeah, I agree. But sounds like you found salvation at peoplemagazine. Com, and the stories are good.


Yeah, the story is storied. But for a moment there, I was thinking, are the Fast Five canceled? No.


We haven't gotten there ever.


I reserve the right.


But just know, the day might come.


I think everyone would be fine with that. They support our girlies. I think as long as the episode doesn't suffer in quality or length, they say, Do what you want with your time.


Do what you want, what you want with my body. That's like a cursed song.


What song is that?


Lady Gaga and R. Kelly. The message, which I think at the time felt perhaps innocuous, now feels R.


Kelly Coded. Eerie. Eerie. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, well, that's a convo dead end, don't you say?


I wouldn't say it's a dead end. I would say it's a downer for Sure. I would say that.


I feel down. When I climb into bed, I start feeling sad.


Well, sorry about that.


Make like friends and pivot.


Oh, my God. Are you using a friends reference?


Yeah. I like Friends references, and I like the story synopsis that you give us. I just don't want to watch the show ever in my life.


Let me tell you something about growing up.


The massive peak one, but a magical place.


Let me tell you something about growing up. There was a time in my life when I wouldn't even hear Friends slander, and I'll hear it now. I don't agree with it, but I could see the critiques. It's a little stupid.


I will not say anything.


But I love it, and it's a comforting show.


Yeah, it's a comforting show.


Genzy is having a moment right now. There's a renaissance, a sex in the City renaissance.


Oh, I like that for them.


Because the show has just been added to Netflix for the first time. It was always on Max.


That's interesting, considering it's a max of a show.


And it's still on Max, but I guess they made some money and sold it to Netflix. People are having a renaissance to young kids. I'm seeing it on TikTok. But there's some hard truths in sex in the city that aren't Gen Z-coated. They'll be like, That hurt my feelings, but it's true. Two, there are also a couple slurs. There's There's actually an episode that I watched the other day where there are cross-dressers working outside Samantha's apartment, and she uses the slur about them.


The T that ends in Y?


That's the one. Many times, there's a lot of just crazy rhetoric in the episode. Then at the end of the episode, there's peace in the neighborhood. Samantha invites everyone over for a barbecue. I think it's like a season finale, and they play that song at the end. We're flying above the clouds. And Carrie, obviously, it's an amazing moment. They're on this rooftop. It's summer in New York. It's the end of the season. All the girlies are in a good place. Trey and Charlotte are working it out, and this song starts playing. And then, of course, Carrie has to ruin it. She does and says something in an accent that would have gotten her canceled. It's beyond not okay. I'm waiting for the tide to turn when it comes to the sex in the city renaissance that's currently going on.


So you want them to be canceled?


No, I don't want anyone to be canceled. I'm grown enough to understand that times used to be different, and you used to be able to say things that you can't say now. I do wonder if Netflix bleeped it out. What's your stance?


I think it's an ongoing conversation. If things from the past, that at the time, obviously, there was nothing wrong with it because it would have been a brouhaha then, but it doesn't age well.


Yeah, I think that another example is Entourage. In the first season of Entourage, they used the R-word, the F-slur, a ton. So when I first watched it, I was like, Oh, my God. Do I think it should be cut out? No. We did that shit. It's a reflection of the culture. Is it uncomfortable? Yeah, but it happened.


Yeah. I also think by erasing it, and then people don't know that it was ever there, that it was ever offensive, then it's just going to become a cycle where it's like, if you don't know.


Oh, we're saying it again.






It's just an interesting debate.


Also, when you think about sex in the city, the creator of sex in the city being a gay man, it wasn't coming from a place of hate. It was just coming from a place of, That's how people spoke.




I'm curious to see how the dialog unfolds.


Well, I think that show would be a good influence for Gen Z.


You do?


Yeah. Get out of the house, touch grass, go be with Friends and People. They're never really in their apartments unless, like Kari's writing her thing. They need to live a little.


Yeah. I actually like that. It's definitely a show that embraces life.


Life and makes you want to get out, have fun, be with friends, be social. It's not a depressing show about depressed people.


No, but it does sometimes make me depressed because I think a lot about how the city is so different because this whole show is really a love letter to New York and how things They were so different from a socialization standpoint. Now, of course, the times change, but everyone is so recluse now and secluded. And just the social scene was so different. It's definitely glamorized, but it feels so much more fabulous than it was now. But maybe You always look back on things with rose-colored glasses.


