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Good morning, millennials.


Welcome back to the Chos, and happy Monday. You know, like there's no getting around it. It is what it is. Let's face the facts. Yeah.


Turtle squirtle. Look at it this way. Every Monday is one step closer to us being together for our summer of love. Summer Loving, had me a blast.


So true, actually. Yeah, I guess we have to get through today. And Also, it's June, which means it's the month that we're doing our first set of live shows. Not me being nervous. It's coming up. So our first shows are June 27th and 20th at the Beacon Theater. They're sold out, so don't even try.


But people are so excited. So many people are like, Are you so excited for the show. It's like, I'm coming to show, or my friend is coming to show. Everyone's talking about the shows. I'm like, Yeah, I'm excited, but I can't be just excited. We also have to perform.


We have work to do.


We've got work to do. So it is a lot of fun in games, but not all fun All Fun and Games for your girls. All fun in games for you guys who are just there to have a good ass time.


Yeah, I ran into probably 45 tosters this weekend, and every single person was like, We're coming, we're coming, we're coming. So it's the talk of the ton, if you will. And we have We have to do the work, so we can't just enjoy it.


Speaking of the ton, yesterday, I was talking to someone and she goes, You look like that girl from Bridgerton. Daphne? I'm like, Which one? It's important. Yeah. And she couldn't get the name. And I'm like, I need to know which one before I leave. I didn't have my phone on me. I couldn't start googling. She had only seen one season. She couldn't put her finger on- She was obviously talking about Daphne. All's to say, we got to the bottom of it. She was talking about Daphne.


So generous, so sweet. It's so nice when people just... And I always say, celebrity doppelganger is a dangerous game. It could really someone's feelings.


I was in dangerous waters there because I had no way- There's a lot of people on that show. There's a lot of people. They all look different. And I've never gotten... I look like anyone from Bridgerton, so I didn't know who she was going to say.


You get Madalaine Petsch, correct? Is that the one? Yeah.


Let me just say, she was an older lady. I was shocked. She watches Bridgerton. She certainly hasn't watched Riverdale. Yeah, I mostly get Madalaine Petsch. I also get Jessica Chastain. And now I get Phoebe Deneuve. I love that for me.


By the way, I do not see it.


Oh my God. Thank you.


Speaking of Bridgerton, I really watched so much TV this weekend. The girl who's sitting in front of you, I'm so educated. I know so much. And the thing is, I'm feeling very suspicious of my institutions. I'm having very little to no faith in the banks, the government. I don't know. I watched the Bay Short. I have a lot of thoughts thinking of pulling all my money out of the bank and putting it under my mattress. Yeah. Then I watched Chernob's. Thankfully, I don't live in the US, or that region. I can't apply that to my situation. But a government is a government. I could totally see America doing similar shady shit. I don't know. I'm feeling very suspicious of my surroundings today.


Yeah. Did you like those pieces of content that I've been begging you to watch for years?


I also, shut up, watched- Wait, no, I'm asking you. Yeah, wait. I'm going to go through all them. I started with Pearl Harbor, which I told you I had wanted to watch. Have you seen it? I have.


And it's drama.


Yeah, so it's not- It's like a soap opera. It's not true. It's historical fiction. Like, yes, Pearl Harbor happened, but these people didn't exist, nor did this love triangle. It's very swirly.


It's not very serious.


It was extremely good. The Love Triangle, I was obsessed with. I also don't remember a time. I probably wasn't socially conscious to remember a time where Ben Affleck was that hot. Oh, my God.


Yeah, that's why we still talk about him today. That's why he's such a big deal.


No, it makes sense. Oh, my God. Seriously, I don't know if I've ever seen someone so hot in my life. He's hotter than Harry Style's back then. Seriously, I don't... He's just so all-American-looking, very chiseled jaw. He had this lighter hair. Oh my God. I was like, really? I've never once thought much about Ben Affleck from a handsome perspective. To me, he's just always been this guy with his coffee. Yeah. No, I totally get it. Kate Beckinsale. Oh, my God.


So gorgeous. That we've been knew.


But I did feel... I found myself googling a lot. They didn't do a good job of explaining complaining, because I still don't understand how Japan was involved in World War II. It was like, seriously, they were begging for attention. That's what it seems like to me. Everyone's fighting. You're so desperate for attention. It's getting pathetic. And so you just had to go kill 3,000 Americans because you wanted some attention. And the way they did it was hella duplicitous. Not you pretending you're in peace negotiations while you're planning this mass. That's a violation of international law. So I don't know. I left it feeling like, Oh, okay. I know I'm a little late, but still mad at Japan.


I And then having watched Oppenheimer recently.


Having watched.


And then also having watched- That should go hand in hand.


In turnover, they kept comparing it to Hiroshima, which is, I think, up until that point, was the worst radiation the world had ever seen. And then, turnover was like, Hold my BRB. So all the things I watched were interconnected.


I did really like Pearl Harbor. As we are as human beings throughout history.


I learned nothing other than the fact that Ben Affleck used to be extremely handsome. And Josh Hartnett, too. I'm not a Josh Hartnett girly, but I see it. Then I watched the big short the next night.


You learned nothing from Pearl Harbor? Nothing.


Okay, because it just sounded like- If anything, I was left with more questions.


It just sounded like you learned nothing in general. I'm like, That doesn't sound right.


Okay. No, I learned nothing from Pearl Harbor. I need to watch another movie about Japan or read a book. I'm still not understanding. How did we get here?


Seriously, who are you?


Who are you in all of this? Then I watched the big short, which I had started once on an airplane, and I remember thinking it wasn't good, but I was on an airplane.


You were obviously in a bad mood. Not happy to be here.


I was alive in the eighth grade in 2008. I remember things were different, but I don't, obviously, I wasn't a person with a bank account, so I didn't really know the true effects of the situation. Let me tell you that shit was fucked up. Again, I don't know. I'm feeling very wary of my financial institutions. I thought the movie was great. I thought they really did a good job of explaining something that was super complicated. Obviously, I don't understand a CDO, credit debt.


But then they have Selena Gomez at the card table explaining it in layman's terms.


