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Good morning, millennials.


Welcome back to The Toast, and happy Thursday. That's right. Take a moment, close your eyes. Breathe deep, breathe through, breathe out. You did it. You did it.


We did it. We all did it. Hello, turd. Do you see my dress today?


I do see your dress today, and I'm so glad you brought it up first thing in the morning because we need to talk.


First and foremost, so a couple of things happened this morning that do relate to my dress today. But I recorded a vlog yesterday for our Patreon channel. It went live today, so you can watch it right now. And it was a blog a long time in the making because Shapiro, Olivia's husband, has really been wanting to take me to Costco. I have not been to Costco here yet. They go, as they said in the blog, every 10 days. It's very much a cornerstone of their family life. So he has been wanting to do this for so long, and we finally did it. So we did a Costco mookbong, shopping hall, fashion competition, so many different fun segments. It's literally hysterical. And if you've watched the vlog, I don't want to spoil anything, but you'll recognize this dress. It's Costco's finest. You can get it now at Costco, and I'm loving it.


I don't want to spoil too much because for me, I had such a premium experience of going into the blog knowing nothing. I really don't want to spoil. But there are a couple of moments that had me... I'll just say this, gooped and gagged. Okay?


We ran into some Costco celebrities.


Well, I already spoiled on my social media, so we can talk about that.


Yeah, that was so exciting for the group.


For me.


For Shapiro.


I just want to say, everybody in the vlog talks about this content creator who's famous at Costco. I was upset that not one person in the group acknowledged that I invented. In this family, I invented those TikTokers. I showed everyone those TikTokers.


I believe you, but I wouldn't know because I've not been a part of the... The journey. That group text where you send those videos around.


Well, I'm at a place in my life where I'm really done sending you TikToks because you now are responding to me, basically saying, I need you to download the TikTok and text the video to me because you can no longer open and watch/view TikToks without having the app downloaded on your phone.


Right. So it used to be back in the day, you could send me a TikTok, I could watch on Safari, no big deal. Then they crack down a little bit. In every few videos, they would be like, Download the app to watch. So one out of four, I wasn't watching due to that. Okay, I can work with those odds. Now I cannot watch one on my web browser, on my phone without having the app. So sometimes if I'm on my computer and I'm doing text on my computer, I can watch them today on my computer still. But yeah, at this point in life, you really need to whittle down what you're sending me. And if I absolutely must see it and you want to ensure that, you have to download it.


And the thing is, TikTok thinks that by doing that, they're punishing the people who don't have the app downloaded on their phone. But what they don't realize is they're actually punishing me, their users, because now I have to do extra work just to get Jackie to see a TikTok that is funny.


It's so true. And it's not moving me to download the app or want to download the app. If anything, it's making me feel Because now I watch less TikToks. I'm like, Oh, TikTok, goodbye. Good riddance. It's not top of mind.


It's greedy.


It is. But I do feel like most of the people in my life, especially, I feel like Snitch. When I say, Download and send, they do download and send.


Snitch is like, that's been... It's such a younger sister thing. That's literally her job. If we're in a group chat and somebody sends a TikTok, and Jackie's like, Please download it for me, nobody moves. At least they say, Please. Because they know Margot is going to do it.


Yeah, Margot does it. So thank you, Satchel. Yeah.


So head to petron. Com/thetoast for the premium viewing experience. I did my hair, gave myself a blowout, did my makeup. If I look exceptionally gorgeous today, which is definitely in the realm of possibility. I can't really say that. I feel like you can if you wanted to. It's because I sat extra long at my makeup table. I was in a good mood because I was giggling, watching the vlog, and I wanted to... The vlog is 44 minutes, so I did my hair and makeup for 44 minutes, which on a Thursday, I'm not always going to do. If I happen to look exceptionally gorgeous, pause for interruption- Which you do. Then that would be why.


Well, life hack. It's 44 minutes. It's the length of a workout. Maybe watch the blog on the treadmill. It'll go by in a flash.


Or that's also the... It depends, I think, on how old your children are, but the length of a nice nap. You're getting some time for yourself while your kids are asleep.


Nice. I do hope the nap is longer than 45 minutes, though.


Yeah, I feel like it's... I don't know much, but I feel like it's.


A 45-minute nap is what we would consider a short nap, depending on how old... But past a newborn stage, yeah, 45 minutes. We're hoping for an hour. Damn. Plus.




But Run your own race.


If Jackie's looking particularly gorgeous, it's because she bought a dress at Costco. If I'm looking particularly gorgeous, it's because this morning, while getting ready, I watched Jackie buying a dress at Costco.


But it's not just about me buying a dress at Costco. You guys would be really shocked to know the Genesis, which for the Genesis, head to petreon. Com/toast.


Other than that, what's to do with you? What's going on on this gorgeous Thursday morning?


Gorgeous Thursday. Made two gorgeous loaves of bread last night. I'm really practicing. I feel I'm training for our summer because I'm going to be sharing my breads with a lot of people.


You're going to have to up the supply because demand is going up.


I know. And yesterday was the first time I did two loaves in one in one bowl, and it was totally great. I just know Ben's going to put me to work in the Hamptons. I really need to be show ready.


Speaking of, wait, Ben- Our sandwich shop? Yeah, I was lying in bed with Ben last night, and he was scrolling through Instagram, and he came across one of our clips. And it's so funny whenever I hear him in the other room, I hear him skip past our clips. But if he's lying right next to me, he has to watch it because it's so rude. And I was glad that he watched it because he needed to hear it. And he is so excited. And I do want to say something. And I do want to open the sandwich shop. But I feel like sometimes on this show, we'll talk about a potential business idea or something we would want to do one day, and the comments are just begging for it. I didn't really feel like people were dying for a sandwich. I didn't get that reception from everyone.


Oh, I did not get that. I feel like they're so... First of all, and we haven't even sat down. Like I said, we haven't even had a brainstorm about ideas. This morning, I had made an Everything But The Bagel Seasoning Loaf last night, and I was thinking about what sandwich would it be. So it would be that bread with cream cheese, lox, tomato, onion, and it would be called the Not To Make Everything About Me sandwich. Everything just writes itself Plus the fact we're The Toast.


Of course.


And it's a sandwich shop. But I do think, yes, it would be for The Toaster, but we also have to be thinking more broadly. So it's not like every toaster needs to be obsessed with it because it's for the nation.


Yeah, right. No, that's true. It's for the community.


Yeah. But I do think it would be such a fun project. I don't think we're in that stage of our lives right now to take on something like that.


We need to live in the same place.


Of course. But also, we have a lot going on right now. I feel like that's maybe something when we talk about in our later years, how we want to spend our days gardening. I think a sandwich shop, literally, it's complicated.


It would need to be a sandwich shop Bookstore.


Great. I mean, you don't have to ask me twice. Yeah. Great. So I think we can spend the next few years ruminating on our ideas, so that way, when the time comes, it's just It's ready. Yeah. So I think it's a great idea. And I'm very curious to know from Ben why all the hype for QSR. It's like, maybe we should be making it today, just saying.


It's just like, I think Ben has gleaned from Life. That's the current hot way of making money, investing. All the investors are going QSR.


But why? I would think the restaurant business is just a money pit.


Well, when you think of a restaurant business, you think of, yes, a sit-down dining I've experienced. Qsr stands for Quick Start Restaurants. Basically, Chipotle, Cava. Those types of restaurants are so popular, and not fast food. I think QSR is somewhere between fast food and a sit-down restaurant.