No. The city was just more fabulous than it is now. Even watching Gossip Girl, that was 10 years ago. That's not the same city.


No, it's gorgiously done.


And when Gossip Girl was on, we didn't feel like they were glamorizing New York. We're like, Oh, they're just filming over It's there.


That's actually really true.


But it looks glamorous now compared to what New York's become.


Yeah. Also, watching the first season of Sex and the City is quite jarring because you realize they were taking the show in a totally different direction, and they changed it. There's a lot of breaking of the fourth wall. Carrie's like... It comes at it from an They're prological POV. They're like, street interviewing people. They stopped doing that almost immediately. But it's interesting to see what the show was supposed to be. So they're going to be good for the kids.


I mean, it can't be worse than whatever they're doing. It's gotten them to a really bad place, I would say.


Try something new. I, too, would say.




It's time. I wasn't sure where I was going, but I am excited to dive into the Fast Five, and I do think it's time.


I agree. Without Without further ado, here are the Fast Five stories that you need to know.


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Thank you, La.


You're welcome.


Our first story, a little sports news to kick off the day. Travis Kelsey inks a two-year contract extension, making him the highest paid tight-end in the NFL. Well.


Jason, Kelsey also had some big news.


Oh, yeah. Can we talk about Travis for a second?


But I'm saying, are you making it a story?


I wasn't going to, but I will.


One A and B.


One A and B. Sounds good to me. Kelsey Bretherin news.


And they were both announced on the same day.


I mean, when it rains, it pours.


It's true.


But Travis, Kelsey assigned a new contract extension. The two-year contract will make him the highest paid tight and in the league. He will make more than $17 million per year, according to a report by nfl. Com. After he's been in the NFL for 11 seasons, he's talked about his eventual retirement, but he has at least two more years now with the Kansas City Chief's thoughts.


I think he should be the highest paid tight end in the NFL. One, he won, so that does make him the best.


Two- Yeah, because before that, it was the tight end for the Giants. He's making $17 million a year.


That's really crazy.


But I didn't see the Giants out there. Shaking their thing.


Not once.


I saw the Chiefs.


I did. When you think about all the money that Travis has brought in for that franchise, especially in the last year, with his Fame and his fortune, people going to Chiefsgaves, buying Chiefs merch. He had a 400% increase in Jersey sales. He deserves this raise. Honestly, I don't think it's enough.


Yeah. Do you think... I mean, there was no way the Chiefs were going to let him go now because he's doing so much for the franchise by way of his relationship.


And they've spoken about how they're building this dynasty, and that includes keeping players, Travis, Patrick Mahomes. They're building a gronk, what was his name? Tom braided, Julian Edelman energy thing.


Yeah. But I'm sure any team would have paid a little more to have him, more than his abilities.


Oh, you think?


I do think. I think his relationship is major for team sales, everything.


By the way, that's an amazing point. Do you think he got bigger, better offers?


Then Kansas City?




No. No. But I think maybe... I mean, his last contract was 14 million. They won the Super Bowl means he did a good job. 17 million for the next... Isn't that much of a crazy jump? But I think there's an intangible success that he brings and revenue that he brings that he could be getting paid for it.


I think he also loves Kansas City. And maybe if he had been offered a couple of million more somewhere else, it wasn't worth it to him to, A, upend his social life. He loves the town. It's obviously comfortable Taylor. He just bought this new house. Sometimes taking a little bit less money to protect your quality of life and your peace, he's not that far from his parents and his brother. He could have been treated to the lack. That's far. Sometimes, and maybe Travis is at a place when you have so much money, you can afford to take a little bit less money for a better quality of life.


Yeah, I agree with that. I would love to know if there were any offers coming through.


Who's a team? Who's the equivalent in football of the Yankees? Everybody knows the Yankees is the richest franchise. They have all this money. The Cowboys. Yes, you're right about that.


So the Cowboys.


I wouldn't hate. Honestly, I like that vibe, Texas, all-American energy. But no, it's good.


Yeah, it's good. If it's not broke, don't fix it. And certainly not broke.


No. And the new big house, Taylor is a part of the social scene down there.


It's working for them. All the wags, anytime their husband or their boyfriend moves, it throws their life into disarray, and they have to make a new home in a new town. It's on the women. I think the stability is good for the relationship. So this is good.