Margot Robbie in a Bath tub. Loved. I didn't fully understand everything, but I got the gist. I thought everyone did such a great job in the movie, obsessed with Steve Carel. I know I'm so late. I'm literally recapping Oscar-winning movies from 15 years ago. Loved it. Seriously loved it. I guess me and Ben were having this ethical question that it poses at the end. There were five or six people who benefited greatly financially from the downfall of the housing market, which literally ruined millions of lives. But first of all, even if they had told the world, no one would have believed them.


No one would have believed them. No one was believing them.


Two, them benefiting greatly, did it hurt people more? I guess because the banks then had to pay out these people. I don't think it hurt people more. Instead of paying out someone's pension.


I don't think so.


And then the thing that really pissed me off as a taxpayer, which I have this enraging moment once a year, but seeing it played out for me, in Hollywood, it really bothered me. So not only did this housing crisis literally destroy people's lives, the regular American, those regular Americans were then the people who saved these moronic banks who were like, literally, it's your job to figure out that something like this is going to happen. So not only did you not figure it out, you were a part of it.


And to make sure that doesn't happen, but also they were being nefarious actors, selling things as triple-rated.


And then the triple-rating agencies, the rating agencies. Right. No, I seriously am mad. I'm feeling like maybe I'm not going to pay my taxes this year. Everyone could eat my ass.


Turtle squirtle?


No, I'm kidding, you guys. That's obviously a joke, IRS. I overpay. I just got my... I'm so afraid of going to jail. But I don't know, it's really not cool. It definitely makes me think about moving to the Caymans. That's for sure. Yeah, super frustrating. I don't think they would pull that shit in the Caymans.


I don't know. I couldn't say. The only thing I know about Caymans banking is from the other woman.


That was the Bahamas, but okay.


Tax-free banking.


Yeah. Then I watched Chernoble last night because I put something on my Instagram. Like, Guys, what should I watch? I'm into this whole vibe of watching things based on true stories. Did Bruno enter the room?


Bruno's here. I didn't realize I left the door pushable.


Bruno, you want to come to work? Jackie, it was subconscious. You always leaving space for Bruno.


No, it was subconscious. Bruno He heard us talking about financial decline. He said, Hey, you got any tips? He wanted to tell a story.


He has a story to tell. Actually, a bunch of people had recommended Chernoble, you included, like a million years ago. But then Snuki wrote Chernoble. I was like, Oh, wow.


Sometimes it's the same message, but a different messenger.


Thousand %. And after the first episode, I definitely didn't want to keep watching it because it's so grim. And it's not fabulous in any way. Everything is just gray. The buildings, the clothes, people's skin, so gray and morose. Me and Ben were Oh, my God, this is so depressing. But we had already put in an hour, and everybody's like, It's so good, it's so good, it's so good. No, it was good. And again, something I really did not know about and learned a lot, of course. But my God, that shit was upsetting. Seriously. And then I went on to... At the end, the best part of it was the end, where the black screen and the white text, where you learn what really went down.


Yeah, when they cut to the chase.


When they cut to the chase. And basically, the USSR, you covered the whole thing up, and they basically, to this day, say that only 31 people died from turnover, which Which is obviously not correct. And then I went on Wikipedia, and literally, Wikipedia still says 30 people died. Is that crazy? Excuse?


Yeah. Maybe 30 people died at the site.


I don't know. I just feel like that's misleading. Extremely. And it's at the top where they just sum everything up for you. Yeah. So yeah. I just feel like there's still a turnover cover up going on.


And don't you find one of the common threads It's through most of the things that you watch, not Pearl Harbor, really. But a common thread in a lot of these things is that the people who see these things early on, who see the truth, are called the crazy ones. Same with Titanic, the people who thought it was going to sink and got on the ships.


Well, that's true. It's also, especially with the big shorks that happened in our lifetime here in our country. It's really hard not to become really crazy and paranoid. Seriously, because then at the end, they were like, Okay, so the government barred these CDOs O's, which were these really fraudulent loans that were designed to destroy the economy. And so obviously, they weren't allowed to be made anymore. But then a couple of years later, they changed the name and just made a different... And they're still being given to people today. So it's really hard not to become super suspicious and become Brad Pitt in that movie. Brad Pitt became super rich in finance, saw the underbelly, and left, and started growing his own seeds in Colorado and not fucking with these institutions anymore. So It's really hard because I feel like once you start, like, yeah, no, seriously, I'm going to have to live in cash. I'm going to have to live off the grid if I really look into things. I don't know. It left me feeling hella suspicious.


I think it's good to have a degree of suspicion in your life. Don't just be trusting of things that you cannot see in people that you do not know.


A healthy amount of doubt, I think, is healthy.


Yeah, but of course, it can't overtake your life. You've got to live, Lauterde.


I can't live. I can't. Can I tell you why? Sure. A couple of minutes before my alarm I went off this morning. I flipped. I always flip. I'm flipping one time. Classic. Boom. Pulled my neck out in my sleep. Oh, man, I woke up with a horrible pain. I literally, thank God, I have to look right because I can't look left.


I have been having back and neck trouble, too. I feel like my back and neck are constantly on the verge of going. And it has to do with the way I'm sleeping, the position that I'm sleeping. And I don't know what I'm doing. I keep trying to be mindful. I switched down to one pillow so that I'm not at a weird angle. But is this just... You know what I was thinking yesterday? Is this just mean getting old? Where You have creaks, and things are out, and things hurt, and you wake up, and as you sit up, it just all comes to pass.


Yes, when you're 50, we're not.


But maybe it's even worse at 50, and this is just the slow decline.


My knees have been hurting me, too.


That's a runner's knee.


I know.


That's a sign of a runner.


It makes me feel cool and special to talk about it and complain out loud. Me in bed, we're walking. I was like, Oh, my knees for my run this morning. I need people to know. No.


At least you use your platform to let them know.


Yeah, let them know.


Let them know, sister.


How was your weekend?