But what are they saving costs on that a sit-down restaurant your aunt, Money Pit, is spending on and losing all their money on? These are questions for Ben.


Well, a whole kitchen full of chefs, like in a... Actually, I don't know.


No, I hear you. I'm going to probe Ben. Yeah, I ask him. See if it really stands up, the idea.


The impending arrival of you is so exciting. There's just a sparkle in the air here in New York. Jacks is coming to town for our live shows, first ever. It's not fair to say first ever because a million years ago, we did one live show at Caroline's on Broadway, maybe two in one night. I forgot.


Or two in two nights, yeah. Or two in one night. That's crazy.


We've done it in a technical sense. But I don't know. I'm just not including that because this is our first live show ever.


Yeah. We've been on a stage together before, but not like this. And I think it's just better to say it's our first. Just like with the Costco blog yesterday, I did have to caveat. One time when I was 12, I walked into a Costco But for brevity's sake, it's the first time. Okay, so just so I know we're so authentic, but going forward, we'll be calling things the first time, even if there is a small exclusion.


Because it actually does feel like the first time.


It feels It feels like the first time. Oh, Claudia, I found our loophole. It's the first toast live show.




Because last time it was the morning toast.


Oh, oh, oh, oh. Well, then if we also want- Found our loophole. Jackie, if we want to be really authentic, too-Oh, fuck, we did the breath. We did The Breath.


We did a couple of breath live shows. Those were true live shows. I agree. More so than Caroline's, I feel like.


Yeah, yeah.


First Toast Live It covers all bases. We've never done a live show as The Toast, period.


That's June 27th and 28th at the Beacon Theater. As we discussed yesterday, we randomly stumbled upon a couple extra tickets. We don't want to get into the reasoning. If you heard yesterday, it's sad enough.


It's sad. It's a sad state.


Thetoastpodcast. Com/tour, there are all the dates there. There's four dates in New York City at the Beacon Theater, and then there's, I think, five dates at the West Hampton Beach Performing Arts Center. Long Island, New York, Tri-state area, Girlies. Come see us. It's basically the Swirlies Night Out. The Swirlies are putting on their finest, their toast merch, and they're coming to the theater for a gorgeous night.


Yes. I also want to say it's actually not such a sad state that we have so many tickets that friends and family didn't claim when we thought we would have 100 friends and family all clamoring for free tickets.


Four hundred. Four hundred.


Four hundred. It's not sad. You want to know why? Because those people actually bought tickets, and they wanted to support us, and they weren't just waiting for a free ride. We have friends and family who truly support our work.


That's a really nice way of looking at it.


And they're patrons of the arts.


Shannon Ford buying front row tickets in West Hampton Beach. I'm like, Stop buying tickets. Shannon Ford was front row at Madison Square Garden when I did my show there, too. I'm like, Girl, I'll literally give you a ticket. I have 400 to spare.


She feels very principled that she needs to support her friends and put her money where her mouth is.


No, it's really sweet. Like, setting an alarm.


She won't take a free ticket.


That's insane because when I went to her show, I took two free ones.


Yeah, so we just Our friends and family just wanted to support us so much. Nobody wanted to take free ones.


That's so sweet.


They just love us so much.


That means we have a couple of tickets from our tour available, which is fabulous. If you weren't able to get one, they did go quick. Thetoastpodcast. Com/tour. So lots There's a big things coming up in the next couple of weeks for your girls. But even though we have sold out the Beacon Theater four times in a row, we're still us. We're still just going to do our thing. Don't think like, Oh, my God, they're getting too big for their breaches. Don't worry about us. One thing about us, we remain grounded.


We stay humble, and if not, something will humble us.


For sure. You know? Oh, I know. I know.


The speaker will die, but our spirit will.


On my way home from the studio yesterday, I was just walking, and I happened to see two people separately on different blocks, each shit in a really embarrassing way. And I felt so bad for them. My first feeling was obviously sadness and empathy. But my second feeling was like, Thank God that wasn't me. I felt guilty because I did giggle a little bit, but they didn't see. And then I felt this overwhelming sense of appreciation and gratefulness that that wasn't me, rolling my ankle in a wedge. The other person fell off their skateboard. It was really It was traumatizing, and I was so happy that it wasn't me.


I'm glad, too. But I do also think that reflects giggle isn't necessarily a laughing at someone all the time. Sometimes when things are awkward or embarrassing, it's not like, Ha, ha, ha, loser.


Yeah, no, that's true. I like that.


I feel like sometimes I find myself doing it. I'm like, I didn't find that funny. I just felt awkward. And a lot of times when you feel awkward, you giggle to break the tension. So it's like a reflex, and it's not It's not what it looks like. It's not what it looks like. Okay, thanks for saying that. Loser.


Unless it's your sister who rolls her ankle, and then it's mean-spirited. No, I wouldn't...


A rolled angle on a sister. I truly It would feel so bad. No, I would die. Don't laugh. You're caught off. I know. It will be bad.


You know what? I don't want to jinks anything.


Don't say anything what you're going to say. I don't even know what you're going to say.


I haven't fallen I haven't fallen in a while.


I don't like the smell of it.


I haven't fallen in a while. You guys know that falling used to be a weekly occurrence for me.


A core tenet.


In a really embarrassing way. The worst possible fall you could think of, you're in the same room as Mary Kate or Ashley Olson. I'm not sure which one it was. Boom.


Have you been drinking less? I feel like you've not been super drunk a lot recently.


I've had such an interesting experience with alcohol because when I was on Ozempic, you can't really drink as much. I also didn't want to. I was making so much progress that it was setting me back. I was like, I'm going to be on this drug for X amount of time. Let me make the most of it. I definitely stopped drinking as much. Also, my body... I was getting nauseous, so I just wasn't physically able to. And then when I got off of it, I was like, Okay, I'm going to miss Ozempic so much. But an upside is I can start drinking again. And then I think I went a little hard. And I was like, You know what? Let me pause. And also, I think earlier in the era, it's definitely on my hustle. When I'm in my hustle era, I really don't drink. No. Now it's the summer. You can't stop me from having a cocktail.


I mean, I'll fresco cocktail.


I'm having one this evening with the Streckers.


Oh, wow, wow, wow. How fun.


Yeah, just a couple of girlies. And it's also like, I actually have the Taylor- Are they the Streckers? When I said it, it sounded wrong. They're the tailors because- The Taylor, yeah.


But what last name if they have a family name?


That's a good question, what they're going to do when they have kids. Let me just ask them.


I don't know. It's a big question. Maybe text just one of them. Maybe it's something that they haven't talked about yet.


The thing is, I have to ask both of them because only one of them is on their phone. Taylor Strecker is never on her phone. So if I ever want to get to her, I have to call Taylor Donuhou. When you guys have kids, which last name are you going to use? When you guys have kids, what last name are you going to use?


If so many thoughts on this, like so many recommendations. First, they could be like the Strahna Hughes, which I love that. I love that. They could be the Taylor's, where their last name is Taylor.


They could be the Deckers, Donahue/Strecker.




And if they are the Taylors, which is cute. I like when people do that, but then their names are Taylor Taylor.


No, their names are not Taylor Taylor. It's just like we're Taylor, Strecker Taylor, Donahue, and our kids are Emily Taylor and John Taylor, and deal with it.