I also can see a world in which the Kansas City Chiefs would have topped any offer that came in because they're on this path to creating, like what they say, a dynasty. They have the money, and they've had a banner year, I'm sure, financially as well. I think this probably also was one of the top offers.


Yeah. I think also Patrick wants to play with Travis. I think that they listen to Patrick. Who do you want to throw the ball to? Travis.


But what was Patrick's contract? Like, 500 million for, I think, maybe five years. He had one of the biggest... Somebody else just got a bigger one.


Travis doesn't seem like a jealous type.


No, it's just crazy how Travis is the one getting tackled.


He's taking the hits.




Yeah. But a quarterback is a quarterback, Yeah.


1,000%, 1,000%. Love this.


Mazel tov. I hope they're celebrating in style.


We got a little bit more footage from that charity event they went to last night, and somebody caught a moment on camera of Travis just kissing Taylor's shoulder in a goofy, but it wasn't sensual. It was just like, gitty, almost, way. My God, the internet is... I understand, myself included, not okay. It's crazy to see a literal 300-pound man acting like that.






That he's in love, true love.


A thousand %.


Part B to this story is that Jason Kelsi will be joining ESPN as an NFL analyst for Monday Night Football's pregame show. So in news, that just makes complete sense that I didn't think of because I just assume he has his post football career of being a podcaster and what more does a person need? I couldn't tell you. But he's also joining Monday Night Football's pregame show on ESPN.


Did they say how much it was for? Because I'm nosy and I'm just curious.


I'm scrolling. I'm majorly scrolling, but no, I haven't seen any figures.


That's so Jason to keep the number under wraps. He's not tacky like that.


That's so Oh, Jason, to keep the numbers under wraps.


That's so... Did you see Orlando Brown?


He's so mysterious to me.


Went on a podcast and said him and Raven had a baby. But he's also like, Like a liar.


Yeah. I mean...


I just want to say I ship.


I know Raven is super happily married. I hope it's true. I don't think it's true, but sure.


She's totally happily married. Her and her wife come up on my TikTok all the time.


Does she have kids?


I don't think so. I think they only recently got married, in the last five years.


Yeah, I don't think that she... So he's saying they had a baby and they gave it up.


Back in the day. No, back in the day. I'm not going to lie, I didn't watch the whole podcast. And the child's grown? He He just said they had a baby. He didn't really... There will be no explanation. There will just be this podcast interview of Orlando.


There will just be Raven and Orlando's baby.


Yeah. Orlando Brown, greater than Orlando Blue.


In some circles.


Right. People with taste.


In this circle. I've watched more a Orlando Brown acting in my life than I've watched Orlando Bloom.


And I don't think that gets talked about enough.


No. I wouldn't change it for anything. What, you think I'm going to watch Pirates of the Crab, Baby?


Crab, Baby?


Of the Crab of Bean? I'm not.


I just want to double-check something before I say it, which I really need to start doing more of.


You want to see what Orlando Bloom has been in?


No. He's been in Nuts of Raven. I know he was arrested, and I just wanted to-Oh, yeah. A couple of times. He's a troubled youth.


Yeah, he's troublesome, for sure. For sure. What was the story? Oh, Jason Kelsi. Congratulations to Jason Kelsi, Monday Night Football. I think he's an excellent choice. He's got the personality, he's got the knowledge, he's got He's got the facts.


He's got the- He's got the connections.


Yeah. No, no brainer. Seriously. He's a talker for a living. He'll be fabulous.


Yeah, I love. Being on ESPN on Monday Night Football, I know Tony Romo, I think, only covers Cowboys Games?


Well, to me, Tony Romo is always on TV because our TV is always playing Cowboys Games.


To me, Tony Romo is the great loss of Jessica Simpson's life, but I don't think either of them feel that way. Honestly, ready I'm going to say something crazy. Okay. Jessica Simpson and Tony Romo walked so Travis and Taylor could run.


Yeah, perhaps.


You don't believe me? Google the photos of them licking blue icing off of each other. That photo left an indelible mark on me.


But I think what can give you solace is there's really no bad blood. It really didn't end badly. The only reason why it ended was because of John Pesky ass mayor. Yeah. And Tony Romo seems like a good guy.


By the way, Tony Romo seems like a good guy. Family man energy.


There's nothing in the book that would make you look at him differently. In fact, the opposite.


Agreed. She really spoke glowingly about him.


