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Good morning, millennials, and welcome back to the toast. Happy Thursday. Hope everybody's having a blessed day thus far. Acknowledging the space that they're in, and that space is the latter half of the week. We're pretty much done at this point. You know, if you round up, it's.


A very exciting time of the week as we slide into the latter half on a Thursday. Welcome, everyone, to the show.


So excited to be here. Still in Florida, hanging with my girl, who's looking especially tradwife today. You're putting the home in homesteader.


Well, thank you so much once again. This is a dress that I already owned since, I think, 2019, back when I used to order avocado toast. Like, it's not just cause I make my own bread that I have. This dress is what I'm saying.


It's kind of like, what came first, the bread or the dress? And in this case, the dress.


The dress. And it's just so nice to wear a long dress and not have to worry about pulling things down all the time. It's a joy, really. I need more.


Are you gonna be joining the modest dressing movement, or as our people call it, snoot?


I've been trying. I've been trying to order seamless dresses that are, like, teacup length, but it's really hard to find ones that look good on you on short people. Yeah. So I've had to make some returns, but I will continue my pursuit. I haven't really found anything yet.


Okay. You just reminded me of something. I figure I, like, learned something on TikTok, because, like you, I'm 412. Call back. And, you know, every time I buy a pair of pants, like, even if I like them, like, I have to get every pair of pants hemmed, and it's, like, an expensive part of my life. And so when necessary, especially for, like, a pair of jeans, like, who gets jeans hemmed? Like, you don't. I don't. Like. That's why a part of my journey, like, into pants and jeans has been stalled, because I am so limited. Okay, so, like, with trousers, like, yeah, okay, I'll get whatever. So on TikTok, I learned about this thing called a rotary knife, I think it's called. Do you know what that is? It looks like a pizza slicer, but it's for fabric. I guess. They use it, you know, down in the fabric district where Jackie Goldstein works, and you just, like, kind of, like, pizza slice the bottom of your pants and, like, it, like, hems your pants.




It's really for jeans because it leaves them sort of, like, raw, which is like, that look. So I just bought it, and I'm really excited about it. I haven't been able to use it yet because it arrived right before I left for Florida.


Got it. I feel like with jeans, and I have my established jeans now, and the way it works best for me is, like, getting an ankle cut for a tall person. I just get it for myself, and then it's normal length. These days, a lot of brands do petite and regular sizing.


Shout out to the brands that are carrying. Not petite, because petite also implies thin. No, being like petite means short. Well, so now they have tall, and.


Like, you can get a petite x regular.


Yeah. That's when I first started wearing jeans from Topshop. They were pretty good at that. Shout out to spanx, abercrombie. They're making lines of clothing, like, for short people. Thank you so much.


Yeah, so I'm in a good place with that.


Yeah, it's a good feeling to be seen in that way.


Yeah. I've got, like, my black jeans, my white jeans, my yellow jeans.




I have a pair of yellow. Yeah, you do have a pair of yellow. You need a couple. Plenty pairs of jeans.


I'm not there yet. You know, that's. That's kind of, like, advanced level jean wearing colors.


Well, no, for me, advanced level jean wearing is, like, actual jean.


Brightly blue.




Light blue, light wash blue jean, baby.


Like, classic jeans. That's where I'm not at yet.


But you know where I am at. Barbara Jean.


Barbara Jean.


And I will always be with Barbara Jean, even though I stand firmly with Reba in that scenario, Barbara Jean was, like, incredibly toxic, and I saw someone make a TikTok about it, and I'm glad people are talking about it. Cause rewatching the show, like, that was kind of my major takeaway. Like, it's like a ha ha, family friendly show. But no. Reba's husband left her for this woman who then, like, foists herself upon Reba. Like, comes to her house every day, like, wants me best friends, wants to be the step mom. Like, how about fuck off?


Like, boundaries?


If BJ, that's what I call her. Barbara Jean wasn't, like, the queen that she is, and she was just a regular person. Like, seriously, we would all hate her.


Right, right.


And that's when having a good personality. Seriously.


Yeah. It makes up for a lot.


And I think, you know, the message was, like, Barbara Jean, like, made a mistake, you know?


In what sense?


In being the other woman, because, you know, spoiler alert. Her and Brock end up getting divorced.






So she made a mistake, and it.


Was like, all that for nothing. Well, not a mistake, because they had a beautiful child together. Okay, but you know what I mean? Like, it wasn't that Barbara Jean was a bad person. She was a good person who did a bad thing.


Interesting. I didn't realize these dynamics were at play.


It's kind of a layered show, and it's a little, you know, watching it now as a grown up, like, you see, there are different dynamics at play.


It's mature.


Yeah, it's for mature audiences.


We were not mature audiences when we were watching it.


No, I think about that a lot. Like, things we watched as kids that we certainly should have been watching degrasse.


But we didn't understand, which is good.


No, but I definitely learned, like, I don't know what I, like, say this word. It's, like, kind of a crazy word to say, but, like, I learned, like, what rape is from degrassi, and I think I was far too young to be, like, knowing what that is.


Yeah, yeah.


I never heard that word before, and, like, what the meaning meant, and they just right there explained it to me.


It was an advanced show.


Yeah, it was, you know, for fast kids, for mature audiences, mature content.


Yeah, mature children.


We've got a great show today. We are just, you know, going to do our thing. And in addition to being podcasting, you know, podcasters to the stars, Jackie and are also models today, because we have.


Huge day of photo shooting.


We have, like, new merch coming out. We also just take. Need new headshots, because, like we said, we're like, actors, models, you know, constantly on set. And so we have this, like, big photo shoot today, which is probably, um, why we look so gorgeous. Yeah, we both really look like next level.


We did our hair, makeup. We have a really big afternoon of modeling, which is hard work.


Oh, and we'll be modeling outside, which.


I feel like we might not even need to do extra activity for our aura rings.


Oh, no.


However, we have to play pickleball, because we haven't played one since you've been here, because we've been so busy.


I know. And tonight could be the night, except summer house is on.


And tonight could be the night, except we're gonna be so tired from modeling.


Well, that's actually true.


We're gonna be like, I'm not going back outside.


We're gonna be like, I can't even, like, pick up the remote to put on summer house. Like, we're gonna be so tired.


I'm excited about summer house. We haven't watched anything together either. Since you've been here.


Tv has not even been put on.


So it's gonna be a fun last night together. Last night of camp. Cause turdy is heading home tomorrow, which is sad. And I feel like usually we never know when you're leaving.


Yeah. Just to sort of have this, like, finite day, it feels weird, but it.


Is making me appreciate the moments. Like, last night, I came to your room. Like, I don't think I would have done that if your trip was open ended.


Well, Jackie had the gall to do something that was so crazy last night. Like, she had to edit the redheads, and she was like, listen, I can't really hang tonight. We, like, finished, you know, cleaning, you know, being aunties and mothers, like, being, you know, business owners at, like, 08:00. And Jackie was like, I can't really, like, girly tonight. I have to read the redheads. She was sort of like, you're on your own. And I said it was okay. I went over to Olivia, and I.


Needed to tell you that boundary. Otherwise, I would have, like, we would have stayed up all night and then gotten to bed 11:00 and then have to edit it.