I love that. I'm so jealous of, and I only recently realized that that's what it was in Sex in the City, that when Miranda decided to give their kid the last name Hobbes, even though her and Steve weren't even together, they gave his first name, braided, which is Miranda's last name. Wait, no, sorry. Which is Steve's last name. Steve, Katie, and Miranda Hobbes. So they gave him the last name Hobbes, but first name, Katie.


Oh, I didn't realize. No, I knew that there was that in there. But I didn't realize it was her last name.


Her last name because they weren't together. He's a family name. Miranda is an independent woman. And then they incorporated. And Shannon has said that she's not going to do it. But for a while, she wanted to name one of her kids Ford because she's going to take her husband's last name. So she's Shannon Middleton now, and Ford is her last name, her maiden name.


That's my favorite toddler influencer, Gates Gotchalk. Raven Gates. Oh my God.


I didn't put that together.




By the way, your My favorite child influencer, I'm not even a mother. I'm fucking obsessed with Raven Gates' son, Gates. First of all, nobody works harder than getting premium content of her son. And she's not annoying, shoving the phone kids in the face. Say this. He's just playing, and she'll sneakily record. He has such a big personality, and he's, in a physical sense, the biggest kid. He's going to be a linebacker. He is so funny. Whenever her story is gone, my volume is up. My headphones are in. The show is about to begin. I'm obsessed with this kid.




And he, of course, reminds me so much of our great Harry, because they're the same age, and you and Raven were pregnant for the first time at the same time, gave births similar times.


Yeah, our kids are the exact same amount of time apart.


I didn't realize that his name, Being Gates, is her maiden name. So I just wish our last name was a name.


Well, you can make it a name.


If you just said, it's Ashray. It's not a name.


It's just very last namey. It ends in a Y. It's just giving last name.


So if you are a woman who's sad about losing her last name, but happens to have a last name that could be a first name, just know I'm so jealous of you.


In all this time, have the tailors responded?


There's zero chance. Seriously.


To our query?


They have. Probably Donna Hustrecker off the bat, but then we'll pick one. Jackie thinks it should be... What was it? Either... Decker?


Strawnahue, Decker, or Taylor.


I let them know that you thought that.


And say, I know it's unconventional, but it makes a lot of sense. You're the Taylor's. Say that.


I know it's unconventional, but it makes a lot of sense, Dash. You're the Taylor's, exclamation point.


Make sure everything's spelled right.


Of course, they spelled Taylor with an I, like a seamstress.


That makes more sense. You're the tailors.


Yeah, literally. I'm so glad we figured that out. Yeah. Okay, great. What was he saying?


I'm glad to know there's still time for me to weigh in. It's not case closed.


No, it's not case closed. It seems like they're open to all ideas. Recommendation. I appreciate that.


Me too. And now what? I don't know. How did we get here? Back to the conversation pre-tailors, back to gates. How did we get- Which way do we want to To names. Of Taylor's, the Strecker's. You're going to drinks with them. You've been drinking less. You haven't fallen.


But it's summer now. Oh, I haven't fallen. Yes. Oh, my God. Good job. I haven't fallen in a while. I don't want to jinks it, but I think a lot of it had to do with my weight, and not in a balanced sense. When I was heavier, I really felt the need always to wear big platform shoes. They just made me feel taller. I felt like it was an illusion of sorts. It slimmed me. And pretty much all the shoes, boots, all my heeled shoes at that point in my life were platforms I wouldn't buy. I also found them to be too uncomfortable. So I think that the platforms were working against me because it's very easy to roll your ankle in a platform.




Yeah. It's More likely. And I don't really wear big, chunky platforms anymore. So I've been expanding. As you know, my style is changing. So I think that perhaps that has something to do with the lack of falling. But look, I'm definitely going to fall tonight. It's just because I said it.


Yeah. Well, you know, kitten heel. She's always there for you.


I just bought a pair of Kitten heels. I forgot to actually take a picture of them and send them to you. I wasn't sure if you were going to like them.


I love Kitten heels. As long as the heel... Well, it depends most of the time, but typically with a wider heel, not like a...


No, it's like a skinny. It's a skinny.


But now I think of shoes that have this, and I actually do like them. All my shoes are Kitten heels. All my heels are Kitten heels. I haven't bought a real heel in forever, and I'm so pro-kitten heel. They get a really bad rap.


You know what else gets a bad rap? Not only Kitten heels, but Michael Kors. I was shopping, and I picked up these pair of shoes. They were so cute. They were Michael Kors. I bought them. Okay, I bought them.


Okay, can't wait to see a pick.


Yeah, I actually think you're going to like them.


That's rude.


No, I didn't because I was just like, They're crazy. They're crazy, these shoes that I bought. I'm like, Oh, Jackie is going to make fun. Do you have a picture on your phone?


Who buys something without taking a picture?


I actually think I did.


Take a picture?


No, I did buy something without taking a picture.


Okay. You'll just have to show me later.


Yeah, IRL, perhaps.


Now we can say that. Are you going to bring them for our big swirly summer?


Yeah, no, they're so summery. They're so...


And I got you those cute summery heels.


Exactly. No, we're going to be truly killing it in the Hamptons this summer.


And we can share clothes.


Don't come looking for us.


We haven't been able to share clothes at all, ever.


I know. We're really the same size right now. Wait, this is what Taylor Donahue said, just to wrap this up. That's what Strecker wants, one of our hybrid name ideas. But she said we'd also change our last name to Taylor and first names to Donahue and Strecker, and I'm out on that idea.


See, that's confusing.


That's dumb.


That's confusing. I don't know if you want to say dumb.


No, I feel like I could talk to them straight. Okay, I'll add an I'm sorry. Okay, that's dumb. I'm sorry.


I just say that's a little confusing.


Well, you're a nicer woman than I. I'm a big bitch. Everybody knows that about me. Like, whatever.


Big bitch. How are the stories today? Samantha, the dirty big bitch in My Bunk, gave the counselor me lice. Oh my God.


Iconic, iconic, iconic.


Samantha, the Dirty Big Bitch in My Bunk, gave the counselor and me lice. Can you do your anagram?


Oh my God. No, I can't. I cannot believe you just said that. Samantha, the Dirty Big Bitch in My Bunk.


Give the counselor and me lice. Oh my God, I'm done. Oh, no, you like living those.


Another thing I haven't had in a while, in addition to taking a temple, is lice. Well, we're about to come back around on the circle, yeah, when you have kids.


I don't think you get lice as a dink or ink or sink or a u-ink.


But definitely lice is in your future, you think?


I think so, yeah.


Those were really dark summers for us. We had lice all the time.


Yeah. I can't- And really is from Sam, the dirty biggest in our bunk.


I cannot stand the smell of olive oil because of lice. If you know, you know.


I've got I'm over that.


No, I have run from olive oil.


I run from pain. I can't hit those notes.


Shall we dive in?


We shall. We shall. Without further ado about Samantha, the dirty big bitch in my bunker gave the counselor me lice. It is time for the fast-time stories that you need to know.


Today's episode is brought to you by Fashion Pass. Fashion Pass was actually started by a toaster, so it's I'm actually a toaster run business, which we absolutely love to see. We have been Fashion Pass girlies for many years. And in case you don't remember, it's the clothing rental service that actually has cute clothes. I just got two pieces from Fashion Pass, and let me just tell you, Supreme. A very cute Show Me Your Moo-Moo pool cover up. It's knitted and very colorful. Everybody, show me your mumu, always slays. And what was the other piece I got? I can't remember. Oh my, this absolutely stunning corset. I'm in my corset era. So I have so many pieces that I've gotten from Fashion Pass. So when you're using Fashion Pass as a clothing rental service. You actually also have the ability to shop from them directly, which is just a more sustainable way of shopping. And it's also more affordable because you're going to get a discount on it. They have the best clothes. Obviously, clothing rental, we know, is fabulous. It makes sense for your closet, for your wallet, for everything. But the problem with all these services is everything is fugly.