My weekend was so wonderful. We were really outside all weekend. I've got the sunburn to prove it. To prove it. I I forgot to put sunscreen on my back. I don't know how I forgot that, but I feel like when you have kids, it's like you're so worried about them wearing sunscreen. It didn't even occur to me. Thankfully, sunscreen is in my skincare routine, so my face was okay, but the back got a little red. What can you do? It's a sign of a good weekend.


I know it sounds like I spent a lot my whole weekend inside based on what I watched, but that was just at night, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. I was outside as well. I went golfing on Saturday.


Oh, good, good. And then at night, I read for the Redheads, Lady Tan circle of Women. You guys, this book is amazing. Oh, my God. It's a real quality book, transports you to a time and place. We're learning things. I just keep highlighting things that I find so interesting. We're recording tomorrow. I think I'm 65% of the way through. I'm like, Should I finish this this afternoon or save it for the evening? I'm really enjoying So never too late to become a redhead. Also, my friends were at Colgate Reunion this weekend. It was our 10-year college reunion, can you believe?


So I didn't want to bring it up because obviously, I follow all your friends on social media, and I saw the weekend, I didn't want to rub it in. Why weren't you there?


I heavily considered whether or not to go and how to go and if I would bring my family. And if I weren't going to bring my family, is that how I want to spend a weekend off? No. Yeah. No. And then I got a recap I dropped this morning. And even though I was watching and I had FOMO and it looked really fun, I felt good about my decision. For a second, I was like, Maybe, fuck, should I have gone? And then after the recap, I was like, No, I think I did the right thing, but it looked really great. And 10 years, that's a lot of years.


No, it's so depressing when those milestones come up. I think a year ago, I actually couldn't go because I was working, but it was my 10-year high school reunion. Not cool.


I guess that would mean my 15-year high school reunion is next year.




I haven't. Maybe you should fly in for it. I would. I haven't gotten any comms. And I think maybe my 10-year was during COVID because I don't think that happened, because I would go to that. That's just an evening.


Jackie, I actually remember it was during COVID, and it was on Zoom.


Oh, right. And I didn't join. And I actually think people were bummed. I remember getting some comms being like, Oh, we thought you were going to come. Someone was so-and-so's wife is a big toaster.


Right. Coms. Okay.


It's giving comms.


Wait, do I look different?


Yes. Why? Because you're wearing your aura ring.


Okay. Add us a list of things like taxes. I'm obsessed. Let me tell you, visually, I don't think it's the most gorgeous thing. I don't know how they fit all this tech into this ring, but I do wish it was smaller. But it's still really amazing. Yeah. Of course. Love learning so much about myself. Love all the data. It does definitely get you to do more because you want to hit your activity goals. I'm like, All right, let me just walk to the grocery store instead of taking a cab. I like it. I I'm still figuring out, esthetically, how to style my jewelry because it's definitely not an eyesore, but it's not the most gorgeous thing on the planet.


No, I think the way to wear it is to have a lot of rings, and it's just one of many gold rings on your finger. But I'm not one of those people, so I need to go and get some rings to hide it. Accessorize. Yeah, but then all of a sudden, I'm wearing a million rings, and I'm supposed to be more active? I don't think so.


No, totally. I'm so paranoid of doing something and it not getting logged in my aura.


Well, I just want to say, I feel like the aura ring doesn't make mistakes.


That's what I-So far, so good.


But on Saturday, I went for a run/walk outside, and it was not picked up. Meanwhile, I tried on some clothes for 15 minutes, and they were like, workout detected.


Jackie, I blew out my hair standing up, and they said it was a workout.


That is so funny. I got ready for the day. Which I love. I got ready for the day yesterday, and they were like, workout? I was like, no, just me squeezing into a bathing soup of things.


Honestly, workout.


But I actually worked out on Saturday, and it didn't log it, and I didn't hit my activity goal that day. And like... That's frustrating. Does orange make mistakes? It's something I just want to know if it's possible. You know what it could have been? And I've heard this. If you are wearing a Apple Watch or an Orna ring and you're pushing a stroller, which I was, and your hand is on the stroller.


Oh, yeah, for sure.


But it should have picked up my heart rate. Maybe they just thought you were really nervous. And that's why so many people push their strollers with one hand because the other hand is doing the tracking. But I'm sorry, I need two hands on this double stroller.


Yeah, It's a heavy thing. Once again, motherhood is a sacrifice for your data.


I think that's okay. So now I know I should put it on my toe?


They should make an aura toe ring.


Just like an anklet. We need to figure out the stroller thing because also, when my phone is in my stroller and I go for a walk, the phone doesn't pick up steps either, even before I was elevated and had an Aura ring. But now, neither of you guys do. That's where we take our walks. So you know what? I know in my heart, I hit my activity goal on Saturday. I was feeling a little I'm down. A little less than because I hadn't.


No, for sure.


But yeah, it was a long run and walk, both my heart rate. But why didn't it get my heart rate up?


This is a question for Aura herself.


The Oracle. Speak to us. Actually, I feel like now some mamas will give me some tips. If you have an Aura ring and the stroller, what are we doing?


What are we doing? No, I really love it. I want to say thank you so much. I really love it. I'm excited about it. I wake up every morning, what is my sleep I wake up, yeah, me too.


What is my readiness for the day to take on the day?




Well, I'm so glad that Silly but Shirley, you come around to my suggestions. That's the theme. Thus far. Thus far today.




It's a joy whenever you do. Yeah.


No, it definitely is annoying, for sure. I know that. I think we're all just working on our own timelines.


Yeah, you got to run your own race.


Exactly. And that's exactly I'm doing what I'm doing.


Yeah, you are actually running. But no, I'm glad. Also, do you know that you could sync Auras so that we could be Auraing together on the app? Competitive? I don't like competition, though.


I don't like that either. Like I said, I'm running my own race.


But I could get to see, Oh, what's turdy gotten up to today? How's turdy feeling? What's turdy's readiness? Is turdy relaxing? Maybe I shouldn't call her. Maybe I should.


I feel like data is so private. I'm going to keep my data private.


You don't want to just share it with your swirly.


I don't know. Okay.


Okay, Terny, I'll try not to take it personally.


How are the stories today? I mean, it's Monday, so they're usually pretty good.