She bought him a boat, and then he would go out on the boat with his friends and play her music and be like, Everyone, listen to Jessica.


I feel like he was maybe one of the only guys who she named who she didn't really say anything bad about. Nick Lachet, there was plenty to unpack.


I think she feels bad about the way that it ended because it ended because she was still hung up on John Mayer, and John Mayer kept coming around.




And Tony wanted to move forward, and she couldn't.


He was very traditional, yeah.


Yeah, and she couldn't.


We could have lived in a world, though, where that was end game. I'm happy with how it worked out for everyone, but I do often think about that parallel universe.


No, and you just know that they would have been good together because Jessica Simpson didn't wind up with someone so dissimilar to Tony Romo, and neither did Tony Romo end up with someone so dissimilar to Jessica Simpson.


Seriously, it's giving right person, wrong time.


Yeah, as things do. But it's all worked out. I'm happy. I'm happy. Both of them are still happily married, so they're obviously in the right situation for them.


No, it's good. It's good. But it could have been great.


Well, speaking of actually an amazing segue into our next story, which is a little new sports romance news.


Oh, my God. What is it?


You probably don't know because I only saw it this morning in People magazine. But Jonny Manzell, the name on everybody's lips this week, is in a romance with Josie Conseco. They confirm their romance with photos showing them cozy up at Stage Coach this year.


Now, this is the story I actually don't care about.


Oh, that's so funny. That's where you and I diverge. Maybe because I watched his Untold, Johnny Manzell, and I just find him interesting. You also didn't watch the season of selling Sunset. But you know Bre from Selling Sunset? No. She has a baby with nick Cannon.


Oh, yes.


Before that, she was married to Johnny Manzell. So he just keeps coming up for me. It's so funny. Josie Kenseiko, used to date Logan Paul, and before that, Brody Jenner. So she keeps coming up for me. And then these two find each other and they go to stage coach. That's something I need to know.


I find Josie Canseco so interesting because I just love the fact that her dad is famed baseballer, Jose Canseco, and they named her Josie. They literally have the same name.


Yeah, well, people do that. You name someone after someone living. In our religion, you don't do that. It's the male-female version. Jose, Josie.


I just love that there's a famous Jose Conseco and Jose Canseco. I love it.


Yeah. And I don't dislike this relationship. I could see them getting along. Except how does Johnny... Not that you would know, I'm asking the general public. How does Johnny Mantell make money these days?


No, that's an amazing question. Definitely, he's a person who's famous, but not for his work. He doesn't have work, but he's like, I don't know.


No, and at the time where he was working and he was a college football player, and then when he was in the NFL, he was making really good money. But that was a very long time ago at this point. From what I learned in Untold, he was not financially responsible. He blew through everything. I don't know what he's doing right now and how he could be making the money that he needs.


Networth means nothing. It does say that his current, as of 2024, networth is a million dollars.


I believe that.




I don't know. I don't know. Is it enough to keep Josie?


Wait. There is a theory that his family has generational wealth.


Okay, tell me the theory, but based on what I saw in the documentary, I don't think that's true.


Many wondered how someone could jeopardize a once in a lifetime opportunity to become a big name in the NFL, but they also believed it was because Manzell knew he had his family's wealth to fall back on. It's not every day that you see a person in their 20s living a lavish lifestyle. While he was making money from the NFL, Manzell always claimed his family had decades of generational wealth. Now, with Manzel's new documentary, Untold, out on Netflix, new details have been uncovered about his family and the money they make. It says, Johnny Manzel's generational wealth doesn't really exist.


Okay, I see both sides. I see the fact that only someone who has a safety net could squander such an opportunity and not be just putting everything he has towards it. On the other side of it, he squandered most of his opportunity because his crime when he was in the... Playing college football was that he was accepting money. He was going and doing signings. He was selling merchandise. He was doing events because he wanted to be making all this money. And I think if he had all this money, he would have been able to wait a couple more years.


Okay. By the way, That's exactly what this says. It says that he was taking money during NCAA, breaking the rules. So his manager knew he couldn't be seen having living this wealthy lifestyle. So they needed a backstory, came up with the idea of saying they had Texas oil money. As a freshman, you aren't allowed to talk to the media, but they were allowed to talk to me. So the biggest spin that still exists is that I invented the narrative that his family was vastly wealthy. And the narrative stuck, and so many believe it to this day. Oh, that's interesting.