Big ugly tunics with ugly patterns. It's giving grandma. And that's why Fashion Pass is different. They carry brands that are sold on Revolve. They have items that aren't 100 years old that are currently being sold at Saks. And it's just so economical. We're on the trendsetter plan. It's basically getting you covered for vacation, weddings, bachelorettes, anything bridal, because you know you have a dress that you spend a lot of money on. You wear it to your friend's wedding, you take a million pictures. You're not going to wear it again. It's so stupid. It's a waste of money. It's a waste of space in your closet. And they just make it so easy, too. The shipping is super They take care of dry cleaning, everything. And we have a discount for you guys. For the next week, our Code Toast will get you $50 off your first month of Fashion Pass, so you can try it for just $75. Run and sign up now. If you go to fashionpass. Com, use Code Toast at checkout, you'll get $50 off your first month. It's the best deal you're going to get, and it's only for the next week.


Today's episode is also brought to you by Honeylove, and my summer is also brought to you by Honeylove because I just bought something new from Honeylove. As you guys know, Honeylove is a company that has sponsored The Toast for a while. I've been a customer for many years. They make amazing shapewear, amazing bras, It's pretty much anything you can need in a bra or a shapewear company. They're smoothing, they're sculpting, they're comfortable. Comfort is their priority. But I just got something from Honeylove that I haven't gotten before. I don't even know what to call it, really. I didn't even know that they had it, but I was searching, and Honeylove came up first in my Google search results because I have so many dresses to wear this summer. And there's this line on my stomach for my Fupa that bothers me so much. I'm always holding my hands in front of my stomach. And they make this... It's a corset, and it has boning in it. It had the most amazing reviews. I got it. I tried it on. Let me tell you, the line is gone. It is so smooth. It is so finished.


It is so sculpting. It gives me a nice waist. I love Honey Love. As you know, they've really revolutionized the bra game. So you can say goodbye to Underwire without sacrificing your lift. Their bras feature supportive bonding that eliminates the need for uncomfortable wires, and they carry a wide range of sizes. They cater to the diverse needs of all women. For a limited time only, you can get Honey Love on sale. Get 20% off your entire order with our exclusive link, honeylove. Com/toast. Support our show. Check them out at honeylove. Com/toast. They are empowering women, so treat yourself to the best bras on the market and save 20% at honeylove. Com/toast. That's honeylove. Com/toast. Probably my favorite place to use our code. I just used it the other day. Today's episode is also brought to you by GNC. Glp-1 medications are taking the world by storm, helping many people transform their lives through weight loss, myself included. But all the possible side effects can be a major obstacle for success, and that's why GNC is here to for the journey, offering high-quality nutritional solutions and lifestyle advice to help people through those issues and reach their weight loss goals.


So if you're considering a GLP-1 medication for weight loss, you should know some of the most common side effects and how to combat them. Nausea is one of the most reported side effects, usually coming in at your first dose of medication. Thankfully, there's a great natural solution for this, which is ginger. You guys know we've been going and shopping at GNC to help with hunger and snacks. But for the girlies out there with nausea, whether it's GLP-1-induced or just you're a nauseous girly, they have some ginger products that can really help you out. They have fun all-natural ginger Chews from the brand called Prince of Peace. They're poppable and sweet with only four ingredients or five if you want their lemon or mango ginger Chews. Those are a great option. But like I said, they're sweet. And if you don't want that, you can get the ginger root itself as a GNC supplement. Just take a capsule with some water. I feel like Jackie is more of a ginger root, where I'm more as the ginger chew.


A hundred %. I'm a ginger swirly, obviously, but also I'm a nauseous girl at heart, and I love anything ginger, and I'm getting those.


She's a ginger who loves ginger. Find the high-quality gut health supplements that you need at GNC. Plus, get 25% off hunger satisfying snacks from GNC Totaline when you use our code, Toast25, at gnc. Com/toast. That's T-O-A-S-T-2-5, at gnc.


Com/toast.thank you, love.


You're welcome.


Our first story, the big news of the morning, some more celebrity's arrested news, CN. Travis Scott was arrested in Florida on charges of disorderly intoxication and trespassing after a yacht argument. I didn't even see that. So he was arrested early this morning in Miami, Dade County, Florida, at 4:30 AM local time on charges of disorderly intoxication and trespassing on a property. After a warning, both came with a bond that totaled at $650, $150 for the intoxication charges and $500 for the other. Records show the bond had been submitted as of Thursday. Reps for the Miami Beach PD tell people that Scott was arrested at approximately 1:44 AM. Following an incident at the Miami Beach Arena, located at 300 Alton Road. Authorities had been called to the incident on complaints of fighting on a yacht. Officers wrote an arrest affidavit obtained by people. Upon arrival, they found Scott yelling at the vessel occupants. Travis, I mean, officers made contact with him to conduct an investigation. The defendant was asked by officers to sit down, at which point he temporarily sat down, and then began continuously standing back up, disregarding officers' commands. Throughout the interaction, officers on the scene could sense a strong of alcohol coming from his breath.


Though the complaint did not want to press charges, they did request Scott to leave the vessel. He was then told to leave the docker he would be arrested.


So was he arrested?




So funny. Well, not funny, but when you said Travis... I hadn't heard this yet. So when you said a celebrity has been arrested, it's Travis Scott. It's funny how it takes me four seconds to compute because there are so many people with the same name. Travis Scott, Scott Disick, Travis Barker.


Travis Barker, Scott Disick, Travis. Yeah, they all have the same name.


So it just takes It'd be a second to remember who we're talking about.


Yeah. It's funny that his last name is a first name, the Taylor's.




Like the Taylor's children.


If they had had another... Well, that's not his real last name, right? It's Webster.


If they had had another- And his real first name Is Jacques?


Right. But if they had had another baby together, it could have been Scott Webster or something, even though Scott's too regular, and they have a Scott in their family.


Right and right.


Travis Scott is really not someone I die for, or Stan, obviously. I know a lot of people moved on from Astrowirld. Personally, I really never did. I don't know if that's something I'll ever get over. It's one of the craziest things that's happened in culture, and honestly, in my lifetime. It's such a tragedy, and it's so upsetting when you get details about it. I just feel like everybody moved on from it. Personally, I stayed there dust collecting round my pinda pair.


I think for most people, that is the case. I actually think a lot of the things that he does, good, bad, or otherwise, don't really make news. Because people have... Aside from his super fans, even though his super fans are the ones who got hurt, but people have checked out from him.


No, the thing is, a while after Astrowild, I went to see Dave Chappelle at Madison Square Garden, and he had all these guests come out, and he brought out Travis Scott. People were literally screaming at the top of their lungs like, Taylor Swift had come. I was like, Oh, we're back. It was interesting observation I made.


I think it's weird. I think I think that the people who always loved him still love him as much. I also think when you love someone, you see the best in him, and you could see a scenario where you could say that wasn't his fault and he wasn't responsible. Then I think the people who were never the biggest fans to begin with were just like, That was irresponsible. This is a celebrity I'm going to unsubscribe from because there are so many, and you don't need to keep up with all of them.