Yeah, they're good. That's good. They are good. I was just organizing them, doing some org. Org? Org in comms this morning.


Anything else we need to chit-chat about? Promote, divest?


Sanction? Divulge.


Divulge. I use the wrong word.


No, I don't think so. I feel caught up. And if If anything arises, we could always slip it in. We make the rules.


We do.


We don't run things, things don't run, we. We run things, things don't run, we. That's the truth, ain't it?


It ain't. No, it is.


Okay, with that kerfuffle, it's time for the Fast Five stories that you need to know.


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So Caraway, it's non-toxic cookware. And it's made modern.


Thank you, La.


You're welcome.


Our first story is the developing news of the big story of the season, and also one of Turdie's new favorite handsome people. Jennifer Lopez. Now I care. Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck were spotted together attending his son's basketball game. The PDA is being analyzed. There was a kiss on the cheek. They're saying they're avoiding locking lips. However, what I'm seeing is a couple together in public being cute. I think his mom was there, too. They were going to the 12-year-old son's basketball game. And this bodes well, wouldn't you say, La?


Well, this is coming off the heels. And of course, it happened the second we wrapped Friday's episode, JLo announced. We've been talking a lot about her tour, poor ticket sales, perhaps Vegas. It's been a lot of question marks around this tour, and perhaps her taking on something, betting off more than she could chew. The tour has now been canceled. They released a Friday afternoon announcement. It's a strategy. People were talking about it. Now, I did look into some of the numbers from her sale, like how many tickets she actually sold. It wasn't abysmal. It wasn't obviously a banger sell-out, but it was decently full. I would say most of the venues were 70%, and you sell a lot of tickets the week of. I didn't really think it was- And they're big venues, so 70%, that's still a lot of seats. I know. I don't know how all these things are interconnected. The rumors about Ben Affleck and her. Whose basketball game was this, soccer?


His son, Samuel.


So if you're a relatively new stepmom, and I don't know the stepmom playbook here, and you're having trouble with the boy's father, you're separated. Are you going to the boys game?


I don't think so. Also, Jennifer Garner was in attendance, too. I don't think it was necessary that J-Logo. I also don't think that they would use the kids' sporting event as a PR moment, as a key PR moment.


I know. It's wrong.


I think it's good. Maybe they're having issues. Also, it's like when it rains a tourism, when Things aren't good professionally. That can put pressure on your relationship, seep into stuff. You don't know if you're heading to Vegas to live there for a while, or if you're going out on a multi-city tour. I think two things can be true, and we can hold space for both.


I am feeling bad for JLo. They're making it seem like her career is taking, her marriage is taking. And that actually might be true, but it also might not be true.


I think even if it is true, she's a fighter. She's not going out and down like this. Down quietly. Not at all. I'm rooting for her.


Her statement regarding the tour cancelation was very vague.




It didn't cite a particular reason, which I think would lead people to believe that it was due to poor sales, but the sales weren't poor.


I I don't think it gives credence to that Vegas thing. You know what? Let's focus on Vegas, especially if the Vegas bigwigs are now getting a little nervous. Nervous. Then let's get all 70% of those ticket sales and get them to Vegas.


Now, speaking of Ben Affleck, an interesting part when I was watching Pearl Harbor is that you know who's in the movie? Not a major role, but not a small one.


When is?


Jennifer Garner. That is where they met, but she was married at the time. They didn't start dating until three years later.




Yeah. I was shocked to see her in the movie. She looked so different. There are so many people in the movie. It's such an old movie, but so many people in it are still famous, which is so crazy.


I think because it was so successful.


Yeah. Who's that girl? What's her name? She's friends with Taylor Swift, and she's in Heart of Dixie. What is her name? Jamie King. What's her name? King. Thank you. She's a star in it, too.


Oh, cute.


Yeah, I think that was her big moment. It's really crazy, the cultural impact of that movie, given how much time has passed. Ben Affleck was also spotted over the weekend picking his kid up from school, and he was holding a hoodie, and the hoodie was wrapped around his left hand, so you couldn't see if he was wearing his ring or not.


But if he wanted people to think he's wearing his ring, he would just wear it. I don't think Ben Affleck is sly like that.


I also think Ben Affleck is just paparazzi a lot, especially these days. I think he always has been, but it's obviously been another level this last, let's say, couple of years, but specifically this year. Maybe he was literally in this one shot, just holding the hoodie in that hand.


Because he is wearing his ring in these pictures.


And there hasn't been any actual documentation, no legal separation. This is all just rumors.


This is rumors, but they really did reach a fever pitch, and it did sound like- Confirmed. Confirmed.


And then the tour. I don't know where that plays into this.


I don't think it does. I just think it's like when it rains, it pours, and that's just life.


So you think there's a world in which all this could just be explained away? Like the rumors were a lie, and the tour is about Vegas?


No. I'm saying I don't think her marriage is suffering because her tour suffered. I think she just... Just like sometimes when everything's coming up you. In the other way, and I feel like that's just what happened between them, what goes up must come down, and she's just experiencing it down. But I don't think the tour being canceled has to do with her relationship. I don't think her relationship It has to do with the tour sales being bad. I think they're two separate things. Because the way that it looked to a lot of people- But for one JLo, it's a hard time for one girl.


And that's what it looked like to people. Her marriage is falling apart, she's heartbroken, she can't go on tour.


I don't think so. Okay. I think she's fighting a war on two fronts.


Yeah. I would love to know what's actually going on. Genuine, this being speculatory is one of my favorite hobbies. Now, the curiosity has gotten to me. I need to know what's What's going on?


Yeah, me too. I also just want to know where these things came from. Maybe they're having a hard time as a couple, not in the realm of getting divorced or anything, but she's having a hard time professionally, so maybe she's not the happiest she's ever been. That's a strain on their relationship, but he's there for her. Maybe they have a friend who just went and told an outlet that they're having a hard time, and it's like, That's private.


Yeah. I don't know. It's definitely a lot of evidence, if you will. What evidence?


In their matrimony?