So then at 10:00 when she was done, she facetimes me. I'm upstairs in my room, you know, being a good house guest, and she's facetiming me, like, what she always does, like, right when she's out of the shower. I know she, like, loves to do her, like, girly things in the sink and sticks her phone up on the mirror and calls me, and it's, like, my favorite time of day when I'm at home. So she's, like, facetiming me, like, gossiping about stuff. I'm like, why don't you just come upstairs? She's like, yeah, I guess I could. I'll be up in 20. And she was up, like, 30 minutes later. We did an ice girly chit chat.


I was finishing editing the redheads. I had to do my skincare. Like, I couldn't come upstairs right out of the shower. I had to dry off.


So you were in the shower?


I was in the shower. That's why I called you while you.


Were in the shower. Yes, we've been quoting legally blonde a lot recently. I can't say the word father anymore. Like, certain words, like change, have meaning over time. And to me, like, if you're gonna say the word father, how would you feel if your father was marrying someone your own age.


I can't say, how would you feel? Without saying, how would you feel? I can't say me. Without me, I can't say. Screw sisterhood.


Screw sisterhood.




Never. That's like, one thing Victor Garber and I don't agree on.


Yeah, he was having an off day.


Even like, heroes have off days.




So as I was saying, we have a great show. Today's a kind of light and easy. Cause tomorrow we have summer house, tomorrow we have Queenie and Weenie. Today we have nothing. Yesterday we have deer toasters. Today we're just kind of untethered.


Yeah, we are. But I am tethered to the redheads, which dropped today. Great episode. Major announcement in the episode. I'm not gonna spoil it.


Oh, my God. Yes. And this is not us being like clickbaity, stupid annoying. Like, I forgot that that was going up. Oh, I'm so excited.


So that's very exciting. I want you guys to experience the announcement as it happens.


And don't go looking for it. Like, it's a joyous announcement.


I don't know where to find it. It's also, like, in parts throughout the episode. Like, more stuff is somebody might like.


Leave a comment on the post or like, go to the Facebook group. No, no, just go listen and enjoy it. You'll be so happy.


Yeah. Great book, great show, great girls.




Just greatness all around. I really need to read more this month. Like, actually, I already have my goals for the month. I'm not gonna add more to it, you know, cuz I have my wellness fitness goals and like.


Okay, so I'm not a time.


I'm not gonna add a reading goal because that might take away from my other goal. Yeah, maybe I'll be reading and snacking. That's not gonna work.


Reading and snacking is so much fun.


Yeah, no, I should be like hitting my activity goals, not my reading goals.


Yeah, you just. You can't do both. Like, we're just. We're just human beings, you know?




Yeah, I'm definitely not reading my hidden goals.


That's good. You're. That you're not reading them.


Yeah. How are the stories today?


Celeb focused. Do it that way. You may.


It's that bad or good? I don't. We do like celebrity stories every day.


One, it depends who you ask. Is that better? Good. Everyone has a different sort of thing that they like for the stories. And yes, we do celebrity every day, but there's usually like one or two that are not so celebrity like, what? You would read food news weekly, you.


Know, and then, of course, like, the circus freak people news, human interest.


There's none of that. It's, like, very Us Weekly.


I actually wanted to talk about this on the toe. So I made a TikTok yesterday, and, you know, it was, like, hot take alert. And I hate when people do that, because, like, they'll be like, hot take and say something so boring and lame. It's like, okay, thanks. Yeah, we knew that. But I actually, like, gave a hot take, and people are, like, fighting in the comments about it, and I'd like to get your take on it. I do think you'll agree with me. Cause especially on TikTok, there's always having conversations, and tinks talks about this a lot. And I think this is something tinks and I will disagree on. She calls it, like, boyfriend sickness, when, you know, we always, like, clown on friends who, like, get a boyfriend, and then you see them significantly less because they're hanging out with their boyfriend.


And then. What's the boyfriend sickness? Who's sick?


The girl, like, you don't see her because she's sick with her boyfriend. I think that's. I'm not sure.


Not the former friend who's sick because her other friend got a boyfriend?


No, no. I think the way Tinks describes it, and forgive me if I'm using her phrase wrong, like, boyfriend sickness is like, oh, where's Talia? We haven't seen her in a while. She's got boyfriend sickness.


Okay. So she's just, like, in that stage with her boyfriend.


And so my hot take was each other's awesomeness. Soaking up each other's awesomeness. Exactly. And my hot take was like, I really don't like that narrative. I feel like it's so wrong. Like, I see it more as. No, no. Like, the part of your life where, like, you consistently, all the time, hang out with your girlfriends, like, is over and. Yeah, like, a friend who's dating someone who's hopefully going to be, like, her husband, her life partner, the father of her children. Like, and spending, like, a lot of time with him. No, that's, like, growing up. That's evolution. Like, I think the girls who, like, sit around talking shit about the girl who has, like, too much time with her boyfriend, like, you guys are the toxic ones, not the friend who just got a boyfriend.


Yeah, I agree. The friend in that situation who's complaining her friend has boyfriend sickness. Like, is a toxic friend who's immature and, like, thinks, what we're gonna have sleepovers and braid each other's hair forever. Like, sure. Nice. But people need to grow up, you know? Civilization needs to repopulate itself like, it is time.


So the comments were really divided. Half the people were like, thank you. Like, yes. And then the other half were like, no. You should be able to prioritize both. Think, like, your friendship should be of equal priority. By the way, having friends and spending time with your friends is so important, especially the older you get. I feel like you need it even more. But you have a million friends when you're in college and when you're 35, you don't have a million friends. You hopefully have, like, four or five really, really good friends who you lean on. But wait, I lost my lot still. Yeah, I lost my train of thought. What's I saying right before this? Oh, the comments were really divided, but I don't think, like, your friendships should be of the same priority level as your relationship.


Well, here's the thing that is priorities. There is a hierarchy, so you can't say you need to give equal priority to your friends in your relationship. Like, you have to choose one. That's called having a priority. There can be a number two not far behind, but, like, it's never going to be equal. And what are your priorities? And we need to make choices, and people don't want to do that. They're like, I love everyone. I want to see everyone. No, like, what is your priority in life? And maybe for some people, it is their friends, and it's having those friendships. And what, like, sex and city men come and wear each other soulmates? That could be. You love that for you? For other people, not so much.


No. And also, what. What somebody had commented that I thought was really insightful is, like, it's also, like, we do. We don't have endless time in the day. So when you are, like, merging lives with someone, you have their family and friends now to think about. So, like, naturally, because that's how time works, and you are gonna have to, like, divide up your time differently. And just because, like, you're seeing someone, that's, like, that doesn't make you a bad friend. They're like, she's not a girl's girl. Like, I just don't like that. I didn't. I don't agree with it. So.


Yeah, that's not what we meant when we said girls girl. Yeah, that, like, we're gonna be with you all the time, and we're gonna.


Like, prior sacrifice everything for you. Right?


That's not what it means. To be a girls girl.


So I was kind of making waves on TikTok last night. 200,000 views. Yeah.


I think it's an important message that you're spreading.


Just. It's not a message. You don't have to agree with me. I just, like, I think the other side doesn't get talked about enough perspective that you're spreading. We're always, like, shitting on the girls who, like, disappear a little bit once they get a boyfriend. And, like, I just wanted to offer, like, perhaps another perspective for those girls, you know?