It just seems like he's on a destructive path, and you hate to see that.


Then when they said, Get off or we're going to arrest you, then he was walking down the boardwalk, but kept walking back and yelling, and so then they took him in.


Like, Starting stuff.


Yeah, he was starting stuff. A stuff starter. A stuff starter. That should be a cause for arrest.


Yeah, someone who's starting stuff. Well, I think that there is. Police, right here.


Arrest this woman.


No. It just isn't a person whom I follow. Really before Asha World, I've never been a crazy, huge fan. Obviously, he came into my life, my orbit via Kylie. Yeah. And of course, Stormalish.






And Air.


And in the words of Justin Timberlake, This is going to ruin the tour.


And Wolf.


And Wolf. Wolf Webster was an amazing name.


It was an amazing name, and it is an amazing name. And I understand that sometimes you have a baby and he's not a wolf, and so you have to recalibrate. But I'm still at Wolf Webster.


And I think it's It's a better name. Not knowing the baby, just like, esthetically and linguistically, I think it's a better name than air.


It all depends on the baby, though. And I think Wolf, you've got to back that up. It's not just something you can name willy-nilly. So I appreciate That's one of my favorite things ever. And one of my favorite things about Kylie, her being like, Oops, never mind. I changed my mind. And her being like, It's Wolf Webster. That's our baby. And then a few days later, I've been seeing Wolf everywhere, and I just I want to let you guys know that that's not our baby's name.


It's like, you told us that. You told it to us.


No, I love her.


If that's one of your favorite things, one of my favorite things is when you gave birth and everybody was so waiting with anticipation, what is Jackie going to name her kid? Jackie made an Instagram story in the same exact color, font, everything, as when Kylie just wrote Wolf Webster, and Jackie wrote Wolf Wine Reb Blueheart.


Did I post that or was that-Yes. Oh, well, love.


Then you were like, Just kidding.


I didn't know if I posted it or I just sent in the family and we laughed about it.


No, I think you I posted it publicly, and it was just iconic things Jackie's done that-Histerical.


Also, we gave birth around the same time, so I was just really plugged into what she was doing. Before I gave birth, I'm like, Wolf Wine Reb. It's beautiful.


Yeah, you didn't not think about it. Kyla definitely put the name, and it was in your rotation consideration.


It was my number two because I didn't have a number two. So it was my backup name. Yeah.


Was it your first or second child?


Harry, my first.


Oh, okay. Because if you have a Harry, you can't then have a Wolf.


Right. No, I never thought of Charlie Wolf again. Wolf again. No, no, no. It was a moment in time.


Yeah. It was just this postpartum his. She wasn't thinking straight.


No, but looking back, I was crystal clear. Crystal.


Well, wishing Travis Scott a better day.


Yeah. Then today. Yeah. Agreed. Are you ready for our next story?




Travis, Kelsey is-So many Travis's. There's so many Travis's. So much Travis, Kelsey news, because that's what happens when you have a podcast and you just talk all the time. Everything is a headline. But this one resonated with me personally. So he's responding to the typo on the Chief Super Bowl ring.


Yes, it said, I think chefs, right?




Kansas City chefs.


Oh, no, that's not what I saw. So this is what he said.


I got to stop falling for AI-generated content.


Oh, that is so funny. This is what I read. The rings were engraved on the inside. They put the seeds, seeds of the other teams in the conference.


Yeah, like the list of winners.


So inside the ring, the Miami Dolphins who beat the Chiefs 26-7 in the wild card round were listed as the AFC's seventh seed with the words MIA parentheses seven, but the dolphins were the number six seed and the chiefs were the third seed. So that's the mistake, this little seed thing. And this is what Travis had to say about the matter. He said, I I don't give a fuck. Because Jason was like, Miami was actually the sixth seed. I guess that's just the way the ring is. Are you going to get it fixed? He said, I don't give a fuck. No, I like it. We didn't give a fuck about what seed Miami was. Who cares? They could have done no seeds on the side of them, and I would have been fine. Like, Oh, yeah, we made it really detailed, and, Oops, we screwed up. Just makes it more exclusive, We screwed up about something that means nothing.


Yeah, no. The ring is not about Miami. Who gives a fuck? I didn't even know that there was anything on those rings besides winner. Yeah, Winner winner chicken dinner.


The run up to the Super Bowl was engraved on the inside. I think this is a great mentality. Actually, I like the idea when you screw up about something that means nothing.


However, not to be like a Karen. By the way, these rings aren't free. You as a player pay for them.


They're $40,000.


What in the world is wrong with you? How does a mistake like this happen? It's actually unforgivable.


I agree. I would not be so cool about it. It's $40,000. It's a moment in time. It It should be accurate.


They should get, if people want it updated and to reflect the actual standings, it should be done for free. But then you do make the flawed ones in 15 years will probably be worth more, right?




It's a mistake that shouldn't have happened.


Yeah, it's like you had one job.


Whose fault is this?


The person who wrote it down and gave it to the engraver. Not the engraver, unless the person who wrote it down, wrote it right, and the engraver did it wrong. And maybe they won't get the next gig, and this is probably a big job for them. But the person who wrote it down to give to the engraver is who I'm looking at. And will there be accountability, even? Will there be?


Right. Is there an investigation?


Is anybody looking into this?


Taylor is on her way to London for probably one of the biggest parts of her tour in terms of numbers. London is obviously a huge part of Taylor's.




They have their own songs.




Many, many. And a lot of people are wondering if Travis is going to go. And then the Mahomes' put up a picture. Brittany Mahomes put up a picture of Patrick and the two kids being like, six and a half hour flight, and nobody took a nap, crying face. And everyone was like, Oh, six and a half hours to get from Kansas City to London on a private jet. It's about that amount of time. Is it? Well, I know from New York to London, it's five or six. It is? It's like LA. Yeah. Oh, okay. So Perhaps everybody's going to be showing up to Wembley.


Oh, I would love that. Wembley is so iconic. Doesn't just make you think of Bohemian Rhaps.


No. What does Wembley Stadium make me think of? I feel like it makes me think of Spice World, the movie.


Love that, too.


Now, if Travis does show up and Taylor is out here for her surprise song, singing London Boy, she can't. You know I love a London boy?


I think she can. And then maybe she'll change one lyrics in the bridge something that is a nod to her mans.


We have a Lyric change in our future, I think, definitely. If Travis shows up, or just in general.


She has to sing London Boy, and that's just a cute song. I'm sure there are girls in the crowd who are with their London Boys, and we all want to sing How We Love Our London Boy.


No, totally. It's not just about that one.


Not everything has to be so deep and resonate with who she is at this current juncture.


Also, So Long London, which I don't think is in the TTPD set, is definitely up for grabs.


I love So Long London.


So long, long, long. Agreed. So, long, long, long.


It's so... To me, it's like that part in the beginning. It's like so Queen Elizabeth coded.


Yes, and it's so different. Nobody makes music like that.


Yeah, and then how does the chorus go?


So long, London.


And of course, I love the double entendre, which it's like these days, if your song doesn't have a double entendre, what are you stupid?


Can you even write? A hundred %.


Where it's so long, goodbye, so long, goodbye, I'm here to say, I dear, I dear, I dear to you, and yet, and yet, and I don't like, yet. And then also it's like, I loved you for so long, London.


Now, who started That trope.


Luke Holmes? No.


You're not far off, though. The first person in recent memory who made the double entendra- Turned it on his head. You can have your space, cowboy. Because it was space, cowboy, and then also space, comma, cowboy.