Okay, it's all cleared up. There's no generational wealth.


Cool, cool, cool.


I hope he's working.


But if he's not, at least he's in a happy relationship.




But yes, there are a couple of people I think often about their financial circumstances. This is a long running joke on the toast because it always was the Beermans, but now I feel like my concerns were valid. Who else do I often think? How do they pay their bills? Because just because you're famous doesn't mean you're rich. And oftentimes, a certain dealers level, you actually You have no money.




Just because TMZ follows you around in the airport doesn't mean you can pay your bills.


Unless you're calling them and selling that.




But typically, if you're famous, you can turn that into money.


Well, that would be ideal.


You're smart. Yeah. Okay, ready for our next story? Yeah. Barbra Streisand has gotten herself into some hot water. She commented on Melissa McCarthy's Instagram. It was a photo of Melissa and her choreographer, and Barbra commented, saying... Hold on.


Wait, Melissa has a choreographer?


Yeah. She said, This was the comment from Barbra, quote, Give him my regards. Did you take Ozempic?




She has since deleted the comment, but not before being dragged.


Now, I feel like Babs is not even active on social media. The fact that She's making waves in regards to a comment. I wouldn't have guessed she even ran her on Instagram. I would guess it was run by an agency promoting her memoirs and such.


Memoirs of a Shy's Hand.


At least she's authentic running her own socials. That's the bonus here. I'm trying to look on the bright side.


I feel like- I think maybe this was intended to be a DM.


Okay, that's a good theory. I feel like she typed, Text him my regards, and then accidentally pressed voice to text, and then posted the comment. That's the only way I can think of how you had such a pivot in the conversation.


Yeah. No, because then, wouldn't the D be capital if it was coming from a voice to text?


Let me test that theory. I'm going to text you. I'm going to text you, okay?


Also, she would still be posting it on purpose because she said, did you take Ozempic? Unless she had someone next to her with drastic weight loss.


Oh, maybe she was sitting next to me. Sent in my regards. Did you take Ozempic? Lowercase.


Okay, that's in line. That's a theory.


But I happen to actually like your theory better. Maybe these two know each other and someone that you're comfortable with, you could ask that question to. Maybe they have that relationship. But I've never known these two to be besties.


Maybe she doesn't really know the difference between a comment and a DM. What's that other people are going to see this that it would cause such a hubb versus I'm thinking I'm just privately responding to what you're putting out there.


Is Melissa McCarthy She's looking much different. I feel like she had drastic weight loss many years ago.




She looks- This isn't new.


Yeah, I agree. I wouldn't see this picture and be like, Oh, my God.


No, she looks the same.


Yeah. She looks great. Plenty vibes.


I love it. No one's trying, but they couldn't make me hate Melissa McCarthy.


Yeah, that's good.


But there is no movement for that.




I know. Likeabilities of prison, Jacks.


I know. I'm I'm going to give Barbra Streisand Grace on this. Let the woman live.


Yeah. Also, just always keep in mind, it's like the elders and social media. It's never going to be good.


Yeah. As far as bad things that could go wrong, this is nothing.


Yeah, but let this be the lesson here. Your favorite singer is also an authentic influencer. She's out here with Instagram on her phone. I would have guessed prior to this, she doesn't even have Instagram downloaded on her phone. It was done by a management company. It's maintained for her to promote, commemorate anniversaries and post about new projects, greatest hits, things of that nature. I never would have guessed she was out here. Every now and then, she'll send a selfie to the management team for the Instagram.


Yeah, I want to see her Instagram.


To update my Facebook pages.


But she's not even coming up. Unless I'm spelling Barbara wrong.


Well, maybe she deleted her Instagram because now she's humiliated by her faux pas.


Yeah, or she shadow banned.


No, I found her.


You did? Send her to me.


It's Barbra.


Barbra, not Barbara?


No, not Barbara. Barbrazier.


I was writing Barbara. Oh, that's interesting.


I'm sorry. Actually, now, if I take a look at it, she posts a lot of her personal political beliefs, pictures of her dogs. I do think perhaps it's co-managed because there is the classic, like, ticketed virtual event, memoirs, throwback to the end of the cover of Vanity Fair. But I do feel like there's also some personal items in there.


No, this is not a tip top agency. That's for sure.


No, this collage of her- This collage of flowers.