Yeah. And it's like, they probably didn't see.


It, though, because they're with their boyfriends.


And also for the girl, for the friend, it's like, what would you do if you were in that situation, really? You would probably be boyfriend sick, too. So it's a bit of jealousy and it's a bit of selfishness that it's not you.


Well, I think a layer that people don't say because it sounds a little mean and I don't mean it to be mean is, like, the friend who is, like, more often, like, sitting. The friends who are, like, sitting around complaining, like, they probably aren't in relationships yet. Like, they're the single ones. So I have to assume there's, like, an element of, like, bitterness there too, because they might understand it once they reach that phase, and they will.


Right. And I guess it's just everyone. Like, what is everyone's ultimate goal here? Because I think for some people, it is to be in a relationship, to get married and to have children. But if that's not everyone's, then they might not be able to understand why you would prioritize your relationship if that's not your future.


I guess it just boils down to.


Like, everyone being different and everyone have different dreams.


And as an elk of a dreamer, like, I get that, you know?


Do you? Are you the elk of a dreamer?


No, actually, I'm, like, extremely realistic to the point where it actually holds me back from doing things because I'm like, it's not dreaming. Yeah, it holds me back from dreaming because my feet are too firmly planted on the ground.


I would say the same for me.


Yeah. I feel like maybe that's something we could work on, like, being a little bit more delusional because, you know, I have friends that are so insane against everything I believe. I. Like, I have people in my life that are so, like, insane in a good way. Like, they're so delusional. You know, every now and then, things work out for them, like, you know what? Good for you.




And they really, I have to imagine, like, it worked out because they put that out there, you know?


I don't know. I think you either have it or you don't. And I think, like, being a realist who's veering into doing some dreaming is gonna hurt you because you're so aware of the reality.


The thing is, yeah. As a realist, like, veering into Dreamland is really only gonna hurt you, but as a dreamer veering into reality land, it's gonna help you in the long run. It's gonna be hard. It's gonna be hard, but it's gonna help you.


That's why they don't come here.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


They stay there.


We're just kind of giving, like, you know, doctors without borders. Like, we are just doctors with borders. It's giving boundaries.


Yeah, it is. And know thyself.


The three words it's giving boundaries are three words I never wanna say ever again. Like, that, to me, is like the lowest bar Internet talk. Like three brain cells. It's giving boundaries.


But it depends if you're saying it in a positive or negative way.


Well, I was. If I'm saying it ironically, I'm all here for it, but I just said it, like, in a dead serious way, and I'll never say it again. Cause I'm listening and I'm learning.


And you're doing better.


I am doing better. Thank you.


It's giving, doing better.


It's giving best.


It's giving you giving, doing better every.


Day, which is all we can strive for.


There are people who really talk like that. Like.


No, I know, but they don't listen to this podcast.


What do you say after that?


Those people aren't listening to this podcast. So I feel good about that. I think that's actually something we've actively sought out, is, like, avoiding getting that type of audience.




But. Yup. Persona, Persona non grata. Mean, like, ooh, unimportant.


No, like anonymous. No, Persona non grata. Like x, like bad person.


Oh, radioactive.


Yeah. I think I'll see what it translates to. What is it, Latin?


Oh, I kind of like that. I didn't know that that's what it meant. And I feel as though I use the word radioactive actually quite a lot.


A Persona non grata, it's, in diplomacy, is a foreign diplomat who was asked by the host country to be recalled to their home country. Okay, so.


Oh, it's getting expelled.


Right? But what does it mean colloquially? A person who is unacceptable or unwelcome. It's getting x.


That's like something I, like truly never want to be.


You're not Persona non grata.


No, but I have been in my life, for sure. Personally, professionally. Never with you, though. You've always made me feel like a person with Grata.


You're so grata to me.


You graduate to me. That original song from Ted. You're timeless to me.


It's from Ted.


Yeah, right.




Wait, there's an original song in the opening credits of Ted. The movie. The first one. Ted movie. Original song. Is that. That's it, right?


Your time.


Everybody needs a best friend.


No, there's a difference.


About my bed. No.


Timeless to me song is from hairspray.




It always comes back to hairspray. That's a low in the movie. You could definitely use the bathroom. We get a snack.


Who's singing your timeless to me? John Travolta.


Walk in.


Yeah. And they're dancing around in the laundry on the roof.


Get a snack. He's the best room.


Okay. By the way, I think there's also another lol. Big, blonde and beautiful. When Michelle Pfeiffer and John Travolta are like, yeah. Singing it separately.




That's, I think, probably the worst song in the movie.


A lot to do with the parents is definitely. Yeah, you could skip. Check your phone.


Yeah, I completely agree. Yeah. Turn it off.


Register to vote.


Register to vote. dot. Thank you, Lady Gaga, for the important message. So I'm, like, totally ready to dive in.


I'm ready as well. Without further ado, here are the past five stories that you need to know.


And I'm actually, like, hella excited because today's episode is brought to you by Splash. Splash refreshers.


Claudia's new personality trait is splash refreshers.


Jackie. Thankfully, I had sent her a grocery order, like, prior to my arrival. You know, please do the shopping. And I forgot to write Splash and think that I walk into her garage, the biggest pile of splash like, and no one's allowed to touch the wildberry. They, like, know that that's my flavor. So I. If it weren't for splash, to put it simply, I would be dead, because you guys know I can't drink plain water. It's just, it's not for me. And it's really. It sucks because it's so good for you, you know? And splash refresher is out here actually saving my life. So they are flavored waters. They have zero calories. They are delicious. They are bright, they are flavorful. And they are, most importantly, hydrating because it's just not right that you should drink flavorless water. They come in ton of different flavors. Ben really likes the grape acai. Like, it's so personal. So I'm not going to yuck anyone's yums, but for me, like, wild berry is and always will be that bitch. And, like, my whole life, I've just always been, like, a little dehydrated. Just on the spectrum. Just on the cusp of seriously having to go to the hospital, I drink.


I'm drinking, like, six bottles of water a day here. I always take one out of the fridge. They're so good. I love them. And they just look like regular water. So everyone thinks, oh, she's so mature. That's why her skin is glowing. She's drinking a lot of water. So if you, too, suffer from water diocese, they have five craveable splash refresher flavors. Love that. They should use that splash. There is a way to satisfy your cravings. Check out their flavors. Wild berry, acai grape, pineapple, mango, lemon, and mandarin orange. Consider yourself hydrated and thriving. Find splash refresher today on Amazon and instacart or at your local Walmart, Sam's club, or Kroger.


I'm sure someone's like, no, I have aquaphobia.


It's. Today's episode is also brought to you by Huckberry. So Father's Day is upon us. You can find the perfect gift for dad. It can be really tough. So whether your dad has it all or you feel like you gift him the same thing every year, the struggle to pick the perfect gift in a sea of Father's Day promotions is very real. Huckberry has searched near and far from all the best brands around to curate the garments and gear that your dad really wants. Huckberry is the one stop shop for men's shopping, sourcing, vetting, and curating the world's highest quality apparel, footwear and gear to equip a more active, adventurous, and stylish lifestyle. So if the father in your life loves to grill, loves golf, is really into clothing, Huckberry has something for them. And you should check out their gift guide because it's really easy to find things that you might not think of. I know you're shopping extra hard this father's day for the father in your life, Jacks. So if you have a husband who loves the great outdoors, like your husband, you can have garments. You can find garments and gear that he'll actually want.