Commas are a major key.


In my life, at least.


Anyways, all's to say, Travis, Kelsey, doesn't give a rip about his ring.


And all's to say, tune into Monday's episode, there's going to be a million stories from this weekend. I just know Taylor has so many friends in London. The VIP tent is going to be popping. There are so many shows. She's going to be breaking records with attendance. I think Travis is going to be there. There's so much London lour with Joe.


London lore.


So I bet Joe Alvin is taking a vacación this weekend.


Do you think Kate Middleton will be there with Charlotte?


That's actually an incredible It's an incredible question because the royals don't not go to concerts.


No. And if they were to go, they would go to Taylor.


She's a family-friendly show. Also, William and Taylor are friendly. There's that iconic night Where They Sing with Bon Jovi. It's not out of the realm of possibility.


I love that.


In a suite. And I saw on TikTok, there are a couple pretty verified rumors that... Not Taylor. Kate Middleton has been receiving her cancer treatments in Houston. Did you know that? Apparently, the world's leading cancer research center and facility is in Houston.


I didn't know that.


And she has been spotted or Royal caravans have been spotted in Texas, in Houston, last couple of weeks.


Oh, interesting.


I didn't know that.


That's good.


Yeah. Are you ready for a third? I love to see America out here, like with the most premium shit. It's like, Oh, you need us now? Okay, cool.


Cool, happy to help.


1,000%, that's what we're here for.


Are you ready for our third story? A little more football player news. Okay. Jj Watt is crying in the gym.


Did you see this? He's down bad crying at the gym.


He's down good crying at the gym. Jj Wat took to social media yesterday to talk about Luke Holmes' new album. And he said, Put on Luke's new album, Fathers & Sons, During workout today. Not even halfway through the warmup, full-blown waterworks. Wishing my grandpa got to meet Koa, trying to savor every moment, thinking about my dad, hits you straight in the heart. Thanks for making me cry at Luke Holmes.


Oh, my God.


And then Luke reposted that story.


Jj Watt and I have literally the same exact taste of music. He loves Luke Holmes and Taylor Swift. I love JJ Watt, and the way I've never seen him play football, everything I love about him has been after what most would consider the most successful times in his career.


I think he still plays, Claudia.




No, I think he does. Jj Watt.


No, he's definitely retired, Jackie. Like, a thousand %, I think.


Hold on. You might be right. Yeah.




He's 35. Hold on, hold on. He retired in 2023. Okay. Yeah. Okay. So long J. J.


J. J.


Had a good run.


I know nothing about his football I don't know where he played. I feel like was he in Pitch Perfect? He wasn't in Pitch Perfect with the Green Bay Packers? That's always what I think of him.


That was a packer.


It was a couple.


Yeah, it was the one with the long hair. He doesn't have- Clay. Clay. Who's that?


Long hair, Mulligan from Pitch Perfect.


Pitch Perfect packers.


Clay Matthews. Clay Matthews. Clay Matthews.


T. J. Lange. Sounds like JJ. David Bukhtayari, Josh Sitten, Don Barclay.


That's It's probably one of the strangest crossovers in Cinematic history. Why?


Why not?


No, but why were the Green Bay packers in Pitch Perfect?


Why not?


Yeah, I like my question better. I'm actually asking why.


Do you want me to look into it? No.


If anybody has any fun facts that they know of, feel free to send off in the comments.


Clay was dating Anna Kendrick, something like that. Whatever it is.


Was Clay dating Anna Kendrick?


Sound off in the comments. No, JJ Wild, I believe, was on the Texans because also when the Houston flood, flooded Houston, he was a hometown hero.


He became a celebrity because he was such a big local celebrity. Celebrity, and a good football player.


No, and a philanthropist, and a big personality, and now he does sportscasting.


And he has a bunch of brothers. People love siblings. Clearly. Yeah, he has brothers who also play. Yeah. That's always good. I think their names are like AJ and R. J.


Yeah. It's like the Kelsey Brothers.


The Kelsey Brother In.


Yeah, but they didn't start a podcast yet.


Maybe if the Watt Brothers had a podcast that they cared about, they would know what it's like, but they don't. No.


Anyway, He was crying. Relatable king.


No, get you a man who can do both. Like tackle, but also have empathy.


I love that. It's not really empathy. He's in his own feelings. Yeah, it's not the right word. It's just emotion.


Yeah. Emotional intelligence. How about that? Maturity when it comes to sharing, being vulnerable. Yeah. Love it. Things of that nature.


Beautiful. Are you ready for our fourth story?


Are you?


I don't think I am because I need to let you know that the fourth story and the latter half of the show, and the show entirely, is brought to you by Buyheart, which is a company that we've been talking about a lot here at The Toast. It is an infant nutrition company built from the ground up to deliver real innovation on behalf of babies and parents. Their mission is simple to make the best formula in the world. So what I love about Buy Hard is that they always use whole milk, organic grass-fed, whole milk. Never skim. And that's a core tenet of their brand, is that they never skim. But let's talk about organic. Check. Grass-fed love whole milk, of course, because we're not skimming.


No, I am all up to date on Jackie's very high bar of needs when it comes to her ingredients, because I just placed a big grocery order for our trip, and I was like, What do I And she's like, No, this milk will not do. This milk will not do. Off with these eggs. So I'm aware, and Byheart is doing the most.


Yeah, Byheart is doing the most. And I love this motto of never skimming, because of course, I think all of us as parents, we never skim when it comes to our little ones. I mean, look at me making everything but the bagel from scratch bread so that they'll have the best wears. But also, I think that we should take this motto into our personal lives as mamas, too, and not skim on ourselves. I feel like that's something that I've really been leaning into now in ways that I cannot skim on myself, even if it's just hitting my activity, making the time to hit my activity goal for the day, not going to get off my grind, going to take the time for myself, going to take a bath, perhaps.


Yeah, it's true. I feel like so many moms spend all day giving their kids everything, the best of the best. And by the time it's time for their dinner, they're eating a Big Mac in the back of the car. It's not a priority. But I think that energy needs to be channeled towards thyself, too, because you deserve it. Good enough for ye and thee.


A hundred %. So when it comes to the bebes, I also don't scheme in terms of my cookware. I've switched to all non-toxic cookware. And of course, we do organic grass-fed for everything, just like by hearts and ingredients. And then again, never skimming when it comes to, I need my mama's book club time.




Mama's reading time. Yep. Mama's podcasting with the swirly time.


Which definitely I can understand how it takes up a lot of time. But I think podcasting is good for your mental health.


I agree. This is my me time.


No, and sometimes you go into a podcasting session in a mood for whatever reason. You're on your period, somebody pissed you off, you're fighting with someone. And the way after you podcast, you're a completely different person. You're no longer upset about those things. You've talked about 500 things since then.


I also feel like that's true for the listeners, too. You can turn something on when you're in a mood and come out of it just feeling better and with a little distance from whatever situation.


Yes, actually, somebody left the sweetest comment on our Instagram, I mean, on our YouTube yesterday, and they were like, My friend told me about this podcast. This is the second day in a row I've listened to it. The way my spirits have been just lifted both days, and I think it's because of this podcast. Like, thanks. Can't wait to keep listening. And I said, Thank you. You're welcome. Sir, it was a boy.


Neil Toaster, M-T. Obsessed.


Obsessed. And so I think that's really, to use my word, core tenant, a core tenant of the Byheart brand.