I don't know. Him covering his hand, but that can be explained away. Then people were saying the paparazzi pictures of them at the soccer game, they embraced as comrade. I keep saying comrade because it's every other word in trouble.


It was a very affectionless...


It was a kiss on the cheek.


I don't need a kiss at the baseball game.


There are children around.


Yeah. Hey, How are you doing?




How are you doing? Yeah. So that's the latest and greatest with them.


I wouldn't say the greatest, but I would say the latest.


Are you ready for our next story, which is about the greatest?




The Greatest, Miley Cyrus, is on the cover of W magazine, The Pop Issue, giving an interview about her recent success, the Grammys, what's going on with Miley.


Everything's coming up, Miley, and now we've said it.


And now we've said it. So as much as Miley is happy and thankful for her Grammie, she's still a little...




Mift. She's asking, Why did the Grammie's wait 20 years to take me seriously? So in a new interview, she wondered why she had to wait decades to get respect from her peers in the music industry despite making a splash early on in her career and multiple times over the years. That's actually true. Yeah, because of course, you think about, I mean, I think about the climb and that era, but also like, wrecking ball.


We Can't be tamed.


We Can't Stop. Oh, my God. We run things, things don't run. We. And before flowers, she had been nominated one time for a Grammy for pop vocal album for Bangers, which is fair. And she didn't win, which I don't know who else needed to. But she's had a lot of success. So here's what she had to say. She said, I've had a hard time figuring out what the measurement is there, because if we want to talk stats and numbers, then where the fuck was I? And if you want to talk impact on culture, then where How the fuck was I? She said, This is not about arrogance. I'm just proud of myself. Yeah.


No, I like that at the actual event, she didn't obviously harbor any ill will. You could see it through her performance and her speech. She was so excited and so happy. It really came through as really genuine. But now, yeah, let's talk about it. I like holding... Let's speak the truth. Not just like, It's an honor to be nominated. Where the fuck was I? Yeah. I like that.


I like that, too.


When you do take a look at her discography and career at a glance. There are many peaks that had huge cultural impacts. You're right. The Wrecking Ball, We Can't Stop. There was a time... We Can't Stop. It feels like a lifetime ago, but it really was this Insane moment in culture.


And it was the song of that year, whatever. What year was that? Maybe 2013?


Yeah. It's worth noting that it definitely feels like she's been largely ignored by by the Grammys. But the Grammys are just weird.


Yeah, they are. And then I feel like once they embrace someone, they just don't let them go, even when it's not their time. And then they're just late to other people, but then also early for other people. If you look at the best new artist category, I feel like that's the most fascinating because that's the most predictive. And it's like, you can tell where they were right and where they were wrong.


Yeah. And there are people who won best new artist and went on to do nothing. And then there are people who were nominated for it who are the biggest stars in the world and who lost.




Now, you can't obviously predict everything accurately, but it does feel like the Grammys are not a meritocracy. It's very political. I think a lot of artists have been vocal about that. It's annoying. You have to play the game and do the circuit. It's annoying because it should just be like, Which song was the biggest and the best? The Best, The End. Yeah.


Also, the pictures from this interview are just thickening, slaying the house down boots. She's touching on a couple of things because I was like, Is she doing new music? Why are we getting Miley? But she's actually being honored at the Disney Legends Awards ceremony this year. She's getting a Legends Award from Disney.


She'll be the youngest honoree.


She talked a little bit about her time at Disney, and this is what she had to say. She said, It's a place to celebrate the journey of both being on and graduating from Disney. It was a great, safe experience overall. People have 50 or 60 year long careers, but mine has been close to 20 years. I'm 31. I've been in the public for my life more than I haven't. They say that the creative adult is the child who survived. I worked really hard as a child. I didn't go to prom. I didn't go to dances. I didn't have so much of that social experience or time for friends. Disney, they were doing very well off the amount of work that I was putting in as a child. I don't have any bad feelings about that. It's just the truth. And so I think they have to give me this award. I'm excited to celebrate with the fans.


No, it's really nice, and this never happens with child stars. Either after the child stardom, things go badly. I know we know a million stories like that, or they go on to have illustrious careers. But what comes out from their time at those places is so horrible. And I think there are so many people in the culture who started at Disney, Jonas Brothers, Selena Gomez, Demi Libato, Miley Cyrus. For the most part, it doesn't seem like that was the culture at Disney. That's such a relief to hear. By the way, when you think about it, Shia La Buf, Raven Simone, it really is endless. It's really crazy. And so every time that's Vanessa Hudgens, Zac Efron, sorry. Every time that's reiterated by a celebrity like Miley, it's good because those shows really raised us. I think we're all just coming off of the Quiet On Set documentary, which couldn't have been more disappointing if it tried. It was just so bad. It was so corrupt. It was so evil. And so the rival network at the time, it was really like Disney versus nick, Disney versus nick. It appears as though everything was kosher at Disney.


And the more we hear, the more good it is, Kenny Ortega. So they got.


However, we also saw in Quiet On Set how that convicted child sex offender was hired by Disney for Sweet Life on Deck. So things are not kosher over there. In entirely. How do you have someone with a record against children hired on a children's show?


Shit. No, you're right. Fuck.


So you'd still have to be questioning things. But I think when someone shares a positive experience, it's a relief for sure.


It is. And especially for us, Hannah Montana was so important to us. Seriously, we can't minimize the impact and the importance that show had. It was our show. I feel like there maybe was a time where Miley She wasn't really leaning into it and really wanted to get away from it, which I totally understood. And now that she successfully did that, she can safely sing those songs and remark on that time. And that's so fabulous for us because that show was so important to us.


Yes. It truly raised us.




Another moment from the Glamor magazine part that people are talking about is when she's talking about working with Beyoncé, because that was one of the biggest songs from the Beyoncé album.


And it turns out that Miley wrote that song. It's entirely written by Miley. And Beyoncé came to Miley to collab, but also came for a song. She didn't come just to have Miley sing. And Miley said, To have Beyoncé come to me looking for a song that I've written and also wanting me to sing on it, was so doubly an honor. And very interesting. And that was a song that Miley had kept in her back pocket for many years, and her mom was obsessed with. And when the time came, it was so obvious that this was going to be the song they were going to put forth for Beyoncé. This is what they had been waiting for. And I love that.