This Father's day on Huckberry. And we've got a great promo going on, so you can support the toast. Be a good wife, daughter, and get them something great. Visit and use our promo code toast ten at checkout for 10% off the gift that dad actually wants. And now, if you use our code toast ten, you can also get free express shipping for all your last minute shopping needs. That's toast ten for 10% h u c k b E R r today's episode is also brought to you by the big flop. Whether it's making junk food healthy or the latest wellness trends, food innovation is a constant pursuit. But when it fails, it fails miserably. On each episode of Wonderys podcast, the big flop comedians join host Misha Brown to chronicle one of the biggest pop culture fails of all time. And try to answer the age old question, who thought this was a good idea? In the late nineties, an oil substitute called olestra exploded onto the market in the worst possible way. The idea was that you could eat as many snacks as you wanted without gaining any weight. But there were a few catches.


It didn't work, and it also gave consumers horrific digestive problems. Decades of research and billions of dollars went down the toilet. So to hear the full story of ilestra, follow the big flop on the Wonder app or wherever you get your podcast. You can listen to the big flop early and ad free right now by joining wondery plus. I think that's a great concept for a podcast. A big flop. And I had not heard about the olestra saga of the early nineties, and that sounds fabulous. So go listen to that. After you listen to the toast.


Yes. And after you listen to the redheads, of course. Our first story, the voice making news. The new coaches this season have been announced. Adam Levine is returning to the Voice as a coach, John legend, Michael buble and first time coach Kelsey ballerini.


And I just want to say, kelsey Ballerini deserved more than this group of losers. Like, you guys know how I feel about Michael buble.


You okay, I know how you feel about Michael Buble, but I actually think. And apparently, he's a returning coach. So this is. I don't remember, but I hadn't known that he was coaching on the voice. And so now I'm evaluating that choice, and I actually think he would. He's a good choice for one of these shows because he's super talented, he's very musical, and he covers a category that's not really represented. I don't even know what to call it.


Opera. It's wanna be Frank Sinatra voices. It's wanna be Frank Sinatra BV's. It's like a Josh Groban's. Like, we wish you wish you were Josh Groban.


And. But I also feel, like, weirdly, on the voice and these talent shows, a lot of people have that sort of voice. They don't know what to do with it. And Michael Buble could show you how to make a career of it.


So once again, they're trying to make me and by them and you trying to make me like Michael Buble. I won't. Michael Buble. Instagram live with wife. Go search it. Like, seriously, he gives me the williest. I'll never forget that. Like, seriously, it was so chilling.


But I also.


It's very rare that there is somebody walking around wearing such a mask of who they are and to see it publicly slip. Yeah, I'll never forget it. It gave me such a chill down my spine. I think about her all the time, and I think his wife's name is Claudia. Like, maybe that's why I felt interpersonally connected to the story. They can never make me like him, and I won't.


I will also say a reason why he might not be a great judge, even though apparently he's been judging and it's going well, is, like, I feel like, on a personality level, not the best.


No, he thinks he's, like, a real.


And the thing is, it's very much a talking head job. You have to come up with, like, jokes and one liners.


And there have also been, like, rumors, allegedly, that Michael Buble is just, like, diva. Like, he thinks he's, like, such a big star. And in some circles, yeah, maybe he is a star. But, like, on the voice and with all these other, like, actually famous people, like, Michael Buble, like, is probably the least famous, I would say. Would you agree?


No. In this situation, like, objectively, Kelsey's coming in.


Yeah, it's, like, the newbie. Yeah, whatever. I just think he's gonna have a hard time, like, not being, like, the biggest, number one guy in the group. Like, for real. He gives me, like, nightmare energy. I just really don't like him, first of all. Second of all, like, have we been waiting?


I think of the three male judges, he is, like, this really has to prove himself more than anyone. Kelsey, like, one. She's the only female. Like, she's so fabulous. Like, we're all listening to what she's saying. She's not gonna have to work as hard as he will.


When you come in and you're, like, the only country, you're, like, bound to get, like, so many people on your team.


And female.


Yeah. So true. I could see her winning. Were we all waiting around for Adam Levine to come back? Like, I also don't love Adam Levine.


Like, I like him as a voice judge.




I feel like he should stay in that chair for life forever. Like, him and Blake Shelton should do the voice for life. Weirdly, I think they all work well.


I agree.


And I also all the changing of the. Not that I watch the voice, so this isn't for me. The voice watchers are, like, we, like fresh judges every season, but I like consistency.


I agree.


And I like the idea of, like, I think that's when American Idol really started to go south, when we strayed from Simon, Paula, and Randy. But Simon stayed around for a while.




And we don't have that, like, one constant.


It was Blake Shelton, but this is, I think, his first season not being on.


And then when Blake Shelton's there, I want Gwen Stefani there.


Yeah. Just to finish up the circle. I also don't like John legend. No.


No, me neither.


So I just think kelsey deserved better. Here's my dream lineup for Kelsey.




Even though they're, like, all country, I'll have to switch it up. Okay, Kelsey, Kelly Clarkson. I'm gonna try and go. Two boys, two girls. Honestly, bring back cilo green. Like, he was great and funny, and I would love Blake Shelton, but, like, him, kelly and Kelsey, it's like two months.


Okay. But can't you just build a favorites voice cast? Like, not about Kelsey. Just about, like, your faves.


Oh, yeah. Okay. And I won't include.


You can include Kelsey.


Well, I haven't seen her on yet, but, you know, but really just kelly. I liked when christina was on, too.


Yeah. I like the ogs. They should do an og season.


Who's OG? Blake. Adam.


Christina. Ceelo.


Christina was Og.


Sure. Original voice judges.


I think you're right. That sounds familiar to me.


And I think christina aguilera. Ceelo green, adam levine. Blake shelton. Yeah.


I also just feel like we can't talk about the voice without me just mentioning how, like, being a judge on a show, like, the voice is literally my dream job.




Sitting and telling people they either in a big chair. Sitting in a big chair. Being on camera, like, in millions of homes, telling people either, like, they're not good at singing, or if they are, like, getting to hear beautiful people singing. My favorite popular music. I actually can't think of a more amazing job.


Well, it doesn't even matter if they're beautiful because you don't see them.


No, the voice is beautiful.


Oh, beautiful.


And I don't even have to turn around. There's literally a button. It's like a robotic chair. You literally could not have created a job more perfect for me. Yeah, I would do American Idol. Two x Factor. Like, I loved to watch those, and I would love to be on them. That's, like, seriously my dream.


Okay. But how would you feel about. And I feel like, how would you.


Feel if your father married someone your own age?


Yeah. I feel like, with the voice, you don't get bad singers. You just get some people who aren't, like, amazing. Like, who have a nice voice.




Maybe they should sing on their podcast sometime, but they shouldn't pursue singing. So, like, how would you feel about being a dream crusher?