Core tenant of the Byhardt brand, as is Digestion, good digestion. I've been focusing a lot on gut health, and their infant formula is great for babies' digestion. So across the board, it is a great product with great values, and that is encouraging just great things for you, yourself, and Bebe.




If you are curious about Buyheart, you can redeem your welcome offer at buyheart. Com/podcast with code Toast 20 for a limited time. Additional terms and conditions apply. That is code Toast 20.


Can I ask a question just as a layperson who doesn't understand all these things? What What is organic grass-fed? What are the benefits? Why is it better?


Organic, as we all know, just great, less chemicals, et cetera, et cetera. But then grass-fed, I actually learned this from Bobby from Flav City. Cows, those cows who the dairy is coming from, they are fed grass as opposed to grain, which is better for their digestion, which is better for the overall product.


It's giving food pyramid.


It is giving food impairment. Then, of course, whole milk has all of the fats that baby needs and not taking away from any of that, not skimming on any of that. That is what skim milk is. So it's just a great product.


Right. Whole milk is full of healthy fats, like naturally occurring MFGM, which play an important role in baby brain development and growth. That's a major small thing.


No small thing.


Yeah, that's pretty interesting. I'm glad I asked.




So if one is curious about Buyheart, if Enformula wants to try it or just learn more, where would one do that? Yes.


Thank you for asking. You can redeem your welcome offer at buyheart. Com/podcast with code Toast 20 for a limited time. Additional terms and conditions do apply, but the code is Toast 20.


And how do you spell Buyheart?




Great. Thank you Byhart for sponsoring this episode. And the next story, which is...


Which is also some Bebe adjacent news because pregnant Ashanti, it turns out that she and Nelly have been secretly married for six months. So Ashanti is pregnant, and her and Nelly secretly married in December in St. Louis, Missouri, his hometown, TMZ, has reported on Wednesday. They are expecting their first child together, and now they are wedded. So they had announced in April that they were engaged, and then she confirmed her pregnancy after months of speculation, which was all very exciting. But it turns out they are already married. And also, I didn't realize that they were together at the moment.


Oh my God, yes. People are obsessed, one because it's a culmination of millennial childhood, like pop culture. It's getting hot in here. And then like, Queen Ashanti. It's giving prom king and queen.


A hundred %.


It's giving America's sweethearts. I know everybody keeps making fun of me for saying that too much, but it is. And so for that reason, it's so cute and pijam. But also the way they're just moving They're just living happily in silence. Things like this are just... They're not cheering. They're not being thirsty. They're just living happily in such a traditional way. People are obsessed, and I totally get it.


No, totally. And they dated for 10 years in the early 2000s.


I didn't know that.


I didn't know that either. They broke up in 2013, and then they got back together. They were spotted together in 2023, so 10 years later.


No, it's literally the cuteest thing.


No, it's the cuteest thing. And he has two kids, and then he also adopted his sister's children because she passed away in 2005. So it's just a big, beautiful family.


Oh, my God. I literally have chills. Wait, 2005. How old is Nelly?


That's a great question. Yeah, his two kids are grown. One of them is like 30 years old.


He's 49. Why? He's almost 50.


Very exciting.


I love these two. To me, Ashanti, her performance in John Tucker Must Die was so convincing. To me, she will and always will be a high school cheerleader, right? And so it's just nice that she ended up with a quarterback.


Yeah. I feel like there are a couple of couples like this where it's like, I don't realize that they are together. They're Doing the darn thing.


Ready? Sarah Michelle Geller and Freddie Prince Jr.


Okay, they are that couple, but I know that. I feel like that's just seared into my brain. I've always known that.


But that's another one where people die for it. They don't think about them all the time. But because they were at teenage heart jobs at the same time, and also the sheer fact that they got married and have been together as long as they have, and they're, I don't want to jinks them, but bulletproof. It's such an underrated thing, especially in Hollywood, that we don't talk about enough. The fact that they were both Cruel Intentions, not another teen movie, perfect.


Also, it's Chilly from TLC and Matthew Lawrence. Yes.


But that one is a little bit more... When those two got together, people died because it was very millennial-coated, Boy Meets World. Perfect. But there's this not as perfect as Ashanti and Nelly, and Freddie Prince Jr. Because there's all that drama with Matthew Lawrence's ex-wife, Sheryl from Dancing with the Stars. She makes TikToks pretty much 24/7 about her ex-husband. I think he cheated on her with his now wife, which a lot of people move on from. Now we ship this relationship, but Sheryl, of course, has not. Got it. Okay. Yeah. So that one for me isn't as perfect. Not to be nitpicky.


No, but still, it's really nice. Mazel to the happy couple.


No, it's so cute. I'm obsessed with them getting married in their hometown. These two could be thirsty, and everyone would die for it. But the fact that they're just so low-key about it makes me even more. It's so It was surreal. I remember a couple of years ago, I forget where it was, Nelly performed for the first time in a long time, and he was interviewed about it, and he was so grateful. I think he's had real highs and lows in his career because obviously that song launched him, and that's not sustainable, that level of viral success. I remember it was an anniversary of something, of either RnB or his song. He had this resurgence moment, and he was asked about it a lot. He was so grateful and so humble and so down to earth. I remember immediately, I He'll always liked his music, but I remember liking him as a person after that. So now I just root for him.


Yeah, agreed. Also, he's on Cruise, which was the biggest song.


You make me want to roll my windows down.


And Cruise.


Speaking of, there was literally...


That must be top five songs, especially country songs, Of all time. Of the last 50 years.


No, and what's so crazy is that, and another one that to mine is meant to be Bibi Rex, the Florida George Line. I hope both of them are Florida Georgia Line, and Florida Georgia Line is no longer together. I meant to ask you to make this a story a couple of weeks ago, and I totally forgot. They both went on the same podcast. I think it was a music festival that they were both at, and you had to stop by this one booth. The person finally was asking the questions we all wanted to hear. They both have polar opposite descriptions of how the things went down. According to Brian, who was the less front-facing one, he wrote a lot of the music. I think he did most of the work behind the scenes. He said that the two One of them agreed to never do solo projects while they were actively promoting a group project. They had strict rules in place, which I think is smart if you're in some group because it can get weird. The other one, Tyler, showed up one day, didn't tell... Brian had no idea. He saw on TV that the other one was performing a song.


I think it was at Biden's inauguration. Is that right? Does that make sense timeline-wise? And not only had he not told him that about a solo project, but also I think the two of them had differing political beliefs, and they had also agreed to not get into it publicly when it came to politics. But then the other guy- He performed with Tim McGraw and Garth Books in representing country music on Inauguration Day.




But then the other guy, seriously, had a completely different- Tyler. Tyler had a completely different timeline of events and didn't even mention. He basically was just like, We really grew apart, and it was not bad blood. I think I was reading the comments, pretty much no one was believing Tyler.


No, it sounds like what Tyler said is the vague way of saying what Brian said. I think What Brian said actually happened. Then if you want to give a nice spin to it, we grew apart. Yeah, politics, we can't agree. That's that on that. Wow, I didn't realize it was political.


No, there have been rumors for a long time that it was political, that the two of them just really couldn't agree politically, especially their wives. It got to a place where it was so bad. But I always thought that was a dramatic... You're literally the biggest duo of all time. We were just saying some of the biggest hits in country, but also just in music in the last 20 years. You don't just give that up because you disagree with politics. You can learn to put that aside. You can not talk about it.


But if one of you wants to start making the work political and the other one vehemently disagrees, what do you do from there?