Yeah. And also, it's two most wanted, so I think it speaks to them. Also, she has a friendship with Beyoncé that she talked about in the magazine. It was funny. She was like, Our personas have a friendship, and then we also have a personal friendship, which I feel is so real. It was a good interview, and Miley's doing great, and that warms my heart.


Everything's coming up, Miley. It must feel good to have put in the work for so long. She was definitely, flew a little bit under the radar. I also think she had a hard time finding her sound. To have all your work pay off at once must be That's such a good feeling.


For sure. But the more I think about it, Malibu, that's a pop song nomination of the... So many snubs. I do think that when you finally get it, it's not like, Oh, thank you.


It's like, Oh, fuck you. Beat my ass.


She also talked about the energy, the feelings that she had going into the Grammys this year and performing, and what her mentality was of just having fun. This is my inner child. I'm not going to be 31 and self-conscious and aware of... Because when you're so aware, I'm going to just be 12 and brave and confident. That totally came through. Except I'm a 31-year-old woman with big hair and a Bob Macky dress, and so slay the house down boots. It totally came through.


Yeah, I agree. And I think it really endeared her to a lot of people. They loved that energy that she had. Yeah.


It's been viewed 33 million times, the performance on YouTube. It was major. Yeah, major. I should watch it again. Are you ready for our next story?


What number?


Number three.




One of her, I think, favorite Blossoming couple news stories. They're still going strong. Sophie Turner vacations in Italy with her boyfriend, Perrin Green-Person, as Joe Jonas is newly single again.


Yeah, I saw. I love those pictures. And coming right on the heels of Natalie Portman What's his name? Pomme's Cow. Pomme's Cow? Pomme's Cow? Like bringing cigarettes back. Sophie Turner in these paparazzi photos, she's one hand on a cigarette, one hand on her cell phone.


Oh, yeah. And a glass of wine. I feel like Sophie Turner never left. Sometimes she's indoors and she has to I go for the E-cig.


She was a big jewel girly back in the day.


I know. I think she's in Capri. She's going for the real deal.


She's also European. She's from London. They don't give a fuck as much. It's not a big deal. Yeah.


I'm trying to see if her man has a cig because I think when you're both smoking, that's just fun.


Smokers see each other.


Smokers unite.


But cigarettes are back, baby. You heard it here first.


Well, it's summer, Claude.


It's so true. Did they ever leave? People just weren't doing it a little bit more in secret.


Some people. Not Sophie, not ever.


No, Sophie has always been honest with us about who she is.


She's her authentic true self, and she's taking her authentic true self on a couple's getaway with her boyfriend, who we hadn't heard from them in a while. Didn't know if they were still together. He's her aristocratic man.


I was going to say, remind me, he's just a nobleman.


Peregrine Pearson. Yeah. Nobleman Bo.


He's in the aristocratic world in London.


Yeah. High society. Katie.


That's like such a slay.


Such a slay. And also this story talks about Joe having split with- Stormy. Stormy, which rip to them. But I feel like the most important part of their relationship was bring Nara Smith out into the world.


They did what they needed to do.


They did what they needed to do, and now we have her.


It was really a crazy perfect timing where Stormy Breezy was happening. And Nara was like, it was like really on the up and up. Stormy didn't make Nara, but it added a whole new cultural context to this thing we were all following on TikTok. And then her man, and her man's previous relationship, and the kids, and the kids' names, and the bread. She made gum from scratch. It really was the perfect storm of Nara Smithism.


Yeah, it was. And she's here to stay.


Oh, beyond. And it all happening during the trad wife homesteading renaissance that's occurring on social media. Timing is everything. And the timing was right for Nara Smith.


It really was. I'm enjoying following her.


Yeah. No, it's definitely otherworldly.


But sometimes lucky cooks.


Yeah. I just saw. Oh, he made his own moisturizer.


Because he ran out. With tallow. Because he ran out.


Yeah. And instead, obviously, I'm going to the store like a normal person. They're like, What if we just whipped up our own cream? And then they did a little bathroom sesh where they were putting the cream on their faces. And I agree, not to be so No trad, but I think Nara should be the one in the kitchen. Like, lucky, I don't know what you do for a living, but go back. I don't like it.


He's models.


He doesn't have the same tenderness and softness, to use the words of Carl Radke, that Nara has. She hits different. So yeah, I need Nara to stay in the kitchen, and I need lucky to get the fuck out.


Yeah, I totally agree.


But I loved him trying his hand at a little witchcraft.


A little shtrattery.




So, yeah, that's the latest in this love square.


Yeah, this come down as quickly as it fired up, this whole Joe and Sophie thing. And for the stability of the family, I'm glad that it did. But just interesting to know, their bounce-back relationships, one is still going strong and one is not. Right.


Interesting to know.


Where did we all land with this? Team Sophie, right? I think a lot of people saw through in that crazy two weeks of press. I think it all came really hard and fast, and people really quickly saw through.


Oh, yeah. I think for a second, people were like, Jean, Joe, and then they went. But I think for the people who felt those extremes, yeah, they go from side to side. I think for me, not to say that I'm better than that, but- You are. I'm not team... It takes two to tango. These are two seemingly nice people. They have children. They're just trying to make it work. They work hard. I think they're both good people. I don't like the smearing of one another. I think that's below the belt. But I think they're both... I'm fine with both of them, and I'm happy for both of them. I them both to have happiness.




Because that's what's best for everyone.


I will say, sometimes I'm not better than that. I think it's case by case if I'm going to be getting involved, like team X, team Y. So it's case by case. But in this case, yes, I do agree. At the end of the day, it's the dissolution of a family. This is sad.


I think we really swing when something, like an injustice has occurred, like a cheating or just something really... But when it's just growing apart, I'm sure both They probably were fighting. That's not our business.


It's not our business. I agree.


So happy for her Italian summer with her noblemen.


Yeah, no, it's definitely something to look up to.


Are you ready for our next story? A little reality TV news? No. Okay.


Is it the reality TV news that's brought to you by Macy's?