I think I would prefer that over being on American Idol where they actually have, like, bad singers. Come on. That feels mean spirited to me. And I think I would get a pit if somebody came on and they're, like, such a bad singer, knowing, like, I'm sure embarrassing.


I'm sure if we watch now, like, we'd realize they don't really do bad singers anymore.


Yeah. The voice, to me, seems, like, the most humane.


I guess you could just, like, not turn and, like, you've said what you said.


Yeah. And even when they don't turn, they turn around, and they always say nice things, like, come back and. And then give them helpful tips. You know, I love to criticize and.


Like, be constructive, but I'm like, simon, like, don't come back if you're not. If you don't have what it takes to make it, like, don't waste your time. I'm doing you a favor.


If somebody was really bad, I wouldn't tell them to come back.


Not really bad. See, this is the part that's hard. Good. Really good. Not great. Not good enough.


No. But you know what? The most, like, popular singers in the world aren't the best vocalists in the world. Like, just because, like, pop stardom and singerdom musicians, it's not a meritocracy. Because if it were, like, half the people who are famous would not be famous for sure.


But this is called the voice, not the brand. No, not, like the luck, not the songwriter.


That's so fair.


We're going voice only. This is the voice.


I love what they did there. Also one of my favorite parts of the voice is, like, once or maybe twice a season they have all the four coaches sing together. I, again, won't be watching this one because I, like, literally hate three out of four of the judges, and I love one of them, which sucks. But you know which one I really loved? Reba, Niall Horan, Gwen Stefani, and John legend. They got together and sang, I think, like, a hall of notes song. Like, a really venom. And I had never heard of the song running down the road, trying to loosen my load. I swear, my mind, like, niall carried, and Reba was there helping niall literally open. So good. It's one of my. I saw it on TikTok. I remember I was, like, literally drunk in the back of an uber, just scrolling. Tick tock. I saved it. I couldn't stop watching it. And I kept waiting for them to, like, drop it on streaming platforms. They didn't. It was so good.


Maybe you just, like, hauling oats.


No, I don't, but so random. Did you see oats is on GMA this morning talking about their feud?


No, apparently.


And I'm gonna misrepresent. Hall is suing oats or oats suing hall. I think Oates wanted to sell his 50% of, like, the catalog, and hall was, like, not down. And hall then sued him, claiming he was trying to sell it to, like, a. It's literally wrote in the. In the document, bad faith actor. I don't know what's going on, but the hall and Oates community, like, they're devastated. Michael Strahan was like, will you guys ever work together? The guy was like, fuck, no. He's suing me, like, for real for years. Like, I hate this man.




Yeah. I'm sure it's more layered.


The judges that you just also grouped, like, doesn't sound good to me either.


Oh, my God. It sounds amazing. Reba. Gwen. You love Gwen. Niall. Niall was amazing. And then John legend.


It's hard. I think. I'm a really tough critic. I'm a tough judge of judges.


Yeah. Oh, Ari was good, but she kind of was, like, too big. She, like, sucked all the air out of the room.


Yeah. It's never who you think. Like, that's my favorite judges in her story. Aren't the people who are, like, my favorite singers, even?


Yeah. Alicia Keys was good.


Yeah. I guess. I also don't watch, like, never really have watched, so I'm just like, yeah.


We have a lot to say for two girls who don't watch any, like.


Pregnancy notions based on, like, maybe minute long snippets. I've seen of their personality over the years.


Do me a favor. When you crawl into bed tonight, don't start feeling sad, okay?




Google reba Nile. I will google that performance. It'll give you chills. You guys watch it right now.


I don't doubt that it's a good performance. I'm just saying, like, I don't want to hear all of them.


I'm sorry. The song is by the Eagles. I remember now.


That's funny.


I kind of want to, like, I need to learn that song. Like, it really made me, like, the song got seven minutes on my list.


Of perfectly cast talent shows. Bring back Songland.


She didn't miss a beat. Okay. Bring back Songland.


Where is Songland?


Where is Esther?


Don't. Desta Songland.


Where is Shane? Where is Ryan?


Like, literally perfection.


Like, and so many songs that I love were from Songland. And they had great talent, they had great songwriters, they had great judges, they had great guests. Like, perfection in a show. Another thing Covid took from us. Thanks.


Yeah, I kind of want to rewatch it.


No, it's so good.


It's so good. Of course it's so good. Like, everything I love doesn't get a third season.


Yeah. Just know, like, if you and Jackie have something in common that you, like, love, it's getting canceled, so you should.


Probably just stop watching what happened to the show Songland. It's been close to two years since the last episode of Song Land aired. Fans have been wondering if there will be a third season. Here's latest information.


Those articles never actually tell you anything, Claudia.


There's literally nothing.


No. They start like, what is Songland? Where could you have watched Songland? And then it's like, what happened to Songland? And there's an ad.


Yep. That's exactly what happened to me.


Every time I go to, like. Like, look something up that I actually need to know the answer to. No.


No. Well, I'm sure it's, like, not canceled. Neither here nor there.


I sort of in the.


NBC's waiting to see if there's enough buzz. Let's create the buzz.


Yeah, but Songland, like, getting canceled is exactly, like. It makes perfect sense. Meanwhile, it was too good for this world.




You know?


Yeah. Are you ready for our next story?




A little more Ben and Jen news. Cause divorce rumors are heating up as their $60 million Beverly Hills mansion pops up on a real estate site.


Ooh, that's not good.


In a potential sign of estrangement, which we will evaluate, the potentiality based on the facts. Photos of J. Lo and Bennett.


Where's that from? Based on help. Oh. We don't discriminate based on gender.


Here at Illyria, we don't discriminate based on gender.


Iconic. Like, seriously, ally giving champion of women here at Illyria, we don't discriminate based on gender. I'm so glad we just, like, were able to place that. Yeah.


Photos of J. Lo and Ben Affleck's marital home have reappeared online. According to the Daily Mail, a number of previously unavailable images were uploaded to the zillow profile of the couple's Beverly Hills mansion on June 1 and fifth. Signaling that those still listed as sold it may soon be back on the market, along with the pop star and actor Zachary.


Okay, so just want to say, like, it's not confirmed for sale. No, but, like, it looks like they're preparing it for sale. Like, uploading photos and things. Because celebrities don't like having photos of their homes online unless they absolutely have to.




So let's just say for argument's sake, it's gonna be on. On the market. To me, like, this is a smoking gun. Yeah.


Yeah. I guess, like, they're not Gwyneth. Like, their kid didn't just graduate from high school and they're empty nesters. It's better.


Like, their family's getting bigger, you know, blended.


And also, if they are going through a hard time based on, like, professional stuff, I think they are going through a hard time, but they're working through it, is what I think. It's not the time to move from 160 million dollars mansion to another.


Unless, by the way, afresh. No. Like, you could argue. You could argue, like, this house has bad memories or maybe something happened. Like, maybe, like, someone cheated and they're trying to work through it. And it's like, let's do it in a new house. Because there's too many memories in this house. Even though they've literally been married for five minutes. I think that, you know, earlier in the week or if it was last week, like, arguing that. Yeah, you know, her tour being canceled and these rumors, like, two things can, you know, be not true. And they can, like, we can explain it away. The house being for sale, like, to me, is un ignorable.


Well, it's not for sale yet. And this could just be, like, a weird coincidence, a glitch.