Oh my God. No, Claudia, this is Salfran.


All the flowers she got on her birthday. She had 42 arrangements.


I guess she wrote the original song for a Tatoos of Auschwitz, which is coming out.


Oh, love that partnership.


I've been seeing some promotion for it.


Me too.


I don't know if I have the heart to watch a Holocaust mini-series, but It looks good. I mean, people love the book. It's a Tyler Cameron's favorite book.


I stole it from that. Remember, I stole it from the rental house we rented over Christmas break? I didn't steal it. There was a bookshelf, and I dropped a book. I left a book, and I took a book. I feel like that's what you do. But people were like, No, Claudia, that's stealing. Stealing and Littering. And I've been meaning to read it. I do want to watch a series. I want to read the book first.


Oh, okay. Maybe that's your next read.


It's been my next read for six months.


Yeah. Okay. Yeah, this Instagram page is wild. It's a wild ride. I'm fascinated.


It's not what I would have expected it to be.


No. But that's bad for you. I'm giving Grace. I don't know about you all.


I've decided to give Grace as well in this moment.


Great. And now, are you ready to give Grace to our next story?


If it's a story about... No, if it's the story brought to you by sacks. Com?




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Thank you, La.


You're welcome.


Just got me shopping on sex. Com. I need some tings.


That's my influence.


Our next story, Rihanna teases her amazing R9 album and says it needs to represent her evolution. Rihanna has an update on R9. During the launch of her Fenty Beauty Soft Lift Foundation in LA on Saturday, She opened up about the status of her long-awaiting next album. She said, It's going to be amazing. It has to be. That's the only reason it's not out yet. I'm not feeling it. If I'm not feeling it and I'm not feeling like it represents the evolution, the time I spent away, there should be a show of growth, right? I I want to play, and I feel like music is a playground, and I want to have fun with it and show where I truly where I'm at. I'm not a big collaborator. It has to be very intentional, so I'll know when I have the record.


The thing is, I feel like we get a fake update on Rihanna's next album once a year for the last 10 years, and nothing has happened. And the way I don't care, I feel like every time we talk about this, I say, I'm giving Rihanna Grace. I love the era she's in. I feel like she's so happy being a mom, so fulfilled, obviously financially, but also I feel like she feels like she's contributing, and she feels like she has purpose with her business. Her businesses couldn't be more successful. How nice it must be to not feel pressure. I think a lot of artists feel pressure to, A, stay relevant, and B, keep making money by releasing new music. It's like this hamster wheel you can't get off of. It's like that one-direction trope in that documentary, studio tour, studio tour, studio tour. To be off of that must be lovely. She must not be dying to get back on it.


Yeah. I I ever expect that we would get new music. Honestly, at this point, I've given up. So whenever it comes, I'll just be excited. Take your time. Take your time. I feel like all the hits she's given us in the past, they're so timeless. If I want Rihanna music, I'll just go listen to some old stuff.


What do you think is the best Rihanna song? Because it's four or five seconds.


Oh, no, I don't think so.


I love that song.


I like that song so much, but not the best one. Certainly not.


Bitch Better Have My Money.


Oh, so, so good.


Love on the Brain.


Not my favorite. Really? No, I like them all. I also love The Way You Lie so much.


I feel that.


You know?




I'm looking... And also, what's the one?


Oh, Dimonds in the Sky.


Oh, yeah. But I forget. Remember for the Super Bowl, there was everyone thought she was going to open with that one song, Run This Town.


No, she's a hitmaker. And honestly, when you just said R9, if you would have asked me prior, how many albums does Rihanna have? I would have said four. I can't believe she had nine.


Yeah. So everyone can stay waiting. And then there's also We Found Love, which is seriously one of the best songs of all time, but we're just so used to it, and it's also such a basic choice, but it's an incredible song.


I just personally, there's no pressure coming to me from Rihanna. I love to see a woman out here being a successful I feel like she's a person who has a lot of inner peace right now. I'm happy for that. I feel like true Rihanna fans just want her to be happy.


Yeah. I think when you as a person can just accept... People are worried if they don't put out an album, if they don't do this, they're just going to fall away. And then so they just keep manufacturing stuff, and it's just so fake. But when you can actually have true acceptance, it's like, okay, if I go away for a little, that's okay. But the cream rises, and we miss you, and we still think about you, and it could never be irrelevant.


It's so true.


So we stayed waiting.