It is.


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Thank you, Jacqueline Follet.


Yeah, I'd welcome turdy foley.


Turdy foley.


Turdy foley. Our next story, our next two stories are actually some bombshell reality TV news, actually. Okay. Number four is that the Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 14 reunion will not have a traditional format amid the divisive state of the cast. So there won't be a traditional reunion for the Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 14. Page Six can confirm. The women were notified by production this week that a traditional reunion wasn't happening this season amid the divisive state of the show. A second insider close to the situation shares that the Bravo cast was told that the network is brainstorming a different concept to wrap up the season instead. In their typical format, everyone's there in a conversation hosted by Andy in a way to facilitate resolution among the stars. However, it has become evident that there isn't a feasible path for the Rehonge Group in such a setting.


That's really crazy because the The response online has basically been, Real House in New Jersey was so bad this season that they're not even getting a reunion. I was surprised because it's not amazing. First of all, it's very early. Two, it's actually been pretty good. And there have been way worse seasons of Housewives. I don't know what everyone's so mad about when it comes to this. But now it sounds like the group is fighting too much.


It's too good. I feel like this season looks so good just from the previews and the fact that they can't even sit for a reunion. I was slipping and watching. I think I'm two episodes behind. You bet your ass I'm catching up after the red heads. That's next on my content plate. The source also emphasized that an intense all cast dinner filmed for the forthcoming finale, during which insults, explatives, and dinner where were lopbed between the ladies felt like an impasse.


It makes sense- That's what started at the first scene of the first episode. It's Dolores at that table by herself after the mess.


The insider says, once viewers see the finale, the decision to forego the traditional reunion will make even more sense.


You also I have to think about the men are so involved in this show, and it has gotten physical between men before. Perhaps that's what happened at the dinner. There are a lot of layers here that you don't have to think about with other franchises. One, the family of it all, the sisters-in-law, Two, the men are super involved, and they have gotten physical before. So I wonder if that has anything to do with it. I guess we'll just truly have to wait and see.


I do think we're at an impasse, though, because Therese and Melissa will not speak. There's no resolution. And we're doing this season with accepting that. It's been, what, 10 years of trying to fight past it and fight for family. Make it work. This is the first season where we're not even fighting. We're accepting the fact that we have nothing to do with each other. So the reunion would be a block. And I feel like everybody else is falling into teams, too. And it is an impasse. And I feel like that's what's going to happen on Van der Pump Rules, because we said after this reunion, I accept that Ariana and Tom will not film together. They shouldn't film together. I'm done. I don't need resolution. And I think they should both still be on the show. But then I think we'll one season of that, and it's not feasible for whatever reason, and things will play out, and we'll see what happens, but it becomes a major roadblock.


Yeah. This one is just so complicated. There's so much history. I am curious what this new format is going to be because you could see it forming now, two different teams, like Melissa and Theresa.


I feel like the finale fight and the fight, whatever the big fights throughout the season are, are not even about Melissa. It's not between Melissa and Theresa.


No, I don't think so either. And it's so interesting because I've always said this about Dolores. And I feel like I get so frustrated talking about Real Housewives of New Jersey because I feel like we're on the unpopular side. I'm very much team Melissa, team Margaret. And I feel like that's not really the case. And the only person who this entire time, and I think this season too, who doesn't really definitively take any side is Dolores. And I feel like just as a critic of housewives, that definitely holds her back a little bit. She's stopping reaching her full potential because she's a super rational person. I think that's what people love about her. She's so real, but she's fiercely loyal to Theresa. While she doesn't defend Theresa, she doesn't ever criticize Theresa or take a side against Theresa. That's why she's the only one sitting at this table, because she's really in the middle, and she knows everyone for so long.


Yeah, but I feel like Dolores, her key characteristics are, of course, being very logical and real, but also very traditional and very loyal, and even to a fault, perhaps, even with Frank. I feel like that is in line with her character. When I'm looking for just being a good take, no matter the cost, it's Margaret and Melissa, and it was Jackie. I felt like Jackie died on that hill as a cast member, where it was like, This is crazy. We can't just tiptoe around, Theresa. We can't just not say the things that are so obviously true. If you could control your husband, would your husband be in jail?


No, Jackie came onto this show It was so real that obviously, Theresa, who's like this, sits on this throne of not lies, but hypocrisy. Someone as straight shooter as Jackie coming in and just calling it out. It was explosive, and that's what we loved about Jackie. She got demoted, and it seems like ever since then, she has been doing anything possible to get her job back. The first scene she shot last season after being demoted, she comes in and makes fun of Danielle Shorts. She just totally flipped personalities. Now this season, her being up Teresa's butt is so clearly an attempt to stir the pot, be relevant. And so it doesn't feel authentic to me, and it's frustrating. And imagine being Jackie and Melissa. Like, hello. I mean, remember the scene with At Margaret's house with Theresa and Jackie being like, I didn't say geo was doing coke, but imagine if I did. How far we've come. This is the person who started the rumor that your husband was cheating on you at the gym. The Jackie Schulte trying to renew would never.


Right. We'll watch and then make assumptions.


But what do you think the format is?


Filming with one group, then filming with another. I have no idea.


But to hear all these people saying the same thing.


I have no idea.


Maybe they would do one-on-one with Jackie. I mean, Jen Fessler and Margaret, Theresa, and whoever. You know what I mean? Maybe instead of a big group setting, they think it'll de-escalate that way. I don't know.


I don't know either.


Couldn't tell you. But I think this sounds good. Even though people were clowning on it, being like, This season's so bad, they're not even getting a reunion. It actually sounds like this season is so explosive. They can't all be in the same room together.


Yeah, agreed.


I'm looking forward to it.