I. What am I feeling?


Like the photos went back up. If it goes for sale, I won't say it's a weird coincidence, but still, like, there is an opportunity for doubt.


Because one of my favorite things about you is, like, you never give up.


No, I don't. I go down with the ship.


You will go down with this ship. And I love that about you. But sometimes you have to know when to jump overboard.


100%. And I'm saying it's not the time.




I'm getting closer to the edge of the deck.




But I'm not jumping ship yet.




Just because some pictures were uploaded.




However, add it to the pile of. Compelling case.


Compelling evidence.


Yeah, compelling evidence in the Mackenzie file.


Yeah. Added to the pile of evidentiary support.


Yeah, I will, unfortunately. So just to keep you abreast, shun the rumors.


And I love talking about celebrity real estate, especially as it pertains to one Jennifer Lopez, because, you know, she used to own the house that Dorit and PK rented. Rented. As of last season. Were they still in that house? Oh, no, they bought their own house. Right, right. That farmhouse that looks like it's on the valley.


Yeah. But, like.


Yeah. Like, if the people on the valley, like, made double what they make. Triple.


Triple, triple. Yeah, yeah.


It's so, like, not Beverly Hills.


I think that's what a lot of houses look like now. And Beverly Hills, like, we see it on sailing. Sunset too.


Yeah, yeah. I mean, Beverly Hills housewives.


Because it's modern. She's younger. Like, it's a modern look.


That's the marital home.


Yeah. It's just, like, so crazy how that is going to be. Like, the way that we look at, like, sunken living rooms and carpeted everything are the way, like, in 30 years, they're gonna look at modern, open concept gray floors. Yeah. Like, wood. Light wood floors. Beams.


Yeah, beams.


It looks nice.


Beam in your house. I feel like your house is, like, beaming.


It is beaming. Like, just a. A beam for looks.




Okay, I'll call the beam guy.


Yeah, yeah. 1800 beam. 1800. Got beam.


I actually think you can just, like, add decorative beams.


Yeah, Joanna does it all the time, I guess.


But it does not feel fraudulent.


No, it's, like, it's definitely ideal and authentic when you have, like, a load bearing wall that needs a beam.




For sure. And then you can, you know, dress it up. And I think that's how beams got popular, is, like, we had to put this beam in. But what if we made the most of the situation and dressed it up a little bit, you know, put a. Put a scarf on it, and then it became so commonplace because there's so many load bearing situations where it was like, now we're doing beams just, you know, for fun.




And I would argue most beams that you see in modern homes, like, aren't beaming anything up.


You know, I feel like Shannon added beams.


I don't know. I can't remember.


Have to ask her about her beam experience.


And you know what beams literally are like if you went to camp, like, we had beams. It was called the rafters. We hung our towels on there.


They're rafters.


We hung from the rafters, and so did our towels. That's how we dried our towels, because we only had laundry, like, once every two weeks.


Everyone would know my beams aren't load bearing, that they're false beams.


And once again, here we are being far too authentic.




For our, like, literally for our own good. We're just trying our own brands for the sake of authenticity.


So now I can't get beams.


Yeah. I guess you'll just have to move to a house that. With real beams. But no, on Chip and Joe, like, she's always putting in beams, sometimes for fun and sometimes not. But when they put in, like, beams that are, like, load bearing, they have to be huge. Chip and shorty are, like, seriously? Always bright red in the face, lifting them up. They're so heavy.


Well, I wouldn't be lifting my own beams.


No, no. And yours would be fake, so they would be hollow.


Are you ready for our next story or number three?




Jake Gyllenhaal says being legally blind has been advantageous to his acting career. So Jake Gyllenhaal says he has a unique advantage. The actor opened up about how being legally blind has helped him in his acting career, saying he prefers to look at the disability as advantageous. He said, I've never known anything else when I can't see in the morning before I put on my glasses. It's a place where I can be with myself. The Oscar nominee relied on that practice during one of his pivotal scenes from the movie southpaw. When police tell his character that, spoiler alert, his wife died, Jake performs the scene without his contacts to listen better, he said. This isn't the first time the Spider man star has discussed his 20 12 50 vision. In an interview with the Telegraph in 2017, he recalled being an easy target for bullies as a kid because of his corrected glasses. I mean, all I can think about.


Is he's in there to seeks his office.


Used to be a little kid with glasses in their twin size bed.


Oh, wait.


And like, he really needed glasses. He's never been able to see.


Yeah, it's just so crazy that, like. Cause when I think of blind, of course I think of, like, you know, Andrea Bocelli, Stevie Walker.


Right. Not like I put on my glasses and I can see.


Right. But that really is what, like, blind, like, is especially legally blind. But it's just really crazy that, like, you can be. Call yourself blind, but, like, you're also, like, when I think of blind, it's like, you never see, no matter what goes on your eyes.




And once again, it's just a reminder, like, seriously, we are so blessed. Like, you nor I, we don't wear glasses. We don't wear contacts, like, and my husband does. And I see the toll it takes.


Yeah. It's crazy to think about, like, waking up in the morning and not being able to see until you do your glasses or your contacts. That's not something you or I struggle.


Like, Olivia, like, she can, like, see, like, stuff, but not. It's blurry.


Yeah. Margo too.


Yeah. Ben, I been. Can see. Just not, like, amazing.


Yeah. It's a really. It's crazy to think about. And so I didn't know his vision was that bad.


Me neither.


And it's always been that bad. That's why he was a little kid with glasses in his twin size bed.


And so I guess what Jake Gyllenhaal here is saying, you know, is that he's an optimist. He sees the glass half full.


The glasses. Yeah, he sees the glasses, and it's helped. I mean. Yeah, I guess when you can't see, your other senses are heightened. Isn't that what they say?


Yeah. I mean, talk about, you know, leaning in.




Making the most.


Mm hmm. I wonder. So he wears contacts, then, I assume.


Remember that sub sack about Jake Gyllenhaal? That was really great. Well, allegedly about Jake Gyllenhaal.




Yeah. What's medium?


Like, another, like, a writing platform. Yeah. Wasn't sub sacrificial.


Oh, okay.


It was like. And he was in that play.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.


And it was totally him that we.


1000%, I think, actually think about that thing a lot that was really well written. First of all, it sounded like a short story, but it, like, was totally not nonfiction.


Mm hmm.


The girl, she was, like, this writer, and she, like, told the story about how she, like, interned at, like, a theater for a summer or whatever, and there was, like, this big a list leading actor, and she, like, was, you know, working for him, and she had some really fucking crazy stories, and they, like, started this, like, affair.




I mean, he was such a prick. And there were a couple of clues that, like, made us think that it was Jake Gyllenhaal. She used the word swiftly quite a.


Lot, but also the time and the year. And, like, he was on a show, and she was talking about some of the costumes, and those costumes are part of that era of the show that he was doing.


Yeah. And I just want to say, like, my heart goes out to Maggie.




I feel, like a lot of her career and, like, her public Persona, like, apologize.


Like, is.


At first it was just like, she's Jake Gyllenhaal's sister. And then when things went south with Jake Gyllenhaal, like, then she was, like, out here picking up the pieces, like, having to explain on watch weapons live. Like, I feel sorry for her, even though she's, like, you know, Nepo sister. Yeah, she's fine.