And other news from Rihanna is that she's watching The Valley, and she loves it.


I saw. I was shocked to hear that. I was shocked to hear that. When I was talking about The Valley. When I was talking to Stasi on the toes, At least she majorly influenced me to start watching. I haven't yet, but it is on my list.


Of things to do.


Of things to watch. Yeah. And every episode that comes out, people are like, Did you see what happened? Jacks did this. Kristen said that. It's making waves.


Do you want to know why? We have gotten to a place where people who go on reality TV, reality TV feels so manufactured. People really go on to get famous, and there's a formula, and they just want to be influencers. It's really, I feel like, reality TV used to be so good before we knew the landscape, and these people just had nothing to fucking lose.


Now everyone plays it so safe. They don't want to get in trouble. They don't want to deal with backlash. They want to be brand safe. And that'll get you to a place, but it's not going to create the next Jersey Shore.


No. I feel like this cast of people, especially the newer people, I feel, and I don't even watch a show, but the vibe I get is desperation. And that makes good TV. If you want to just throw drinks and lose your mind, that is season one, Van der Pum, Rules Energy. These kids had nothing to fucking lose.


No. I feel like when I watched the first episode, something about it was giving Real House Eyes of Orange County season one, like original reality in a good way and a bad way in that sense of we're putting it all out there. We want this show to work. Then also in a little bit of this is a crazy way, but I think that that, as Stasi said, the chaos will carry you through.


Yeah, no. I feel like these people don't give a flying fuck.


Yeah, no. That's something that's needed.


Yeah. No, I think this has the makings of perhaps being a major franchise in the Bravo universe.


That is so funny.


I never thought I would say that because when they announced this show, I was like, Okay, who are these people?


Wait. Do you know... I forget her name. There's one mom, couple on the show who have twin girls who play Baby Cee Cee on Young Cheldon.


I did know that. Thank you so much for bringing that up. Thank you so much for bringing that up. I saw somebody sent me a reel day of life of- Yeah, of my Baby Cee Cee is going to Young Cheldon last day on set. I just wanted to say, I feel like whenever I see an actual newborn or a really young kid on TV, I'm like, Who the fuck would seriously pimp their kid out like that? The fact that it's someone on the valley is exactly why the valley will be successful. Like I said, that desperately collaboration.


Yeah. No, that's the crossover that we need. Baby Cee Cee's on the valley.


I'm so glad you brought up Young Sheldon because I have been keeping up. It's the final season. It is so good. I feel like they heard me. The way Sheldon is not in one minute of the show, he's horrible. He's just an awful character. He's going through a weird puberty period. It's not the Sheldon show anymore. At the beginning, give me nobody but Sheldon. Now that he's grown up, he doesn't have that same charm. They made us love the other characters so much. Georgie, Georg Senior, Georgie, the Grandma. It's really about them now, and I just love it, and I just want to say thank you.


Great. Are you ready for her for the final story? I am. It's a little real estate news.


Oh, okay.


Sonia Morgan prepares to auction her New York City townhouse, seen in Real House Eyes of New York. Sonia Morgan is bidding goodbye to her famous New York City townhouse at last. The 4,600 A 150-square-foot house features four bedrooms, five-foot bathrooms, two-half bathrooms, lovely outdoor seating, and a 35-foot garden, as well as a secret elevator. The auction will run from May 15th to May 29th. The five-story home is currently listed at $7.5 million. Starting bids are expected to come in between $1.75 million and $3.75 million.


Okay, I want to say this is like the girl who cried sale. I don't feel like this will really ever sell. I don't know why. It seems impossible to me. If the day ever does come where it is sold. It will be crazy. I will be genuinely shocked. But I do often wonder if the cultural impact and the history in terms of Bravo, of this townhouse hurts or helps the sale.


I think it hurts the Well, in the sense that a buyer of this caliber is not really interested in the PR aspect. And seeing the house on the show, it looks like a dump. Even if anyone who had the money buy this townhouse, it's a gut reno. You see all the leaks, you see everything wrong with it, you see when the baseboards are coming off. I think a lot of times sellers will try and hide stuff like that, but there's no hiding this. I think overall, it's hurt the sale.


That's interesting. I wasn't asking in that sense, because I do feel like if you're spending X amount of money, you're always going to completely gut renovate anything that you purchase. I mean the fact that people know it from the outside and stop on the street. Would that be something someone wants? I don't think it gets someone wants?