Adding that in, which I hadn't known that part of the story Brian went on this podcast and shared it. Now it added a little bit more color, and now I get it. But what a shame. What a duo. I think Dan and Shay are really grateful to that because that was super helpful to them.


Yeah. But Dan and Shay have a different vibe going on.


Yes, but they were just always competing for duo of the year at the ACM with Florida George Line.


For me, it's always going to be Maddie and Tay.


I know.


That's where I am.


For me, it's always going to be Jackson Claude.


Or Brothers Osborne. We love a sibling duo.


It's true.


I don't know how we got here. Nelly. Nelly. Nelly. Mazlotov to Nelly. Mazlotov to Nelly.


Mazlotov to Nelly.


Are you ready for our fifth and final story, it's a little more Kevin Costner news because he's making the rounds. And just like Travis Kelsey, a lot of headlines about him. This is the one that resonated with me today. You won't be surprised.


Is it about Jules?




Because he's also acknowledging dating Jules.


Yeah, no. He claims that Princess Diana fancied him, according to Prince William. So Kevin Costner learned that the late Princess Diana had a crush on him through her son, William. The actor met Diana to discuss potentially costarian and ever made sequel to his 1992 film, The Bodyguard, another movie that I've not seen. That's like...


Have you seen it? Me neither.


No, it was born that year, so when would I have watched it? Yeah, but it's so crazy. It's mature, right?


Is it sexy?


I think it's sexy.


Well, for First of all, there's so many cultural moments from that. Obviously, I think it was... We know Kevin Costner now, and we know him as a classic older actor, but he was at a time a heartthrob from this film. This was his biggest movie. Whitney Houston is in it. It's one of her only acting credits, and it's where I Will Always Love You was a part of the soundtrack made that song huge. There are so many things in culture now that stem from that.


A hundred %. That's why it's actually- And we've never seen it. Yeah, no, I've never seen it. So this is what he said. He did a People magazine. I think he's on the cover of People this week. About 15 years later, I ultimately had a very sweet conversation with Prince William. I happened to be over in England and got this message that the Prince would love to talk to me. Kostner said he met up with Prince William, now 41, in a room by themselves with chairs stacked up around them. He said there was nobody else. We sat down and shook hands, and the first line out of his mouth was, You know my mom fancied you. Cousner pointed at himself in disbelief that Diana could have feelings for him, saying sarcastically, I know. Although Cousner and William talk for a half hour, the actor will never, ever say what they discussed. He noted it was a very sweet thing. We just chatted and we both broke away, and we never became pen pals or did anything like that. But I've had such fond memories of who he was, how I was approached, and what we talked about.


Okay. I mean, it's not the craziest thing because when you think about the timeline, he was the bodyguard. He was the hottest thing in America, for sure. So Diana, obviously a woman of taste. I get it. But it is very cool that William can just hear someone's in London, just call them up. For a private audience.


Yeah, that's what I'm saying about tailored. Especially if Charlotte is a Swiftie, which odds are she is.


Well, so I feel like when Taylor was dating Joe, Joe was Totally. What's the opposite of a monarchist?


An anarchist.


No, an abolitionist, right? Where you want to abolish a monarchist. Abolitionist. Is that it? Yeah. He's totally a radical abolitionist. Taylor, probably when they were together, was like, You think what your partner thinks. He's telling you, and it's his country, and But then I think once she got out of the relationship, she could see clearly and be like, No, the royals are everything. I think she's definitely at this very moment having a private audience performing, Shake it off with Prince Charlotte, for sure.


A hundred %. And Louis in the corner like, Shake it off.


No, by the way, them being in a box is really not the craziest thing.




I would love to know. I guess we'll see.


We'll see. We shall see.




Very fabulous. So Kevin Kevin Costner and Princess Diana, what could have been?


Kevin Costner is a chatty Cathy these days.


Yeah, I think he's got that project coming out, his Civil War movie. And I do, based on the vibe I'm getting, I think he put his whole pussy in it, maybe financially, too. And so he's giving away these tibits. He said he's never told that story before. Out of respect for William and that conversation, but I think so much time has passed, it doesn't matter.


And it's not bad. It doesn't make anyone look bad.


It's a good story. He's going for the nuggets that are going to grab headlines because he's got a lot riding on this Civil War movie is the vibe I'm getting.


Yeah, No, he has gold bars in the safe that he's pulling out for... Because he's been saving them for a rainy day, and it is currently raining.


Yeah. Horizon is his new project. It's a Civil War project. That's what I've gleaned. I actually haven't watched... I've studied Civil War a I'm not in college, but I guess not a lot of content is made about it present day.


No. But him financing his own project. I'm currently watching Entourage, and I'm at the point where they decide to finance Medellín for some reason, and it turns out to be the biggest piece of shit. I love that. It ruins Vinny's career. Now he's literally begging for roles. No studios will meet with him. He's completely broke, living with his brother. I'm obsessed with this part. I don't know whoever, whose ever idea it was, thank you. Because the first couple of seasons where he's really high in demand and he's a movie star. He's about to be like, Leo. He's such a terrible businessman. He's such a bad actor. I'm like, What? When they're filming Medi-Een, I'm like, You know what? Thank you. He needed to be humbled so desperately. I was almost going to stop watching it because it was getting a little repetitive and stupid. But then I forgot that there was this whole season where he's an actual loser. I hate him so much. I love this part of the show. Everyone else around him is killing it. E starts his own management group, and he's getting other clients. Johnny's on that very successful sitcom.


Ori gets tapped to be the studio head, but builds his own. He decides to take his agency to the next level. Everyone around him is killing it. Like, literally, Vinnie's at home having breakfast by himself because Everybody else has a job, even turtle. Obsessed. Obsessed. Turt. Turt starts working for Johnny as his assistant.


Really, Turt?


Really, Turt.


You're Turt.


I am. I am obsessed.


I love that for you. I'm happy for you.


All's to say, nobody in Hollywood should be financing their own projects. That's not your job. You're just the star. But that's what happens. For years and years and years, everyone around them tells them that they're the best and the brightest.


If you make a series of $100 million dollar movies, then it's like, wait, if I find it, that's an $100 million payday, not a 10 mil for the role, which is a lot, too, which is a lot if you even get that. So you start to think, why wouldn't it hit 100 mil again? I'm in it.


Yeah, yeah. Right.


That's what you would think. I'm not saying you're right to do that.


I'm just saying it's easy to get carried away. The 100 million coming from Kevin Costner versus 100 million coming from MGM. The MGM 100 million is worth 500 million. Yeah, you're financing it, but who Who else? Not that anyone's asking me to. I will never finance my own film after watching Entourage.






That's going to be tough because there were a lot of interest.


Offers, yeah. It's not going to happen.


I have something funny to say. I'll say it after.


I'm so excited.


What is it? It's about you.


Okay. Yeah. Yeah. So that is the show Those are the fast five. Just a quick reminder. New vlog just dropped on Patreon, patreon. Com/thetoast. Our live shows start next week. We have some tickets. It's thetoastpodcast. Com/tour. West Hampton Beach, Long Island, and of course, New York City at the Beacon Theater. Our merch is... Orders are starting to be processed, but we have a couple of pieces left. So there is a little bit of inventory if you go to shoptoastmerch. Com. Our summer collection just dropped. The tote bags, crewnecks, sweat pants are still available. So check that out. I think that's it, right?


That's all she wrote.


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It's Viernes. Te amo. Adios.