She's fine.


Yeah. I just think about her a lot.


I think you think about her a lot regardless.


And then I also think about her a lot, you know?


Because of her hair.


Because of her hair. Yeah. It's just, like, it's not a style I would personally ever choose. And she's had it for years.


Like, she's choosing it over and over, regardless. Everyday, Tuesday for her, regardless of what you think.


Yeah. She's waking up every day and choosing violence, you know? Yeah.


It's not like she got one haircut, right.


I mean, we've all been, like, one bad haircut, but it's like, she trims it, like, annually, biannually. Triannually.


Yeah. Are you ready for our next story?




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Our next story is a little biopic news, or as you guys call it, biopic biopic. Guess who's getting one?


Oh, okay, wait, let me think. Have I heard about this yet?


You're not gonna guess.


Okay. Go, pharrell. Okay.


And guess who's playing him. You're not gonna guess. You're literally. It's impossible for you to guess.




Legos. So stupid story.


This is stupid.


No, but, like, listen. Piece by piece tells the story of pharrell williams life via Lego Emanation for a unique biopic experience.




Emanation. Pharrell Williams is bringing his life story to the big screen in a big way, but with tiny pieces. Lego bricks, to be exact. The first trailer for the artist's unique biopic, piece by piece, dropped Thursday morning.


Kelly clarkson's influence.


Yep. Giving fans a look at what to expect from the film, which tells the story of his life and career through the movie magic of Lego animation. Produced by Focus Features and helmed by Oscar winning documentarian Morgan Neville, who also did the documentary 20ft from stardom, this doc shows Pharrell's rise to fame, told with the iconic plastic building blocks, which seemingly symbolize the boundless imagination of the celebrated performer. Other featured artists who will be lending their voices to the story and will have Legos of themselves as well are Gwen Stefani, Kendrick Lamar, Timbaland, Justin Timberlake.


In relation to Pharrell's story, they're getting their own story. Okay.


Oh, no, no. Not getting there.




In relation to him. Gwen Stefani, Kendrick Lamar, Timbaland, Justin Timberlake, Jay Z, Snoop Dogg, and busta rhymes.


I want to say something. I feel this is really stupid, and let me tell you why. Because I actually would love a documentary on Pharrell. I feel like Pharrell is at this crazy level of success and. And, like, accomplishments, and I'm not really sure how he got there. I feel like. And I feel like he's recently been doing a lot of, like, kids stuff. Like, didn't he do some work on the grinch?




And now Legos. Like, I feel like he's really, he's in all avenues. And I would love, like, a actually, like, helpful, real person documentary and him telling his story with legos, like, get the bag. I'm sure Legos is paying up the ass. Literally. Love that for you in every, every sense of the word. You would do it too far. Check. However, as the celebrity documentary sort of.


Police, it's not a documentary. It's a biopic.


Even worse. Like, seriously, I don't get it all set to say, like, somebody Netflix needs to get on a pharrell documentary. I feel like people are gonna make. He already has one, let me say. Yeah, I'm talking big game, and it's like, maybe I didn't even watch it.


Yeah. No, I agree with you. I probably won't watch the Lego movie of pharrell.


No. By the way, he doesn't have a document.


I think my husband will. I think this is, like, for my husband. He loves pharrell, and, like, he likes innovative animation like this. He likes that, like, football game. That wasn't legos. That was toy story. But still, I'm sure there was a lego one, too.


I hate this. And maybe I'm just feeling, like, negative because I've been, like, telling every story that it's crap. Like, every story you've been saying, I'm like, this sucks.


Okay, well, you'll like the next one. I know that for sure.


Oh, that's good.


I know it for sure that you're gonna like the next one.


So I just think, like, pharrell's story deserves to be told with a little more deference than legos, but, like, he probably chose this.


So are you saying you know pharrell better than he knows himself? Is that what you're saying?


No, I think I don't know pharrell really at all. And that's why I could use a real documentary.


Understood. Well, our next story is about one of our favorite people, and he's joining his ex wife's podcast. And in case you forgot, peter Faccinelli was married to Jenny Garth for twelve years.


I did forget that.


He went on her podcast and talked about their marriage in the episode is called part one. So, like, this is a multi part podcast. And he says his marriage to Jenny Garth felt arranged in their first joint.


Arranged or arranged?


Arranged in their first joint discussion twelve years after their divorce.


I had no idea, like, no idea that he had, you know, to me, like, he just sort of was born Carlisle. And then after that, like, I don't know. I just. It's hard for me to imagine that he had anything going on in his life before Carlisle. Do you know what I mean? But I guess it's like how he got the role.


When you hear this story, it kind of tracks with it yourself. So X's Jenny Garth and Peter Foxinelli are opening up like never before in the late.


How is it really pronounced?




No, like Facinelli. Peter Facinelli. Fat. Like, we say things weird to know. Fatinelli, Peter Facinelli.




I don't know.


In the latest episode of Jenny's podcast, I choose me with Jenny Garth. The former spouses sit down together for the first time publicly since their 2012 split to discuss the pitfalls in their twelve year marriage.


It's like really crazy to have your ex husband on your podcast. I love that.


Right? Facinelli's decision to divorce and how they've handled co parenting in the years since.


They discussed his decision to divorce and they have a kid. Okay, the plot that goes.


So he said, we came together very fast, very furious and very quick. And I remember thinking, well, let's move in together and see how it goes. And it just went. Five years went by and I thought, well, we should get married. Then we got married and had another kid. It was almost like an arranged marriage in a way. And things seemed, well, we had disagreements here and there, but I think we were really young. He noted that she already had an established career by the time he met her in his, his early twenties. He said that they were at very different places in their lives. He said, I didn't have a sense of who I was, and so I was just trying to be all these things for other people. When that fell apart, it took me time to try to get in touch with me. He repeated the sentiment that it felt like they had an arranged marriage. He said, I loved you and we had this beautiful family from the outside, but I hadn't developed who I was, so how could you love me? I didn't know me. He also confirmed to Jenny that he didn't feel like he had the space to figure out who he was within their marriage.


He said, considering all of that, we really did last a long time. I think because of the children. She said that. She said, I think if we didn't have children, I wouldn't have stayed. Sorry. He said that.


Oh, my God. Are you okay?


Because of the freedom to go, okay, I need to figure out who I am. He felt.


And how old were they in 2012?


He was in his early twenties.


Okay. Yeah.


By the time they divorced, he was probably like 30.


This is, like, literally why, you know, people say, like, you shouldn't get married young. And this is like when people used to, like, when I was getting married, people were, like, always commenting on how young I was and I thought it was so annoying. And now I, like, I fully understand, like, no, I shouldn't have gotten married that young. And thank God things worked out the way that they did. But it's true, like, you change so much in your early twenties, even like, your late twenties, and you could, like, either change into a person that you, your partner hates. Your partner could change into someone that you hates, you hate. Or if. Especially at, like, a high level, like, fame, if someone's, like, having so much success and, like, feeling so sure of who they are and, like, feels like they're coming into their own. And Peter Foch is kind of like, this miserable loser. Like, that can make it difficult, too. They must be in, like, a. This is such a healthy conversation. And they must be, like, so far out of it.