I don't think it gets that much foot traffic. People don't know what street it's on. You have to really be a New Yorker to recognize it. It's on a side street. I feel like I have an idea of where it is, but I don't feel like it's a stop on the Real House days of New York City. And also, again, a buyer at this level doesn't want any of that if there is some of that. So again, that doesn't help the price either. I think to buy a multimillion dollar townhouse because you saw it on reality TV, if that's a driving factor for you, it's incredibly weird. It's like if you're choosing between two townhouses, it's not in the plus column, the fact that it's from Real Housewives.


That's what I think, too. I think somebody who's buying a townhouse on the Upper East Side is a very specific type of person. It's probably a wealthy family, and they're not wanting that type of attention. They don't want people taking pictures of the outside. I think her status and the status of the home really hinder. I think it's a lot of the reason why. There's no reason that a house like that shouldn't have sold. A classic townhouse on the Upper East Side, there aren't even so many. It's amazing.


Well, I think also she's always priced it really high because it has so much- History. She's so attached to it and has a lot of meaning to her. I think it's also emblematic of the state of real estate in New York. And then also she said she was renting her the townhouse, too. And every time she would book a renter, she would have to take it off the market. So it's not like it's been on the market all of these years. It's been on and off. The house has a myriad of issues. The design, in the pictures, it looks nice, but we've seen it up close on the It's older, so it is a complete gut reno. I don't know what basically the lot of land goes for at this point.


It's literally Gray Gardens. I so badly want Sonia to win. I know this money would change her life. I know she's very attached to it because it represents her former life. I want this house to sell.


At this point, I think in the beginning, it's like, how do you give up a $10 million townhouse? That's what she got in her divorce. Maybe other things, too, but that's a major asset. At this point, it's just weighing her down, and she needs to release it. Her daughter is grown. It will be money in her pocket. But it will sell now, because if the starting bid is $1.75 million, reality show or not, even just to buy it and tear it down, that's an amazing deal.


I want to know what townhouses in the city go for. How many bedrooms is it?


I think I said five bedrooms, four bedrooms, five bathrooms.


Okay. I mean, this one's $65 million. But in that area, honestly, she's not so off base with the seven million.


But look at the insides. Are they new?


Yes. Okay, but so this one's new. It's a five bedroom, eight bathroom townhouse a couple of blocks away, totally renovated. Thirteen million. Okay. I want to see one that's like... Okay, this one is five bedrooms, five bathrooms, 75th Street, 10 million.


New on the inside?


Yeah, but not the most new thing you've ever seen in your life. Okay. Yeah, it's interesting. Townhomes are expensive. She has something there, but it's tough to know what it is.


Yeah, and I think it's a little bit less than what she thinks and what the house is worth to her, of course.


To her, the The fact that the son of J. P. Morgan used to live there, that should add value to it. I think she does think her celebrity adds value to it. I think if you really take a critical look at it, it actually hurts.


Yeah, but it will sell. If it's really going to auction, they're giving it away, essentially.


Yeah. It's not like Elizabeth Taylor lived there. It's a different type of celebrity, which very wealthy people put their noses up at.


Yeah. I think in general, it's a cool fact when someone has lived in a house, but I don't think it increases the value by that much unless it's someone like Elizabeth Taylor. But there's so many celebrities like, Okay, just Bieber lived here. Cool. He lived there, too. I feel like people always say that so and so lived here. Groove Cool. Is that extra square footage? I don't think so.


I don't think so. I thought the Fast Five were amazing, actually.


You would never know how I struggled.


You would never know, but now we do because we're so authentic and transparent.


To a fault, and that's something we should work on. Closing ourselves up a little bit. And yeah, just being a little more of showman.


It's what PT Barnum would want.


Amen, sister.


That's our show, you guys. Thank you so much for listening to The Toast, The Millennial Morning Show, where we deliver the fast five stories that you need to know every Monday through Friday on YouTube. So if you're watching this on YouTube, please don't forget to subscribe and give us a video a thumbs up. We are also available as a podcast anywhere podcast can be found. So at Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Public Video, iHeartRadio, Castbox, all the places. When we listen to podcast, find us The Toast. Leave a five-star review about how beautiful, stunning, and wickedly talented we are. Have an amazing Tuesday, and we'll see you tomorrow for Hub Day.


Love you. Bye.