Me as well. And then our fifth and final story is a little more reality TV news because Sheena Shay claims that Van der Pump Rules' producer warned the cast that the show would be canceled amid Season 11 filming. So as the future of Van der Pump Rules remains unclear, Sheena Shay claimed executive producer Alex Baskin warned the cast that the show would be canceled. So she said in her new episode her podcast shenanigans. I know Alex Baskin has said that midseason, the show was not in a good place. It was X, Y, and Z needs to happen, or we're going to have a short season, and the show is going to be canceled, and that's it. Go live your lives. She noted that the grim outlook put a lot of pressure on her and Lala to deliver quality content. Well, we don't want the show to get canceled, she explained. Not just for ourselves and our families, but there's a crew of 80 to 100 people who work on this show. I said this at the reunion, which you didn't see, but I was like, I feel like we're doing our jobs also for all of these people.


We want to keep this going.


Okay. It's giving cast and crew.


It's giving, yeah. Thank you to the Lighting & Craft Services. That's always a nice thing to throw in there, sure. But let's get to the real stuff. You don't want the show to end. We don't want the show to end. You guys didn't want the show to end. Also, I feel like this is an important thing to know when watching the reunion.


I have been keeping up with this on social media. Lala and Sheena, there's been a lot of allegations. I also saw that they're Lala and Sheena were inferring that there were rewards-based bonuses for X, Y, and Z, because I guess they did get to an impasse halfway through filming where it's boring because everyone's just not filming together. And if they are, they're not saying anything. There are a lot of political dynamics, if you will. I had also read that that was being implied by Sheena and Lala, that they were being paid to be the first one to say something about Ariana.


Oh, interesting. I I feel like since they broke the fourth wall, they should have put this in, too, in the reunion. Because there was a time when Lala was talking about how thankful she is for the show and all of the opportunities it brought her and how she's grabbing them, and how it's allowed her to be a single mom and then do it again. And it felt like, Okay, yeah, but that's always true. Why this season? But here's why, because they were literally threatened with cancelation. That's why they started working even harder.


Right. It seems like Lala was like... It felt like she was being dramatic, like the stakes were so high. And it's like, no one else feels that way.


No, and it's been like that every season. Yeah, we get a lot from this show. That doesn't mean that so and so has to do something they don't want to do. But this puts into context that, why they were so upset, and why they were all so upset that people weren't being real, because they're probably like, We have a show if people will just be real.


Be honest, right. And then we wouldn't be threatened with cancelation.


Right. We have a really good interesting show, but no one wants to do that show.


Yeah. I think they added- And I feel like that's what Lala kept saying.


I love doing this. I love how it's real. And that's not what this season was to her.


No, it definitely... If this is true, production being just overproducing, if you will, it definitely adds a little bit of clarity to Lala and Sheena's behavior on this season. And a lot of the things that Lala was saying at the reunion that I found confusing.


Yeah, that just seemed very extreme, considering it didn't feel like the show was teetering on cancelation. They just had the most worldwide global scandal thing. Scandal. Everyone's talking about Van der Pomp rules, why now are we going to be scared of cancelation? You should have been scared two years ago.


Literally, when the show was on its last dying breath.


And how could production even say that? I mean, yeah, I guess the season was going poorly, but even if this season wasn't good, which it wound up being good, there would be so much residual viewership from Skandival for the next year or two years.


They had a guaranteed two seasons.


From Skandival.


Just skating on by.


Even this season, if it was bad, it just ended, whatever, they would have had another season because people are watching right now.


You're 100% right. There's still residual benefits and effects from Skandival. After Skandival, they got a guarantee of two seasons, even if they all just sat around and picked their noses all day. You don't go from being, seriously, the number one global trending topic in of a world to the next season being canceled. The show is canceled. I feel like Lala should have known better than to have been so easily manipulated, but that's what production does. That's their job.


Yeah, but I also think the stakes are really high for her. I feel like you can make the argument for everyone. Katie and Ariana just opened a restaurant. You wouldn't want to lose the show now, but they're not acting like it.


No, yeah. They're not throwing it all.


Same for the Toms. They have Schwartz and Sandy's, but I feel like they're doing whatever. They do their best. There's nothing they could do more of that I would be like, Oh, I need more.


I actually want them to do less. To me, they're so uninteresting.




So yeah, Vannerpump Rules is so interesting that, especially since Scandival, so much of the storyline plays out in podcasts and on social media, and they're all leaving comments. It's all over my Twitter. And that makes it fun to keep up with during the offseason. And I know they're taking a bigger break this year to give everyone a little bit of time to reset, which I think is good. So this is just a fun to keep up with.


Yeah. And I thought this was an interesting factoid.


Yeah, it is. And it makes sense.


Yeah. It's a little too late. The reunion is over. This would have been helpful then.


But they did say it. I guess. But it was cut out.


Yeah. I guess it makes production look bad. And it looks like they're manipulating people and being like, toxic classic reality TV production. Should have just went with it. Aside from there being the person's name, because I feel like in general, you just blame it on production, and no one actually takes accountability. It's like, Oh, yeah, it was those. And we don't know who they are. They're not public people. So it's just an easy one to blame.


Actually, the BravoCon panel that I hosted, it was half housewives, half producers. Alex was on my panel.


Is that a man or a woman?


Oh, good question. Man.


And good vibes?


Yeah, it seemed like super normal. Cool. It was like a guy doing his job.


Yeah. Well, I guess he did his job because we got our season.


He produces a couple of shows because no one from Van der Pol's was on my panel. It was all housewise. I think he does or did New York in the early days.


Oh, cool.


Yeah, I think. So, yeah, that's just a little bit of reality TV behind the scenes that you might not have known. That's our show, correct? Anything else we wanted to chit chat about?


No, that's all. We got a great week for you guys.


Yeah, we do.


We're rolling into summer.


Can't wait. It's gorgeous out again.


It's gorgeous. And we'll see you tomorrow.


My hair has been in my fucking lipstick the entire episode. Thank you guys so much for listening to the Toast and My Night Morning Show, where we deliver the fast-size stories. You need to know every Monday through Friday on YouTube. So if you're watching us on YouTube, please don't forget to subscribe me this video. Thumbs up. We're also available as a podcast. Our podcast can be down on Spotify. It's a social public video, I already cast box all the places. Where you listen to podcast, find out to Toast and Lips. I've served you better about a beautiful, about outstanding how wickedly talented we are. Hope you guys have an amazing day, and we'll see you tomorrow.


Love you. Bye.