He and their kids are probably, like, in their twenties grown and, you know, this isn't going to traumatize them.


Yeah. And he is married. I know. With a baby. And she must be like, you have to be really healed to not only have this conversation, but to have it publicly. Yeah, I like that.


But I don't know if saying that you shouldn't get married young, like, it should be a blanket statement for everyone.


No, it shouldn't.


Oh, okay. I thought you said.




Just said, like, don't get married young.


No, but when people used to say that to me, I'd be like, what the fuck do you know? But honestly, like, that wasn't terrible advice.




Yeah, it is. Like, and I feel like, who talks about that? That JC Marie Smith. She talks about that a lot, too. Like, she was always told, like, you're getting married so young. And she was like, honestly, like, yikes. Like, we're so. We've been through so much and you can see how. Why people say that.


Yeah, but, like, it worked out for you guys.




And so it's okay. But you're saying you could see how it wouldn't.


Yeah. And how you're honestly more likely to grow apart.


Yeah, but I think, like, if you think about you and Ben have grown to get, like, you've grown and he's grown, it's just a coincidence that you both like, who you still are. Like, I think he's influenced the way that you've grown and you've influenced the way that he's grown. So you guys are like a vine that's very intertwined and that's how it should be. But I think sometimes people lives. That can happen at any age, though.


True. Also. Very true. Trails, as the kids say.


So, you know, not just one thing for everyone.


That kind of brings the episode completely full circle, because that is what we were talking about at the beginning.


Yeah. Different strokes for different folks.


And just like, you know, and that's on respecting boundaries.


That is on respecting boundaries. However, if everybody has their boundaries up, then we'll never speak to each other. So sometimes you've got to let the walls down.


Kind of the message of green eggs and ham. Oh, I read a couple of children's books yesterday I wanted to remark on.




The little engine that could crap.


Overrated. Overrated.


Not fun to read. Doesn't rhyme. Like, I like the message, of course, but they take a really long time together. It's kind of like a memoir. Like, it's so long.


And by the time we get to. I think I can. I think I can. Like, is your kid still awake, even? Do they even get to the punchline?


But I did enjoy, like, figuring out that, like, this thing we all. We all say, like, I think I can. It's kind of become, like, a very commonplace thing. I didn't realize it came from that book. So I like that. I like learning that. I also read Kelly Brienne's novel, River.


Rose and the Magical Lullaby by Kelly Clarkson.


Now, that's a fun read. I also like that there's a matching song. I didn't know the melody, so of course, I had to improvise, which I was completely comfortable doing. But I realized some parents and aunties aren't as talented as I am, and that must be challenging for them. I do wish, I thought, because on the COVID there's a little circle that says there's a music that comes along with it. And I thought if I pushed it, it would play.




For the next printing. I think Kelly should work on getting that type of book made.


Yeah, yeah. But maybe she has to go to a different manufacturer, and it's just like, scan the QR code and play the song and deal with it.


There wasn't a QR code. They gave a really long website, which I thought was a miss mistake.


It was probably before QR codes.


QR codes. But I liked the book. I thought I loved it. It was giving baby's day out. Like, yeah, she has this adventure, but then she comes home, because home is the best place. I love the message.


I mean, she's still gets to go to the zoo. We can still do fun things.


What are we teaching the kids? Like, home is always there for you. Home is the best. I love that. Cause as a homebody, a love of.


Animals, of course, river Rose and her dog, Joplin.


Joplin. Loved the name Joplin. The musical influences were just boundless. Kelly Brienne gets the turdy stamp of approval. And I also read this. It was kind of like a pamphlet from Wonder Woman. I didn't really like it, but I love thin book.


I don't know what those books are called. But we have a couple of them. This one was the Wonder Woman one.


It was pretty crappy. Although I did love that you're teaching your boys strong, positive female influences, like, hello, auntie mom. Like, how could they not walk away from this life with an appreciation?


Kind of looks like cojers.


She doesn't not look like cojers, for sure. And then the other one I read was about a rocket. Cute.


Let's go on a rocket. So those are my favorite books, and we have all of them, and I just. Oh, no, I'm still waiting for let's go on a bicycle. But we're about to complete the collection, and I have to shout out, they're actually british. And if you read all of them, like, you'll realize, like, oh, they're drinking tea in the afternoon, and they, like, have some words that are a little different from ours.


Let me guess where you got it. The Buckingham palace gift shop.


Yes. Because when I was shopping around the platinum jubilee, there was a book called let's go on a carriage, and it was in celebration of the platinum jubilee. So we bought that book. It's a board book. It rhymes. It's, like, eight or ten pages. And that was, like, a year and a half ago, and it was a really good book. And at the back of the book, they show you the other ones in the series. Let's go on a tractor. Let's go on a train. And so I, like, ordered one or two more, and then we, like, those were always just such a hit. And then when you go to the back of the book, you see all the ones that they have. And then, like, Harry would point to one, and we didn't have that one. So then I would go and find that one. But they're kind of hard to track down. I've gotten most of them. One of them I had to buy, like, used on Amazon. Like, you'll see it.


Oh, damn. Oh. Although I will say about Kelly Brienne's novella, I do feel like there was, like, a piece of the puzzle missing. Because one whole page was ripped out.


Yes. One page is ripped out.


And, you know, in children's book, one page is, like, four because I didn't like. So let's say page five got ripped. That means, like, the second half of page four and the first half of page six.


Yeah. I thought the book actually felt shorter than it usually does.


Cause there's a big old page missing.




Which is really, like, four.


There is a page missing. I was wondering what happened, because last time I read the book. I was like, I feel like the page was ripped. And then yesterday, magically, there was no rip because the page was gone. Yep. Good times. You have to read Jamie Lee Curtis's book next. Where do go.


Where do they go to kill turtles in the ocean?


No, no, it's not like that.


Oh, good. She doesn't.


It's not environment like a radical. No, it's more like it's giving afterlife.




Let me know what you think.


I wish I had.


I wish I hadn't inserted that on you because I would love to know, like, what you thought the message was.


Okay, I'll look at a tabular ass, I promise.


Yeah, I'll pick out some good ones for you.


Any celebrity books that you have? I would love to sort of do a ranking of celebrity children's books. Do you have any Jimmy Fallon's? They're really popular.


No, I don't. But Lauren Elizabeth, when she was on the podcast, like, bashed them to filth, she said they're horrible.


Okay. I trust her.


Like Mama Dada or whatever the fuck.


Yeah. Yeah.


She said, so bad.




I trust her, too.


A hundred percent.




Okay, well, on to the next.


On to the next.


Um, thank you guys so much for listening to the toast, the Monday morning show where we deliver the fast five stories you need to know every Monday through Friday on YouTube. So if you're watching this on YouTube, please feel free to subscribe and give this video a thumbs up. We're also available as podcast anywhere. Podcast me fans. That's Spotify, iTunes, sister, public video. I already cast box all the places where you listen to podcast. Find us the totally faster review about how beautiful, about how stunning Matt, how wickedly talented we are. Hope you guys have an amazing day. Truly, truly.


Why not go listen to the redheads?


Yeah. We'll see you tomorrow.


And we'll see you tomorrow for Friday, you guys. We did it. Love you. Bye.